10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 4. NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1881 Published evenings except Sunday by THE. TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Ilulldlng, Federal Aqatire B. J. BTACKPOLB President and Editor-in-Chief F, R, OYSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. STEINMET& Managing BMtor A. R. I.IiCHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Hoard 3. P, McOULLOUOH, BOYD M. OQLKBBY, P. R, OYSTER, GUS, M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Prone—The Associated Press Is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. A Member American l T pollers' Asnoala- Jjg£itggE9A Bureau of Ctrcu iraißnig Assocla ££! 5} 3SSI H Eastern office, ui ai sotf 101 Story, Brooks & SS? S 188 W Plnley, Fifth New York Tl?y*;' jngpngaHM Western office, njtlllp Gas' BullSl'ng, -I Chicago, 111, Entered at the Post Office In Harrls burg, Pa., as second class matter, By carrier, ten cents a *1 awi> week; by mall, f 3.00 a year In advance. All we have to offer, All wc hope to he, Body, soul and spirit, All, we yield to Thee, THURSDAY, JANUARY 80, 1919 THE PHONE RATES BRIEFLY the telephone rate case started in the Dauphin county courts yesterday is a contest to ascertain, thJ 'power of the fed eral government over intra-state business. As such it is of tre mendous significance. Upon the de cision will hinge Issues of great Im port. AVo are now to And whether the State retains its power of police rights or whether the national gov ernment is empowered to overstep the acts of tho Stato Legls'ature on matters pertaining to Pennsylvania alone, and in nowise of an inter, state character, In effect, tha Pub lic Service Commission asksi "is the United States government to be per mitted to step In and run oup State government for us with respect to our own local affairs, or does the doctrine of State rights under the constitution still hold good?" There could be no contest of au thority did the government own the telephone lines, but there is a very grave doubt as to the federal gov ernment's legal right to step in and defy State laws regulating corpora tions chartered by the Common wealth and already limited by State law with respect to What they may and may not do. Unless the United States Attorney General's Department has a card up its sleeve which it hus not shown, Mr. Burleson's phone-control appears about to receive a painful Jolt. HARBINGERS? BUTTER Is dropping In price, eggs have fallen off flvo to ten cents a dozen, and potatoes are' cheuppr. That's good news. Maybe the farmer won't feel that way about It, but there will be much rejoicing among thoßO poor down trodden souls, tho "ultimate con sumers," and they are numerous enough to organize quite-a little cele bration if they set about It, Also, loaves of bread are growing, even if the price isn't shrinking in propor tion, and restaurantkeepers now serve three slices Instead of-two. It's going to be a grand sensation tb walk Into a restaurant and order "two fried eggs with bread and but ter," calmly and nonchulently, just like that, without either trying to look like a millionaire or feeling that you have robbed the baby of a pair of shoes. We like to think that during the war we did our part cheerfully to help Mr. Hoover food the starving Belgians and sundry other hungry folks In Europe. We did our bit joy fully and look back upon our self denials with sutlsfuction as having helped In a small way to win tho war. But now that the fighting is over and there is admittedly a sur plus of food In tho country, even beyond tho needs of Europe, we have a sneaking feeling that we ought not to bo required to pay starvation prices In the midst of the greatest plenty tho world has ever known. And so we note with exceeding Joy that prices of certain grocery staples are receding and entertain the hope that these are but harbingers of what is In store. THE HIGHWAY PROGRAM GOVERNOR SPROUL and High way Commissioner Sadler are determined to get the State's great new highway program under way at the earliest possible moment. This Is good politics, good states ship and good business. Senator Sproul, author of the original State highway bill, Is especially* well equipped to help Mr, Sadler In thb preliminary work, He knows more about the roads of Pennsylvania, the errors and accomplishments of past ■administrations, tho need of the THURSDAY EVENING State and the desires of the people than any other one man. Mr. fladler, himself a good roads enthusiast and able businessman, 'will learn a lot from tho Chief Executive during the framing of the program and will bo able to start work under cir cumstances that promise most ex cellent results. The people want good roads. The vote on the loan showed that. They want them as soon as possible. And the. State needs them badly. These alone would be ample reasons for pushing tho highway development plans, but there is the business side as well. Thousands of returning sol diers and others out of war work in dustries that are closed could be em ployed profitably by the State in road work, Now Is the time to get the roads and if wo can do that apd provide work for those needing it, we shall ,have killed two large fat birds with one stone. HOME GARDENS SHIRLEY B. WATTS, in charge of the Chamber of Commerce gar den work, advises those who de siro plots to mako application early, as there Is a likelihood of there being more applicants than garden plots Last year we had War Gardens, this year Victory Gardens. Although the names differ tho gardens are the some and thoso who learned how to grow vegetables during the war porlod will not want to give up their gardens, There 1s just as much Importance attached "to food production as there was lost year. Wo are exporting provisions by the million tons and wo must grow more if we do not expect to go abroad. "HOME RULE" THE municipal rule" res olution which Senator Beidle man fathered last session will come up again in tho Legislature this year, according to the forecasts of those in touch with affairs. It Is to bo hoped that It will be adopted. Its opponents contend that such an amendment to the constitution would wreck all uniformity of city regulation and create a condition of assessment, taxation and accounting chaotic In the cxtremo, upsetting the standards of method that State au thorities have been striving to create. That, to be sure, would be a possi bility under law permitting each city to adopt its own form of govern ment, but It Is not likely i*hat tho fear would be realized. At all events, people are better | content with a government of their own creation than they are with reg ulation handed down to them by an authority that presumes itself to be wiser than thby are themselves. One of the rcasotis for dissatisfaction with our city laws Is that they can not be changed to meet purely local or newly arising conditions without appeal to the Legislature. Willy nllly, Harrlsburg for example must be gov erned by the law laid down for Erie, although one Is an Interior railroad and manufacturing town whereas the other has its maritime problems of fisheries and ports, We ought to be given this oppor tunity for self-government In order to frame laws to meet pur local needs. Surely even those Job-holders of the Third Class City League who can see no (laws In the flimsy, moth eaten old Clark act must admit we are entitled to that American right. BRITISH BIG BUSINESS THE day of the 'big business," after tho American pattern, if not yet on the same scale, has definitely arrived," says the Liver pool Post In a review of last year's trade and finance of Great Britain, "it was a year of great combines," adds the paper, Americans will rcwril the abuse to which "big business" was subject ed by the Democratic party from' 1890 up to the time wo got Into the war, when the Administration even tually found It. necessary to enlist the services of some of tho captains of industry, formerly subjected to Its curses, to bring some sort of or der out of bureaucratic chaos. The. advantages of trade combina tion, along American lines have come to be appreciated in Great Britain, and tho efficiency born of those combinations will be a promi nent factor In the British competi tion which- America will very soon be called upon to face at the same time that the Demoorutlc reaction aries are resuming their attacks on the "octopuß," the "wicked trust," and the "hoggish profiteer," But fortunately those attacks will come from a party ousted from con trol-of government, while the func tion of the incoming Republican party will be, no) to destroy, but to regulate combinations with respect to trade, and "prosecution Is very different from persecution." PIEZ IS RIGHT REPORTS of a njeottng of the National Murine League at Philadelphia recently contain the Information that Manuger Charles Plez, of tho _ Emergency Fleet Corporation, "camo out un equivocally for private ownership of America's merchant marine." In this he Is absolutely right. The only useful merchant marine Is the busy merchant marine, A thousand ships tied up at a dock ure no more use than a thomund ships at the bottom of the sea. The private owner Is under the financial necessity of finding business for his ships, A government operator will take busi ness if It comes, but he won't go after It, Private ownership stimulates Initi ative and enterprise, Gov- I eminent ownership Btlfles Initiative and leads to dry rot. Plea has been in business long enough to know this, During the war emergency there was need fpr government action In the production of ehlpe, There mlit still be fulfillment of government contracts and Undertakings. • But It Is up to Congress to work out a per manent policy of dovelopmeht and maintenance of an American merr chant marine. \ The American flag must stay on the ocean and wo must never again be in a position where an emergbnpy will compel us to depend upon the stilpa of other hatlons to transport our soldiers or supplies. I>oeazc* in By tho Ex-Committeeman - Now that the War Service Bureau has been abolished and* the collec tion of data plated upon a definite basis for the writing of the history of Pennsylvania in the great war It Is expected that Governor Sproul will make* some changes In the State Historical Commission, which is collaborating with the AA'gr History Commission, so that the Historical Commission can take up actively the work of perpetuating the history of the state in earlier wars while Dr. A. E. McKinley gets together the Information about the sons of the state in the war with Germany and Austria. The Governor is said to have some plans for the Historical Commission, of which he has been chairman and in which he is' interested. His own nomination to that body he with drew and he has two vacancies. The. men the Governor is said to - mlnd arc William Perrine, n?.n°*i *s® IJhilad elphia Evening Bulletin, whose writings are widely r * i # antl who has a wonderful fund or Information on historical matters, Ke w - Rush Glllan, of the I'ranklin county courts. People at the Capitol are watch ing with a great deal of interest developments in regard to the Pub lic Service Commission and the De partment of Agriculture. It is not believed that Governor Sproul has made up his mind as to the size of the commission, although there is much talk of a reduction to five. This will not mean, say people on the Hill, that the Secretary of In ternal Affairs will have anything to do with the commission. The Gov ernor has been asking many ques tions about the opinions of people relative to the commission. The story that a reduction to five is prob able is going the rounds. —Now that the appointment of Thomas F. McNichol as a municipal court judge in Philadelphia is prac tically out of the way there is much speculation about the other men to be named. . . —Belief is expressed that the Goverrior will accept the resigna tions of the State Commission of Agriculture along in the spring. The bills to change around the bureaus In the Department of Agriculture and to make things more up to date are understood to be under prepara tion. —Governor Sproul's remark that he favors a light anthracite tax is being much discussed among legis lators. It is felt that the anthracite region should have something for tho coal that is being tuken out, but Just how to tax hard coal without taxing bituminous is regarded by many on the Hill as a knotty prob lem. ' The Age of the Earth A r ast age, be the of sequoiap or Egyptology, always af fects the thoughtful reader with an awfhl fascination. How much more so, then, when the occasionally elo quent scientist Is discussing the age of the earth! Harlow Shapley of the Wilson Solar Observatory hsls recently undertaken this computa tion, basing his theoretical estimates on the various findings of eminent geologists and astronomers. We gather from this technical dissertation in the publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific that the most available media for measuring the earth's an tiquity Is, perhaps, the scratcliings of time on the rocks of the world. For example, "It now appears," he writes, "that the oldest known roCks, the granite-gneisses of the Laurentlan system in Canada, were In existence nearly a billion and a half years ago." Barrell remarks, in the Bulletin of the Geological So ciety of America, that "surprising as it may seem, the date known with the greatest precision lies far back in Precambrian time. Frpm Norway, Texas, Quebec and German East Africa uranium minerals asso ciated with granite give an ""age \ which approximates 1,120 million ] years." Mr. Shapley has quoted Prof. Jo soph Bnrrell of Yale University. In the bulletin mentioned the latter in troduces his discussion with the fol lowing impressive lines: "The flight of time is measured by the weaving of composite rhythms.—day and night, calm and summer and winter, birth and death—such as these are sensed in the brief life of man. But the career of thg earth recedes into a remoteness against which these les ser cycles are as unavailing for the measurement of that abyss of time as would be for human history the beating of an insect's wing. We must seek out. then, the nature of those longer rhythms whose very existence was unknown until • man by the light of science sought to understand the earth. The larger of these must £>e measured in terms of the smaller, "and the smaller must bo measured in terms of years. Sedimentation is controlled by theni, and the stratigraphlc series consti tutes a record, written on tablets of stone, of these lesser and greater waves which have pulsed through geologic time." Friends a Hindrance Paragraph from the Queensland, vyuitraltan, newspaper: "Dave Lewis begs to notify that he has started business on his own hook as an' un-to-date restaurant, and hopes that his many friends will damn yell stop away and give him a chance." A Self-Acting Jury A Jury recently met to Inquire Into n case of Afjter sifting through the evidence the twelve men retired, and, after deliberating, re turned with the following verdict: "The Jury are all of one mind— temporarily insane" From the | Jersey Journal. HAMUSBURO TELPORAPU IT HAPPENS IN THE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES ... ByBRIGGS ■ I .1 1 •' ' " ' : / IT II W SEAR TH.'MG \ - F THINK OF TNE VJH^\ F THAT CVSR HAPPSMED TO \ / TH4! ANJD POVCRTV J I J ' % Y Y WMS OF A.M 7 1 SPBWT NOW FOR Y 4 •'■• t ' ' / /• .. " T OP THE PACREAAE f~ AND THCPJ WE \ /'HOW") I IW CRIME THAT WILL OF ( ENJOV A COVJ/MTRV J /He*e-Sj V. / / COURSE RESULT- \ THE Y>~\ OP HAPPY HEARTS Y H V6O / F FIRST OF .JULY WILL 8£ AWO HAPPY X T SOOM AJ'< GOODNESSY The German People Willed It [From the New York Tribunal Herr Rudolph Klrchner is entitled to honorable mention as a German journalist who intLepidly explores a new and un-Prusslan field of thought. Writing in the Frankfurter Zeltung Klrchner says: "Our government has cheated us —but the people have cheated them selves as well. Who insisted with so much vehemence on the submarine war in Its most ruthless form? Was it only Trlpitz and his henchmen? Was it not the German people them selves that made the task of those sinister chauvinists so supremely easy? Is it conceivable that every precept of reason, moderation and humunity could have been trampled upon so shamelessly and so often had the musses of the German people seriously set themselves against the folly of their rulers? Who is re sponsible for Belgium? Who for the annexations in the East? For tlfe brutal peace of Brest-Lltovsk ? The people let the rulers have their own way about it. We measured the in ternational situation by the accuracy of a German long-range gun. ♦ • • We Germans, at least those of Its who were not .imperialists, thought of this war as one of self-defense. But how could we reconcile this idea with our invasion of Belgium, wjiich proved that our rulers considered breaking the law of nations a mere matter of routine? The whole Ger man people applauded the act and n-.uny others of the same brand." This is not repentance—far from it. But it is admission. Its tone con trasts favorably with that of the ap peal issued, soon after the signing of the armistice, by a group of Ger r man writers beaded by <3erhart Hauptmann. This appeal invoked "brotherly- love as the guiding prin ciple of humanity" and urged the Al lied nations to forget the past and work for the future. "There is no hatred in our hearts," Hauptmann and his friends asserted, apparently qulte'willing to forgive the Uelgiuns, for instance. After all, it may be that Kirchner is not more honest than the rest of his colleagues—only a little more diplomatic. He is, on the verge,of the stupendous discovery that hon esty pays—surely, a novel concep tion for the Prussian mind. "The Admiral Goes Ashore" It is one of the'traditions of-the navy that when a beloved admiral hauls down his flax and gocp ashore in response to the cull to other or higher duties the officers of his ilect or squadron personally man the barge, bend to the sweeps and row hint from his flagship to the landing place. After the death 8f the late Rear Admiral Coghlan the following lines, which perhaps are no less ap propriate to the pussing of Rear Ad mirul French E. Chudwlek, were found pinned to t-he bulletin board qf the Army and Navy Club: The barge is at the gangway, An officer mans each oar, For the voyage of life is ended— The Admiral goes ashore. Ashore to the rest of the warrior, Ashore from life's stoi*y sea, Where the Captain of all the Navies Will welcome him on the quay. And we who knew and loved him Will miss the firm clasp of his hand, The happy, friendly greeting. The ringing tone of command. Man the side in'slldnce While the parting cannons roar; A gallant gentleman leaves us— The Admiral goes ashore. —New York Herald. LABOR NOTES The American Bridge Company of Ambridge, Pa., holds classes of in struction four nights a week for its employes. Mere than 50,000 workers employ ed by the Ford Motor Company are now receiving a minimum wage of 's6 per day. The wage scale of the railway workers In England has befcp more than doubled since the beginning %f the war. About one-fourth Of the popula tion of Hawaii are engaged in the grooving of sugar cane and the man ufacture of raw HUgar. Newbiggcn millers in Northum berland, England, are demanding that the system of working in three shifts be changed to two shifts. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR FAIR PLAY FOR JERSEY To the Editor of The Telegraph: At the convention of the National Dry Federation in the Chestnut Street Auditorium, an address was delivered on Wednesday afternoon by Clinton N. Howard, chairman of the campaign committee of the Fed eration. In this address Mr. Howard very dramatically said: "In one year and eight months after the first state ratified t'he Amendment] it was done! The Re cording Angel called the roll, and forty-two states answered, 'Dry!' Pennsylvania, the Gibraltar of the trade, will ratify; New York, the .Empire state, will ratify; the late Rhode will ratify; and New Jersey—Oh my! Oh my! Oh you sweet potato state! Oh jvou mos quito state! New Jersey has never ratified any of the eighteen amend ments to the constitution! Not one! She may not this time, but let her stew in her own Juice until January, 1930. One more year pf disgrace, and Uncle Sam will hang her out today! "Hush, New Jersey, don't you cry! You'll be weaned and spanked bone dry. Eighty million people have voted to ratify." The facts do not sustain Mr. How ard's statements with reference .to ratifications by the state of New Jersey. The first ten amendments (twelve were proposed by Congress, but two failed of ratification) were sub mitted to the several state legisla tures by a resolution of Congress pussed on the 25th day of Septem ber, 1789.. They were ratified by New Jersey on November 20, 1789, the first state legislature to act. on the amendments. The acts of the leg islatures of states ratifying these amendments were transmitted by the governors to the President, and by him communicated to Congress, following ratification by Congress, December 15, 1791. * I do not have at hand the records of ratification of t,he eleventh and' twelfth amendments, The eleventh amendment was declared by the President, in a message to the two Houses of Congress, January 8, 1798, to have been adopted by the legislatures of thrcerfburths of the states. The resolution proposing the amendment was Con gress March 5, 1794. The twelfth amendment was submitted to the legislatures of the several states by a resolution of Congress passed De cember 12, 1803. It was ratified, ae'edrding to a proclamation of the Secretary of State dated September 25, 1804. The resolution proposing the thir teenth amendment was passed by Congress February. 1, 1865. It was ratified by New Jersey January 28, 1866, a month after the amendment had been declared ratified accord ing to a proclamation by the Sec retary of State. The • resolution submitting the fourteenth amendment was passed by Congrehs June 16, 1866. New Jersey ratified fhls amendment Sep tember 11, 1866, being the fourth state to vote in. favor of ratification. The amendment wrfs declared rati fied by three-fourths of the legisla tures, according to a proclamation by the Secretary of State, July 28, 1868. On February 27, 1869, Congress by resolution submitted the fifteenth amendment to the several states for ratification. On February 21, 1871, the legislature of New Jersey rati fied this amendment. July 12, 1909, the sixteenth amendment was proposed to the sev eral state Tor ratification by resolu tion of Congress. On February 5, 1913, the legislature of New Jersoy voted in favor of ratification. The proclamation of the Secretary of State, declaring the amendment duly ratified, was issued February 25, 1613. The last amendment prior to the pendfng one, being the seventeenth, was proposed' by resolution passed by the two Houses of Congress on May 16, 1912. On March 18, 1913. it was ratified by the legislature of New Jersey. And on May 31, 1913, It was declared a part of the Con ■tiutton of the United States, ac cording to proclamation of the Sec retary of State." As Mr. Howard has access to the records from which the forpgoing facts are taken, it is difficult to ac count for the statement which he made in his eloquent address, so palpably at variance with these facta. EUDIA. TRIBUTE TO M PHERSON To the Editor of "The Telegraph: A friend sends me a recent copy of the Telegraph, containing an obituary of Judge John B. MePher son, of the U. S. Circuit Court. Allow me to present a tribute of sincere regret at the demise of my dear old friend Jack. We were chums at the old llarrlsburg Acad emy in the late 'sos of the last cen tury, when Prof Kemble was the principal and Dr. Deemy his assist ant. i There were fifty or sixty students in the school then. Of course the majority have gone over the Great Divide. 1 have lost track of the sur vivors, as 1 have not lived in Harris burg for fifty years. I recall Clay McCauley, of whom I read about two years ago as a missionary In Japan. Then there were two of the Gross boys, one of whom became Mayor of Harrisburg. The DeWitt brothers, sons of Parson DeWitt, of the Presbyterian Church, werq bright boys, and one followed the footsteps of his father into the min istry; Mort Felix, whose father was in the soda water business; the Al ricks boys, Devi and Hamilton; Cal Rnhm, whom 1 met thirty years ago as a civil engineer in the build ing of the Brooklyn elevated rail road. Vance McCormick, now of na tional fame, bad not yet appeared upon the scene at the Academy. The husky farmer chap, Fox, from Dau phin, saved Jack from drowning near the big rock opposite South street, while Cal ltahm and I looked on helplessly from the Devil's Hole, under the bank. Juck McPherson and I were in a little Latin class by ourselves when we were twelve years old. When the Rev. Dr. DeWitt visited the school Prof. Kemble would trot us out to parse and conjugate, much to our juvenile embarrassment. Our roads in life separated early—he to Princeton and I into the printing office, the refuge in those days of boys not entering the learned pro fessions. I did not see Jack for twenty years, but my loss was compensated for in the summer of 1917, when I received a delightful letter from him from Bar Harbor, Me., reviv ing memories of the happy days at the old Academy, when we pilfered potatoes from his grandfather's cel lar at the corner of Front and Chest nut streets, and roasted and ate them on the bunks of the picturesque Susquehanna. Judge McPherson came of sturdy old Scotch stock, just, honest and of undoubted integrity.. He was an ornament to the bench, and his place may not be easily filled. , ® United States courts are the last refuge for the American in search of even-handed Justtce. VV e need big men like McPherson to expound the law In these days of rebellion against authority and order. I trust that you may find room for my little reminiscent tribute to my old friend Jack, whom 1 loved for his noble traits and manly char acteristics. EDWARD FEENEY, 688 Tenth street, Brooklyn. TRIUMPH (From the Sonnet.) Hoar's measure gave 1. Is it aibfor got? Winds cannot blow or beat it Into dust, , Or waters it, or moth and rust Corrupt it Into ijught that it was not. For what is more remembered than the spripg. The scarlet tulips running through the grass By a wet wall, ana gone with but Alas? (X know not how I know this old thing) . How now, poor one, that loved me for a space? 1 Mine is the trimph of the tulip flower; My ruined April will not let you by; To east my laughter, and to west my face. Housed with you ever, down some poignant hour There drifts the scrap of music that was I. —Llzette Woodworth Reese. Bryan Gets Taste of Victory It must be conceded that Mr. Bryan's prohibition campAlgn has given him the only reully big vic tory he ever enjoyed, but it would be rash to predict that it will ever make him President. —Buffalo Cour ier. JANUARY 30, 1919. A FRONTIER NEEDED [From the Erie Herald] The frontier was the great Ameri- j canlzer. When Englishmen. Irish-1 men, Germans and Scandinavians forced the point of a wedge of civili zation pushing into the forest the pressure of common work moulded them into Americans. The little frontier society, passing in a few years from the semi-sav agery of the hunting and lishing stage to contemporary civilization, blotted out racial differences. Such co-operative neighborhood under taking as log-rolling, house-raising and corn-husking built a common citizenship in doing common tasks. The foreign colonics of the great cities came with the disappearance of the frontier. As nationalities drew trade, political and residential lines they built race partitions in our "polyglot; boarding house." Then came the great common task of the war, when we carried the frontier of American * democracy overseas. The national army became the great Amerlcanizer. It did the greatest common task in history. Men who march, eat, sleep, fight and suffer the danger of injury and death in u common cause lose sight of race differences. Fifty nationalities marched away to the Great Crusade and came marching back Americans all. Americanism is the child of the frontier. It was born of the conquest of a continent. It develops only in a crusade against common difficulties. We need a frontier and a crusade to day. Nothing else does the work. Teaching English does not make Americans. Teaching civics Is not enough. These only supply the neces sury tools for the work of American ization. They may be misapplied. They have been used for the destruc tion of Americanism. It is the frontier, the crusade, the [common task that makes, us Amer icans. The frontier is before us. The crusade is calling. Society is advancing. Its problems | were never more urgent. Its frontier lis now social and political, rather than geographical and primitive. But the call still goes out for fron tiersmen, pioneers, crusaders. Instead of forests, prairies, deserts and swamps,-we must now advance ugalnst Ignorance, disease, poverty and injustice. Instead of foreign autocrucy, we fight against domestic greed and tyranny. It is along thAt way that society advances. There is the great com mon task that calls for pioneers and crusaders and a common army of AVnertcan citizenship. Doing that work In common will make us all Americans. Mn. Burleson in a Corner (From the New York World) It must be said that Postniuster General Burleson did not fare very well before the House Post Office Committee in showing why Government operation of the tele graph and telephone service should be extended for two years more or why It was ever assumed. The argument of the war as mak ing such action imperative is weak ened a trifle by the fact that Mr. Burleson was on record before the war in favor of Post Office control of these enterprises.' * • • ■ When Mr. Burleson urges con tinued Government rUntrol after the wur as a transitional .measure of necessity in getting back to peace conditions, he is met not only by that same pre-war record of per sonal predilection- but 'by questions from the committee of, Why two years and why not for many other industries besides? Burleson took'refuge In'the "contra- And when to these questions Mr. dletory, overlapping, vexatious con trol of forty ■.eight. states," and so on, one of the committee came back with the statement that 95 per cent, of these services are purely local. The Postmaster Qenerul's reply to that is unrecoded and probably un recordable. * If Mr. Murleson favors a virtually indefinite continuance of present government control in the purposd of offecting ultimate government ownership of telephones and tele,- graphs, his position is quite under standable. Otherwise it is not. And so far as he finds support in such a position from owning com panies, that also is understandable in view of the assurances which are theirs that a sale to the government would be at good prices, with gov ernment guarantees meantime of the old profits and dividends. Germany's Job Having junked the Junkers, Ger many's job is to can the Spartacam, and show * them they are Sparta cants.—From the Chicago Tribune, lEmtiitg Qttjat Governor Sproul received a lett which amused htm greatly, the ol er day from a lady In Chester w Is very much Interested In Ch Welfare Work. The story as It vi n *° Governor by t philanthropic lady was as follows That famous Chester charact Jimmy the Goose, was leading a f lorn looking horse out Concord a' nue the other day and was sollloqu jng. partly to himself and partly the ancient animal. He said: is a d bad road! But never mi old hoss, when Bill Sproul gets to Governor we'll have goods roads Bill is great for good roads and, always keeps his word.' 1 his is a sincere* tribute as co T lom one Chester's dereli and I am sure you will appreciate as such." • • * The slate government of Pennt vania Is getting the apple ha Governor William C. Sproul, who 1 always been a devotee 'Of the ap] as becomes the owner of a couple \ery fine orchards and some fan and he has set the example for llcials by having some apples on desk. Prof. Frederic Rasmussen, new Secretary of Agriculture, ii strong partisan of the Pennsylva apple and says that the Keysti state raises the best pippins to found anywhere. He has them ab his office and hands them to call who come to talk about fruit cult as examples of what Pennsylva raises. The Farm Products si here last week caused numer boxes of choice apples to be bou they hav , e been much used tne Capitol and apples for lunch i in place of afternoon cigars h become the fashion. Harry S. McDevltt, secretary the Governor, has L.framed for Governor's office a*copy of the flcial invitation to the inaugural, of the tickets, a part of the dlagi of the stand showing where the G ernor stood when delivering his dress and one of the inaugi medals. .• * * The appearance of Attorney G eral William I. Schaffer Id the D phln county court yesterday acc< panied by all of his deputies ' the tlrst occasion of the kind a here in years. It was also the 1 appearance before the court, wl has special powers in state cases the new chief law officer of the C< monwealth. They were all admli upon motion of Lieutenant Gover Edward E. Beidleman and w made full fledged members of bar. In most proceedings the d tics have appeared singly, or at most two together. The whole were with Mr. Schaffer. • * • William Jennings Byran told ol interesting hobby of his while at dinner given to newspaper co spondents at the Penn-Harris. tries to get the cartoons of him which have "punch" and mentlo two which he had gotten after 1 seardh. One represented himself 1 ing tea with the czar and discus; important uplift schemes, while other was on his campaigns. cartoon," said the Colonel, "g the pictures of the Presidents of United States and besides each was a picture of myself. Undern< was the line, "The Presidents of United States and men who have against them as far back as we remember.' " The Inauguration -weather ae to be a topic of conversation only In Harrlsburg, but In the st The other day a couple of trol men were talklpg and one a "This has been a great month weather, but that Sproul he cert ly had the luck on Inauguration d In the Capitol, Thomas H. Oai chief clerk of the House, was c pllmentlng TTarrisburg on Its we; er for the big day. "Your town right there with Sproul weather the favorjte son of Delaware coui wgs his comment. "One thing that the mild wi has done which Is good for pec although as a general health pr< sitton it might be considered as favorable," remarked a physic "That is It has gotten them to w ing. More people are 'hoofing than known for a long time an helps their digestion and genet well being." The manner In which rooms being snapped up around Hai burg is worth noting. Men who 1 come here for the Legislature complaining and there are m people who would like to spend n time here if they could get ro< The Legislature means about persons her for the winter. | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —General C. T. Menoher.who c manded the Rainbow Division, native of Somerset county. —General L. T. W. Waller, of marines, who Is now making home In Philadelphia, has been n ing a series of Interesting addre —General E. T. Jadwln, who formerly in charge of the Ur States engineering work at F burgh, is due home in a short t —General P. C. March like meet old college friends of his at Lafayette and West Point. —Genoral Marlborough Chur< head of the military lntelllgenci vision, used to be In artillery. [ DO YOU KNOW —Tliat Hnrrixburg-made m nitions arc in use among t Ithlnc occupation army? HISTORIC 11ARRISBURG o—Early guilders used to stones out of the river for fou tlons and seldom had to go far, A Quick Change (Froni the Outlook.) Most readers are familiar witl story of the German bank in an erican city which, finding Its l unpopular, changed It to the "I man Bank." Here is anothei ample on the samejtnes: A po] New York City German restat was called Kloster Glocke (Clc Bell), and its front was deco: with a large bell as a sign, name has been changed to the ' erty Bell," and the bell of thi monastery now does duty as a Ilea of the one which rang ou dependence to the colonies. The Feast of Belshazza > Belshazzar the king made a feast to a thousand of his lords drank wine before the thousan Daniel, v, 1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers