Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Pagt TOO JjATK FOR CLASSIFICATION ROOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT—Four furnished rooms, suitable for man and wife. . Hell plume 321. No. 1527 North Third street. AUTOMOBILES AUTO FOR SALE 5-passenger Mitchell, in A 1 condition. Newly painted. A good car at a bargain to quick buyer. Edward W. Evans, 36 North Third street. Bell 1390, Dial 4 3573. FOl: SALE 1917-1914 Ford Tour lugs. $425.00. $325.00. to settle estates. Address Box 11. 6561. care of Tele graph. ONE NEW CONESTOUA TRUCK Covered body. 1.000 lbs. capacity. A bargain. Inquire of Philadtlpniu Quick Lunch. ONE CHEVROLET ROYAL MAIL ROADSTER Beaver's Garage, 632 North street. FOR SALE —5-ton Standard truck. Price reasonable. Mechanical work in A 1 condition. Guaranteed 30 days. Sunshine Garage. 27-29 North Cam eron street. FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring car. in A 1 condition. All good tires with new spare. A private car. Will demonstrate. Call 4912 Bell. FOR SALE 1916 Metz Touring, cue 1916' Maxwell Touring, two 1918 Maxwell Touring Cars. Apply Horst, Lingleatown. Pa ONE trand-now 1918 Chandler Tour ing Car, it. good condition, has been used about tn.-ee months, to be sold on account o-I death. Inquire at Gard ner Cc- Baptictl. Third and Chestnut streets. M At, v ' ' ' ,s< ~ A ' l types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eishmann. Dixey. gDlitdorf. Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schiffman, 22-24-2# North Cameron street. Bell ."i633. FOR SALE Reo Touring car. lxioks and runs like now. Bargain to quick buyer. Buick Roadster. A 1 shape. Bargain tor some one. A. Schiffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron. J BUICK ROADSTER Runs fine; electric lights; new top; $350.90. Horst. Lir.giestown. Pa. — j 3,500 MILE GUARANTEED TIRES 30x3 @512.50 each 30x3 'j @515.00 each 32x3 @ $17.50 each 31x4 @519.25 each 33x4 @s2l.po each 31x1 @523.00. each Also some very special prices on Seconds. : 191$ Appertain 4-passenger car, used for demonstrator, good as new. Special price. 1 1913 Cadillac 5-passenger car, in excellent condition. A bargain. KEYSTONE PALES CO . 108 MARKET STREET. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES HARLEY- DAVIDSON MOTOR . CYH?LE 1913 model; twin cylinder; ' all rebuilt; first class condition, $75. Heagy Bros.. 1200 North Third street, j I HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR- I CYCLE 1917: electric equipped with side car; all rebuilt machine, in first class condition. $275. Heagy Bros., 1200 North Third street. FOR SALE -1918 twin-cylinder, electric equipped, Harley-Davidson Motorcycle. Run about 500 miles. In quire "David Durwaid Davis. 2121 Swatara street. 1916 HARLEY MOTORCYCLE ] side car and tandem, electric equipped. $225.00. Indian Twin Tandem. SSO. Horst. Lingleatown. Pa. j INDIAN MOTORCYCLE— Like new. j Bargain at $i 3.00. Horst, Lingles town. Pa j MOTORCYCLE —1915 Indian Twin 2- speed, with tandem, just overhauled, sso.ou. City Garage, River and Straw berry. FOR SALE One 1918 brand-new Reading standard Electric, with side car; one 1917 Indian, with sidecar; one 1916 Indian, with sidecar. All above machines are in first-class condition, and will be sold cheap, Harrisburg Motorcycle Exchange. 1221 North Sixth street. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER. WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AM) REPAIRS AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works. 80s North Third street. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO.. 1538 Logan St. BELL 4396 J. PUBLIC SALE A FAIR Benefit of Emergency Aid. Sixth Ward, to be held at their Unit Headquarters, 1 422 North Fourth street, December 19. and to continue for three evenings. M. E. Wilson, President; I-. Potter, Vice-President; E. Thomas. Secretary. Admission. 19 cents each evening. LEGAL NOTICES * In the Court of C.onunon Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. Number 57, Commonwealth Docket, 1913. MY third account us liquidator of the Scran ton Fire Insurance Company is before the Dauphin .County Court, with a scheme of distribution to claimants of record. Exceptions may be filed, not later than January 4. 1919. with the Special Deputy in s charge of the liquidation, Thomas B. Donaldson. 33t Walnut Street. Phila delphia, Pa. CHARLES A. AMBLER. Ins. Coni'r (Receiver), Harrisburg. Pa. 1 v NOTICE letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Harry C. Baum, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa..'deceased, having been granted to the urtdersigneil, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment, to MARGARET .T. BAUM. Administratrix, 28 North Seventeenth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion in the Estate of Guiseppe D 1 Lallo having been granted to the undersign ed. all persons owing the said Estate will make payment at once, and those having claims will present them with out delay to / HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, Administrator, No. 16 South Second Street. - - Harrisburg, Pa. SATURDAY EVENING Col. M. C. Kennedy * Sails For America Colonel M. C. Kennedy has sailed Jfroni Brest for home. He has beeip one of the important railroad heads 'j in France during the war and had a j large part in establishing the trans- Iportation facilities so necessary to Jlhe placing of the big American i army on the fighting front. LEGAL NOTICES i NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Fred \Y. Heck (also known as Warren F. Heck), late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to I said Estate are requested to make i immediate payment, and those having j claims will present them for settle ■ ment. AV. M. OOELSBY. 222 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa.. Administrator. | NOTICE Letters of Admlnlstra- ! tion on the Estate of Lerue J., Ellen- i berger, late of Oblrlin, Dauphin Coun- j ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted I I to the undersigned, alt persons indebt- ] til to said Estate are requested to I ' make immediate payment, and those 1 'having claims will present them tori I settlement to ALBERTA ELLENBERGER. I l Or to Administratrix, j i 11. L. DRESS. Attorney, Steelton. Pa. I NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE SIXTH AND TWELFTH WARDS, CITY OF HARRISBURG. j The owners of unregistered proper ties in the Sixth and Twelfth Wards J j of the City of Harrisburg. in accord- j i ance with the terms of a certain part: j of the Act of Assembly, approved 27th June, 1913, Pamphlet Laws of 1913. ' page 568. and Ordinance No. 11, File j j of City Council, Session of 1918-1919, J are hereby notified to furnish within thirty days from the 12th day of De-1 cember, 191$, to the City "Engineer, at | this office, descriptiohs of their re- ' spective properties, upon blanks to be j furnished by the city, and at the same j time to present their conveyances to j be stamped by the said engineer, with- i out charge as evidence of the registry ! thereof. Any person or persons neg lecting or refusing to comply with i tlie provisions of this section for a : period of thirty days after public no- j tice of the requirements thereof shall be liable to a penalty of five dollars. | to be recovered with costs of suit, in ! the name and for the use of the city, as penalties for the violation of city ' ordinances are recoverable." Blanks may be obtained~at the office of the j City Engineer, Room 316 Common- I wealth Trust Company Building, 222 I Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa. M. B. COWDEN. City Engineer. | COURT PROCLAMATION ' WHEREAS, the Hon. Geo. lvunkel, { President, and tlie Hon. S. J. M. Jlc- j M'arrell. Additional Law Judge . of I ] Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses- I i -bona of the Peace, of the Twelfth Ju- j ! dieial District, composed of the County i of Dauphin, having Issued their pre- I ccpt bearing date the 11th day of De- ! I cember, A. D. 1918. to me directed for' holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer I and General Jail Delivery and Quar- ; j ter Sessions of the Peace at Harris- ] • burg, for the County of Dauphin, and : commence the seconfl Monday of Janu- j jat y, 1919, being the 13th day of Janu- I Notice is therefore hereby given to . the Coroner. Justices of the Peace. Al dermen and Constables of said County of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 i o'clock in the forenoon of said'day. with their records, inquisitions, ex aminations and their own reniem- ! j brances. to do those things which to . their office appertain to be done and j those wlio are bound in recognizances ! to prosecute against the prisoners j that are or shall be in the jail of Dau- 1 phin County be then and there to | IH'oseeute, against them u$ shall be j just. Given under my hind at Harrisburg,, the 11th day of December, A. D. 1918. being the one hundred and j ! forty-third year of Independence of i the United States. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. 1 Sheriff's Office. Harrisburg, Pa., December 14. 1918. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters Testamentary having been j issued to the undersigned upon the I : Estate of Sarah L. Auxer. late of tile j 1 City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, i j deceased, notice is hereby given to | all persons having claims or demands i I against the said Estate to make known the same, and all persons in- j | di'bted to said decedent to make pay- 1 ment without delay to A I.ON/. A G. LEHMAN. 918 Green Street. Harrisburg, Pa. i HAIIGKST & HARGEST, Attorneys. 1 NOTICE is hereby given that the : following accounts have been tiled in j the Court of Common Pleas of Dau- ; phin County, Pa., a id will be confirm- i j ed by said Court on the 16th day of t J January, 1919, unless cause be shown to the contrary: I Thir 1 account and distribution of ; j Charles A. Ambler. Insurance Conimis- ■ ! sioner. and liquidator of American I Union Fire Insurance Company. 1 First account of Charles A. Ambler, Insurance Commissioner, and liquida tor of Citizens Life Insurance Com pany of America. Final report, embracing third dis tribution of Charles A. Ambler, Insur ance Commissioner, and liquidator of York County Mutual Live Stock ln ' Mirance Company. j Report and final account of Victor Biiiddock, receiver of Home Building ' and Loan Association. I Annual account of Principal and | Trustees of Hmaus Orphan House, I Middletown, Pa. i First and final aeeount of Walter E. j Dietrich, trustee of Ennna Bretz, late . of Harrisburg. Pa. Final account of Isaiah S. Daniel. I committee of Daniel Keiter, a lunatic, j late of Halifax township, Dauphin j county. Pa., deceased, j Final account of Mary TI. Arm i itrong. formerly Mary H. Haldeman, trustee of Edward M. Haldeman. Esq. First and final account of Central Trust Company, committee of Paul B. Steckley, deceased. Second and final account of Edwin M. Hershey, receiver for the City Auto Supply Company. CHARLES E. PASS. Prothonotury. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE ! PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises located at No. 311 South Front street, in the Bor ough of Steeltofi, on Saturday after noon. January t. 1919, the following personal property belonging to the l Estate of Elmer E. Flese, deceased, ; and the Estate of Sarah.A. Fiese, de- ! I ceased, respectively, to wit: 1 large Mack auto truck fully equipped and in good condition. 1 gasoline tank and gasoline con tained therein. 1 oil barrel and oil contained there in. Some coal and a large amount of kindling wood. 1 Mitchell automobile. J.arge amount of carpet. V 4 dozen or more chamber suits complete. Including beds, springs, mattresses, wash stands and bureaus. Several sets of dishes of ancient and modern styles, the old dishes be ing very valuable. 3 men's watches, I in very good condition and very valuable. 1 parlor suit. Large number of chairs. Tables. 1 Stands. Sideboards. Corner cupboards, and All other furniture found and needed in a dwelling bouse. Sale to# commence at LSD P. M. > sharp, k when terms will be made i known by STE ELTON TRUST COM PAN V, " Steelton. Pa. Administrator of E. E. Flese, deceas ed. 1 ISO ' poll . * ' . Administrator of Sarah A. Flese, de ceased. - . •' WICKERSUAM & ft! ETZGER, j Attorneys. TWO SOLDIERS FROM MARIETTA FAMILY KILLED ■ - . 4 < PRIVATE WILLIAJI BRENNER Mnriniii, F,, Deo. 14.—Sergeant William Zink anil liis brother-in-law) Private William Brenner, have both raid the supreme sacrifice. This is POMERENE MOVES TO HAVE SENATE TRY LA FOLLETTE : Ohio Democrat Declares Wis consin Man Is Guilty of • * Slandering Nation j Washington, Dec. 14. Further I proceedings in the case of Senator | Robert M. LaFollette, of Wisconsin, | looking to his exoneration, censure] I or expulsion from the Senate as fhe j J facts may warrant, are recommended | In a minority report from the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee presented in the Senate to-day by ; Senator Pomerene, of Ohio. Demo fcrat, chairman of the committee, j The report, signed by Chairman | Pomerene, charges the Wisconsin | Senator with vio'ation of the cspion- I age act by alleged misstatements in ' his address before the Nonpartisan j League at St. Paul, September 20. 11917. The report opposes the pend -1 ing resolution recommending that I the proceedings be dropped. ' The misstatements alleged to have | been made by Senator LnFollette arc | declared by the report to lie a "slan der" upon the Government and suffi cient cause for conviction in criminal J proceedings. j. I'rges Complete Prolie Specifically, the report urges that i a "full and complete" hearing be | ordered by the Senate, to the end: "First, that the Senator from Wis ] copsin can be completely exonerated I if the testimony justifies it. | "Second, that lie may he expelled if the testimony justifies it. "Third, that the Senate may pass la vote of censure or administer such ' other punishment as the testimony j may justify. ; "This is our duty," the report de i clares. "a duty which we owe to the j Senator from Wisconsin , to the j United States itself and to the public, j More we ought not do and less we | cannot be expected to do." "We do not say in the present | state of the record," the minority. ] report says, "that Senator LaFollette should be expelled from the Senate | or that he should lie convicted of a i criminal offense under the espionage ]act; but we do say that applying ' the principles of eriminal law, a | grand jury inquiring into the case. I with no other evidence than the 1 speech itself and the facts as In this i report recited, would have been jus tilled in returning sin indictment against him for; violation of the espionage act. And we further say I that with this evidence, and none other, before a petit jury, it would have been .justified in returning a iverdict of guilty under this section ;of the statute and no court would I have disturbed it. "If there is any reasonable expla nation which can be made of these j utterances which would tend to ■ prove an innocent purpose, such ex planation ought to be given to the end that no injustice may be done and that it may not be charged that the United States passes lightly over wrongful speech, when others are criminally prosecuted for offense, in jour Judgment, no less severe." Not .Misquoted, Says Report j Senator LaFollette in liis St. Paul ; speech, the report declares, "wholly ignored the real cause which led to the war, " and says that "these I statements could not have been made iby accident or slip of the tongue be cause the same thought, if not the very same language, is reported sev eral times within the space of a few minutes. "The constitutional right of free doifc of speecli cannot be pleaded in defense." the report continues. "Free ' dom of speech . never justifies the I slander of the chastity of a woman, lor the honor of man or the cause of a country when in the throes of ] the most terrific war ever waged." The Rev. Walter Brown . Ordained to Ministry Thompson town, Dec. It.—Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eby, of Lancaster county, have returned to their home after visiting friends In Kurtz Valley. Mrs. Eby was formerly Miss Mary AViney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. U. AViney, ,of Lancaster county.—Miss Juniata Wilson. of Miffiintown, spent the weekend with Mr. and I.lrs. E. S. 1 Thomson. —The Rev. Walter Brown j anil A. P. Pimm attended the Luth eran Synod at Lewistown on Friday ] night.—The Rev. Brown was r.rdalm-d | to the Lutheran Mini. try.—The re ' ceipts of the chicken and wallle sup per on Saturday evening amounted to $71.50 with about $51.80 clear—J. A. Lantz shot a deer while out wltii a Harrisburg gun club. —M. E. Schlegcl and B. 11. Branthoff r made i> trip to Baltimore this week—Miss Maude lloopes spent a day at Mif flin.—The. new creamery building, t. ! cne-story brick structure : now eom- I pleted and is a creditable iniprove ! ment to the town. —Miss Irwin Lantz I and granddaughter, Madalene Lcng, I were at Harrisburg AVe lnesday.—Mrs. j J. H. Keagle and Miss Lizzie Tyson 1 were at Harrisburg recently.—Mr. land Mrs. Alton Heller, and son, of Hcllldaysburg. are weekend guests of Mr. anil Mrs. AA'illlam Colyer. AUGUSTUS LUX?! ILI, Augustus Lutz, real estate man of 309 North Second street. Is seriously ill at his home. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SERGEANT WILLIAM ZINIC llie tirst family in Marietta to have two gold stare. The men lived under the same roof, joined the Army only a few days apart and were assigned to different commands. I news of the! \ Remove Ticket Receivers' Office to New Quarters To provide more adequate facili ties, the ticket receivers' office of the Pennsylvania railroad, has been re moved from the second floor of the Union Station to the Hoffman build ing property. The rooms formerly used as offices are being remodeled i that employes may be better dis- \ tributed for the efficiency of the oh- ; ganizatlon. Discharged Yanks Are # Returning to Railroads Sortie former employes of the Pennsylvania railroad, fttrloughed when they entered the United States service, ure returned to their work in h various departments of the railroad in Harrisburg. To date the number has been small but with the demobilisation greatly accelerated, more of them are expected to return within the next several weeks. Standing of the Crews HARHISBI HG SIDE Middle Division —The 16 crew first ' to go after 2.45 o'clock: 21, 33, 253, I 30. 32. I ' Engineer for 217 | Firemen for 16, 21, 30. - Brakeman for 16. Engineers up: Dunltle, Kreage.-, I Strickler, Cope, Fisher, Shelley, AlOrtz, I Sheeley, Leiter, Brink, j Firemen up: Dqnnison, Bower, Do j lin, Hoover, Leschke. Roniberger, | Lewis, Alyers, Strayer, Hubbard. Jones, Shellenberger, Brown, Gruff, I Keiner, Bell, Aliller. 1 Brakemen up; Baker. Woodward, i Fenicle, Nicholas, AlcAlphin, Duffey, I Dennis, Steininger, Roush, Shelley, : K repps, Beers. Yard Hoard Engineers for IOC, I 11C, 2-14 C. ; Firemen for SC, 1-7 C, 3-7 C, IOC, 2-14 C. I Engineers up: Graham, Fry, Dough* ' erty, E.vde, Ewing,, Keiser, Richter, ; Heisher, Snell, Feyguson. Firemen up: Hight, Clemm, Guyer, I Russell, Owens, Patrick, Drake, Little, i Attick, Bowers, Wolburn, Lake, Sliawfleld, Alumnta, Rltiue, King, Rheam, Shant. EN'OLA SIDE Allddle Division —The 115 crew first Engineers for 108, 117, 101, 119. to go after 2.40 o'clock.*\l2o, 103, 113, 121, 102, 125, 108, 111, 117, 101, 114, 119. Firemen for 115, 113, 102, 117, 101, | 114, 119. Conductor for 125. Flagmen for 111, 114, 119. Brakemen for 117, 101 (2). lnrd Hoard Engineers for Ist ! 126, 3d 126, 3d 129, 2d 132 # 140, 149, ! 2d 104. Firemen for 2d 126, 3d 126, 140, Ist 104. Firemen up: Balr. Ewing. Lilts, Zeiders. Barnhart, Hugglns, Ltddlck, | Fenicle, Elchclbergcr, Bruuw, Brown, J Smith, Hanlen. ! Firemen up: ' Jenkins, Chapman, | Aliller, Rickart, Henderson, Ashen ! felter, Fisher, Eichelberger, Bruce, | Knacks ted t, BittirfU. McCann, Shover, | Koch, Pierce. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers I up: Osmond, Dsivis, Kennedy. I Firemen up; Everhart, Huston. ! Cover, Cook, Althousc. Middle Division Engineers up: j Smith. Keiser, Crum. Crane, Buck, i Schreck. i Firemen up: Barr, Horning, John ! son, Haverstlne, . Beizel, Hummer, j Frank, Kelly, Kepner, Harshbarg.r, THE READING I The 5 4 crew first to go after 10.20 j o'clock: 3, 57, 18. 11, 15, 8, 68, 16,, 59, | 19, 72, 67. 71, 5, 6. j Engineers for 54, 57, 59. Firemen for 59. 68, 71, 72, 3, 5. ) Conductor for 3. Flagmen for 71, 5, 18. Brakemen for 58. 59, 67, 69, 72, 5, 15, | 19. Engineers up: Ditlow, Raisner, Aloyer, Bates, Griffith. Firemen up: Cook. Oxenrider, At ticks, Flrb, Reinish, Buffington, Look er, Leitner, Beuthl, Stauffer, Patter son, Saul. Conductors up: Barbour, Ha'.l, Phelhaban, Shower, Patton. Flagmen up: Heckert, Cassell, Schwartz. Lehner, Sourbeer, Powley, Koons, Keener. Brakemen up: Smith. A'elngst, Bow tnan, Osman. Anderson. Aloore I Thomas. Chronister. Doe Chased From Mountains Comes to Upper End Farm I Elizabcthvlllc, ,Pu., Dec. 14.—0n i Tuesday a doe was seen on the 'Whitman farm, east of town. The ! doe was evidently chased by liunt j era from Broad Mountain. —Influ- enza is still in evidence in this place. There are several cases and j n ew ones have been reported during I the last few days.—Miss Anna For -1 ney spent Saturday at Harrisburg.— | Miss Ada Radel, of Lykens, visited | her sister. Mrs. W. J. Daniel, on Sun ! day.—Miss AnnTtta Roniberger is i visiting her mother. Mrs. J. A. Roni berger, in Alain street. —Mrs. Paul F. Byerlv and children. Stella and Earn est, of Stone Valley, spent Saturday with relatives here. —Second Lieu tenant Jesse Zeigler, who has been discharged from Camp Grant, • Illi nois, is visiting relatives he-e • MARKETS 1 SEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Spuare, Hurrlsburg; 330 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York—furnish the following quotations; Open. Close. I Allls Chalmers 31% ii% ' Amer Beet Sugar •......' 03 03 American Can 45 76 46 76 I Am Car and Foundry .. .* 00 % 86% Amer Loco *63 63 ! Amer* Smelting 8174 82% j Amer Woolens 68 68 ! Anaconda 64 >,4 64% Baldwin Locomotive ... 74% 7Hi Baltimore und Ohio .... 531s 54 Bethlehem Steel B .... 66 44 66 76 Canadian Pacific 159 159 ' Central Leather 62% 62% Chicago R 1 and Pacific . 25% 25% Chlno Con Copper $6% 3074 Col Fuel and Iron 39 3976 Corn Products 47% 4774 Crucible Steel 5774 57 instilling Securities ... 48% 4974 Erie 18 74 187; General Motors 126 126 Great Northern Ore subs 31% 3174 Hide and l.eather *l4 74 14% Inspiration Copper .... 46% 40% International Paper .... '3174 317 a Kennecott 34% 34% Lackawanna Steel 08 74 68 74 Lehigh Valley ... .• 58 76 68 % Merc Mar Ctfs 27% 2778 Merc Mar Ctfs pfd .... 113 114 Mex Petroleum 101 74 163% Midvnle Steel 44% 4574. New York Central 76% 7074 NY N H and H 45% 34 7a Pennsylvania Railroad .. 46% 40% Pittsburgh Coal 04% 46% Railway Steel Spg 74 74 74 74 Ray Con Copper 217 21% Reading 83% 84% Republic Iron and Steel 74% 74 74 Southern Pacific 101% 107. Vi Southern Ry 30% 30 Studebaker 52 74 52% I'tllon Pacific IT S I Alcohol 101% 10274 IT 8 Rubber 74 7a 74' 4 17 S Steel 95% 95% Utah Copper 77% 77 74 Westingtiouse Mfg 42% 42 74 Willys-Overland 2574 257 a Western Maryland 12% 12% NEW YORK CI RB STOCKS Following quotations furnislul by Howard A. Riley and Company, 212 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa.; .Land Title Building, Phlla., Pa.: 3o Broad street. New York City INDUSTRIALS Last Sale. Aetna 7% •Peerless 18% Smith. % Wright 4% Am Marconi 4% Submarine 12 1* S S hip 57s I'nited'Motors 34 74 INDEPENDENT OILS Last Sale Barnett '4 Cosden 0% Inter Pet 10% Houston 76% _ Okmulgee -% Boston and Wyo - 18 Glenrock 3% .Island 17s Midwest 11l Okla F.and R - • • 0% MINING Lqst Sale. Atlanta 0 74 Big Ledge 1 Cresson 5% Cal and Jerome 7-10 Canada r 2% Goldticld Chili • .- . ... 28 _ MOtlTCr l.ode 35- " • Tonopah Ex 1-13 Boston and Montana 64 Caledonia 30 Cash Boy ..... 8% Con Arizona 1 % llecla 6% Jumbo Ex 1 J Ray Hercules 3% Tonopah Bel 2%. PIIIL VDELPHI A. PHOIH Cli Oy A ssociatcd Press Philadelphia, Dec. 14. W lu*at No. 1, soft, reu, $2.20; .No. 2. red, 82.24, No. 3. soft, red, $2.24. Corn—The market is steady; No. 2. yellow, to grade and location. $1.55® 1.70; No. 3. yellow. $1.55© 1.70. Oats The market is steady; No. 2. white, s3©S3!4c; No. 3, while, 82 © 8 2 74c. Bran - The market is steady; soft winter, per ton, $40.50©47.00; spring, per ton, $44.00© 15.00. Butter The "market is steady; western, extra. packed. _ creamery. 70c; nearby prints, fancy, 74©760. Cheese The market is firm; New York an'd Wisconsin, full milk. 36 @37 74 c. Eggs—Market firm; Pennsylvania, and other nearby firsts, tree eases. $2U.40©21.00 per case; do., current re ceipts, free cases, $20)10 per case; western, extra firsts, free cases, $20.40©21.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $19.80© 20.10 per case; fancy, se lected packed! 74®' 76c per dozen. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 8.45 c; extru fine granulat ed, 7.25 c. Live Poultry Market steady; fowls, 25©30 c; spring chickens. 22© 25c; fowls, not legndrns, 31 ©32 c; white leghorns, 29©30 c; young, suftmeated roosters, 2Ue; young, softmeated ers, 20c; old roosters, 20c; spring chickens, not leghorns, 30©'32e; white leghorns, 29©90 c; ducks. Peking spring, 32® 35c; do,, old, 30© 35c; In dian Runner, 28@30c; spring ducks. Island. 34<f£36c; turkeys, 30(&u<<:, geese, nearby. 28©33 c; western. 28® ' Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, spring, choice to fancy. 40@42c; turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 35 ©39 c; turkeys, common. 30©33 c; old turkeys, 34©37 c; fowls easier; fresh killed fowls, fancy. 35© 3 5 74c; do., smaller sizes, 26©34% c; old roosters, 27c; broiling chickens, western, 42© 44c; rousting chickens. 29©36 c; ducks, 40©42 c; western ducks, 38®'40c; geese, 27®32c; dressed Pekin ducks, 34® 36c; old ducks. 30®32c; Indian Run ners, 27® 3 7 74c; spring ducks, Lung Island, 30® 40c. Potatoes The market is firm; New Jersey, No. 1. 75@9uc per basket; do., No. 2, 50®60c per basket; do, 100-lb. bags. No. 1. $2.50© 3.00, extra quality; do. No. 2. $1.50© 2.25; Pennsylvania. 100 lbs. No. 1. $2 50@2.85; do, per 109 tbs, fancy. $2. 95©>3.10; New Jersey. No. 1, lUO lbs, $2.15® 2.50; do. No. 2. 100 lbs, $1 25@1.75; western, per 100 lbs, $1.25 ©1.65; Maine, per 100 lbs, $1.60© I 90; Deluwuie and Maryland, per 100 bag, 90c®51.19; Michigan, per 100 lbs, $1.56© 1.70; Florida, per barrel. $2 60©2.90; Florida. per bushel, hamper. 75@85c; Florida, per 150-tb. bags $1.50©3.00; North Carolina, per barrel. $1.50©4.00; South Carolina, per barrel, $1.50® 4.00; Norfolk, per bar rel $3.45© 4.75; . Eastern. Shore, per barrel. $2.00® 3.75;, fancy, Maeungie, No. 1. per barrel,_ $2.95®3.10; do. No. 2. per barrel. $1.25®1.50. Flour Firm; winter wheat, new, 100 per cent. Hour. $10.25©10.65 per barrel; Kansas wheat, new, $10.85© II 20 per barrel; current receipts, $lO 60© 10.85 per barrel; spring wheat, new, $ 10.85© 11.20 per barrel. Hay—The market is firm; timothy. No 1 large and small bales, $33.00® 34.00 per ton; No. 2. small bales. $31.00 (ft 32.00 p**'' tor*. No. 3, 9-> r i.oo 26.00 per ton; sample. $12.50©13.00 per ton; no grade, $7.50© 11.50 per ton. Clover Light mixed. $30.00® 31.00 per ton; No. 1. light, mixed, $27.00@28.00 per ton; No. 2. light mixed, $25.00 © 26.00 per ton; no grade, $18.00®20.00 per ton. Tallow The market is steady; prime cltv, in tierces. 16c; city special loose. 1674 c: prime country. 15c; dark. M@l476c: edible In tierces. 18© 18 74 c. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Br Associated Press Philadelphia, Dec. 11.—Stocks clos ' DECEMBER 13, 1918. Ed steady. Baldwin Locomotive 74% | Geenrul Asphalt 86% General Asphalt. Pfd 76 76 laike Superior Corporation .... 17% Lehigh Navigation 72 Lehigh Valley 58% Pennsylvania Railroad 46% Philadelphia Electric 25% Philadelphia Cojnpi.ny 30 Philadelphia Company, Pfd 30 Philadelphia ltupid Transit ... 26% Reading , 83 74 Storage Battery 54 ' Union Traction 39 74 United Gas Improvement 73 United States Steel 95 74 York Railways 7% Y'ork Railways. Pfd 3174 j CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chlengq. Dec. 14. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts. 55.000; murket mostly 10c lower; slaughter facilities overtaxed und many thousand hogs going over without a bid; top, $17.70; bulk of sales. $17.35© 17.65; butchers. sl.-00© 17.70; light. $16.85® 17.55; packing. $16.75® 17.45: throwouts. $15.75© 16.75; pigs, good to choice, $14.00© 15.50. , Cattle Receipts. 3.000; compared with a week ago beef and butcher cattie mostly 25c to 50c hiwer; can tiers about steady; calves SI.OO lower, good weight feeders stctedy .to -5c lower; common stock off more. Sheep Receipts. 6,000; compared with a week ago. lnmhs mostly 26c to 50c lower: sheep and yearlings weak to 25c lower. CIiICAG HOARD OK TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, Dec. 14. —Board of '1 rade closing; „ , „ . ,- 7 , torn—January. 1.50%■ Outs —January, 7274 ; May. i- s- Pork—January, 4. .85; 3 ,u > • J • Lard— January, 25.50; May. -•■%• Ribs —January, 25.22; Mu>, Z4.b(. Deaths and Funerals AIRS. 11. K. H. MIIXER Mrs. Helen E. Hoke Miller, wife (of Henry J. Miller, 247 % I'ununel street, died at the home of her pat ients. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Hoke. 1209 Klttatinny street, early this mot ntm,. She Is survived by bet* husband ami live children, her parents, nve sistei and three brothers. Funeral, wv icPf( will be held Tuesday oon at 1 o'clock. Burial will be made in the Paxtang Cemetery. AIRS. AIINNIK W:\KIUsN Airs. Minnie AVarren. wife of Wil liam Warren, died last exening double pneumonia at her home 1-- Herr street, aged 38 years. She is survived by bet* husband; one so Thomas Warren, of this et>, one brother. John Conn, of Carlisle, an two s'sters, Aiiss Helen < onn and Miss Lucy Conn, of Philadelphia. I Funeral services will lie on T !afternoon at 2.30 o'c'ock. conducted I bv the Rev. E. Luther Cunningham, i „r st. Paul's Baptist Church. Burial will be in the Lincoln Cemetery. m'BKRRKTT COOPER 1)11 S Buberrett Cooper, of Humme s -1 town, died in the llarrlsburg Hos jpital this morning at 11.15 o clock, iat the age of 56 years. Blood poi jsoning caused his death. The poison jsot in from an injury to his jaw. Tie ' was employed as a laborer in the J Rutherford yards. DIES OF INFLUENZA i Pe>fr Baker, aged 18. died of Spanish influenza at the llarrlsburg i Hospital this morning at 6.17 o'clock. He was admitted to the hospital De joember 6. His home was in Dun j cannon. Rorryslnirg—Prof. D. 1,. Raker and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wingert, I of llarrlsburg, were in town on Sun i day.—Mrs. P. S. Bergstresser went | to, Harrisburg where she will spend the winter Mrs, Charles Sclioffstall accompanied her.—Mr. and - Mrs! | Jesse McCoy spent a week at Lykens j visiting frieuds. —Lawrence Hoover, ! son of Airs. Lena Hoover, is ill with | influenza.—Air. and Airs. Harry llartman, of Harrisburg,.spent Sun ' day with their parents here. Vacant House For Sale No. 803 N. St. Well Constructed. Most Modernly Equipped. IDEAL LOCATION BELL REALTY CO. I)KHG.VKIt BUILDING 1 Improving Your Investments The average investor bene lits by exchanging some of his bonds, notes and stocks every few years. To know how and when to make ex changes usually requires the services of bonkers fa miliar with changing se curity values. We are al ways ready to offer our services without charge or obligation. Write for our latest Investment Suggestions A.B.Leach & Co.,lnc. Investment Securities 115 So. Fourth St. Philadelphia New York, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore Buffalo Scranton ff tgss^ v ' v : - m Depositing your earnings in a check — < ing account and placing the unused lp|ja€M T VMl£2' . . . , , balance on interest each month is a ft? J|® ' , mighty good plan for saving money. ; 1 1 11 ■■■>■ iiiug Xrw rar a a 1 lagttA#niGtfe. f*TTZ _ b % ™ - ! * ® 'MI'IWUIWI: ■,,— l MEMBER FEDERAL RE SERVE SYSTEM BUY W. S. S. • Ilßlifita^glfa. '• '<•••• : "*A 1 J YANKSCAPTURED BY GERMANS OUT OF PRISON PENS Special Trains Pass Through Berne on Way (o France i Heme, Dee. 14.—Four special trains; cut rylng 2,500 American soldiers, tlioj last to come through Switzerland' from German .prison camps, have' passed through here during the past! two days en route to France. It is! I reported there are no more American i ptlsoners in southern Germany. There are some in oamps farther; i north and they will pass out through Holland. The last Allied soldiers in terned In Switzerland have loft this j fountry, but there still are about 12,000 German prisoners. TEXTBOOK OF WALL STBSEETI * / Including /History N. Y. Stock Exchange. Augmenting One's Income. V I History N. Y. Curb. How to Open an Account. V, How These Markets Differ. Methods of Trading. V, Art of Speculation for Profits. Dictionary of Wall Street. Limited Edition now ready for distribution. \ Copy free upon request. I \ /• \ INVESTMENT SECURITIES / 212 N. Third St.. Hnrrlahiirg. / ' ' Hell I'lione 3-11)8, Automatic --3D. / \ DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES . New York Harrisburt " —"s I A, I Christmas Money I i— - % Or money for other purposes can be had from us at ! j f rates prescribed by the laws of the State of Pennsylvania. a A great many people have the wrong conception of bor- :I f rowing mohey. Most all business men at times are com- * pclled to borrow money to tide them over a short period, if .1- so why is it any different tor an individual to borrow under jjf IT: the same conditions. , t| lAll transactions are strictly confidential. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS 5 Employees Loan Society 1 Room 206 Bergner Building Third and Market Streets. M Licensed uiul Bonded by the State B c = ~~ —__ Public Sale of Securities and Real Estate In Front of the Courthouse, Harrisburg, Pa., on Thursday, December 19, 1918, at 2 P.' M. 55 shares (III'. STMT STREET MARKET CO At I'AN V Ntock. $2,000 COLUMBIA & MONTOUR ELECTRIC COMPANY Second Mortgage .*> per cent. Ilonils, 4,000 COLCMHIA A MONTOUR ELECTRIC RAII.WAV COM PANY First Mortgage 5 per cent. Ilonds (C'crtltleatc f of Deposit I, 5,100 C. DAY' HI DY COMPANY' First Mortgnge 6 per cent. Honda, \. J. No*. 1527. 1820, 1831, 1833, 1835, 1537 LOGAN' STREET. Lot 78x85 ft., more or IC*H. Tvo-*tory frame NNL mansard-roof IIOUMCM. No. 2. No*. .1721, 1723, 1725, 1727, 1720 FULTON. STREET. I.ot 05x05 ft., more or lex*. Two-story frame anil manNnril-roof hoiiHe*. No. 3. No*. 1824. 1820, 1828, 1830, 1832, 1834, IH3O, 1838 FIILTON STREET. l,ot 00x00 ft., more or ie**. Two-story frame and mnnsard roof house*. No. 4. No. 1837 FULTON STREET. I.ot 12x00 ft., more or lea*. Twu-story frame nnd inaik*nrd-roof hoii*e*. No. 5. No. 1723 GREEN STREET. I.ot 23 ft. 0 in. x 88 ft., more or ICMN. Thrcc-*tury brick houae. No. 0. No. 1705 FRONT STREET. I.ot 177 ft. O in. x 200 ft., more or le**. Three-story stone bouse. No, 7. I.ot. on west side of SECOND STREET above Hamilton street, 102x100 ft., more or le**. adjoining No. (I. No. 8. I.ot, corner of DAUPHIN V YVODII STREETS, 45x75 ft., more or less. No. 0. Lot, No. 320 MTENCH STREET, 15xNl ft., more or lea*. No. 10. Lota, No*. 335 and 337 MTENCH STREET, 20 ft. 8 In. x 81 ft., more or lex*. No. 11. I.ot. No. 338 MCENCH STREET, 15x81 ft., more or leas. No. 12. Lot, on west side of FOURTH STREET below MCENCH STREET, 80x125 ft., more or le**. TERMS: Securities: Cash on day of sale. Renl Estate: 10 per cent, on day of sale and the balance on or before February 1. 1018, upon delivery of deed In fee simple. Option given purchaser of securing 00 per rent, or less of the purchase money by llrxt rtgnge, with Interest nt 0 per cent., for n term of three yearn or less, wltli privilege of pnrtlnl payments la multiples of SIOO.OO. The right Is reserved to reject nny or nil bids mid to withdraw any of the antd securities or properties from mile. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, Agent. DR. F. E. DOWNES IS REPORTED IMPROVED The condition of Dr. F. E. DowneS, city superintendent of schools, who is seriously ill at his home, 1811 North Second street, is reported to he slightly better this afternoon. HIGH CLASS HOMES FOR (ALE 100 South Thirteenth Street. , 621 North Sixteenth Street.. 1515 State Street. SOS North Seventeenth Street. \ 1713 Forster Street. I 1549 State Street. 2058 Whitehall Street. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Building ■ y Rubber SIAMM Ba seals a stencils bIW MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ |1 130 LOCLISTST. HBGLPA. d 15
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