I MAY WE HELP YOU Iff. YOUI NEXT HOME-HONT?-CALL BELL 4loo| 5 s IDeatbs , illLLl. Died, Sunday, August 11, 1918, Jennie E. Crull, in her 80th year, at the home of her brother, Jacob M. Crull, 250 Cumberland street. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Tuesday after noon, to which relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment private at Harrisburg Cemetery. 3IEVEKS On Sunday, August 11. 1018, Benjamin F. Meyers died at his late residence, No. 11 North Front street. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Wednesday fore noon, at 10:30 o'clock. Friends ure invited to attend. Interment pri vate. * £IHMERM.C\ Anna M. Zimmerman, wife of DeWitt C. Zimmerman, died Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, at her home, 3009 Main street, Pen brook, aged 32 years. Funeral services Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock, at her late resi dence, the Rev. Mr. Miller officiat ing. Interment in East Harrisburg Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. • LV'I'LG On August 10, 1918, James H. Lytle, aged-74 years. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 1331 Green street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Body" can be viewed this evening between the hours of 7 and 9. DOST AND FOUND LOST Solid gold cuffbuttons, set ■with three diamonds. Liberal reward if returned to George F. Kiel, 1814 Ptate street. LOST A light with the automo bile license No. 90410, between Hum melstown and Swatara Station. Finder is kndly requested to notify J. C. X.audermilch, 10l Cherry street. Pal myra, Pa. Will be liberally rewarded. LOST—-The persons who picked up * email purse on Independence Island, Thursday afternoon, are known. Kindly return same to Box R, 6954, care of Telegraph. No questions asked. r LOST Pocketbook lost Thursday evening at Grocers' Picnic, Hershey Park, containing about $65 in bills ■and three checks, one for s2l. one $8.33 and one for $4.50. Reward if re turned to Chas. M. Krise, 1104 Plum avenue. LOST Bunch of keys. Saturday, August 3, on Walnut street via. Jones town Road, between Sixteenth street and Market Street Subway. Reward if returned to Box A, 7193, care of Telegraph. LOST Brown leather pocketbook, in Hershey Park, Thursday evening. Finder please return to this office and receive liberal reward. f ' -1 INSTRUCTIONS ATTEND the OLDEST and BEST business school in Harrifeburg or ganized in 1894 Fully Accredited — School of Commerce, Troup Building, 15 South Market Square. Sc .£ 0 i < ? summer. Send for catalog. Bell 485, Dial 4393. . INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Tyyewriting. Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Aritn.. ®iP* DAV AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 694R, Dial 4016. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL, 321 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Beckley. Prln. Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. • i B~ 1 STOLEN PARTY who took Roller-bearing ■Coaster Wagon from rear porch of 3942 North Fifth street, is known, and if same is not returned will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. ' HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED —< Young man. experi ence not necessary, to solicit maga zine subscriptions, satisfied with sl9 per week to start. Apply Room 24, Spooner Building. WANTED Solicitors for weekly ' be'alth and accident insurance. No lapses. Salary and commission. Ap " ply S-9 A. M„ 4tosP. M„ Room 4, 29 North Second street. WANTED lnsurance agents. Good debit can be collected in two and a half days. Rest of week can be de voted to canvassing. Salary, sls and regular commission. Apply Room 17, Cameron Building, from 8 to 9 A. M. and 4 to 8 P. M. TWO experienced truck drivers, who can give references. Apply at once to Witman Bros, 40 North Tenth street. WANTED, AT ONCE A boy or , man, white or colored, for Janitor ser vice. Apply Robinson & Co., Third and Broad streets. ( WANTED Office messenger. BELL TEL. CO. OF PENNA.. Sixth Floor, Johnston Building, No. 19 South Second Street. LABORERS WANTED AT MT. UNION, PA. APPLY STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Third and North Sts. I*. \ £ f FOR SALE 1 I 4 Modern Brick Houses t 48 rooms and bath; hot air heat;J J front porch; lot 14x90 ft. Very! ! desirable; possession within sixty} days. Price, $2,200 each. t •Miller Brothers & Co. j * 2 Member Ilbg. Real Estate Board ! i Locust and Conrt Street* | MONDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE SEVERAL. MEN For warehouse - work, at once. Apply to Witman , Bros, 40 North Tenth street. 1 ; 1 ATTENTION MECHANICS 5 WE ARE ON GOVERNMENT WORK 5 AND NEED "SKILLED LABOR" IN 1 VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF OUR FACTORY AS LISTED BELOW: AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHIIAI. 1 BENCH HANDS. 1 DRILL PRESS. GRINDERS (INTERNAL AND EX ' TERXAL). HAND SCREW MACHINES. 3 INSPECTORS (MICROMETER ' MEN). JONES AND LAMPSON. LATHE. MACHINISTS 1 MOTOR MECHANICS (ASSEMBLING • AND OVERHAUL). • POTTER AND JOHNSON. TOOLMAKERS. IF YOU ARE WORKING ON GOV ' ERNMENT WORK. DO NOT APPLY. '< MODERN FACTORY. FIRST-CLASS ! EQUIPMENT. BOARD AND RENT : REASONABLE. OUR RATES WILL INTEREST YOU. WRITE FOR PAR • TICULARS, BEING SURE TO STATE ' AGE AND EXPERIENCE IN DE TAIL. THE WILLYS-MORROW COM ■ PANT, EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, EL ; MIRA, N. Y. 1 1 BOOKKEEPER AND STENO GRAPHER High grade office man wanted for factory; must be intelli gent and energetic, able to work on own initiative; $25 per week to start, with certain advancement to Import ant position for man who will make good. Write fully concerning ex perience. Address Box B, 6824, care of Telegraph. . WANTED A bright, energetic representative for Harrisburg and vicinity, to take hold of an up-to-date combination Health, Accident and Life Policy. Liberal renewal contract to good producer. Address C. H. Clemens, Commerce RJdg.. Erie, Pa, LABORERS WANTED Apply to S. W. SHOEMAKER & SON, SEVENTH AND HARRIS STS. WANTED—Two good, strong boys ■ to learn a trade. Apply Superinten dent. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Two experienced Ford repairmen. MAC'S GARAGE, 1808-10 Logan street. PLASTERERS Long Job. * Double time for overtime. Apply to J. G. FITZGERALD, Penn-Harris Hotel, 10 MEN WANTED THOSE WHO WANT TO j EARN FROM $35 TO S6O PER WEEK. TO REPRESENT OLD-ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN SURROUNDING TERRI TORY. APPLY 114 SOUTH SECOND STREET. BOY WANTED To work in lumber office. Apply UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Sts. SALESMAN The Atlantic Refining Company has an opening for a live, experienced salesman to work in and and about Chambersburg and the Cumberland Val ley. An automobile is sup plied for covering the ter ritory, which is such that only a few nights each month need be spent away from home. Remuneration is by sal ary; a permanent posi tion and opportunity for advancement is offered to* the right man. Call, for an interview, on the Company's repre sentative at thtWVashlng ton Hotel. Chambersburg, Pa., Monday, August 12, 1918. EXPERIENCED COUNTER: MAN WANTED—Good wages. Apply Alva Hotel, 19 South Fourth street. WANTED Handy man for small electrical plant. Must be able to climb. Apply 300 Commonwealth Trust Building. MEN WANTED To load stone, 29 cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per week. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax tang. SALESMAN For Direct Factory Branch to call on Oleomargarine Trade In Dauphin and surrounding Counties. Headquarters In Harrisburg or nearby. Opening for live wire who can turn in the business. Give refer ence and experience. Address Box E, I 6957, care of Telegraph. PLUMBERS, STEAM FITTERS AND HELPERS Wanted at once. Fisher Bros., 1001 Capital street. HELP WANTED—FEMALE BELL TELEPHONE I OPERATORS WANTED. Yftpng women to learn tele ■ phone operating. ' Advancement Is rapid, and ' exceptional opportunities are open to those who possess f energy and ambition. Salary paid while learning. | Apply | OPERATOR'S TRAINING DEPT., 208 Walnut St.. Between 8 A. M. nnd 5 P. M. I j > | i HELP WANTED—FEMALE ' WANTED. IMMEDIATELY One ! woman to help with baking, and one woman for dishwashing, at Stouffer's Restaurant. 4 North Court street. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY Three j ladies for waitresses. Must be ex perienced and give references. Apply ! Stouffer's Restaurant, 4 North Court j street. A FEW bright, steady girls for neat. | clean work. Apply at Kraus & Co., 323 South Cameron street. EDUCATED. PATRIOTIC LADIES for store, individual and fair demonstrating. Producers re ceive salary, commission and expenses. Apply 102 STATE STREET all week before 8 A. M. and after 6 P. M. Slackers and tricksters undeslred. WAITRESS WANTED. AT ONCE— Also girls to help in kitchen. No work Sunday. Apply 211 Walnut street. WANTED Sewing machine op erators and learners. Easy work and best pay. Harrisburg Apparel Co., Sixth and Herr streets. WANTED A good cook—white. Good references. Write Box J, 6955, care of Telegraph. WANTED A neat girl to demon strate a new cereal in grocery stores. 1 Salary, $15.00 per week and expenses. Address P. O. Box 172. SEVERAL EXPERIENCED ] SALESWOMEN For various departments in one of Harrisburg's large stores. Permanent positions. Address BOX K, 7431, CARE TELEGRAPH. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20,000 wo men clerks at 'Vy ashin S ton - Exami nations everywhere in August. Ex perience unnecessary. Women desir ing government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (for mer Civil Service Examiner), 561 Kenois Bldg., Washington, D. C. WAITRESSES Experienced young ladies. Also woman for washing dishes. Apply Alva Hotel, 19 South Fourth street. THOUSANDS OF WOMEN being ap pointed in Government service. Par ticulars free. Columbian Correspond ence College, Washington. D. C. WANTED Ten bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell well-known goods to established deal ers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week; rail road fare paid; weekly advance for traveling expenses. Address, at once, Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 720, Omaha, Nebr. WANTED A girl for general housework. Liberal wages. Also a laundress for Monday and Tuesday. Apply 1615 North Second street. WANTED Girls for laundry. Sev eral good positions open. Apply Sani tary Family Washing Co., Sixteenth and Elm streets. WANTED An experienced sales girl to work in the Dress Goods Shop. Apply, with reference, to 1208(4 North Third street. WHITE COOK WANTED, AT ONCE —Apply 222 Chestnut street. GOVERNMENT will hold Civil Ser vice Examinations in Harrisburg Au gust. 20,000 women clerks to be ap pointed at Washington. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring Gov ernment clerkships write for free particulars to R.* E. Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 3X5 Colum bian Building, Washington. WANTED Several bright girls. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILK HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female THOUSANDS MEN WOMEN— GIRLS, 18 or over wanted immediate ly by United States Government. Easy office positions at Washington and in every large city. Experience ! unnecessary. SIOO month and up. 7- hour day. Your country needs you. Help her. Write immediately for! free list, positions open. Franklin! Institute, Dept. 403 G, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Middle-aged lady, or young man, for office work. One who Is familiar with stenography. Ad dress C., 6958, care of Telegraph. SITUATION'S WANTED—MALE WANTED Colored chauffeur de sires position driving car in private family; about six years' experience, j Address C„ 7297, care of Telegraph. YOUNG MAN —2O years old, j wishes position as driver of light ] truck or delivery. Address F. L. J., care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe SITUATION As' competent clerk. Able to operate typewriter. Bell phone 1269 M. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work or washing and ironing for Monday and Tuesday. Apply 1130 North Front street. WANTED Woman wishes a posi tion as chambermaid, or to assist in restaurant as dishwasher, or to the country for the summer. Address 1423 Wyeth avenue. WANTED Young woman wishes position as hpusekeeper In small fam ily. Address M. p 6956, care of Tele- I graph. WANTED Young woman wishes a position as housekeeper for widower in refined family. Must be a good lo cation —not out of city. Address A., 6956. care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman would like to have a job as plain cook, or housework. Wages. $7 per week. Ad dress 810 James street. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY Desires position as governess of a blind student. Can give reference. Apply 1232 Mulberry street.. ROOMS FOR RENT TWO nicely-furnished, second floor rooms, with balcony; use of bath and phone; suitable for business women. Apply 210 South Thirteenth street. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, unfur nished. city or suburban, with or without kitchenettes; laundry, phone and bathroom privileges; stoves fur nished free. Elderly people prefer-, red. Inquire 429 Broad street. ROOMS WANTED TWO or three unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, In desirable locality. No children. Address D., 6950. care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED j COUNTRY BOARDERS Persons wishing to escape the heat of the city | will find a pleasant hofne at Rest I Haven, near Mechanicsburg. Pleasant rooms and surroundings. Good coun try board. Terjns reasonable. Mrs. 1 Alma A. Esbleman. Mechanicsburg. j Dial phone 143 X. * j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ' You and yours owe it to yourselves j !- to have the best home you can afford. | You may be paying enough rent now j to solve the problem—yet you may , I not have solved it. May we help you | | in your next home-hunt? It will cost j you nothing—it may be worth a great I | deal to you. j ' ' " 1 i i I 1 - APARTMENTS FOR KENT I TO LET Dwelling 617 North Second street. All improvements. Fos- I session at once. Inquire at the above I address, or Dial 4973. YOUNG APARTMENTS, 34 NORTH SECOND ST. For Adults only. Pos sible vacancies October 1. Central lo cation. City steam. Modern and quiet. Building under management of owner. Reference required. , A PP'y . to „ A - L ; Youg, Real Estate, 34 North Second street. •- 1317 STATE STREET —Small apart ment on second floor for rent; strict ly up-to-date; furnished complete; good residential location. FOR RENT Two large, front rooms, with use of bath; city steam heat furnished; SUlta ' housekeeping. Rent. SIB.OO per month. 213 Chestnut street. Inquire J. K. Kipp. Marysville. Pa. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CORNER LOT, located at corner of 17th and Derry Sts. A bargain to a quick purchaser. Irwin M. Cassell, 1444 Regina St. FOR SALE 2127 North Fourth street. 3-story brick dwelling, with i ■>. story frame building in rear. Im mediate possession. Interesting price. 610 Oxford Street—2%-story brick, front porch, porcelain bathroom fix tures. Possession August 26. Any reasonable offer will be considered. 1916 North Fourth Street Steam heat" drive alley in rear; side en -1837 Susquehanna Street 3-story brick' improvements. Price $2,300 1913 Manada Street Front porch; steam heat. It's like living in coun try but you have benefit of city im provements. Must be seen to be ap- Pr i624 t Chestnut Street Front porch; steam heat; electric. Suburban Property Steam heat; 15-minute trolley service $3,000 KOUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE. 307 Kunkel Building. FOR SALE Very desirable dwell ing house, with garage; all conveni ences' heat, light and gas. Beautiful summer home, well located in Her shev Pa. Apply E. M. Hershey, At torney, Third and Market streets. City. TWO frame dwellings, newly paint ed 6 rooms and bath, large back yard, situated on South Fourth street. Steel ton. Apply Regent Theater. City. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Liberty Bond. Balance as rent. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. ! CITY AND SUBURBAN HOUSES cheap and easy terms. Some two -1 story bricks, all improvements, SIOO ! down. 2% -story frames in West I Fatrview. Enola. Lemoyne, Paxtang and Steelton. from one to two hun dred dollars down, all improvements in Also 1-acre and 2-acre farms in 5c fare of city. Also bungalow along trolley. Possession at once, along £ H CORDER 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. MUENCH ST.. 617 Corner brick property; 9 rooms; all improvements; good paying rooming house at pres ent. Can be seen any time, posses sion August 15. , , OXFORD ST., 617 3-story brick; steam heat; electric lights; cemented cellar; front and rear porches; very desirable property; can be seen any time; occupied by owner. NAUDAIN ST.. 1432 lmmediate possession; 3-story brick; all improve ments; oav as Rent. SIXTEENTH ST.. S.. 533 2-story brick, corner; 7 rooms; all improve mints' nav as Rent. SWATARA ST.. 1850 2%-story; 7 rooms; all improvements; right price to ouick buver; pay as Rent. STEELTON. THIRD ST.. CORNER ThPIIST ll rooms, all improve ments with lot 75x125. Owner moved Slit of town. Will be sold at a sacri fice. Make me an offer. D. A. SANDERLIN. ROOM 1, SECURITY TRUST BLDG., BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. I POSSESSION AT ONCE Two and three-Story bricks, all improvements, steam heat, electric and gas. Easy terms. c H CORDER , 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. irnn SALE Frame house, with 8 rooms and bath gas light fur nnrp heat chickenhouse on lot. Price only $1,900. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. NO 1731 CARNATION STREEJT FOR uirir 7 rooms and bath gas furnace heat. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 3107 Fourth street 7 rooms bath gas steam heat. Price, $3,500. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 2325 Jefferson i at i. e t brick house 8 rooms c a s furnace. Price reason able. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. ' FOR SALE No. 1944 Seventh street frame house 7 rooms lath gas furnace. Price only $1 450. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner I I Building. , Real Estate Fop Sale—Suburban SEVEN-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW —All Improvements, gas. lot. 60xJ76. - on Chestnut street. Camp Hill. Cash or terms. Apply Dial 6646, J. F. Hempt. Camp Hill. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT PERDIX IH-story furnished cot tage. four rooms and cellar. Fine lo cation. Five minutes' walk to sta tion. Apply 20 South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 314R or 767. FOR RENT, AT PERDIX—Wayne Cottage; five rooms, furnished; front and rear sleeping porches. Possession August 17. Both phones. Apply to A. C. Young, 34 North Second street, or at Perdix Land Office. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtln streets. Possession of Fifth street houses about July 15 1918. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Second' Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE IVAXTED^ I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty In any section of the city, if cheap. What have you to offer 2 Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. REAL ESTATE R ANTED ~ HOUSE Wanted. 7 to 10-room brick house, all improvements, on or between Thirteenth and Sixteenth Walnut and Derry streets. WANTED Brick property, 7 to 10 rooms, all improvements, on or be tween Second and Third streets above North. D. A. SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust Bldg.. Bell 1390 Dial 3573. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS - " FOR RENT in the Commonwealth Trust Company Building. large, roomy offices. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO 222 Market Street. LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— Suitable for automobile display room or other wholesale or large retail business, 1101-1103 North Sixth street. Apply to Louis. 414 North Third. FARMS FARM 77 acres; a good house 6 large rooms; a new barn, 40x72. Can't be built for less than $4,500. l stal lion. 3 horses. 10 head of cattle. 11 hogs, 40 hens. 60 chickens. 45 turkeys. 11 acres of wheat. 14 acres of oats. 13 acres of corn, %-acre of potatoes and all the garden truck All farming im plements. 300 to 500 bushels of last year's corn. 70 to 100- bushels of last year's oats. 18 to 20 tons of hay and all the straw on the farm. One acre of woods, plenty of good drinking water, the best of pasture with run ning water and creeks. All for $5 o*o Only 13 to 14 miles from Harrisburg' Call John A. Durand. 107 Chestnut street. City. 100 ACRES With necessary build, lngs, large orchard, r years old- 3 miles N. E. of Harrisburg. Will sell at a bargain. Possession can be given soon after purchase. For full infor mation. call 1700 North Second street. FARMS FOR SALE Any size you want, from l to 200 acres each. 8. 11, 16. 30. 45. 70 80 100, 150 and 200-acre farms from 214 to 10 miles to Harrisburg. Some on State Roads. All have good buildings orchards and running water. Easy ac cess to city. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. 12-ACRE FARM For Sale. Possession at once. 4 miles east of Linglestown, on the Manada River. Old house. Good barn. Very productive. 100 fruit trees. A very good Truck. Poultry and Hog Farm. Fronting beauttful on main road Beautiful Farms joining. Price, $1 . 500. We can help finance th.'s farm. C. B. CARE. Cares Grocery. Linglestown; 409 Market St., Harrisbfirg. FARMS WANTED WILL PURCHASE small farm, 5 to 10 acres, near Shlremanstown. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Building. Bell phone 589. FOR SALE —MISCELLANEOUS ONE red plush patent rocker. $1.50; one walnut rocker. $1.50; one svhite enameled crib, with mattress, $4.00; one babywalker. 50c; one golden oak library table. $3 00. Call 2215 Penn street. FOR SALE Davenport, chairs and other household goods. Call 1937 North Second street. FOR SALE Three-piece tapestry livingroom suite, washer and wringer and electric parlor lamp. Call 40 Linden street. FOR SALE—Dinlngroom set of fur niture. Good as new. Bell phone 2353 W. ALL kinds of Disc Records bought, sold and exchanged. N. Brenner, 1315 North Third street. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED - SOLD EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 206 LOCUST STREET. OPP. OR . PHEUM THEATER. OR " BOTH PHONES. THE STORE ~ ' Just across from Y. W. C. A. is worth knowing. We are Famous for our Low prices* Give us a trial. Straw Hats 9g c „ p Men's Suits $7.60 up Boys' Suitß J3.95 up Men's Trousers SI.2S up Union Suits 95c up Men's ' CLOTHING' CO.!'" , 23 North Fourth Street. Open Every Evening. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 20,000 new, old and rare booka. 5c up. Aurand'a, 925 N. Third. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Retkin, 407 Broad street. Bell phone 3370 J. CLOTHES AND "SHOES Don't throw your old clothes and shoes away. 1 pay highest prices. Drop postal, or call Bell phone 4160 M. Wa will call. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son 824-832 North Seventh street. ' Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers for estates. P. H. Caplan Co.. 206 Mkt. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture hero High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street Will call, city or country. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE—A Grocery Store, doing a cash business in an elegant location. Address G., 6914, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS FOR SALE Doing |IOO worth of business a day. Small rent Not much money required. Reason for selling, ill health. For further particulars address B„ 7430, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS " ' RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP GENERAL REPAIRING. 1303 N. SIXTH ST. BELL 3995. DIAL 5854. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge 25c doz.; old style, 26c each. Gorgas Drug Store, formerly at Henry Gilbert and Sons. Diamonds Bought fob Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Caplan Co., 206 Mkt. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street- Money to Loan MONEY FOR COAL and other necessities, advanc ed to honest working people, without bank credit, at legal rates on furniture, real es tate or guaranteed notes. Buy your coal now. Help the Gov ernment and insure comfort for yourself and family next Winter, and incidentally, save money. We give you twelve months to pay the loan if you wish. You pay only for the actual time you use the money. Hours, 8 to 6, Satur day evenings until 9. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut Street. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg.'Pa. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als in need of repdy cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential; payments to suit borrower's conven ience; positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY TO LOAN AT LEGAL RATES On furniture, real estate and endorsed notes. Licensed by the State and under the supervision of the Banking De partment. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3 Nor.th Market Square, Established 1904. Musical PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs, just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repairpd by an expert. All work promptly done and guaranteed. Call Bell 2804 R. or 1504 Howard avenue. Hauling and Moving LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A. & B Motor Express. 1417 North Third street. Bell phone 14'9J. WE MOVE ANYTHING 1 ANYWHERE • ANY TIME We have a 2-Ton Denby Truck for Hire to da General Hauling. DA.YTON CYCLE CO., Dial 1900 912 N. Third St. AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 : Capital street. Both phones.- • GENERAL HAULING AND FAST ' EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns • with auto trucks. Only experienced 1 and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2265. WE do all kinds of hauling—auto or • team. Go anywhere. Rates Reason -1 able. Phones. CONRAD BROS., 446 i Broad street. : HEAVY HAULING— Fully equipped i for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful i driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. I E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin r Aungst, Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R-6. r WHERE TO DINE > ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. ■ STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT —Home s cooking served to Businessmen and Ladles in separate dintngroom. Storage ' STORAGE —419 Broad street, house ■ hold goods, merchandise. Private • rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul -1 lng of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE —rn brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private roofs. Reasonable rates. P. , G. Diener. 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for , household goods in fireproof ware ' house. 83 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- I 445 South Second street. ! ! " WILLIAM PAGE, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 630 Boas St., Pa. Bell 7>BJ. Dial 3907. AUGUST 12, 1918. I UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Pressed. Dyed or Repnired at the best place in town. Call and deliver. Goodman's. 1306% N. Sixth St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Cadillac, 1916, 7-pas senger touring car. Electric light and starter. First-class condition. Write Box T, 6951, care of Telegraph. ONE Ford touring car, one-ton truck, one Reading Standard motor cycle, 1917, with side car; one Saxon "6" Club roadster, new; one Enger touring car, two delivery bodies. These cars will be sold at a bargain. Apply Hoffman's Garage. Seventh and Camp streets. REGAL TOURING CAR Electric light. 3250. Horst, Linglestown, Pa. AUTOS SOLD FOR CASH. NO SALE—NO PAY. Free storage in modern garage while on sale.- Reliable demonstra tion. Terms reasonable in case of baIe 'CYCLE & AUTO SUPPLY CO., 107 Market Street. Bell 3858. Dial 3590. FOR SALE One PIERCE ARROW CAR (1914). This car is in FIRST CLASS condition. Recently repainted and good tires all around. Will be sold at a REAL BARGAIN on account of the parties having no further use for same. Inquire at 108 Market street. Will demonstrate.. E. L. Cowden. FOR SALE 7-passenger Overland, five wire wheels, Continental motor. Will sell cheap. Address F., 6952, care I of Telegraph. | OVERLAND TOURING CAR FOR | SALE ln very good condition all around. Owner in draft. Will dem onstrate. Address Box M, 7470, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE A FULL STOCK OF CORD TIRES AT VERY REASON ABLE PRICES. APPLY STERLING OUTO TIRE CO., , 109 SOUTH SECOND STREET. ABBOTT-DETROIT 1914 seven passenger, electric lights, in A 1 condi tion. extra tire and tubes at a bargain, or will trade on roadster or five-pas senger car. Dayton Cycle Co, 912 North Third street. USftD CAR BARGAINS 1914 Ford Touring. Excellent con dition. Bargain to quick buyer. 1917 Overland Chummy Roadster. All new tires. Perfect condition. Newly painted. MAC'S GARAGE. Ford Service Station. 1810 Logan St. WANTED—AII kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. 1914 KNOX Racing Car, in good con dition. 1916 Chalmers Roadster, in A 1 con dition. SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCK FOR SALE CHEAT 1 2-ton Mack truck, complete with body, and some 1-ton trucks—are all good bargains. International Harvester Company of America. Truck Dept., 619 Walnut street. OVERLAND Used Car Department Slightly used Will-s-Knights are better' than new cars. The Knight motor improves with use and can never wear out. v The following cars have been thoroughly overhauled and re painted- They cannot be told from new. They bear the guar- j antee of new cars. WILLYS-KNIGHT TWO-PAS SENGER ROADSTER, refinished dark blue, with red wire wheels, one extra. Three new Non-Skid tires, one Plain Tread. This car is worth SI,OOO. i Price for this sale $750 . 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT TOUR ING, 4-cylinder, seven-passenger, refinished throughout, all tires fine. . 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT EIGHT CYLINDER TOURING in absolute ly perfect condition. Refinished • like new. at several hundred dol lars less than the new price. FIVE-PASSENGER WILLYS KNIGHT TOURING, not refinish ed. but in good mechanical condi tion. All tires in good shape. Placed on sale with us by owner now in the service. Price, with 5 wire wheels SBSO Twenty other Cars to select from. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO., i 212-214 N. 2nd St. Open Evenings. I • AUTO TIRE BARGAINS i 28x3 sl2 50 32x4 $6 00 30x3 J sl4 00 1 30x3 sl7 75 30x4 $9 00 1 36x4 $22 00 35x4% .'...532 85 i 37x5 S3B 20 ' Many other Bargains In' New and ; Used Tires. DAYTON CYCLE CO., Dial 4990. 912 North Third Street. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, I In any condition. See me before sac ; rtflcing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A Schlltman, 22-24-26 - North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE Five-passenger tour * Ing car. First-class condition.. New ' tires. Fitted with bumper and weed s chains. Apply J. T. Metcalfe, Qulncy, | Pa. Waynesboro, 907R-2. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 * Bosch high tension, Eismann, Dixey, Splitdorf, Mea. Remy and different * makes of colls, carburetors, etc. A. ' Schlftman. 22-24-26 North Cameron . street. Bell 3633.' GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS GARAGE FOR RENT ln rear at 528 Camp street. Call at 1225 North 3 Sixth street. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc- Amut service In town. Har risburg Auto Radiator .Works, 805 North Third street. • * Knights of Columbus Open Convention in New York JftS-7E.£> /h. YT-POACJiTV'" ®JU*Tn nhh? m ,fu A <" £ laher ty. of Philadel- KniehTL f n S , upreme Knight of the tion t!, O o Columbus ' The conven of r£i„ t Supreme Co "ncil. Knights New'v n L bu ."' which has o P e ned in artven f 18 atten <ied by represent- * ?rv oi u eVery state in the coun try, also by representatives from Cuba Philippines and from Repairs to Bridge at Hummelstown Ordered contract for the repairs to be made to the bridge over Swatara creek near Hummelstown,- was awarded to G. W. Ensign. Incorpo rated, of Camp Hill, by the County Commissioners, to-day. The work is to be completed within twenty days after the date the necessary timbers and materials are delivered on the ground. The cost will be $3,453.50. One other bid was received and opened. It was from Henry Opper man, Harrisburg, for $5,057. MISS AMANDA CROMISE Miss Amanda Cromise, formerly of Harrisburg, died at the home of Mrs. Stephen Badlam, Beaver. The body was brought to Hummelstown. Burial was made there Saturday. The Rev. S. H. Lehman officiated. Miss Cromise formerly lived with the late Mrs. George W. Boyd, of this city. MISS JENNIE CRUEL Miss Jennie Crull died at the home of her brother,' Jacob M. Crull, 256 Cumberland street, yesterday. ' Fu neral services will be held to-mor row afternoon at 3 the Rev. George Edward Reed officiating. Burial will be in the Harrisburg Cemetery. LIVESTOCK RECEIPTS IN JULY Washington. lncreased receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at thirty four cities during July, 1918, com pared with receipts at the same cit ies in July, 1917, are shown by the stockyards report of the Bureau of Markets, United States. Department of Agriculture. July receipts for the two years at the thirty-four cities, which include most of the large mar kets, with 1918 figures first, were: Cattle, 1,897,847-1,552,573; hogs, 2,813,749-2,395,226, and sheep, i,- 409,868-1,174-336. * GARAGES ACCESSORIES AM) REPAIRS WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell . 4564. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work. Reasonable rates. 1019 Market St. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by experts. Road Jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing. Storage space to rent. All accessories. Prices reasonable. Muff Bros. Garage, 244 S. Front St., Steelton. 6,000-MILE STANDARD MAKE TIRES sold at a reduction of 30 per cent, oft list. Dial phone 5938. H. L i Enders, Auto Supplies, 239 South Cameron street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES MOTORCYCLE PARTS WANTED for cash. Both Phones. 107 Market street. BICYCLES AND PARTS WANTED for cash. Both Phones. 107 Market street. H ARLEY-D AVI DSON. good run ning order; new Firestone tires, $75. Horst, Linglestown. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER. WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial 4990. Esterbrook. BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come here. and get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK, 1 912 N. Third Street. Dial 4990. . PUBLIC SALE ~ PUBLIC SALE , August 13, 1918, at Lochiel Farm, near ■ County Almshouse, horses, cows, hogs, chickens, farming implements and ' new touring ear. Paul Lovranetz. I. R. Koons, Auctioneer. LEGAL NOTICES " 1 BIDS FOR COAL FOR THE FIRE DE PARTMENT SEALED PROPOSALS will be re [ ceived by the undersigned, at his of -1 flee, in the Calder Building, Harris ; burg. Pa., until 2 o'clock P. M., Thurs • day, August 22. 1918, for furnishing: Six hundred gross tons, more or less, of white ash, stove or egg coal, . In not less than car load lots, to bo ' delivered by the bidder to the varloua fire houses as needed during the Winter of 1918-19. Each bid shall "be accompanied bv a certified check for ten per cent, of i the bid. and the successful bidder will be required to file a bond for twenty • five per cent, of the contract price, to ■ be approved by the City Solicitor. The right to reject any or all bids ia • reserved. i E. Z. GROSS. 4 Sup't Parks and Public Property. 11
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