8 WILSON ANGERS BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS Talk of Declaring Office of President Vacant While He Is Abroad Wanhington, Dee. 2. Bitter re sentment over the failure of Presi dent Wilson to take Congress into his confidence as to his purpose to attend the peace conference in Franco is expressed by Senate lead ers. This feeling was not confined to Republicans. Democratic Senat ors expressed the same idea. From talks with Democratic lead ers it appeared that the President has not, so fat as known, revealed to any member of his own pnrty in Congress anything concerning his trip abroad. Whatever ideas the President may have as to the peace parley he has kept from so-called • Administration leaders in Congress. Senator Hitchcock, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, which must deal with the treaty of peace when it is maAe. has had no conference with the President re garding the European trip. Nor has any other Democratic leader, it was stated, been Invited to talk over the peace program with Mr. Wilson. More than one Democratic Senator voiced the view that the President has held himself too far aloof from Congress &nd that he had appeared to direct the trip to France as a per sonal affair. This attitude, as the Democratic Senators see it, has caused a strong resentment which they did not hesitate to express in privato conversation. Opposition to the Trip. The sentiment of Congressional leaders, voiced today, was that tho President ought not to leave the country when important legislation dealing with the period of reconstruc tion was about to be begun. If the President felt that his presence is needed at the Peaco Conference, it was suggested, he ought to take Congress into his confidence so that any program he might have as to reconstructive legislation might be expedited in his absence. No Enthusiasm Over White. I'isuppointment over the failure of the President to appoint a Senator as one of tho peace delegates wus expressed by Democratic and Repub lican Senators. The naming of Henry White, former Ambassador to France, as the Republican represen tative, failed to stir enthusiasm in the men of that party. They had hoped a representative Senator, such as Mjr. Bodge, might have been se lected. Muny Speeches Ahead President Wilson's address to Con gress will start the discussion of the r peace questions going in both houses It is probable that from that time on the debate on every bill will con sist mostly of speeches attacking or defending some point under discus sion at Versailles. The league of nations seems to be a special target. A very prominent Democratic Senator, who has made some, effort to follow the President on this question and who is most anxious for some plan which would prevent future wars, admitted to night that he could not llnd any sup port whatever for the league of na tions idea in the Senate, and as to the freedom of the seas he could not find any Senators with a clear idea as to what the President meant. A few strong pro-Wilson Senators, alarmed at the open insurrection against the President among Demo cratic leaders, urged Senator Hitch cock, chairman of the Foreign Rela tions Committee, to go to see the President with the proposal that a committee of Senators should go to Versailles. Hltclionok Refuses to Act Senator Hitchcock refused to act, intimating to the would-be peace makers that obviouslly the Iniative on such a proposal should come from the White House. There was serious discussion by Democratic leaders of a proposal to pass a resolution through both the Houses of Congress declaring that tho office of President was tempo rarily vacant, and that the Vice- President, should perform the duties of the office of President until the return to this country of President Wilson. Senator Cummins, of lowa, drafted a resolution, which he will introduce providing for a committee of eight Senators, four Republicans and four Democruts, to go to Versailles for the peace conference with a view to reporting to the Senate after the treaty has been submitted to it for ratification and explaining the whys and wherefores of the various points. Senator Weeks, of Massachusetts, prepared a simiar resolution. Chairman Hitchcock of the For eign Relations Committee announced that lie would ask to have ul! such resolutions referred to the committee which, it was indicated, was likely to give them favorable consideration. In a serious discussion of such res olutions several Democratic leaders . agreed that if such a committee went to Paris as the representatives of the treaty-ratifying power of the United States It would be given am : pie opportunity to inform itself by the representatives of the Allied governments. Tile only opposition that developed „ to the proposal was based not on support of the President, but be cause some of the Senators thought it would put the Senate in an undig- Tiifled position. Perhaps tiie most bitter condemna tion of tho President which was made around the Capitol for publi cation was given by Senator Hiram Johnson, of California. He said: "There is no God but God, and Mohammed is his prophet. In select ing himself as the head of the five American delegates to the peace conference. President Wilson has named himself five times. We can not hut admire the courage of the President' in saying to the 105.000,- 000 of our people: 'I am the only American fit to sit at the peace table.' " TYPEFOUNDER MARDER DIES Now York.—John Marder, one of the organizers of the American Type Founders Company and an old time printer who Introduced the point system of manufacturing type, is deud at his homo In Palisades, N. J. Mr. Marder was born in Ohio in 3 835 and after having learned his trade, worked In many placeß in the Middle West until 1860, when he became a partner in the Chicago Type Foundry. He was western manager of the American concern from its inception until 1908, when he retired. He is survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters. m I.arge sections of France have been literally blasted away by heavy gun Are—first by the Germans and theft by the Allies when they were driving the llun bacK across the Rhine. In this photograph British troops are seen advancing nver ground captured only a short time before the armistice was signed. This scene is typical of hundreds of square miles of territory and gives an idea of the immensity of the task of reconstruc tion in Prance and Belgium. Wilson's Message [Continncd from First Pago.] ready for the test of battle or acquitted themselves with more splendid courage and achieve ment when put to the test. Those of us who played some part in directing the great proc esses by which the war was pushed irresistibly forward to the final triumph may nojv for get all that and delight our thoughts with the story of wlitU our men did. Their officers understood the firm and exact ing task they had undertaken. and performed with audacity, efficiency and unhesitating cour age that touched the story of convoy and battle with imper ishable distinction at every turn, whether the enterprise were great or small—from the chiefs, Pershing and Sims, down to the youngest lieuteijant; and their men were worthy of them — such men as hardly need to bo commanded, and go to their terrible adventure blithely and with the quick, intelligence of those who know just what it is they would accomplish. I am proud to be the fellow-country man of men of such stuff and valor. Those of us who stayed at home did our duty; the war could not have been won or the gallant men who fought it given their opportunity to win it otherwise; but for many a long day wc shall think ourselves "accursed we were not there, and hold our manhoods cheap while any speaks that fought" with these at St. Mihiel or Thierry. The memory of those days of triumphant battle will go with these fortunate men to their graves; and each will have his favorite memory. "Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot, but he'll remember with advan tages what feats he did that day!" Tho Critical Time What we all thank God for with deepest gratitude is that our men went in force into the line of battle just at tho critical moment, when the whole fate of the world seemed to hang in the balance, and threw their fresh strength into the ranks of freedom in time to turn the whole tide and sweep of the fateful struggle—turn it once for all, so that thenceforth it was hack, back, back for their ene mies, always back, nevey again forward! After that, it was only a scant four months before the commanders of the Central Empires knew themselves beat en; and now tlieir very empires are in liquidation! And throughout it all, how fine'the spirit of the nation as; what unity of purpose, what un tiring zeal! What elevation of purpose ran through' all its' splendid display of strength, its untiring accomplishment. 1 have said that those of us who stay ed at home to do the work of organization and supply will always wish that c had been with tho men whom we sustain ed by our labor: but we can never be ashamed. It has an inspiring thing to be here in the midst of line men whtf had turned aside from every private interest of their own and de voted the whole of their trained capacity to the tasks that sup plied the sinews of tho whole great undertaking! The patriot ism, the unselfishness, the thoroughgoing devotion and dis tinguished capacity that mark ed their toilsome labors day after day, month after month, have made them fit mates and comrades of tho men in the. trenches and on the sea. And not the men here in Washing ton only. They bate but direct ed the vast achievement. Throughout Innumerable fac tories, upon innumerable farms, in the depths of coal mines and iron mines, and copper mines, wherever the stuffs of industry were to be obtained and pre pared, in the shipyards, on the railways, at the docks, on the sea, In every labor that was needed to sustain the battle lines, men have vied with each other to do their part and do it well. They can look any man at-arms in the face and say, we also strove to win and gave the best that was in us to make our fleets and armies sure of tlieir triumph! Flea For Suffrage Anil what shall we say of the women—of their instant intel ligence, quickening every task that they touched; their ca pacity for organization and co operation, which gave their action discipline and .enhanced the effectiveness of everything they attempted; their aptitude at tasks to which they had never before set their hands; their utter selfsttcritice alike in what they did and in hat they gave? Their contribution to tho great result is beyond appraisal. They have added a new lusttre to the annals of American womanhood. The least tribute e can pay them is to make them the equals of men in political rights as they have proved themselves their equals in every field of practical work they have enter ed, bother for themselves or for their country. These great days of completed achievements would be sadly marred were we Scene of Devastation in Section of France to omit that act of juctice. Be sides the immense practical services they have rendered, the women of the country have been the moving spirits in the systematic economies by which our people have voluntarily as sisted to supply the suffering peoples of the world and the armies upon every front with food and Everything else that we had that might serve the common cause. The details of such a story can never be fully written, hut we carry them at our hearts and thank God that we can say that we are the kinsmen of-such. Tile Great Triumph And now we tire sure of thp great triumph for which every sueriiice was made. It has cqnie, come in its completeness, and with the pride and inspiration of these days of achievement o.ulck within us we turn to the tasks of peace again—a peace secure against the violence of irre sponsible monarcfes and am-, bitious military coteries ar.d made ready for a new order, for new foundations of justice and fair dealings. We are about to give order and organization to this peace, not only for ourselves but for the other peoples of the world as well, so far us they will suiter us to serve them. It is interna tional justice that we seek, not domestic safety merely. Our thoughts have dwelt of late upon Europe, upon Asia, upon the Near and the Far East, very lit tle upon the acts of peace and accommodation that wait to he performed at our owi doors. While we are adjusting our rela tions with the rest of the world is it. not of capital importance that we shouid clear away all grounds of misunderstanding with our immediate neighbors and give proof of the friendship we really feel? I hope that the members of the Senate will per mit me to speak once more of the unratified treaty of friend ship and adjustment with the re- ' public of Colombia. I very earn estly urge upon them an early and favorable action upon that vital matter. I believe that they will feel, with me. that the stage of affairs is now set for such ac tion as will be not only just but generous and in the spirit of the new age upon ffhich we have so happily entered. So tar as our domestic affairs are concerned, the problem of our return to peace i 9 a prob lem of economic and industrial readjustment. That problem is less serious for us than it may turn out to be for the nations which have suffered the disar rangements and the losses _of the war longer than we. American People Resourceful Our people,-"however, do not wait to be coached and led. They know their own business, are quick and resourceful at every readjustment, definite in purpose and self-reliant in ac tion. Any leading strings we might seek to put them in would speedily become hopelessly tan gled, because they would pay no attention to them and go their own way. All that wc can do as their legislative and executive servants is to mediate the process of change here, there and elsewhere as we may. Hears Much Counsel I have heard much counsel as to the plans that should He formed and personally conduct ed to a happy consummation, but from no quarter have 1 seen any general scheme of "recon struction" emerge- which I thought it likely wo could force our spirited businessman and self-reliant laborers to accept with due pliancy and obedience. While the war lasted we set up many agencies by which to direct the industries of the country in the services it wus necessary for them to render, by which to make sure of an abundant supply of the materi als needed, by which to check undertakings that could for the time be dispensed with, and stimulute these that were most serviceable in wtir, by which to gain for the purchasing depart ments of the Government a cer tain control over the prices of essential articles and materials, by which to restrain trade with alien enemies, make the most of available sliippind and sys tematize financial transactions, 'both public and private, so that there would be no unnecessary conflict or confusion—by which, in shdrt, to put every material energy of the country in harness to draw the common load and make of us one team in the ac complishment of a great task. But the moment wc knew the armistice to have been signed, we took the harness off. Raw material, such as upon wliiclf the government had kept Its hands for war but there should not be enough for the industries that supplied tho armies, have been released, and put into the general market again. Great l'lants Set Free Great industrial plants whoso whole output and machinery had been taken over for the uses of the government have been set free to return the uses to which .they were put be fore the war. It lias not been possible to remove so readily or so quick ly the control of foodstuffs and of shipping, because the world has still to be .fed from our granaries and ships are still needed to send supplies to our men overseas and to bring them back as fast ns the disturbed conditions on the other side of the water permit; but even there restraints are being re laxed as much as possible and more and more as the weeks go by. Nation's Agencies Well Posted Never before have there been • agencies in this country which knew so much of the field of supply, of labor aaid of industry , as the War Industries Hoard, the War Trade Board, the La bor Department, the Food Ad ministration and the Fuel Ad ministration have known sinc<fe the labors became thoroughly systematized; and they have not been isolated agencies; they have been directed by men who represented the permanent de partments of the government and so have been the centers of unified and co-operative action. It has been the policy of the ex ecutive, therefore, since the arm istice was assured (which is in effect a complete submission of the enemy, to put the knowl edge of these bodies at the dis posal of the businessmen of the country and to offer their intel ligent mediation at every point and in every matter where it was desired; It is surprising l ow fast the process of return to a peace looting has moved in the three weeks since the fight ing stppped. It promises to outrun any inquiry that may he instituted and any aid that may be offered. It will not be to direct it any better than it will direct itself. The American business man is of quick initiative. Places For Trained Men The ordinary and normal processes of private initiative will not, however, provide im mediate employment for all of the men of our returning armies. Those who are of trained capac ity, those who are skilled work men, those who have acquired familiarity with established businesses, those who are ready and willing to go to the farms, all those whose aptitudes are • known or will be sought out by employers .will find no difficulty, it is safe to say, in finding place and employment. But there will be others who will be at a loss where to gain a livelihood un less pains are taken to guide them and put them in the way of work. There will be a large floating residuum of labour which should not be left wholly to shift for itself. Huns Start Probe of Belgium Crimes London, Dec. 2.—The Gerdman gov ernment is starting an investigation Into the German crimes in Belgium, the doprtation of Belgian workmen, the theft of Belgian maehlnery, and the murders of Edith Cavell and Cap tain Fryatt. Among those held responsible, ac cording to an Amsterdam dispatch to the F.xchange Telegraph Company, arc; General Von Sauberfcweig. the former military- governor of Brus sels; General Baron Kurt Von Man teuffel, military commander at Lou vain, and Baron Von Dcr Ivnncken, civil governor of Brussels at the time of Miss Cavotl'a execution. Admiral Now Dictator of All-Russian Government ••• ■ - "V; -j I ' r v# L 1 * W>"itiirimiimn~rir nmmniMrnfnmrrwnmirrnr im mi ,/ KDMIRAL ALEXANDER KOLCHAK Russian officials iii Washington speak highly of Admiral Alexander Kolchak, who, through a coup og the part of the Council of Ministers of the new all-Russian government at Omsk, has become vrltual dictator and commander of the new all-Russian army and navy. As commander of the Russian navy be blocked the Ger man fleet's efforts to penetrate to I Riga and other important ports in the Baltic. Admiral Kolchak visited i America last year. GREAT ARMY OF PEACE TO HELP RED CROSS DRIVE Every Block to Have "Major" and a Company of , Workers A Peace Army Three colonels for Harrlsburg city. A major in each ward. A captain in each precinct. i A lieutenant for each block. As many "privates" in each 1 block as the lieutenant chooses i to name. That will bo the personnel of of the very military body which ,is to conduct the forthcoming membership campaign for Har rlsburg Chapter of the American ! Red Cross. There havy been many campaigns in Harrlsburg, for many purposes, since the United States entered the war in the spring ol' 1917, but it Is doubtful if any three of them—any three rolled into one—had as many enthusiastic workers as will take part in the drive through which It is pro posed to give Harrlsburg Red Cross Chapter a membership eqbal in numbers to the population of the district. This campaign lias two "begin nings." It begins for volunteers on Decem ber 9 and continues through De cember 10 and 11. It begins for others than volun teers on December li> and continues for one week. , , Quarters iii Kvery llloi-k During December 9, 10 and 11, residents of the district may hunt up the Red Cross representative in their block and join through that representative. It is planned to have a Red Cross place of registration on every block in Harrisburg—and on every block in every municipality in the entire district. In the city the three colonels will be In charge of all the workers. Over each ward and its workers will be a major. This major will name captains in each ward precinct—or voting district. The captains in turn will select lieutenants in each block, and lieutenants will name the privates who will canVass the four sides of the block. In this manner the city will be Thoroughly covered ithin forty-eight hours of the open ing drive on December 16. This will be more easily possible, too, because on December 9, 10 and 11 the volun teers will enroll. A Big District On each block there will be a house so decorated that it will advertise itself as the Red Cross headquar ters for that block. The expectation is that 50 per cent, of the block population will be enrolled during' the first three-day drive. Then the i balaneo of the population will be j looked after during the week of De- ! cember 16-23. The registration of new members and mem tiers who renew is expected to be so large during the volunteer days that no industrial campaign wiy be necessary—as has been the case in other war work campaigns in this district. The district covered by Harris- I burg Red Cross Chapter is compos ed of the following: All the river towns in Cumberland county. All of Perry county. All of Dauphin county except Steelton and Middletown; which have their own Red Cross Chapters. All of Harrisburg. FINAL FLASHES OFF THE WIRE By Associated Press New York As the Mauretanui steamed slowly up the harbor this morning a tremendous chorus of whistles from every manner of craft hrokee loose. The liner was gay with a multitude of llags and her rails lined with cheering, gesticulating sol diers. San Quentln —Thomas J. Mooney sent a telegram to President Wilson to-day asking the President tA 'stale exactly what you mean by commuta tion of my death sentence" before he leaves for the peace conference. Washington —Captain Victor Blue, now commanding the superdread nought Texas, has been selected lor draft detail us chief of the Bureau of Navigation, with rank of rear admiral. His name will he sent to t'.ie Senate. Washington —Rear Admiral David Taylor is to make another tour of duty as chief constructor of tlie Navy, Secretary Daniels annoi'nced to-day. Tucson, Aljlzona —Judge William W. Morrow, of San Francisco, "ustaliied the demurrer arid quashed the in dictments in the Uisliee deportation cases in a decision tiled to-day- in the United States District Court? Twen ty-five capitalists, mine operators, public otllcials and citizens of Bisbee ure involved. I.ondon —The Canard liner Orduna, inward bound, was in collision to-day witli the British tanker IConakry near Galley Head. The Orduna pro ceeded to Diverpoql and '.he extent of the damage done to her has not been determined. SHOUT MAN IN lUCD CROSS Chicago.—Frank Mills is four feet short and he wunted to use all four to help lick the Germnns. He tried Army and Navy and Marine Corps; tanks and infantry and aviation— everything, in fact. He made In all thirty-one distinct efforts to get in. The made the thirty-second the other day—and the Red Cross took him. Serve a Meal Kiihhit a la Creole 2 rabbits, 3 pints water. 1 % table-, spoons salt, salt, pepper, Hour, 1-3 cup fat, 1 cup milk. Dress, clean and disjoint the rab bit* Cover with salted water and let stand three hours. Drain, wipe, sprinkle with salt and pepper and roll in Hour. Put fat in frying pan and when hot add rabbit, cover and eook 'slowly 1 hours frequently. Pour the milk over the rabbit and cook 30 minutes. Remove to serv ing dish and garnish with parsley. Ualiblt Soup Add u little rice to the liquid from the rabbit, tripe and onions. Sea son-to taste. Serve piping hot. Fed Little in Prison ' By Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec, 2.—The War Department to-day issued tlio following statement bused on n cable from General Pershing,'dated November 2D and sent in reply to un inquiry cabled by General March: "American prisoners released front German prison camps complain of poor mid scanty food and bad bousing conditions. Only a small percentage of those tvlio ate sick arc hospital cases. The majority are suffering from slight colds and the prospect is that nil will recover rapidly with proper food and housing. There Is no evidence of dis criniinatloii against the American prisoners. "Among seven thousand prisoners or all nationalities who have la-en released, there is no authenticated instance of brutality against the Americans. "The majority of the American prisoners state that the German soldiers also suffered food privations, hut that in eases where the supply of foxJ was insufficient, food for the prisoners was cut off before that for the German soldiers." CROWN OF KING NICHOLAS TAKEN BY MONTENEGRO National Assembly Declares For Union With Serbia Under King Peter By .Associated Press London, Doc. 2.—King Nicholas of Montenegro has been deposed by the . Skupslitlna, the Montenegrin Na tional Assembly, according to a mes -1 sage received here from Prague to ' day. | The dispatch was sent from i Prague by the Czccho-Slovak press bureau, byway of Copenhagen. It ; says the Skupshtina voted the depo sition on Friday last, and declared j for a union of Montenegro with Ser ! bla under King Peter. I The family of the king was includ led in the act of deposition. i. BRIEFS FROM THE ' BIG NEWS EVENTS By Associated Press Jirw Vork. The hotelowners of New York City yesterday complied with the order of Postmaster General Burleson that they make their charges for telephone service from hotel stations the same as those from regular pay stations.' Copenhagen. 7 Advices from Ba varia say that the fall of Premier Eisner is expected soon, and that Herr Alter, a Socialist, is mentioned as his successor. ' Geneva. Enver Pasha, the former Turkish Minister of War, has been in vited by the Berlin authorities to leave the German capital soon, and it is expected he will arrive In Switzer land soon. Strasbourg. The Bishop of Stras bourg lias requested permission of tile French authorities that the clergy of the diocese use the German language, because, he contends, "it is indispen sable." New York. The chairmen of five local exemption boards on the East Side yesterday sent a telegram to President Wilson appealing to him to exert Ills inlluence to prevent pro groms in Lember, Galicia. Boston. Four thousand members of Irish societies stood for three hours on Boston Commons yesterday in the bitterest cold weather of the season and applauded each reference by speakers to self-determination' for Ireland. Tnrrytown, N. Y. John D. Rocke feller's bard luck continues. On Friday night his chauffeur ran down Patsy Tornello, six years old, and fractured his skull, and yesterday one of his cars upset and three five of his em ployes out, two of whom are in the hospital. • With the American Army of Occu pation. Four American soldiers dis persed a mob of thousands at Esch after it had wrecked twenty-eight shops in revenge for the overcharging of Americans. Few Returning Yanks to Debark at Philadelphia Governor Brumbaugh lias received a reply from the office of thd chief of staff of the United States Army to his request that Pennsylvania troops be landed at Philadelphia, which is taken here to mean that there will not be many debarked in the Delaware. The letter says that the request and the port of Philadelphia will receive con sideration and adds. "Due. however, to the excessive overhead cost of proper ly equipped ports of debarkation and the necessary health requirements, the number will be reduced to a mint mum." Harrisburg Officer Who Sacrificed His Life LIEUTENANT HOFFERT The news of Lieutenant David Jay Hoffert's death, In France, October 14, as a result of wounds, was learned re cently. Lieutenant Hoffert was the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Iloffert, 12 South Nineteenth street, and was a member of Headquarters Compuny, Three Hundred and Twenty-sixth In fantry. He was a graduate of the I Technical High school, of this city, and of Cornell University in HOOVER PLEA IS TO BE URGED IN I CITY AND COUNTY; Schools, Churches and Wom en's Clubs Will Push Conservaton I The Dauphin County Food Admin- j | istration has completed plans for [ "Conservation Week For World Re lief," which is to be observed this week. It includes exercises in schools. 1 | and women's clubs throughout the j J county. Mrs. John C. Jessup, as chairman' ; of the Women's Division of the Food j i Administration, and Donald McCor- I j miek. County Food Administrator, ! ; have charge of the work. Posters Distributed in City Conservation posters were distrib j uted in the city to-day. They are ! ' printed in three designs and intend- | ed to urge upon housewives, consum- • ers and dealers the necessity for food | saving, even though the war has. been won. Wednesday all the women's cluhs j in tho city and county arc to meet and produce the program made out by the Federal Food Administration. i Copies of this program have been mailed or sent to the chairman and \ presidents of the societies. The pro- I ! gram includes: Messages to Bo Read j Singing, of "America;" reading of j i Mr. Hoover's message on food con- ' i servution, to the women of America, I and the special me:sage to club j | women from Dr. Alonzo Taylor; | singing of "Oh, Pray For the Peace I I of Jerusalem;" a speech on foreign j j food conditions; reading of the mes sage from Mrs. Ronald P. Gleason, president of the State Federation of | Pennsylvania Women; concluded' with the reading of the foreword ' and pledge by the presiding officer. Special Exorcises in Schools In the schools special exercises ; will lie observed on Friday. The ex ! ercises are to include talks on food [ conditions and the necessity for con | servation, and the reading of Mr. Hoover's special message to the boys | and girls of the city. Motor messen- I gers, under the direction of Mrs. ! Jessup, are distributing the cards j to the city teachers to-day and they , are being mailed to the county teach ers. The messages will be distributed I to the children, who will take them I home. Ministers and Sunday school su ! perintendents will receive special j messages to he read to their congre ! gatlons and Sunday schools next Sun j day, which will conclude the activi j ties for the relief week. Public Meeting to Plan For Great Britain Day Next Saturday will be Grant Britain : Day the world around, and natives of | the empire in IXarrlSburg nnd those I vho recognize the part the British ! flayed in the war will meet at the | place of business of A. J. Sims, 22 j North Fourth street, to-morrow even | ing to make plans for the observance ! of the occasion In this city, .nil peo j pie who care to join in the movement I will be welcome. COUNTY ACCEPTS MOTHER PENSION [Continued from First Page.] j j money to distribute. With that | question the state's attorney is ask j ed to say whether there is any legal ; objection to paying Dauphin county ]an additional twenty-five per cent, j of her apportionment out of unused ; state moneys which is uvntlable be | cause other counties in Perinsylvu ; nia have not accepted the pension j or assistance law. Entitled to §1,450.01 Under the state law Dauphin county would be entitled to receive $4,459.91 annually from the state if the county puts an equal amount in the pension fund, and for the next six months of the "pension fiscal year" the county's share would be ' one-half or $2,229.95. May Begin With s.B.Btt With that amount and an equal j sum appropriated by the county, the (■trustees of the Dauphin county fund | would have $4,459.91 to work with i until next July but the commission- I ers all said they would like to have a large amount provided. There fore, they decided to petition for jan additional twenty-five per cent, of the unused moneys which would amount to $1,114.98. If the state allows that and the county gives a like amount the pension fund trus tees will be able to start off with $6,- 689.86. The Commissioners said they de elded to take up the Mothers' Pension I proposition because they were given assurance that the cost of distributing the money will be the lowest pos sible minimum, practically nil. They were told that the trustees could and likely would have their headquarters either at the Red Cross rooms or in the otilces of the Associated Cliari • ties in the city aiid that there would be no overhead charges. Coat til County to Be l,ow .Before a vote was taken on the resolution this morning the Commis sioners all spoke on the subject and they one anil all said that the Moth ers' pension law was not accepted before this because it seemed to them that only a trifling amount would be available for work in this county. | The assurance that the administration ! charges would be very low stirred them to action, they said. Seven Women on Honril They afterward expressed the like lihood that seven women will make up the Board of Trustees of the fund and that three of them will be Har risburg women; two from the upper end of the county; one from the east em section anil one from the lower i end. ENDING OF WAR CUTS COST OF RUNNING NATION * McAdoo Reports Reduction of $7,443,415,838 From Great Sum Planned By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 2. —Cessation of war will result in a reduction of * government expenses for the fiscal year 1920, starting next July 1, to $7,443,415,838 from the $24,599,- - 000,000 appropriated for the current a year, according to tentative estl i mates submitted to Congress to-day ' by Secretary McAdoo, transmitting j the reports of the various depart ments. The principal reduction was for I Ilip military establishment, which * j estimates ijs needs at $1,992,000,000 in 1920, as compared with the $12,- i 274,000,000 appropriated for this j year. Before the signing of the arm- ( istice with Germany, it had been .i figured that the army alone would need more than $19,000,000,000 for 1 920. The navy's estimates for 1920 are j $2,595,000,000 as compared with $l,- | 591,000,000 appropriated for the 1 current year, an increase of a bil ; lion dollars, despite the closing of the war. There is nothing to show what it was estimate# the navy would have needed had the war con tinued. Estimates May Be Reduced These estimates may be pared down considerably later when the j actual needs of the government in j closing out war contracts become V I clearer. Inci.uling $574,237,000 estimated | for fortifications, the total contem plated outlay on the army amounts to $2,497,000,000. A striking figure in the army esti mates is the $144,943,000 for air ! service production. The appropria. : tions last year under this head were $760,000,000. It is evident that in re | ducing war estimates the War De ' partment is proposing not to lose all | that has been gained in aircraft de j velopment during the war, but plane to continue construction and manu facture on a fairly large scale. Largest Single Reduction The largest single reduction front the appropriations for this year for j the army is in pay. travel and gen eral expenditures, the new estimate I for next year being $327,678,000 a* | against $2,367,000,000 appropriated i for this year. Similarly large reduc ! tion is made in quartermaster's esti | mates for supplies, clothing, quar ters. including cantonments and similar expenditures, the new figure I being $911,789,000, as compared to | $5,451,000,000 appropriated for this year. % Xaval Kstimates Larger Virtually all estimates for various navy purposes show substantial in creases over appropriations for the current year. The pay item goes up to $579,946,000 from $227,372,000: > i expenditures on ships already au- I thorized goes to $233,985,000 from ! $59,397,000 this year, and an addi tional $200,000,000 is 2£,ked as the first increment on the new three year program, which has been pro posed. Subsistence and supplies is given as $202,343,000 as compared i with $75,5201000 this year, and am-. I I munition needs are estimated at $125,000,000 as compared to $82,- 519,000 this year. For new post offices, customs ' houses and other federal buildings only $1,567,000 is asked, but this is in addition to existing appropriations J for these purposes not spent during the war. The request for rivers and jr harbors amounts to $19,870,000, barely enough to continue existing projects. The shipping board puts its re quirements at $579,452,000, about one-third of the $1,505,000,000 al ready appropriated. The appropriations asked for the postal service amount to $358,000,- i 000 although it is covered by ex t pected income from postal revenues. : WIFE ONLY ONE WHO_SAW CRIME , [Continued from First Page.] fore the court adjourned at 12.30 o'clock. The first three talesmen examined were accepted for the venire, r Out of Town Jurors I The six jurors are: H. Bright Hackenberg, foreman, Jefferson township. George A. Gohl, Middle Paxton t township. Calvin Sehull, Halifax township. 1 John Sheaffer; Swatata township. Harry Blyler, Lykens. j Edward J. Brown, Williams. 1 town. .Dickerson is represented by W. ■ Justin Carter. He pleaded not i guilty. The accused was not living with his wife at the time of the , murder. Leitzer boarded with Mrs. i Dickerson. Since the crime was • committed in her house the police f. say she was the only eye witness, i But because the law prohibits a wife : from testifying against her lius- . I band when he is the defendant in > a murder case she will not be called as a Commonwealth witness. First Accuses Victim I According to the police, Dicker ' sop walked into police lieadquar l ters an hour after the murder and i wanted to svfrear out a warrant ■ hgainst Leitzer, asserting Leitzer t 1 hud shot him through the wrist. The police declare that Dickerson's ' wound was self inflicted, accidental. • ly if not otherwise. 1 Leitzer was shot in the groin, ! the chest and the neck. The police say a fight between Dickerson and Leitzer preceded the shooting. : Tried Every Medicine and Got No Relief ' Until He Learned That Tonall Helped Others "t suffered from stomach trouble." . says Peter XaglC, of Cornwall, Leba- i ncn county, Pa. "I could not eat I nor sleep ofl acount of my ailment, A due to stomach troubles. X tried ~ I "every medicine I thought would do me good. I heard about Tonall . doing so much good for others. I tried it. "After taking one bottle of Tonall j I can now sleep and eat, and feeling better all over. I recommend Ton- \ all to everybody now, as it certainly has virtue and merit, and as the " formu'a on the bottle tells what ' roots, herbs and barkß are in it, they 4 1 certainly must be good to prtWuce such remarkably qiiick results." r Tonall is sold at Gorgas' Drug ' Store, Harrisburg, and Hershey Drug r Store, Hershey, Pa-, and Martz" u| Btee.ton.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers