DELI, 1001—23.10 UNITEII rZetj v (yCn-u- p Dorothy Dodd Shoes For Women Among the practical gifts for choosing, shoes come to the front as among the first essentials. And good shoes should receive first consideration. Dorothy Dood, for instance, is a shoe recognized among the finest for women. We have them here and other good makes. Women's field mouse kid boots, with French heels. Speci al, $9.49. Women's grev suede boots with French heels. . Special, $8.50. Women's black kid laced boots,* with French and military heels, $5.00 to $9.00. Women's black patent vamp button shoes; kid and cloth tops. Special, $1.98. Gift slippers—women's felt slippers, $1.50 to $2.50. Women's satin quilted slippers, old rose, pink and blue. Pair, $2.50. Women's kid slippers, red, blue, tan, pink and black. Pair, $2.50. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Georgette Crepe Specials In a beautiful line of shades—4o inches wide, strong and durable—2 yards makes a waist —6 yards a gown, every waist 6r dress pattern in a nice Christmas box; specially priced for Saturday, yard, $1.59. gO^'MAX'S—Main Floor. is Silk and Fiber Sweaters One-Fourth Off All Sizes, Colors, and Styles ( You ought to have one. Many l&Bgafj| a bme you sigh, and wish to have " *0%?? i USt SUC ' I an art 'cle. On some of l ' lC occas ' ons a sweater is just the MjUf. thing, 011 others it can be worn fflw |H with the coat. Hut especially 119 Hill when skating parties are held, is illp a llflf the sweater an "almost necessity." e have silk and silk fabric fiber in all shades with belted effects, v Willi slip-011 and coat sweaters. In rose, maize, green, white, corai, purple, f brown and comb colors. Satu a ay special. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Fifth Floor For Fine I r urniture ■ Assembled on the fifth floor is a collection of gift furniture that will meet the requirements of many gift seekers. Do not overlook this fact, Bowman s furniture is designed on lines of preat beautv and con structed with the idea of utility and satisfaction. - - I he big furniture floor is well filled with gift Furniture displayed the Bowman way that makes it a real pleasure to make the Department a pleasure. . • . '. ■ <7~D We Mention and Picture hae dome ■ I1P5I1) Of The Furniture Now Displayed JJTF f 1 "SSSSt-ftrr "T-HT'T' Folding card tables, leatherette top with nickel corners $2.98 imJk&tiL Khi ,rf- f P ho , ncra ' ,h ; ' • f M0 ° l ° 00 ° Mahogany davenport tables, attractive designs in popular periods, " • i ft mm' j COWMAN'S—Fifth F'oor. I | FRIDAY EVENING, Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six 1 "Waists at Great Reductions | Just one look at the original price tickets attached to these waists will surprise you to know that W* Cp many of these waists have been marked at double the price asked for them now —and some even st*ill Ipj higher. And this does not reflect on the merit of the waists. We simply had such a large stock of || | waists that we did not have the facilities to properly care for them. We have now installed additional hfe dustproof cases to of all incoming waists, but those that had become slightly crumpled will py ||j be cleared out regardless of cost price. ffi 1 79c $1.15 $4.89 $6.48 1 to || SPECIALS in cotton Fine voile waists, em- Georgette, crepe de Beautiful assortment ffl f|tj waists, voiles, striped broidery and lace trim- c ! l ' ne an( * sat '"| waists in of Christmas waists in m iu all colors. Embroidered, i:„_j c , •. , i , ffl dimity and madras; in ming. Turned back cuffs beaded and lace trimmed r . . models, white, ffl 111 combination of colors; and some in frills. Very ones. Various collars es E -usque, p um, taupe . round and square cjol- dainty and special value p 1 com kmation co '" an * )rovvn an< . comn ~ p| ty , . , „ * v * lu c ors. Extraordinary value nation colors. All sizes, ffl 3 Special at 79c at .............. .$1.15 at $4.89 Viry special at....56.48 i | Sale of Winter Coats, $18.75 | Wool velours, burella cloth, kerseys and other materials in various pretty style effects $ : and with seal plush collars. If we told you that these coats were marked to sell at jS pj almost double would that make them anymore valuable to you? Not a bit, but the [i! j extraordinary value is there and the price ticket tells its own story. ' | Dress Special at $12.75 § For to-morrow we quote one group of dresses in silk, satin, silk velour and some §] LJ velvets, in many smart styles, usually found only in much higher priced models. BE 91 BE9 9 E BBE C 081 fi * -v vi HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH • JSmmaii'S HARKISBURU, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13. 101 N. DECEMBER 13, 1918. Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six Santa Has Mad " Toy land" Here His Headquarters Everything considered, it was quite a task to assemble such a collection of playthings as is now on display here and at the Bowman annex, in Gilbert Building, opposite Court House. The selling has been very brisk, but the department still offers a big stock, and no child need want for playthings whose parents are willing to buy them. Here are toys of all kinds, the best kind of toys to buy! See Santa Claus in his Castle, second floor front, and see him go down the chimney on marquee, in front of store. BOW MAN'S—Basement. Saturday Specials In Silks Wool and Wash Dress Goods The following numbers are specially priced for Saturday selling—and are most unusual values, for that reason we can not till mail orders, or send'C. O. D. as quantities will not per | mit.. SILKS—36-inch fancy plaids or stripes in Scotch Clans, monotones or . multi-colored. Many are made right here in Harrishurg. Plenty of black and navy with self plaid or stripe. Very choice for a gift dress or skirt, yard, $1.95. 40-inch Crepe de Chine—light and dark colorings—plenty black, navy and white, yard, $1.45. 40-inch wash satin in white or flesh color, yard, $1.79. 51-inch black silk plush for coats and scarfs, yard, $6.50. WOOL DRESS GOODS.—S4-inch Velour cje Laifie'and Suede Velour —15 colors to choose from for suit or coat, yard $3.95. 48 to 54rinch fancy plaids and check—the very nobbish skirtings on the market, yard $3.95. 48 and 54 inch French serges fine twill suitable for dress or. suit—mostly short lengths from 2 1-2 to 5 yards, dark tones, also black, yard, $2.25. WASH GOODS—32-inch fine foreign and American ging hams—big assortment of plaids and stripe—always makes a pleasing Christmas gift, yard, 69c. 36-inch finest American percales in black, navy, grey or white grounds; newest printed designs, yard, 39c, 1 : All the above numbers suitably boxed for gift giving. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Hair Goods A Most Sensible Christmas Gift In the assemblage of fine hair goods are examples of the best qualities and biggest values we have ever been able to offer. WAVY HAIR SWITCHES IN ALL WSg&M THE WANTED SHADES Secure a small sample of the color you wish y *jr matched and our experts will select the prop- /f er shade,' or, better still, have the switch M matched directly to the head on which it is f % /' to be worn. $4.95. \\ / 1 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 3 FOUNDED UN
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