4 NEWS OF THE LEGISLATURE "DIRT ROADS" TO . GETSI,IOO,OOO York Members Presents Bill to Provide for 1913 and 1914 Shares An appropriation of $1,14!},049. 38 for payment of the state aid to sec ond class townships for mainte nance of township roads is carried in a bill presented to the House to night by Mr. Cook, of York. The item for 1913 is $530,205.97 and for 1914 $11,843.4 1. Another highway bill was pre sented by Mr. BenclioiT, Franklin, provides that the State Highway .Department shall assume charge before June 1, 1920, of roads, streets and highways in boroughs and in corporated towns which are part of the state highway system and main tain them. Mr. Finney, Crawford, introduced a bill providing that county com missioners shall be vested with au thority over all roads not in the state highway system and that au tomobile license revenue shall be distributed to counties on a basis of proportion of number of miles of county roads in the state. Cut Olco Fees Licenses for the sale of oleomar gerine are fixed at ten dollars for retailers and $5 for hotel, boarding house and restaurant keepers by a bill presented by Mr. McCurdy, of Blair. He also presented a bill to give the State Bureau of Standards authority over weighing machines at mines and quarries. Other bills presented were: Mr. Kennedy, Beaver, establishing $5 a day as pay of borough assess ors and assistants. Mr. Hickernell, Lebanon, for pay ing by counties of fees of recording • discharges of soldiers, sailors and marines. Mr. Benchoff, Franklin, providing that carcasses of animals must be cremated or buried so that place: shall not be subject to overflow from ponds or streams and 100 feet from j SiOMACH ACIDITY, INDIGESTION, GAS Quick! Eat just one tablet of Pape's Diapepsin for instant relief When meals don't fit and you belch gas, acids and undigested food. When you feel lumps of distress in stom ach. pain, flatulence, heartburn or headache. Here is instant relief — No waiting! A A Just as soon as you eat a tablet of Pape's Diapepsin, all the dyspepsia, indigestion and stomach distress rods. These pleasant, harmless tab lets of Pape's Diapepsin never fail to make sick, upset stomachs feel fine at once, and they cost so little at drug stores. Patronage Steadily Increasing With Harrisburg's Newest Bakery €J It might sound like repeating €J There are more people begin the same old story over and ning to realize as each day over again when we tell you comes along that at last Har that our expectations in Har- risburg has a bakery with a risburg are fully realized. consistent policy, and that ....i * policy is to make the best ISome people might think, bread possible, while reading these little talks, that we ought to get a Tjf make the best bread pos new subject to talk about. 8lbl , e; we do " ot how to make any other kind. <J There are many little things q The people appreciate this, which we could talk about, and we know they do appre but the one thing that stands ciate it, because new grocers uppermost in our mind is the are added to our list every fact that Harrisburg people day. know good bread when they . m . . . . cret j t _ tj| And those new grocers have the patronage which adds a As we told you several large increase to our business. before, we investigated con- q We do not repeat aU these ditions m Harrisburg thor- pointB day after day simply oughly before we opened our to boaBt about our busineBB new bakery here. ra ther to tell you that our gn ii i l business is growing because fj Our new bakery has been • • ,i i t * i * we are giving the people of open over three weeks and our thj| territ the kin dof trade .. steadily increasmg. bread we promised to give €[[ The only new thought that we them, and which we shall al could bring to you at this time, ways give them-which they is this —that Harrisburg is a can a wa^B expect, greater field for good bread tfl Have you tried Gunzen than we had anticipated. hauser's bread? The Gunzenhauser Bakery Eighteenth and Mulberry Sts. TUESDAY EVENING. * HAIUUSBURG TELEGRXPH! JANUARY 28, 1919. streams, springs, wells, public houses and stables Centennial Dill The bill introduced in the House by Representative Walker, Philadel phia. for the appointment of a com mission to arrange for the celebra tion in 1926 of the 150 th anniver sary of American Independence, provides that the commission shall consist of twenty-five members, three of whom shall be senators and three representatives in the House, all to serve without pay. The bill provides that the commission shall work in conjunction with Congress, councils of Philadelphia, the legis latures of the Several states and the governments of foreign powers to ward conducting an international exhibition in Philadelphia. Ten thousand dollars are provided for ex penses. Representative Dunn, Philadel phia, presented a bill repealing so much of the act of April 29. 1844, as relates to the imposing of a tax on horses, mares, geldings, mules and meat cattle over the age of four years in Philadelphia. Mr. Dunn also introduced a bill turning into county treasuries all automobile li cense fees collected in the counties. Fees paid by nonresidents are to be •paid into the state treasury. The bill repeals section ten of the act of July 7, 1913, and the act of Febru ary 26, 1917. Another bill pre sented by the same member appro priates $300,000 to Philadelphia for the construction or improvement of roads connecting with state high ways on condition that the city ap propriates an equal amount for sim ilar purposes. Bills providing for amendment of the third class city code along the lines recommended by the legisla tive commitee of the Third Class City League and Jhe city solicitors were presented in the House by Mr. Wallace, Lawrence. A joint resolu tion proposing a constitutional amendment so that the legislature shall have power to classify coun ties, cities, boroughs, school districts and townships. Counties, cities and school districts may not be divided into more than seven classes and j boroughs into more than five. Spangler Urges Members to Work Speaker Spangler called upon all I committees to organize and get 1 down to business as soon as possiblo soo nafter the House met last night. ] "Chairmen can obtain the bills f-om j the chief clerk and I would like ' them to call meetings at once," said he. i The House toassed the deficiency bill for the seSand time. Speaker Spangler appointed the following members to represent the House on the SoldicVs* Orphans School Commission: Messrs. Lauler, Allegheny; Cox and Mehring, Phila delphia. Just before adjournment the speaker again asked committee chairmen to call meetings and re quested that they report out bills this week. The law and order com mittee will meet at 10 a. m. Tues day. I 1 The House adjourned at 9.45 p. m. until 11 a. m. to-day. LtXCHEOX POSTPONED, j The luncheon which Girl Scouts I of the Oak Troop, No. 4, had plan | ned to hold in the Stevens Memori- I al Church, has been postponed in- I definitely. The regular Scout meet ing will be held next Monday even ing. RATIFIES NOW r IN THE SENATE Senator MarlowPresents Joint Resolution on the Prohi bition Action ■ Senator Marlow, of York, last night introduced into the Senatd a joint resolution providing for the ratification of the national, prohibi tion amendment to the constitution of the Unitqd States The resolu tion is similar in form to the one introduced into the House of Rep resentatives last week. It was re ferred to the Committee on Law and Order, by Lieutenant Governor Beidleman, who presided at the ses sion. A joint resolution to amend sec tion 15 of the State Constitution, dealing with local government of towns and boroughs of over 10,000 population, was presented to the Senate during last night's sessio.n, by Senator Craig, Beaver. The resolution, which would ef fect Steelton, provides that Section 15 of the State. Constitution be amended to read that "any town or borough, with a population of over ten thousand, be given the right and power to adopt and frame their own charters, subject to limitations imposed by the legislature." It also provides "cities or cities of any particular class may be given the right and power to frame and adopt their own charters, and to ex ercise the powers and authority of local self-goverament, subject, how ever, to such restrictions, limita tions and regulations as may be im posed by the Legislature. Laws also may be enacted affecting the organ ization and government of cities and boroughs which shall become effect ive in any city or borough only when submitted to the electors thereof and approved by a majority of those voting thereon." Senator Leiby, Perry, introduced an act before the Senate "last eve ning providing for the amendment and revision of the fish laws, and carrying with it, several penalties. The act defines at length, the means and apparatus to be used in fishing and provides penalties for any vio lations. Other bills presented, include two by Senator Baldwin, Potter, one val idating municipal liens and the pro cedure thereon, and the other relat ing entirely to the procedure on municipal lions. Senator Whitten, Allegheny, fath ered a bill providing for the refund ing of a proportionate part of the license fees and additional taxes paid for the sale of vinous, spirit ous, malt or browed liquors, or any admixtures thereof, In the event that the sale of such liquors under license is forbidden by the law of the United States of the Common wealth without default of the li cense. Thus, if the country should go dry on July Ist, under the war time prohibition the venders of the above-named liquors, would recover the taxes paid by them selves for the period inclusive of July Ist, to December 31st, 1919. "You may delay but time will not!" Start to own your home. Back enstoss Bros., Real Estate. Russ Bldg. PLACES FILLED IN THE HOUSES Dauphin County Fares Well in the Distribution of flic . Patronage The clerkships and other places in the Senate and House were filled j last night. The "slate" committees reported long lists of names and; they were quickly ratillfed. The places -as filled are as follows: SENATE. Assistant Clerk—Harry A. Barton slager, Untontown, Payette; Jour nal Clerk—Arthuf J Lyons, Corry, Krle; Desk Clerk—John McKeown, Philadelphia: Executive Clerk Francis P. Pittsburgh, Allegheny; Message Clerk—J. Hau er Reinoehl, Lebanon, Lebanon; Transcribing Clerks B. Frank Isenberger, Huntingdon, Hunting don: Bennett F. Kiehl, Greensburg, Westmoreland; Jay G. Miller, Franklin, Venango; Charles L. Hud son, Creekside, Indiana; Sergcant at-Arms—James R. Bagshaw, Ches ter, Delaware; Chief Assistant Ser gennt-at-Arms—William Wolf, Phil adelphia; Assistant Sergeants-A- Arms—Thomas J. Casey, Pittsburgh, Allegheny; Alfred Evans, Kane, Mc- Kean; John C. Moore, Shamokin, Northumberland; Howard IX Bur leigh, Fairview, Wayne; John Jen ness. New Castle, Lawrence; John T. Davies, Scranton, Lackawanna; Robert Helfrey, Pittsburgh, ' Alle gheny; Joseph Shea, Philadelphia. Postmaster Warren McCreary, Butler. Butler; Messenger—Charles F. Goldsmith, Ardmore, Montgom ery; Superintendent of Folding Room—Henry A. Campfield, Mead ville, Crawford; Pasters and Fold ers—Marion F. Williams, Gettys burg, Adams; Joseph W. Pole, Jr., Philadelphia; John White, Philadel phia. F. M. Stevenson, Cqleraine, Chaplain—Rev. Thomas W. Davis. Ambler, Montgomery; Day Watchman George H. Har greaves, Philadelphia; Night Watch man Charles Murphy, Philadel phia; Clerks to Committees —Sam- uel W. Watson, Philadelphia; Louis F. Camp, Tunkhannoek, Wyoming; Stenographers to Committees, Ed ward Schadel, Greenville, Mercer; Thomas H. Pollock, Monongahela, Washington; William U. Carr, Wrightsville York; Rudolph Krause, Philadelphia; Elias A. Simon, Hope well, Bedford; David Hardy, Jr., McKeesport, Allegheny; George W. Dunn, Philadelphia; Custodian, Committee Rooms Frederick Thompson, Bellefbnte, Centre; Ele vator Operator—Thomas E. Hig gins, Coatesville, R, D. No. 3, Ches ter; Assistant Elevator—Fred Hal man, Mahanoy City, Schuylkill; Custodian, Wash Room ; — Anthony Frenie, Harrisburg, Dauphin; Cus todian, Basement—Samuel 11. Law- L yer, Harrisburg, Dauphin; Custodi ! an, Newspapermen's Room —A. S. 1 Rhoads, Milton, Northumberland. 1 Chief Page Edward C. Smith j Harrisburg, Dauphin; Pages—Geo' W. Walton, Jr., Connellsville, Fay ette; Julius Freedman, Harrisburg, Dauphin; Ernest Barbush, Harris burg, Dauphin; William J. Sullivan Harrisburg, Dauphin; David J. El linger; Harrisburg, Dauphin; R. I Fiank Shaffner, Jr., Harrisburg, Dauphin; Linn Storey, Harrisburg, i Dauphin; Joseph R. Longenecker, leasant \ lew, Dauphin; Herman J. Higgins, Harrisburg, Dauphin' Frederick M. Writer, Harrisburg. Dauphin; Edward Katzman, Harris burg, Dauphin; Leslie H. Hall, Har risburg, Dauphin; Justus D. Battis Philadelphia. Appointments by the President— Clerk to President—Harry F Oves Harrisburg, Dauphin; Stenographer £ rcsi , clont ~ M'ss Q. Maybelle Dobbs, Harrisburg, Dauphin; Page to President—John Goss, Bachman ville, Dauphin. Appointments by the President Pro Tempore—Clerk to the Presi dent Pro Tempore—Edward B Watson. Mechanscivlile, Doylestown' Bucks; Page to President Pro Tem pore—Derrick W. Fahnestock. Har risburg, Dauphin. Appointment by the Secretary i Jenographer to Secretary— Miss Anna C. Carroll, Harrisburg, Dau piiin. Appointments by the Chief Clerk —Stenographer to the Chief Clerk —Samuel R. Marion, Philadelphia"- Superintendent, Store Rooms—Edl gar G. Hoffman, Harrisburg, Dau phin; Janitors— John H. Keyser Harrisburg, Dauphin; David P Dun • lap, Harrisburg:, Dauphin; Elmer Howard, Harrisburg, Dauphin. Legislative Journal Clerks J J. Bowman, Carnegie, Allegheny-' r'huTfnm | H ,' I .j enniner - Allentown; Chief Official Reporter—John Ruth Lebanon, Lebanon; Expert Stenog raphers— Alfred Jenkins, Harris phin ; E. G. Van Jjaman, Philadelphia; Expert Typewriters - Alplionsis L. Cashmnn, Harrisburg Dauphin; A. M. Miller, Harrisburg- Copyholders— Charles R. Shope,' Halifax, Dauphin; Aaron H. Good man, Connelsville, Fayette; Proof reader—Harry E. Earp, Harrisburg Dauphin. .Appointments by Senate Librarl an—Assistant Librarian Alex S Cooper, Harrisburg, Dauphin; Ste nographer to Llbraf^an —Miss Hilda M. Fohl, Harrisburg, Dauphin HOUSE. Chief Clerk—Thomas H. Garvin Delaware; Assistant Clerk J E' Brackney, Allegheny; Resident Clerk —M. K. Burgner, Franklin; Journal Clerk—lra D McCord, Ches ter; Assistant Journal Clerk—Arch ie Newton, Venango; Reudlng Clerk, •Quay Hfewitt, Jefferson; Assistant Reading Clerk — O. E. Martin, Lan caster; Desk Clerk David W. Thomas, Luzerne; Desk Clerk - James E. Iliggins, Schuylkill; Mes sage Cler George Offenbacher. Erie; Transcribing Clerk H. E. Burchfield, Blair; Transcribing Clerk —R. Jones Rife, Perry; Tran scribing Clerk— Fred W. Spreen, Allegheny; Transcribing Clerk Thomas Rudolph, Delaware; Tran- I scribing Clerk—Joseph L. Meyers, j Washington; Transcribing Clerk - To Be Supplied, Carbon; Transcrib ing Clerk— John Dunn, Philadel phia; Transcribing Clerk—Charles H. Kucher, Philadelphia. Sergeant-at-Arms Daniel E. Hunihan, Allegheny; Chief Assistant! Sergeant-at-Arms Edward King, Philadelphia; Assistant Sergeant-at- Arms Morris Klein, Allegheny; Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms— W. W. Espy, Westmoreland; Assistant Ser geant-at-Arms John P. White, Philadelphia; Assistant Sergeant-at. -Arms —Ellis P. Williams, Lehigh; Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms John Tioga; Assistant Sergeant-at- Arms—John J. Simmers, Northum berland; Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms —Chas S. Sands, Montgomery; As GERMAN TO GO FROM THE "ADS" Members of House After the Teutonic Language in Bills Presented Four bills eliminating the Ger man language from public advertis ing were introduced by Representa tive Bolard, Crawford. One of the bills repeals the act of May 3, 1915, which provides thBt in cities where there at least 40,000 Germans, Ital ians or Jews, bliicial advertising shall be published in German, Ital ian or Yiddish newspapers. A second bill would' abolish the act of July 2, 1895, which provides that all official advertising appear-, ing in English language newspapers shall also be published in German language papers. Another measure eliminates Ger man lanuage newspapers from the act of June 16, 1836, providing for the advertisipg of sheriff sales of real estate in counties having more than 150,000 population. The fourth bill repeals so much of the act of June 18, 1895, as re quires county commissioners of Al legheny county to publish official advertising in German newspapers. Orphans and destitute children of honorably discharged soldiers, sail ors and marins of the war with Ger many are to have the same privileg es as the sons of veterans of other wars in the State's Soldiers' Orphan schools, according to a bill present ed by Mr. Cox, Philadelphia. The bill also provides that similar care shall bo given to children of men en gaged in "any movement or cam paign in connection therewith or re sulting therefrom." Mr. Cox, who is a "Tilember of the Commission in charge of the schools, also present ed a bill for $50,000 for deficiencies. Provision for a course in agricul ture in publbic schools in rural dis tricts under direction of the bureau of vocational education is made in a bill introduced by Mr. Curran, Washington. The measure would have two thirds of the salaries of teachers in charge and expenses necessary paid by the state. Mr. Curran presented a bill for tipstaves in counties having between 90,000 and 150,000 population shall bo paid 1 $7BO a year and court criers $9BO. Another school bill presented was from Mr. Cook, York, which pro vides that fourth class district di rectors shall be paid $2 for each monthly or bi-monthly meeting at tended. Purchase of land and all expenses connected with property for the Py matuning Swamp reservoir are to be paid out of appropriations to the State Water Supply Commission by terms of a bill introduced by Mr. Bolard, Crawford. The bill provides that no costs of any kind shall be charged against the county where the land is located. sistant Sei;geant-at-Arms William Parrish, Luzerne; Assistant Ser- V*ean,t-at-Arms —Howard Robinson, Allegheny; Assistant Sergeant-at- Arms—Andrew Stevens, York; As sistant Sergeant-at- Arms—William Gassbyer, Philadelphia; Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Gustav Kopp, Philadelphia; Assistant Sergeant-at- Arms—Jacob J. Gillman, Philadel phia; Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Joseph Purfield, Philadelphia; As sistant Sergeant-at-Arms John W. Smith, Philadelphia; Assisant Sergeant-at-Arms—Joseph C. Fcr rigno, Phiadelphia. Postmaster —William C. Richie, Payette; Assistant Postmaster William H. Heath, Allegheny; Mes senger—H. R. Pore, Westmoreland; Assistant Messenger Sylvester Ritchey, Bedford; Assistant Mes senger, Winfleld S. H. Whistoti, Allegheny; Assistant Messenger J. W. Jamison, Forest; Superinten dent of Folding Room Thomts Bender, Philadelphia; Pasters and Folders — Jacob Witmbr, Allegheny; William Startzell, Jefferson; Nath an Adler, Mercer; Edwin Marshall, Cameron; Frank Gerlitzki, Bucks; Irvin Shields, Lancaster; Earl E. Harlan, Philadelphia; William O'Brien, Philadelphia; Chaplain Rev. Wm. H Feldman, York; Chief Watchman Edward Braceland, Philadelphia; Night Watchman William Hauser, Dauphin;; Clerks to Committee —William Hlllgrovo, Allegheny; Isaac Brown, Philadel phia; William J. Maguire, Philadel phia; Stenographers—Fred E. Ma ther, Bradford; David Charlton', Clearfield; Ben. T. Jones, Lacka wanna; William Bleiel, Allegheny; Howard. D. Creps, Indiana; George J. Anderson, Allegheny; Lewis Roth, Philadelphia; Wm. R. McGill, Phil adelphia; William T. Bell, Alle gheny; O. A. Speakman, Crawford; Custodians of Committee Room John A. O'Neill, Philadelphia; Pat rick Hines, Fayette; Elevator Op erator —Fred Monahan, Schuylkill; Assistant Elevator Operator —James Delphy, Allegheny;. Custodian of Wash Room J .Austin Glover, Union; Janitors —James J. Cum mins, Philadelphia; John T. Stauf fer, Philadelphia; James Neff, Phil adelphia; Edward J. Adamson, Philadelphia Chief Page—rClarence E. Seller, Dauphin; Pages T9 be supplied, Lancaster; Richard McKissick, Dau phin; Arthur W. Noffsinger, Dau phin; John McMuire, Dauphin; Nor man Fisher, Dauphin; Roy Keyes, Dauphin; Ross Landis, Dauphin; Jacob Grand, Dauphin; Frank Lew is, Dauphin; Harry Michlovltz; Dauphin; MelUnger Dauphin; Walter Spangler, Cumber land; Olmer D. Selp, Cumberland; Stephen G. Bash Ore, Dauphin; Jo seph Hoffman, Dauphin; Albert Fil ippolli, Dauphin; Charles Demma, Dauphin; Willard F. Keiser, Jr., Dauphin; Howard A. Stambaugh, York; George Shoemaker, Schuyl kill. Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve It, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retir ing; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. Do this tonight, and by morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more ap plications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign or trace of it; no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the Bcalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. 1 FL3OD OF BILLS FALLS ON HOUSE Over 100 Introduced By Mem bo's, Who Are to Get to Work at Once " 0r 100 bills, ranging from re peal's of "Blue laws" to regulator* of rotor trucks, descended upon the Home last night, it being one of the mos strenuous Monday nights knotn in tho last half dozen ses sion! A half dozen bills regulating issuance of liquor wero also presinted together with a score of appopriation bills, including Lan castfr institutions, all of which callti for increases owing to ad vanie in costs. The bills were promptly sent to committees. A repealer of the "'blue laws" of 1794 was introduced in tho House by Jr. Powell, Luzerne. Tho bill also contains a repeal of the sixth sectbn of the act of May 15, 1850, prodding that fines for "Blue Law" vlolitions shall go to the state sink ing !und . Plotographing of any personk un der arrest by police is forbidden un til he prisoners aro convicted un der the provisions of a bill lntro ductd by Mr. Brady, Philadelphia. Phdographs are to be removed from all police , collections' after fifteen yea's of correct living. lir. Conner, Philadelphia, prc sencd the bill authorizing courts to issip liquor licenses for one or more moiths. For War Memorials County commissioners are author ize! to make appropriations for moitiments to men who fought in thtjwar with Germany and' Austria, byjMr. Wood, Warren. Provision for return of portions of fees for liquor licenses in event of prohibition taking effect is made in a bill introduced by Mr. Dunn, Pliladelphia. Township supervisors are to be pad from $2.50 to $5 when oversee in; work 6n roads under terms of a bH from Mr. McVlcar, Allegheny. IV new judges salary bill was in triduced by Mr. Alexander, Dela w)re. It provides $lO,OOO for coun ti between 100,000 and 500,000 pipulation, $7,000 In districts hav ing less than 90,000 and each Dau ptin county judge to receivo $4,000 additional for trying slate cases. He alo presented a bill regulating sal ales of court criers and tipstaves. Mr. Allum, Mercer, presented a. b|l to make the minimum pay of eiction officers $lO a day and $1 f<r each 10 ballots above 250. He afeo presented a bill to authoriza tllrd class cities %o make appropria te for municipal music. The bill regulating motor ve hbles, especially heavy motor tfucks, favored by the Pennsylvania lotor Federation was introduced iq g three brands \ g sealed in air-tight \ g packages. Easy to find \ g —it is on sale \ Smmmmamm everywhere. Look for* ask for* be sure to get I I WRIGLEYS I The Greatest Name I in Goody-Land* | M II IU jl SEALED TIGHT /! ? tUkWO>Mf KEPT RIGHT 11 j ||| || The Flayor Lasts i-. •. .. >.: .> _.'. *■ ;L t ... ■| . ail v -'r,rl.-tfj.'l < i ■- L.. ■ '■.-'l ; -.-U. t<" ?Ctejt' ■-■ * the House by Mr. Dlthrlch, Alle gheny. Mr. Gann, Philadelphia, Introduced a bill authorizing Philadelphia or phans court Judges to appoint five clerks who are to be competent ste nographers. ( $lO For Viewers A salary of $lO a day is provided 'for members of boards of viewers in counties having less than a million population in a bill from Mr. Ram sey, Delaware. County commissioners are author ized to institute proceedings for purchase or condemnation of ' toll roads on petition of 25 taxpayers in a bill read in place by Mr. Hoffman, Lancaster. Other bills presented were: Mr. Mnllery, Venango, regulating deposits of county funds. Mr. Davis, Cambria, providing $5 per day for teachers attending instl- Sealdsweet Kitchen^ "p Sealdsweet Kitchen Calendar and Chart suggestions for serving grapefruit (Lyand recipes for their use in cookery and confections one for every day in the year. Sealdsweet grapefruit are the choicest grown in Florida's famous groves tree ripened, so sweet they need no sugar. Free at your dealers or if you write to us Sealdsweet grapefruit are the ideal substitute for scarce and high-priced solid foods. Good fruit / dealers sell Sealdsweet grapefruit and from almost any one you can secure free a Sealdsweet UJM. Kitchen Calendar and Chart. Should yours not TP? be able to supply you one, write us for it. jfwgMJ CVTIKUS I.\( A dffiisr V& ON. MX _ TAMPA, FLORIDA V.; Cooperative, Non-Profit, Fruit Groviers Sealdsweet oranges are unequalled in quality. tutes and directors attending coi •ventions. Mr. Phillips, Clearfield, makii husband or wife of a person charge with a criminal offense a coinpetei witness. Mr. Hess, Lancaster, providlr that when any part of a toll roa Is condemned the whole road sha be condemned. Mr. Powell, Luzerne, regulatln election of council in boroughs, ei tablishing a finger print system an peniteniarles, fixing minimum pa for election officers at $5 a day wit $1 for each additional 100 ballo over 250. TO OPEN BTOS. Bids for books, forms, stationey and supplies for all county offlce< for the year will be opened by tti county commissioners February ' Advertising asking for bids hav been prepared for publication b County Controller Henry W. Gougl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers