16 SENATE SPEEDS ' UP ON THE BIG BUDGET OF 'l9 Smnot and Penrose to Attack the Democratic Plan to Raise Billions Washington, D". 14.—The HAS speeded UP consideration of! TIE war revenue bill. With less than a, dozen members In their seats, miscel laneous provisions of the j signed to raise about tSJJ.OCo.t - L the six billion dollars estimated for r nest year were adopted yesteida. without objection or discussion and tho reading of the entire teat of the Li'l <va.* completed by tho clerks. '"he Senate to-day began work cn i>s principal and controverted tea tm as. Including the Income, war rx -1 p-o.lts. beverage. Inheritance, tn [ ev.ranee, luxury, child ls.bor and postal tax. htf€tiOlA. ai• i.o -v Provi loams approved constitute practically nil of those which are un-j J disputed and Include tho rinan-e I Committee's revision downward cf the tobacco, amusement, admission C'ii j dues, excise cr remiluxury, specie ana stamp tax sections. The Senate also approved the com mittee's action in eliminating taxes on gusolinc, ugprs of motor vehicles, mail order houses and many articles j classed as semiluxurles. Senator Smooth, of Utah. Repub lican. plans an address on the bill s general policies and Senator Penrose, of Pennsylvania, ranking Republican on the Finance Committee, expects to speak Monday, attacking the proposal to fix 1920 taxes. In view of the rapid progress made. Chairman Simmons, in charge cf the bill, expressed increased confidence for early passage of the measure in the belief that the Republicans will not cause great delay in a vote. MUSTERED OUT OF SERVICE Marysvllle. Pa., Dec. 14. —J. Frank Leonard, of Lincoln street, who had been in training for several months in a Machine Gun Officers Training School at Camp Hancock, Ga., has been mustered out of the United States service, and has returned to his Jt° nle here. He had been em ployed by the Commercial Trust Company at Harrisburg. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT New Cumberland. Pa.. Dec. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schenck, of Bel lavasta, announce the birth of a son. Raymond Preston Fchenck, Sunday, December 8. 1918. Middletown Services For Ten-Year- Old Boy Who Was Killed The funeral of Forester William Stotz, the 10-ycar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stotz. who was struck and killed by an automobile n°nr his home on Tuesday evening, was held from the parents' home in East Main street this afternoon with services at 2 o'clock. The Rev. <>. M. Kraybill, pastor of the Church of God. officiated. Burial was made in the Middletown cemetery. The pallbearers were: Ar thur Coble, James Young, Aaron Brlnser and William Dolson, play mates of the boy. The T. J. K. Club met at the home of Miss Oma Lutz. East Emaua street, last evening. After the business ses sion. a social hour was enjoyed. Re freshments were served to the fol lowing: Mrs. C. Lloyd Lindeniuth, Mrs. Raymond Gilbert. Mrs. Roy Meek ley. Miss Roma'.ne Kennard, Miss Charline Flshel, Miss Ruth McNair, Miss Agnes Mackley, Miss Verona Keiper. Miss Erma Brenneman and Miss Oma Lutz. The funeral of Mrs. Aaron Door man was held from her late home in fchippen street. Royalton, on Thurs day afternoon, with services at 2 o'clock. The pallbearers were: Hom er Poortnan. Harry Poorman, Samuel Brown, sßylvester Schuler. Paul Gep hart and Jacob Engle. Burial was made in the Middletown cemetery. The Big Five bowling team, cf town, will play the Klizabethtown team at the latter place this evening. The large triple combination auto liretruck which may be purchased by the borough officials and toward which the Rescue t Hose Company agreed to pay $2,500 was given it test at the corner of Race and Miller streets this afternoon by the Denbv Sales Corporation, of Harrisburg. The demonstration was in charge of Fire Chief George Thomas. The truck was brought to town this morning and taken to the Rescue Hose Company, where it was inspected by many per sons. Captain S. J. Hutchison, who spoke in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Wednesday evening, was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. George I. King. North Union street, while staying in town. Mrs. Charles Hoitrider, of Royalton, was given a birthday surprise party at her home in Canal street. After a social hour, refreshments were served and covers laid for thirty-five people. MiS. Koltrider received many useful gifts. The Methodist Episcopal Sunday services will be held in the Riverside Chapel at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. because of repairs to the furnace. At the morning service the Rev. Sidney T. Cooke, of the American Bible So ciety, in the Army and Navy, will j.reach. There will be no Sunday school session in the afternoon, but those who attend another Sunday school and get a certificate of attend r.r.cc will be given credit for tame, Mr. and Mrs. JaJroli Lockard, bf street, received a letter 'rom son, Frank Lockard, ,vho <s Franco. He was. gassed and is in a hospital. It is stated his con 'on is not serious. lAe meeting of the Mothers' Con gress Circle, which was to meet at the homo of Mrs. D. W. Huntzbergcr, Xortli Union street, last evening, nas been postponed until Monday even ing at the same place. MIDUI.ETOWX CHURCHES First United Brethren—The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier. 11, "The Curse of Moses:" 7.50, "The Story of the Crass." Methodist Episcopal The Rev. JJnir.o3 Cunningham. Services at 10.30 and 7.30 will be held in the Riv erside Chapel. Church of God—The Rev. O. M. Kraybill. 11, "Full Assurance of Hope"' 7,30, "Sclf-Kindlcd Fires." Presbyterian—The Rev. T. C. Mc- Carrell. 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. St. Peter's Lutheran—The Rev. Ful ler Bergstrcsser. 10.45, "The Crown of Righteousness;" 7.30, "Prepare the Way of the Lord." Royalton United Brethren The EeP.v. C. P.. Beidel. 10.30, "The Unseen Power:" 7.30, "Heaven." St. Michael's and All Angels'—The F.cv. Floyd Appleton. Sermon at 4.50 P. M. St. Mary's Catholic—The Rev. Jules Foin. Mass Pt 8 end 10; vespers and benediction, 7.30. • Royalton Baptist—The Rev. George Brown. 10.30 a. tn. and 7.30 p. m. Bbenezer A. M. E.—Tho Rev. A. M. •Flamer. 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. on. SATURDAY EVENING,, Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Lieutenant Walter D. My ere, hav ing been mustered out of the ser vice, Is spending some tlmo with hla parents, Mr. und Mrs. George My ers, near Marysvllle, before ho re turns to Indlunupolis, where ho Is engaged In tho practice of law. Albert Palmer and son. Lloyd Pal mer, Myrtle avenue, Marysvllle, hnvo gone to Camp Grunt, ltochTord, 111., whero they will visit with tho for mer's son. Lieutcnunt Robert Pal mer. Mrs. George Flicklngor, Mrs. Guy Flicktnger und Mrs. Harry Westfall, of Mtuysvlllo, spent Thursday at Philadelphia. Samuel Spldel, of Murysvlle, IN visiting friends at Tyrone and Ai toona. Ttie Rev. and Mrs. Earl Nnuss, of Ohio, are visiting the former's par ents, .'in Second street, New Cumber land. The Rev. Mr. Nauss has been stationed at Camp Gorden, Atlanta, Ga., for sevctul months. Miss Emma Wentz and MTB. lier S| ' Dives, Pomeroy Sc Stewart IS One of Pennsylvania's Greatest Book Stores i !AS happiness and good cheer are best expressed in ar-Msu* • R>U^ tllf! , i i_ i j • t i -4.1 ra K -"Christmas showing, and capable sales people are ready lilg your'listTf Xt buy 3 " UKW&j g and ea S er to serve you. K| Books are a tonic and mental stimulus, so give one < forget soldiers in the hospitals. Ship af- fcpjjij book, at least—many, if you can. Give them to your a. if ter * s arr "i v i n & from overseas, and the Hudson se- l§|| home friends and ask them to pass them on to tlv; CS afC t * lCm cT^^t'^^ea^cr s- *w^ l j'^ ,!r '. n\'^ '"c! !I Y . T * Al ' Ks * ™ u ! trated b . y n Square Classics TREASURE ISLAND, Robert Louis Stevenson, $2.50 Illustrated by , KOBINSON"^C^USOE, KIDNAPED; THE ADVENTURES OF DAVID N. C. Wyeth. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON MS THE STORY OF THE GRAIL, and H' ANDERStIN^'FAIRY-TALES, THE PASSING OF ARTHUR, H. Pyle $2.50 ARABIAN NIGHTS, - the story or KING ARTHUR and HIS KNIGHTS, H. pyie, $2.50 Stories All Children LoveSenGß 1 I THE MTSTERIOUS ISLAND, Jules Verne $2.501 Illustrated by PRINCESS AND CURDIE. I • THE BOYS' KING ARTHUR, Lanier $2.50 jN. C. Wyeth PRINCE E?„a ?^ > ° BLIN ' ! $1.35 KRJM TTT 1 J-I'T'J. GULLIVERS TRAY LLo, f THEPRINCEAND THE PAUPERMark Twain. We SUggCSt that YOU Keep thlSLlSt LFI"rLE ALLIES, Beatrice, Forties Ilobertsmi Hule 81.50 j§f| Colored Illustrations by franklin Booth $2.30 00 " x THE LITTLE WILLFUL PRINCESS, David Cory $1.25 GRANNY'S WONDERFUL CHAIR AND ITS TALES OF FAIRY . p , cVinnninO" Shlvi TOKHOCTmRi *Bb"f2!S Y WOOD.' E.h.i ciii,'is'to, 51S j TIMES, Frances Bronnc. Illustrated by Katharine Fyle $2.50 01 Yjlll JjOOKS aS d SllOppillg TRUE BEAR STORIES. Joaquin Miller SIOO LITTLE BROTHER AND LITTLE SISTER. The Brothers Grimm. . CHILDREN'S STORIES THAT NEVER GROW OLD, J. C01e,.. .>c Illustrated by Arthur Rockham $3.50 EMMA GELLIBKAND Books For Boys and Girls Popular Fiction For Gifts, 60c Popular Poetry For Today ® The Six Little Bunker Series Tom Swift and His Submarine NORTIf OF FIFTY-THREE, Bertrnnd THE SPOILERS. Rex Beach. iii ' Robert Service. By Laura Lee Hope—loc Hoat W. Sinclair. THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS, Har- " . wf.-HAKO ' I Cloth Binding $1.25. A new line of stories for little an Electric the MAJOR, Ralph Connor. old Bell Wright. hvmfs OF A RED CROSS MAN, ' bovs and girls bv the author of m Runa i )ou , t , , . THE BORDER LEGION. Zane Grey. THE CALLING OF DAN MATTHEWS, RHYMES OF A RLD CKUbS iwiv. Lf J 8 i ... To l? Sw,ft and His ireless once TO EVERY MAN. Larry Evans. Harold Bell Wright. JUST FOLKS. "The Bobsey Twins Message MR. BRITTLING SEES IT THROUGH. THE THIRTEENTH COMMANDMENT. A HEAP OF EM. Edgar A. Guest. Six Little Bunkers at Grandma Tom Swift Among the Diamond G Wells Rupert Hughes. OVER HERE. BKg9j hTf 3 „ Hell's Makers TH e INSIDIOUS DR. FU-MANCHU, AUNT JANE OF KENTUCKY'. Eliza- War Time Rhymes, $1.25 per volume. ISefji: Six Little Bunkers at Aunt Jo s Tom Swift in the Case of Ice , v poivprt Hall „ Si 30 Six Little Bunkers at Cousin Tom's Tonj Swift and His Sky Racer PARADISE GARDEN, Geo. Glbbs. CROOKED TRAILS AND STRAIGHT CORNHUSKERS, Carl Sandburg - • wT&SFW Six Little Bunkers at Grandpa Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle JOYFUL HEATHERBY. Payne Ersktne. ' William MacLeod Rame. BALLADS OF A CHEECHAKO, IMM O ? r ,f? Y, , ,Y. , YN Tom Swift inthe City ofGold THE WINNING OF BARBARA WORTH CAPPY RICKS; OR THE SUBJUGA SPELL OF THE YUKON. KHjl ,S|X uttle Bunkers at L nele Freds Tom Swift and His Air Glider Harold Bell Wright. TION OF MATT PEASLEY, Peter B. RHYMES OF A RED CROSS MAN. Ilic IJoy Allies Mithtlic Navy Series Torn Swift and His Wizard Camera Porter. HE RAINBOW. p k^S<?O TT OF SASKATCHEWAN, Har-' Bound in ooxe. or embossed leather. Pocket edition $2.00 each. By Ensign Robert L. Drake—loc Tom Swift and His Great Search- uvA PT oir thp <?ITVSFT RPV Rpach aid Rinrlloss ' The Boy Allies on the North Sea light NEW CHRONICLES OF* REBECCA, FLAAMSTED QUARRIES, Mary E. RHYMES OF A RED CROSS MAN. ||||9 Patrol Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon Kate Douglas YViggin Waller. SPELL OF THE YUKON. . KaaeSa The Boy Allies Under Two Flags Tom Swift and His Photo Tele- TH e LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS, THE PHANTOM HERD, B. M. Bower. , . BALLADS OF A CFIEfcCHAKO, It'- * Jf B Y V AUies ith the Flying phone 2ane GreV- THE HOUND FROM THE NORTH, '„ . fWfW PWSI Squadron Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship THE AWAKENING OF HELENA Rldgwell Collum. Embosed leather or ooze. 12 mo. size. $2.50. Illustrated Holiday Edition, JaUfea The Boy Allies With the Terror of Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel RICHIE, Margaret Deland. ANDRfeYV THE GLAD. Maria Thompson „„ nn(l .. 0 0 05^ the heas Tom Swlft ln the Land of Wontlel ' B MRS. RED PEPPER, Grace S. Rich- - Davies. * _ Kttb.f kALjjg The Boy AUies Under the Sea Tom Swift and His YVar Tank mond. A GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST, Gene ml TTT „ 1 P \7OVY H^ul The Boy Allies In the Baltic Joe Strong Series UNDER THE COUNTRY SKY, Grace S. Stiatton Porter. 1 lIG WOrKS Ol 116111 V *3,11 UyK6 HUBE! M3m rhe Boy Allies at Jutland Vance Barnum—4oc Richmond, THE SECRET OF THE STORM COUN- T: j Theßoy Allies With the Army Series Joe strong, the Boy Wizard THE HARVESTER. Gene Stratton Por- TRY. Grace Miller White. THE RULING PASSION. THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY By Clair W. Hayes—4oe Joe Strong on the Trapeze tor L„,„ ,XT -\y> xi . THE SPUR QF DANGER, C. C. Hotch-, iriq H ERMAN'S LUCK OUT OF DOORb 1N THE lIOLY Iy i Krj The Boy Allies on Lino Hi Strong Leon\vn.son. ' ' _ APE S PER " H OE THE DEVIE ' Ge,trude Ath " DAYS OFF ' ' TiIeHrLUE FLOWER, VA :issr;Ltr sjoest : s rT w :r ttel ' c^ ™ k _ the POEMS OF henry* AN DYKE The Bov Allies In Crpnt Ppril The Mary Jgne Series THE BEASTS OF TARZAN, THE DOMINANT CHORD, Edward Kim- Bound in Cloth. Pocket Edition size M ' a at? The Boy Ames in the Balkan R y Clara Ingram Judson-10c SON OF TARZAN. ball. ' fP | fF Calnna gn Mary Jane—Her Book Edgar Rice Burroughs. "K.' Mary Roberts Rlnchart. m"l J? TV/To vP Hr\x7oin Wfik The Bdy AUies on the Somme Mary Jane—Her Visit THE PATROL OF THE SUNDANCE *HE FORTUNATE YOUTH. WilliamNj. [ W OFKS Ol iVI3rR IW3III PijipM The Bov Allies it Verdun Mary Jane's Kindergarten TRAIL, Ralph Connor. Locke. rfl ' The Railroad Scries T,e Medow ; Brook Girls Series THE Tl^ r al?on°P?rter™ B CARDIXAU ° ene Round In Red Limp Leather. Pocket size $2.00 per volume. By Allen Chapman—4oc ~ „ son Stephens. THE SNOW-BURNER, Uenry Oyen. _ . , ■ -ry l • tMyJ Ralph of the Roundhouse The Meadow-Brook Girls Under a GIRL OF THE BLUE RIDGE, Payne KEPING UP WITH LIZZIE. Irving Tkn Wnrk'Cl HT KllT VEIY KlDlHlQ r Ralph in the Switch Tower Canvas Erskine. Bacheller. lilt; VV U1 IS.O Ui IVUCtJ (XL Ci AVipiiilg. Ralph on the Engine Tl,e Meadow-Brook Girls Across SYLVIA OF THE HILL TOPS Margaret SKINNER'S DRESS SUIT. Henry Irving fi '• ■ '. Ralph on the Overland Express Country R. piper. Dodge. Pocket edition. Bound In red Limp Leather. .... 5..00 per volume. WR, £ igtßjl Ralph the Train Dispatcher The Meadow-Brook Girls Afloat BEHIND THE BOLTED DOOR. Arthur DADDY-LONG-LEGS, Jean Webster. . • ESg.i fJ*?l The Tom Swift Series The Meadow-Brook Girls in the E. McFarlane. SEVENTEEN. Booth Taarkington. rni \\Tfx™lrci ruP PVIOVIOC ni^lraTlCi rnc 'lom Swirt Series HUls THE SILVER HORDE. Rex Beach. THE ROMANCE OF ELAINE, Arthur 1116 VV OFKS 01 L/llciri6D UlLlXtillb . By Victor Appleton—loc The Meadow-Brook Girls by the MOLLY-MAKE-BELIEVE, Eleanor Hal- B. Reeve. !i om 5 W " and Rls Motorcycle Sea , lo well Abbott. THE TURMOIL. Booth Tarkington. .. - Xatio nal Edition. Large type. -ed Limp Leather Binding. $1.23 per gagf ?om Swift and Hls Motorboat The Meadow-Brook Girls on the FILLING HIS OWN SHOES', Henry C. JUST DAVID. Eleanor H. PORTER. 1 , |g|g| lorn Swift and His Airship Tennis Courts Rowland. GREENMANTLE, John Buclian. volume. |Grcen cloth binding, .5c per volume. i |JHH j The Berkshire Poets, $2.00 Cambridge Edition Children's Cloth Bound Books at 25c Toy Books & Linen Books, 5c to 35c ||l| j Bound ln full oozo limp leather; gilt tops; boxed. Mrs. Browning Keats —.— r,,,,. D-d Ridinir Hood Replete with the good old-fashioned stories you KfifeJ Lowell. Longfellow. Burns Pgpg„ read when you were little. f f YVhlttler. Tennyson. Holmes Lowetl Goldilocks and the Three Bears. f UUc one>B A B . C. ' ■ i Thin Paper Edition of Poets, $2.00 Cloth bound— s2.o per Volume Sleeping Beauty _ Baby's Own Book. j Printed on India paper; red under gold edges. ' Robert Browning Byron PUBS in Boots. lley! Diddle, Diddle. , {■r Jam' bound In morocco grain leather; boxed. Shakespeare Wordsworth CCinderella and the Glass Slipper. The Animal A. B. C. A\ ; r /l' YVhlttler Wordsworth Cloth bound—s3.oo per Volume \ Silver Locks and the Three Bears. IMIaA TonSr She.'ley 5 Ravenna Edition of Poets Wonder Reader. iTpple p r ie nd9 ' v nk liobcrt Browning * 1 A- /\pp© *'"■ # " Boxed bound in flexible black leather; gilt edges. Wonder Word Book. The Night Before Christmas. * BSNjj Riley Series Tennyson's °Poems The Toyland Spoiling Book. Big Animal Picture Books. 1 Riley Song of Friendship Oscar Wilde's Poenis Falthriil Friends. RgkjW 5 I Riley Song o* Cheer laingfellow's Poems Tov Books at 10c. 15c. 25c Little People's Animal Book. rj? '. Riley Song of Summer YVhittier's Poems r~r*\ jja Riley Song of Homo Lowell's Poems Hs 1 ri( I ~ . , „ IJt „ , Tov Books 10c IS^H Riley Farm Rhymes * Robert Browning's Poems tP-Ltdv/ Little Red Riding Hood. j vSt&i Lyflcs whUman ' s Poems ........ , Old Mother Hubbard. Bible Stories and Pictures. Bwaf/ Cloth binding, special edition, 60c per volume. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations ■ ■—§ It tjgy 1 Bound In full leather, flexible, blue, $2 each." Hulialyat of Omar Shayyam .... tbe Ran ' ls ' Bible Heroes. ( Ft-Jfcvl q - , _ The Golden Treasury I \ Robinson Crusoe. Pictures and Stories of Jesus. btanciai d Poets Recent War Verse it mS Mother Goose. jack and the Bean stock. In various bindings—Cabinet edition of M 'V. " Y - I w The Three Bears. The Three Pigs. ' .JLEU Tennyson Whittier Over Here, Edgar A. Guest $1.25 i.' zijjf -wift The Night Before Christmas. Clnderctlla. HMm! g urn ? c0 " Red Flower, Henry VanDyke 50c / " ] jj' Jn the Country A." B. C. There Was an Old Woman. Homes Proctor .War Verse, Frank Foxcroft $1.25 T L u , ,„ , ... h ' . iNgKfcx Wg&h cl ° th bound—sl.oo per Volupic Songs From tlic Trenches, a collection brought U Btory of Peter P,gg> ' , Thumb. The Household Edition Illustrated together by Herbert A. Gibbons $1.25 111 l Christmas Time. Sleeping Beauty faTJI -l lie nouseuoia Xbaiuion, Xliuscraueu Sonus or the Shrapnel Shell, Captain C. M. fm ~ T The Little Small Red Hen.. Picture A. B. C.'s. I Bret Harte Holmes Home $1.25 " Adventures of Walter and the Rabbits. Around the World. yjC*yvN Longfellow. YVhlttler BnddyV Blighty, Jack Turner SI.OO A, V JJkKjf?-. Tho Mnete Doll The Nurserv Rhvme Book (fiKll jB&A Stedman Lowell Treasury of YVar Poetry, George H. Clarkfe. $1.25 - tmtrn The Magic Doll. The Nuraery Rhyme Book. Mt&m Tennyson Gilder City Ways and Company Streets, Private Jingles of the Zoo. Animal Stoyy Book. Clotli bound—sl.so per Volume Cparles Divine SI.OO Dorothy's Dolls. Birds of America. ' S j ' . : A " ' "<■ ' tha Shu pp. of WeHsvlllo, are visit ing friends at New Cumberland! Miss Gladys Bltner was hostess for the Shlreinanstown Needle Club at her home In East Main streeti en Monday evening. Mil, Benjamin Krb, of Bhlremans town, visited friends at Mechanies burg, on Thursday, , * Mr. and Mrs. Thaddous Btrayer. of Lewleberry, spent a day with Mr, and Mrs. Charles P, Neblngor, at Shtromonitown. Mrs. J. Howard Reamer, of Bhlre munstown, spent a day recently with her mother and sltors, at M echanicabu r£. Miss Mary Harman, nurse at the Harrisburg Hospital, visited her parents at Shlremnnstown, on Fri day. MINER BDWDCATED BV GAS &tinmokln, Pa., Hoc. 14.—Over coma by gas at the Henry Clay Col liery here. Anthony Eviinoale, aged 10, u contract miner was suffocated. The body was found a short time | later by nnother employe. •RABRISBITRG TELEGHXWH Lloyd George Stands For the Abolition of Conscript Armies the World Over I/oiidon, Dec. Ij,—Premier Lloyd George, In a statement last night en the subject of conscription, said. "On the eve of this important elec tion, which means so much to the country, 1 wish to make it clear be yond all doubt that I stand for the abolition of conscript armies in all lands, "Without that, tho Peuco Con ference would he a failure and u siuim. These great military machines nro responsible for the agony tho world bus passed through, and it would be' a poor ending to any peuco conference that allowed them to con tinue. Any delegate that represents Great Bfltutn ut that confcrenco must lubor to the end I have'stated." Rutherford Men Seek Straight 8-Hour Day Desiring a day of eight consecu tive hour®,* employes of the car shops and roundhouses of the Rend ing railroad at Rutherford met last evening In Labor Hall at 221 Market street, when they drew up resolutions and sent them to R. B. Hußbrldge. superintendent of the mr department of the Reading, They asked that they be granted days of eight consecutive hours with twenty minutes ofT for lunch. Offictuls had offered tho men days on which they would work eight hours with a half-honr oft for lunch, themen not to bo paid for this half-hour. A meeting for the settlement of all grievances will be held next Tuesday cvnlng in the P. and R. Y. M. C. A. Distillery Head Pleads Guilty to Breaking Law IndlaunpollH, Ind„ Dec. 14.—Samuel Gutinann president of the Mountain Distilling Company, of Cincinnati, O, wao lined SI,OOO and costs In the United States district court here yes terday, when he pleaded guilty to shipping liquor from Ohio into In diana, The packages were not label - properly. , One of America t Successful Flyers Lieutcpnpt Walter R. Avery, of Boston, a lending "ace" of tho American Aviation Corps in France. Lieutenant Avery has been awarded two decorations for his daring air victories, which, according to a re cent report, numbered eight, (i(M)D JOBS OPEN > Tho United States civil service \ , -i" "■ EMBKK JVIOi eommlssion announcev the following examinations to be held in this cityi Clerk t commuryial ajtuche (male), January 1,4', 'mlnhpu'n salary for this position in foreign oouhtrien is SI,BOO wllh expenses for travel and subsistence to the place bf employ ment and returnttl pathologist in ce real disease Investigations (male and female), January 7, salaries ranging from $2,500 to $3,000) ap plication papers and further infor mation regarding these examinations may be secured from George S. Mr- Crone, the commission's local rep resentative, room 205, Post Office building. . WHOI.KSAI.H TAX UODUINU Pittsburgh, Dec. 14.—With two men under arrest and warrants issued :or two others, special agents of the in ternal Revenue Department ate in vestigating what seems to be n or ganized effort on the part of prac tically one-tenth of the population cf the mining town of Iselln. Indiana I county, to evade the income 'ax. TWO SOI.THRIM WOVRDED Marietta, Pa.i Dee, IS.—Harvey F. Keoneri of F.llsabethtown, has re ceived word that htff brother. Anaihon Keener) has been severely wounded In France. * Gordon Mcl.anarhan. son of T<Hj Mcl.anaohun, of Kllzabethtown, has liern Injured In France. The War Le j partnient sent the message yesterday, Mclutnachan and Keener were drafty*. men and attached to the infantry. EAT MORE I'EANUTS For your dlßesUon us well as pleasant tasto and the food vale Peanuts are an important Item o, food. Wo have tho now crop of Real Jumbo Peanuts, roasted free> duily, at 2Be per lb. Imperial Tea Co.. 213 Chestnut street. —udv. I.AW RAYS UK MAY RUT , Ghi aeovv, Saturday. Dec. 14.—An drew Uonnr Law announced here that It was unlikely he would he chancel lor Of the exchequer to take tho next tudgct before parliament.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers