''Merici wt, Ready .•'•' ■ %, * fete HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Ak > ©jc Slac- 3nbcpcn&cnL , *' . -w > I LXXXVII — Xo. 265 16 PAGES D -"J.W Wk HARRISBURG. PA.. TUESDAY EV E XIX (C*V EC EM* BER 3. 1918. ""NWKKiSS V A S^ EM s Wc® s ES HOME EDITION 4,500 WOMEN TO JOIN IN GREAT RED CROSS DRIVE District Must Supply 130,000 Memberships to Meet Quota HEADQUARTERS IS OPEN Every M;in. Woman and Child Expected to Do His Share For the Nation When the organization is com pleted which is to canvass the city of Harrisburg for Tied Cross mem berships It Is very likely that over 4.5U0 women will he in the lineup. They will he divided as follows: Lieutenants, 4,030. or ten for each of the 403 clly blocks. Captains, 53, or one for each vot ing precinct in the city, i Majors, 14. or one for each ward. Colonels, three. The city Is divided into three dis tricts, over each of which as a colo nel. One officer will have charge of the whole Hill district: one will 'ook after the uptown district north of State street; the third's territory will be all of the downtown district south of State. Quota Over 150,000 The quota of memberships for the Harrisburg chapter district is well over 150,000. There are, for ex ample. 74.119 people in Harrisburg and the quota is tlie population. Approximate totals for the bal ance of the county are as follows: > lierrysburg. 330; Conewago town ship. TOO; Dauphin, 550; Derry township. 2.800; East Hanover township. 1,200; Klizabethville, 1,- 000; Gratz, 450; Halifax, 700; Hali fax township, 1.000; Highspire, 1.- 600: Hummelstown. 2.00; Jackson township. S00: Jefferson township. 200; Londonderry township. 1,200: Lower Paxton township, 1,400; Low er Swatara township, 600: Lykens, 2,750; Lykens township, 1,000: Mid dle Paxton township, 1.00; Mitliin township, 500; Millersburg. 2,000; I'enbrook. 1200; Reed township, ; 200; Royalton, 900; Hush township, ; 100; South Hanover township. 1,-j 000: Susquehanna township, 5,500; Swatara township, 5,500; Union- ! town, 200: Upper Paxton township, 1,500; Washington township, 900; j Wayne township, 400; West Han- i over township. 900; Wiconisco j township. 2,700: Williams township, 1,100; Williamstwon, 2,900. Headquarters Now Open Christmas rollcall headquarters have now been opened in the old post office building, Third and Lo cust streets. Entrance is on the Locust street side. This structure was to have been taken over by slate draft headquarters, but the sudden termination of the war and the forthcoming dissolution of the, draft organization made it possible for the local Red Cross to secure a portion of the building for the membership campaign workers. i Mercer B. Tate is in charge at headquarters and is being assisted by some of the draft board force. The telephone number at this head- ■ quarters is Bell-4939. Mr. Tate to-day began sending out' tlie posters which are to be used in' the campaign. Returned Men Enthusiastic The really enthusiastic "boosters" for the Red Cross are the fighting Pennsylvanians who are returning daily front overseas. How the Red Cross was to be found right up behind the line of battle, day and night, and how its workers braved death continually is part of the story being told by the overseas men. The Red Cross is not only the favorite organization so far as sol diers are concerned: it is also the favorite war work campaign so far as Dauphin and surrounding coun ties are concerned. What the District Is The quotas given above do not include those for Perry county and the river towns of Cumberland coun ty, which are part of the Harrisburg chapter district. In addition to the two sections named the district in cludes all of Dauphin county except Middletown and Steelton and ail of Harrisburg. THE WEATHER For Harrisburg and vicinity: I n nfttlVd weather, probably rain to-night anil Wednesday; not much change In temperature, ' lowest to-night about 3." de grees. For Eastern Pennsylvania! Cloudy, prohnltly ruin to-night and Wednesday In north and west portions and on Wednes day In southeast portloa, I.lttle change In temperature! moder ate winds, mostly southwest. Hlver The Susquehanna river and nil lis branches will probably fall slqwly or rrnwtln nearly station ary. A stage of about 4.25 feet is Indicated for Harrisburg Wednesday morning. General Conditions A disturbance central ovrr Wis consin bus cnusrd light snowr In Ihe Lake Region, New England, the I'pper St. I.awrenee Valley and in Manitoba. The Atlantic coast disturbance has nparently moved ot seaward; It caused light rains along the Middle At lantic coast In the Inst twenty four hours; elsewhere fair wenther has prevailed through out the territory reprrsrntcil on Ihe map. except In Oregon, where light rnln fell. There haa been a general rlne of to 28 degrees In tempernlure In till districts since Inst re port. except along the Immedi ate Atlantic const from New Jersey southward to extreme Southern Florida, where tem peratures have fallen 2 lo 8 de grees. Now That He's Gone \OO LOxsiC- ) ! DON'T PERGET | Vj k * frMfV **TD vL rV l * t 'Nc, W # /,/. | v ' .V /^' . ■■- —■-—— JURY TO RECEIVE I MURDER CHARGE i BEFORE NIGHT Hardy Dickerson Claims the; Fatal Shooting Was Result ! of an Accident QUARREL OVER WOMAN ;Steclton Man Sentenced to Four Months For Operat ing Gambling Den I Practically all the testimony in the ■ I trial of Hardy Dickerson charged j I with the murder of William Leitzer. i i also colored, had been heard at noon | : to-day and the case may go to the I ! jury late this afternoon. Dickerson, it is charged, shot Leit- ' zer early on the morning of May 19, i I this year, at 1137 South Ninth street.; ; The defendant when on the stand i to-day said that the shooting was ac- I cidental. He told the jury that he ; went to the house intending to settle differences with his wife and live 1 with her again and that while there | Leitzer and he quarreled. He said i Leitzer drew a revolver and in the j fight which followed he prevented ! Leitzer from shooting him. Dicker- j son also testified that when he left ] the house Leitzer was standing up, | apparently not hurt, but that he had been shot twice through the wrist, j He said he had no revolver when he j went to the house. lifts Heavy Sentence Another witness called, during the | morning who had worked with Lett- ; zer testified that the dead man some weeks before the shooting had told ! him of the trouble between Dickerson j and his wife and had threatened Dick- i erson. The witness said he warned j Dickerson of Leitzer's threats. In Courtroom No. 2 David Smith, ! of Steelton, charged with conducting ! a gaming house, entered a plea of not \ guilty and was placed on trial. After ' a few witnesses were heard Smith ' (hanged his plea and then Judge S. J. M, McCarrell sentenced him to pay a fine of $lOO, costs and serve four months in jatl. Other cases disposed ' of before Judge McCarrell: J. Frank I Thompson, larceny, acquitted, pay j half costs: James Burrell, felonious i entry and larceny, guilty: Joseph Sil ver, larceny, on trial to-dav. r~ Hohenzollern Princes May Leave Germany; Fortunes to Remain, Is Stipulation By Associated Press I/option, Dec. 3.—The German government has consented to permit a number of the Hohenzollern princes to leave Germany on condi tion that they leave their fortunes behind them, according to an Ex- • change Telegraph dispatch from I Amsterdam. They have accepted the conditions. It Is stated, and expect i to proceed to Switzerland, Denmurk i or Holland. 4 WOUNDED YANKS WILL BE TREATED CLOSE TO HOMES By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 3. —Clans un der which all wounded men re turning from France will go to hospitals within three hundred miles of the homes of their near est relatives, were announced to day by the War Department. To this end base hospitals at training camps have been turned over to tile surgeon general, pro viding seventy-live hospitals with facilities to care for 104,231 men. Fifty thousand men are expected to be sent to these institutions within the next four months. CANTEEN WORKER HALTS FOOD RIOT AT UNION DEPOT One Hundred Soldiers and Sailors, After 19-Hour Fast Demand Dinner One of the leaders of the canteen committee of the Ked Cross yester day prevented a smail sized riot at the Pennsylvania railroad station. Over one hundred desperately hun gry' soldiers and sailors attempted to get from the steward of a dining car what he denied them, and if it had not been for the timely inter ference of the Red Cross workers it is certain that the railroad rep resentative would have been rough ly handled. Two trains were scheduled to ar rive in this city at 10.43 a. m. and 10.50, but they did not afrlve here until about noon. The first section brought in twenty-two sailors on [Continued on Page B.] WELCOME READY FOR U. S. ARMY AVIATOR Snow Holds Back Big Military Plane Expected to Land in City Early Tomorrow; Mission Here Not Known The committee In charge oC the ar rangements for the receptl >n of Lieu tenant A. P. Tappan. who will p.riive here from Buffalo wins time to-mor row In an American Army nlrps.me, was announced to-da.v, and hell a meeting late thU afternoon to con elude arrangements for his recep tion. The committee members are: V, Grant Forrer, chairman) R. W.' Dow-dell, Anson P. l>are, Clark B. Olehl and B, Clark Cowdcn. Lieutenant Tappan was xpocted early tq-morrow, hut the following telegram explains a necessary ds.'uy, which may detain him until lute in the day or even the next d-iyi ACTION ON CITY COMFORT STATION AGAIN DELAYED Council Now Proposes Con ference With the County Commissioners > NO FAVOR FOR SQUARE To Open Bids For Ash Col lection in Two Weeks Council will take no further action on the ordinance providing for the construction of a public comfort station on the west side of the court house. until a conference is hold with the county commissioners. Commissioner W. Jr. Lynch intro duced a resolution at the session of the citj officials to-day, requesting that further action on the ordinance be postponed until Council. City So licitor John E. Fox and City Engi neer M. 13. Cowden meet with the county commissioners to discuss the advisability of the courthouse site. Mr. Lynch explained that much discussion has developed because of the introduction of the comfort sta tion ordinance. He said he wanted ail the other members of Council to give the question careful con [Contlnued on Page 14,] H. M. XF.AP WRITES HISTORY OF HARItlSnt H(J A history of Harrlsburg has been completed by Renjamln M, Ne.td at the request of the llarriahurg Cham ber of Commerce and will he printed within the near future in the En cyclopedia Americana. Mr. Ncn.l is president of the Dauphin County His torical Society. ''Snowing here, Departure delayed, i Will notify you later," The telegram also contained in-.L structions for the landing arrange- > ment.e. The lieutenant desires to land j in a Held 1.200 feet square, with the! landing place marked tjy a white, cheesecloth arrow, or arrow of iefl cloth if there is snow. As no desires i suoli a large landing place, it is in ferred he is driving a huge homl.'.iig t lane. Tiie lieutenant's miqiDii is i.ot known here and he failed to cniigh'tn local authorities when asked of his errand. He is flying from HifTalo to' Washington. Ilia .visit will no the! Hut by an American Aruty aviator in! an American airplane. PRESIDENT GETS | MIXED RECEPTION WHEN HE SPEAKS House Democrats Cheer; Sen ate Democrats Sit in Frigid Silence | ENTHUSIASM IS FORCED j United Approval of War Days Absent; Congress Ignores Address in Debate. \\ ashing ton. Dec. 3.—Senator Slier i man. of Illinois, Republican, intro j duced to-day biz resolution propos j ing that the office of President he •j declared vacant upon President Wil • son's departure for Europe and that ' the Vice-President assume the ex : ecutive's duties, lie was given ununi ; rnous consent for an address criticis ; ing the President's course. Knox to Wait Postponement until after the.peuee , conference of questions regarding forming a league of nations ami any I "sweeping changes" in ancient in i ternational laws of freedom of the j seus, is proposed in a resolution in i trodueed to-day by Senator Knox, of Pennsylvania, Republican, former ; Secretary of State. House to Do Nothing In a statement to-da.v declaring factional strife should not he. permit ! ted to interfere .with President Wil j son's mission abrdud, Representative • Mann, of Illinois. Republican leader |in the House, said there would lie ; no concerted effort on the part of | House Republicans to embarrass i til® President and that lie hid not i believe the American people wquld j "tolerate any meddling in that which ; so vitally concerns them." | Washington is discussing the ap , parent open breach between Presi ! de/it Wilson {yul the Senate, marked r yesterday when in receiving his 1 annual speech to Congress even Democratic Senators sat stoically ; silent throughout the reading of j many of the passages. The President I in his speech formally announced : what Congress ujready knew—that 1 lie is going abroad to the peace con i ference. 1 The announcement -met with a j mixed reception. Then were cheers i —rpleuty of them— bin the applause I was confined almost entirely to ; Democratic Representatives. Re publican Senu'jrirs and Itepresenta- I tives sat silent, refusing to join the majority party members of the Lower House in rising and cheering. Significantly nearly every Democratic r Continued on Page 11.] i 4,753 Soldiers Start From Liverpool Port; Aero Squadrons Sail By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 3.—Two steam ers, the Empress of Britain and the [ Adriatic, sailed from Liverpool yes i terday for New York with returning American troops, the War Depart | ment announced to-day. The Era ; press of Britain carries seventy-six officers, ten nurses and 2,389 men. The Adriatic carries eighty officers and 2,208 men. • Aboard the Empress of Britain are the 307 th ,361 st, 140 th. 337 th, 256 th. > and the 8341h Aero Squadrons, the '< 10th, 13tli, 17th and 14th air service i construction companies, anfi a nuni ; tier of casual and sick and wounded. 'There are eleven officers and 241 | men among the casuals, not requir : ing special attention and 154 who are ! bedridden of wounds or illness. ! The Adriatic carried the 828 th, 338 th. 33fith, 334 th, 472 d, 37th and ' the 637 th Aero Squadrons; the 4th, i 6th, 7tlj, Bth and 9th air construc ' tion companies. There are-thirty of i (leers and one enlisted man among I the casuals on the Adriatic. ROY REGFS AGE AS COMPLICATED AS ANN'S WAS [Charged With Evading First Registration For Army SeVvicc I llow old is Roy Regi? i The question Is before the Federal j court, sitting here this week, for so j lutlon, Regl asserts that he was | born March 3. 1886, The Govern ment declares he wab born March 8, ' 1887, The solution of the problem wl'l determine whether or not Regl i la guilty of the charge of falling to | register and will determine whether I or not he'was within draft age. I Regl lives near MeConnellsburg, [Fulton county. Me alleges that he! : was over registration uge and did i [not need to register,at the time of] the •first registration. The Govern-, [ ment contends Regi was less than; thirty-one years of age and vio'ated i ! the law by not registering. Many l.iglit Sentences The case was brought '-up at thej [morning session of Federal court. [Continued on Pagd ft.] Cigar Self* Fire to Awning at the Kunkel Building Telephone cat's wee mni'e ""or lire' apparatus to ext nguish a small blaze at the Kt-.n' el bu'hling. Tit rd and Market streets, th's afternoon, when ] several of the awning* caught tire. It ' is believed a match or lighted cigar 1 dropped from one of the upper j ! stories started tlio bioee. { EXPERT TRAFFIC ! MAN'S OPINION IS KEPT SECRET) Municipal League Officers Refuse to Publish the : Arnold Report iERROR SHOWN TO CITY Market Square No Place For Proposed Public Com fort Station Bion J. Arnold, of Chit ago, the i I traffic expert secured a few years j ago by the Municipal League to make a survey of conditions In Har-i ' rlsburg, particularly with reference I*o a proposed isle of safety in Mur | ket Square, is on record us strongly | opposing such a move. • It ts said that in his report tb the < ! Municipal League he recommended ! that no suih step he taken, but that; ! certain- individuals who have been j ! foste' ing the plan to put the safety: zone and public comfort station in j Market Square succeeded in keeping i the report of Mr. Arnold from the j ' public, and to this day it has never j J been published, although it was HO-] j cured ut n greut expense. Hindrance to Traffic j Mr. Arnold, it is said, n>t only op , posed-constructing the safety zone in j tlie Square and stopping all traffic; ! east and west through it In Market j sttect, but advanced many strong rea-i , sons why this should not i:o dune, j As his report on the situation in llnr-j 'rlsburg was never made public, his objections to the plan were , not di-' j vulged, but it is believed in official! | circles that they wore so i °asonab|e! : that to give them to the public would j 1 have ended any further argument in! j favor of ft|psing Market street and es-; ! lahllsliing the wide safety zone. j I Mr. Arnold recently made .> com- \ I plete survey of tho street jar situation ! i • [Continued on I'agc 14.] Warm Winter Clothing Needed For Patients in Tuberculosis Sanatorium llaj-rlsbuUg is being given a chance! to aitt as Saftta Onus to pitien's in the tuberculosis sanatoria at Mont I Alto and Hamburg this week, through the efforts of the Civic Club. V cam- j peign for warm clothing to bi rent these patients was begun in the city I yesterday under ,the leadership et Mrs. Robert 14.-. ffons add' a .'ommlttce of co-workers; The heed for the jfdr j merits in emphasized in a statement I given publicity .this morning. It is | stated that many of the . aflents are j unable to purchase the warm oicth j ing needed. The Civic Club has. Un ! dertaken to fill the need. It is requested by the committee ' that warm garments be sent n the! j Civic Clubhouse. 612 North Fionti ' street. The articles needed include j I dresses, overcoats, suits, warm undtr- , | wear, hoods, shawls, stockings, leg-; | gings, mufflers and other items. The campaign will continue ualll next Monday. Municipal Christmas Tree Assured by Mayor Keister, Definite assurance that there uou'd oe a municipal Christmas Iree this year was given by Mayor Daniel L, lieister this morning. Arrangements for securing the, tree and bringing it here fox Christmas week wijl be in charge of one of the city's civic organizations, such hs the Itotar.v Club. Chamber of Commerce or Kiwanis Oiub'. One of these or ganizations. the Mayor said, would be usked to yike charge of the pro.-er.d inga within a day or two. Since the first announcement that the city's chief executive favored a municipal Yuletlde celebration around a tree to be placed at Front and Mar ket streets, sentiment In ,'avor of fbe tree has increased greßtly. and many are in favor of the plan. U. S. MAY AID IN PLAN TO MAKE RIVER NAVIGABLE National Survey of Stream Proposed in Congress by Lancaster Supporter The movement to make the Sua-1 qu'ehanna river navigable from tide- j water to Sunbury, which has been' growing rapidly strioe It was launch- j ed here by the Rotary Club several < weeks ago received an added Impetus | to-day when Congressman W, W. | Grlest, of Lancaster, prepared a bill I authorizing the Secretary of War to | arrange for a survey of the stream j from its mouth in Maryland to Har risburg. Such a survey wilt settle the prac ticability of the plan and show what must be done to make the task a succesg. It would also give the na tional and state authorities an Idea of the cost. ( Eli N. Hersbey, president of the Rotary Club, who had been author ized to appoint a committee to lay the matter beiore the Legislature when it meets in January, has been ill and therefore unable To get the rtiatter under way here. He expects to act within the next few days. Sentiment for the prolcct rapidly has been gaining friends from wine end of the river to the other. Ar rangements already hove been made to £rnd delegations here front every county and ejty along lite stream for! a conference In January, it is proli-i able that the meeting will be held in the Penn-Harris thin day before ! Governor Sprout's inauguration. | • , .• ' „ . • : ! , HOLLAND WILL BE ASKED TO DELIVER WILHELM TO FOES Surrender of War's Arch Criminal to Be Insisted Upon by Allies Who Plan Proper Punishment NEW GERMAN GOVERNMENT HAS NO PLANS FOR EX-EMPEROR K.v . / ssocialeU Press Costerland, Holland, Dec. 3.71 —"I have not renounced any thing' and I have not signed any document whatever," the former German crown prince declared to the corespondent to-day. "I was convinced," the former crown prince said to- his inter viewer, "that we lost the war early in October, 1)14. I con sidered our position hopeless after the battle of the Manic, wlch we should not have lost j if the chiefs of our general staff! had not suffered a ease of nerves.! "I tried to persuade the gen eral staff to seek peace then, even at a jjreat sacrifice, going so far as to give up Alsace-Lor-j raine. But I was told to mind; my own business and confine j my activities to commanding my j armies. 1 have proof of this."j ~ i London, Dec. 3. —A demand forj the surrender of William Hohen- j zollern will be submitted to ihe! Netherlands government in the name; of all the Allied cabinets, according j to the Express. The views of t'ranee! and Italy have been fully communi cated to the British government and Pres.dent Wilson also has made sqs "c ,JKM. r : i i - <J4' YANKEE WQ-j'NDrir HdMF 'Clfßt . .M Iff 2 |jw —All 'AiTerieafc wounded in England'with the'- : X ',-X ' •• - the • ■ 3! 4i 4* hauls in the United States hy. 'Ch'ristmii, according' to X;-,: •! J • X - 11 4* * X ■|4* ■ 'vu.f • -r ' #2j fc h me:wafd jftt.rapi'djy as shipping is available. T t f | J BANDITS KILL CUSTOMS COLLECTOR * i i *m j T* .. Bisbce, Anz.—Five /nasked batjditi kitted Customs -JO k .3 Golector Carlos Caturegli pf Agua Print*.' So; n,, Mel- *Pr.; ' b ' I TJ ice, and two of his guards, wounded a third and then *s J A escaped with' $125,000 in gold last night. They ate Relieved jfe •* liT to have-crossed, to the American . 4* : l 2 4* ,; 2 j !L IX CARLISLE HOSPITAL TO SHIELD WOUIDED T j IT* Washington~The general h< Carli P.', 4* .!T |*f has been selected as one of the retreats to which Arneti- X ' 4* X ■ X T . I T covr> 4? I IT. - f !$' HUNS DESTROY INCRIMINATING -EVIl".!■ NCE 4* ii ?aris —The German foreign office destroyed by nri X |X kU damaging-documents ih the archives of the .-eneral i|V government at Brussels and destroyed afl doci&nents in <S| ■ A A Berlin which might be.useful in' placing respons'iMty for X |x,fhc way <*, the German government, Herr Melkmbuhr, a JR i j®-lQrme'r Socialist member of the Reichstag, declared ma •' Mr 'A IX Speech in Berlin according to advices-received here. '' 3| i T DIVrCH JNSTI'TUTE REPRISALS 4 X ' London- I —The Dutch government decided tq stop Ji|; j "I* y, Mf I IA all exports to Germany in reprisal fori the stoppage of tht ! I ' I jL export of German teal tg Holland qc lin* .* < Ex- | 14* change Telegraph dispatch 'rorr Amst- aj j, GRANDA LEADS CYCLF RACER" , 4 ' ! x " 1 T Madison Squire Garden, New York "A- B'<> V'k, the ■ 4* trid J the 32.nd hour, the fourteen leading ten - ( n the jjl j X sjx-d'Sv Bicycle' r te had covered" 603 n i'e7. dtp -• with JP- ■ X the • vHfjr bfeptfeerS "team* 6rie hnp behind Grnrda was ? leading Tjpe re' rd for this hour is 7.06 miie I lap, ,4p |'made by Lawson .irtd Root in 1915. - x ' W MARRIAGE LICENSES ± Vngthoif nl Kdtth M. Cripple, Kb.la. X '"•! . , - ,= d. ' - ■ • WANT WILHELM TRIED IN COURT FOR HIS CRIMES PARIS. Dec. 3.—French citizens arc lodging complaints with At torney General Lcscpuve regard ing crimes committed by the Ger man armies under fVlllium llo henzolleiii, the former emperor. Several persons who lost relatives IM tlic lioiiiburdmciit or Paris by the German long-range guns have ll'cd their complaints. A decision with regard to the complaints against the former em peror will he reached within a few days, ir it is decided that rreiiell tribunals are competent to open proceedings a judge will lie appointed. One of the first acts of the judge, will lie to ask for the extradition of William Hoheuzollern. gestlons relative to procedure in the • ase. J Authority is claimed by tho E£- press for the statement Ihnt. al though there are sonic little differs enoes as to points, of law among Allied jurists, Monday's conference in Downing street revealed unanimity, relative to the bringing of the for mer emperor to answer for hfs crimes. The opinion is held that Holland will not he disposed to put obstacles in the way. She will not be asked to deliver Herr Hohenzollern under the ordinary extradition laws, bttt [Continued on Page 14.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers