4 SPARTACUSRIOT IN BERLIN IS LED BY LDMNECHT Group Organizes to Inflame Population to Strengthen Revolution Zurich, Switzerland, Dec. IS. —Ad- vices received here say that at the time of the riots In Berlin the mu nitions factories In the northern outskirts of the city were pillaged by order of Dr. Karl Hlebknecht, head of the Spartacus group of So cialists. This group is organizing meetings everywhere and exhorting the popu lation to revolt. The udvlces say that forty-two meetings have been announced for the present week. The lted Flag, organ of Hleb knecht and his followers, hns pub lished In large typo the following note to working men: "Be ready because the troops which are ret,urnig to Berlin are for the purpose of serving against the revolution." £OLDS Head or chest— •re best treated /rjfnr) T C'Your Boctvriuvwi; mM NEW PRICES—3Oc. 60c. $1.20 - j WVWWWWWWVWMVWWVWWWVMWWWVVW^a !> SPRINGTEX is the underwear . f j*' !! with a million little springs in its r JtfjLitIQJLQX Ji J| fabric which "give and take" 'J \ j; with every movement of the !I body, and preserve the shape of /' !> the garment despite long wear frj , S®' ■ ' ' r-W <j and hard washings. j \Wm | 1 It it the yf ar-around underwear, lipht, 1 I \ " \ I I i 7 ! I medium or heavy weicht, at you like. . , \ . \ll/ V ij ji "Remember to Buy it— ['• ' / ; <| You'll Forget You Have It On" •;'} \ ■/ •• _M A)sh Your DaaUr j! UTICA KNITTING CO, Makers H4A !> Sslcs Room: 350 Broadway, Nsw York Av.W* T ; ASTRICH'S I ji Trimmed Hats [ ent ' re s^oc k of several hundred BRAND NEW DRESS HATS, which we made up special at attractive prices—something to give us some additional Christmas \ business. * \ ' \ t\ V/e Have No Hats To Offer at f 1/\J \ " REDUCED PRICES j I l i K e were foHunate enough to do almost a whole season's business without having lj 0 \ /CMJI to resort to reduced price sales on Trimmed Hats —we evidently had our regular I \ prices low enough —so now we put our heads together and made up NEW HATS p | \ J ' | at prices which compare most favorably with any hats ever offered at reduced prices. [ Ij \jt In making up these hats-we naturally followed the trend of fashion demands and ® uv produced hats which comprise the latest ideas in Winter Millinery. With an enormous | 0 * stock of over one thousand Trimmed Hats. It is impossible to describe in our adver- U \fT tisement exactly how good the hats are at the prices. The few items mentioned here, | Q however, are designed to give you a faint idea of what the collection contains. 1 Beautiful Draped Velvet HatS New Close-fitting [j B Turbans With Ostrich Trimmings; some with colored facings. With Ostrich or Flower We make these hats to or- .. In black or any color desired, Trimming, der in any color combi- F fa 'i UP made of beautiful panne velvet. L $4 98 UP for' 0 " yOU may desire ' <j*g gg UP ' n ■ i.—— , ■ n A Sale of VELOUR HATS Entire New and Chic Line of OUR BEST VELOUR HATS § Of the best quality, good styles and FRENCH MODELS appear on floor r dcolors ' $3.98 Za* r : , ,$6.98 UP sot I ,"c^ ,he . rcllbrim :s7.9B g AN ENTIRE NEW SHIPMENT OF OUR BEST in LARGE HATTERS' PLUSH SAILORS HEAVY NAP VELOUR HATS With 3-inch brim and wide grosgrain ribbon QO AQ In navy and purple, roll brim, the popular <f vl aq | trimming, at shapes; former price $lO.OO, at Ij] ' NEW SATIN HATS F UR . T^B^ S UNUSUAL OFFER IN | In Seal, Mole and Nutria Skins, I | With Beaver Brocade, fur and gold which we sell at VJllldrGn 8 1 rimmed CJ cloth combinations, priced at dJCIQQ CJOQQ DRESS HATS E fil A n spDoi/O TO ' .. . . n I $2.98, $3.98, alTrnow H r t s . wWch . tormerl I Qft and QiK Qft A New Feather Turban Some formerly sold at $3.98; now £ W .%/0 On a New Model Frame, offered spe- at $2.98 L | and of which we have a most extraor- cial /°i „ ' Children's Panne Velvet Close-fitting I t $1.98 amp $2.98 STSSJ Hatters' Plush Sailors Large SILK VELVET HATS A Sale of Felt and Velour g 1 Medium brims, straight or dome Black draped crown with Rose Vel- Felt Hats crown. These are unusual values. ve * Brims; actual value at, o*o Q<3 Soft round crowns, roll brims; actual Fl | Special <l*l QQ $ 5 - 98 - Special at , value $4.98, IAA [j! at <j)JL/0 Excellent shape, new drooping brim, at j) 1 .i/O u We made a few good buys this week in Ostrich Trimmings which we offer at unusually low prices | INEW OSTRICH BANDS—the best we ever 1 QQ SMALL OSTRICH TIPS three to a bunch, A Q sold, at kP 1 .i/O pink and light blue, bunch /C |j| NEW CLIPPED OSTRICH POMPOMS, in yflQ IMPORTED PHEASANT BREASTS; AQ h black, blue, sand, taupe, etc., at Tti/C beautiful irredescent colors ] NEW HANDSOME OSTRICH FANCIES and Q Q HACKLE BREASTS, in purple; values $2.00. AQ 0 OSTRICH POMPOMS, in all the best c010r5.... VOC Special at JOC | # NEW OSTRICH TlPS—the medium size, with f\D ..One Basketful of NEW FANCY HAT ORNA- ft Q g broad head, all the best colors MENTS; values $l.OO and $1.25, at T' /C- 111 I ■ WT -, ramn . l , , - -B n r, m „ I THURSDAY EVENING, No Decision on Hypothetical Points The Attorney General's Depart ment will not render an opinion on "a t hypothetical proposition," such as whether trustees of a state hos pital would be liable, individually or collectively, for damages In the event than any. person was killed or injured by the hospital ambu lance or in case bills were incurred when there is no state appropriation nfade to pay them, according to a decision given to-day by Deputy At torney General Hargest to otllcers of the ficranton State Hospital. He says they are speculative questions and that the department will ren der opinions upon consideration of the facts when certain situations arise. .The trustees are informed that they may place insurance upon the hospital's motor ambulance against theft, but that the state in surance fund covers the Are hazard and that liability insurance inay also be taken out. State 1-kealth Department authori ties to-day said that investigations were being made into the situations in a number of communities in east ern counties where recurrences of influenza had been reported. No serious outbreaks have been re ported this week, it was stated. The Public Service .Commission to-day made an order for the Pitts burgh Railways Company, to pre pare all of its cars for Immediate service except summer cars. This is the result of prolonged investiga-1 tlon. , | ROGER O'MARA DIES By Associated Press Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 13.—Roger j O'Mara, one of the best known police I officials and detectives in the count- | try, died at his home here to-day, j aged 73 years. GERMANY'S PLOT FOR WORLD WAR SHOWNIN PROBE | Government Informed 130 Hun Civilians Before the Net Was Spread By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 13.—The German | government on JJuJly 10, 1914, in j formed about 130 German civilian em ' ployes at a conference in Berlin that a world war would be started soon, i Captain G. B. Hester, of the Army in : telligence service, testified to-day be | fore the Senate committee investigat ■ Ing Gynan and brewers' propaganda. | These employes then were dis patched to all parts of the world, thir ty-one coming to the United States, to stimulate pan-German propaganda, : Captain Hester declared. He said his Information came from an unnamed informant, now interned in this coun-! try. The Germa propagandists landed In I 1 the United States in August, 1914, on lhe*same boat with Dr. H. P. Albert, known as the paymaster of the enemy propaganda system in this country, and immediately formed the nucleus j for German propaganda. These propagandists were chosen by the German government. Captain Hester testified, because of their knowledge of foreign languages, their ability to write and their knowledge of legal and public matters In gen eral. The Army officer explained that he did not feel justified In giving the name of his informant on grdund that this man might wish to return to Germany after being released from Internment. Pan-German propaganda was start ed by Germany in 1894 as a means nfj carrying German ideas to every coun try in the' world. Captain Hester told the committee. This propaganda, .he said, was to he carried to South and Central America. Japan and China and to the United States. MRS. RUTH 1,. lIRANVAJL Mrs. Ruth H. Branyan, aged 20 years, 1728 Hogan street, died last evening. She is survived by her hus band. who is serving in France; her daughter, and her mother, Mrs. A. H Neal. Funeral services will he held Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, the Ytev. Dr. H. S. Mudge. pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, of ficiating. Burial will he made in the Fast Harrlsburg Cemetery. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WOMEN TO PLAY BIG PART IN THE RED CROSS DRIVE The Campaign For Volunteer Members Ends Tonight at 8 O'clock , The Red Cross volunteer campaign for meipbers, which began yester day morning, ends to-night at 8 o'clock; and while the volunteer push Is In its last hours the several thousand workers who will take part In the big drive for members next week are gathering up loose ends and preparing to "show up"—to what they call the queen's taste— the men's teams which have been canvassing HfPrrlsburg tot war wo'rh purposes. While men will tuke some little part In next week's Red Cross mem j bershlp campaign, tho real work will be done by the women of Har risburg and the balance of the dis trict There will be over 4,000 of I them on the Job in Harrisburg alone. | In addition, several thousands will canvass the balance of Dauphin county, all of Perry county and the river towns of Cumberland county. The three colonels who will di rect the drive next week —Mrs. G. L. Culmerry, Mrs. C. H. Hunter and Mrs. J. Bradley Markward —to-day united in making tills statement: Women to Do Duty "The women of' Harrisburg next week will make an effort to surpass the results attained in any previous war work campaign conducted In Harrisburg. "It Is tho last campaign of 1918 —and It will be the best. The Red Cross is Harrisburg's favorite war work organization. None need to be told of the work it has done and is doing.- For that reason there need be no time lost in explaining the ob ject of the campaign. We want memberships—not money. We be lieve Harrisburg alone should fur nish 50.000 or 60,000 memberships. We ask the people of this city to be ready for the solicitors when they begin their rounds on Monday. We ask the hundreds of workers who will participate in the drive to leave nothing undone in their effort to surpass what has been done by men's teams in the last eighteen months. The women of Harrisburg are going to set a mark next week wliich will be hard to equal tnTtfe future." Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, of Har risburg Red Cross chapter, to*jtay called attention to the fact that Red Cross membership solicitors next week must wear the official arm brassard; und that without this arm brassard In evidence, solicitors lay themselves open to the suspi cion that they are impostors. More Workers Announced Mrs. Hunter's workers—Mrs. C. H. Hunter, colonel of the downtown di vision. has nnnounccd the names of 'all the workers in that section of the | city.. They are Ms follows; I Downtown Division —Colonel, Mrs. [Charles H. Hunter, 16)8 Allison strict. | First Wnrd —Major, Mrs. J. Allen I stuart, 1512 South Twelfth street. Volunteer Stntions —First prc fprecinet: Captafh, Mrs. Edward Frazler, 1301 South Twelfth street, [ lieutennnts: Mrs. William Hake. 11509 Allison street; Miss Lornlne Tinsley, Copinninlty and Elliott streets; Miss Pauline Fqrdy, 1300 South Thirteenth street; Miss Agnes Towsen. 1208 South Twelfth street; Mrs. Edward White, 1121 South Cameron street; Mrs. B. Roberts, Cameron and Hanover streets; Miss Mary Toomey. 1324 South Twelfth street; Miss Genevieve Fardy, 1300 South Thirteenth street. Second precinct volunteers sta tions: CAptnln. Mrs. Jerome C. Kel ley, 1030 South Cameron street; lieutenants: Mrs. Lewis Hohn. 1072 South Cameron street: Miss Mary Kelley. 1030 South Cameron street; Mrs. Russell Frederick. 1016 South Cameron street; Miss' Jennie Shees ley, South Ninth street; Mrs. Annie Clancy. 84 4 South Cameron street; Mrs. John Park, 800 South Cam eron street; Miss Mary Blade, 1028 South Cameron street; Mrs. Ed. Madden, 1040 South Eighteenth street. ' v Third precinct volunteer stations: Captain. Miss May E. Sloathour, 587 South Front street; lieutenants: Mrs. j A .G. MeNear, 127 Vi Paxton street; Mrs. Joseph Rogers, 523 Race street; Miss Sallle Stiteler, 537 Race street; j Miss Frances Shertzer, 110 Conoy street; Mrs. Lewis Terras!, 593 South Front street; Miss Irene Ensinger, i 600 Race street; Mrs. Alva Free, 705 ] South Front street; Mrs. Ed. Falter, 70.7 Race street; Mrs. George W. Conner, 724) Race street: Mrs. Olive Zeiglor, 112 Naglc street; Miss Miriam Taylor, 117 Conoy Street. Second Ward Major, Mrs. Edward Sponsler, 21 South Front street. First and Second precincts, Cap- I tain Mrs. DeWitt Fry, 313 South ! Front street, (volunteer station). ! Lieutenants. Mrs. Elliot Middleton, I 305 South Front street; Mrs. Esther Gabriel, Paxton street; Miss Sara [ Jauss, 228 South Second street. Third Ward First precinct, Captain, Mrs. V. Lome Hummel, 107 South Front street; Lieutenants, Mrs. B. Boyd Harrington, 106 Chestnut street; Miss Katlierine Gorgas, 216 Maclay street. Second precinct, Captain, Mrs. Walter P. Maguire, 5 South Front street; Lieutenants. Mrs. J. C. Kun kej, Jr., 11 South Front street; Mrs. William ltodenhaver, 217 Market Third ward, Third precinct and Ninth ward, First precinct, Mrs. Benjamin Africa, 11 North Front street, (volunteer station), captain; Lieutenants, Mrs. E. Z. Gross, 23 North Front street; Mrs. G. Bausher, Arcade building;' Mrs. Charles Ut tley, 321 Walnut street; Mrs. D. A. Caley, 23 North Fourth street. Fourth Ward, Eighth Ward Major, Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, 105 Locust street. Fourth ward, First precinct, Cap tain, Eugene E. Heyser, 20 9 West State street; Lieutenants, Mrs. C. C. Cocklin, 126 Walnut street; Witmer, Bair & Wjtmer, 202 Wal nut street; Mrs. W. J. Snavely, 224 North Second street; Miss Martha Snavely, 217 North Second street; Miss Minnie Bailey, 126 Locust street; Miss Elizabeth Ross, 224 Pine street; Mrs. Charles S. Rebuck, 412 North Third street; Mrs. George B. Tripp, 123 State street; Mrs. Murray, 219 North Second street; Miss Nellie Hepford, 304 North Second street. Fourth ward, Second precinct, Captain, Mrs. William Main, 811 North Front street; Lieutenants, Mrs. George Kunkle, 601 North Front street; Mrs. Lesley McCreath, 615 North Front street; Mrs. John N. McCulloch, 604 North Third street; Mrs. S. R. Sides, 508 North Third street; Mrs. Paul Moog, 715 Nortli Second street; Miss Jennie' Lynch, 22 4 North street; Mrs. C. M. Rhoades, 800 North Second street; Mrs. C. H. Kinter, 804 North Second street; Mrs. S. D. Sansom, 213 Fors ter street; Mrs. Williard S. Young, 218 Briggs street; Miss Hahn, 704 North Third street; Miss Pannebeck er, 709 Green street; Miss Mary Reinoehl, 801 Green street; Mrs. Frank Palmer, 811 Green street; Mrs. Norman B. Shepler, 711 North Third street; Mrs. Frank Milleisen, 707 North Third street; Miss L. It. Hamlin, 811 North Third street; Mrs. G. E. Bill, 819 North Third street; Mrs. Charles F. Spicer. 704 No'rth i Sixth street; Miss Edith Lewis, 709 I Capital street; Mrs. C. A. Kline, 423 Forster stret; Miss Helen Shearer, 804 North Sixth street. Eighth ward. Fourth precinct, captain, Mrs. Charles C. Steiner, 815 North Sixth street; Lieutenants, Miss Anna May 615 Briggs street; Miss Amfciia Durbin, 711 North Sixth street; Miss Elinor Wal ters, 817 North Sixth street. KIIO9I MILITARY SCHOOL Klrkpatrick Espy Galbraith, a stu dent at the Staunton Military Aca demy, Staunton Va. has arrived in the city to spend the Christmas holi days with his mother, Mrs. William Watts Galbraith at 111 North street. BOTTLE TRADE MAY CLOSE THE SALOONS [Continued from First Page.] more undesirable, at this time, than ever before. Military police from Middletown i and Marsh Bun patrol the streets ev- I ery night trying to keep down tho ' practice of drinking umong the sol- j diers as much as possible. • i Chares B. Mallet, chief of the! Bureau of Investigation for the De- ; partment of Justice, addressing a; meeting of liquor men in Philadel- ' j phia yesterday, said that bootleg-' King is on the Increase there, and I called upon tho liquor men to co i operate in its elimination. The deal- I era were asked to pledge themselves [ to refuse to sell any liquor to he I taken from the premises, and told j that conditions are becoming such : that quick and sharp action must :be taken to prevent its further spread. He said any dealers who re fused to enter into the agreement asked of them would be prosecuted. One license was revoked yesterday afternoon. It was the action taken by federal authorities in Philadelphia that 1 caused the local liquor men to fear I that uncss indiscrlrqinating dealers I here mend their ways, federal author ities will step In and take a hand. ! Numerous arrests for bootlegging | havo been made by military and I Harrisburg police within tho last few . week- Men's Bible Class to Attend Evening Banquet The men'* Bible class of the Tab ernacle Baptist Chjirch, the Rev. Os morc Pelrce, pastor, will give a ban quet this evening in the lunch room of the church in the interest of in OPENS SATURDAY AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 9 P. j Suits and Overcoats f 1 Three Immense Lots Go On Sale Saturday 1 'HI HAVE grouped into these three lots the very best suits and overcoats js| l||j * * that can be assembled to sell at these prices so that the man or young man jju jjfjj who has made ujd his mind to buy a #uit and overcoat for Christmas will have -Sj jiiM an opportunity at the same time to save considerable money on his clothes. If* jjf| As far as quality, tailoring and style are concerned, there are no better to be ||| ! fej had. As far as real value is concerned there is no gainsaying the fact that s§j [s{ Kaufman's Values are supreme. And you have wonderfully large stocks from |{|j | Hi which to choose. |j| I g Men's and Young Men's i] O 50 (t! Suits and Overcoats J f|== Ir7j^\ Special Saturday hj THE OVERCOATS New Military and Conserva- I \ Ly tive models, and the new belt back Ulsterette, in every I \ i|| wanted material. Jy \ \ |jjj jbi THE SUITS Splendid models, in serviceable . \ \ \ fill jjjy worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres. \ / ||J I Men's and Young Men's 50 \\ 0 Suits and Overcoats //== /A, A I Special Saturday / 7u L 3 j| I THE OVERCOATS Newest models in belted / hi and conservative. • •••. /&A ' \ 1 f 1 - THE SUITS Fine worsteds, cassimeres, tweeds " \ j\j Men's and Young Men's 4% J CQ Jiff S Suits and Overcoats fJ == m* ill Special Saturday , I h MPHiSJ ?|| j THE OVERCOATS are among the finest to be had G|Pli |Jm and are as good as most stores are selling now at $35.00. j'jl THE SUITS are all-wool cassimeres, cheviots, . j . v ours, plain blues and fancies; full line of sizes to 46 .**—•. - -oi| 500 Pairs Men's Trousers—4 Big Lots Saturday 1 at 2M at at 4-M at 45§ 1 Corduroys, Cassimeres, Cassimeres. Cheviots Worsteds and Cassl- Corduroy Pants, lined hi Worsteds and Cheviots. and Worsteds. ' meres, all well made. With drill; all sizes. KAUFMAN'S—FIRST FI.OMit. hi Boys' Suits and Overcoats! hi Outfit The Boy for Christmas, make his gift useful and worth ® || while. Our Christmas Sale of Boys' Clothing Starts Saturday IS Boy's Overcoat s*£ QGJ Boys' Long JQ 1 h] and Mackinaws Overcoa s . . M 2V& to 9-year Boys* Polo model Overcoats; but- Btc 18 years. New Trench model; well made hi ton to the neck; the material of neat mixed or and splendid new Values; many patterns to select l|l| [[y cheviot. from. jSj Boys' Long *| A B °y s ' H V LM Overcoats .. iTtwW Mackinaws . tPUei/O wf r l£lir/\ fc,"S /Vwl S to IS years; new Trench 7 to 17 years;. a splendid fil HI / I models; belted buck, double heavy .Mackinaw Coat, ut just A/ \ [M J \ j| breasted; in the newest about wholesale cost, 1 |5A> J\\ tjl g Boys' New (J>Q Of B °y s ' Trench QQ C f / M & I Mackinaws . O Overcoats .. O• Zr II J ivj hiii ni ,-R —J Sizes 7 to IS years—all 3to 10 years. They come in I i A |U t.ffif &1/ heavy material; big collars and every new shade, tan, brown |/I mm 5® [ V belts. and mixtures; Trench models. | W um K] yj IMLSA&A KAUFMAN'S—First Floor. " Sj 1 List of Gift Items for Meng Kl Men's Neckwear Men's Hose S New Four-ln-Hands. wide end; f Men's All v Hose, all fej heavy silk; in fancy A* '."?•*s a,l( i |p| k"1 Men's" Four-in-Hand; wide end- "Us] Men's Silk Lisle Hose, all col- Very good Quality; ••••"• Lk, - i P* , TT /ffl Mill If Men's Lisle Hose, three pairs in tM i,;*j Men's New Fall Four-ln-Hands. | b OX Ut | tut Si liy wide ends; great assortment of M&KMI |IJMM fpA.UU f|l S 21)0, 41) c JW|||Ev Suspenders, Garters Etc., 1 Hj Men's and Boys' Sweaters lßoxed tor Christmas Hi Men's Coat Sweaters in all the J® Funoy IJoxed Suspenders, hi |g popular weaves and colors.^ from It i- J? v "Oy |a Jj>l.9B to Ipo.fJO Men's Fancy Boxed Suspenders, bj Men's V-Neck Slip-Over Sweaters, Si |[l a n wool, „ Men'i Vancy Boxed ' i'uspenders, |ll|| 54.98 and $7.98 59<? 111 D n —T7^: r sweaters Men's aftJ Boys' Belts Men's Combination Set, garters Ibi Ki shades P Men's All LeatheT Belts, each In and arm bands H $i.49 tO $4.98 9^ar * te forhoi.days, MeT)>s Brl - ghtoni Parls or lvory [| S| "V > * Garters , „ d Ken's Handkerchiefs i . Mens Kid Gloves, tan Men's Japunette Initial 10C ill pair $1.98 OIL;-#. • , ~ , • „. men S jmns Glen's Fancy Bordered IRC* hi Men's Kid Gloves, tan and gray. Men>s Sllk Shll . ta> -*> V |t|l| silk and wool lined $1.59 $4-.4K nnrl $5.48 Men's Plain White Initial, half . .. "I TTT . . dozen in box; box its Fill Men s Lined or Unlined Automo- • . IU bile Gloves. Men's Fiber Silk and Crepe Shirts, Whit, initini- half $1.98, $2.48, $2.98 $2.48 'and $2.98 dozen,bpx 590 Jljj Boys' Gauntlet and Dress Gloves Men's Percule and Madras Shirts, Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs, hj 490 to $1.59 $l.lO, $1.45, 121/ 2 c and 240 OPENS SATURDAY AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 9 P. DECEMBER 13, 19m creased membership. The room has been prettily decorated in national colors. A large number of pros pective members will attend for whose benefit an interesting pro gram of instrumental and vocal mu sic und addresses, has been urrang* ed. A. F. DeVout is the teacher of the class. f\ CuticuraSoap Ideal for the Complexion All droßzlsbi: Soap 28 Ointm.rt 28 and 80, Talons 26. sample each Tree of "Oatlar, Ppt. 6, Bo.tea."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers