157 PENNA. MEN LOSE LIVES IN WAR WITH HUNS 8,214 Names Made Public by War Department; 1,627 Fall in Action \VaxliingtoD, Dec. 2.—A total of 6.214 names appears in today's and yesterday's casualty lists# 3,185 being reported today, and 3,029 yesterday. Of this total, 1,627 were killed in action, and of this number 157 were Pennsylvanians.; The summary fol lows: , Killed in action 1,627 Died of wounds i... .* 639 Died of accident and other causes 43 Died of airplane accident.. 7 Died of disease 1,167 Wounded severely 639 Wounded (degree undeter mined Wounded slightly • Missing In action • Ln> Total 6,214 The following names are reported this afternoon: KILI.UI) IN ACTION l.leuteiiiints , Herbert Joachian Otto, Philadel- Ph Adexander McPherson Russell, Bed ford. Scrgenntn Frederick A. Tessmer, Oil City. William Aloysius Ba h lf, Charles J. BbcK, Philadelphia. Walter G. llorak, Scranton. Warren B. Purcell, Weikert. William J. Cush, Homestead. Joseph H. Weber, Philadelphia. • Corporals Joseph F. Thompson Shaft. I sane Cohen, - Foster street, Hnr rislturg. ~ Joseph Stonage, Monessen. Andrew Kariey, Pittsburgh. Elmer F. Gardner, Unity vine. Ha™ . P. Smith. Philadelphia. Christian Coover Wltmer, Keams l° Francis F. Itogan, North Pitts bUrSh> itugier Francis Foster. Jr.. Philadelphia. George McC. Robinson, Walnut. Mechanic* , William J. Moore, Philadelphia Moses S. Verger, Pottstown. Private* Joseph Carps, Carnegie. * John Carson# Philadelphia. James K. Banner, Cly. Frank Deguzes, Luzerne. Harry W. l ee, Campbell. Clark M. A gens, ltidgwui. , William M. Ayres, Dunbur, 1-ajette '°Robert J. Barnes, Wadesyille. Sostino Castriglano, Philadelphia. Morris Cohen, Philadelphia. Adam R. Miller, Baxter. Deo Raczkowski, Mahonoy City. Albert I-. Reeder. Elysburg. John Baylift, Handling. Patrick F. Craven, Willtamstown, Dauphin county. Raymond B. McCoy, Altoona. Peter Pitrone, Wftlston. Antonio Ricota, Windber. • John Sandora, Philadelphia. William O. Trimble, Newberry. Charles A. Dick, Folcroft. Charles Geiles, Scranton. Dee Alfred llanks, Burrows. Michael J. Conroy, Ardmore. Joseph Fox, Philadelphia. James M. Hall, St. Michael. William Athas, Scranton. Paul Anderson Glennon, Glenlield. J,eo Thomas McCabe. Philadelphia. Sidney E. McFarlane, Shreveport. Dewis E. Kehl, Pennsburg. Harold D. Dandis, Dancaster. Clerk Maurer, Reading. David E. Orr, Indiana. Matthew T. Nally, Consholtocken. Ernest C. Neurath, Philadelphia. Horace J. O'Donnell, Germantown,, Philadelphia. Earl 11. Oplinger, Walnutport. John Welchko, Puritan, Cambria C °Chiules H. Redman. Philadelphia, j Bert Edgar Seamens, Corry. Robert C. Wilcox, Wellsboro. Edward E. Gery, Sinking Spring. Nicola Gieneatarlno, Clarksburg. Charles J. Hays. Donegal. Ralph G. Orndoff, Waynesburg. Antoni Rychlinski. Breckenridgc. Adolph Skivmont, Pliiladelphia. Joseph Deo Smith, Clearfield. John M. Tarbet, Philadelphia. Emmett G. Daub, Philadelphia. Joseph D. Moroge. Philadelphia. Giorgio Pisero, Pittsburgh. DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION Serjeant John Henry Theuret, Sarver. But ler county. Private* John A. McDevitt, Chester. Albert H. White, Philadelphia. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Privates Joseph W. Dewis, Connellsville. William Dufield, Butler, Joseph HeiTron. Pliiladelphia. Will NDED SE V lilt El. V Cnrporul Stephen W. Forgas, Philadelphia. Privates Ralph M. Snyder, Brookville. Joseph G. Gebhant, Pittsburgh. Timmas F. Emery, Philadelphia. James J. Fletcher, Philadelphia. George D. Frick, Pottstown. Henry J. Howe. Bridgewater. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED I Sergeants Charles R. Kimball, Philadelphia, llenry C. Yeiser, Newnianstown. Corporals Frank G. Foreman, Philadelphia, Horace E. Kirby, Philadelphia. Privates Charles V. Beck, Pluta. Paul Rupp. Windsor. Michael F. Carroll. Philadelphia. George G. Tlackett, Louistown. Raymond Hratoh, Norristown. John A. Mengcl. Juniata. John Murray, Susquehanna. Drogo Valetic, Stllltown. •Peter Zakarevicz, California. Resinol healed that skin trouble If you are suffering from some Resinol Ointment helps to overcome embarrassing skin eruption, what these troubles because it contains the wouldn't you give to have some one soothing remedies for skin irritation tell you what this girl was told. or inflammation. Pimples, blotches, redness, rough- Resinol Ointment aided by Resinol ness, eruptions, or any skin blemishes Soap tends to keep the skin healthy prevent attractiveness, and repel and increase its charms, friends as well as. strangers, but For ,*U iy ill drucgUh. Resinol Shaving Stick is for men who want cool, soothing shaves. MONDAY EVENING, ITARRTSBTTRG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 2, 101 R. Martin J. Gill, Pittsburgh. Ralph Marshall Johnson, Klttann ing. Raymond Charles Kiscadden, Deba non. George Edgar Wolfe, Huntingdon. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant ■ Ewing K. Lynn, McKeesport. Corporals I Joseph C. Kotchlg, Pittsburgh. John E. Reichert, Pittsburgh. Charles Bertram Merrett, Mercer. William A. Metlin, Elwood City. Rugler Edward Stoecker, Pittsburgh. Wagoner Ralph McCormiek, Chinchilla. Privates ' Gulseppe Calleri, Berwick. Andrew Adams, Moon Run. f John A. Brown, Allentown. . Charles Butts, Philadelphia. I I Gubrielll Cramilli, Carnegie. ' Rocco Lachionl, Easton. Santi Disniati, Monessen. W. E. Ekis, Hillards. Earnest F. Hogue, Brighton. ' " Sol Jacobson, Mount Pleasant. John William Wahlen, Pittsburgh, Zurgmund Zakazewslty, I'harro. William D. Nunan, Manoa. Albert Baxter Squires, Corry. Albert S. Staerk, Altoona. Jolm Gilbert Wulte, Sligo. Enrico Monzo, Philadelphia. Harry C. Rennie, Philadelphia. Samuel Schwartz, Philadelphia. Joseph C. Turosky, Plymouth. Benjamin Weiss. Philadelphia. Joseph F. O'llourke, Union City. Michael Parillu, Lyon. Bronislaw Stulpin, Elizabeth. Harry O. Wismer, Rushland. Albert Welty, McKeesport. John A. Workman, Pittsburgh. The following were reported this morning: KILLED IN ACTION Corporal Lee J. Sullivan, Aliquippa. Wagoner Samuel Hackett, Middlebury. John Angelo, Mines. Joseph Cawley, Pittston. Reuben H. Duffel, Philadelphia. Wilson D. George, Towanda. „ Charles Hess, Franklintown, York county. • Alfred Jones. Metal. * Erman E. Leple.v, Beaver Springs. Anion C. Reese, 511 North Tenth St., IlnrrlNliurg. Vernon William Saylor, Greenville. DIED OF WOUNDS Lieutenant Claude C. Cunningham, Philadel phia. Sergeants Joseph J. Etan, Meadville. Henry E. Moody, Philadelphia. Hermann J. Smith, Pittsburgh. Charles Jumcs Vandyke, Oil City. Corporals Edward W. Eckel, Franklin. Edward H. Hottenstein, Middleburg. George McShane, Homestead. Mitchell Sargen, Philadelphia. Wagoner Theodore Murray, Scranton. Privates Darrell W. Byerly, Colllngdale. Giacinto Cilente, Conleysville. Francis J. Flanagan, Ashland. Oscar M. Hess, New Ringgold, Schuylkill county. Samuel D. Buchholz, Pittsburgh. Harry K. Collier, Dewiston. John F. Conners, Pittsburgh. Generino Desimore, Philadelphia. Julius P. Gillis, Wilkes-Barre. John J. Holshan, New Philadelphia. Harry W. Holland. Philadelphia. Karl H. Livengood, Scottdare. Andrew H. Miller. Millvale. Claude R. Knauss, Allentown. John Dessig, Philadelphia. Harry Edgar Mitchell, Altoona. , Edward J. Revell, Philadelphia. lleneiletto Sulvnilorl, 330 Cherry St., i Ilnrrlsbnrg. | Scott D. Sechler, Fairchance. I Norman J. Seger, Rossiter. Clarence A. Sipple, Moyersdale. August Szlowenesz, Braddock. Milton A. Zimmerman, Punxsutaw ney. DIED OF DISEASE Lieutenant John C. Kerr, Pittsburgh. Sergeant John M. Ross, Philadelphia. Corporal Donald M. Haldeman, Johnstown. Cook George M. Pittston. Privates William Timothy Barrett, Philadel phia. Miles P. Byrne, Philadelphia. Wilfred Carpenter, Wilkes-Barre. Francis M. Carter, Morganza. William Brogan, Wilkes-Barre. I William Buckius, Philadelphia, l" 'Joseph Hughes, Philadelphia. Wilbur R. Hoeltzel, Philadelphia. 1 John G. Killen, Row. Edwin D. Spare. Philadelphia. Joseph A. Doughran. Hazelton. James F. Moonan. Philadelphia. Joseph Pinsky, Philadelphia. Preston R. Roach, Bridgeville. Chauncey i. staiismith, Flourtown. Wilber G. Short, Blairsvillc. WOUNDED SEVERELY Captain Robert S. Cain, Pittsburgh. Lieutenants Charles C. Ryan, Smithfleld, Fay ette county. George D. Edmonds, West Etna. Sergeants Russell Davison, Clymer. • Emory 1.. McCreary, New Cumber land. Joseph P. Bennett, Blairsville. George F. McHugh, Philadelphia. Edward W. Packer. Philadelphia. Corporals Floyd Glade Baldwin, Bradford. William S. Gaby, Kutztown. Carl Deo Hultman, Kane. Lawrence J. Kirwan, Dewistown. Leonard Bacon, Waynesboro. Carl O. Carothers, Shippensburg. Albert Heimann, Pittsburgh. Raymond A. Kelly. Pittsburgh. Charles H. Duckenbaugh. Altoona. Charles E. Murphy. Scottdale. Leon Pirmez, McDonald. Bugler Orville K. Provins, Uniontown. Privates Antoni Antonowicz, Farrell. I'baon Edward Bartolett, Mahanoy City. Randall Bernhnrd, East Texas. Jacob Boyer, West Pittston. Clare John Frye, McVeytown. William F. Gallagher, Philadelphia. William H. Hoffman, Philadelphia. John J. McNasby. Philadelphia. Charles K. Bullock, Honesdale. Jphn Henry Hippie, Philadelphia. William Ray Myers, Shippensburg. John F. Owens, Philadelphia. Earl Richard Allison, Quakertown. Stanley F. Baginski, Ranshaw. Edward J. Brady, Uniontown. Thomas Patrick Kaas. Pottstown. George Doudance, Philadelphia. Robert A. Mcßride. McKeesport. Samuel Magen, Philadelphia. William O'Connor. St. Clair. Robert Harding, Elk Dick. Robert G. Moore, Rochester Mills. Alden Stackhouse, Philadelphia. Robert E. Decker, East Stroudsburg. Harold T. Faus, Wllliamsport. James V. Ferry, Pittsburgh. Michael' Joseph Flynn, Germantown, Philadelphia. Geruld J. Griflln, Washington. Harry E. Sai'bej, Webster. Deo E. Wood. Uniontown. August W. Seitz, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Cook Paul 11. Knapp, Uniontown. Private* Thomas Ford, West Pittston. Thomas J. Garrily. Philadelphia. William C. Karns, Greenburg. Carl Kennedy, Bertleyville. Adolph It. Klein, Mount Oliver. Knos Kupp, MUstersonville. Fianceco Vacearo, Pittsburgh. Samuel B. Bolton, Schuylkill Haven. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Lieutenant Call Adelbert Schug, Hughcsville. Sergeants * , . Benjamin William Carr, Angels, Wayne county. Elmer Anderson Foster, I hiladel phia. John Francis Kelly, Oakmont. Clarence llutt Mosser, Reading. Joseph H. Wootten, Philadelphia. Corporals Clair Monroe Oarbuugh, Kellettvilie. Wilfred ilartin Dippold, St. Marys. Frank D. Polk, New Kensington. James S. Bush. Norristown. Harry D Wissner, Beaver talis. 1 Mechanic Benjamin Kraft. McDonald. Wagoner Frank J. Dennin, Philadelphia. Private* Joe Arcerl, Waynesburg. Clair Bierly, Scranton. De Rov Monroe Bowers. Reading. Herbert J. Conroy, Philadelphia. James F. Deere, Philadelphia Lawrence A. Floro. Van Anthonv Gallagher, I hiladelphia. Daniel D. Gray, intersection. Alexander M. Hanzle, Erie. William M. Hunter. McKeesport. llarrv M. Rnughmnn, llurrlsbiirg. Fred H. Rryden, Stockdale. Andrew Bundra. Pittston. Horace W. Hilton. o ant "', 1h M ndel . Samuel Arnold, Jr., West Ihlladel Phia. - ~ „„ Thomas Aspera, Indiana. Alfred B. Bo we. Carbon. John H. Burns. P'^adelphia. Francis J. Carpentier, Philadelphia. William P. Fleming. PhiUidelphia. John Kellerman. Honesdale. ~l tv Lerov Homer Klngsland. Oil ctt>. Phillip Magino, California. Nicholas Minich, Scr anton ~, |ailel _ Joseph Michael Powers, I hiladei Pl Sa'nford U. Reese. West Pittson. John Solcum, Scranton. John E. Klemm, Hanover. . ] Anthony Shurer, Nesblt, Lycoming county. _ Carl Fredrick Symons * e . a< ?A" K ' Samuel H. Walker, Philadelphia. James M. O'Hara. Philadelphia. Clayton H. Putt. Lebanon Ercel! B. Ross. Washington. Koustanty Uogalskl, Philadelpliia. Louis K. Shaffer, Fenelton. Jacob Holochoke, Chester. Following is yesterday s list. KILLED IN ACTION Sergeants Carl D. Coolidge. Wellsboro. Harry D. Greenwood, Philadelphia. Earl I). Hess, Berwick. Kldridge 11. Shoup, Ktngsley. De Roy J. Sodan, Hallstead. John D. lfowes, Philadelphia. ' Mike Uhus, Elanor. Paul E. Baker, Pittsburgh. Stillwell E. Weber, West Philadel pliiu. Pasqiiale D'Amato*%hUadelphfa. Robert McCollum. Pliiladelphia. Alfred P.. Smalley, Philadelphia. Roy Thomas, Mansileld. Homer Sherwood Dccles, Sugar ° Dowd W. Craford, Mifflin. Floyd H. English, Kinzua. Alvin Herman. Allentown. Joseph P. Dearie, torest City. Bugler Frank J. Dinino, Reading. Wagoner George B, May, Ethans. Horsesboer Robert P. Owens, Elkdale. Cook Leon E. Gustafson, Houtzdale. Private* . . , Thomas D. Carrigan, Philadelphia. Harry D. Cottrill, Versailes. Charles J. Coyle. Phlladelph a. Alexander Burkett, Glenlyon. Harold Carr. Jamestown. Joseph D. Deutsche Wilkes-Barre. Ivan K. Dinsmure, Kast Biook. William Thomas Fish, Russellton. ; Paul Orleche, Philadelphia. Nevin O. Phillips, Allentown. Michael F. Farrell, Ashley. Noble C. Jackson. McGrann. John Dinaku. Jr.. Philadelphia. John McKenna, Marcus Hook. Alexander Quear, Charlerol. John Charles Sainanis, Minersville, Antonio Savino, llazelton. Joseph C. Teeters, Hopewell. Robert A. Whaley, Philadelphia. Harry F. Diamond, Phitpph-lphia. Robert R. Bryden. ltoseoe. Ferman Flega 1, Clcarlield. W^hamVGolden. 1 Philadelphia. Mikolas, Goiicavsltas, Scranton. William D. Hackenberg, swineford, Snyder county. William E. llnjipt. Shamokin. Dolls Sherman Wetzel, Jedtlo. Benjamin Schwartz, 1 hiladelphta. Josepli A. Swartz, rt ; Albert A. Turkan, Philadelphia. Fred E. Wood, McKeesport. John F. Zabloskey, Shamokin. William C. Sclilndler, Philadelphia... Andrew C. Seabolt, iMlly. Sanford I>. Shaddolk, Munson. James N. Sllngluff. Meadville. Joseph. F. Swann, l'hiladelphia. William J. Marsch, Greentown. James R. Naylor, 1* inleyviilc. ' William J. Pegg. Philadelphia William J. Puchta, Pittsburgh. Benjamin F. Dietz, Philadelphia. Fred A. 1 laug. Rig Run. George J. Kallvay, AltoOna. Benjamin It. Metlin Ellwood. Melvin A. Rolirbaugh, Spring Grove. John J. McGinty, Scranton. Fred S. Ueifsnyder, Sinking Springs. James K. Timoney, Minooka. DIED OF WOUNDS Lieutenant ■Hazzard Melloy. Philadelphia. Sergeant* John V. Vanaerschot. Saltvllle. Fred A. Demmler, Pittsburgh. Corporals Edgar B. Brennenmn, Brookville. William B. Hughes, Abington, P. O. llugler Percy Watmuff, Marcus Hook. Mechanician Charles Schmttt. Millvale. Privates De V. Ackerman, Homestead. Rov Brotherton, Rochester. Robert E. Earner, Cross Creek. Thomas R. Mhlloy. Philadelphia. Walter Pahler, Philadelphia. William I*. Me.igel, Wyoinlsting. . John E. Nlater, Beaver George E. Ohren. Pittsburgh. Norman D. Pennell, West Chester. William G. Presslcr, Birdsvllle. Peter Ragazulis, Luzerne. Frank C. Rlchter. Philadelphia. Nathan Shute. Philadelphia. Raymond M. Beale. Brackenridge. • Herman E. Price. Bradenville. amuel D. Clupsaddle, Orrtanna. David Golltner, Philadelphia. Warner Shafcr, Scranton. Raymond Alazo, Oil cit>. John Kelly. Scranton Jacob Maikllne, Abbotstown. Harvey E. Dengler. Oberlln. DIED OK DISEASE l.ieuteiinnts Valentine E. Dubs, Philadelphia. Charles Hyde. Sewlckley. Sergeant* Albert D. Abrams. Philadelphia. Matthew J. Higgins, Jr., Philadel phia. „ . , Corporals Ben Rolls. West Pike. Hugh L. Smith, Phoenlxvllle. Paul M. Hermann. Philadelphia. Wagoner Calvin G. Neeley. Hollldaysburg. Cook Alvin H. Mcbius, Philadelphia. Privates Ernest Angell, Knoxville, Tioga county. _ George Dewey, Carlton. Antonio Donntelli, Dunmore. Harvey S. Ochman, Denver. Charles F. Wright, Philadelphia. Giovanni Musumecl, Easton. Frank P. Pentecost, Pittsburgh, i John B. Stratton, Philadelphia. Harry C. Ahrens, Y'ork. James A- Aumun, Wolfs Store. Robert E. Bingner, Berlin. Edward J. Daly, Philadelphia. Mike G. Odrechowsky, l>bid City. Raymond H. Oswald, Allentown. Frunk E. Amrhine, Philadelphia. Roy Bender, Dawson. Hurry S. Frymoyer, Reading. Maurice I). liuncox, Titusville. William J. Delaney, Carbondale. 'ihurber McConkey, Mount Vernon. William R. overtoil, Philadelphia. Sherman I. Uowe, Selinsgrove. Churles H. Shingler, Ruffs Dale. Luther Banks, Everett. / Nicola Di Cesare, Pittsburgh. Earl Henry Mull, Pottsville. Francis E. Roth, Allentown. Jacob C.' Welker, yuakertown. Jolm S. Roman, Fairchance. Harry C. Watkins, Coleman. Nicolas Bantu Maria, South Fork. John Oi Schmidt, South Fork. Edgur W. stone, Trough Creek. Thomas E. Wilcox, Mateer. Edward W. Jacobs, Waynesburg. Richmond M. Brice, Ford City. WOUNDED SEVERELY l'rivutes George McKnight. Philadelpliia. ]<ouls Reading. Henry Moor, Stroudsburg. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Lieutenant Thomas Bailey, Germantown. Corporal John E. Fleming Columbia, Privates l'asquaie Speteu. Pliiladelphia. Charles C. Stoudt, Heading. James I. Fink, Allentown. James A. Fynes, Philadelphia. Jpseph F. Uayefski, Shantokln. I'red Hebeisen. Philadelphia. Joseph Kluezynski, Philadelphia. Joseph F. Lebloda, Glenlyon. Daniel McNichol, Pliiladelphia. i iVi° 1 Schneider, Tremopt, Schuyl kill county. Robert B. Pencgar, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Sergeants Josepli A. Houston, Olyphant. Daniel Y\ clister Ivlnsey, Middletown. James W. Maguire. Philadelphia. Joseph M. Netzel, Pittsburgh. rr Corporals Harry A. Schmidt. Philadelphia. Edward C. Rohr, Pittsburgh. . .. Bugler Arthur Gillotti, Kane. Wagoner W llliam Schaffer, Philadelphia. Cook Theodore Krausa, Port Perry. Privates George Thomas Carolus, Lewiston Lawrence Klinger, Pittsburgh. Hugh P. Boyle, Chester. Frank P. Lynch, Philadelphia. John, A. Stewart. Leonardtown. Charles Joseph McLaughlin. Russell Shoemaker, Freeland. Etters Bucei, Ronco. John W. Duncan, Ebensburg. William B. Grauel, Philadelphia. Leonard Saper King, Uniontown. Charles H. Weaver, Quakertown. Mike Balhitis, Clarldge. John Newton Brown. Slippery Rock. Enoch C. Colvin, Monongahela. Walter Fred Poan. Trevose. Gustav J. Wagner, Brie. George Weyandt. Claysburg. Grip Left You With an } u Evert) Picture $ A "f 1 IffiM r,; n) Achy Back? I r* *,\ jirrv^ and influenza leave | I I quick help aricl troubles Kidney Pills are always in unusual | demand after grip epidemics, as so many people have learned their reliability. Doan's | are used the world over. They are recommended by your own friends and neighbors. 9 Ij Read These Harrisburg Cases: 1 N. Sixth Street Hummel Street N. Fifth Street ' Titos. KUpatrick, railroad conductor. 1638 Mrs. itobcrt Marzolf, 315 Hummel street, . S. H. Alexander, railroad engineer, 1534 North North Sixth street, says: "Whenever I have Bays: "I was troub'ed by my back, which was str ® et ' wl . ys: 'I have used Doan s Kidney taken a cold It has settled on my kidneys. My weak and ached Mv kidneys acted irregularly. Pills In the past and I have found them pei ely back has ached, especially when I have been weak and ached My kmne>s actea irieguiar >. satisfactory in every way. Whenever my.back I hitting or lying in one position very long. I to °- Another of the family has used Doan s Kid- bas been weak or I have had a dull, constant could hardly straighten up during one of those ney Pills with good results and I took them. I ache through it, I have used a box or so of attacks. After I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills can certainly recommend them not only for Doan's Kidney Pills and they have always re a short time they have always made me feel like what they did for me, but because of the good lieved me in a short timo. 1 haven t been myself again." , they did others in the family as well." troubled in this way now for about a year. Herr Street ' Peffer Street Cumberland Street Mrs. G. W. Emminger, 329 Herr street, says: Daniel Cless, 516 Peffer street, says: "I have Frank S. Patterson, 402 Cumberland street, „ Pnr „ lon „ tlme T havo bad attacks of backache ed Doan's Kidney Pills for the past several says: "About two years ago I was suffering lor a o g ... . years and have always found them satisfactory. from kidney complaint. My back was weak and (El and I have suffered from a weak and lame Whenever a cold would settlo on my kidneys, lame and ached most all the time. I could just ., . . ~ T . .. . , my back would get weak and latne and ache tor- _ , back and soreness through tt. I havo had nerv- libly. It hurt me to get out of a chair or to manage to straighten up after bending. Doan's ous headaches, too. Each time when X have stoop over. The kidney secretions passed too Kidney Pills cured these cop'aints. I advisp *r 7,„,. frequently and were highly colored. When X any one to get a box of Doan's at Kennedy's been that ttay I hate bought Doan s Kidney have felt this wey I have .used a couple boxes Drug Store, if troubled in this way, for I havo 9 KJ Pills at G. C. Potts' Drug Store and they havo 0 f Doan's Kidney Pills and they have always enough confidence in them to believe they will always promptly relieved those ailments." relieved me in a short time." f help any one." I Doan's Kidney Pills I Every Druggist Has Doan's, 60c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. Donald J. Woods, Greensburg. Clyue M. Wrighti Warren. James Joseph Laksh, Philadelphia. Frank Leslie Patterson, Coraopolls. Lloyd L. Rltchey, Apollo. Harry C. Shay, Pottsville. MISSING IN ACTION • Lieutenant Carl W. Wentzel, Swissvale. Sergeants Frank G. Munmilier, Birdsboro. Jolm E. Morrow, Beaver. Corporals Otl* Frank Council}, Jr., Cnrllsle. Harper W. HemniinSer, Duquesne. Nelson Chupple, South Forts. Karl B. Cummins, Pittsburgh. Herbert B. Norton, Ulysses. Alvin R. Mertz, Allentown. Privates Vincenzo Adamo. Blair. Louis Certain, Philadelphia. John Josepli Kirby. Philadelphia. Isaac L. Iledwelf, Chester. Lorenzo M. Cornelius, Crescent. Walter J. Crumbley, Philadelphia. / Stove BukovsKl, Windber. \ Wilbur Cameron, Easton. Tony Capaldi, Philadelphia. Raymond Christnjan, Allentown. Frank H. Dinerd. Pittsburgh. Daniel Francis' Flannery, Tumaqua. Stanlslaw Lojek, Ambridge. Arthur Donnelly, Pittsburgh. Frank F. Hodgson, Glussport. John H. Brown, Johnsonhurg. Mattliew E. Carter, Haverford. Chester E. Dunlap, Altoona. Vincenzo Grlppi, old Forge borough. Charles Hoffner, Greenwood. Elmer A. McAuley, Philadelphia. George A. O'Neill. Braddock. Josepli Palski, Philadelphia. Daniel 1* Pond, Athens. David H. La Ross, Wescosvillo. Joseph Miller. New Castle. August A. Rebel. Pittsburgh. Stanley Saida, Glassport. Henry C. Smith, Allentown. Samuel Terrens, Philadelpliia. Thomas J. Kane, Philadelphia. Joseph S. Klndur, Wilkes-Barre. Bunny Giaq\iin.to, Philadelphia. Antonio Grazio, Morrlstown. Louis W. Harter, Pittsburgh. Harry A. Hoffman, Hamburg. Harry G. Kraft, McKeesport. Horace Lynam, West Philadelphia. Julian E. McGrath, Corry. Lloyd L. Manley. Montgomery. Michael Santangolo. Norristown. Arthur C. Woestelioff. Pittsburgh. Robert BlcKerahan. Bcllevue. Samuel Artliur Mandelstein, South Fork. Frank 11. Menardi, Philadelphia. Charles J. Morrlsey, Pliiladelphia. Albert Morgan. Pittston. James Nelson Bradley, Chester. Luke J. Croshy, West Chester. Lewis Fromal, Chester. Alfred Y. Hendricks. Philadelphia, Bruce Hullihen, Lucernemines. Francis Marion Maychoff, Waynes- Viurg. Harry J. McKnight, Philadelphia. William Peskin, Philadelphia. Raymond J. Regan, Philadelphia. James P. Summers, Great Bend. Arthur A. Lapore, Coraopolis. Warren J. Ziegler, Maxatawney. Fred E. Patchen, Sugar Grove. Harvey W. Uitter. Emaus. Wesley Leland Robinson, Newtown. Clinrlen John llynn,ir>r>U Vernon St., IlnrriMliurg. No Advance In Buckwheat Prices , r pHE November Ist advance of $1.05 per gross ton did * not apply to Buckwheat Coal. The present price, however, is subject to change on short notice. Under a recent ruling of the Federal Fuel Adminis trator, Buckwheat Coal is not included in the consumer s allotment for the year. You are entitled to your full re quirement of the larger sizes and at the same time may put into your cellar a quantity of Buckwheat Coal. Buckwheat Coal is recommended for early winter heating. It makes an intense, even heat and quickly responds to the drafts. For banking fires at night Buckwheat Coal will save you a large quantity of your regular furnace coal. A mixture of one shovelful of Buckwheat and one shovelful of Egg, Stove or Nut Coal makes an excellent combination; the small coal tills up the chinks, thereby making the fire more easily regu lated. . • • This is your opportunity to secure Buckwheat Coal. When -winter is here in earnest and you have trouble in scuring your a<3:ustomed kind of coal, you will be exceedingly thankful that the Buckwheat size is in your cellar. United Ice & Coal Co. Main Office, Forster & Cowden Sts. rJjj Munich Offices, 7tH ,v Woodbine, "th & Reily, 6th & Hamilton, 15th & Chestnut. Also Steelton, Pa. - J 9
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