■ECK SYSTEM ■WAY RESULT IN I MORESAVINGS Hikers Believe Railroad Em- H ployes May Start New ■ Accounts hankers this morning Bared that the new plan of the States railroad adminlstra- the eastern lines of the Penn- Railroad to pay their em lea by check, will work a bene- lnfluence among the employes, of whom for the first time In lives will be enabled to save Hy- pointed out that as the checks ■ made "payable to order," the workers must be identified banks when they cash them. Htcre already are reminding rail- that a bank account at a establishes an immediate and identification at that By this means, it is pointed can avoid annoyance S delay when they cash their and at the same time place upon the road to a bank Harrisburg National and First Banks have been selected by the railroad of- and arrangements have been whereby railroaders can se currency readily for their pay at these banks. The endors- will serve as receipts for company. accommodate the rush of em- during the semi-monthly pay both of these banks have that they will remain from 7 until 9 o'clock evenings days. all over the city, it is pre- will take advantage of the opportunity to instill into rail- H workmen the advisability of a account. It is naturally pre ■(l that all the banks will assume of cashing their pa s' railroad checks. By lmpress- railroaders the advan of safeguarding their funds, their identification byes- Hhmc bank accounts, financial feel that many of them into the habit of regulari sing so much of their pay on de- H when they cash their checks, habit of saving stated am periodically in the purchaso Bonds, carried on among by the company, has the saving habit among the ■men on the roads, it is said, and predict this practice will fa- their work of getting them their money on deposit. ■ Rent Payer! Even the landlord you when you own your home Bros., Real Estate, Russ ■ Wartime Recipe for Gray Hair streaked or faded hair can made black, brown brown, whichever shade by the use of the follow- that you can make at get a small box of Orlex at any drug store. It costs pB little and tto extras to buy. lt in four ounces of distilled water and comb it through Directions for mixing and Borne in each box. need not hesitate to use jH, as a $lOO.OO gold bond comes box guaranteeing the user powder does not contain lead, zinc, sulphur, mercury. Be, coal-tar products or their not rub off, is not sticky Bummy and leaves the hair lt will make a gray haired Bn look twenty years younger. Id Favorite Inic Laxative constipation bothers you and feverish and out of sorts re- that old reliable vegetable | Celery I King in every drug store in the It's fine for indigestion too fevers and colds. Same old that thousands swear by. lEUMATISM Harine Subdues the Inflam , Htion and Eases the Sore- Quicker Than Anything Else on Earth. B only SO cents and get a big Begy's Mustarlne which la the mustard plaster and la made real, yellow mustard no are used. ■ nown as the quickest puln klll earth, for the hundreds of ln- lt stops headache, neuralgia. ElHche, earache and backache in - sure, speedy remedy —'none ■ for bronchitis, pleurisy, lum- to draw the inflammation B'°ur sore feet there Is nothing I B d ' You Ket r,al action with IBine—lt goes after pain and right off the reel. Yea. it ■ but it won't bllate. —It doesn't pain a slap on the ■ It does give It a good, healthy ■in the Jaw—it kills pain, Ask get Mustarine always in the TUESDAY EVENING, HXRHiSBtraG TEEEcnc&PH # JANUARY 28, 1919. 302 CASUALTIES, 14 WERE KILLED Many State Men Arc Men tioned in War Depart ment Lists ■Washington, Jan. 28.—Three hun dred and two names are mentioned on the two casualty lists issued by the War Department today. A sum mary of them is: Killed In action 14 Died of Disease 27 Died of wounds 13 Died from accident and other causes •. 3 Wounded severely 227 Missing in action IS Total 302 The Pennsylvanlans mentioned are: WOUNDED SEVERELY. Sergeants Clarence E. Blythe, Wampum. John J. Heary, Philadelphia. Roy Jones, Scranton. Herman A. King, Philadelphia. James Bunce Norrle, Dorrenceton. Carl W, Raue, Philadelphia. Corporals. Daniel . Kelly. Philadelphia. John F. Pfeiffer, Pittsburgh. Basil S. Yakmlr, Dysart. Horseslioer. Oscar Gilen, New Station. Privates. George H. Crutchman, New Cas tle. Lingo Di Marzio, Philadelphia. James Shere, Philadelphia. KILLED IN* ACTION, Privates. John A. Kell, West Newton. Stiney Perluiski, Schuylkill Haven. Edward Preston. Pittsburgh. DIED OF DISEASE. Cook. Mike J. Smakto, Alton. Privates. Frank M. Biegda. Nanticoke. FVank Brunson, Pittsburgh. George L. Cavan, Wilkes-Barre. Clarence Leo Moroney, Altoona. WOUNDED SEVERELY. Privates. Joe Curcl, Ridgwav. Joseph David, Lafayette. Frederick Dobertson, Nanticoke. Horace E. Eberwein, Allentown. Joseph E. Fleig, Mountaintop. James D. Hockenberry, Yatesbcro. August Johasky, Bentleyville. Evan Colbas. Rlngtown. Joseph Llppert, Pittsburgh. Francis McQuillan, Philadelphia. Donato Mazzaro, Conshohocken. Howard R.' Phillips, Kane. Max A. Salvesky, Philadelphia. William R. Shepard, Philadelphia. Missing in Action, Previously Re ported Wounded Severely. Prlvntes. William Wayne Booth, New MU ford. Louis Lavln, Philadelphia. John J. Stoffey, Coaldale. Killed in Action, Previously Report ed Missing in Action. Privates. John Budrovitz, Edwardsville. Stephen C. Kennedy, Troy. ■Previously Reported Missing In Ac tion, Now Reported Dead of Wounds Received in Action. Privates. William S. Lindsay, Portland Hills William H. Schaeffer, Dußois. Previously Reported Missing in Ac tion, Now Reported Dead, Cause Undetermined. Privates. Gilbert C. Blades, Somerset. David L Davenport, Scranton. Wounded Slightly, Previously Re ported Missing in Action. Orvtlle Archer Ndw Brighton. Isaac L Bedwell, Chester. Joseph Brezezinsky, Philadelphia. Michael Ricciardello. Philadelphia Wounded in Action (Degree Unde termined), Previously Reported Missing In Action. Corporals. William J. Carter, Pittsburgh. James Moucheck. Philadelphia. , Privates. Elmer Harrison Blair, Lancaster. Gabrille Camilli. Carnegie. Lawrence Curatol, Easton. Angelo Dellacqua, Scranton. Joseph F. Delucas, Philadelphia. Anthony Laganella, Philadelphia. Michael Liebowitz. Philadelphia. Ray D. Morris. Washington. Adolf Pace, Philadelphia. Frank Reinert, Philadelphia. Sick in Hospital, Previously Report ed Missing in Action. Prtvntes. William K. Miller, Fleetwood. Returned to Duty. Previously Re ported MissingJn Action. Corporal. William A. Metlin, Elwood City. Bugler. George W. Lynch, Moore. Privates. Joseph Antolick, Philadelphia. Samuel F. Baney, Fhillipsburg. Peter Byrnes, Philadelphia. Albert T. Dick, Philadelphia. Arthur Donnelly, Pittsburgh. Sylvester J. Evans. Webster. William Bogidenski, Carnegie. Joseph A. Miller. Harrisburg. Charles Joseph Morgan, Philadel phia. George John Richter, Pittsburgh. Herbiel Sherry, Mayport. John Skonezney, Connelsville. Frederick S. Tallman, Philadel phia. John Gilbert Walte, Sligo. Israel Williams, Philadelphia. Busy Week For Youths Planned by the Y. M. C. A. i The week in the Boys' Department of the Central Y. M. C. A. promises ] to be a busy one according to an : announcement made by A. H. Dins more, boys work secretary, this morning. Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock, Tech and Central High School boys will meet at a "get-to gether" supper. A Bible study pro gram will be discussed. The younger boys' moving picture social will be held Thursday evening. Five reels of motion pictures will be shown and a local business man will speak. Friday evening at 6.30 o'clock a meeting of the recently organized i Employes' Brotherhood will be held and Saturday noon there will be a "bean feed." ROOM FOR ALL The reserved seats for the Bryan- Willis meeting in Chestnut street auditorium on Tuesday evening, only use half of the room. Arrangements have been made for the use of the Reformed Salem church for an over flow meeting. If needed, and both Mr. Bryan and Ex-Governor Willis will speak at both meetings. There will be plenty of room for all of the people who desire to come and no tickets for admission and no admis sion fee Is necessary. The doors will bo open at 7.15 and the meeting will begin at 7.45. Everybody is welcome. Dr. Rhcin was in training at Camp Wadsworth. S. C.. for five I months. While there he resumed his I line of work. Profit Sharing For Employes in the Willys-Overland Co. Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 28.—A half and half profit sharing plan with em Store Opens 8:30 A. M. Closes at 5:00 P. M. I Three Big Sales-Tomorrow, Wednesday-Three Big Sales! Saving Specials That YOU Cannot Afford to Miss! | ! J£ e Bl{| Garment Sale H The Big Garment Sale R IThe Coat and Dress Sale h] Still Hundreds of Stylish Coats Here At Sale Prices Special Purchase of High Class Serge, Satin and S |j And Plenty of Winter Weather Ahead to Wear Them Silk Poplin Dresses at Irresistible' Prices i 0 49 SIX BIG GROUPS FOUR BIG GROUPS I 1 Women's and Misses' Coats ats*7.so Stunning Serge & Satin Dresses Qg LU In this lot you have your pick of the smartest and most de- M " U/l B0 %J git sirable materials and models. All sizes. Each coat represents ■ Here is a chance to get a clever little dress for a ■ T \ a big saving. Be early. small price. (We have a limited number of them to \ LS \ r a _ mm sell at this price and when they are gone we will A U A' T~\ fYI \ Women s and Misses Coats at $-1 A ** A 1 hM WHMk A fT UIilV " J UUU IUIOJUJ V/UatJ at <p | ■ | THE SATIN DRESSES are in black and navy only. / f j| At this price you may select velour, plush, cheviot, kersey I 1 f ... , M r, _~~ " // *l*l\ and other fashionable materials. They are in the season's | JI# TL I l ]- C Q Q ,• 1\ _ ftf \ hi 1 J/nrU\X\ Bnar,estBtJlesandco,orB - High llass serge & oatin Dresses Q'lf nrnr!\h \W\ Women's and Misses' Coats at $1 O rials and are n p aln and^rimmedf^styles' B I L-iLJ J>-m\ \l S ikf >\\ \r I A,™ {n (uA i Fl I ni\/ \ V\\ Here are sva sser cheviot coats in all the latest colors. They F. >' ou . w ! l ' " ot n>atch them again this season We IHH It \ N 18! A \ \\\ ar ° alI " llned ° r half " lined - Ail sizes for women and misses. urged to come^earlj? men and misses but you are 111 I\ll ll $ l5 Serge Dresses Poplin Dresses : r § h| ill 1 kersey, velour. broadcloth, melton and nomnom ClevSr cottars , —— | * \// / [ LJ| l||J \ \ 1 I and cuffs l ' le best colors. ' • • I I \lf " hit I \\j I Women's and Misses' Coats at SIQ Lxtra -$0.95 xtra $>1.95 |sl| I\\ / / These are surely great bargains. The best in materials and I O • 1 == rm - M | \\ _I ' '4- Iju \ \\ , / I colqrs and In a variety of the most fashionable models for \nA/in I W _ " L;_ ___ _ 1 HMI *** !S -H woraen and mlsses ' ■ opeciai special jf[ U if Ollien S and at $ 1 These dresses are in sizes 16 to 42 These dresses are in sizes up to A /I O ■ only. If you wear any of these sizes *4. In all the leading colors. Material " M lS '/J I Here are duvetyne, broadcloth, cut velour, pompom and kersey - ■ you better be early. The materials are P°SVinvsl?6SlJt*iwi n v5l? 6 SlJt*iw ' fill hi [ coats. They are very stunning models for all purposes and heavy serge in black, navy and brown trimmed prettily yj If sizes for women and misses. gSj A/ Kaufman's Second Floor. Knnfmnn'a Second Floor. The Big Sale of Sides & Sides Stock! |] There Are Hundreds and Hundreds of Fresh Items Brought Forward to the Sale Tables on the First Floor i !1 The Prices Mark the Rock Bottom Level Which Prices Have Reached in Highest Class Furnishings 1 I Sides & Sides Stock Fine Gloves Sides & Sides Stock Men's Shirts i Men's White Kid Men's Finest Kid Men's Silk Gloves j Men's Auto Gaunt- Men's Kid Gloves Men's Shirts—Sides I Men's Slihts—-Sides Men's Shirts —Sides Men's SlUrts Sides Men's Shirts uu.. nil fil Gloves Sides & Gloves Sides & Sides & Sides ; let Mitts— Sides & —Sides & Sides & Sides Prices, $2 & Sides ' price 3 & Sides prices, $4 & Sides Prices, & Sides prices tP IjU Sides Prices, $2.50 Sides prices, $3.50 price, $1.50 ! Sides prices, $3.50 prices, $2.50 and and $2.50. and $4.50. $5 35 and $6 35 $6 85 and $8 85 ' K?j Eg "Kaufman's Sale Sale Ka " f " , i a "' s Salc ' "Kaufman's Sale 'Kaufman's Sale Sa,C 81110 Kaufman's Sale Kaufman's Sale ' Kaufman's SaLe li pfi Price, Price, 1 rtte ' Price, Price, Prlcc ' 1 ,lcc ' Price, Price, Price, ffj | sl*so $2.50 75c $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 | II Sides and Sides Men's Knit S 'tf S? W Dral ll tP 1 fIl ll rri 850 Neckwear, Kaur. tKc All Sides & Sides All Sides & Sides h|||| ||fpCC Nhirfc IP S WW • nn Silk Mllff lpr ..mn's Saic frlce.... UUVt $4OO Full Dress $6OO FuU Dress Imi urebb OmriS I Hosiery JTsTT M " Ves,s $2.00 v - $3.00 SoftandStiffßosoms I I rr 1 ai.ooi nil sizes, rice, 1 rice, Sides & sides up to n Vests <f* O E? A Vests A AAY /fi 4 md Si I ODC $l.OO 39c 51 52.50 $4.00 Choice $1.50 I 3 for $2.50 On Sale in Kaufman s Men s Clothing Dept. t _ IvHiifiimn'N Ftrwt Floor. ITHE BIG BLANKET SALE I I Tomorrow we start the most important blanket sale of the new year—More than I Baby Blankets Each C)g c 800 pairs of high gra Je wool, cotton Wool Finish RlanLets 2ge 1 paf'Lf btuc,".ize iow Met., tions. This is the time to buy blankets for next <"t'i "i'" 1 , ",I" S Cotton Blankets tfjO QC winter. Prices will be higher if all signs prove EE boughtWool Finish Blankebj Jg | Cotton Be k colors, size 66xho inches. Woolen Blankets . I Cotton Blankets Wool Blankets Wool Blankets run size, with cotton. Extra special Gray Woolen Blankets AOC Woolen Blankets; pink. Plaid Wool Fleeced Cotton Gray Wool Blankets; good size Wool I'lald Blankets—size 70x80 K]J .is2 rrjut,: ,:r- w..b, P Biani, t . 4i95 1 $5.45 , $5.48 $5.95 I ployes in all branches was announc ed yesterday by John N. Willys, president of the Willys-Overland Company. Only a fair return on the capital invested is a provision includ ed in the grant. The distribution will run into hun dreds of thousands of dollars and will be retroactive, taking effect from January -, 1919. The company has 10,000 men on Its payroll and all will be affected, Mr. Willys said. Heinz Heads Relief in Southern Europe Philadelphia, Jan. 28. Howard Heinz, federal food administrator for Pennsylvania, who went to Eu rope at the cabled request of Her bert Hoover, food director for the allied nations in Paris, has just been appointed director general of re lief work and food administration for southern Europe. Mr. Heinz arrived in Paris about the middle of January, SKice which time he has been associate I with Mr. Hoover and the 4 food administrators of (he allied nations in arranging plans for general food distribution on the continant. Our "spring-drive" Is in. Backen atoss Bros.. Real Estate. Russ Bldg. Your Best Asset A Clear Skin I Cared for By— CuticuraSoap 5
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