OCAL SOLDIERS ETURNING HOME TO BE WELCOMED i verity-three Members of the 5201h Field Signal Battal ion Coming Tomorrow •inns are being made for the re diem to-morrow of twenty-three rriiburgers, members of the nu! Battalion, who are to be dis irgcd at Camp Dee, Va. The roe Hundred and Twentieth Field nip enlisted in the Signal Reserve rps here und were sent to Camp iige. la., oh November 12, 1917. There, together with 100 others m Central and Eastern Pennsyl na, they made up part of the ree Hundred and Twentieth Field ral Battalion. They were trans r*d on January 8, 1918, to Camp ■mont, Cab, where they formed of the Eighth Division, and on tober 81, 191S, they were sent to nip Mills, D. 1., and were outfitted overseas service. -alllug on November 2 on the Em !ss of Russia, the lads were eight ■s from New York when the arm cc was signed and were ordered n. They wero transferred from New York camp to Camp Bee, ere they are now being dis nged. his contingent of local youths, of whom will return home to rrow, includes: Vlltiam M. Alberts, James H. ley, Samuel L. ilartlcs, Edward Bastian, Aaron S. Black, Edgar Boldosser, Paul H. Bratten, Alvin Colestock, Foster F. Dunlap, John Grass, Clinton M. Graybill,Charles nter, Henry B. Bevln, Beslie B. dick, Harry T. McFadden, David Malick, Albert C. Michael, Chal r G. Moore, ClVde A. Neiss 1 , George Olewine, Harry M. Peffer, How- W. Perry and Harry E. Zorger. )TOR VEHICLES MAY BE LICENSED [Continued from First Page.] 'ty miles an hour in open coun 'lic Dithrlch bill is the result of years of study of motor vehicle ditions in the state by organized tor clubs and police officials and •overs many points which owners e been anxious to have enacted i law for several years. 'he new bill divides the commer class of motor vehicles Into six ises, according to weight, rcgis tion fees as follows: ,e8 than 3,000 pounds on horse ver rating: iaSs A, 3,000 to 4,000 pounds, ; Class B, 4,000 to 6,000 pounds, ; Class C, 6,000 to 8,000 pounds, ; Class D, 8,000 to 10,000 pounds, ; Class E, 10,000 to 12,000 nds, SIOO. .n increase is also made in the asure vehicle class where all cars less than thirty-five horsepower to be registered at $lO instead of se now under twenty horsepower imanding a five dollar fee. From ■ty-flve to fifty horsepower the istration fee is to be sls and for v horsepower and over S2O. Motor ics remain at three dollars, 'he bill provides that trailers un -500 pounds need not be regis id but provides fees of from $2 115 for trailers of greater weight. • motor vehicles with metal tires rates are to be doubled. 'he bill prohibits the issuance of nses to owners-or drivers with hand or both, one foot or both sing, and to anyone with eye it Impaired that they are unable llstinguish substantial objects 200 ahead without glasses. Persons h less than two per cent, of nor hearlng are also to be consider physically incapacitated. It pro is, however, that the State High r Commissioner may issue a spe permlt to a person with one d if .said person has had experi e In the operation of a motor ve e not to endanger the safety of public. Bicenses are to be re id all proven reckless or cureless rators. 'ive deputy registrars may bo ap ited for important centers of ulation whose duties arc to con n with that of the chief regis r at Hurrisburg In examining ap ants for registration and licenses for the issuing of same, i order to facilitate in the re sry of stolen cars some rigid re-v •ements are called for which in le the publication of both the le of make of car and manufac :rs number in the monthly list of strations and owners. Stolen >s must be reported to the High- Department and a record kept •e so that if another registration sked for the car can be traced, public garages must keep a rec of the names of any and all per • owning or having in charge < r .chicles stored or left for re s and this record must include :uako of car, manufacturer's •her, registration number and J. bo kept on file for one year. It tie duty of the garage owner to fy the police and highway de ment if the manufacturer's num hus been altered, obliterated or oved. It is the duty of all police la's to arrest owner or custodian ny car with manufacturer's num- Camaged or removed and to seize car and hold until the ownership aoed. Ie speed of commercial vehicles 4.000 pounds and less than 8,- pounds U to be fifteen miles an ' and for all commercial ve -s weighing over 8,000 pounds va miles an hour. 3e bill provides for reflectors on La in order that the rays are not lad more than forty-two inches i the ground for a distance of nty-llve feet ahead. In case of iro of lights it allows the ve i to proceed without molestation speed of twelve miles an hour to destination upon the continual 'lng of tlio horn, or signal, requires muffled engines on all >r vehicles at all times and pro • that where arresls are made exceeding speed laws that the mred distance must not be iocs o.io-eigbth of a mile and Hiat t> be nut less than two coinpc witnesses. Ie bill limits the size of vehicles ot more than twenty feet long ninety-six inches wide with a ht under I2,0<0 pounds. Jilts. MARY S. TOG AX S "■Mary !>. Tngans died after a mucus on Tuesday afternoon, at lock, at her home, 1526 Vernon t She-was aged 45 years. Mrs. us maiden name was Mary Poi- Bhe was the wife of John B. ns. and is survived by her father, and, one son, James Albert To wfth the American Armv In r . 1 hree daughters and one ><•;. T- one ral services will be held atorday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The I'-elhel African Methodist lopal Church, Brlggs aud Ash l*. . THURSDAY EVENING, Underseas Wireless Inventor Communicating With Submarines at Bottom of the Potomac I'ndcrground and underseas wireless communication was a big factor in winning the war. This photograph shows the inventor, James H. Rog ers of Hyattsvllle, Md„ communicating from a wireless'station establish ed on the banks of the notomac with submarines submerged in the river. No information concerning the Rogers invention was permitted to be made public until after hostilities ceased. Mr. Rogers had practically porfected his underground system when the United States entered the war and at once offered it to his country without cost. DAUPHIN COURT ENJOINS PHONE RATE JNCREASE Attorney General Schaffer Presents Petition on Behalf of State Tlio Dauphin county court to day on petition of Attorney General Schaffer issued a preliminary In junction restraining the Bell Tele phone Company, of Pennsylvania, from charging the increased tele phone rates ordered by the Federal authorities. The hearing was fixed for next Monday afternoon at- 2 o'clock. The petition of the state authori ties, which was presented by the Attorney General in person and ac companied by affidavits from Public Service Commissioners Ainey, Mc- Clure, Brecht, Alcorn and others, averred that the Bell company had not' complied with the provisions of the Public Service Company law which requires filing of rates with the commission and declared that the fixing of rates is a state matter entirely. Mr. Schaffer appeared as general counsel of the commission. Governor Sproul having requested him to act in—the matter. Both Judges Kunkel and McCar rell were on the bench and just be fore Mr. Schaffer presented the peti tion the new Attorney General and First Deputy Attorney General Rob ert S. Gawthrop and Deputy Attor neys General Emerson Collins, B. J. Myers and William B. Swoops were formally admitted to the Dauphin county bar on motion of Bieutenant Governor Beidleman. Deputy Har gest and Counsel Berne H. Evans, of the Public Service Commission, who are members of the Dauphin bar, were also present. The petition presented by Mr. Schaffer required almost fifteen minutes to read. It set forth that the company is a Pennsylvania cor poration, organized and existing un der Pennsylvania laws; that it has been ordered lo and has filed rates with the commission, among them a schedule effective June 21, 1917, which can not be changed or discon tinued by the company within three years without approval of the com mission. It is then set forth what the company has done irt the mat ter of the new rates, complained of by the state, which it is stated be came effective January 21. Declared to He in Excess The Federal rates are declared in excess of what the Bell was au thorized to charge by the state and the petition avers that the com pany in charging the rates complain ed of is acting in violation of orders of the commission and that the charges are illegal. "Neither the defendant, nor the postmaster general, acting through the officers and directors of the de fendant, is authorized by law to change thd tolls and charges deter mined by said commission, except with approval of the commission," says the prayer, which declares that "the attemfit to change said tolls and charges above set forth is an impairment of the lawful police regulations of this state, as ex pressed in the Public Service Com pany law." In the prayer it is asked that the defendant company be enjoined from violating orders -of the com mission and from- churglng or col lecting the new rates until the com pany applies to the commission for approval. ' In answer to some questions from the bench Mr. Schaffer said the po lice powers of the state were never delegated to the United States gov ernment by any action in connection with the telephone systems and are in any event expressly reserved to the state. He said that ho did not know wherts the Federal authorities got the right to increase the rates in this state and that the Bell wus a Pennsylvania corporation. Judge McCarrcll asked if the gov ernment had not taken over the prop erty to whioh the Attorney General replied that it had not, but was su pervising and controlling it in the functions of managing director. "We will tlx next Monday, Febru ary 3, at 2 o'clock as the time for the hearing," said Judge Kunkel The effect of the action Is to re strai nthe Bell from charging the new rates until the injunction pro ceedings is ended. The injunction may be- cither made permanent or dissolved. Conscientious Objectors Start Fire in Barracks 1-cavoiUVOrth, Kan., Jan. SO.— Fire believed to have been started by conscieriious objectors broke out ir. disciplinary burrocks last olghr. Two regiments of soldiers were te qulred *o hold the prisoners Jn chock. , DAZZLING GOWNS FOR • BIG CHARITY BALL [Continued from First Page.] to be held to-morrow night in the Penn-Harris Hotel. - All of the dotyntown stores de clared that their sales of ball gowns and materials for the making of party gowns havo been tremendous ly large. Many downtown windows which early in the wek contained many ball gowns have been stripped of these dresses, and the stocks in side are cut to nearly nothing. In ad dition the "flipperies" which go to make up a woman's costume have not been doverlooked; and the stores which have either sold fancy cos tumes or arranged for securing them from New York and Philadelphia costumerS have been very busy. To-day was a very big day for the clerks who are taking care of the demands for ball tickets. The usual last hour rush has started—only more so. * •Tickets are still to be had, of course, and if it is not convenient to get them from members of the ex ecutive committee they may bo had from the news stands in the Penn- Harris Hotel. The police department to-day an nounced that no parking will be per mitted in Walnut street to-morrow night. Cars must be parked in the streets in the Capitol Park extension, where officers wil lguard them. Additional purchasers of tickets up until noon Wednesday are the following: Mrs. Emma P. Knisely, Dr. W. L. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bergner, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Musser, the Misses Keefe, Fredinand Moeslein, Dr. John C. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Moul, M. W. Fager, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bennethum, Dr. John F. Gulp, Mrs. Emma J. McCue, S. S. Pomeroy, Miss Mary E. Hoffer, Mrs. Levin Cohn, Samuel Gardner, Dr. and Mrs. M. V. Hazen, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. McCubbin, John T. Brady, Cyrus E. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. H. Whar ton, W. Grant Raucht, H. O. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. Floyd Hopkins, Mrs. Robert C. Neal, Francis B. Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. Si/.iuel C. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lutz, Jr., Samuel W. McCulloch, Mrs. Soe Meyers Africa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Ams den, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bogar, C. E. Gunzenhauser, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hlckok, 3 <f, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Coover, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sny der, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrifc, Mr.' and Mrs. A. B. Russ, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Wickersham, Joseph L. Shearer, Mrs. Charles A. Kunkel, Mr. and Mrs. David Kaufman, W. N. Knisely, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brinser, Dr. H. M Vastine, E. G. Syalbacli, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hervey Patton, H. Freidberg. Mrs. E. W. Creighton. Dr. R. F. L. Ridgvyay, Ashmer M. Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Guyer, Steclton; Mr. and Airs. James W. Milhouse, Camp Hill; Mrs. Maude H. Moore, F. K. Wilcox, Merhanlcßburg; William H.' Earnest, Dr. and Mrs. William E. Wright, Mr. and Airs. A. C. Stamm, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch Mont gomery, Mrs. H. J. Corbin, Sol Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Flavel L. Wright, Mr. and Mis. William E. Bailey, Hgrry M. Gensler, W. J. Evert, Mrs. M. Virginia Weiss,. F. 11. Kelly, Steelton. Irish Center Party Formed; Captain Gwynn as Leader t ... c/xTSTAiyr STEFMEw awYHnr. Captain Stephen Gwynn, who is leader of the recently formed Irish j Center party, according to a dls patoli from Dublin. The~ principal ! Item in the new party's program j is self-government for Ireland such as is accorded to tho British Domin iions. j fo&JUaifIBURO TEtEGKXPH COMPENSATION FOR VICTIM! Man Who Died as Result of Inhaling Fumes Is Award ed Benefits 1 pensation Bohrd effects of Inhala tion of fumes In ah explosion in the works of the Aetna Chemichl Co., at Oakdale. The decision' Involves some unusual features. The defend ant claimed that the man died fr'orn pneumonia and It was found that th , man had been made 111 by fumes, which caused him to go home. Ho' returned to work, but three days later he suffered the same exper ience. Pneumonia . set in. The board holds that it furnishes "a complete and unbroken chain of events from an accident suffered in course of employment until the death occurred as a natural result of the violence thus suffered." In the Case of Wick vs. Trio Waist Co., Philadelphia, the board adopts conclusions of a medical ex pert who holds that the man who appears to have suffered nervous ness from an accident can over come his disability 'by going back to work. A similar order is made in Cnnazaaro vs. Frick Coke Co., Unlontown, in which it Is recom mended that the man take up some work which does not involve any violent use of the neck. The board disallowed compensa tion in Wright vs. Fels Co., Phila T deiphia; and dismissed appeals in Wright vs. Hodder Construction Co., Braddock; Gaviu vs. Hellpriri Mfg. Co., Philadelphia; and Wesler vs. Reading Railway, Philadelphia. Recorder Investigated—According to reports reaching the Capitol the Mercer county court has investigated the recorder's office in that county and there may be a shakeup. Ira B. McNeil, formerly of this city, was the special auditor in charge. Favors Insurance— William Draper Lewis is making a series of addressos in Philadelphia on the proposed health insurance. He will present some legislation. (iTo Push Firearms Ixiw—Legislators here to-day said that they intended To Push Fin-arms laiw—Legislators was proposed by Senator Daix. The measure will meet bad conditions in many -sections. Governor in Demand— Governor Sproul is being deluged with invita tions. The new Governor is wanted for all sorts of functions. He also has a large list of callgrs, but thanks to the system of Secretary Harry S. McDevitt, people get to see hiiti in office hours. DUruMNing Hills.—Governor Sproul continued to-day to discuss proposed legislation with heads of departments, giving special attention to Highway Department matters, but nothing was completed. It is probable that some of the administration measures may be ready for submission to the Legis lature jjitliin a week. Army Complains. The first com plaints to bo filed with the Public Service Commission by a branch of the TJnited States Army was entered to-day by the Quartermaster's De partment against the rate of the Riverton Consolidated Water Com pany. It is charged that the company charges too much for the water for fire protection at the Army Reserve Depot, near New Cumberland, esnecy ally as the Army built the storage tanks and provided other facilities. Ald to Hill, Consideration of pro posed changes to the deficiency bill now in the Senate on second reading wiui under way to-day by state cf- Si -i- i>BVeral items are to be added. Hie Executive Department list has not been completed. PROBE TO GO DEEPIN PACKERS [Continued from First Page.] thin. Final action on the motion was postponed until later. Swift Holds to Itights Examination of Louis F. Swift, president of Swift and be fore the Senate agriculture commit tee was hglted to-day to enable him to consult counsel about the effect of his testimony upon his status in legal proceedings in which immun ity might be sought. Mr. Swift refused to waise any le gal rights and on the advice of Fran cis J. Heney, the committee reces sed to pernfit the witness to deter mine with Counsel the conditions under which he would continue tes tifying. Senator Core, of Oklahoma, ob jected to Mr, Swift testifying in re gard to the abandonment of the Mis souri, Kansas and Texas Railroad, Fort Worth stockyards. "I don't want Mr. Swift to have immunity," said Senator Gore. Senator Morris, of Nebraska, said the witness had not been sub-' poenaed and was not under oath and consequently could not have an "immunity bath." Mr. Swith, how ever said he would neither waise nor claim immunity or answer legal questions without the advice of coun sel. ' London Movie Man Gets the Boston Braves By Associated Press Ronton, Jan. 30.—The Bale of the controlling interest in the Boston Na tional League baseball club to George Washington Grant, for the past ten years the ownen of a string of mov ing pltture theaters in London, Eng land, was announced to-day. WILL PROBATED The will of Michael Peifer, lato of Harrisburg, was probated and letters testamentary issued by Register of Wills Ed. 11. Fisher to John C. Peifer. The will of Thomas A. Woods late of the city, was probated also, and let ters were issued to Robert W. Woods. PENNSYLVANIA'S ON WAY OVER By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 30.—The trans port Rijndam is due at Newport News February, 7 with twenty casual com panies, Including one from Pfennsyl vanla. COUNTY OFFICIALS ILL Sheriff W. W. Caldwell and Deputy Recorder C. N. Mumma are confined to their homes suffering from severe colds. Both are reported t.o be re covering and will soon resume their duties. DIRECTORS MEET A meeting of the board of.dlrectors of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will bh held at the Central Y. M, C, A, at 4:30 o'clock Ithls afternoon. This Is Up-to-date "Wacht am Rhine" i 11 w ■jmaux.ipmiw i> rii'is ioSmm Thia is the iiew "Wacht am Rh ein." The tune is different, also the words. This photogbaph shows a d ou'gliboy of the Third Division, Army of Occupation, on guard in Coble nz. On the opposite shore of the Rhine is seen the fortress of Ehfen breitstein. MRS. A. H. WOODS IS D.A.RJECRETARY fContinued from First Page.] MK . Hgjfjj | MRS. ANNA HAMILTON WOOD death of Colonel Theodore Roose velt. were adopted. It was decided to hold the next conference at Pitts burgh. ' The session opened with singing, led by Mrs. ames G. Sanders, of Harrisburg. Dr. Floyd H, Appleton, rector of St, Paul's Efpiscopal Church, pronounced the invocation. It was announced that the Pennsyl vania Daughters have won the sec ond prize, a SSO Liberty Bond, for sale of subscriptions to the official magazine. Jt was moved to endow a scholarship to the Marysvilie Col lege in honor of the members of the organization who are serving overseas. Five hundred dollars from the treasury went to this fund and m addition $032.50 was subscribed, bringing the total to $1,04 8.07, 'which included jt contribution fiom the ambulance fund. * Reports 1 'oni various regents throughout the state wore read, gi\> ing evidence that durbig the ' past >ear members of the D. A. R. have been especially active in war work. Many of thorn, it was reported, nave made large sacrifices in order that ilicy may i>e represented. .Mrs. Mabel Croniso Jones, of 1 lie credentials committee, reported that there are fifty-two chapters repre sented, with fifteen alternates, ami 177 delegates, .njuilig a total of 192 entitled to vote. This was said to be the largest representation ut any meeting. Mrs. James If. Krom, Jersey Shore, was elected ns registrar. Other officers elected Included three directors, Afrs. K. Sydney Pochard, Germantown; 'Mis. F. ijernam, Waverly, N. Y„ arc Airs.- 1., L. Hunter, Tidiouto. Airs. George H. Stewart, Skipponsburg, was appoint ed state librarian by the state re gent, Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook. The term of Mrs. Cook, state regent, docs not expire until next year. Among the officei* of the conven tion is Miss Mary L. Stille, state his torian, who has held this office for fifteen years. Miss Stille is from West Chester. She is one of the oldest members. Dr. L. S. Aludge, pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, .addressed the afternoon session on "When the Boys Come Back." Other interesting addresses were made. Mrs. Frank B. Black, president of the State Farm Woman's Society, outlined the relations of this organ-j ization to tlie D. A. R. Bishop Jainca Henry Darlington and Mrs. Darlington will entertain I the delegates and officers at a tea j in the See House this afternoon 101-i lowing the .convention session. It is' possiblo that an evening session will I bo held following the tea to com pleto the business of the conference. To-day is tho closing day of the sessions. Injunction Notice Is' Served on Bell Company Papers in the injunction issued by the Dauphin county court restraining the Bell Telephone Company from putting tl)e new federal rates hvfe effect will'be served to-day in Phila delphia by deputy sheriffs and the hearing will be held here next Mon-. day afternoon. Meanwhile the Bell is enjoined from charging the new rate. Just what will be done about other companies has nut been deter mined, vut it was said at the Capitol that actions against independent lines would probably bo taken. The sub ject is under discussion to-day. GONZAI.E7, SPED FOR $250,000 v By Associated Press New York, Jan. 30. Alfredo Gon zalez, formerly president /of Costa Rica, was named as defendant in a ■suit for 3250,000 damages 'brought here to-day by Lincoln (5. Valentine"; an American capitalist interested in oil lands and railroads in Central i E. Z. GROSS OUT FOR MAYORALTY [Continued from First Page.] street that traffic dangers are great ly increased. Then, too, there is al ways the danger of a sinashup be cause a few reckless drivers of other Vehicles will get in the way of the approaching trucks. The firemen are willing to do their best to save prop erty, but it is certainly discouraging to run so risks, be aroused at all hours of the night, race to a box and find that it is only a false alarm." Commissioner Gross made no com ment about his candidacy. He has asked his friends for support, how ever, and privately declared that "his hat is in the ring." The Official Ring Investigation of tire, department records shows that since December 18 there have been live false alarms as follow: December 18, evening. Box 36, .Second and Dauphin streets; morning of December 23, Box 13, Race and Paxton streets,3.os o'clock; evenings of January 19, Box 3, Wash ington and River streets, 9.36 o'clock; January 16, Box 12, Race an<J Ilanna strets, 12.02 o'clock; Jan uary 28, Box 214, Fourteenth and State street, 12.52 o'clock. Fire Chief John C. Kindler de clared that during the last few months two and three false alarms have bee nthrned in, while a few years ago there were seldom more than that many in a year. His only remark about the situation was "Something should be done to stop it. I report the alarms to the police for investigation." Kelster Stands Pat Mgyor Keister stands firm in his determination to conduct no investi gation of the alleged irregularities of the policemen and officials, us charged by Theodore A. Magnelli, the discharged policemen. He said Magnelli's charges wore only natur al, coming from a policeman who was vindictive because of losing his job. In spite of this stand by the may or, , the opinion persists that the charges must have a foundation of fact behind them, and that a thor ough investigation to prove them or disprove them, should ve started at once. It is generally felt that so many rumors of a nasty chnracter have been during the last year and a half, that in justice to the conscientious members of the force, they should be proved or dis pelled. The charge of Councilman Gross Chief Wetzel also denied, who de clared in proof of his defense of the department that the three boys who were arrested October 9 for turning in a alarm from the box at Tent hand State streets, would be given a hearing in Juvenile court this week. Mr. Gross is quoted as saying, "So far as I can remember, they have not made an arrest In the past year of persons who send in fire alarms without cause." Talking .Through His Hut Chief Wetzel was also of the opin ion that evidently Air. Gross was talking without knowing what he was talking about. He admitted, however, that false alarms have been turned in continually since the last surest, but- no additional arwsts have bee nmade. He said that ns the fire companies have men deputized with police pow ers, and as there are more firemen than police, the firemen should break up the false alarm epidemic. Chief Wetzel said tiiat he request ed all theaters a week ago to throw a warning on the screen every night I at 9 o'clock, that children under 16 I years of age and unaccompanied by their parents, should leave the the- I aters. A number of officers who arc | hired at theaters at night, declared j that they enforce the order effec ' lively. Sabbath School Conference to Open in Grace Church For Two-Day Meeting The Regional Sabbath School Con [ ference of county and district offi cers from Dauphio and surrounding counties will open to.-morrow at 2 o'clock In the Grace Methodist Epis copal Church for a two-day session under the leaderships of M. G. Landls, state secretary, and his forco of ex ports in Sabbath School work. The program follows: Friday 2. dAvothnnal; 2.20, "Why We Are Here;"-2.30, "Organized Sun day Work;" 3.30, divisional programs, (a) children's, (b) young people's, (c) adult's administrative; 6, "Fellowship Supper;" 7.30, "Organized Sunday School Work Throughout the World. Open meeting to the public and all interested in Sunday School work. Lantern used Second day—Saturday February 1. 9, four division conferences, (a) chil dren's, (b) poung people's, (c) adult's administrative; 11, county and dis trict xonferences; 11.30. county and district standards; 2. devotions; 2.16, "A Financial Policy;" 3, statistics; 3.8Q "The Kingdom Challenge." Those who are not delegates but interested in this work are welcome to any of the conference meetings. The open meeting at 7.30, Friday evening all Sunday School workers of the city are urged to attend. JANUARY 30, 1919. TYRONE BOY WEDS PARIS GIRL; WILL BRING HER HOME Anne Roquet Becomes Bride of George Dawson De cember 21 . Tyrone, Jan. 30.—When George Dawson, one of the Tyrone boys, who went to France to flglit the Hun and help save France, has done more than that. He has won the hand of a petty French girl, it was learned here to-day. • They were married at Tours, France, Decem ber 21. The bride is Anne Roquet, of Paris. - In his letter home to-day Dawson announces that as soon as he is re leased from the amy he will come home and his wife will be with him. He is the first boy from Tyrone to marry abroad, and the girls ho left behind are all agog ovir the ro mance. An unofficial report was also re ceived here to-day that the 103 rd Trench Mortar Battery in which are enlisted several hundred of the boys of Tyrone and vicinity, Is at Dun kirk, France, awaiting transporta tion to the American shores. This was welcome news to many a Ty rone home, as no word having been received from any of this organiza tion of late, It was thought, per haps, that 103 rd Battery had been assigned to the Army of Occupa tion, and then their home coming would have been further delayed. Pollock Hits Critics , of President Wilson By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 30.—Critics of President Wilson and his proposal for a league of nations were sharp ly rebuked in the Senate to-day by Senator Pollock, of South Carolina, Democrat, who, in his first prepared uddress, charged that partisan poll tics was the basis for much of the criticism voiced recently in the Sen ate. Senators Lodge, of Massachusetts; Knox, of. Pennsylvania, and Borah, of Idaho, Republicans, and Reed, of Missouri, Democrat, the Soutli Caro lina senator said, were among those who had labored for "destruction in stead of construction" in the peace plans. , Cumberland Valley Elects Directing Board Harrisburg men are included among the directors /elected at the annual meeting of the Cumberland Valley and Martinsburg Railroad Company. The board named is: M. C. Kennedy, H. A. Riddle, Thomas B. Kennedy, J. B. Hoyer, Spencer C. Gilbert, George 11. Stewart and Lewis,S. Sadler. PLAN FIELD EXCURSION A field excursion will be made Sat urday afternoon by the bird section of the Harrisburg Natural History So ciety. The members and friends will leave the Pennsylvania station at 1.30 o'clock for Cove and will return late in the afternoon from Marysvillc. FORRY'S Three Day Removal Sale —I Friday, Saturday and Monday We will take possession of our new store room in the Penn-Harris Hotel building in a few days, where we will be pleased to see our friends and patrons. No sale goods charged. Fancy Shirts, All Gloves • $1.50 Arrow 91.15 $7.50 Gloves .* 96.35 $2.00 Arrow 81.65 $6.50 Gloves •„.* 84.85 $2.50 Manhattan .... 91.85 $5.00 Gloves |91.15 $3.00 Manhattan .... $2.15 $4.50 Gloves ..f 93.50 $3.50 Manhattan .... 82.85 $4.00 Gloves J 93.15 $4.00 Manhattan .... 93.15 Special lot of Buck Gloves, $4.50 Manhattan .... 93.15 sizes Bto 10 54.00, for $5.00 Manhattan .... $3.85 92.75 $6.00 Manhattan .... $4.85 Odds and ends, sizes 7, 7j4, $6.50 Manhattan .... 84.85 np to $3.00, for 91.15 $7.00 Manhattan .... $8.35 ~ $8.50 Manhattan $6.35 Winter Union Suits All fl2 00 SHiril ""Is ? sl2 -°° Silk and W ° o1 ' * 9 - 65 All $12.00 Shirts .... 98.65 SIOOO si , k and Wool 97.35 " $9.00 Silk ami Wool, 97.15 Winter Shirts and SB.OO Silk and Wool, 96.35 n raw „. $7-50 Wool ......... 96.15 urawers S7OO Wool $5.00 Wool .... 94.15 Each $6.00 Lisle 94.85 $3.00 Wool .... 92.35 Each $5.00 Wool „ 94.15 $3.50 Lisle .... 82.85 Each $3.50 Cotton *.. 92.85 $3.00 Lisle .... $2.35 Each $3.00 Cotton s2^Bs $2.50 Cotton . .. 91.85 Each $2.50 Cotton 91.85 $1.50 Cotton ... 91*15 Each ... , , , , Night Shirts Sweaters $4.00 silk 93.15 4t , , n r , $2-50 V-Neck 91*85 •^ oa $2-00 V-Neck 91*85 $12.00 Coat 98.50 $l5O Flannel 91.15 $ll.OO Coat 98.00 ■ f s}o-00 Coat 97.65 Pajamas SIO.OO \ -Neck 97.65 SI2Q() Sj , k 99.50 XJ , SIO.OO Silk 97.65 ✓ INeckwear SB.OO Silk and Linen, 96.35 $4.00 Silk & Knitted, 93.15 Silk and Linen, 93*15' $3.50 Silk & Knitted, 92.85 s£oo Mercerized .... 92.15 $3.00 Silk & Knitted, 92.15 $2-50 Mercerized .... 91.85 $2.50 Silk & Knitted, 81.85 $2.00 Mercerized ... . 91.65 $2-00 Silk & Knitted, 91*85 \IT l u $1.50 Silk & Knitted, 91.15 WOOI Mose SI.OO Silk & Knitted .. 65* $1.50 Silk and W001.. 91.15 75c Silk & Knitted .... 50* $1.<50 Army ......... 91.15 65c Silk & Knitted 35* 50c Lisle 35* 42 N. 3rd ST. 11 SALARY BOOST FOR TEACHERS IS APPROVED Kiwanis Club Goes on Record For Better Paid In structors • Tl.e movement to increase salaries of teachers in the public schools of Pennsylvania was given official and unanimous approval by the Kiwanis Club of Harrisburg at their luncheon in the main diningroom of the Penn- Harrls Hotel held at noon to-day. At the Instance of William C. Alexander, vice-president, the matter wee taken up and was referred to the civic and welfare committee. This committee includes Alt K. Thomas, chairman; T. H. Hamilton. C. R. Beckley, William Strouse, Irving B. Robinson and Frank R. Downey. As a result, It is possible that a campaign will be inaugurated to secure the wage In crease for the teachers. William Strouse, of the New store of William Strouse, won the attend ance prize, a handsome hat given by Fred B. Harry, hatter and furrier. "I'm going to wear it with -the label outside, so everyone can see It." Mr. Strouse declared. James A. George, manager of the Victoria! Theater, gave as a silent boost copies of the new song hit, "Mickey." T. E. Cleckner, of the Arm of Fisher & Cleckner, pre sented the members with boxes of matches. William H. Boyer, the farmers baritone, recently returned from service in the Army, sang "When th Boys Come Home" and "Somewhere a Voice Is. Calling." He was accom panied by J. Stewart Black, Klwanli pianist, and organist at the Bethle, hem Lutheran Church. A feature of the musical program was the singing of the newly-formed Glee Club, which includes a numbel of prominent Kiwanians, led by Ab ner W. Hartman, chorister at th Messiah Lutheran Church. Among the guests were Warren R. Jackson, secretary of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerco, and Elmer H Ley, soloist at the Pine Street Pres byterian Church. CHILD IS BENEFITED One of the children .brought to thi first mental clinic held, at the School Board office building, 12 Chestnut street, has recovered to such an ex tent from the treatment given that the youngster will be started in school next week, the physicians decided yesterday. The child is 7 years of age and had been in a weakened con dition for a long time before being brought to the clinic. It was announced at School Board 1 offices that during the first two weeks In Februury all beginnings now 6 years of age should be taken to tha various buildings to b 0 enrolled. Vac cination certificate's must be fur nished before the children will be admitted. LCDENDORFP IN BERLIN London, Jan. 30.—General Luden. dorft, former chief quartermaster general of the German army, has returned to Berlin and is living in a small villa in the Grunewald dis trict under an assumed name, ac cording to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Amsterdam, because he fears popular demonstrations. The general is said to have placed his services at the disposal of the 1 government, which, it is added, de clined them with thanks.
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