6 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS TREE 100 YEARS OLD BLOWN DOWN Giant Locust Crashes Through Farmer's Kitchen, Breaking Everything Therein CUT INTO~ 85 POSTS Twenty Berrysburg Men Vol unteer to MakeConcreteFoun dation For New Factory Bcrryshurgt. Pa., July 29. —Mrs. L. C. Havice is at the Mary Packer Hos pital at Sunbury for treatment. Mr. JHaWce and daughter. Elmira Havlce. visited her on Sunday. Mrs. Harvey , Bailey and two children, of Philadel phia, and Kennord McFarland, of, Harrlr-burg, are visitors at the homo i of G. Hartman. Twenty men volun-j teered on Monday to help make the cement foundation for the new shirt factory building. Frank Delbler has been laid up for a couple of weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. The Rev. and Mrs. Irwin Runk and daughter, of Scottdale, are visiting Mr. Runk's sister. Miss Annie Runk. The Runk family is camping at the Ellza bethville United Brethren meeting.— j During a recent storm the wind blew down a locust tree believed to be , more than years old, on the farm of Cornelius Heffner, north of town. , In falling, the tree crashed through the kitchen. breaking everything therein and demolishing the building. ; When cut up. one-third of the tree , made S5 posts. Jennie Weiser re turned from a two weeks' visit to Wiconisco. Miss Elizabeth Daniel was a visitor here on Sunday. After r two weeks' visit nt the home of Henry Daniel. Mrs. Jerry Focht has returned to Allentown. i How's This? We rffer On«* Hundred Dollar* Reward for anj , case of Catarrh that cuuuut be cured by Hall i Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY L CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hare known F. .T, Cheney for the last 15 year*, and believe hi® perfectly honorable In all business transaction! and financially able to carry out any obligation* made by his firm. NAT. BANK OF COMMKRCF.. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tnUen Internally, acting directly upon tb< blood and umcous surfaces of the system. Testimonials n*»nt free. Price 7fl cents p*?r bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tako Hall's F&islly Tills tor constipation. Il\ sg. AsR Ths | 1 Jifes ierc^ants I I r 0m 1 S As To Our I Ability | We will gladly furnish you g with the list, but here's a good plan: Notice the clean- ft est windows— WE "DID" THEM. I Harrisburg Window p Cleaning Co. OFFICE—BOS EAST ST. Never Mind Strong You Are — I What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that wia> "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and Victory between M wagea"*and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert In -some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark i and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna ticnal Correspondence Schools to show you how yoa CAN "make good ' on a big job? For 23 yearn tho T. C. 8. have benq showing men tiow to do better work and earn bigger n&latiM. Every montfc over 400 students write of promotion# or salary Increases through L C. B. training. What the L C. B. are doing for these men they coa to for YOU. *-y No matter where you live, how old ycu are, what hoars ftic. work, or how limited your education—lf you can read and wrltA,and are ambitious to learn the L C. 8. can train you In your l>fme, during your spare time, for a more Important and bettor-paying position. Mark and mall the attached coupon—lt won't obligate you In the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can acquire this aalarr-ralsinsr ability by their simple and easy methods. It will cost you nothing to Investigate—lt may. cost a life time of remorse If you don't. Mark and lis 11 the Coupon NOW. T'Vw%r* , W ■ ■■■»■■**» * * * "*■* m m ■ 1 ■■ | INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS j! Box 1331. Scranton, Pa. Please explain without am* obligation to me how 2 <avi qua> f > Ify tor tUe position before which I mark X. £ l[ Elrctrlcal Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card IVrltla* »' I, Eire. Lighting Sunt. Hcfrlgrrallon EufliMr Adv«rtUln>c ■' % Electric Wlreman Civil Engineer Salesmanship t' I, Tel. « Tel. Kaaineer Soneror Teacher ■' j, Architect Loco. Fireman A Ess. DnKl'th Drnncte* •' J Architectural nraftmnan llvtl Service Agriculture •' I Structural Enijlnecr Hallway Mall Clerk Poultry Karnlu •' ,> Ituililliia Contractor ItookVeeplng Plumb. A Steam KtL •' ( i Concret«._Cou»<ructlon Meuo. A Typewriting ChemlaOy »' ,1 Mechanical Enclneer Window Trimming Antomoblle Run nine i' "i Kani* } 6C and Ko. / I City State 5 Present Occupation — .... 5 SATURDAY" EVENING. SCARCITY OF TEACHERS CAUSES VACANT ADAMS COUNTY SCHOOLS Girl Wounded by Cousin With Front Hospital; BulTet Still in Her Head By Special Correspondence Gettysburg, Pa., July 29. —School di rectors In the rural districts of Adams county have not enough applicants from teachers to supply the schools, at least one school in each district being vacant, which will have to be filled before the opening of school in Septem ber.—Martha Eipley, (:he 12-year-old 1 girl living near Round Top who was i shot in the head by the accidental dis- ' charge of a revolver in the hands of j her cousin, has been brought home from the York hospital. The bullet is j stoll In her ear, and as she suffers no | ill effects from .it physicians believe it best not to operate.—During his har- I vesting Augustus Sentz, of Cumber- ] land township, discovered a nest of | partridge eggs in a field. The old bird was frightened away at the time and 1 Mr. Sentz watched for her return for . several days. The bird never came oack ' and gathering the eggs he put them i Boys' Brigade Commander Had Arm Broken at Camp By St-fetal Correspondence 31Ulersburs, Pa., July 29.—Com mander F. S. Kirk, of the Boys' Bri gade. while at their camp near lilUera town, several weeks ago. was struck on the left arm with a heavy picee of wood causing: him considerable pain. After a period of ten days the arm continued painfull and was rapidly growing worse when an X-ray exami nation at the Harrisburg Hospital re vealed a broken bone. Mr. Kirk is no wcarrying the member in a sling. —The members of the Millersburg school board enjoyed an automobile trip to the summer home of Professor J. F. Adams, near Miilerstown, where Mrs. Adams prepared for them a fine bass supper.—Both rural routes running out of Millersburg were served by au tomobile conveyance on Wednesday be cause of the illness of the regular car rier and only one substitute available. The substitute, F. W. Lenker, per formed the service on both routes, a distance of forty-eight miles and fin ished his work at 12 o'clock noon.— Mrs. Dr. J. Sweisfort, of Danville, was the guest of her sons, C. E. and J. A. Franke on Sunday. Mark Mattis caught a carp weighing thirteen pounds in the Wiconisco creek opposite the Johnson-Baillie shoe factory early in the week.—William Jackson, who re sided here more than ten years ago a d who is now employed by the U. S. government at Panama was the guest of his sister, Mrs. C. I. Ivepner, on Wednesday. Carson Long Institute Founded By THEODORE K. LOXG THE BEST SCHOOL for boys and girls It prepares for college It prepares for business It prepares for teaching It prepares for life $290 pays for a full school year Fall Term opens Monday, Sept. 25 Dont miss this opportunity Send for catalog CAR SOX I.OXG IXSTITT'TE P. O. Box 28 New Blooinfleld, Pa. A Charming Friends are calling or you have a sudden invitation. Just a moment to look your best. It takes but a few seconds to apply Gouraud's u Oriental Cream end obtain a perfect complexion - a soft, clear, pearly-white cppearance that In always r»*fine J and and in good taste—Non-greasy—ln use 63 years. Send 1 Oe. for trial Bit* rwMiiimiiLßmnßMfc mio m° iii mi'it .under a bantam hen at the barn. Last week ten partridge peeps were hatch 'ed out. The birds are quite tame and perfectly contented with their foster mother.—While on their way to Han over to witness a game of ball some one In the automobile accidentally struck Lawrence Oyler's elbow 'as he had his hand to his face, pushing a finger in j his eye, the nail of which cut the ball ;of the eye.—While at camp at Dick's , Dam. Ralph Deatrick lost two fingers ;of his right hand when a gun with [ which he was working discharged. The ! young man calmly cranked his auto mobile after the accident and hurried home for medical attention.—Harper I Withers, of near New Chester, shot a gray fox which was carrying off the chickens in his neighborhood. Mrs. Charles S. Chronister, of Huntington ! township, met with a painful accident ' when her right arm was scalded with i hot lard. Linglestown People on Trip to Atlantic City I Linitleatown, Pa., July 29. Church services will be held in the Church of God, Sunday morning, by the pastor, the Rev. H. Whitaker; in the United Brethren Church in the evening by the . pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch, and in enrich's Church to-morrow after- [ noon by the Reformed pastor, the Rev. Lewis Reiter. Miss Jane Care, Miss j Grace Smith and Mrs. LUlie Pittman spent the week at Atlantic City. Miss • Martha Cassel and Miss Irene Hersh ] spent Sunday at Atlantic City. Miss I Kate Mcllhenny, of Harrisburg, was i the guest of Mrs. Annie Smith, Satur- I' „7i Irs - J-annie Care spent Thurs thJlJ .« >t Mrs. Armento and '•' lee sons. Mrs Melvin Balthaser, son ana daughter, were recent guests of Smith. Sirs. Leone, 01 ! U speiu several days as the ; £ 5, of. h fr son, Frank Leone. Dr. , Rhein and family are spending) the week at the home of Dr. C. H. . —Jl irs ' Kathleen McConneli. after speeding several weeks with Miss iiV a llas returned home. MISS Evelyn Longenecker. of Harris- I ??£* nt l , h , e week as the guest of rs - Seville Longenecker. i -.u ■ Bolton is spending some | ttrne with relatives at Mount Jov. Miss Marion Smith spent the week with ! Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hassler, at Pal v}L r ?,' ~ Jlr ' and Mrs. John Geyer, of -Middletown, spent Sunday as guests of- Mrs. Rebecca Baker. Samuel Mcll henny. of Penbrook, and Dean Mcll nenny, , and Giddeon Feeser of I Penbrook. and Dean Mclllhenn;,, or Xopeka, Kansas. were guests or Mrs. Annie Smith, on Sundav. Mr I and Mrs. Harry Orris Mrs. Annie Puck V}, M 4.t s la rion Smith visited Miss ! Alice Eby, at M'ormleysburg, on Sun wlr' ® nd Ml s - ° B. Lecse and I son /U alter Leese, spent Thursdav at' Baltimore. Miss Ellen Levan. of Har- I risburg on Wednesday was the guest! of her sister, Mrs. Carrie Feeser. Surprise Party in Honor of Mrs. Charles Beaver By Special Co,rcspondtnct Millerstown, Pa., July 29.— Mr. and | Mrs. Willis Mitchell of Johnsonburg, Pa., is visiting his mother. Mrs. Charles ! Mitchell.—Miss Mary Crane, of Har- I risburg. visited Mr. and Mrs. John | Hard this week.—Dr. Roscoe Hall and his mother. Mrs. J. C. Hall, left on ! Thursday for Asbury Park to spend a 1 week.—Miss Emma Loshey, of Lewis hurg. who had heen visiting Mrs. J. P. ! Eckels at the Ward House for several ! aays left on Thursday for Philadel-1 phia. Mrs. Eckels accompanied her as far as Harrisburg.—Mrs. O. O. 1 Wagner entertained at dinner Sun day Mrs. Jennie Byers and Dorff I Lahr. The Rev. W. H. Dyer was at Harrisburg on Tuesday.—Miss Jessie Kipp was a Newport visitor on Wed nesday.—Mrs. Harry Foultz and chil- 1 ciren. who had been visiting", her moth er Mrs. Mary Pines, for several weeks, ; left for their home in Montana on Tuesday.—Mrs. Leland Rounsley, of ; Altoona, is the guest of James Rouns- i le >' - Joseph Methereli, who was .op- ; erated on at the Harrisburg hospital several months ago, returned home i on Sunday.—Mrs. Kendall and son, of , Harrisburg, spent a day with William Marshall. The Camp Fire Girls, with a number of their friends, took an au- I tomobile ride to Hershey on Thurs- 1 'ay.—Misses Kathryn and Sara Rick- I abaugrh and Ralph Beaver and George Cochran visited friends at Newport ! Monday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil- : "at" Blain and daughters Bthel and l Nellie, spent the week-end at Lewi=- _own. —Misses olive Dimm. Maud | Shover, Minnie Beaver and \lice Rtckabaugh and Lewis Dimm and D Gilbert Rickabaugh attended a sur prise party in Pfouts Vallev on Tues day evening, in honor of Mrs. Charles B/ayer.—Emory Fry is visiting at Mifflin. 2s an INSURANCE Against Sudden Death. Before an Insuranca Company will take a risk on your liie the examining physician will test ihe uriaa and report whether you ere a good risk. When your kidneys get emggish and clog, you suffer from backache, eick-head ache, dizzy spells, or the twinges and paina of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. The urine ia often cloudy, full of Eediment; channels often get soro and sleep i.i disturbed two or three times a This i 3 the time you should consult EOEJO physician of wida experience—such r.3 Dr. Pierce of tho Invalids' Ilptel rnd Surgical Institute, i Buffalo, N. Y. fond hir.i 10 cents for sample package of Lis new discovery, Anuric." Write him your symptoms and send a sample of "urine for test. Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that ;l Anuric" ia tho most powerful agent in dissolving uric acid, aa hot water melts sugar; brjsidcs being absolutely harmless it ia endowed with other properties, for it precerve3 the kidneys in a healthy condition by thoroughly cleansing them. Beii.'g to many times more active than litLia, it clears tho heart valves of any sandy substances ; which may cleg them and checks the degeneration of the blood-vessels, as I well M regulating blood pressure. "Anuric" is a regnlar insurance and life-saver for all b'g nr.rut caters and thosa who deposit lime-pelts in their joints. Aak the druggist f->r "Anuric" put up by Dr. Pierce, in 50-cent packages. STRENGTH AND BEAUTY Com» with Dr. llorce's Goliien Medical Discovery. This if r blood cleanser and alterative that starts I ho ih'er and stom ach into vigorous action. It thus assists the Ixxiy to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the heart nerves, brain and organs of tho bodv. The organs work smoothly like machinery running in oil. You feel cieun. strong awl strenuous in stead c( tired. wea» cud l.:iuu HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Bainbridge Pastor Accepts Call to Lycoming County THE REV. E. E. DIETTERICH Marietta. Pa., July 29.—The Rev. E. E. Dietterich, since April 1, 1915. pas tor of the Bainbridge Lutheran Church, has resigned to accept a call as pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, of Black Hole Valley, near Montgomery, Lycom ing county. He will enter upon ihs duties there about the middle of Au gust. The Rev. D.etterich while in Bainbridge made many friends, and built up a large congregation, succeed ing the Rev. Mr. Herring. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania Illnln. Miss Anna W. Collins, of Philadelphia, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Adams. Mrs. E. C. Berrier. of Lebanon, visited her father, G. W. Shreffler, who is ill. Mrs. Henry Weaver, of New Bloomfield. and daugh ter, Mrs. Clarence Morrow and her daughter. Elsie, of Traer, la., visited friends here. Heiby Ungerer, of Rochester, X. Y„ was the guest of Miss Mae Wentzel from Friday till Wed nesday. Edward Yingling and Miss Bertha Ricedorf, both of Ickesburg, were married on Wednesday at the Re formed parsonage by the Rev. J. W. Keener. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gray, a daughter. Miss Edna Sheaf fer and brother, J. R. Sheal'fer, and Miss Mae Miller, all of Philadelphia, are guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. D. Sheaffer, at Kistler. —;Harry Wentz, of Tlmcum, Pa., is vis iting his sister, Mrs. Floyd Shumaker. —Miss Hulda Rice, of Harrisburg. is the guest of C. H. Wentzel. Miss Adeline Julius, of Harrisburg, came to visit Miss Evelyn Wentz. lda Gut shall, of lowa, is visiting her father, David Gutshall. ThompNuntimn. Mrs. Charles Getz and three children, of Philadelphia, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Tillie Lantz, on the Pinnacle. The Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Garver and children are on a two weeks' vacation to Lewis town, Mount Union and Roaring Springs. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner and two daughters, of Center, Perry county, and Harry Jones, of Carlisle, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Long, on Monday. W. W. Stoddard, of Altoona, and Dr. W. F. Bozanhart, of Brooklyn, were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Joseph Wetzler. Miss Ruth Holbert, of Harrisburg, is spend ing several weeks with Mrs. Charles Knight. Miss Deibler, of Harrisburg, was a guest of Mrs. Knight, on Wed nesday. Miss Lizzie Aiken, of Reeds ville, was a recent guest of Mrs. Edgar A. Tennis. Mrs. Robert Mickey, of Alexandria spent Tuesday with her sis ter, Miss Erie Henkles. Mrs. Carbon Seabold and Mrs. Anna Stahlnecker, of Middleburg, are guests of their sister, Mrs. C. A. Meiser. Miss Ella Kurtz, ot Brooklyn, was a guest of her broth er Samuel Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Lem uel Zeiders, of Philadelphia, are guests of Mrs. Joseph Wetzler The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Himes, of Millerstown were guests of their parents on Sat urday. Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Brandt. Jliss Ruth Brandt and' Miss Grace Brandt are at Atlantic City, N. J. Miss Gertrude Mott. of Burling ton. X. J. is the guest of her aunt. Miss Mehaffey. Paul B. Reinhold. who spent two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E L. lteinhold, returned home to-day. Mrs. Carmany, of Philadelphia, is the £'uest of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Espenshled and Miss Nora Espenshled. David R Mehaffey. of New York City, spent sev eral days here. M. Armstrong end grandson, of Lancaster, who spent sev eral weeks on the Willow Spring farm near town, have returned home. Ed win B. Reinhold has returned from* a sojourn at Pittsburgh and Philadelphia —Joseph Gramm, of Philadelphia, is visltins relatives here. Miss Fl«ie Campbell, of West Marietta. is'soend ing the week with Miss Helen Haiter m.,i ayt i° m"- H l|,s nna Child 'a vis iting relatives at Reading and Philadel phia.— I rank Derr. of Philadelphia spent several days with his parents,' Mi. and Mrs. B. Derr. Mr. and Mrs George P. Herbst and daughter Miss Mae, of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs Harry H. Comby, Jr.. of Philadelphia' spent some tune with David M. Mattis and grand laughter. Miss Lillian Tnompson, East Marietta Dlll«l»iir«. _ Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shriller, °f Hanover, spent several da > s with his brother, R. n Shriner i —Mrs. C. C. Kimmel, of Carlisle, spent w' e shliw y « h'V] hor . uu,lts ' Mrs " ■ bhclley and Mrs. Sara Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keever of York spent Sunday with Dillsburir friends-- Nomia Bronneman, who spent some time with her brother. Jo.e B BrenT. I ma »' at Altoona. has returned home. "T* Ci aw ford took Edward R'-er* of Franklin township, to Johns Hopkins ; Hospital, at Ealtimore. Mirs Mabel [Krall, of Harrisburg. spent Wednes day here. The Rossvtlle Sundav • School picnic will be held at their (churchyards on the State Highway R»nrt ß wm al ? d t ! l ', LoyviUe Orphan' , will furnish music. M C ! T**lVI in! ? , r/!. gs , ls t ant tell « r of Dlllsburg ; National Banlt has returned home from y, Misses Mae Brandt and Rhetta Dick nd Nettie Smith, of Frank , 111 l township, are spending the summer , at Asbtiry Tark, N. J. Professor H M. Arnold is spending some time at Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. John ! Trimmer, of Harrisburg, who were with '' vu« an r a 'n!lf d" V Bentz an< l daughter, Miss Esther Bentz, on an auto trip to Th,J etUr J? e(1 ho . me Wednesday E w ey ™« d r f,, * trip of Brt6 miles. I M llUam illlam and Professor Bruce Falls were on a fishing trip and report about seventy in a week's stay. —Miss "U alton, of Allentown. is visit ing Miss Elizabeth Dick at Clear Springs. Mrs. F. M. Altland and daughteis are spending several days at Harrisburg. Falmouth. Mr. and Mrs. George Palm and daughter. Mary, Palm, and granddauginet, Romaine. and A. I. Bix ler. of Loysvilie, autoed to this place and spent several days with Thomas Couch and family. Falmouth United Brethren Church will hold a festival on the church lawn this evening. The heavy rain of Tuesday did much dam age to crops and roads. CAMPIXG AT HOSLKR'S GROVE Tower City. Pa.. July 29.—Misses Carrie and Elsie Erdman are visitinp rf lathes at Lykens.—Miss Mnudc Breasler. of Philadelphia, spent Sun day with her father.—Miss Kathryn Harley is visiting friends at Lykens.— Charles Martz spent a day at Lykens. Mrs. William Kuntzleman and daughters and Willie Knocks will spend their vacation at Pittsburgh.— Miss Florence Carl is visittn? relatives at Rife. —Mrs. Harry Houtz and Mrs. Robert Schwope \isited the Camp Fire Girls several days Joe White and Arthur Hensel took their Sunday school classes camping to Hosier's k Grove, about ten miles south of town. TUESDA Y'S HEA VY PARALYSIS OF EPHR Electric Light Plant Flooded and Industries Compelled to Shut Down; Streets Washed Out and Cellars Filled Ephrata, Pa., July 29. —On Tuesday Ephrata and vicinity experienced one of the worst storms in its history. Rain began falling at an early hour on Tuesday morning and continued with little or no cessation for practically twenty-four hours, during which the precipitation aggregated 5.22 inches. As a result of the storm streets and cellars in many sections of the town were flooded and Groff's run, a small stream in the western section of the town, became a raging torrent, tearing away bridge and overflowing into gar dens and yards on either side over a wide area. The Ephrata electric light plant was flooded to a depth of three feet, the fires in the boilers being cx- Mrs. H. S. Attick Hostess to Woman's Bible Class Mechanicsburg, Pa., July 29.—0n j Wednesday the annual picnic of I St. Mark's Lutheran Sunday School was held at Boiling Springs Park.— La.st evening a pleasant session of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Grace Evan geliean Church was held at the home of Mrs. George E. Hurst, 15 South Arch street.—The R«V. and Mrs. John S. Ad ams and family have left for a month's vacation at Flee'wood.—Mrs. Alice S. Hauck and son Walter left on Monday for a trip which includes the Thousand Islands, Adirondacks and Saratoga] Springs.—A meeting of the Woman's! Christiari Temperance Union was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Julia Hefflefinger.—Mrs. H. S. Attick was hostess for the Woman's Organized Bible Class of Trinity Lu theran Sunday School Tuesday even ing.—After spending several weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clendenln, John Clendentn left for Lynn. Mass., where he is engaged in business. —Mechanicsburg was well represented at the Lutheran reunion jnt Pen Mar on Thursday. Music was ! ' furnished by the Loysville Orphan | School band and the reunion choir of | forty voices.—John Meloy, of Wash ! ington, D. C., was a visitor in his home town.—Fridley Sehafhirt has returned from a visit to Mereersburg.—H. M. Groff, State organizer, was present at an interesting meeting of the Cumber land Valley Castle, Knights of the Golden Eagle, on Tuesday evening and proposed thirty names for member ship. Addresses were made by Colonel Hoffman, of Harrisburg: W. A. Huber and J. C. Reeser, of Mechanicsburg.— Mr. and Mrs. George Dietz spent the week-end at. Greencastle.—Dr. E. C. Snyder, a West Main street druggist, has returned from a trip to Atlantic City.—Mrs. A. J. Gross, who spent several weeks near Philadelphia, is home again. Miss Martha Morrett has returned from a week's visit to Pen Mar.—Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lerch have returned to their home after spending a month in Pleasant ville, Ohio, with the former's parents. "BUTTON STRIKE" ENDS By Special Correspondence Lykens, Pa., July 20. Newton Shade and family attended the funeral of Mr. Shade's father-in-law, Daniel Shade, of Spring Glen. Mrs. Charles Smith returned home to Bloomsburg after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Bitterman. The miners of Short Mountain colliery returned to work on Thursday morning after be ingle for five days on account of a "button strike."—Mrs. Howard Bit terman has returned home after spending several days with her daugh ter. Mrs. J. F. Rome. A number of Lykens people have closed their homes and gone to the Elizabethville camp meeting. Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active, bowels regular, without pain or i?ripinß. relieve sick headache and that bloated feeling after eating, purify the blood and clear the complexion. I Large box, enough to last a month', 25c. Dr. Chase Co., 22* N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lumber Reputation Reputation sells im mense amounts of lumber, just as it boosts sales for auto- j mobiles. But to make a repu tation a merchant | must start with a high grade ideal and strive constantly to live up to it. We have selected lum ber mills having a Na tional reputation for qual- , ity and we endeavor to supply our customers i promptly and carefully. No matter how large or how small your order < may be, we make it a rule to deliver it as quick ly as possible. We have made many friends by our close at- < tention to details in the lumber business. United Ice & Coal Co. ji Forster & Cowden Sts. j J __ | e EDCCATIUXAI, School of Commerce lrouy Building 15 So. Market t>q. Day & Night School Bookkc«plng, Shorthand, Stenotypj, > Typewriting anil Penmanship UeU -JSi Ciuubcrlaiiu The OFFICE TRACING SCHOOL Kaulman Bid*. 4 S. Market ikj. Training That Secure* Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or aend to-day for Interesting Booklet. "The Art of Gc'.lln( Along La ibe World." Bell phone 894-R. j Harrisburg Business College - A Reliable School 31st Year') : *2O Market St Uarrlsbure. Pa. i JULY 29, 1916. anguished. The plant will be out of commission for possibly a week. The loss Is estimated at several thousand dollars. A heavy loser by the storm is G. M. Givler, whose shirt factory is idle because the cellar is filled with water and also because e£ the absence of power. The W. W. Moyer under wear mill was out of commission for several days as a result of the storm. In a number of streets water rose to a height of from one to three feet. The Ephrata park, which lies along the banks of the Oocalico creek, was flooded over a large part, of its area, and considerable damage was done. A bridge in the road loading to the park was moved. Valley Grange of Lewisberry Will Picnic at Cedar Grove By Special Correspondence Lewi sherry. Pa.. July 29. —The Rev. and Mrs. Allan C. Shue and daughters, Miriam, Margaret and Nellie, who spent several weeks at the home of Mrs. Ella M. Sutton, returned on Wednesday to their home at York. — Mr. and Mrs, K. O. Fink and son, Lyall, James Updegraff and Martin Frasch, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth U. Laird.—Valley Grange. No. 1360, Patrons of Hus bandry, will hold Its annual picnic in the woods at Cedar Grove school] house, 9n Saturday, August 5. The New j Cumberland band will furnish music.! —Miss Alice Myers, of York, Is i spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. | Luther Sutton.—Miss Sadie Updegraff, of Atlantic City, who was a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. U. Laird, is spend ing the week with relatives at Har- I risburg.—Mrs. Smith, of Lisburn, is j a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Downs. —Miss Julia Sutton is spend ing the week with relatives In Har risburg.—Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Coover. ' sons Vance. Glenn and Mark, and | Miss Pearl Fowler, of Lemoyne, spent I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis j Cline.—The Rev. 1,. Elbert Wilson, I who Is spending the week at Mt Gretna, as chaplain of a National j Quard regiment, was called to Lis- IHirn to officiate at the funeral of I Miss E. Lay Kunkel.—Miss Daisy | Walker, of Mechanicsburg, spent sev eral days with her parents, Mr. and j Mrs. W. H. Walter. —A child was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Lake Bren neman.—Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Spang ler and son, Roman M., of New Cum berland. were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fetrow.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Straley, of New Cumber land, were Sunday guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Frank Downs.—Miss Ethel Rich j and Miss Romayne Byers have re i turned home from a visit at Steelton. —Miss Anna Sutton, who spent the past four weeks visiting at the home of her uncle, Frank B. Sutton, of Gettysburg, is now visiting relatives at Lemoyne.—Miss Rena Fetrow is visiting relatives at Mechanicsburg.— Miss Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Updegraff, of Harrisburg, is visiting at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Elizabeth U. Laird.—Miss Evelyn Sealover, of Kralltown, was a recent guest of her aunt, Mrs. Amanda Rehm. | GEORGE H. SOURBIET^ FUNERAL DIRECTOR (310 North Third Street a Urll I'fauue. Auto Service. | rTIME IS MONEY- I SAVE IT For YCUR SON at The Harrisburg Academy which affords efficient experienced masters a Full day session. Small classes. Individual instruction. I Supervised study. Academy graduates are ac cepted by all certificate colleges. We prepare successfully for the college entrance board ex aminations. Arrange now—Phone 1371-7 Summer School July 24 to Sept. 1. Resorts ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Wffio Kentucky svc.. near Leach and all attrac tlon«. 200 choice rooms; private baths; run ning water. Attractive public rooms ami ?ersn<la*. Exceptionally Ann table; jrood mu sic; bathlnir from bou*p. $2 no dallg. $lO up weekly; swill week-end rate*. Booklet. Auto coach. 12th season. A. C. EKHOLM HOTEL TENNESSEE Tennf«n« Avenue find Reach. ! Ocean view. Bathing from hotel. Show ers. $8 to $12.50 weekly; $1.50 up daily. A. HEALY. WILD WOOD, R. J. QAVftV 26th and beach. 200 ft. from "n'UI Wildwood'a Ocean Pier. Run ning water. Pri. Baths. Cap. 200. Auto. Music. Booklet. W. H. GEKSTEL. Own ership Management. WILDWOOD'S LEADING HOTELS BEACHWOOD gfc mrnx Music. Auto meets trains. Chavll.Kurta. Montgomery ave. & beach. UUKOCI Cap 260 baths; near ocean. Booklet. Auto bus. J. E. white**ll. FDHETON INN Whlt# "rvice. Muaic Li/uciun inn room , orchestra. Cap.. 250. Booklet. Coach. J. Albert. Harris. cue I HON Entire block, ocean view. i ontLUun Cap 3io Utl and cold wa . ter. Rooms ivlth bath and tn suite. Slav. Booklet. D. J. Woods Ownership-Muft. WILDWOOD MANOR c.p" «o. r?°.h ft .»It hath.: «l«v Bklt.Mra.Wm Bitter. fj A YTON yßunning w*t»r. * * Private baths. Munlc Booklet Auto bus. F. W. *• A. McMurray. MT. GRETNA. PA. Hotel Conewago Mod?™ conv«. Address SAMUEL H. LEWIS, Mxr. ML Gretna. Pa. JACK FROST PARTY FOR MISS APPLE Guests Wore All Dressed in White and Refreshments Served in White FAREWELL RECEPTION' Many Visitors Hospitably En tertained in Homes of Union Deposit People I'nlon Deposit, Pa., July 29. —Mfc and Mrs. Ira D. Shoop, of West Pitts t'on, are spending some time with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Shoop. Miss Lizzie Landis, of Harrisburg, spent a day with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Landis. Mrs. H. M. Klinger, son and daugh ter, of Minneapolis, Minn., were guests of Mrs. Lizzie Letterman on Sunday. Preaching services will he held in the United Brethren Cnurch to-mor row morning at 10:30 by the pastor, the Rev. George W. Hallman. Samuel Letterman, of Little Keck, Long Island, is spending some time with his grandmother, Mrs. Lizzie Let terman and aunt, Miss Carrie Letter man. Mrs. W. H. Rapp is spending some time at Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cromise, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller and Mrs. C. Miller, of Fishing Creek Valley, and Amos Snavely and family, of Grantvllle, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker on Sunday. Mrs. Edward Stover and children, of Stoverdale, vis j ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Landis, on Sunday. A Jack Frost party was given to Miss Prudence Apple, of Center Valley, Pa., at the home of Miss Mary Walmer as a fare well party. These guests were pres ent: Misses Kathryn Jones, Grace Stauffer, Beatrice Gingrich, Lea Reager, Carrie Kellar, Edna Kaufman, Lillian Crum, Martha Peiffer, Blanche Chrismer, Prudence Apple, Mary Walmer. Blanch Walmer, Mrs. Irwin Nye, Mrs. Ella Rapp, Mrs. Harrv Wal mer, Mrs. Nancy Walmer, Harry Wal mer and William Walmer. The porch was nicely decorated with Japanese lanterns and bunting. The evening was well enjoyed by all present, after which refreshments were served. The guests were all dressed in white and all refreshments were served in white. Resorts ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Best Located I'npalar Prlcp Family Hotel In Atlantic City, I*. J. NETHERLANDS New York Ave., 50 yards from Board walk. Overlooking lawn and ocean; capacity 400; elevator; private hatha. Over 30 outside rooms have hot and cold running water. R ATFS *lO To SIT.r.O WEEKLY. 4 *2 TO M DAILY. SPECIAL FREE FEATURES BATHING PHIVII.EGE FROM HOTEL LAWN TENNIS COURT DANCE FLOOR BOOKLET WITH POINTS OF INTER EST IN ATLANTIC CITY AUGUST HUH WADE L» Proprietor. NELLUNDY'""' n '*B«^ a "o™ » i i minute to Steel Pier. Excellent cuisine; white service; pri« yate baths; running water; elevator to Io V «?a Cap J,' ?, 50 * $12.50 up Wkly. $2.50 up daily. E. H. LUNDY. $2 np Dally. #lO np Am. Plan. ELBERON & fireproof Annex. Tennessee Av. nr. Beach. Cap. 400. Central; open surroundings; opp. Catho lic and Protestant churches. Private baths. RUNNING WATER IN AIL ROOMS Excellent table; fresh vegetables. Windows screened. White service. Booklet. B. B. IUDY. M.D. LEXINGTON Pacific and Ark. avs. Grounds adjoin beach and boardwalk. Only hotel where guests may go to surf In bath ing attire without using streets, which prohibited. Use of bath houses free, /tunning water In rooms. Private baths. Special rates, $1.50 up dally; $8 to $17.59 weekly, including choice table, sup plied from own farm. White service, orchestra, ballroom, tennis courts, gar age. Booklet mailed. THE WILTSHIRE £2g»* »5- c ;» j view. Capacity 350; private baths, ele vator. porches, etc. Special rates, sls up weekly. $2.50 up daily. American plan. Every convenience. Open all year. Auto meets trains. Booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS. HOTEL KINGSTON Ocean Ave., Ist hotel (100 feet) from Beach. Cap. 250; elevator; bathing from hotel; distinctive table and service; $2.50 up daily; sl2 up weekly. Special family rates. Garage. Booklet. M. A. LEYRER, HOTEL WILLARD New York Ave. overlooking the ocean. Private baths; running water in everv room. etc. $2 per day and up; special weekly. Booklet on request. R. H. KILPATRICK. HOTEI, KENTUCKY WITH FIREPROOF ADDITION Kentucky Ave.. Near Beach. Capacity 400. 50 rooms with hot and cold run ning water; 35 with private bath. Tel ephone and electric lights in every room. Elevator from street level. Fine dance floor, and table unexcelled. Send for booklet and points of interest. $2 TO $4 DAILY; $l,O TO $17.50 WEEKLY. AMERICAN PLAN. N. B. KENNADY, Proprietor. antic -C i TY;N. J. rHj/ftoteland Sanatorium! ! sip Noted for it\s superior | table and service, i r.L.VOUNG.CertManaqei: $1.50 up Dally. 98.00 up Wkly. Am. Plan, OSBORNE Pacific and Arkansas Aves., near Beach. Kle. vator. Hot and cold running water in rooms. Pri vate baths. Bathlnor from house Fxcellent tahl«. ; Capacity 300. Booklet MECKLY & FETTER. : Mississippi Ave. Fourth house from j beach. 26th year same management. I $1.25 day up. Bathing from house, i RUTH ALEX. STEE& THE MACDONALD 37 So. North Carolina Ave. Central. Near Beach. $2-00 up dally, $9 up weekly. Mrs. W. O. Macdonald. form erly of 25 So. Arkansas Ave. MILLER £C T ™£»ANle 1 * 9..ISN.GEORGIA AVE.ArLCITY.N. \ Scrupulously clean: electric lighted throughout. White »ervlce. Hot and cold water baths. SI.EO up dally, $8 up weekly. Established 37 years. Book i let. HOTEL MAJESTIC £l? h n \Z o \ t * ed throughout; centre of attractions; ocean view; capacity 300; elevator, private bath*, whlie service, «-c.; su perior table. Ppedal J12.50 up weekly: $2 up dally. Booklet. M. A. SMITH,
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