12 ENOLA SOLDIER GIVES LIFE IN RECENT BATTLE Four Others Injured in July Fighting Cacualty List Shows One more death and four names on the wounded lists are the latest additions on the casualty lists from France showing the pari soldiers from Harrisburg and nearby towns are taking in the war against the Hun. The death was that of James Charles McSherry, aged 22, of Enola, son of Mrs. Phllena B. McSherry. He was killed in action July 26. He is the third son of Mrs. McSherry to be killed in war, two brothers hav ing lost their lives during the Span ish-American War. Mrs. McSherry is overcome as a result of the news. Corporal Charles Raymond Mc- Curdy, Company C, 7th Infantry, 612 Schuylkill street, is in a base hos pital in France suffering from shell shock and gas attack. In his letter to his parents, he said his heart was af fected, but that-he was confident of his recovery. Lieutenant H. P. Hunt has been wounded in action, according to word received by his 'wife, the daughter of Charles B. Ising, of Shiremans town. No details were supplied in the cable she received. Carlisle Man Wounded Charles Forney, owner of a farm near Carlisle, has also been wound ed during- the fighting on the west ern front. He was born in this city, and spent the first years of his life here. Two Chambersburg men, both members of Company C, 112 th Infantry, were listed as killed in ac tion. They are John Calvin Bishop, r>f Chambersburg, and Jacob E. Win gert, of near Chambersburg. Win grrt. was the first Franklin county traftee to be killed in action. Two Marines were reported to be seriously wounded. They are Charles H. Gladhill, Waynesboro, and Her bert Gebhardt, 610 Lake street, Lancaster. Invincible Illusion of Huns Shattered Ikindon, Aug. 12. —The despondent tone of the latest German press com ments is emphasized daily in special! dispatches from Holland. A dis-i patch to the Daily Mail from The Hague includes an editorial by the Pusseldorf Nachrichten, which siysi that nobody looking into the future; tan see an end to the war. "For though it is true that the end! might come quickly," it adds, "it could only be an end of terror as in Russia." The Vorwaerts of Berlin says that! events of recent days at last havel shattered the illusion, created by in-' spired optimism, that Germany is| invincible. It says: "The German people at last real ize the colossal gravity of the situa tion. Let us have courage to admit that as long as the war i 3 not ended it is not won and can be lost." The principal north German organ of the majority Socialists, the Bue Egorzeitung, of Bremen, says: "Black and dark is the hour. The sacrifices made by the people are im measurable, and those of the fifth year of the war will be gigantic, but no refreshing breath of freedom t.nd civil equality blows through the op pressive night of our discontent." < V j Warning to the Public! During the last session of the Legislature a law was passed and approved by the Governor: (Act 10) defin ing Optometry and relating to the practice of Optometry in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This law was passed to protect the eyesight of the citi zens of the State, from being endangered by incompetent persons examining eyes and fitting glasses. According to this law every person who practices Op tometry in Pennsylvania must pass an examination, be approved by the Board of Optometrical Education, Examination and Licensure, and receive a certificate stating that the holder has been examined, is competent . and qualified to practice optometry. Peddling from door to door or the establishment of temporary offices is specifically forbidden. The Governor in approving this law said "The con trolling motive in the present approval is my desire to drive the fakers and scoundrels who now prey upon the unsus pecting people, from the Commonwealth." In accordance with the Spirit and Purpose of this Law the following Optometrists, who have received Official Certificates from the Board of Optometrical Education, Examination and Licensure, and who desire in every way to co-operate in protecting the public from imposters—will esteem it a favor to be NOTIFIED AT ONCE IF PEDDLERS OR SOLICITORS attempt to operate in a neighborhood. Your co-operation will help—A phone message to anyone of us will be appreciated. E. L. Egolf L. A. Faunce R. D. Pratt 12 N. Second, 2nd Floor, Front. 1314 N, Third. 20 N. Third, 2nd Floor, Front. Ibach Optical Co. P. G. Diener Kendall Optical Co. 20T Walnut. 408 Market 238 N. Third. MONDAY EVENING. LETTER IS READ FROMDR.BAGNELL Grace Church Members Hear of Pastor's Doings in the War Zone The members of Grace Methodist Church yesterday heard read a letter addressed to them by the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell, the pastor, who re cently went to France on a lecturing tour of the American camps and to do investigation work for the United States Government. Dr. £lagnell is in good health and enjoying his ex periences, which will take him Into the front line trenches before he re turns. The letter in full follows: "Purls, July 11, 1918. "Dear Grace Church Friends: "I do not know when this will be read, the mails are necessarily slow, but probably when it is I will be In the camps. I am to start to-morrow morning (Friday, 12) for the lecture tour through the camps. They have warned me that they will use me to the limit and, as you know, that suits me. "Our trip over was uneventful, ex cept a little seasickness. There were twenty-four in our party, thirteen men and eleven women, then besides there were a number of Y. M. C. A. workers going over. The women workers of the Y. M. C. A. work with I the soldiers and the Y. W. C. A. work with the American and French wo- ' men. I have had a good many meals at the Hostess House, in Paris, and they were good. "When we arrived in Paris we be gan at once the conference work, and for three days we listened to addresses upon various phases of the great work these men and women were about to undertake. I should judge there were about 200 men in the conference be sides a few women. The last day tlje appointments were read, for ail the world like a Methodist Confer ence, with this difference, there were women there to receive their appoint ments and there were electricians, moving picture men. educators, motor drivers, stenographers, businessmen, religious workers, etc. While the conferences had been going on each person interviewed Mr. Barnes, who would fairly be called the appoint ment secretary, by whom they were referred to heads of departments. "Many workers did not know where they were going until the appoint ments were read. The Y. M. C. A. is doing a wonderful work under great difficulties. My next letter '"will be after T have seen 'our boys' in the camps. "I am always thinking of you. How deeply your prayers comfort and strengthen me. And always T think of vou in my prayers, particularly on Sunday. "Yours lovingly, "ROBERT BAGNELL" Flow of Men Overseas Keeps Up to Average Washington Aug. 12. —Elaborate plans of the French government fori enlarging and improving port facilt-1 ties to handle American troops ar-1 riving under the new war program have been reported to the War De partment by General Pershing. Members of the Senate Military Commjtteo at their last weekly con ference at the department were told that improvements already were in progress, and that the French had promised to construct additional piers. While no estimate was furnished the Senators regarding the number of men who had been transported to Europe during the past week, War! Department officials said the usual average had been maintained. Im-| provement in the production ofi heavy ordnance was noted by the Senators in comparing reports to the War Council. • Canadian Ammunition Column Going Into Battle .. ~. '.. .' ' ' -j' jfTV ■ ' ■' '''•- '" _ Through a ruined French vlllag e the Canadian ammunition column wends its way to the front with sup plies for the men, pushing back th e Boche in the neighborhood of Soissons. YANKEE MARINES CHECK HUN WITH JOLT ATMARNE Advancing Foe Has Surprise of Life on Finding Ameri cans in Line Washington, Aug. 12.—A graphic eyewitness account of the fighting near Chateau Thierry, in which American divisions, including the marine brigade, took part, early in June, has been made "public by the Navy Department. It is in the form of a long letter from an officer of the marines to Major General Bar nett, commandant of the corps, and the story to'.d is of peculiar signifi cance as in the opinion of many of ficers here it was the stand of the Americans along this line which saved Par's. The name of the writer is not dis [ closed. The Americans were rushed to the line in motor trucks to sup port the hard-pressed French. On June 1 the marine brigade deployed in a support position, the battalion commanded by Major Thomas Hol comb hurrying into the line as 'he men climbed out of the trucks. The Germans were coming on, and .Tune 2 the French dropped back, passing through the American lines. "We had installed ourselves in a house in La Voie Chatel, a little Ul lage between Champillop and Lucy ; le-Bocage." the letter says. "From one side we had observation of the I north and northeast. They came out I on a Wonderfully clear day in two I columns across a wheat field. We j could see the two twin brown col- I umns advancing in perfect order un HARRISBURG TFT.FGR.APg til two-thirds of the columns, we judged, were in sight." Foe Slowed Up by Shrapnel "The rifle and machine gun fire was incessant, and overhead shrap nel was bursting. Then the shrapnel came on the target at each shot. The white patches would roll away, and we could see that some of the columns were still there, slowed up, and it seemed perfect suicide for them to try. You couldn't begrudge a tribute to their pluck, at that. "Then, under that deadly fire and a barrage of rifle and machine gun fire, the Boche stopped. It was too much for any men. They burrowed in or broke to the cover of the woods, and you could follow them by the rippies of the green wheat as they raced for cover." The writer declared the rifle fire of the Marines amazed the French who saw it. | "That man should fire deliberately, and use their sights, and adjust their j range," he says, "was beyond their j experience. It must have had a telling effect on the morale of ihe Boche, for it was something they had not counted on. As a matter of fact, after pushing back the weak ened French and then running jp against a stone-wall defense, they were literally'up in the air' and more than stopped. We found that out later from prisoners, for the Ger mans never knew we were in the front line when they made that at tack. They were absolutely mysti fied at the manner in which the de | fense stiffened up, until they found that our troops were in line." The letter tells in detail of the days of fighting that followed. It describes a dayljght charge against a machine (gun host and of scouting raids up to June 6, when the whole brigade swung forward to straighten out the line. This action resulted in the capture of Belleau Wood. Major Sibley's battalion of the Sixth Marine Regiment led the way here, with Holeorrtb in support. The woods were alive with enemy ma chine guns. That night word came back that Robertson, with twenty men of the 96th company, had taken Bouresches, breaking through a heavy machine gun barrage to enter the town. Robertson, fighting with an automatic in either hand, was hit three times before he would allow himself to be taken to the rear. Speaking of individual acts of bra v. ery, the writer says Duncan, a com pany commander, "before he was mowed down, had his pipe in his mouth and was carrying a stick." Later, he adds, "Dental Surgeon Os borne picked up Duncan, and with a hospital corps man had just gained some shelter when a shell wiped ail three out." Private Dunlavy, killed later, cap tured an enemy machine gun in Bouresches, which he turned on the foe with Ttreat effect, while at an other point "Young Timmerman charged a machine gun at the.point of the bayonei and sent in seventeen prisoners at a clip." When the enemy made a stand at one point in the woods Sibley's bat talion was withdrawn, and for an hour and fifty minutes American and French batteries hammered the wood. Hughes, with the Tenth Company, then went in, and his first, message was that the wood had been cut to mincemeat. Overton, heading the 76th company, finally charged the rock plateau, killing or capturing every gunner and capturing all the guns, with few casualties. The 82d company lost nil its offi cers, and Major Sibley and his adju tant, Lieutenant Bellamy, reorgan ized it under fire and charged a ma chine gun nest at the most critical time in .ill the fighting. "I wonder if ever an outfit," the letter said, "tvent up against a more desperate job. Stuck to it gamely, without sleep, at times on short ra tions, with men and officers going off like flies, and I wonder if in all our long list of gallant deeds 'here ever were two better stunts than the work of Sibley and Holcomb." Judge Johnson Says State Must Provide i The next session of the Pennsyl- Legislature will be confronted with the problem of Increasing the taxation in the state for the purpose of caring for the state's charitable institutions, in order that the main tenance of the hospitals and insane asylums may not suffer a greater de gree of deficiency than they are at this time. Such is the opinion of Isaac Johnson, Presiding Judge of Delaware county courts and a mem ber of the Board of Public Chari ties and chairman of the Committee on Lunacy. Judge Johnson has returned from a week's visit to the charitable In stitutions in the counties of Berks, Bucks, Montgomery, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Monroe, Schuylkill and other counties, and what he observed satisfies him absolutely that It Is nec essary to increase the revenues. Judge Johnson said the charitable Institutions in the state are twenty five per cent, deficient. He found one institution where the deficiency was forty per cent. In most cases he found the insti tutions overcrowded, and there is an absolute necessity for increased effi ciency of service. He said the war has caused a hardship on the man agement of the state's charitable in stitutions, because the nurses, at tendants and doctors have enlisted. The high war wages have caused many to leave the institutions. UPPER END YOUTH DRILLS FOR CAMP i Young Men Within Draft Age Given Instruction in Upper End Boroughs Saturday Young men of draft age were giv en rudimentary military instruction in seven towns of upper Dauphin county on Saturday afternoon and practically every one on the lists of Local Draft Board No. 3, whose dis trict takes in all of the county above Peters' mountain, was out on the field at his homo town, going through "right face" and similar movements and marching up and down to the I "hep-hep-hep" of drillmasters from the Harrisburg Reserves. It was the second Saturday for instruction un der the plan worked out by James L. Lentz, of Elizabethville, chairman of the board of instruction named for the third county district by the members of Board No. 3. and was a splendid example of how to under take the training of draftees as rec ommended by the Provost Marshal General. The previous Saturday all of these young men in the draft limits were assembled at Elizabethville for in struction, hearing addresses and Mstening to band concerts and then being drilled on the athletic field bv i men from the Harrisburg home de , fense organization. Saturday the , men were divided according to their home towns and, accompanied by Chairman Daniels, of the Draft Board, and the committee, the Re serve members went to drill them. As thirty-seven young men from the upper end will go to Camp Lee late this month, the boys went at the job with a lot of ginger and drilled un til nearly nightfall in some towns in their eagerness to learn and be in line for promotion when thjey reach camp. The draftees were drilled at Hali fax, Millersburg, Elizabethville, Ly kens, Williamstown and Gratz, visits also being paid by the Reserve men to Berrysburg and Wieonisco. It was the first time dividing up the lyoung men of draft age had been tried and it worked to a charm. In each town the burgess, councilmen, committee of instruction, ministers and leading men turned out to show the interest they had in the "bovs," while veterans of the Grand Army were enthusiastic spectators and shouted encouragement as the youths mastered the intricacies of "about face" and other things that are nuzzling at first. The rest of the folks not otherwise engaged turned out and the pride manifested at the close of the drills when the "rookies" were doing things with snap was worth noticing. At Millersburg the drill of forty men was held on a paved street with marches around the town, while at Gratz the draf tees were drilled on the racetrack with hundreds of spectators, It being the biggest day in that town for a long time. At Lykens and Williams town the drills were arranged after the men came from the mines and in each place there was a big crowd and most of the leading citizens on hand at the baseball field. At each town young men with some experience were picked out to continue instruction during the week and the committeemen will give the "boys" talks and help along their problems as well as advising them In regard to personal matter*. The Re serves will send drillmasters to the towns again next Saturday, as the August draft comes In the week of the twentv-sigth and Major Henry M. Stlne. the commandant, wants to extend all the aid possible. The Reserves who had charge of the drlHs were: Millersburg and Lykens—Captain F. H. Hoy, Jr., Samuel E. Fitting, Dr. William L. Keller. W. W. Low ther, Walter Kochel and Richard C. Haldoman. Halifax and Williamstown—Cap tain Laurence V. Harvey, Henry B. McCormick. H. B. McClure. John H. Hall and Thomas D. Caldwell. Elizabethville and Gratz—Captain William H. Moore, James P. McCul lough, A. Royd Hamilton and George W. Satchell, Jr. The Red Cross of Millersburg, Hal ifax and Elizahethvtlle provided the lunches with tvpiral Dauphin coun ty variety and abundance. Soldiers Blame Crown Prince For Reverses London, Aug. 12.—The Reuter correspondent with the British Army in France sends the following dis patch concerning the German Crown Prince: "According to the statements of prisoners, the German Crown Princo appears to be the most unpopular leader in the German army. He Is accused by them of being directly responsible, foi the Marne disaster. "They say that the opinion is wide ly expressed by German soldiers that, the Crown Prince's amdteurish in terference with the plans of their ex perienced generals was the starting point for the present crushing mis fortunes of the German armies." | WORLD'S ERROR CAUSE OF WAR j Stated Clerk of Presbytery Says Abandonment of Ideals Is Cause of , Strife Had the people of the world set their faces against the commonly conceived notion that in order for the youth to get along In life it is perfectly proper for them to sow their wild oats; a worldwide ten dency to acquire education for the dollars much learning means and too infrequent attendance upon the privileges of worship and the bless ings of religion, the war would not be upon us to-day. This is what the Rev. George Fulton, of Mechanics burg, stated clerk of Carlisle Pres bytery, said to the worshipers in Westminster Presbyterian Church yesterday morning in filling the pul pit in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Edwin E. Curtis, who is ab sent on vacation. "A man asked me a few days ago if it was necessary for a young man to sow his wild oats," said the preacher at the beginning of his ser mon. "I told him it was not. It is not necessary to be a liar to know the evil of falsehood; it is not neces sary to be dishonest so that we know the value of integrity; neither is it necessary to be immoral so that we have a proper idea of morality," the Rev. Mr. Fulton continued in emphatic language and gesture, ad monishing the discouragement of doctrine that countenances depar ture from upright living in any of its varied phases. The presbyter went on to illus trate the fallacy of attaining educa tion for the accumulation of dollars rather than for the enrichment of the mind, citing instances in which young men, graduates of college, had turned aside from the high ideals education fosters to make wealth for themselves. It was the duty of the church to teach that education is to be acquired so that life may be better, not from a material stand point, but from the view point of the idealist who sees in education a higher sphere of usefulness in the world and to his fellows. In concluding a forceful sermon the Rev. Mr. Fulton counseled a closer walk with God, a constant seeking for the refuge that is found in a stand beneath the cross, "fhe shadow of a mightly rock within a weary land." PICNIC AT BOIMNG SPRINGS Marysville, Pa., Aug. 12.—The annual picnic of the Bethany United Evangelical Sunday school will be held 'on Wednesday at Boiling Spring Park. A schedule of games and contests of various sorts has been provided and. prizes will be awarded. Only a limited number of trolleys have been provided.- f Dives f _Pomeroy & Stewart Beginning Tomorrow: An Extraordinary Sale of Laces, Nets and Trimmings Including Thousands of Yards From OurOwnStocks A recent buyership change in our Department of Laces and Trimmings has created an opportunity to the women of this vicinity to share the benefits of one of the most important value-giving sales we have ever announced in Laces, Nets and Dress Trimmings. A new buyer, whose selections will be welcomed in Harrisburg, is now directing this im portant section of the store, and in order to completely refreshen the department, Present stocks will be offered at tremendous sacrifices. Practically the entire center aisle will be given over to the sale of these Laces, beginning to-morrow. Full pieces and remnant lengths will be conveniently arranged. The savings throughout will be found to be full of unusual import. Black Laces and SEnSKT'.Sd mumS Linen Clun y and Bandings' JX" ,2 ' S ° Wh "° Insertions Regularly 12 %c, 190. 25c, Sale Price, yd., 10c to 58c Regular 39c, ,59c to $1.50 35c and 50c. KT , Linen Cluny. Sale Price, yd. ...lcto 10c W nite INetS Sale Price, yd,, 10c to 25c Regularly 50c, 75c, 89c and Regular SI.OO, $1.25 to Regular 15c to 60c Baby S I .OO. 12.00 White Allover Net rem- . , h . Sale Price, yd., 19c and 25c nants. trisn L,ace. Aii„„ a „ __j Solo Price, yd., 25c and 480 Su,c Prico ' lc to 180 /\llOVerS ana Regular 75c to $2.00 White Regular 25c to 59c Cluny Shadow Laces Bandings Insertions. . , 85c BlacK Kanalngß ' Sale Price, yd., lc to 15c Remnant lengths of res- otiH TncprtiotiQ ular $1.75, $2.00 and $3.00 Vals and insertions Cream and Fancy '* Black Allovers. Regular sc, Bc, 10c and 15c * ' Sale Price, yd., 48® and 08c Vals and Insertions. , AllOVers Regular SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 Sale Price, yd lo and $2.00 Black Shadow Regular 12 Vic to 39c Nov- Regular $1.60! $2.00, $2.50 Laces. elty Laces. to $4.00 White and Cream Sale Price, yd., 25c, 48c Sale Price, yl 5c Allover Remnants. and 98c ' t0 ,2 ' 50 OH " Sale Price 50c mi *®i t ental Runnings. Chantllly Lace Sale Price, yd., ISc and 25c Regular SI.OO to $2.00 tj Regular 25c to 59c Venise fancy Allover remnants. * Handings Bandings. Sale Price, yd 250 Regular 15c, 25c, 66c and Sale Prico, yd. .. 8c and 6o Regular $2.00 to $5.00 85c Black Beadings. flnlH Allovprq and Oriental Allovers. Sale Price, yd., lc, sc, 10c, UOid AllOVers ana Sale Price, yd., 25c to 75c 15c - .■ , Bandings D , , . , T Chiffons and Regular SI.OO to $2.00 Jveal Irish Laces remnants of Gold Allovers. Regular 18c to $3.00 real /appliques Sale Price, yd. 25c Irish Lace. 40-lnch Colored Chiffons in Regular 50c to $1.50 Gold Sa'e Price, yd., 10c to 76c half pieces and remnants and Silver Laces and Band- Regular 25c to 35c Filet that were $1.25, $1.35 and ings. Lace. $1.50. , Sale Price, yd., 5c to 25c Sale Price, yd 5c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. k 4 AUGUST 12, 1918. "SCARCITY OF FUEL GRAVE <■ DANGER TO THE NATION" President Appeals to Miners For Full Production; Tells Them It's as Patriotic to Work as to Fight .Washington, Aug. 12.—President Wilson issued yesterday the follow ing proclamation: To all those engaged in coal min ing: The existing scarcity of coal is creating a grave danger—in fact, the most serious which confronts us — and calls for prompt and vigorous action on the part of both operators and miners. Without an adequate supply our war progmm will be re tarded; the effectiveness of our fight ing forces in France will be lessen ed; the Hves of our soldiers will be unnecessarily endangered and their hardships increased, and there will be much suffering in many homes throughout the country during the coming winter. I am well aware that your ranks have .been seriously depleted by the draft, by voluntary enlistment and by the demands of other essential industries. This handicap can be overcome, however, and sufficient coal can be mined in spite of it, if every one connected with the indus try, from the highest official to the youngest boy, will give his best work each day for the full number of work hours. The operators must be zealous as never before to bring about the highest efljciency of man agement, to establish the best pos sible working conditions and to ac cord fair treatment to everybody, so that the opportunity to work at his best may be accorded every work man. The miners should report for work every day, unless prevented by un avoidable causes, and should not only stay in the mines the full time, but also see to it that they get out more coal than ever before. The other workers in and about the mines should work as regularly and faithfully, so that the work of the miner may not be retarded in any way. This will be especially neces sary from this time forward, for your numbers may be further lessen ed by the draft, which will induct into the Army your fair share of those not essential to industry. Those who are drafted but who are essen tial will be given deferred classifi cation, and it is their patriotic duty to accept it. And it is the patriotic duty of their friends and neighbors to hcjld them tn high regard for do ing so. The only worker who deserves the condemnation of his community is the one who faila to give his best in this crisis; not "he one who ac cepts deferred classification and works regularly and diligently to in crease the coal output. A great task is to be performed. The operators and their staffs alone cannot do it. nor can the mine workers alone do It; but both parties, working hand ln-hand with a grim determination' to rid the country of its greatest ob stacle to winning the war, can do it. It is with full confidence that I cav,'j upon you to assume the burden ol producing an ample supply of coal. You will, I am sure, accept thK ~ burden and will successfully carry it through and in so doing you will be performing a service just a, worthy as service in the trenches, and will win the applause and grati tude of the whole nation.' WOODRQW WILSON. U-boat Warfare Fails to Halt U. S. Troops From Helping Win World War London, Aug. 12.—Germany's un restricted TJ-boat warfare could neither keep the Army of the United States from taking part in the bat tles on the fields of P'rance nor break the will of the Allies to con tinue the war, is the admission mada by the Munich Post, a copy of which has been received here. In a review of the situation at the beginning of the fifth year of '.ha war, the Post says; "Eighteen months of unrestricted submarine warfare could not break the enemy's will to war nor present America's putting a well-equipped army of a million men on the west ern front. Hopes that after the con i elusion of peace in the east the final ! struggle in the west would be de j cided in favor of Germany and bring I a general peace have proved decep- I tlve, and the eastern peace itself is a disappointment, and not only po litically." it . The Post takes exception to the word "unfavorable" in describing the food situation in Germany, and says "chronic famine" would be nearer the truth. Five of Our Airmen Fight 12 Machines and Down 2 With the American Army on the, Vcsle Front, Aug. 12. —In a battle In the air between twelve German and five American airplanes, Lieu tenant Walter Avery, of Columbus, Ohio, and Plarold Buckley, of Aga wam, Mass., each brought down a German. There were no casualties among the Americans.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers