2 UIEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS Veteran of Verdun Home Minus Part of Left Leg, but Proud of His Medals I.ykons, Pa.. Jan. 2S.—Charles! Diesel, sou of Mr. and Mrs. W illiant j • K. Dresel, of Pine street, returned to-day from overseas. He had been through some of the big fighting and. at Verdun was shot through the; ankle of the left leg. While being removed to a hospital he experienced a gas attack, Gangerene developed /and some of the leg had to be re moved. He carries several citations for bravery.' AMONG MARIETTA SOLDIERS Marietta. Pa., Jan. 28. —Private John K. tilller. who was. the first Marietta, lad to he engaged in battle' and was wounded twice in the battle of the Marne. has recovered from his injuries and Is" now' home. He is th* first Marietta - man to return front; overseas. • Corporal Herman I- l.ong. of Landisville.• a member of ttie 304 th Field Signal Battalion, of the 79,n Division, is officially reported bound ed in action while fighting in the vi cinity of the Argonne-Forest. Private Monroe K. Winner, Company. K. i®th United States In-, fantry. son of Mr. and Mrs. I.eti Witmer..ef IJtitz, died of wounds re ceive,fin "action in France. He was 23 yearS of age. Mrs. Annie Vogel. of Marietta. has n son. Herman, who is in France with the "infantry, and another son. Edward, who served the United States .Navy .for many years, and ex pects to ip-enMst again. , SOLDIERS RETURN Ig>wistown. Pa.. Jan. 29. Paul Sassantan, veteran of the border campaign, and the lighting on the west front in France, has arrived at his home here. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sassaman wer greatly surprised, for they did not „ know that he was in this countrv. He went to France with Company M. 119 th Infantry, and was in the tidi est of the fight along the Marne and. at Chateau Thierry. Sassaman lost two fingers on one hand. Lieut. • Mike" Mateer has sent a message to friends here stating that he will arrive late to-day. The tele gram was sent from Camp Dix. N. J. ELECT OFFICER!* - Halifax. Pa.. Jan. 29.—The polity holders of the Halifax Fire Insur ance Company have elected the fol • lowing directors: C. P. Scholl. John F. Nace, James M. Hoffman. lienry :K. Shoop. Joseph A. 1-eho. /ohn A. Uawber. llirnian Yeager. A. M. llotT man. James M. Meckley, Ira A. Kjt- , ilers. John H. Warfel and I-awrence if l.ebo. The new board of directors, -le ted these officers: President. Cat- 1 Yin P. School: vice-president. Hiram j Yeager: secretary. G. W. Sliultz: ] 'treasurer. J. A. I.ebo; general agent.: .A. M- Hoffman; executive commit- ■ tee. John E. Nace, James M. Hoff jftan and H. R. Shoop. , MORE i.l x l >ll> \ 11> IPPK AR \rw Hlf,i,mti,9d. PS.. Jan. 28. —Ad- ditional candidates for political of "flces are appearing in Perry county, j XcCleHan Woods, of Wheatfield towq "•slrip. and G. W. Meek, also of Wheat . field townfhip. have announced them selves as candidates for the Repub • I Cyan and Democratic nominations, re- 1 -sjie ctlvely. for County Commissioner, .fames W. Flickinger,\>? Tyrone town \ship. announced himself for the Re publican nomination several weeks ■aft" j. • RE rTINGER-PAULrS ■" Halifax. P. 1 .. Jan. 28 —< n Satur tfat evening Clarence K. Rettinger. -Son of Mr. andxMrs. William H. Ret tinger. and Miss Bessie Paulus. [daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Paulus. were married by the Rev. J. t*' Peagg, pas'vr .of the Trinity Re formed Church. 'APPOINTED MiMiiKR . Ne ltloomtirld. Pa.. Jan. 2V—E. C Pile." of Landlsburg. who has been an I agent of the Mutual Life Insurance Company for some time, has been made district manager of Bucks and 1 .Montgomery,counties, with offices at Tfbylebtowfi. - * ■ IT—Ml——TTnff"~ ! in Ti— - ijuiJuiJULfr Drink as much I as you care for Unlike coffee,which dis agrees with many you can drink as many cups of | Posfum as you care for j with no fear of nervousness, sleeplessness or other appoy | apce to health,for Postup) : is pure and wholesome and J | contains no harmful ele- | meiyt such as -the drug 1 "caffeine", ii) coffee. ; j Your grocer sells Postum. i | i I ' „ „vt~ - , ' r - ii ffi ft aaaaay TUESDAY EVENING, , . Harrisbttrg TELEGRAPH JANUARY 28, 1910 WEST SHORE NEWS | TO NAME MANY NEW DIRECTORS Total wl Sixty Now Members of School Hoards to Ho i Elected in Perry Marysville, Pa., Jan. 29 Many changes wffl be made In the direc-• 1 torates of the thirty school districts of Perry county in the fall elections. 1 In but one of the thirty districts are leSs than two new directors elected. A total of sixty new directors wlji be elected. I-andisburg borough will not elect' a single director this year, no elec-1 lion for school director being held there until the fall of 1921. when four directors will be named. Twenty-seven of the districts will j 'elect two new directors, and the re-i t maining "two,, Rye and Tuscarorai 1 townships, will name of trio of nefr officials. Will Install New Officers: Dr. Jos. Kalbfus to Speak Enola, Pa.. Jan. 2S.—Washington , j Comp 690. P. O. S. of A., have elect- ' :ed the following officers for 1919.1 ■They will be installed at a public! meeting in Bitner's Hall on Monday' evening at S o'clock. A special musical program will be rendered. Prominent men are included among the speakers. Included will be Dr. Joseph Kalbfus. of the Pennsylvania State Game Commission. District President J. J. Hemmer, of Worm leysburg. wilt, have charge of the installation ceremofty. ' Officers to be installed are: Past president. R. M. Adams: president. I Grant Heckert; vice-president. Ed ward Hazzard: financial secretary, ■ H. 11. Minnich: recording secretary, W. K. Burkholder; treasurer, George H. Horning; master of forms. W. H_s- Beers: conductor, Frank Hazzard: I inspector, F. M. Rimer: guard. M. ' L. Miller. CI I VUTAUQI'A TOMORROW Marysville. Pa.. Jan. 28.—Tickets in large numbers have been sold for the Marysville Chautauqua, whichj opens to-morrow afternoon In the! Galen Theater, but the prevalence 'of influenza has limited this sale ♦somewhat. The reserved seat chart i was opened in the offices of the Marysville Water Company this ' morning High-class lectures and entertainments are included on the i program. RESUME BIBLE STUDY Enola. Pa.. Jan. 29.—The relig ious work committee of the Enola P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. will resume its study of the Book of Genesis on Friday evening in the auditoriuffi of the association. TO ENTERTAIN CLASS New Cumberland. Pa., Jan. 28. — 'This evening Miss, Ida. Kreiger will entertain-her Sunday school class at her home at Bellavista. G. A. R. POST TO MEET New t unthcrland, Pa.. Jan. 2S. —- R. F. Eisen>erger Post, G. A. R.. will meet on Saturday evening, February 2. SPEAKS AT ENOLA Enola. Pa., Jan. 28.—Prof. E. A. Stouffer, cf Afbright College. Ann ville. a member of the Anti-Saloon. League, spoke to the members of the Enola Metfiodist Episcopal ■ Church. HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL Halifax. Pa . Jan. 29 —A social w as veld on Saturday evening in the High School auditorium by the Sophomore | class. The evening was spent in playing various games and at a late hour refreshments were served. j Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shover, of ! Shiremanstown, • spent Sunday at j j Winchester. Mrs. Clair V. Miller and Mrs. Mau-i rice Eshleman, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. A. C. Myers, of Mcchaniesburg, and' Mrs. K. E. Abbott, of Harrisburg, were entertained recently by Mr. and . I Mrs. Samuel Drawbaugh and Miss I Thelma Drawbaugh, at their rest- ; dence at ShiremansPptvn, Miss Violet Stevens, of Shiremnns- J town, spent the weekend with her aunt. Miss Affile Diller, in Harris burg. „ Mrs. Mart- Zimmerman, of Shire- , ■ munstown. was a Harrisburg visitor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Moss Rowles and son. Frederick, of Meehanicsburg, | were weekend visitors at the home | : of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; W. K. Rowles, at Shiremanstown. j Mrs. John F. Snyder and her, i daughter. Mrs. William Clouser. of j Shiremanstown.visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of Harrisburg. Mrs. Martin Greenuwalt, Mrs. J Roy D. lioc.h and son. Donald, of i Penbrook. were weekend guests of; Miss Louisb Noel!, of Shiremans town. Mrs. Edward C. Miller, of Shire- j manstown, was a Harrisburg visitor | on Saturday. i Miss Martha Miller and sister. ! Miss Dorcas Miller, of Penbrook, spent Sunday with tl\eir grandpar-1 ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Neb-, inger, of Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erb and i family, of Sporting Hill, spoilt Sat urdav with Mrs. Erb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jacobs, of Shire manstown, Miss Dorothy Zerbe, MiSs Emily ; Zerbe and Lawrence Zerbe. of Spring, l-ake, spent Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. Leon R. of Shiremans- 1 town. Miss Kathryn Zimmerman, of St. John's, spent the weekend yith her sister, Miss Pearl Zimmerman, of; . Shiremanstown. " George I. Fisher, a student at Penn j State, and John L. Bitner, of Dick- I inson law school, spent the weekend ■ with their parents at Enola. Miss Clara Snyder, Miss Leolln Gill and Miss Nancy Bitner, of Enola, are spending several days in New York City. Miss Mary Buttorff, music teacher: in the sehoo's of New Cumberland,' will lead the singing at the Teach- , ers' Institute there on Friday. Jan uary 31. ✓ I Miss Effio Koch will entertain the Eudora Guild at her home in Reno street. New Cumberlahd, Thursday evening. ♦ Charles Ross, sexton of the Baugh ' man Memorial Methodist Church, is ill at his home in Bridge street, New Cumberland. Mrs. Robert Shelly, who spent the past week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Williams, at New Cumber land, has returned to Trenton. N. J. Mrs. J. Grimes Mi ley, of New Cum berland, has returned home after spending a month with her mother in Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. George Ensminger and daughter, Evelyn, have retained to their homes, at Brooklyn, N. Y„ after spending some time with his mother, Mrs. Alice Ensminger, of Marysville. IRBU LARGER Ql ARTKRS Columbia. Pa., Jan. 28.—The Girls' Patriotic League, an organization having its origin during the war. with Miss Ada M. Forrey, a teacher, as di rector. has increased to a member . ship of 150 and the league is now seeking larger quarters, instructions are given every night in the week and a portion of the time "is given to Innocent amusements . FEW HOI SES AT 0U.1.981 HG lHlltthurg, Pa.. Jan. 28.—There is a scarcity of houses here. Practically all the houses have engaged for April 1 and there are still a number' lof applicants for homes. Miners Imprisoned For Two Hours by Coal Rush l.ykens, Pa., Jan. 28.—A number ; of miners were penned In the mines hero yesterday when a string of cais broke loose on the electric slope andi j dashed to tho bottom, tearing out' i thq props and letting loose about littv tons of rock and coal. | The men had been working at the bottom of the slope und had jjjsl. .dispatched the cars to the surface. They were making ready for the re-j j turn of empties when they heard a; rumbling noise up the tracks, they< • immediately sought safety and had' just gotten out of tHe'way when the; volume of debris reached the bottom,' 'j cutting off their exit. They were shut; [up for two hours when they were (released without a scratch. I.ITEKAH\ SOCIETY PROGRAM Liverpool, Pa., Jan. 28.—The Liter- ; j ary Society program for Friday night; , i i.- as follows: Music, orchestra; solo, j \V H. Brookhart: recitation. Ruth i j Foltz; duet. Mr. and Mrs. George I CroW: reading. Mary Mitchell: music.' J orchestra: recitations. Sylvia Weaver; ' and Kern Sptcher: duet. Mrs. J. 1..' i Trympytp and Mrs. Splcher; recita . | tions, Helen Stroup and Pauline Crow: • ] debate. "Resolved, That ISducation I Increases Happiness." affirmative. ' | Mrs. W. E. Tlebel and R. W. Bashore, J and negative, Hobart Brookhart and ■ • j Miss Ruth Long: decision: music, or-' ■. chestra. DIES AT II VI.I. AAI Hnllnm. Pa . Jan. 28.—Geot gi 4 R., i Blessing, well-known retired farmer,] | died at noon Saturday at his home, near here from paralysis. He was] 81 years old, and is surviA'ed by his I'Wife, eleven children, twenty-two] I grandchildren and fourteen great- I grandchildren. The funeral services I were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Suburban Notes , HALIFAX ;! Prof, iiarry Stanny, of Millersburg, • siient Saturday evening with friends. ] Chester K. l.eho has gone to War ren. 0., after a visit to his parents, ' Mr. anjl Mrs. James M. Lebo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver and • two children spent Sunday at Eliza-; bethville. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lentz. of liar risburg, spent Monday at the home of Mr. and "Mrs. James S&iroyer. Melvin G. Sponsler has been eleet ed as teacher of the tlftrd and fourth, •, grade school to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Christine K. Xei /.g to accept a gov . ] eminent position. > Mrs. Harvey Boyer and daughter. Grace Boyer, of Middletown, are . j guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I J. R, Lentz. % Mrs. Sarah Harper and Mrs. John [ Hilbert and daughter, of Steelton. spettt Sunday at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Joseph Dill . man. .i W. T. Willets spent Monday in . Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Keitn. of Tlar . risburg. spent Sunday at the home i •of the latter's mother, Mrs. Clara . j Westfall. * Lloyd E. "Straw was home from [; Lebanon over Sunday. fc AX NY 11,1.K Albert Gantz. of Philadelphia, was . i the guest of his brother, Charles I , Gantz, for several days. Mrs. George Kinports and daugh j; ter, Bessie, are gusts of relatives at Reading. Mrs. Laura Lens has returned to her home at Baltimore, Md., after I visiting her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. . j Frank Gebhart. Miss Kuthryn Boltz. qf Lebanon, visited . her parents, Mi? and Mrs. William Boltz. Mrs. Eluier Finkenbinder and . daughters. Caroline and Miriam, of . Harrisburg. were guests of relatives ] here on Saturday. [ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sebmuck and children, Sidney and Pauline, spent Saturday at Lebanon. Mrs. S. Elizabeth Henry is visiting friends at Lebanon. \ Reno Keibler. who enlisted at the .(outbreak of Avar, returned borne on Thursday. \A 11.1.1 A A! STOW V Enoch Morgan, aged 7 years, son of ! William Morgan, contractor, died at bis home from influenza. Flis par ents and a brother are seriously ill j Avith the same disease. Miss Helen Durbia and Miss Marion Durbin are spending y few weeks in ; New York CUV j William Lelghtnfcr, of Harrisburg, ] spent the weekend with his mother, i Fred Koenig and children, of Rend i ing. spent Sunday with his parents, I Mr. tind Sirs. Wtliiam Koenig. I Mrs. Thomas Jamej returned homo I from Sunbury Avhere site spent some j time with Harry Mutchler. Mrs. Charles Evans, of Kenovo, re ! turned home after a brief visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Megget. of Camden. N. J.. attended the funeral of his sister. Mrs. Lizzie Bast on Sat urday. Mrs. R. A. Chpster anil daughter. Mrs. Harry Matter, are visiting Mrs. John MeCollum, at Wilmington. Miss Mary Kendrick, of Pottsville, spent a few days AVlth her aunt, Mrs. ■ J. T. Hughes. The liev. If. E. ,Baner. of Tremont. I spent Sunday here. DIM.SiII RC Lieutenant Ralph Crab ill, son of the Rev H. A. Frabill, pastor of the I'nited Brethren Church. arrived home Saturday, lie'bad been in ac tive service with the Aviation Corps on the Western Front for four i months and on the last day of the 1 war had a narrow escape from three ; German planes. j- R. 11. Middletnn. of Roiling Springs, traffic solicitor of ti)e Cumberland Valley Railroad, spent Saturday in town looking after the interests of the company. Ray K1 ugh. son of S. H. Klugh, is home after being mustered out of service. MJM.KKMTOW Y Mrs. W. D. Bollinger lias returned home after visitiifc her sister, Mrs. C. A. Pike at Washington. A. H. I'lsh Avas a visitor in Harris burg on Saturday. Miss Zelia Cathcart, a student of Irving College. Mechanlcsburg. spent Sunday at her home here. The Rev. V. T. Xearhoof tvas a re cent visitor in Harrisburg. Millerstown school have re-opened after being closed for several weeks because of the influenza epidemic. John Fish spent the weekend with James Kipp in Harrisburg. Adam Hoiinan lias gone to Slate College to attend school. Dr. L. S. Howard and family, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday with Mrs. Catherine Wright. Miss Reheccu Weimer, of Newport, visited friends here on Sunday. Miss Margaret Bollinger spent the weekend with friends at the Millers vlile Normal School. I.IYERI'OOI. Miss ElPn Murray is visiting with relatives in Harrisburg. Charles I. Barner, who Is employed in DelaAvare* City, and Hi-tice Barner, who is employed in Harrisburg. are visiting here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs J. I. Barner. W, H. Hebel spent Monday in Ifer shey. Mr. and Mrs. liarry Ileckard and daughter, Isabel, of Xewporl, were recent visitors at G. W. Crow's. Cumberland. Valley News HAS TAUGHT S. S. CLASS 29 YEARS Mrs. M. K. Sullzubcrgcr Pre- 1 scntcri With Church Hvin f nal at Anniversary MRS. M. K. SFLTZABERGER llechnuicMhurg, Pa.. Jan. 27.—1n honor of het; twenty-ninth annlver-1 Sitry as teacher of the "All at Work" : women's Bible class in the Church of Rod Sunday school, Mrs. Morris Iy( Sultzaberger was presented yester ' day by members of the class with a I] huge basket of carnations and a beautiful flexible-back church hym- 1 nal. The presentation speeches ■ were made by Mrs. Edward Sehlcl and Sirs. .Chester 13. RUlnebart. Mrs." Si. S. Anderson, the oldest member 'c.of the class, also spoke. Unveil Photograph of Chambersburg Officer Clmiiiboi'shuig, Pa.. Jan. 28. Ai handsome portrait of, Second Lieu-; ' tenant Philip Kvans Kriechbaum of j this ilace, who was killed in action j i in France while leading his com- , pany in the Argonno Forest on Oc tober 2. 1918. was unveiled by King! ■Richard Pommandery Xo. 14 7. t Knights of Malta, during a memorial ] i; service held in honor of the mem bers of t"he lodge who died during . i the past year. i t Lieutenant Kriechbaum was In j command of Company 112 th In-; i fantry, which is composed largely' • of boys from this place and Harris- j burg, in the absence of his two ; ! brothers. Captain Roy R. Kriech baum and Lieutenant J. Ritner ' Kriechbaum." who were in a hos pital recovering from wounds at the I time of the Argonne Forest battle. f Lieutenant P. Kvans Kriechbaum .'was a past commander of King Richard eommandery. Knights of • .Malta. Seven other members of this I I eommandery died during 1918. Claim to Have Receipts For Electric Co. Bonds t'airlisle. Pa., dan. 28.—Interest in the action of the Big Spring Elec trical Company,"of Newville. against Kitzmiller Brothers, of Shtppens burg, who it was claimed failed to i make payment for SJO.Ono in bonds sold to them, has been increased by | the statement of the Shippensburg ! men, who elaim in reply that the i entire amount subscribed -was paid ] ; "and that they hold the receipt of ; the treasurer of the company fori this sum. The amount involved isi slightly more than $45,000, the Xeivyille utility cqmpanw claiming i 1 that only about $4,000 was paid fori tlie bonds in question. An early j , hearing in the case will be held. ; Cumberland License Court Has but Slight Interest' 1 Carlisle. Pa., Jan.' 28.—Oumber | land county license court opened I this morning with slight interest' | taken, the dry order for July 1 hav-j ling caused fewer remonstrances j I than usual to be entered. There i I were twenty applications, all of the I I holders last year requesting permis-] j sion to sell for the half year. A re- ! I monstrance against the Failed ! .Stales JLnel at Mount Holly Springs I was tiled and some argument took ] place. Judge Sudler has held the| | cases under advisement. The bounty i j license year closes at midnight on' 1 January 31. KIKE CO. I*l.A Y IS SL'CCESKX Mcclinuli >liul'K, Pa., Jan. 28. —An r | other crowded lipase greeted the performers in J the humorous play • entitled "Scenes al the Fnion De pot," which wae repeated last night ,in Franklin Hall, for the benefit i of the Citizens Fire Company. i —„ —. I OVER-ACIDITY of the stomach has upset ; many a night's rest. If your stomach is acid- ! disturbed, dissolve two or three Ki-MOIDS on the tongue before retir ing and enjoy refreshing , sleep. The purity and goodness of Ki-moids guaranteed by SCOTT & BOWNE I MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION RENDERING PLANT: IS NOT WANTED j Citizens of Near Waynesboro j Sign Petition of * Protest Waynesboro. Pa., Jan. 2S. That! | rendering plants for the purpose of! • tuJiiuK care 01 dead horses and other | [animals in this section are not popu j lar with the people is attested by an I j advertisement appearing in a local I j paper, signed by many farmers, op-' i posing the establishment of such an i industry in their midst. Fifty-five residents of Wayne Cas tle and nearby state that they will I take legal action to prevent the' plac ing of such a plant in their locality if it is in any way a nuisance or disturbance to the comfort of their homes, or endangers the value of i their property. Several such plants! ■have been in the courts recently-; | from Greencastle. and the residents I of Antrim toWnship, north and west id' Waynesboro, want to guard | against the experience of Grecnens- ! tie residents, wljo have opposed the j continuance of the industry' there. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Strock Celebrate Golden Wedding Mcclianiexburg. Pa , Jan. 29.—Mr. :and Mrs. A.. Gregg Strock, 421 South I Frederick street, celebrated their j fiftieth wedding anniversary on Sun ! day with a dinner to their children | itifd friends. They were the re cipients of many pretty gifts and of many congratulations The guests i included: The Rev. J. "Russell Buclt | er, Mr. and Mrs. O. 11. Aulthouse., i daughters Ruth and Viola and son ! Roy: Miss Celestia Strock. Carl strock. Mrs Catharine Baker. Mr. jand Mrs. W. F. MeFadden, all of Meehanicsburg: Mr. and Mrs. George N. Kauffman and daughter, j Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K. Snyder, of New Cumberland: Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Haulman, of Harris ] burg ,nnd M r. and Mrs. A. G. Strock. A letter from Frank Strock, a son in the I nited States service in France, reached his parents on the morning of the anniversary. Dl lis AT AlKt II ANICSIH RG * .Meehanicsburg". Pa., Jan. 28. Benjamin Titzel. yvlio for many years j was a resident of Silver Spring ] township, died at the home of his aunt, Miss Salonie Titzel. on Sunday night from heart trouble. He was aged 53 years and is survived by i two daughter. Mrs.. Norman Books, of Linglestown. and Mrs. Raymond , Painter, of Middletown, and one ; brother. John 1 K. Titzel. The funeral services will be held !-at Miss Titzel's home, 313 East Main ; street. Meehanicsburg, on Wednes- I day afternoon at 2 o'clock, conduct ed by the Rev. Dr. T. J. Ferguson, pastor of Silver Spring Presbyterian j Church. Burial will be at Peace I Church Cemetery. w . Ki-:.u ■" Willi;":!.: ! <nililiiiliiilii::Mii:iii:ii:iiiiuiiiiiii:i,ii.iiiii!i 1 inilMllllM : 'i: ,|i milll UllimriHlllluiOlli Mi "sB ' i: '> 'iiiinijiii'i f til 28-30-32 North Third Street 111 Exquisite Style and Superb Quality Developed by the deft hands of the skilled worker Characterize our complete assortments of gfsjjf % High Class Underwear for Women The taste of the American woman for charming Xj&jr • . lingerie has risen in proportion to her desire for outer modes of the type which is distinguished for !p beauty of design and quality. Every woman loves dainty clothes -r- and natur- • X&k' /T jl* !|j§ /ally so. kjawn j \ j|j It is, indeed, with a sense of deep ill pride that we point to our Underwear .... U J H ||| Department as the service that will , / s§sj glj meet the demands of every woman, *• / however modest her purse. / I For after- all, good underwear is [ J the most economical. And at the jj |p| same time the desire for pretty things is gratified. y If for only inspection, we welcome you to visit this fascinating depart ||| ment. Perhaps there are many things here you do not know about and will be happy to find. g-j Particular Attention is Directed to Our Comprehensive and New Lines of \AYSER'S ITALIAN SILK UNDERWEAR iip . |ll Envelope Chemise, $3.50 to $5.50 Vests, $2.00 to $3.50 Bloomers, $2.95 to $4.90 Camisoles, $1.25 to $2.50 Union Suits, $3.50 to $3.95 Philippine Hand Embroidered Muslin, Voile and Nainsook UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR if! 1 • i !|p'. Gowns, $2.95 to $5.50. Gowns, $1.25 to $2.95. Envelope Chemise, $2.29 to Envelope Chemise, $1.75 to Hi $3.50. ' $4.75. in t - v inthliMlM <u >m J* ■ Nil N II Ih% hM ilkßUMMHWlltldfaaißßWilitHllilHtHli'lUWHill.MßUtl 'UiillH' MS J ■ illnß,, IDS.WIiMIBaMI a aJMt •* mmmmmm n■ me m'# - aww m , wmmwmm • Picture of Mercersburg Girl, Given to Missing > Soldier, Is Returned| [ Chambersbiirg, Pa.. Jan. 29. |) Photographer lleidwohl, of lingers-! ( town, received a photograph from t I France with a letter front Corporal j. I Carlyle Earp, Seventy-ninth Division i | Meadquurtors, who found the pio- j | ture on Hill 378 and sent it to the major for identification, it proved j to he the likeness of Miss Khuannu I Huwbaker, of Mercersburg, who I gave it to a soldier boy friend who | ' may have been killed, as lie lias not | ! been heard front since the armistice, j PRIVATE IN MOTOR COUPS I PREACHES IN THIS CITY I < 'linmbcrsburg. Pa.. Jan. 2S.— j The Rev. C. ft. Oarlin, a private in an army motor truck company] ! which spent. last night here, j preached a strong serntop in King| ] Street United Brethren Church at j •an evangelistic meeting. He was i pastor of a Methodist church inj Dresden, Kan., when lie enlisted. | BARNS BURNED Waynesboro, Pa:, Jan. '2 B.—The. fire companies of this city were | summoned to a fire in the large; ! stables belonging to Daniel Stoneri and tenanted by Harold (•(ton. Sun-1 I day evening. The roof of the build-j ing was burned off and a large quan-! lily of corn fodder and hay was de-1 ! stroyed and damaged. The loss is placed at $l,OOO. • j i EIRE COMPANY'S FAIR Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 28.—The! Mechanics Fire Company, this city, i j will hold its annual fair and bazaar ; ; in its hall, beginning on Saturday night, February 8, and continuing every night until February 22. INYESTM. VI E APPARATUS Chatnbersburg, Pa., Jan. 28. Councilnten W. M. Rupert and G. Edward Miller and Borough Engi neer Horace G. Kilmer have gone to Chicago to IooIT for- apparatus for street cleaning. EX-SHERIFF GREEN A WALT ILlii ! Chumltcrsltiirg, Pit., Jan. 28. — I Samuel G. Greenawalt, former eher-1 jiff of Franklin county, is seriously; ill at his home here with an attack of influenza. Mr. Greenawaltgis a member of the borough council. DISCHARGED FROM ARMY Marietta. Pa., Jan. 28. Lieutenant Herman L. Brandt, of Marietta, who was among the first of the river bor- j ough's young men to answer the call to arms, has been honorably dis- ! charged from service. We even trade homes on "Fords.] i Baekenstoss Bros., Real Estate. Russ I ; Bidg. I Day and Night School DIAIJ 4IO ENTER ANY TIME belt. 125 Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE IHE OFSICE TRAINING SCHOOL. 121 MARKET STKEE'I HAM) KI/ECTS \\ icon Geo, Pa.. Jan. 28.—At meet lap: of the Wiconisco Viand, t following officers were elected: 1 rector, Theodore Gordon; lend John P. Page: president, Sana tloover: vice-president, George Gitlings; secretary, Percy Kratzi treasurer, William Daniels. | The Best Cough Syrup Is Home-made W Herr'n an eiwy way to MT ft, and g r f t have the beat rough remedy g you ever tried. You've probably beard of this we known plan of making cough syrup home. Rut have you ever used ' When vou do, you will understa why thousands of families, the woi over, feel that they could hardly ke house without it. it's simple a cheap, but, the way it fakes hold a cough will quickly earn it a p mnucnt place in voiir home. Into a pint bottle, pour ount of I'inex; then add plain granulat sugar syrup to-fill up the pint. Or, desired, use clarilied molasses, hopi or corn svrup, instead of sugar svri Either way, it tastes good, net spoils, and gives you a full pint better cough remedy than you coi buy rftidy-made for three times cost. It is really wonderful how quid this home-made remedv conquers | cough—usually in 24 hours or less, seems to penetrate through evcrv i passage, loosens a dry, hoarse or tit ] cough, lifts the phlegm, heals the me branes, and gives almost immcdii relief. Splendid for throat tick hoarseness, croup, bronchitis and br< chial asthma. I'inex is a highly concentrated co pound of genuine Korwav pine extra and has been used for generations : throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment ask yc druggist for "2't ounces of Pine with directions, and don't accept at thing else. Guaranteed to give ah lute satisfaction or moncv refund The Pinex Co., l>'t. Wayne, Ind. r You R only protection is an accurate scale. Guess work has no place in modern business. FAIRBANKS SCALES HENRY GILBERT & SON 400 SOUTH SECOND ST., Hariishiii-g- < I'enna, 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers