UTICA HERE FOR SHORT SERIES-RECORD ENTRIES FOR TENNIS TOURNAMENT ROBERTSON STILL LEADS NATIONALS Speaker Tops Batsmen in the American League; Carey, of Pirates, Best Stealer Chicago, 111., July 29.—Dave Robert son still holds the lead among the Na tional League batters. Carey, Pitts burgh. is ahead in stolen bases with 31; Flack, Chicago, in sacrifice hits with 28; Williams, Chicago, in home runs with 10 and in total bases with 148, and Burns, New York, in runs scored with 59. Cincinnati leads in club batting with .254. The leading batters are: Robertson, New York, .340; Daubert, Brooklyn, .320; Wagner, Pittsburgh. .317; Chase, Cincinnati, .314; Zimmer man. Chicago. .309; Hornsby, St. Louis, .306; Long, St. Louis. .306; Hinchman, Pittsburgh. .304; Wheat, Brooklyn, .303; Schulte, Chicago, .303; Whitted, Philadelphia. .303. Leading pitchers for sixteen or more game: National Pitchers Earned Won. Lost. Runs. Hughes, Boston 11 2 2.30 Marquard, Brooklyn . 5 1 .1.65 Pfeffer, Brooklyn .... 16 5 1.88 Alexander, Philadelphia 18 6 1.46 Mammaux, Pittsburgh 14 5 1.74 Coombs. Brooklyn .... 9 4 3.53 Rixey, Philadelphia .. 10 5 2.27 Benton, New York ... 8 4 3.58 Jacobs. Pittsburgh ... 4 2 1.70 Seaton, Chicago 7 5 3.11 American League In the American League Cobb took second place in batting. Speaker still holds the lead. Weaer, Chicago, took the lead in sacrifice hits with 27; Cobb remained in front in stolen bases with 36, no gain over last weelt; Baker's still is topmost figure in home runs, while Speaker leads in total bases with 173 and in runs scored with 69 . De troit is ahead in team hitting with .256. Leading batters: Speaker, Cleveland, .391; Cobb. De troit, .361; Jackson. Chicago, .347; Sevcroid, St. Louis, .303; Burns, De troit, .301. American Twirlcrs Earned Won. Lost. Runs. Culiop, New York .... 9 1 1.51 Morton, Cleveland .... 11 2 1.92 C. Williams, Chicago .. 8 3 2.27 Mays. Boston 10 4 1.83 Coveleskie, Cleveland . 12 6 2.44 H. Coveleskie. Detroit .13 7 1.84 Ruth, Boston 14 *S 2.2 8 Russell, Chicago 10 6 1.48 Shawkey, New York ..11 7 1.79 Johnson, Washington . 17 11 2.03 Harrisburg Buys Brown; New Men Report to Utica Harrisburg has purchased J. Donald Brown, of the New York Americans, to play with the local team. Brown is a left fielder and it is said will probably be sold at tho close of the season. Brown has been playing with the team for several weeks, but the club was only notified of the deal last night. Several other purchases are contem plated. Thomas V. Bryant, a former Cornell pitcher, reported to Utica to-day. He has been under contract with Utica all season, but failed to report. Reed, a third baseman, of Harris burg, and Buck, a pitcher, of Utica, were both suspended. Chick Farrell. who has been ill at Scranton, will probably take part in the series with Utica, starting here to-day. Planing Mill Comes Back; Take Game From Smith Shop After losing Monday's game to the Smith Shop by the score of 1 to 0, Planing Mill came back strong yester day and defeated the Smith Shop in a one-sided game by the score of 9 to 1, the Planing Mill taking advantage of the Smith Shop's weakness in the field by scoring nine runs on five hits. "Patsy" Finfrock pitched his usual good game for the mill and after the first inning was never in trouble, at the same time striking out three men and allowing only four scattered hits. Gilday was wild, walking three men. His support was of a ragged nature. Bricker's fielding. Lutz's two base hit, Snyder's tw v o hits, Matter's fielding were the bright spots of the game. Score by innings: Smith Shop 1 0 0 0 o—l 4 3 Planing Mill .... 3 0 6 0 o—9 5 0 Batteries Planing Mill. Finfrock and Rhoads; Smith Shop, Gildav and Colestock. ARMSTRONG TAKES TEN NIS LEAD Boston, Mass., July 29. Clarence J. Griffin, of San Francisco, who won an unlooked for victory over H. Xorris Williams, 2d, of Philadelphia, former national tennis champion, in the early stages of the Longwood singles play, was himself the victim of a sensational upset in the fourth round of the tourna ment, yesterday. Griffin was defeated by J. J. Arm strong, of Philadelphia, in five sets, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. Armstrong's well rounded game was more than a match for the Californian's smashing tactics, and the Philadelphian's well-placed drive repeatedly caught Griffin out ot position. Greater Harrisburg Tennis Tournament The tournament will start on August 1, Tuesday. All prelimi nary and first rounds of men's singles must be played on or be fore Saturday, August 5. Matches not played oft by this date will be considered forfeited. Preliminary rounds in all other events must be played on or before August 5. In order that matches be played off by this time, contestants must arrange with opponents as to time and date of individual matches. Contestants must report to offi cial table before playing all matches in order to be assigned to a court. All scores must be re ported her-3 immediately at the conclusion of each match. The tournament will be governed by the rules of the United States National Lawn Tennis Association and under these rules all foot taults will te called. A foot fault occurs where the server steps on or above the service line "while serving. ,Pla>ers are cautioned to remember this rule, as it is im portant. The time for entrance in the ladies' doubles has been extended to August a, Wednesday. Changes or additions to the above regulations and any infor mation with respect to the tourna ment due to weather conditions, etc., will be posted here and also announced through the newspapers. Anna S Cubbison, Elizabeth Killinger, Anne Sweeney, Katherine Sweeney, Charles E. Dasher, Martin Keet, Edward Moore, Harry Shreiner, J. Douglas M. Royal, Tournament Committee. SATURDAY EVENING," Baseball Summary; Where They Play Today WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY Xew York State League Utica at Harrisburg. Binghamton at Elmtra. Wilkes-Barre at Scranton. Syracuse at Albany. National League Chicago at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh at New York. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. St. Louis at Boston. American League Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at St. Louis. Boston at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. Dauphin-Perry League Dauphin at Marysville. Newport at Duncannon. Millersburg at Halifax. Motive Power League Trenton at Harrisburg. Wilmington at Philadelphia. Meadows at Camden. New York at Baltimore. Dauphin-Schuylkill League Tower City at Tremont. Williamstown at Lykens. WHERE THEY PLAY TOMORROW New York State League Harrisburg-Utica, scheduled for two games Monday. Elmira at Wilkes-Barre. Syracuse at Albany. Binghamton-Scranton, scheduled for two games Monday. National League No games scheduled. American League Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at St. Louis. Boston at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. WHERE THEY PLAY MONDAY New York State League Utica at Harrisburg, two games. Binghamton at Scranton, two games. Syracuse at Albany. Elmira at Wilkes-Barre. NaUoual League Chicago at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh at New York. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. St. Louis at Boston. American League Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at St. Louis. Boston at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. RESULTS OF YESTERDAY'S GAMES New York Stute League Harrisburg, 1; Utica, 0 (first game). Utica, 2; Harrisburg. 0 (2nd game). Binghamton, 7; Elmira, 0 (first game). < Binghamton, 4; Elmira, 1 (second game). Wilkes-Barre, 6; Scranton, 1 (first game). Wilkes-Barre, 10; Scranton, 4 (sec ond game). Syracuse, 4; Albany, 0. National League Phillies, 5; Pittsburgh, 2. Brooklyn, 9; St. Louis, 5. Boston, 2; Chicago, 1. New York, 3; Cincinnati, 2 (10 in nings). American League St. Louis, S; Philadelphia, 6. Detroit, 3; Washington, 0. Boston. 3; Cleveland, 2. New York, 5; Chicago, 3. International League Montreal, 10; Rochester, 4. Buffalo, 5; Toronto, 4 (first game). Toronto, 3; Buffalo, 2 (2d game). Baltimore-Newark, game postponed. Richmond-Providence, rain. Allison Hill League Stanley, 4; Reading, 2. Capitol Hill League Health Dep't, 12; Auditor General Dep't, 6. Blue Ridge League Chambersburg, 5; Hanover, 1. Hagerstown, 5; Frederick, 1. Martinsburg, 5; Gettysburg, 2. Lucknow Shop League Planing Mill, 9; Smith Shop, 1. STANDING OF THE TEAMS New York State League _, . W. L. Pet. Binghamton 52 30 .635 Syracjuse 50 37 .575 Elmira 43 42 .506 Scranton 36 .36 .500 Wilkes-Barre 36 39 ,4SO Utica 40 44 .475 Albany 35 45 .438 Harrisburg 30 49 .380 National League r> 1 t Pct - Brooklyn 51 33 .607 Boston 45 35 .563 Philadelphia 47 37 .560 New York 41 43 .488 Chicago 43 47 .478 Pittsburgh 39 45 .464 St. Louis 40 si 459 Cincinnati 3 7 54 [407 American League X- , W - L - Pet- New York 53 38 .582 Boston 52 38 .578 Cleveland 50 49 sjq Chicago 50 42 543 gffoit I 50 45 ; 5 26 Washington 47 44 516 Philadelphia 19 g6 "4 Dauphin-Perry League W. L. Pet Marysville 10 2 833 Dauphin 9 4 'cqo Halifax 8 6 '.571 Newport 6 7 4^2 Duncannon 3 10 '231 Millersburg 3 i 0 [931 Lucknow Shop League . w - L. . Pet. Clerks 15 5 750 Planing Mill 14 6 700 Smith Shop 10 9 '526 Federals 1 2 0 .04 8 Blue Ridge League W. L. Pet. Hanpver 34 27 .557 Chambersburg .... 34 27 557 Hagerstown 33 ->9 '53, Martinsburg 32 32 *SOO Frederick 27 3G Gettysburg 24 34 414 Allison Hill league W. L. Pet Galahads 11 7 611 ' Rosewood 10 7 'SBB | tan 'fy 9 8 i 529 Reading 5 i 3 278 Dauphin-Schuylkill League W. L, Pet WlUlamatown 12 8 600 Lykens 11 9 ; 550 Tremont 8 8 .500 Tower City 7 13 350 Capitol Hill League W. L. Pet Highway 3 0 1000 Health 2 0 1000 L. and I. . ........ 1 1 500 Game Commission. 1 1 500 Insurance 0 2 !000 Auditor General 0 2 .000 Ehmke Goes to Detroit After League Season Ends Special to the Telegraph Syracuse. N. Y.. July 29. Howard Ehmke, leading pitcher in the New lork State League, with nineteen vic tories and five defeats to date, yester day was sold by the Syracuse club to the Detroit American League team. The price was not announced, but Manager O Neill said that it was the biggest sum ever paid for a pitcher 11. the State League. It is believed thai about $4,000 was the sum. Pitcher Boehler, of the Tigers, will come here in part payment. Ehmke will not Join Detroit until after the close of the State League season, September 10. TOURNAMENT TO START TUESDAY Drawings Show Record Num ber of Entries; Rules For Men's Doubles With a record entry list the annual city tennis tournament will start at Reservoir Park courts on Tuesday. Drawings were made last night at the office of the Harrisburg Park Commis sioner and showed 246 aspirants for honors this year. This is the largest number of entries recorded in several seasons. The entry list for the women's doubles is not up to expectations and for tliis reason applications for this event can be made up to Wednesday, August 2. Tho first round of the men's singles must be plajed off not later than August 5. The drawings follow: Men's Singles C. Koqjis vs. E. Bortell; A. Baturin vs. A. S. Ellenberger; George Trump vs. Morton J. Kay; G. S. Keebes vs. J. C. Beck; D. P. Griffin vs. D. H. Kunkel; J. Swartz vs. J. A. Handshaw; G. McAlister vs. J. Vogler; E. Glace vs. E. Shaeffer; W. R. Shearer vs. Edgar Clark; J. D. Green vs. J. Levan; C. H. Kreider vs. Paul W. Kreider; C. Sauers vs. W. Denny; George Shreiner vs. J. Montgomery; George Beard vs. Ver non Widder; W. McCreath vs. D. J. Hoffert; Samuel Sherman vs. Charles Pollock; Vaugn Ahl vs. Richard Rob inson; Isaac Mayer vs. Francis Shreiner; A. fc. Black vs. W. M. Kunkel; A. E. Beck vs. Charles E. Dasher; Glenwood Beard vs. C. R. Small; H. Musselman vs. S. Nissley; E. Edward Moore vs. H. Collins; V. Fagcr vs. J. D. M. Royal; S. Ed. Hannestedt vs. J. P. Senseman; D. Roberts vs. Nelson Shreiner; Robert B. Shreiner vs. M. F. Frasch; M. F. Mil nor vs. Charles B. Fager; "Porky" Widenmeyer vs. M. Philips; J. McCaleb vs. F. Keener; H. Fink vs. K. Rich ards; E. P. Kerper vs. W. D. Flesher. Men's Doubles J. Levan and Miller vs. F. Shreiner and partner; Samuel Sherman and J. Green vs. C. R. Small and I. Mayers; C. Sauers and K. Richards vs. G. S. Reeves and partner; W. Shearer and partner vs. A. S. Black and partner; Bortell and Ellenberger vs. Joe Vogler and partner; G. Beard and partner vs. M. J. Kay and S. Kay; W. E. Detweiler and A. Eckenroae vs. C. Bickel and A. Bodmer; V. Fager and C. Fager vs. H. Fink and J. F. Senseman; J. C. Beck and C. E. Beck vs. Edgar Clark and partner; B. C. Welker and E. W. For ney vs. Nelson Shreiner and H. S. Niss ley; M. Philips and partner vs. W. M. Kunkel and D. H. Kunkel; W. McCreath and Pollock vs. Paul Kreider and C. H. Kreider; E. Glace and M. Frash vs. D. Griffin and H. Mussel man: S. Ed. Moore and Ed. Hannestad vs. E. Yingst ana K. Boyd; M. F. Mil nor and partner vs. W. D. Flesher and F. Keener; George W. Trump and George Shreiner vs. Ed. Hauck and D. Sowers; H. Collins and partner vs. E. Mosher and G. Orem; D. Roberts and J. Montgomery vs. Lutz and Reebes; J. Speakma nand Yingst vs. Dasher and Royal; J. McCaleb and D. Dough erty vs. "Porky" Widenmeyer and part ner; R. Robinson and V. Widder vs. G. Beard and R. Shreiner. Mi.veil Doubles Floyd Keener and partner, bye; M. Philips and partner vs. M. Black and D. Griffin; H. Collins and partner vs. K. Sweeney and \V. MoCreath; J. D. Royal and partner vs. Catherine Mar tin and E. Dougherty; Robert Shreiner and .partner vs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levan; Glen Widder and partner vs. George Shreiner and partner; F. Shreiner and partner vs. Helen Crook and G. Trump; T. Johnson and J. D. Green vs. Heckert and C. E. Beck; Mrs. Chris Sauers and G. Beard vs. C. Fager and partner; G. S. Reeves and partner vs. Margaret Pollock and partner; George Beard and partner vs. Rosie Sheffer and Joe Vogler; H. Musselman and partner vs. V. Fager and partner; Edgar Clark and partner vs. Almeda Yahn and partner; "Porky" Weidenmeyer and partner .vs. M. Sheesley and Frasch; Mrs. John Runkle and partner vs. Florence Scholl and C. Dashner; C. Polleck and R. Starry, bye. Ladies' Singles Florence Scholl vs. Ruth Starry; K. Sweeney vs. M. Moltz; Elizabeth Smith vs. Almeda C. Yahn; Helen Robinson vs. Margaret Polleck; Catherine Mar tin vs. Mildred Runkle; Lucille Beard vs. Mildred Sheesley; Rosie Scheffer vs. Mrs. John Runkle; Marion Black vs. Helen Heckcrt. FOOBS'TS?" AMAZING BUT RARELY SUSPECTED TRUTHS ABOUT THE THINGS YOU EAT By ALFRED W. McCANX CHAPTER 89 Ridiculous objections arc advanced by commercial defenders of denatured ' bread and cereal foods through the declaration that such foods "will not keep." Of course they "will not keep." Nature intends food to lie consumed, not to be kept. Meat, butter, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables "will not keep" unless the operation of Nature's laws are suspended, as in the case of preserved l'oods. Nevertheless, all whole grain foods WIIX keep. The way to keep tlieni is described here. "But," says the enemies of the bread-and-cereal reform movement, "when we talk to the cereal dealer or the miller about natural breakfast foods, natural whole wheat meal, un degerminated corn, unpearled barley, and natural brown rice they tell us that it is impossible to successfully market breakfast foods, whole meat meal, or any of the other grains in their natural state, because in such state they become stale and spoil, or during the hot, germinating months are subject to weevil infestation." The dealer declares that when the housekeeper buys a stale package in fested with weevils, moths, or webs she forthwith condemns the product | as a class and will have nothing more to do with it henceforth, forever. These are extraordinary objections. The attitude of the cracker baker, the coffee roaster, the egg dealer, the milk man, and the bread man reveals the worthlessnes3 of such objections. Crackers, coffee, eggs, milk, bread, and butter are equally perishable products. They, too. become stale or rancid with age, but the dealer does not therefore refuse to put them on the market or to convert them into pofitable business. The coffee man, knowing that his coffee begins to deteriorate the very day it leaves the roasting machine, sees to it that when roasted it reaches the housekeeper as soon as possible thereafter. He resorts to all sorts of hermetically sealed packages to keep it fresh and fragrant. The cracker baker sees to it that his crackers reach the housewife fresh and crisp, and the bread man makes arrangements to have his bread reach her while it is fresh. Coffee, bread, eggs, milk and but- HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ISLANDERS HOME FOR LONG SERIES Divide Honors With Utica in Final Games of Scries; Huenke Stars Harrisburg is home for a week's stay unless the schedule undergoes another change. Utica starts a series to-day and will be followed by Syracuse. The game this afternoon was preceded with a battle royal between the Harris burg Motive Power team and-the Tren ton contenders for the Pennsylvania Railroad League pennant contenders. Owing to the inability to play two games to-day there will be a double header on Monday. Pitcher Huenke was a big star in the final series at Utica yesterday. He won his first game, score, 1 to 0; and lost the second, 2 to 0. The Utes an nexed but six hits in the two games. Harrisburg's sensational fielding was again in evidence and the pace set by the Cockill crew made the Utica bunch move fast. Mills Hits Timely Mills drove in tho winning run in the ninth inning. Harrison reached first on an error, and went to second on a sacrifice by Downey. Harrisburg lost an opportunity in the eighth in ning of the first game, but the hidden ball trick was worked on Wheat. Ring held Harrisburg without a hit for six innings in the second. Only IS men faced him. Cook started the seventh with a pass, but there was nothing doing, Utica having annexed two runs early and cinched the game. The scores: First Game HARRISBURG AB. R. H. O. A. E. Cook. 2b 3 0 0 3 4 0 Layden, c.f 3 0 0 2 0 0 Brown, l.f 4 0 0 2 0 0 Harrison, r.f 4 1 1 4 0 0 Downey. 3b 3 0 0 0 l o Elliott, ss 4 0 0 1 2 0 Mills, lb 4 0 1 9 0 1 Wheat, c 4 0 2 6 1 0 Huenke, p 2 0 1 0 1 0 Totals 31 1 5 27 9 1 UTICA AB. R. H. O. A. E. Bruggy, r.f., 4 0 1 4 0 0 McConnell, 2b. ... 4 0 1 1 4 0 Corcoran, ss 3 0 0 3 2 1 Wagner, l.f 3 0 0 0 0 0 Brower, lb 3 0 011 0 0 Reichle. c.f 3 0 0 2 0 1 Catiz. 3b 3 0 0 1 3 0 Clougher, c 3 0 0 5 0 0 Sherry, p 3 0 1 0 3 0 Totals 29 0 3 27 12 2 Harrisburg .. 00000000 I—l Utica 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 o—o Stolen bases, Harrison, Corcoran. Sacrifice hits. Cook, Downey. Left on base, Harrisburg 7, Utica 3. First base on errors, Harrisbursr 2, Utica 1. Base on balls, off Huenke, 1: off Sherry. Hits and earned runs, off Huenke. 3 hits, no runs, in 0 innings; oft Sherry, 5 hits, no runs, in 9 innings. Struck out, by Huenke, 3; by Sherry, 4. Um pire, Lewis. Time, 1.43. Second Game HARRISBURG AB. R. H. O. A. E. Cook, 2b 3 0 0 3 1 0 Layden, c.f 2 0 0 4 0 0 Brown, l.f 4 0 1 2 0 0 Harrison, r.f 3 0 0 1 0 0 Downey. 3b 4 0 n 1 l o Elliott, ss 3 0 1 3 1 1 Mills, b 3 0 1 6 0 0 Wheat, c. . 3 0 (1 4 1 0 Huenke, p 3 0 0 0 4 1 Totals 28 0 5 24 8 2 UTICA AB. R. H. O. A. E. Bruggy, r.f 1 0 0 X 1 0 McConnell, 2b. ... 3 0 0 2 1 0 Corcoran, ss 4 0 1 1 1 0 Wagner, l.f 3 1 0 2 0 0 Brower, lb 3 1 2 7 1 0 Reichle, c.f 3 0 0 4 0 0 Catiz, 3b 3 n 0 0 1 0 Clouglier, c 3 o 0 9 1 1 Ring, p 3 0 0 1 3 0 Totals 28 2 3 27 9 i Harrisburg ... 00000000 o—o Utica 0 0 00 020 0 x—2 Home run, Erower. Sacrifice hit, McConnell. Double play, Bruggy to Brower. Left on base, Harrisburg, 5: Utica, 5. First Vase on error, Utica, 1. Base on balls, off Huenke, 3; off Ring, 4. Hits and earned runs, off Huenke, 3 hits, 1 run, in 9 innings. Hit by pitcher, by Huenke (Bruggy) Struck out, by Huenke, 4; by Ring, 7. Um pire, Lewis. Time, 1.21. ter, because they are perishable, are handled accordingly. Whole wheat will keep for years. So will whole barley, whole corn, whole oats, and whole rice. These grains do not spoil until they are ground. Then they spoil during the hot. germinating months. The Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture, has gone to considerable trouble to discover the processes whereby nat ural brown rice may be kept free from weevil infestation. It is the old story repeated. Man, in his vain attempt to improve upon the wise provisions of Mother Na ture, usually succeeds in achieving failure. The scientist is puzzled indeed when he is obliged to begin in the middle and work in both directions at the same time. Science will probably find no means for preventing the weevil from attack ing natural brown rice. Nature has already provided this means and science up to this writing spurns na ture's device. In order to protect rice from the season of its growth to the season when it is consumed nature covers it with a hard shell in which it keeps indefinitely. Thousands of yeirs ago Pharaoh took notice of this fart, and for the benefit of his people stored rice in the granaries of Egypt, permitting the grain to remain in the shell in which nature had placed it. Not rice alone, but wheat, corn, and barley were held unwinnowed, some times for years, to provide against famine. The suggestion of the United States Department of Agriculture that nat ural brown rice be treated with the fumes of hydrocyanic acid was un known to the stewards of ancient Egypt. Yet they kept their grains intact until needed for the food of man. Nowadays we winnow nil our rice in a heap, thereby exposing it to the attacks of insects against which na ture has protected tt with a shell. Man places a shell in the form of a glass bottle, a glass jar, or a tin •can around any animal or vegetable product which he wishes to protect from the attack of living organisms. He knows that if he removes this WELSH OUTPOINTS BENNY LEONARD Veteran Aggressive Through out Ten Rounds; Pride of Gotham Starts Well Brooklyn. N. Y., July 29.—Freddie Welsh, lightweight champion of the world, redeemed himself with a ven geance here last night at the Washing ton Sporting Club, when he outpointed Benny Leonard, the Pride of Gotham, in ten hard rounds. The veteran title holder displayed much better form than in his previous bout with Leonard, which was won by the latter. Welsh was aggressive throughout last night's, fight and never gave Leonard a chance to get set and bring- across his heavy punches. Leonard got away to a good start, but the wise veteran saved his strength for a grand finish and he earned the honors by a narrow margin. Previous to the start of the bout Charlie White, the Chicago star, who meets Welsh in a bout to a decision on Labor Day in Colorado, was intro duced, and the bis crowd gave him a warm welcome. Welsh weighed In at pounds, while Leonard scaled 132 M. Strunk Still There With His Old "Pep" iir onuimmuiiiiiiynii 11 mniiiiiiiin Biimini 'in mi AMOS S 7786W/C Veteran outfielder of the Athletics, is the riddled Mackmen's best bet. Not only is Strunk fielding everything that comes his way, but he is batting well and running bases with considerable success. He is the "pep" member of the Athletic machine. SALE OF BARONS HELD UP Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. July 29. Just about the time that Sheriff George F. Buss was ready to conduct a sale of the Wilkes-Barre Club, of the New York State League, a restraining order came from the United States District Court which temporarily delayed the sale. Minority stockholders had fore closed a judgment and sought to oust Peter Noonan from control as manager and president. Noonan pulled a sur prise by going into bankruptcy. Fol lowing this act came a restraining order, which delayea the sale until th« bankruptcy proceedings are disposed of. President John H. Parrell was here, but he declared that the baseball situa tion is not greatly muddled. XO SERVICE TO-MORROW Marysville, Pa., July 29.—N0 preach ing services will be held in the Meth odist Episcopal Church this Sunday. The pastor, the Rev. S. B. Bidlack, is at Picture Rocks, Pa., where he is attending the funeral of his mother in-law. GIjEXYALE CHURCH PICNIC | Marysville. Pa., July 29.—Glenvale ] Church of God is holding its annual i picnic at Rhine-hart's Woods, about I three miles from Marysville, to-day. I artificially constructed 6hcll from his | product .the laws of nature will op erate and it will be destroyed. : If we really desire uncontaminated | oatmeal free from rancidity, unde ! germinated cornmeal, sweet, whole j some, and flavorful, whole wheat meal | containing bran, red dog and germ, unpearlcd barley or natural brown ! rice, we- must not prepare a year's i supply In advance. The secret of keeping these grains sweet and wholesome Is to prepare them at reasonable intervals. By grinding more frequently in smaller i quantities and dating our product we may bring it to the people as nature intended it to be used. The mere fact that large sums of money have been invested in great business enterprises for profit should not impose upon the world any ever lasting obligation to eat denatured breakfast food and lifeless bread in order that the breakfast food factory, the miller, and the baker may declare larger dividends. As the coffee man, the cracker man, the egg man, the butter man, and the milk man have solved their problems, so. too, the world asks that its grain problem be solved. Let not the overcoat which nature throws about the seeds of the grasses of the field, thus protecting them from rain, dust, and decay, be re moved until the people are ready to eat. When tho wir-dom of this advice is seen the great American bread eater, the child of the poor, will have stur dier limbs, rosier cheeks, brighter eyes, and a happier heart. Perhaps also there will be fewer cases of that dread affliction of children and adults —infantile paralysis. V/omen Motorcycle Riders Half Way to Coast The Van Buren girls of New York city who caused a stir of interest among motorcyclists of the United States a few weeks ago by announc ing their determination to ride to the Pacific coast On solo Indians, being the first women ever to attempt such a long ride on single machines, have al ready completed half the course. They reached Chicago July 17 after acquir ing much experience in riding sandy roads on the way, which would pre pare them for the rough going West of ihe Mississippi. They get much help along the route from dealers in the motorcycle busi ness who admire their courage. They expect to roach San Francisco In Au gust. JULY 20, 1916. WELLY'S k CORNER President J. H. Farrell of the New York State League denies that the or ganization is shaky because of poor attendance at games. He calls atten tion to the class of games plaked all over the circuit; the pace being set by Harrisburg; and adds that the fran chises are too valuable to permit a quitting game at this time. •It is probable that wise heads will get together for tho rejuvenation of the New York State League. If the game is to be made popular new rules will have to be made. The schodule is a badly mussed up affair and rather costly to some teams. It is also irreg ular in that it gives some teams more games. With two new towns a prob ability an opportunity will be af forded for needed changes in the con duct of the affairs of the league. Harrisburg's work has brought local lA(mi<seMer)T«s "The Phantom," at the Colonial to day, is a detective drama, with just enough love re * rank Keenan mance interwoven to „ make it enjoyable. Colonial Today Fay Tincher, the .. . , clever little comedi enne that has appeared in a number of other features, will be on the same bill in a two-reel Keystone comedy en titled, "Bedelia's Bluff." Monday and Tuesday Douglas Fairbanks, the fellow that always brings a new load of hap piness with him, whenever he comes to town, will be shown in a new five-part feature, "Flirting With Fate." In this new picture he thought there was noth ing to live for when the girl he wanted to marry became engaged to another man. So he hired a professional as sassin to end it all. But when the girl changed her mind Fairbanks dared not go near enough to the assassin to tell him of his desire for life. A new two reel Keystone comedy will be on the same program. The Victoria presents to-dav what is said to be a new and original sort of ....... .. .. photoplay dealing "What Happened with crooks and ?< -2," their various meth- Victoria Today ods of flimilam , , , ruing- people. This expose takes place in "What Happened at 22." Francis Nelson and Arthur Ash ley are featured in this unique film play. Every Saturday "The Mishaps of Musty Suffer" are shown. For Monday Madame Olga Petrova in "The Scarlev Woman. To-day's presentation at the Regent is "The Highest Bid," in which Wil liam Russell is featur "Tlie Highest ed. Hid," at the In addition to "The Resent Today Highest Bid" tho sixth chapter of "Gloria's Romance" (Hidden Fires), featuring Billie Burke, will be shown. Gloria, be gins to convalesce under the skillful treatment of Dr. Royce. who dearly loves Gloria, but she is entirelv infatu ated with Richard Frenau, a thorougn cad. One of his old flames learns of his intrigue with Mrs. David Stafford, Gloria's sister-in-law, and writes an anonymous letter to Stafford, warning him to watch his wife. All Roads Lead To Hershey Park f Sunday, July 30 A special prepared menu, including chicken and waffles will be served on tho cool veranda of the Big Cafe. The mam moth pool, with its yv sanitary draining, is being enjoyed by Y® ~ hundreds daily.* Sacred Band Concert with vocal spe | cialties by H. >l. Bender, of Chicago. Automobiles Parked Free. 4^ # KING 0 CAR 5c CIGARS and get that cigar enjoyment that comes only from uniform high qual ity, This 25-year-old quality brand is pleasing thousands of smokers daily. Why not you, right now? JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Harrisburg, Pa. ZmmvaEmwmtmm —■■ i—n ■■ i umm» patrons to a proper observance of what is going on. Patronage means a whole lot to Georgo Cockill, Walter Blair and the players, not only for the balance of this season but for next sea son. Th»" record entry list for the annual City Tennis Tournament indicates a lively contest in all classes at Reser voir Park courts. Unusual interest is manifested this year, and j.he out-of town entries are attracting much at tention. The Allison Hill League had another interesting game last evening. The Stanley's defeated Reading, scorce 4 to 2. Elsenour allowed but two hits. Wilkes-Barre handed a. double de feat to Scranton yesterday and now Bill Coughlin will have to get after more new players. With Ehrake work ing in four yesterday, Syracuse won over Albany, score 4 to 0. POPULAR BALL PLAYER DEAD Newark, N. J.. July 29. William E. ("Kid") Mahling, widely known several years ago as shortstop in what is now the International Baseball League, dropped dead of heart disease at his homo hero yesterday. Mahling was born in Cleveland 37 years ago and was voted the most popular player in his league. 1 Prospect Hill Cemetery I M AISKF.T AND 2IITH STREETS | This cemetery is soon to be en [ larged and beautified under plan? (prepared by Warren H. Manning. Lots will be sold with the per petual caru provision. I Prospect Hill Cemetery Co. j Herman P. Miller* j LOCUST AND CO (JUT STUEUTS J BELL PIIONE 1505 AMUSEMENTS / —^ Grand Theater 1426 DERRY STREET TO-NIGHT Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne, In "THE WALL BETWEEN," a quality Metro feature. Also a Sidney Drew Comedy. The great Patlie Xe«» Reel Every Friday nud Saturday. 111 I ■ M ■ I m ■ ■ ■ i 11^^—— To-day only, WILLIAM RUSSELL In u story of love and liiKh finance, "THE HIGHEST BID" Added Attraction Otli chapter of Billie Burke In "Gloria"* Romance," also Bray Cartoons. Monday and Tuesday, FAXNIB WARD, in "A GUTTER MAGDA- G ® £J**l BOCKEDTHSOUfcI >- HB COMPANY or PMI LA. /iv ■ T| MM pr JOES u f jy£QUALOF SO PIECE. ORCHm^f yj J jfS TO-DAY ONLY 3 b •&!■£ " WHAT HAPPENED X-&K a sensational live-act '' drnniu of mystery, love and romance, featuring f'! ARTHUR ASHLEY & EWrr/* ,FRANCIS NELSON Mondays MADAME PETROVA AMUSEMENTS The Coolest Theatei* in the City TO-DAY FRANK KEENAN uV (Star of "The Way Coward") and ENID MARKET "THE PHANTOM" n story of love and adventure that rivals the famous Itaft'les series. FAY TINCHER in "BEDELIA'S CHOICE" Funny Two-Reel Keystone Comedy MONDAY AND TUESDAY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "FLIUTING WITH FATE" 5
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