With Best Wishes For With Best Wishes For A Merry Christmas " A Merry Christmas ' j_ , A \ JEI.I. 1001—2350 I'XITEO HA It lUSIHJ lUi, TUESDAY, DECEMIIEH 24, IUIB. * , FOUNDED IOTI This Store Closed This Evening n.as Eve at Home >' Values in This Sale f ' % —Jy 4 ' ' 1 Begin Thursday, Day After Christmas j At the close of business to-day we record the most successful season in the history of this ! |j store. To those who have helped to make it so by indorsing our merchandising methods by mS&gjb' ' f ,iy' i' \ " their liberal patronage, we owe a debt of gratitude. To the loyalty of our employes, who by jj j ! A MR. JS \ ' their courtesy and intelligent service have co-operated to the fullest extent to carry out the pol- §§§ , i icy of this store, we attribute that good will which manifests itself in kindly expressions by the \ [ P u blic for a large business organization such as this. 0' || Blpf " / { > |/I In recognition of the immense volume of business with which we have been favored we [j Ty j lIpIfIIh may as well wipe the slate clean by closing out the remaining stock of winter merchandise at \ price concessions that close out the garments quickly, as we do not wish to carry any outer \ flgPifjk r apparel over from one season to another. Wititer has scarcely begun and you will have months v ' I^ll of good wear out of these stylish garments, which reflect intelligent selection. || i j| | replete l' and Plush. You seldom see such fine T\ S"* 1 T\ 1 1 5 reduction offerings. The best of the coats sold for such low prices. I I _ f x. I _ U ! I season s productions are here, reduced Vou could hardly have expected" to UreSSeS VjEeatly IX CdUCC CI j! buy such good Coats for such low prices t tone, Broadcloths, Oxfords, Tricotincs —right in the heart of the season, too, Reductions that will convince you of Bowman's supremacy in value-giving. A sale of such wonderful —plain tailored or profuse!. trimmed t J when they are most wanted. Come at opportunity for selecting Dresses in modes which represent everything new and good for the past and pres- ones. No matter which suit vou select, once and save! cut season. The materials are in great variety and the colorings are simply beautiful. An inspection will whether a $29.50 or the better grades^ Remainder, of Coat stock, in all the reVCa ' ' USt ' hC DreSS yOU have wished for at a ™ ,si " K h ri l> ',° tlle . "? ost exclu ' handsome materials and colors of the ? Ive nioc ' e ' s at ?2:>o, the su 't ls your at season; values from $75 to $265, at j, ■ - ' ~ ust One-Fourth Off • ffiSk One Half Price BOWMAN'S—Third Floor BOWM '^^ Thlrd Floor | ■ /M-rf All D ark Suit Blouses j {jl A OU At one ™ rd °ft I■ ■ !M- 'm \ T1 5 | ! When a sale Is announced by the Waist Department it meets with ready j 7 w i A Vf I T \ response by the women of this community* The reputation for fine blouses is y . backed up by the appearance of the display as one steps off the elevator on the \ \ \\ third floor, f/f \\ , I ' The day after Christmas, from coast to coast, women expect reductions at # y \ j clearance sales. This department has therefore included ail dark suit blouses at one-third off regular prices. Ali the newest models and shades in self colors and t 11 attractive combinations, in navy, taupe, brown, green, grey and black —one- All burs • third off. At One Fourth Off • , . .... . , At very special reductions we offer one /? poiJ JHV P riCP Reduced Pen Per Pent I voile, batiste, linen, dimities with lot of voile waists that have become slightlv ' ® lace and embroidery trimmed, also soiled. These are lace and embroidery Entire stock of serge, satin, poplin, broad- Tliat is an important announcement consid- trilled, hrgh and low necks ; large square tucked, with high or low collars, very spc- cloth and novelty plaid skirts included in this ering that we sell the finest qualities, care- a tuxedo collars. Special at c j a [ a j- ' sale. Skirts that sold from $6.50 to $35.00. fully chosen from reliable furriers, The finest *-% jr* . A big stock of finely tailored skirts, including furs in sets und pieces. Every piece offered V / 7 dX the most wanted models is on sale at one is of a reliable quality, which will give splendid %fj • i / j • JL fourth less than the prices that prevailed only service and entire satisfaction in every wav. a month ago. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S —ThlrC Floor \ t BOWMAN'S—Third Floor 1 *| TUESDAY EVENING. HAJRRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 24, 1918. 3
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