10 FRENCH PRESS ENEMYi AROUND NOYON; > GAINS IN OFFENSIVE, French Advance Nearer to Important Point of Roye; Take Armancourt and Tilloloy, Field Marshal Haig Reports; Germans Attack Lihons, but Are Repulsed By Associated Press OTANDING before the Peronne-Chaulnes-Roye- Noyon line, the Germans, reinforced by reserves, are fighting bitterly to stop the allied advance and prevent a probable disaster to their arms. South of the Somme the British have slowed up, but around Noyon the French continue to press on for good gains. Heavy counterattacks are: being made by the Germans: against the British front, from east of Morlancourt to the vicinity of Lihons, west of Chaulnes. Field Marshal Haig's men appar ently have made little prog ress in the last twenty-foiiV. hours, but their pressure has not slackened. FRENCH MENACE HOLD ON ROYE AND NOYON On the southern end of the battle-' field the French have carried out an average advance of two miles on a 1 front of about 15 miles and threat-j en seriously the German hold on Roye. Lassigny and Xoyon. Here also the German resistance is growing stiffer. Apparently the German command is determined for the moment to make the allies figh: hard for fur ther gains. Meanwhile, however, the retirement from the southern end of the front continues and the Ger mans' attempt to stand may be oniy for the purpose of preventing the :omplete. rout of General Von Hut ier's army which retreated from the' Montdidier salient early Saturday. | Aviators report heavy movement of troops and transports toward the east. LIHONS IS SCENE OF STRONG HUN ATTACK German attacks have been strong) and repeated around Lihons. The enemy forced his way into the west ern side of the village but late, was driven out. The British positions were maintained aiter hard fighting.; Seemingly the German purpose here! is to protect the rai.road junction at I Chaulnes through which all the! troops from the Roye region must I GERMANS GIVE UP ROYE IN DRIVE (Continued l'rom Pir—t I'uge) check the French,efforts to envelop! the enemy's positions at Lassigny. I There has been an enemy effort, which has met with a measure of success, to hold the northern flank' of the line lirmly while the Allies have pushed eastward in the direc-1 tion of Feronne and Ham. On the 1 southern end of the front the Ger-! mans have been unable so far to do, more than slow down the progress' of the French. French Kcach Amoral In this sector an important ad-j vance is leported in the fact that the! French have reached Antoval, on! the crest of the hills west of Hibe-1 court. In the German drive early j in June the fall of Antoval proved! fatal to French hopes to hold the! "" valley of the Oise, as well as the for-! est of Carlepont, on the east bank. If Antoval is lirmly held by the French, the German lines along the Oise, it seems are in danger and if the French continue to gain the enemy's retirement from territory held along the eastern bank of the! rivet may be forced. Reports would appear to indicate! the iine where the present heavy I fighting is going on is not too one! upon which the Germans have de-1 cided to stand definitely on the de-j tensive. On the contrary, the pres- 1 ent light appears to have reached | the stage piesented three weeks ago| when the Germans made a stand! along ti-.o ourcsq river and cne heights of Fere-de-Tardenois. Thisl stand, it developed, was for the pur-' pose of permitting the enemy to get: his artillery out of danger and re move stores from the threatened re gion, so far as possible. Savage Fighting Ahead The coming day or two probably will be marked by savage lighting, especially on the south, where the continued progress of the French would weaken the whole German po sition, if it does not turn the flank of the Noyon-Nesles line, which ap pears, may be the first defensive front upon which the enemy may elect to stand. The front as it stands to-day, runs in a generally straight line from the Somme southward to Tilloloy, where it begins to curve eastward until it reaches the Oise. The high ground on the north is proving difficult of capturb by the allies, while to the south heavy forces of German re serves are. reported coming into the fight. 75,000 Prisoners Allies' Total Paris reports unofficially that 40,- 000 prisoners have been taken since Thursday morning. This brings the total number of Germans captured In Marshal Foch's two great drives up to 75,000. The number of guns so far taken by the allies in the two offensives totals almost 1,000. DRAFTED ILL George W. Rheam. a draftee from Johnstown, who was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital following an ill ness on the train while en route to camp, wag reported last night to be almost recovered, and he expect* to go on to his training camp soon. MONDAY EVENING. pass. However, the railroad is at no point more than three miles from the allied line from northwest of Chaul nes to southwest of Roye, the most important section of the line from a German standpoint. By striving to hold the British, the Germans alsc protect the pocket, which was be ginning to grow unsafe, between the Somme and Arras. RAILROADS ARE WITHIN ALLIED CANNON RANGE All the railroad lines leading out of Roye now are within easy cannon range of allied guns and French troops are at Andechy. three miles to the west, and within less than four miles from the southwest where 1 they have crossed the last barrier of 1 hills. Lassigny , between Roye and Noyon, is within two and one-half miles of the French on the west and south. It is an important position. South of Noyon the French are fighting their way up the Oise and are within five miles of the town. Noyon is important not only in its relation to the present battle line, but to the German position eastward toward Rheims and the enemy is fighting desperately to stay the French advance toward it. The fall of Noyon undoubtedly would compel a rearrangement of the enemy line eastward. Unofficially, the allies have taken 40,000 prisoners and seven hundred guns. the beginning of the Ger man offensive on the Marne, four weeks ago to-day, the enemy has lost nearly 75,000 prisoners and over 1,- 200 guns. TEUTON NEWSPAPER ADMITS BAD DEFEAT Berlin reports t..e lighting as grow ing more bitter and says that Sun day all allied efforts failed. One German newspaper calls the present battle the "first serious defeat of th j war." | Between Soissons and Rheims the Germans apparently are prepared to hold fast and the French and Amer icans are making no attack in force. The German artillery rfire has been much heavier. Enemy preparations for an attack Sunday were stopped by American artillery fire. The first American field army has been or ganized with five corps under com mand of General Pershig. GERMAN AMBASSADOR ESCAPES TO PSKOV Lenine and Trotzky, rulers of Rus sia since last November, according to German sources, have fled from Mos cow to the naval base of Kronstadt near Petrograd. There is no con firmation from other sources. Fear ing a reign of terror by the social revolutionists the German ambassa dor at Moscow is fleeting to Pskov, within the German lines in Esthcnia. New "Peace Offensive" Reported by Berlin Amsterdam. Aug. 12.—A new "peace 1 offensive" has been started at Munich, according to the Tageblatt of Berlin, j Prof. F. L. Quidde, of Vienna, Prof. Heinrich Lammasch. of Dudapest. and Bishop Franknei, of the Roman j Catholic Church in Hungary, have re quested the general secretary of the : Interparliamentary Union at Chris i tiania to suggest to the Interparlia -1 mentary groups of the belligerent countries that three representatives be appointed by a secret ballot from ' each belligerent for the purpose of j exchanging views on peace proposals. Fifth Ward Evidence In; Mistrial Plea Is Refused West Chester, Aug. 12.—The Fifth j ward, Philadelphia, trial was re- I sumed to-day by direction of Judge i Hause, who ruled that the attempt 1 to influence two of the jurymen was not sufficient cause for a mistrial. He conferred with the jurors and counsel for both sides in the case. Rebuttal and sur-rebuttal testimony vias soon in, and at noon Assistant District Attorney Taulane, of Phila ] Uelphia, began the opening address j to the jury. United States Senator Penrose was : not called as a witness. __ KIRBV'S (EFFORT TO EXEMPT BOVS UNDER 21 FAILS Washington, Aug. 12.—An efTort by 1 Senator Kirby, of Arkansas, to amend the administration manpower bill so I as to extend the draft ages from 21 to 15 inclusive, instead of 18 to 45 as proposed, failed to-day in the Sen ate Military Committee by an over ; whelming vote. Senator Kirby an nounced that he would renew his ef fort when the bill reached the floor. OBEDIENT TO L> \ /d HIS RULE ¥ The Delin- C dm Q uent —* always k try to meet men A half way. The Creditor— And I've noticed m B that you meet P your liabilities •'' only about half r.H TOm ' —— THE UMPIRE. §T The umpire 1 S 1 I j leads a Jolly - AkJ Each mora he says. Adieu, dear wife. W If Tm not 4*o4)* fcc J In time for y Come over to iSr /\ the morgue 1 / /\ — 525 N ARMY MAY MAKE TOWN (Continued From First Page) port to W'as'iington and Lieu tenant Colonel Nielsen, while declaring no action had as yet been taken, said he would take up the matter .while in Wash ington this week and it is rumor ed that the closing of all drink ing places is in prospect. Federal Officer Charges City Detective Murnane With Aggravated Assault ! John Murnane, city detective, is ! charged in a warrant sworn out to ! day before Alderman* Hilton with j aggravated assault and battery and ! with interfering with a United States 1 officer in performance of his duty. I The case grew out of an assault I which Murnane made upon Officer Samuel W. Looker, of the Mifldle town ordnance depot force, while Looker was bringing two disorderly workmen to jail in Harrisburg Sat urday night. Looker, who is regarded as one of the lyost reliable men on the Middletown job, tells this story of the oceyrrenee and says he means to push the case against the Harrisburg officer to the limit. Trouble In Restaurant The men in looker's charge were arrested by Ix>oker and another of ficer and upon order of Lieutenant L. E. Melvin, Looker started with the pair for the Dauphin county Jail, the warrant having been sworn out for a hearing to-day before Alderman Hilton, of this city. On the way to town in a govern ment automobile one of the pris oners expressed a desire for a sand wich before being taken to jail and in order to accommodate him Look er stopped at a Market street res taurant where both prisoners ate a lunch and when two checks were turned over to them the prisoner, who had first asked for something to eat, paid both. Discovering that he had paid for both he asked for part of his money back and Looktpr was adjusting the difference, it is alleged, when Murnane appeared. Challenging the authority of Looker'to take the men to Jail, he asked for the commitment and as Looker placed his hand in his pocket for the paper it Is charged Murnane pulled a blackjack upon him and st'uck him violently over 1 the jaw, which is badly swollen to -1 day and may be fractured. • Murnane. It is said, was evidently considerably under the influence of liquor. At least his manner is said to have indicated as much. After some argument. during which lasoker recovered sufficiently I from the blow to take his prisoners. ! who ht 1 not stirred, to the govern ! ment automobile waiting outside. , Murnane, it Is said, followed and jumped on the running board as the machine got under way, in charge of Amos Barr, a government driver. At the courthouse Murnane protested that the men had to be taken to the police station before going to jail and, grabbing the steering wheel, tan the car up over the curb, almost against the wall of the courthouse, endangering pedestrians and violat ing tne traffic laws. To quiet the boisterous detective the party agreed first to go to the police station where Murnane is said to hc.ve tried to free the two prisoners, telling them that the gov | ernment officer had no authority to I hold them. The men had sense enough not to attempt to leave and I after Looker had showed his com ! mttment to Lieutenant Page, who : was in charge, he was allowed to re- Imove the prisoners to Jail. Lieutonunt Discourteous ! "You would-be officers take your ' prisoners and get out of here. Next ' time wear something to show your 'authority and you may not get into ! trouble. Why do you always take '• ~r cases to Alderman Hilton?" i l. eutenant Page asked. I Looker explained that his revol | ver holster had been torn in the I scrimmage when the men were ar- I rested and that he had left his coat I at Middletown in order to he free to handle the men if they became dis orderly. He. however wore his uni form shirt, regulation police cap. trousers and puttees. Nobody seeing him could have failed to recognizs his rank. Looker appeared hefor Alderman Hilton to-day against the prisoners and they both pleaded guilty and were fined 110 each, with costs. The charges against Murnane were then made and Major Gray, the of ficer in charge at Middletown. re quested District Attorney Stroup to take the testimony. Witnesses at once were called to testify to the facts as above set forth and the ar rest will be made s soon as officers can get into touch -with Murnane. May Close the Town It Is said on reliable authority that the Army officers at MM diet own are much displeased "wtth the treatment they have received tct the hands of the local police departrrtent. Boot legging has been permitted on a scale that has been very noticeable and on Saturday night In particular large numbers of intoxicated soldiers were to be seen about the streets. These men started trouble on the street cars, and it is said were re sponsible for starting the trouble which resulted in the arrest of the two workmen whom Looker was bringing to Harrisburg. In addition men from Middletown and New Cumberland have been sold vile whisky In Harrisburg and have gone back and raised disturbances on the work. The government rule provides that all saloons may he closed with in a five-mile radius of government work, and while the men in charge at Middletown and New Cumberland, which are in the fH'e-mile zone, have been reluctant to take this radical action, it was said to-day that as a result of the occurrences of Satur day night it would not be surprising if every liquor-selling place within the five-mile limit, including this city, were closed by government de cree. Absolute lack of 00-operation by the local police department is charged by Army officers responsible for good order on the government reservations and they are highly in dignant. Friends of Murnane said in his de fense to-day that they never knew him to drink, that he is of steady habits and must have<lost his head in the racket Saturday night. They did notbell eve he was under the in- : fluence of liquors I • BAHRISBURQ HftijAl TELEGRAPH B. F. MEYERS DIES; LEADERJN POLITICS {Continued Prom First Page) set Academy, and in 1851 entered Jef ferson College at Canonsburg, Penn- ' | By I\ania. After two years at Jeffffer- ] son he left to enter Yale but his health prevented him from becom ing a student there. He previously taught in the county schools at New Centerville and Somerset. At the boys' school in Somerset where he taught in 1853 he had as his pupllA George F. Baer. president of the Reading railroad; Rear Admiral Pick ing. and Major John R. Edie. He read law in the office of General Wil liam H. Koontz. and was admitted to the Somerset county bar at the November term. 1555. He formed a partnership with Daniel Weyand and business was conducted under the firm name of Weyand and Meyers. Journalist In West Before his admission to the bar and while yet a minor, Mr. Meyers spent a year in Illinois where he en gaged in Journalism meeting such eminent men as Lincoln and Doug las. In August. 185". he moved to Bedford, Pa., where he became editor of the Bedford Gazette. He was also admitted to the Bedford county bar and continued his practice. In 1868 he became editor of the Daily and Weekly Patriot at Harrisburg. which during the time of his editorial di rection. was the leading Democratic organ of the state. He edited the two publications until 1873 when he sold the Gazette and moved to Har risburg. devoting his entire time to the publication of the Patriot. Founded the Evening Stnr In 1851 he sold the Patriot, and ( purchased the Independent, and | formed a consolidation of the two later newspapers, the Star and the Independent, under the name of Star- I Independent. In 1912 he formed a company to take over this publication and retired from active direction. T' e Star-Independent continued under this management until 1917 when it was purchased by the Telegraph and was consolidated with this news paper. Prominent In Public I.lfe In politics Mr. Meyers was a Dem ocrat and has been honored with many important offices. He was elect ed as a member of the General As sembly from Bedford county in 1863. In 1870 he was elected to a seat in Congress from the Sixteenth district, which comprised Adams, Bedford, Franklin, Fulton and Somerset coun ties. In 1895 he was a candidate for | the office of state treasurer. Appointed by President Grover Cleveland he held the office of post master of Harrisburg in 1887, remain in office five years. Three years of this term were under President Harrison. He was state printer from 1874 to 1877. In 1864 'he was dele- ] gate to. the National convention that nominated General McClellan; he was district delegate to the convention that nominated General Hancock in 1880; and delegate-at-large to the] convention that nominated Grover Cleveland in 1884. In 1596 he was delegate-at-large to the convention that nominated William J. Bryan and in 1904, delegate to the national con- I vention that nominated Alton B. Par er. He was treasurer of the Demo cratic state comrpittee for three j terms. His Business Interests As a businessman, in addition to his newspaper and law interests, he was identified with these other busi ness interests: Wilkes-Barre Electric Street Rail way system, of which he was the founder; Citizen Passenger Railway Company of Harrisburg, of which he was president; Central Pennsylvania Traction Company of Harrisburg, of which he was vice-president; Colum , bia and Montour Electric Railway Company, of which he was presi dent; Carlisle and Mt. Holly Electric Railway Company, of which he was president; Brelsford Packing and Storage Company of Harrisburg, of which he was president, and the United Telephone Company, of which he was a-director. He was a warden and member of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, was for years a member of the Board of Missions of the Diocese of Cen tral Pennsylvania and a member of the standing committee of the Dio cese of Harrisburg. He was. a thirty second degree Mason. Mr. Myers' tastes were decidedly literary. He wrote much for news papers and periodicals, mostly under a non de plume and was the author of "A Drama of Ambition," and other pieces of verse. He married .April 4, 1854, Susan C. Koontz, a daughter of Jacob Koontz and sister of General William H. Koontz. Mr. Myers is survived by the fol lowing children and grandchildren: Mrs. B. F. Africa, a daughter, re siding at 11 North Front street; William K. Meyers, a con, residing in this city, and Harry, another son, living in Philadelphia. The grand children are: J. Simpson Africa, now at the U. S. Marine Cprps O. T. C. at Quantico, Va.; B. Meyers, Africa; Mary Elizabeth Meyers, Wtn | il'red Meyers, William K. Meyers, J Jr., Berjamin Meyers Mumma,, of I New York City; Meredith Meyers, of | Lewistown; Benjamin F. Meyers, Jr., ! Mt. Vernon, N. Y., and Mrs. Suzanne ! Simpson, Mt. Vernon, O. | Jacob Meyers, great grandtather I of Benjamin F. Meyers, was a native ; of Lancaster, now Lebanon county, and in about 1785 purchased a tract of wild and unsettled land in the region of what is now the bor ough of Meyersdale, Somerset coun ty. He did not settle here but sent his sons. Christian, Jacob, Henry and John, to look after the property. All these sons settled on farms cleared from this purchase. John Meyers, the deceased man's grandfather, was a farmer and miller following these occupations through out the active years of his life. He married a Miss Dickey, whose father came from the North of Ireland and they reared a large family. Michael D. Meyers, father of the late Mr. Meyers, was born in 1809, in Somerset county, and died in 1867. He was educated in the township schools and followed the occupation of farmer from which he derived a comfortable livelihood. He was prominent in politics. He married in 1832, Sarah SchaiT, a descendant of Jacob Schaff, a large landowner in Somerset county. Further details of Mr. Meyers' ac tivities and life work will be found ! on the editorial page of this issue. Mexican Bandits Cause Train Wreck; 66 Killed By Associated Press El Pano, Tex., Aug. 12.—Twenty-six passengers and forty soldiers of the train guard of fifty men were killed and seventy soldiers and civilians wounded when the north bound train on the Mexican Central railroad was held up at Consuelo, Chihuahua, 60 miles south of Chihuahua City, Mex ico, Saturday, according to word re ceived here to-day. The bandits were Villa followers. The dead were stripped of their clothing and valu ables. A military train carrying a strong force of soldiers was rushed to the RUSSIA'S BETRAYERS WHO HAVE FLED MOSCOW, * I —i ■ I II l I '! . ' NIKOLAI LENINE LEON TROTZKY Nikolai Lenine, premier of Russia and Leon Trotzky, foreign minister in his cabinet, are the two leaders of the Bolsheviki. They overthrew the provisional government. Lenine has long been suspected of being in the pay of the Germans. Trotzky was employed on a New York Jewish daily newspaper several months ago at sl2 per week. GARGANTUAN APPETITE HAS WEE JOHN MARTIN Treated by Middletotvn Ordnance Depot Friends, He Eats 19 Ice Creams, Drinks 14 Bottles of Pop to Celebrate His Birthday "Are you alright, John," bayed a multitude of his workmen friends at the Middletown ordnance depot this morning, when John Martin showed up at the usual time. "Sure," whooped the popular lad, licking his lips with a caressing ton gue. "You didn't think a little thing like that was going to # upset me, did you?" The ordnance employes, as a unit, showed their appreciation for the champion ice cream eater of this vicinity with loud guffaws, but chances are that he may never again have so luscious a birthday celebration. U-BOAT SINKS STEAMERS (Continued From First Page) fate of the crews of the other vessels. The Penistone and the Herman Winter were sent down in the vicinity of Georges aßnk, off the Mas-, sachusetts coast, where a submarine came to the sur face Sunday in the midst ofj a fleet of American fishing vessels, nine of which were | destroyed. It was" Just three weeks ago yes terday that a submarine made its appearance off the Massachusetts coast in the second raid of submersi bles in American waters since the United States entered the war. A tug and three barges were destroyed by gun fire. The submarine next was heard from off the coast of Nova Scotia where several steamers and sailing vessels were sunk. In the meantime a second U-boat appeared off the Virginia coasts, de stroying the American tank steamer O. B. Jennings, the Diamond Shoal lightship oft Hattersa, N. C„ and other craft. In some quarters the view was held to-day that the submarine ac counted for all vessels attacked off New England and that in all prob ability it was the one which has been operating in the north. Some officials, however, held that possibly a third submersible had come to this side of. the Atlantic. Later reports to the Navy Depart- , ment revealed that the dispatch re lating to the Herman Winter had been garbled in transmission. The coast ing steamer Herman Winter had re ported that a flsfcing schooner had been sunk on Sunday'off the Massa chusetts coast. The name of the craft was not given. All of -the members of the Syd land's crew were rescued. The auxiliary schooner Albert Black, owned at Portland, Me., was one of the fishermen attacked by a German submarine off Georges Bank Saturday. Captain Granville Johnson reported upon arrival here to-day that several shells were fired at his craft at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, one of which struck close by. The submarine was three miles away and was firing at other boats. • With the aid of all her sails and auxiliary power, the schooner es caped unharmed, with her crew of ten. Nantucket. Mass., Aug. 12. —The sinking of the British steamer Pen istone by ar German submarine off Georges Bank was reported here to-day. The Penistone, a vessel of about 1,000 tons gross, apparently was sunk by the same U-boat that de stroyed nine fishing schooners Sat urday. First reports made no ref erence to the crew's safety and gave no details of the attack. An Atlantic Port, Aug. 12.—Sixty fishermen, including the crew of nine fishing schooners sunk by a German submarine off Georges Bank, are afloat in dories in the Atlantic ocean, according to word brought here early to-day by four survivors of the attack rescued by the auxiliary schooner Helen Murley. According to the rescued fishermen a fleet of thirty sailing vessels was attacked by the submarine, several making their escape before the sub marine could make ready to sink the ships. The attack took place late Saturday night, the fishermen re ported. XantucKct, Mass., Aug. 12.—Nine fishing schooners were sunk off, Georges Bank yesterday by a Ger man submarine, a naval scout boat which put in here last night re ported. The scout boat picked up word of the raid from the auxiliary fishing schooner Helen Murley which had .rescued four survivors and was tak ing them to New Bedford. Fast naval scoutboats followed by six auxiliary fishing schooners, sail ed at once from this port to pick up other survivors. Georges Banks are sixty miles off this Island. An Atlantic Port. Aug. 12.—A British merchant steamer was sunk Saturday was the nineteenth anni versary of John's arrival on this busy sphere, and being well liked, all his friends treated, so that between the hours of 5 and 6.30 p. m. John con sumed fourteen ice cream cones and twenty-three pretzels. Feeling a bit resilient with this starter, more friends came along and John was en ticed to the extent of five plates of the subtile, salubrious, solacing,asali vating stuff; mixed, tifty-tifty, vanilla and chocolate. Following this, more kind friends Joined in and to show his good fellowship John entertained a matter of fourteen bottles of pop, hand-running, whereupon the party broke up as John still looked thirsty. recently off the north Atlantic coast, according to the second officer of the German submarine which sent nine fishing scnooners to the bottom off George's Banks Saturday and Sun day. This report was given mem bers of the crew of the Kate Palmer, a fishing schooner, when they were taken aboard the, U-boat, prior to the destruction of their vessel. The! fishermen did not learn the name ofj the Britisher, but were informed she; had two smokestacks. The fishermen were brought here! early to-day aboard the auxiliary j schooner Heien M. Murley, after i having been set adrift in a dory • shortly before nightfall by the sub-1 marine's commander. They reported j that probably sixty fishermen were j cast adrift in small boats after the j U-boat's attack upon the fleet. Naval' and'marine men expected, hoWever, I lhat most of these soon would bci picked up. • The aew of the Palmer reported' that probably thirty sailing vessels; were in the immediate vicinity utj the time of the attack. They said' they heard firing all day Saturday from 10 a. m. Most of the sinkings occurred on Saturday, rather than Sunday, us early reports indicated. The men brought in by the Murley included Captain Edward Russell, of! the Kate Palmer, and Frederick W. | Quinlan, one of the crew, and two Nova Scotia fishermen. They said that when the subma- j rine appeared they attempted to get! away, but changed their minds and surrendered. Captain Russell and his small crew were ordered along side the submersible and taken aboard. Immeditaely tfley were sent below and were kept there for about an hour while the submarine pro-! ceeded in a westerly direction. Later; they were told to get into their dory j and were cast adrift about 6 o'clock! Saturday night. They were picked! up five hours later by the Murley They did not see their schooner; sunk, but assumed she was destroyed ! by a bomb. The fishermen reported that the submarine wa|c 300 feet long and carried a crew cjf about 70 men. A six-inch gun was mounted for ward and a smaller one astern. The second officer told them the sub mersible could make twenty-one knots on the surface. Gloucester, Mass., Aug. 12.—Fish ermen claim to have identified the commander of a German submarine which has been sinking fishing boats off the Atlantic coast as a skilled navigator formerly in the United States fisheries service. Two men from different schooners that were sunk claim to have recognited a for mer acquaintance who had changed little except that he had grown a beard since they last saw him. Expect Record Crowds at Commerce Chamber Outing "A Round Trip to the Days of Real Sport" is the way the committee In charge of arangements for the Cham ber of Commerce picnic, describe plans for the event. Estimating from the number of applications for places in the automobiles that are to trans port the members to the picnic grounds, Guadaloupe, the beautiful summer home of John W. Reily, the autos are going to be filled. "Come and bring the crowd." Every member of the chamber is invited, and they are warned that those who fail to be on hand are never going to finish regretting it. The picnic is to be held on Thursday, and the autos will leave the Square promptly at 12:30. Lunch will be served as soon as the crowds reach the destination, and will continue to be served during the remainder of the day, it is prom ised. - The entertainment will be full of thrills and surprises, it is said, and the nature of the stunts will be kept a secret until the day of the picnic. EICHHORN ASSASSIN EXECUTED Amsterdam, Aug. 12.—Boris Dan skio, the assassin of Field Marshal Herman Von Elchhorn, was executed on Saturday, according to advices from Kiev. The sentence was pro nounced by a German military court and was carried out immediately after Its confirmation by the competent Ju dicial tribunal. SEIZE LEAFLETS AIRMEN DROP Zurich, Aug. 12.—The authorities at Vienna have ordered the public to hand over every piece of propaganda literature dropped by Italian airmen last Friday and threaten severe pen alties for failure to do so. | There was a wild scramble in the streets for the paifiphlets when they were' dropped. Some sold for as high as twenty crowns. AUGUST 12, 1918. STEEL LOSES POINT AS MARKET OPENS Tobacco and U. S. Rubber Climb Together With Rail- Stocks; Liberty Bonds Reach New Maximum For Year By Associated Press ' New York, Aug. 12.—Stocks were firm at" the opening of to-day's trad ing, retaining the greater part of last Saturday's general advance, but eased slightly later. U. S. Steel lost a point and other equipments, especially Baldwin Loco motive were heavy. Tobaccos and ■U. S. Rubber registered substantial upward progress and rails also hard ened, St. Paul, pfd„ gaining a point. Liberty 3 1-2's made a new maxi mum for the year at 100.04. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, j members of New York and Philadel- I phia Stock Exchanges—6 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York—furnish the following quotations: Open. 2 p. m. Allis Chalmers •. 34 34 Tmer Beet Sugar ....... 70 69% Amer'can Can 47% 47)4 Am Car and Foundry ... 84% 85 Amer Loco 67)4 67% Amer Smelting 79 78% American Sugar 110% 110% Anaconda 66% 66% I Atchison 85 85)4 (Baldwin Locomotive .... 95)4 01% Baltimore and Ohio .... 55 56 Bethlehem Steel 85 84)4 Butte Copper 25% 25% Canadian Pacific 154 156 Central Leather 67% 67% Chesapeake and Ohio ... 57 58% Chicago R I and Pacific . 24 24% Chino Con Copper 39% 39% Corn Products 44% 44% Crucible Steel 68% 69 Distilling Securities .... 59% 59% Erie 14% 14% General Motors 148 147)4 Goodrich B F 45% 45% Great Northern pfd 91 92% Great Northern Ore subs. 32% 32% Hide and Leather 18% 18% Hide and Leather pfd ... 81% 81% Inspiration Copper 52% 52 International Paper .... 36 36% Kennecott 34 34 Kansas City Southern .. 18% 18 :l > Lackawanna Steel 84% 84% ; Lehigh Valley 57% 58% j Maxwell Motors 26% 26% I Merc War Ctfs 27% 27% I | Merc War Ctfs ....' 99% 99 Mex Petroleum 102% 101% ! Miami Copper 28% 28 Midvale Steel 53% 53% New York Central 72% 73% NY N H and H 40% 41% New York Ont and West 20 20% Northern Pacific 88% 89% Pennsylvania Railroad .. 44 44% Pittsburgh Coal 51% 52 Railway Steel Spg 62% 62% ' Ray Con Copper 24% 24% Reading 89% 90% (Republic Iron and Steel. 93% 92% • Southern Pacific 86 86% | Southern Ry .4 23% 24 Studebaker 45% 45% Union Pacific 123% 123% 11 S I Alcohol 128% 128% U S Rubber 62 61% U S Steel 112% 112% Virginia-Carolina Chem. 51% 51% Westinghouse Mfg 42 42% Willys-Overland 19% 19% Western Maryland 15 15 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Aug. 12. Wheat | No. 1, soft. red. $2.25; No. I re.d. $2.24; ■ No. 2, soft, red, $2.22. Bran The market Is steady; soft winter, per ton, $46.50®47.00; spring, per ton. $44 00®45.00. Corn The market is easier; No. 2, yellow, $1.86®1.58; No. 3 yellow, $1.85® 1.87. Oats The market Is lower; No. 2, white, 83%@84c; No. 3, white, ! 82%® 83c. I Butter The market is higher; | western, creamery, extra, 46c; near i by prints, fancy, 52@54c. ' Eggs Market firm; Pennsylvania, [ and other nearby firsts, free cases, i $13.20® 13.50 per case; do., current re ] ceipts, free cases, $12.90 per case; I western, extras, ' firsts, free cases. $13.50 per case; do., firsts, free cases, j $12.90®13.20 per case; fancy, selected. ! packed, 50® 52c per dozen, j Cheese—The market is firm; New I York and Wisconsin, full cream. 25% ! @26%c. I Refined Sugars Market steady; I powdered. 8.45 c; extra fine, granulat ! ed. 7.26 c. i Live Poultry Market firm, fowls, 34"35c; young, soft meated roosters, 25® 27c; young, staggy post ers, 25® 26c; old roosters, 25® 26c; spring chickens, not leghorns, 36®42c,; leghorns, 33® 36c; ducks, Peking, spring, 33®35c; d0..01d.28®30c; Indian Runners. 26@27c; spring ducks. Long Island, higher, 36®37c; turkeys, 27® 38s; geese, nearby, 25®26c; western, 25® 26c. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, nearby, choice to fancy. 39® 40c; do., fair to good, 32@37c; do., old, 87 038 c, do., western, choice to fancy, 37@38c; I do., fair to good, 32@36c: do., old toms, 30c; old. common, 30e; fresh killed i fowls, fancy, 36®36%c; do., smaller i sizes. 32®36c; old roosters, 28c; spring ducks, Long Island, 36®37c; frozen i fowls, fancy. 36®35%c; do., good to choice. 32®34r: do., small lzes. 2 30c; western, broiling chickens, 40® — The market is steady; New Jersey, No. 1, 80@90c per basket; do.. No. 2, 40® 65c per baskefk do., 150-Ib. bags, $4.00®4.25; Pennsylvania, 100 lbs.. $1 20®1,65; New York, old. per 100 Iba $1.55® 1.75; western. perlOO Ibß.. sl.ls 01.65; Maine, per 100 lbs.. sl.*<fO 1 $0; Delaware and Maryland, per 100 lbs.. 90c®$1.10; Michigan, per 100 bs. tl 6001.70; Florida. per barrel, $2 00® s 00*, Florida. bushel, hamper. 76085 c; Florida, per 160-Ib. bags $1.6003.00; North Carolina, per FOR RENT Furnished office in Kunkel Building, $15.00. 92S N. Sixth St., with bakery in rear, $35 per month. 323 Broad St., suitable for a wholesale and retail business requir ing a substantial three-story brick building with elevator, $1,500 per . ""Fourteenth and Broad Sts., with 234 Broad St., house and store, eround 200x200 and garage, fur- $St) per month, nished $75 per month. TWO STORE BOOMS ON nisnea. ♦ u FOURTH NEAR MARKET. See- , 320 Broad St., store, S3O per ond and third floors, floor space month. f 26x99. S. FRIEDMAfJ, Real Estate Kunkel Bldg., Third and Market Sts. To Real Estate Owners * Real Estate wanted at once. A city property with rear j; drive alley. If you have any real estate for sale, talk it •! over with us. We may have the buyer who wants your |! property. At any rate you r chance of selling is best where ! > the largest number of buyers call. Prompt personal atten tion given rent collections. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE 307 KUNKEL BUILDING j! ASK FOR FREE 7XY SWATTERS j| barrel, $1.60@4.00; South Carolina, par barrel. $1.60®4.00: Norfolk, per bar rel, $1.25®4.26; Eastern Shore, per barrel, $1.25@4.25. Tallow Tne mamet Is firm: prime city, In tierces, 17 %c; city, special, loose, 18c; country, prime, 16% c; dark. 15%@16c; edible, in tierces. 19®21c. Flour Weak; winter wheat, new, 100 per cent, flour, $10.65@10.90 per barrel; Kansas wheat, new, $11.25® 11.60 per barrel; spring; wheat, new, $11.25®11.50 per barrel. Hay Market Arm; timothy. No. 1, large and small bales, $26.00® 26.50 per ton; No. 2, small bales. $23.50 ®24.50 per ton; No. 3. $17.50@19.50 per ton; sample, $12.60@15.60 per ton; no grade, $7.50® 11.50 per ton. Clover Light, mixed, $24.00® 25.00 per ton; No. 1, light mixed, $20.50®21.60 per ton; No. 2, light mix ed, $16.50@17.50 per ton; no grade. SIB.U(I®2O.UU per ton. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, Aug. 12. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts. 34,000; market fully 10c higher; very little doing on packing grades; big butchers bid low; top, $20.15. a new record; butchers, $19.35®20.10; light, $19.60® 20.15; packing. $18.40® 19.25; rough. $17.75® 18.35; bulk of. sales, $18.60® 20.10 ; pigs, good and chdtce, slß.oo® 18.50. t Cattle Receipts, 17,000; market steady to strong; no choice cattle here; c.t.lves steady. Sheep Receipts, 15,000; market strong to 25c higher; top western lambs gaining most; Idaho lambs, $lB 50; net price Montana wethers, $14.60. Canada to Send 4,000 Soldiers to Siberia Ottawa. Aug. 12.—Canada will be represented by a military unit of ap proximately 4,000 men In the expe ditionary force which the Allied Governments will send to Siberia. This was announced here last night by tile Dominion Government, which promised a more detailed statement within a short time. Will Go to Vladivostok Major-General William S. Graves will command the American expedi tionary force to guard the Russian supplies at Vladivostok and co-oper ate with the Czecho-Slovak forces. [FOR SALE No. 1001 North Second Street No. 1439 Vernon Street Lots on Curtin, Jefferson and Seneca Street Frame Dwelling, All Im provements, with Garage, Lot 50x160, New Cumber land, Pa- Frank R. Leib and Son REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 18 N. Third St. Harrisbnrg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers