4 HOME BEFORE NAME APPEARS IN CASUALTIES Private Craig Tells How Shell Blew Up Little * Party How he was wounded while re turning from the support lines In company with three other soldiers Is carried in the afternoon's casualty which killed the horse which he had Just been riding, but which he had dismounted on hearing the shriek of the missile from a howitzer, was graphically told to-day by Private Carroll P. Craig, 1702 North Second street. Craig, who is a member of the Headquarters Company, 108 th Field Artillery, arrived home for Christ mus on a short furlough. His name is carried in this afternoon's casual list. and he hail the unique experi ence to-day o.t' having himself of ficially reported "severely wound ed" while sitting in his own home. "I had been on the lines only three and a half days," said Private Craig, ,"when I received the wound In my loft leg. We were located in the town of Chtry, about two and a half to three miles from Flsmes. August 18, the day I was wounded, we find been on the support lines, backing up the infantry about a Utile or more from their lines. Shell Explodes Nearby "In company with three other sol diers, one of whom wus a lieutenant. 1 was going back to the kitchen to get something to eat. Wo were all riding horses and there was also a wagoner driving two horses on a supply wagon. The first intimation 1 had that something was coining our way, was the low, mumbling sound ol' a shell iired from a howit zer. "It is possible to tell how near these shells will fall by the pitch of their shriek. At first they begin like a whisper and increase to a high pitch. Bjf a little experience one can tell about how near they are coming. The howitzer shall travels only about 900 feet a second, while sound travels 1,125, so it is possible to literally 'hear them coming.' The shriek of this particular shell was getting too high pitched to suit me, so I dismounted. "In a moment the thing broke among us, not more than twenty five feet from anyone. My horse was killed and 1 was wounded in the calf of my right leg and gassed slightly from the high explosive. The lieutenant came out with a shatter ed hip, and the horse, which was killed, in fulling, broke the lieuten ant's other leg. One man was killed outright and the others were wounded 1 called it a narrow escape and have since been glad many times that 1 got off my horse." To Be . Instructor Private Craig landed in the United States November 9. He will be in this city until Saturday, when he will return to the service. He is too act as instructor in the curative school for crippled soldiers at Rahway, N. J„ the general hospital No. 3. Private Craig was formerly a mem ber of the Governor's Troop. Private Harry Kenard Flshman Is also officially reported in this aft ernoon's list. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Fishman, 22 North Fifth street, and- a member of Com pany D, 112 th Infantry. An account of Private Fishman's injuries ap peared in the Telegraph recently. He was wounded July 20, and sev ral weeks visited his parents on a furlough. The only other Harrisburger re ported to-day is Sergeant James Alton, who is reported severely wounded. The nearest of kin given In the list is Mrs. Ella Brenisholts, 1317 Liberty street. Others from the vicinity of Har risburg whose names are carried on to-day's lists are Private Charles F. Dinkel, died of disease, Colum ,bia; Lieut. Donald McClure, wound ed severely, Danville. Women Railroad Workers Come Under State Law Attorney General Brown to-day Informed Walter McNichols, acting Commissioner of Labbr and In dustry, that where the Pennsylvania railroad or other railroads now be ing operated by the United States government desire to employ vrom n as lever operators or In "an; ca pacity upon hours other than those expressly stipulated In the female labor law," that he should take up the matter with the State Industrial Board, which has authority to modi fy labor laws in certain cases. This board, he suggests, can arrange mat ters so that women may be em ployed at hours satisfactory for their service and in harmony with the Pennsylvania law. Mr. Brown holds that "laws lim iting the hours and regulating the method of employment of women ire well within the domain of the police power of a state and have somniended thomselves to modern thought as essential to the public welfare," adding, "we shall only sur render full control over the subject when Congress acts specifically upon this precise question or the courts sonstrue the existing law to that effect." It Is also held that the Pennsyl ranla act "is not regulatory of com merce and only affects the same in eldentally where women are em ; ployed." Master Bobby Goodman Gives Dollar to Poor Being strongly Imbued with the Christmas spirit, afthls time. Master Bobby Goodman, of 2307 Hoffer street, wanted to do some good for the poor children of the city. So he wroto the editor of the Telegraph a letter In which he enclosed a one dollar bill and stated that he desired that "some poor little child is made hap pier by Us use." The dollar was turned over to the Associated char ities. MRS. CI.AHA E. POIST Mrs. Clara E. Poist, aged 73 years, imong the oldest members of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, died sarly this morning at her home, 1813 North Sixth street. She is survived jy the following children: Mrs. John R. Huttcr, Enola; Mrs. Carrie M. Reynolds, Mrs. S. M. Watt, Herslmy; D. F. Poist and A. A. Poist, Harrls burg. Mrs. Poist was active in church ind religious work and had a host of Irlends. Funeral services will be herd Friday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. Bur ial will be made in tho East Harris •urg cemetery. TUESDAY EVENING, 1 ' GO YOU KHOW WHY - - - Rich Uncles Live So Long? e; Fisher . . I 1 - % I !_ 1— Ul II I 1.1 l (TjNCLE JftKE IS J ( HE. MUST HPN.E f NOu 1 \ I™} ' B £ Z ( NOUR UhCli) , . . . ;SICKNOU^N ? WpOO.OOO fcuCKS HIS FfWORtTE \ 1 ;P)\ HPsS THE] UllM- RE I SV. . | >—. . j 1 " —— ' i JO YOU KWOW Wi Y - - - isiiateuf Gardners Always Fail ? By Fisher [SSFI i gssi | sun r, PFALLTI TT ( \<sw r m VT> v —"— V__-__J I,sk_LJ1 ,sk _LJ overt some s if) vMKKr . o < ™ n^22s£' vgmq, ' Uf c mp4£[f • . • MKrrk # #.•# . -O" * Saiy? f© -. - 1 ■ / MAN CHARRED AS BOMB PLOTTER IS TAKEN BY POLICE Wife, Who Says He's Guilty Later Regrets Her Accusations Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 24.—Dom inick Costerella, charged by his wife with having been responsible for the bomb outrage which wrecked the Chicago federal building and with having made and placed the bomb which wrecked the Milwaukee police station a year ago last November, costing ten lives, has been arrested in Lancaster, Pa., according to word received here last night. Last night Mrs. Costerella, in tears and a panic for fear the Italians of the colony will end her life, de clares that when she made the charges against her husband she was only trying to make the police find him by filing tho mos tserious charge against him that she could dream. Others whom th ewoman accuses of having been associated with him in these crimes, as well as in several murders and robberies, are being held by the police to face Costrellp. when he is brought back from the east. Back of the arrest, according to the police, is the manner in which a woman, deserted, played Nemesis, and finally in revenge, caused the arrest of her husband for having deserted her and her baby. Tlfc fololwing charges were made by Mrs. Costrelia: That Dominick made and placed the bomb which killed nine patrol men and one woman at the police station. November 24, 1917. That he did this in hope of kill ing Detectives Paul Weiier and Al bert (Tcmplin, who arrested and secured the conviction of his brother, Bruno Costerella, 25 years old, on a charge of white slavery. Bruno Costerella was convicted and sen tenced to four years at Fort Leaven ' worth, November 2, 1917. That Costerella's brother sent the! bomb which wrecked the Chicago' postoffice from Duluth, Minn., to! Chicdgo, an dthat Dominick, her I husband, was implicated in the! affair. CITY ADVANCES IN RED CROSS CAMPAIGN [Continued from First Pago.] llamsport, Scranton, Wllkes-Barro and Allentown are not within "l|lg gun" range of the Harrlsburg total, and Chairman Francis Farquhar, of York, last night complimented the local workers on their excellent showing. "Considering tho fact that the war Is over and that numerous people could not be Interested," said Chair man William Jennings this morning, "Harrlsburg has ' done fairly well. But, while the city and the district have 'carried on' excellent for eight een months, it seems to me that it should be possible to 'carry on' three or four months more, and i trust the flow of new memberships will not cease for some weeks to come. The Red Cross needs every one's hejp." Red Cross headquarters to-day ac knowledged receipt of a check for 3110 from Athens George, represent-' ing contributions from the Palace candy store and -tire Victoria Theater. mm WAD BY GALE |||3| • PRESIDENT TO TALK TO YANKEE SOLDIERS [Continued from First Page.] be given by Premier Lloyd George for the banquet which was to have been given at Lancaster House on Saturday night means that it will be a much sm&ller and more intimate gathering, the President meeting only a small body of them from the Imperial War Cabinet. To Drive With King It has been decided that Mr. Wil son wil? dine with King George at Buckingham Palace on Monday evening. The "Belgian suite" in Buckingham Palace which the Presi dent and Mrs. Wilson, will occupy during thcr stay in London, ,'s on the first floor of the palace, facing the garden where King Georg and Queen Mary reviewed the American doctors and nurses soon after the United States entered the war. Prob ably one of the most furnished of the seven rooms com prising the suite is the "Spanish room" which is intended for a dress ing room. On cither side of the handsomely decorated fireplace there; stand remarkable Buhl cabinets. I These and other cabinet in tho room, of ormolu and silver of antique de sign, are considered of great value. Paris, Dec. 24.—Prt?sident Wilson's plans for visiting American army; heHtlquart€:rs at Chaumont and then proceeding to England are complete.; He will leave Paris late to-night and i will not return until New Year's Day. ! His movements while he Is with the j army, which were at first entirely, in the hands of General Pershing, | have been changed in one respect, i Mr. Wilson insisted upon taking : Christmas dinner with the troops and j eating from a mess kit with the sol diers about him. He will have formal dinner with General Pershing and his officers later. After reviewing the troops tho President will deliver an address, Leaving Chaumont late on Christ mas day, tlie President will travel by military train to Calais, whore he j will arrive the next morning. He t will cross the channel by the short-! eßt route, leading at Dover and go-. Ing directly to London to begin a round of engagements and confer- ' dricts which will occupy his time until : the following Tuesday, when ho! leaves for Paris. On tho d.iy of his arrival In Eng- I land, Thursday, December 26, the j President will dine with King George, j For Friday a dinner at the Guild Hall is on the program. On Satur day the President will go to Man chester and on Sunday he will at tend church at Carlisle, his mother's birthplace. Returning thence to Lon don he will lenve for France at noon on Monday, December 30. The President's' immediate party will Include Admiral Orayson and his wife. Miss Edith Benham, secretary to Mrs. Wllßun, and a military aid,! whose name has not been announced, j Visit Paris Sliops President and Mrs. Wileon wentj TIAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH The New Williams Valley Hospital, Willsamstown * , ' The newly-chartered Williams Val ley Hospital in WllUamstown Is a handsome, modern and well equippe d structure. It Is receiving the hearty support of the people of upper end, whose needs it Is de ! signed to meet. It Is very popular w Ith the miners who reside in large I numberp In that vicinity and prevt ously had no hospital facilities near j er than Pottsvllle or Harrlsburg. I shopping yesterday, visit-i ing many of the principal shops dur- j iug a tour of two hours in the een- ■ ter of Fnrls. Both have been about > the city before, tut this was the first i time that hev ventured ino the shop- ' ping disrict together. They walked from the Murat -cst- j deuce down ona of the principal 1 boulevards, going first to u widely- 1 known America., bookstore, wnero Wilson vas at once recog.in.ed. After making several pure.iascs tliere, they went to some shops Urs. Wilson desired to visit. Thoy made; remarkable progress with French clerks, who did not always recog nize them. Few Pnrisiens did know Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, but all Amer icans with whom thu center of Paris now teems, gave greetings, which the President and his wife returned Willi smiles and bows. Gifts Foi* Wilson Si aIT When shopping was finished and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson had accumu lated many packages, an automobile driven by one of the American motoi corps drivers, look them home President uiways leinenibers those who are members < f his Immediate stud at holiday time uad tins year they will -have presents bougme nj Paris- , , Sharp Palled Home William C, Sharp, the American ambasador to France, called upon President Wilson last evening to bid good-by, as he hus been unexpected- ! ly called to America by the severe illness of a brother. He left last nlghi, going to Brent, where ho will sail for New York on a transport. Robert Woods Bliss, counselor of the embassy, will be charge d'af- | faires during his absence. I Our Merchant Marine Lures Many Soldiers Washington. Three hundred ap i plications a day from soldier of the ! selective army Wishing to enter the ! i merchant marine on getting their dis charge, are being leofeived by United States Shipping Board recruiting i agents at army camps, the board re ported to-day. By authority of the War Depart ment the board last week sent a re presentative of the Merchant Marine ; Itecrultlng Service to each of thirty ; cantonments to present to the sol | diers tin re waiting release from mil itary service, official facts unout op portunities fur a career in the Mer ' chant Marine. Many of ilit- responses are from men who followed the sea before being selected for military duty. A majority, however ire from youths v.'lio have never been to sea, but are drawn to a seafaring life by a spirit | of adventure, and a desire to embark I on a career promising substantial r'e i wards. j No actual recruiting of these men I is done at the camps, on behalf of tin Shipping Board, but each appli • mit lor sea service signs a card, giving his qualifications and ago. Af- I ter. Ins diseharge lie will be directed ' to a Snipping Hoard agency for actual ciiiailnient as u sailor. The board expects to obtain by this ' means a large number of American sailors fo rtne new Merchant Marino, as well as youths who may make sea -1 going a stepping stone to life work, as stenmshlp agents or trade repre sentatives. j NATIONAL GUARD IS DISRUPTED [Continued from First Page.] Is to wipe out of existence the National Guard it was organized prior to the war. The opinion, rendered by Bigadier General Samuel T. Ansell, who has been acting Judge advocate general since Major Geenrai Crowder was appointed provost marshal general, to handle the draft, was made pub lic to-day by the War Department. General March, chief of stag, on December 20, asked for an opinion ns to the status of members of the National Guard subsequent to their discharge from the federal service. His memorandum called attention to a digest of an opinion of the Judge advocate general dated January, 1918, in whleh' it was said that when the guardsmen were "mustered out" of the federal service, they would revert to their militia status and also to their status In the Na tional Guard. General Ansell in his decision pointed out that this opinion was based on muster out and not upon discharge, and added: "As a matter of fact, the opinion in the digest in which this sentence occurs holds without qualification that thb draft of a memtfer of the National Guard Into the federal serv ice absolutely discharges him from the militia which includes the Na tional Guard. Furthermore, this of fice has held that a commission in the temporary forces is incompat ible with a commission in the Na tional Guard and operates to cancel the commission in the National Guard. "It is, therefore, the opinion of this office that former members of of the National Guard, both officers and enlisted men, who entered the service by draft under tho Presi dent's proclamation of July 3, 1917, will, when tl aeharged from the fed oral service, revert to a civilian status, and w l lnot revert to their former stutus as members of the National Guard. Reserves Take N. G. P.'s Plata? The opinion at the State Capitol is that Hie eniisylvania Reserve Mili tia, consisting of three regiments of infantry and four troops of caval.ry and organized soon after the Na tional Guufd went Into Federal scr \lee, will become the nucleus of a new National' Guard as a result of the opinion of the Judge advocate general of tho Army. Legislation with this object in view is being drafted. The act of Juno 22, 1917, i creating the Reserve Militia pro vided: "Whenever the Pennsylvania National Guard shall have been re stored to state status or shall be enabled to resume Its state organi zation thereupon the term of serv ice of the Pennsylvania Reserve Mili tia shall cease and determine, sub ject tb tho discretion of the Gover nor as to tho time and manner In which the same shall be mustered out, which may bo either us one whole body as by separate units." i DECEMBER 24, 1918. jr . & 'I To the Patrons and Friends X it | i HOFF I Store | New Cumberland 1 We heartily extend to you the season's greet- A flf ' n ß s with sincere appreciation of your good will ink t' and patronage. |L | We thank you for the decided increase in our business during the past year and most gratefully W 1| wish you A A Very Merry Xmas A and a 'M Happy, Prosperous New Year ,j| 1 THE HOFF STORE I g M. A. HOFF J. FRANK BOUSH & tVWW'/A%WWWW*WWWWWM.W>WiWWWWWMWWW $lOO leeward X / For information regarding the finding of Mrs. Rosa Grand, dead or alive. Disappeared from her home on the evening of December 19. • ABE GRAND, 438 Cumberland St. rtW\MWWW>MW*VWWWWWWWiWWWWWVWtWMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers