HIPPING BOARD MEETS RATE CUT BY THE BRITISH ig Percentage Knocked Off Tariff For Trans-Atlan tic Service By Associated Press M asnington, Jan. 28.—T0 meet e cut in trans-Atlantic freight tes made by British ship owners, reduction of about 66 2-3 per ooa tariff charges between A'.laatlo id Gulf ports and ports in the 'MU- Kingdom. France, Italy, Belgium id the Netherlands. Is announced • the Shipping Board. The new rate to the L'nited King >m is $1 per 100 pounds or 60 nts a cubic foot against the old te of $66 a ton. while the rate to avre, Bordeaux, Antwerp and Uoi niam is $1.25 per 100 pouqds or 1 cents per cubic foot against the d charge of $66 a ton. To Marseilles. Gette. Genoa and aples the new rate is $1.60 per 100 >unds or 85 cents per cubic foot 73 per ton. Rates based on weight ainst the old rate of from $71.30 measurement are at ship's option. At the same time, the board nn iunceil new rates from Atlantic id Gulf ports to ports in India as Hows: To Colombo and Calcutta .10 per 100 pounds or dxty cents •r cubic foot as against the old te of $45 a ton and to Rangoon id Madras $1.20 per 100 pounds or cents a cubic foot against the riner charge of $5O a ton. it \R\ AGAINST DAMAGE Mount Wolf. Pa., .lan. 28.—Parents id guardians of children attending e Mount Wolf public schools have en notified by the board of school ntrol that they will be held respon ds for ail damage done to school operty in the future by such chil en. Considerable damage was done the new school building during a cent celebration. JOINT COUNCIL TO MEET Liverpool, Pa., Jan. 28. —Elmer E. icher. president of the joint coun of the Lutheran church of the verpool charge, has issued a call • the regular meettng of the eoun members in the Lutheran church Liverpool on Monday, February 3. Mr. Workingman! Endeavor to own ur home. Havkenstoss Bros., Real tate. Russ bldg. HILD'S TONGUE CECOMES COATED IF CONSTIPATED cross, bilious, sick, feverish, or full of cold, take no chances. California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels. I Children love this "fruit laxative," d nothing else cleanses the tender imach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop play to empty the bowels, and the re- It is, they become tightly clogged th waste, liver gets sluggish, imach sours, then your little one comes cross, half-sick, feverish, esn't eat, sleep or act naturally, eath is bad, system full of cold, s sore throat, stomach-ache or trrhoea. Listen, Mother! See If igue is coated, then B' v e a tea oonful of "California Syrup of gs." and in a hours all the istipated waste, sour bile and un tested food passes out of the sys lt, and you have a well, playful Id again. Millions of mothers give "Califor i Syrup of Figs" because it is per :tly harmless; children love it, and never fails to act on the stomach, er and bow-els. Ask your druggist for a bottle of alifornia Syrup of Figs," which s full directions for babies, chil sn of all ages and for grown-ups linly printed on the bottle. Be re of counterfeits sold here. Get s genuine, made by "California t Syrup Company." Refuse any ler kind with contempt. !IDS N STOMACH CAUSE INDIGESTION Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How to Treat fedical authorities state that r.ear nine-tenths of the cases of atom l trouble, indigestion, sourness, rning, gas bloating, nausea, etc.. s due to an excess of hydrochloric d in the stomach and not as some ieve to a lack of digestive Juices, e delicate stomach lining is irrl cd. digestion ia delayed and food irs. causing the disagreeable nptonis which every stomach suf er knows so welL irtificial dige.stants are not needed such cases and may do real barm. y laying aside all digestive aids i instead get from any druggist Few ounces of Blsurated Magnesia 1 take a tcaspoontul in .a quarter ss o.' water right after eating, is sweetens the s.omuch, prevents s formation of excess acid and •re is no sourness, gas or pain, lurated Magnesia (in powder or • let form —never liquii or milk) harmless to tire stomach, inoxp, n e to take and is the most efficient m of magiraa f- r at imach jur ies. It is use! by thousands of >ple who enjoy their rnea's with more fear of indigestion. uick Relief for All Rheumatics So Crippled You Can't Use Arms >r Legs, lUicuma Will llclp You f you want relief in two days, ft, certain, gratifying relief, take mall dose ot Rheums once a day. f you want to dissolve every par e of uric acid poison in your body 1 drive it out through the natural nnels so that you will be forever e from rheumatism, get a bottle of euma from Kennedy's Drug Store my druggist at once. It must give Joyful relief expected or money Jnded. Lheumatlsm is a powerful disease, >ngly entrenched in Joints and scles. In order to conquer L, a rerful enemy must be sent against Rheuma is the enemy of Rheu tism —an enemy that conquers it In rly every instance, udge John Barhorst, of Ft. Lora , Ohio, knows it. He was walking i h crutches; to-day he is well. It uld do as much for you; it seldom TUESDAY EVENING, fiJUEUUSBtmo WJOtl TELEGKXPH JANUARY 28. 1919. MANIAC KILLS POLICEMEN AND P. R.T. FIREMAN With Two Revolvers Fires at Everybody Who Comes Near Him Philadelphia, Jan. 28. — Georgs Vincent I.imbo, a religious maniac, who said that he wanted only to cut oft all electrical power to release Christ, shot up the Rapid Transit Cojapar.y'c powerhouse at Thirteenth jnd Mount Vernon streets yesterday Ana killed one employe, after which re shot and killed two policemen and wounded half a dozen other persons who joined in his pursuit. After a long chase. Limbo was finally cornered by two policemen, killed one of them, but was shot and knocked down by the other, and then beaten by a crowd before be ing taken to the Garretson Hos pital. Limbo was finally cornered at Nineteenth and Olive streets by Po liceman Frank Herron. of the Twen tieth and Hamilton streets station, and John Knox, the motorcycle po liceman. The dead victims of the maniac, who showed such method and skill in his madness that the detectives believe he may also be responsible for the recent bomb explosions in this city, are: George R. Dingwall, a reserve po liceman. of 243 South Fifth street. | one of the transferred Fifth ward policemen who two days ago testi ' tied against Mayor Smith. John Knox, a motorcycle police man. of 2519 South street, who cor ; nered the maniac after a chase of several blocks. Thomas Hallloran. a powerhouse fireman, of 2310 Cleveland street. Among the wounded are: Michael Rendell. a powerhouse fireman of 1421 Cambridge street, with a bullet in his brain and not ! expected to recover at the Hahne mann Hospital. Harry Clark, of 1331 Fairmount ' avenue: shot through the cheek; in • a serious condition at St. Joseph's 1 Hospital. Samuel Walton, reserve police ; man. of 3655 North Sixth street; run i down by a motorcycle in the chase; not seriously injured: at the Hahne mann Hospital. William Kelly. Sixteenth and Nor ris streets: slight shot wound in left | leg; treated at Garretson Hospi ' tal. James Robinson, powerhouse op erator. of 412 North Forty-second street: struck on head with revol ver: treated at Garretson Hospital. When Herron and Knox closed in on the maniac, who held a revolver in each hand, he pushed one against each policeman. The weapon held against Knox went off, and the bul let pierced the policeman s heart. The revolver pressed against Police man Herron failed, and Herron fired his own revolver into the groin of the madman and then clubbed him on the head, knocking him down and disarming him before taking him to the Garretson Hospital, where the physicians say he is eith er insane or shamming madness. He refused to tell his name, but admitted that he roomed at 919 North Eleventh street and v,-ent by the name of "Omega of Christ.'' Former Church Service Disturber Papers found in his room showed, however, that the maniac went by the name of George Vincent Limbo, and under that name he was quick ly identified by the city detectives as a religious maniac who was placed in the Philadelphia Hospital for the Insane in 1917 after he had disturb ed several religious meetings. Limbo, for two years, broke in repeatedly on church services by en tering the church and walking down the aisle, bearing a large crucifix, and chanting lowly to himself. He was repeatedly put out of churches, but never exhibited the slightest vio lence when led out and was there fore regarded as a harmless fana tic. Finally, however, he became boisterous and hysterical when he was ordered out of a church and was then committed to the Phila delphia Hospital. In the days when he broke in on church services, Linibo wore a beard, which gave him a striking resemblance to the conventional pic ture of Christ, a fact which added weirdness to his claim that he was the son of Christ. During his period of restraint at the Phtladelphin Hospital, Umbo mutilated himself. How he got out of the Philadelphia Hospital is not known by the city detectives, but they are also endeavoring in their investigation to learn if he is the insane man from Philadelphia who last week appeared in Washington, where he attacked two women, kill ing one, and then made his es cape. . . "X am a Je<v, but I have embraced Christianity and have planned for several years to do just one thing, shut off all electrical power," he told the police, who found a notebook in his pocket with the address of all the Rapid Transit Company's power plants. "I never worked but lived with my mother until she died, six i years ago. She left me *2,000, and ! i have lived off that ever since, very economically. 1 ate only fish and drank coffee and water. But to-day my money was all spent. I had noth ing more to live on or live for, so I started out to do this one big thing for which I had prepared all my l f e. , A "I went out this morning and bought two revolvers in West Phil adelphia. I paid *10.50 for one and *11.50 for the other. Then I bought 100 cartridges in South street and started out on my mission. I carried mv revolvers for defense onlv. I did not want to get caught until I had put all the powerhouses out of commission. I would not have shot anybody at the first power house if they hadn't thrown stones at me. Then the policemen came, and I had to *shoot to get away." His story about buying the revol vers and cartridges, the detectives verified readily enough, and his study for destruction was also veri fied by a search of his room. It was filled "with books, religious, scientific and anarchistic books in English, Italian and German. One note in a diary kept by the maniac refers to "three accidents in Philadelphia," and on this point he was questioned repeatedly by the detectives, who think it refers to the three bombs exploded here re cently. But the maniac answered all questions about the "three acci dents" with a smile and with a, "It doesn't matter," switched off to an other subject. CABIN IS DESTROYED Marietta, Pa., Jan. 28.—A rear end collision between two eastbound freight trains on the low grade line of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, near the tunnel, caused a con flagration which destroyed the cabin. The fire was started when the stove was overturned in the run-in. We sell the Earth! Own your home. Backenstoss Bros., Real Estate. Rusa Bldg. Conferees Agree on Most Features of Revenue Bill Reach Agreement on Wir Excess Profits Rates; Possi bility of Deadock and Failure of the Bill Pass Washington, Jan. 2S.—The on- 1 ference report on the war reveiue bill is expected to be presented to the Senate and House late this wiek and the conferees hope that it fill be adopted by both bodies i*xt week and the bill sent to the Presi dent at Paris for his approval. This seemed evident last nkht after a basis for complete agite ment on the bill was reached by the Senate and House conforms. Senator Simmons, chairman of .he Senate managers, announced tjat virtually all important questions re maining in dispute, including he war excess profits rates, had bjen agreed upon and that all possibilty of a deadlock and failure of the (ill had passed. Announcement of the confereice agreement on the war profits aid other basic disputes was deferiid, but it was said that it would be made Wednesday or Thursday. w*?n a reprint of the bill as finally agreed to will be completed. Eliminate Mail Amendment The basis of agreement on he measure was upon three bittejly contested questions war excjss profits taxes this year, the Senate allowances to oil and gas interests and the Senate amendment to Je peal the existing zone system of s*:- ond class mall rates. It was leaned that in harmonizing differences in these basic disputes, the conferis agreed to an increase of the Senile war excess profits rates, adopted tie oil provision substantially as pr vided by the Senate, and eliminatid the second class mail amendment. The agreement on war exoas profits rates for 1919. it was state(, provided for retention of the Senae rate of 30 per cent, on corporation' net income in excess of credits aid not in excess of 20 per cent, of i vested capital; for increase from if to 65 per cent, on income in excek of 20 per cent., and for retentid of the 80 per cent, tax on war proi its. The higher rates were strong* urged by Representative Kitchil and other of the House managers. Senate Wins on Oil Tax The Senate conferees were report i Franklin Supervisors Will Meet on Thursdaj Cliambersburg, Pa., Jan. 25.-j The sixth annual convention of thi Supervisors Association of Franklii County will be held in the courti house here on Thursday, Januar; 30, with both morning and after noon sessions. Representatives o the State Highway Department wili be present to address the conven tlon. MANUFACTURE IIAY LOAD ML Cliambersburg, Pa., Jan. 28. A new manufacturing company hai been formed in Greencastle for thi purpose of the manufacture and sail of the Myers hay loader, a patentei device for hauling in crops. It wai invented by Jacob Myers, of Green castle. EYE IS PIERCED Chambcrsburg. Pa., Jan. 28.-* Mrs. Robert Hayden, of this place was admitted to the Chambersburt Hospital for treatment of her rigit eye, the ball of which was pierce! by a splinter which flew up from i piece of wood she was chopping. RESIGNS AT HUNTINGDON Cliambersburg, Pa., Jan. 2 B. Prof. John Leininger, of this plac* formerly a member of the faculty d the local high school, has resignel the principalship of the high schod at Huntingdon and has returned t> his home here. OLD MERCHANT DIES Columbia. Pa.. Jan. 28. —Henry A Fon Dersmith, one of the oldest am best-ltnown merchants in Columbia died at his home after an illness sine! last November. For the past te! vears he had been connected win the Watt & Shand department stor4 PLAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Newport, Pa.. Jan. 28.—Preliminair plans are being discussed for the for mation of a Perry County Hlstoric Society. The plan is receiving tie editorial support of some of the leae ing county papers. MOTHER GOOSE SOCIAL XVrlghtsville, Pa.. Jan. 28. A Mother Goose social will be held n the Methodist Church under the ail pices of the Ladies' Aid Society m Thursday evening, January 30. Most. Popular Com Food In America" „ says No wonder vhen you consider how rich and nourish ing they are: how f JT W drrfererctiromthe *c nL cornflakespeople ] y used -to eat before they learned the best. V In Corn Flakes There's Nothing Like POST TOASTIES |ed to have won their fight for re ■ I tentlon of the Senate provision for >!a tax exemption of 20 per cent, on I bona fide sales of oil and gas wells i, and mines. This provision, designed , to protect and stimulate prospectors, j was opposed by the House manag • ers as too liberal, but they finally j yielded after the Senate conferees ! had accepted the higher rates on ■; war excess profits. Elimination of the second class '! postage amendment had been gen ' ; ernlly expected. The proposal lias | i been bitterly opposed by Kepresent ' atlve Kitchin and other of the ! I House conferees. It provided for i repeal of the present zone rate on ' j second class mall based on the pro , I portion of news and advertising I and for substitution of a new zone plan of one tent a pound on perl [ odicals within the first and second j class pared post zones and one and I one-half cents a pound beyond that ; radius. The present rates liave been vigorously attacked by publishers as 'unjust and in some cases confisca [ I tory. , ■ Other Provisions Certain .; With the basis reached for set tling these three vital disputes. . agreement on other provisions of .! the bill still left open was regarded II as certain. Among these are, the , | amendment to pretent importation ,! of intoxicating lftjuor into the Dis trict of Columbia for beverage pur . poses; the amendment of Senator 1 Thomas, of Colorado, levying a tax I j of 100 per cent, on political com -1 patgn contributions in excess of II $5OO. and that of Senator Trammell, , 1 of Florida, to allow a bonus of one • month's pay and uniforms to men ! discharged from the militaty serv | ice. Conferees said the "bone dry" .' amendment would be retained, but i the fate of the others was in doubt, i Other amendments remaining to i be acted upon are several of the so -1 called "relief" provisions of the ■ Senate war excess profits section, i some dependent upon the basis of j agreement on rates reached by 'the | conferees. Many administrative pro , j visions also remain for final action. Home Is Burned as I Couple Attended Church Tliompsontown. Pa., Jan. 28.—The •' dwelling house across the river, I owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad | Company, and occupied by Philip Naylor was entirely destroyed by I fire Sunday afternoon, i Mr. and Mrs. Naylor were attend i ing church services in the village 'when they were called out and tolii ' their house was burning. . Sparks from a passing locomotive is the supposed origin of the fire. The contents were all burned. A I small amount of insurance is carried. Will Discuss Making of Susquehanna Navigable Columbia. Pa., Jan. 28.—The Mer i chants' and Manufacturers' Associa tion has arranged to hold a big meeting Monday evening, February 3. to discuss the proposition to make |the Susquehanna river navigable. ;! Delegations will be present from II Harrisburg, Lancaster. York. Mariet '• ta. Wrightsville and other towns. j NEW IJXES FOR BREWERIES Tamaqun, Pa.. Jan. 28.—Local ! saloonmen and wholesalers are mak | ing plans to get into other lines of '! business. John Mealey, who is in •' terested in the wholesale business, ■ has purchased the machinery to' . turn his place into a big ice cream i manufacturing plant. The Liberty 11 Brewing Company is experimenting j with a new process for the manu -1 facture of vinegar and also a "near beer" product. WOUNDED SOLDIER HOME \ Nlarietta. Pa., Jan. 28. —George i ; Sloat, of Long Level, has returned i! from the foreign battlefields ot .; France. He was wounded in an en ; gagement against the Huns, and had ; been in a hospital for several months. j . ORGANIZE GIRL SCOUTS York Hnveit, Pa., Jan. 28.—A patrol ,; of Girl Scouts has been organized f ' here. Miss Ruth Walton was ap- I pointed captain of the troop and Miss j Anna McGready will be scout scribe. DISCHARGED FROM ARMY Mount Wolf, Pa., Jan. 28.—Clyde Bare, son of Jacob Bare, has been honorably discharged from the Army at Camp Greenleaf, Lytle. Ga., and has returned to his home here. Store Closes Regularly *3 Store Closes Regularly^ On Saturdays at Six On Saturdays at Six , BEI.I. IMI-SJM tIJiITBD HARRISRURU. TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1910. FOUNDED IBTI . Sale of Selected MENDER GLOVES / Two Pair,. . ! $2.20 , Three Pair, .. . $3.25 I Six Pair, .. . . $6.00 ' ■ % l liese gloves are not seconds but were sold as guaranteed firsts, but at the various stores customers who detected some slight irregularity had them exchanged. The factory took them back and had them mended by their own skilled glove artists. The result is it takes an expert to tell the restitching from the original seam. 1. 2 clasp and gauntlet kid gloves in French kid. cape, a few Mochas and suedes. In all the leading shades of the season; brown, tan. gray, white, black, black and white, champagne and mode. . Every size to 8. * ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. | February Furniture Sale jj | Begins Saturday, February First |j f Courtesy Days Thursday and_ Fridayj| !|P When we say this sale of Furniture will no doubt be the greatest in our history, we are judging by the excellent ' § yp values we have to offer and the unexcelled assortment we have in stock to choose from. For a while we were in ty doubt as to what we might be able to offer this February, but the sudden ending of the war happily relaxed a I S jjy| very tense situation. The furniture shipments of late have therefore exceeded our expectations and you may rest assured that this department will endeavor to live up to the reputatio'n of having a FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE THAT BRINGS THE BEST AT UNRIVALLED PRICES. I S The Courtesy Days, Thursday and Friday permits you the privilege of inspecting the stock and noting the price s i |n reductions and making reservations for Saturday's selling. $ $ "Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture," hhs become a well-known phrase among those who have purchased Furniture m here and tell their friends to go to Bowman's. If you have not seen this selection, make it your business to come here a 8 this year before you decide to buy. Suit yourself whether youwcoine here first or see the others first. All we ask is 'k gi that you let Bowman furniture speak for itself. The quality and the pfice will tell its own story without importuning 12) fiß you to buy. _ " LJ i J ' ' BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor For Fine CTirniture. . p 8 Rugs Are Moving Fast Wash Goods in Beautiful At These Prices Spring Patterns One of the busiest departments in the store is the carpet The 1919 Wash Dress Fabrics were never more beautiful floor. And it is not surprising vyhen one considers how many than this Springs conversions. It seems as though the beautiful patterns are here .all in high-grade rugs many ot greatest skill and art heretofore largely confined to silks of them below the Wholesale price ot to-day. Ordinarily that the finest texture, had been employed very lavishly. Thereby, would seem like an unbelievable statement, but when you creating fabrics of great excellence and individuality, consider that most of this large stock was purchased before _ . the war prices went into effect you can readily see how we Cottons from American and Foreign Fashion Dictates, can afford to do this to-dav. And the assortment is un- 40-inch Roubaix Voiles, yard, $1.39. • , surpassed for beauty of designs and number of rugs to choose 40-inch French Voiles vard <SI 50 from. Other floor coverings at proportionate reductions. ' • ' * BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor. 36 " inch Manchester England Voiles, yard, $1.25. ' , 36-inch Eskdale English Check Voiles, yard, $l.OO. 'll 1 TT 1 • 40-inch Trusonian Batiste; pink and blue for fine underwear Children s Underwear or * aist :^ rd ' 7Sc : — : 38-inch Embroidered English Voile, yard, $1.75. A lot of children's cotton ribbed vests, nicely made; white . , „ ~ . m only: Closing out at the low price of 35c, 3 for $l.OO. 36 " mch Mercerized English Plaid 1 issue, yard, $l.OO. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. 36-inch Irish Dress Linens; all colors, yard, $1.25. ________________—^_____ 3 6 ar, d 40-inch Domestic Fancy Voiles, yard, 59c and 65c. 3,000 yards, 36-inch, finest American Percales; white Blankets and Comforts and navy wi,h neit — BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Special prices on all grades of Blankets and Comforts, large selection and at prices we could not duplicate Specials in Art Needle ; ! m to-dav. BOWMAN'S—Second I-loor, | DCpartl^^ Children's Stockings Slumber socks for ladies and children. Special, 19c I c .. , ,* i, , Filled canoe and porch pillows made of Leatherette Made of lisle; fine rib, exceptional quality; black, tan, cordo- and crcto nne. Special, $1.49. van. Durability is the watchword for these ssc€i and 65c. • BOWMAN'S— Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ' ■ " —— i 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers