Hun Ships' Surrender Pays All, Says Premier Ijondon. Articles by Premier Idoyd George, Sir Eric Golden, tho First Lord of the Admiralty, and Lord Pirrio, the controller general 1 j 1 Busiest Saturday at TV r.hristmastifl I ■ and Georgette Crepe de Chine^ 9 Ladies' Handkerchiefs 10c to 25c nAI I C n m II 1 J „ 1 C Crepe de chine and Georgette Beaded hand embroidered? JBM V r dS I! 5Sv 111 MM .1 IBH Q ■""■ lTTlfl T*Ofl C! —-Nw! , y Waists, embroidered and pleat- fronts, round. V. square neck. / 'M Hemstitched and one corner embroidered Cot- MJMJLA J •*• C HUIIUiCUiJ *7%, .AT ed, round, V and square neck, round, combination and square S • J \~V , Handkerchiefs In a larire range of natterns- Aj 1S *- A \ NU \ XVs%vhl C te k 'fleT a b?ack?sf"s roic"''orehld. brown* L\ some with a touch of color. 1* M%e. Me. 17c eacl,! 69c, 9&C, $1.25, $1.98 lO 'i\ /' j J? IV ;au p e. navy and biack. / U Silk Handkerchiefs 25c JTtfV Boy Dolls, Girl Dolls, Beautifully Dressed or Awaiting W T £ Extra Fine Georgette Wcasts C QC \\ / |vV|A J Ladles' White Pussy Willow Silk Handkerchief /jjfl .fol/TK . the Dressmaker \L J/ i fs Georgette Waists made extra heavy, some l/\ / \L In white and colored, rolled edges, and Silk Crepe / ('wrffiW vjffv 11 i _ .rs- [J t (J r are frill fronts, braided, hand embroidered \V/' /. H iHTI oi 4 de Chine Handkerchiefs, in hemstitched and rolled A |J I id a A d J a :i°.r. C . d ee . Ct i r °nf; round. V and square neck combination \VAM H X £ 400 White Voill Q£ 350 India Stlk IQ£ W n,ttlse - f ; M . . # 2 % 7 S ° M S L Waists, Choice I Waists, Choice mmtfi Boxed Handkerchiefs for Ladies print slfiQ WW 1 £ Made of plain and all-over Some are pin tucks, pleated! Hemstitched and one corner embroidered designs '/ J\ Rockinff Horses *P I *\Ak/ [T |.g embroidery voile, trimmed with and hand-embroidered fronts; In white and some with a touch of color. %. ?\ —V\ /s/ iiiD ; 1 fv lace and tuck fronts, high round, V and square neck, sail- V , . oc __ r \ \\A/ All kinds and a I sizes, C ± J I lsa 'if > D 'A square and combination col- or collars; colors white, flesh, , I Three IXI DOX, at 35C, 39C, 49C, 59C *VT . A*r tf>i *}[- /a zq . Qg N/| rff f/f /I \1 (|\ lars, packed in holly boxes; Nile, navy and black. • y Six in box, at 59c, 69c, 89c, 98c, $1.19, $1.49 51.40 tO UUIU 1 UU / &/ , |j \ vr K U l'ilAX'S-Flr.l J) KAUFMAN'S FIRST FLOOR -K tI FM WS naSRMRNT V f f fachriltou**l2oo Coats For Women & Misses at Special Prices j ! '6, Infants' Dresses 69c up PH ATQ A fA ATO rn m Nr\ All-Leather Purses Infants' Presses, made of Nain- |, | | B/j T® M m I 1 Viill ' j. fill /a I A3 B All-leather Purses, in a large d sook; lace and embroidered trim- v 4 * * fl ■ h9 m *B \B laeosfffl JPff VV/ il 1 U SB dU -* VI I range of styles in the square and ; 1 med; sizes 6 months to 2 years. B J \ round-corner effects In top and 'jy Infants' Coats $3.95 up sSsS"* JL Akk £J\ 11111 $1.49,"51.69 to $2.95 1 L infants' Coats of white corduroy, full lined or half I \ Lcr~ tSKai. W'7 J \ „ Y' 0 a"?. 8 ' ♦♦ ♦ x, f serge and chinchillas, double and lined kit coney | \ | \ I ji T VL Vw\ J® a I l 1 " , All I il- D „ v ; ; single breasted, cuff on sleeves, collars, nutria collars, plush or self collars —ln A \ X-BI \ / ] ! kBOmIBIL- kJtTI f\i N liW thJlLii?it n <w™ lined t„ All-Lieatner TUrSeS "I j round collars; sizes ti months to 2 Navy. Burgundy, dark brown. Hunters' green, 3^/ / ] V1 the walSt "and iSSflne® q Real j Pin Seal and Morocco I / .7r * *7 , <no nr IX.T -, ~ ~ " /457 i\\ Vj/rrrTTttx 1 /n• \ V /IIWW ~ ~ purple, brown and green; top and Yi infants Caps 79c to $2.95 New Cloth Coats S M >F4fi U \V\ Salts Plush Coats ";r c , 7Cl Q - J '? r dvc??A^ k kis p iM: -i icn /: //iim i\\ u 'craM A A en $ ' s3 ,^ s , to $4,9S jj ei ' ed " - 00-59 , ~ ij JO J n . e, r <t, n ,r models for misses and wo- I/ I [ /I, \VV\\ \ V out belts through- Leather Hand Bags > L Bonnets $1.59 to $2.45 ™, e th guara y nte a ed linVngs! 1 All J c ilfeffll /l\ till J Hand Bags, in medium and large Children's Bonnets, made of vel- lined; best colors. IBPLI I I tt'A ;I assortmenL P sizes; assorted; In black, brown y vets and corduroy; ribbon and fur : 9HH V I\ 11 n'\ 11 K reen > n trimmed; colors, rose, Copenhagen, ————————— OR H . ■ V T 111 \ A 1-J —— QC„ Cfl A Q a— ttO QC X h ■*-*,■**■ Salts Plush Coats Hffl "i 1 111 W\ " Salts Plush Coats ' ■ s,a * ' j 1 T Sweaters $1.95 to $5.95 "I 050 ' M—r' \\\ \ Cl ".'ri" /i 50 VeJrot Hand Bag. ;jj ? •s.'sr-i |M= tnA \P W \\\ \ /hx yZi= • 4 and assorted and double breasted; 5,i A ■ ° ' sizes ™ u for ■Bj M 4 J V\ \/A I Ml P \s\ \\ V \\ self collar and cuffs. Lined mirror In top; large range of styles 3 V and high neck; round collars; col- J"'® 8 ?"** ?[2? en ' T . hese V lll\f IM, A U throughout with guaran- in black, brown, taupe and gray, ■A ors. white, rose, Copenhagen, card!- are extraordinary values. Al M teed lining. M4Q 7C i AC k nal, maize, turquoise and coral. j\\ \S \\ Jb0.49, 3>0.75 to >>7.95 i KAUFMAN'S, Second Floor / ~ / <t # KA.-)FAIAN'S—Si.i.QMiI Floor. - -V Rnufmun'a. First Floor ti) ([Special In Christmas Slippers" S,^„^" ry aTnl'f 'Silk Underwear £ f" A ' rils c "" J| HP Four Excentinnnl Vnlnoc at $1.19 at $1.49 For Gifts Special Values Saturday Extra Special Values Saturday |™=n ; j , Hose; double sole; high Hose; double sole; high rnrpr nf Ladies' Bath Robes yj QC j Children's Coats, QC 1| | i r 1 Comfy 1 P7P- "n'blMk'nnd wdll't" tU "' ?^blatk h and b®onze r . tOPi ° VELOPK CHEMISE, made ° C "navy; 'eizeu Y O II n,. B / of extra lieavv oualitv of Beacon Blanket Bath Itobes; satin and cord trim- ,! * ' ' A Sl *PP ers . • f• • V Silk Hosierv Silk Haiierv crepe de chine, trimmed fi™" d n a SardlMrgriy ar ri>se o AST Chaie panette; green. y% == J p r W"" len 0 , nd misses OUK nOSiejy Ollß llOStery wlth val lnce and riLbon Copenhagen, ct-rdinul, gtay. rose and tan. sizes Jb # jA brown. Burgundy, sizes M A\ , £ \ trimmed; heavy padded ttt $1.75 at $2.59 lnserHon and all ~ " ~~ " Co'rduroy Beaver, \i v]s : oA spliced' 1 heel; 8 garter *tS>; sT. Mn.'.52.95 Ladies' Bath RobeS jfc Q g ■! Wk"; I \ w Copen blue. jn white, gray, flesh and high spliced heel; garter K WSFR ITAIIAN Kll K sixes Bto 14. A ra||[ Li t? • J <n black; some Imperfect. top; very fashionable. ENVELOPE CHEMISE Esmond Blanket Bath Robes: cord trimmed; round /?Wf rlt ?| AJ, I ||| tv&r 4!) "gifflSfgKijs ff- y ' Lh ' lir J" s }Z als I L Women's and misses' HOSE, double toe and HOSE, double sole and ribbon insettion, <tQ 4.C ~ .. _ ._ . \X \ \ PO.I7iJ \ Ax fr fur-trimmed Juliets, with heel; sizes 7to 94; heel; sizes Sl/2 to 10; sizes . 38 to 44... w#w Child 8 Oath KobeS "3 ACT \I \ \ \ Children's • Coats of cor- A l !ll CT X • ~TIsM -y* :• flexible leather sole and speciai pair, special ttair tr,.n,o,i.r. . kS A /| Jill duroy, boucle and mixtures j { 3 f heel; colors, wine, black, A/i specmi.puir SATIN CAMISOLE of guar- U • *~W K-J J\ \ 1 with plain and quilted lin- ft eL nil! U brown and Oxford. ' O Q Q* f O O anteed flesh color, satin Children's Beacon Blanket Bath; satin and kJ ings; sizes 2to C years. jl c t* 9 , fci 4' L \D JL m%3 trimmed with \al lace and cord trimmed, round and square collars; cord and ru;u-si' e r*Vil#t-An'cs fAnio //SllliA •'j ijr Women s and Misses Misses and Children's —— ribbon insertion; QC r tassel: colors, rose, tan Navy, Copenhagen and brown; Children s Coats Children s Coats //s)\ ( \ M\\\ T. 1, r _ „ . . BOYS' ANI) GIRLS' LADIES' BLACK sizes . 38 to 44,.... sizes Bto 14. /t Irtd\ F* / 'I I A 111 Felt Comfy QQ Fur-trimmed -l i A HF.AW umiiED FLEECE LINED COT- KAYSKR ITALIAN SII.K ._ . tIA AH .Til/Mri 4U Slippers t/OC Juliets .... l,li/ BLACK HOSE, double TON HOSE; a heavy CAMISOLE, made of Jer- Child 8 Bath RobeS <£? *3 A EEL PlU*Ul/ jW, Women's and misses' Misses' and children's sole and heel a fine quality; sizes 9to 10 'A ; sey silk, trimmed with \ul _ A-M. jT T Egyptian plush try \-H r Vm u felt Comfy Slippers, with felt fur-trimmed Juliets quality; sizes 7 to 10; special, pair and Piatt val lace antl Egyptian plush: beaver cloth collar; 1/ \it JM| p ! padded sole and heel; with leather sole and A A Af\ ribbon insertion* It 1 At\ Children's Blanket Bath Robes; cord trimmed; round in blue, brown In black, brown, J/\ [\\ 4 I ft > Oxford only; all sizes. heel; red only; all sizes rJL .ri if* /f V/v ~ ' 3) I ,f|.H and square collars; cord and tassel; colors, tan, rose, and Burgundy; blue, Burgundy and Juy Jj m I f . TO C if"O C ' "• cardinal. Navy and Copenhagen: sizes Bto 14. sizes Bto 14. green; sizes 7t09. ** *||||j| MAN S I irst I' ,oor y KAUFMAN'S FIRST FLOOR KBuffman's, Second Floor jy KAUFMAN'S—SECOND FLOOR. K A t'l'll \ N'S—Second Fion.- J) J| I SILTI^ 8 1 C ' I,RISTMAS PECIAIS IN THE BAR^AIN BASEMENT I IN P j __ Electric RUGS RUGS BLANKETS jj Aluminum Cooking Utensils || Westinghouse Cinderella § 4T j jw|| Children's Dresses I '7,-S5 """iYn" ' b.W. .'rY.AVTJ . Electric Iron | '%*o>£rfo§figs~u ]| S V Lamps price in man; Instnncco. „ a y $4.95 1 ' 5-qt. Tea Kettle. , size. i f 4 r . J JM * Wool .Filter ll ti it > i ~ CI Jcsi si its fully gauaran- \ £■' xs [in w A 3hQ 1 Gingham and chambray dresses; high walsted; K M Silk Shade Boudoir xood quality; sizes 9x12 'aid wool f'eece bbin jte~— . p - r teed and man- W M VMM *3l to 1 button trlmined: embroidered collars and belts; 1 Hi : Lamps wired lor at SIi.PN kcts, 66x80 dC QC mwjfi . Sfjfg p m u llf nctu , ' ,,, i hy Voefg Kijffl B J ' IC' sizes oto 11 years. M ll J electricity; rose, blue, UrusKcl* Rugm excep- Inches dJ.a7*3 'lJall 101 * , "' u the Westing- -W\ / J2js M TV . . riJI > ■ [I 1 si p, aid hinnkots. K .'lf l Better Than Others 1 h Children's Dresses $2.39 RuK;T , speciaL o s , ize c 9xi > 2 inches $6.95 Hundred Oil /s--—'""Sfilnlal at *ft2 C 9914 1 " D Jll' Hp L/resses .?JO I , '">}> * '-amps, s.ik shade,. 2. ft - nt ~ •••• , w ° ol pla " J " la "-' 8 ' ®Peal at W.WS } "LppO rettlCOatS Ml % Inches high, wired. complete for Axmlnotcr Rugs, rich 70x80 d7 QC HEATFKb \C— j/ _ 1 M e ,. i o White, pique; high waist, pleated skirt; button J llso - Special Saturday y:t.t,r, colorings; size 9x12 ft., | nc hes Jbf.i/O s k , . , . [CJLs - ri # °V % Shimmering Black Sateen; (I*l A|J , Jfi ' RI C Coionlai Vciret Rug., White mixed woo' less patent burners. A big as,,. rt - [ tuck flounce; all lengths,.... tpl .V O j| m i.A ill I.s rose nnd tan shaded —ma- heavy siz oxl2 ft blankets* nc one - gallon capacity, 1 LtifiSM Jwm\ fcitU Mr,Vi\ men! at little ■ ~~— ■ I J % bogany base. Special H.M at y .'- ■ ■■. . . $3O W 70x80 $7.95 burns for ten hours on OK. <M *A money; IC, X?| „ri 99 O J.JL' 2 If Children'. Drese. rN h& A^S^l^V XK AB „, 1 I'" .frTt IM ' "Eppo Petticoats ' |'- IL S<J9d I •..■> 4.4 W.M m.. _ KS.m'-.Ki.Yftfi'K $3.63 '%, Ma Taffeta Eppo; best quality of taffeta; | t Navy, serge nnd corduroy; waist nnd Eton I . |t}V.l ,1 11 jl I -" , 3 " d fl ° UnCe braid at bottom; UW [ asl VACUUM Cleaners J|} 1 CUT GLASS WATER SET , > $5.95 i j [ Children'. Dree.sft QQ (sgSj $2Q Q3 ' "Eppo" Petticoats 1 ! l m ciai, fully guar- \ . I\Riln• IK 11 !LH jKJ \ 1 4 16521 t),ete { °r strong, coppi |vy i Italian Silk. Tersev ton with a taffeto oil \f Colored serges and corduroy; high waist nnd C anteed. each, jOCr ; \, I'll || 111 Also a complete ns- TTt „ PPMV 11 "" 8 ' Spe ' l| IB flntirtre rufflo ortrl • U Wl Peter Thompson models; round and roll collars; j n • i .CD f\E* i 1 m sortnient of springs Vai ii r W?rJ (Ll \Q Q Irh-+ *■•*. 11l II I rUnle and tucked, braid at bottom; 381 jj u y"irr' Copen ' w " et j $1,98 <1 colors, black, navy, green, M j Store Open Saturday 9 | I FURS AT SPECIAL PRICES Natural Coney Sets for Fitch, Taupe, Brown and Children ~. $2.25 to $8.95 Black Opossum Sets for Wo- Natural and Jeanettc Cap men and Animal JSets for Children, Scarfs and large Ball Muff, $4.50 to $7.95 $39.50 to $59.50 Tiger Coney Sets for Cliil- Lustrolynx Muffs or Scarfs dren $2.50 to $4.50 for Women and Misses, Natural Coney Sets for $8.95 to $20.00 JMisses, $15.00 and $15.50 Red Fox Muffs or Scarfs for Wildcat Sets for Misses, Women and Misses, $16.95 and $20.00 $lO.OO to $29.50 KAUFMAN'S—Second Floor FRIDAY EVENING. of merchant shipbuilding, are print ed In the current number of an ed ucutlohal journal devoted almost en tirely to matters connected with the navy and the merchant marine. Mr. Lloyd George In his article, referring to the surrender of the German fleet, says it was a signifi cant event because It symbolizes in a fitting matter the absolute triumph of the Allied cause. "It was our day, the supreme hour in Great Britain's history, the just ification of all the sacrifices and sufferings of the last four years," the Premier writes. "The German fleet was beaten because the hearts of the men who manned It were not TOTRRISBURG TELEGRAPH steeled by the consciousness of a righteous cause." Sir Eric Geddes, describing the Influence of the navy on the course of the war, says when last March the Germans made an overwhelm ing attack on the British line It was the navy that enabled Great Britain to repair her losses, so within a few weeks the front was at least as strong in men and material as be fore. Lord Plrrie deals mainly with the British mercantile marine and the output of shipping, showing how Germany tried to catch up with Brltuin in colonial and cpmmerclol development and, he adds, found it Impossible. CANADIAN SI ECII INICS ottnwn, Ontario—Shortly after the start of the war a number of Can adian mechanics went over to Eng lund for the purpose of working In government shops. The Minister of DECEMBER 13, 1913. Labor announces that these men will be given free transportation back to Canada, as will also the wives and children of the men whose families Joined them In England and Scot land. ST. I,OI'IS TEACHERS ORGANIZE St. LOMlN —Women teachers of the Gloves For Christmas Thousands of Pairs at Attractive Prices Ladies' Kid Gloves, sr\.49 Ladies' Washable $1 .75 Pair 4mi Kid Gloves, * In white, gray and tan, in self and Ladies' White Kid Was ha b 1 e contrasting stitching—two-clasp. Gloves, with black stitching. Ladies' Washable $1 .97 Ladies' Silk and Q7|- Kid Gloves 1 Chamoisette \ In brown and gray and black, in White, black, brpwn, gray, j£&r)> self and contrasting stitching. champaign, taupe, stitched baCTt. Kaufman's, Flrnt Floor St. Louis grade schools are forming an organization to loolt after tha Interests of teachers In the grade schools In affairs befero the Board of Education. The teachers havte been given Increases ranging from $l5O to $3lO per year but thero is much satisfaction kith the award. • ' J 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers