12 Why so many r APA >ri n °f « 7 GARAGE Repair tiijmi-w , Bills tjifl ' - A If there's one thing more than another that sours a man against motoring and makes him wish he'd stuck to the horse-and-buggy, it's having to dig down every week or so to pay for some darned thing that has gotten out o' kelter. Correct lubrication will help to keep your car out of the repair shop and your hand out of your purse. Atlantic Polarine is "correct lubrication" Atlantic Motor Oils are to correct lubrication for eight out of ten cars. Under certain con- what Atlantic Gasoline, the accepted standard, ditions. one of the other three principal motor is to correct fuel. In either gas or oil, you oils —Atlantic "Light," Atlantic "Medium" or can tgo wrong on "Atlantic . , . " , ,r u u Drain your crank-case, wrash it out with Atlantic Heavy -may give better results. & )jttle Rayolight on put in a fresh supply of But, in all events, at least one of those four pure, honey-clear Atlantic Motor Oil. You'll oils is the one best suited to your particular have fewer bills for repairs and be glad you needs. Ask your garageman which. took the advice of oil experts. Read up on this subject. We have published a handsome and comprehensive book about lubrication. It is free. Ask your garage for it. If they cannot supply you. drop us a postal and the book will be sent you without charge. upkeep nova ATLANTIC MOTOR OILS THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of Lubricating Oils in the World PHILA jELP I-IIA PITTS BURGH i—III ll I 111 ll \\ a Ask The UijL Merchants r H For Whom ftW | 1.4 To Our IV* Ability We will gladly furnish you ■ with the list, but here's a £ good plan: Notice the clean- I est windows— WE "DID" THEM. Harrisburg Window I Cleaning Co. OFFICE—BOS EAST ST. Bell Phone 35JU EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Troup Building 15 So. Market Sq. Day and Night School I Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stcnotypy, | Typewriting and Penmanship ' Bell 485 Cumberland 240-Y Harrisburg Business College Day and Night Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Civil Service Thirtieth Year 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. Hie OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Sq. Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or send to-day for interesting booklet. "The Art of netting Along la the World." Bell phone 6D4-R. TIME-TABLE Cumberland Valley Railroad In Effect June if. 1916. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 6:03. *7:62 a. m.. *3.40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car lisle, Mechanicsburg and Intermediate stations at *5:03, *7:52, *11.53 a. m.. • 3:40, 5:37. *7:45, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m.. 2:16, 3:26. 6:30, 9.36 p. m. For Dlllsburg at 5:03, *7:52 and •11:53 a. m., 2:16. *3:40. 6:37 and 6:30 p. m. •Daily. All other trains dally except I Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J. H. TONGE. Q. P. A. HEADQIARTBRI FOR SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES Try Telegraph Want Ads j TUESDAY EVENING, 1 Letter Carriers' Memorial at Cemetery May 28 i Plans have been started for the third annual memorial services of Harrisburg Branch No. 500, National Asociation of Letter Carriers, to be held in the East Harrisburg Ceme tery Sunday, May 2S. An appro priate program is being arranged by I a committee with H. C. Young as ; chairman. Addresses and music by | the carriers' double quartet will fea ture the services which will be held in honor of the five of the branch who \ are dead. —————. Great Skin Healer Says Nurse Judge speaking of J ciukes ( /Comiorn V^POWDER/ " For years I have used Sykes Com fort Powder for babies and for bedridden siak patients. It i 3 a great healer for a sore, chafed skin, and for bed sores." —A.M. JUDGE,Trained Nurse, llion.N-Y. : A skilfully medicated powder, sooth ing and agreeable to the most delicate i i ckin, particularly adapted for the skin 1 of infants and children and bedridden j J sick people, though equally efficient for ' any skin irritation or sorenessof adults, ana for general toilet uses. 25 cents. IHE COJtPOET POWDER CO.. Bc-tcn. Mass. Fashion's Choke , I A soft, refined, pcarance. the /Ibj vTSgp chcUe of Ladies of Y Socl«"y, is readily , \ obtained by the ■ use of / Gouraud's ' 2 i / hw\ Oriental y&pL Cream P.cfreshlng'and healing to the skin. The perfect, non-nreasy liquid face cream. Use Iton the hands. Removes dlscclorallons Stnd 1 00. for trial six* 3 FERD. T. HOPKTNS & SON. New V or k City Resorts WERKEKSVILLE, PA. OALEN HALL Mountains Km. WCRNfRsv,LI E. pa. The Dollghtfal R«»ort Good roads, beautiful scenery and a high class hotel Very fine therapeutic bath*, and maasasce department. Good music. Garagre. Mountain walks and trails. Dry air. lVfe hra. from Phila.. Reading R. R. 4 hra. from N. Y.. Cent, of N. J. R. R. N- Y. Office 243 Fifth Avenue Always open. Howard M.Wing,Mgr. j[ Try Telegraph WanJ Ads ELECTRIC CASES ARE DETERMINED Commissioner Rilling Issues Two Important Rulings in Territory Claims ; The Public Service Commission hasl j made public decisions by Commission- i 1 er Killing dismissing complaints made 'by the Newcastle Electric Company , a <d the Pennsylvania Power Company against the Harmony Electric Com-j | pany that the latter was violating ter | ritory. The decisions are made In lengthy opinions in which Mr. Rilling finds that the Harmony Company, | which was formed by the merger of j some twenty-six companies, was oper- ' t jating in the territories complained of! ] prior to January 1, 1914. It obtained] | rights in Shenango township, Law-1 | rence county, by taking over an elec tric company chartered for that dis trict and did the same in the case of j Wayne township, which is complained j of by the Pennsylvania company. The opinion in the New Castle com ! pany says, "We fail to see any au thority for the claim made by the! complainant that by reason of it hav- | I ing served such territory in Shenango I township, which is adjacent to the I city of New Castle as it had a right on (account of provisions in its charter to | serve such adjacent territory to the \ exclusion of a company properly or j ganized and doing business prior to i January 1, 1914, and having Shenango j | township named as the municipality lin its charter in which to carry on its ! business." FEDERAL AID IN FINDING JOBS By Frederic J. Haskin [Continued From Editorial Page] within their jurisdiction. The Post j Office Department is the depository for blanks for use of employers and j wage earners respectively, upon which j to initiate the services offered by the : system: also to furnish information to I the federal officers regarding appli- ] cants. Every one of the 60,000 post | offices In the United States is a con tributing factor in the work, and every ! mall carrier distributes application blanks on request. Suppose that a woman tn North Da- I kota wants a maid of all work. She I I asks the mail carrier for an applica- ; I tion blank, which she Ails out under S his direction. She Is required to give two references as to her own rella j billty, for Uncle Sam believes that the ; ! employer should be recommended as ! well as the employe. A detailed de scription of the work to be done, the j wages to be paid, whether transporta- 1 tlon will be advanced, the probable j permanence of the employment, are 1 some of the details noted upon the application blank. Application by the woman who seeks a position Is made in exactly the same way. The great majority of ] these applications are for places In j domestic service. There seem to be a ! great number of women who are tired I of the industrial struggle of the cities, | and would like to And less trying and j j precarious employment in private ' i homes. Needless to say, there are also j thousands of homes that want their 1 [services. HARJUSBURG TELEGRAPH COUNTIES BOOM 'GOOD ROADS DAY' Reports Received Here Indicate! Great Interest in Improve ment of Highways Delaware, Lancaster, York, Law rence and Cambria county good roads organizations have sent word to the State Highway Department of plans to make affective work on the high ways of the State on State-wide Good Roads day which comes on Thursday of next week. Probably ten other counties have sent notices of calls for" meetings to organize the volunteer workers and the State Bureau of Township Highway has received as surances of co-operation from over 500 supervisors in response to the call made iast week by Deputy Commis sioner J. W. Hunter. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR" ' NEWSIES THAXK FRIENDS To the Editor of the Telegraph: The members of the Harrisburg Newsboys Association wish to express their thanks to the following who helped make their first anniversary a success: Wm. Strouse. Uttley, florist, Schmidt, florist, Hildebrand. florist. Ell Goldstein, E. E. Rutherford, caterer, Sigler Piano Co., C. Floyd Hopkins, James George. Victoria Theater. Dr. D. Punk, R. Brinser, Harrisburg News Agency, Leon Low engard, Goldstein Bros, musicians, Ohev Sholoni congregation, Rabbi Charles J. Kreund, the Rev. E. P. Robinson, Sir. Miller, singer. A committee is making final ar rangements for Newsboys' Day. The newsboys are working hard for base ball uniforms so as to be complete to play Dr. John Price Jackson's team from the Hill. All members are re quested to be present at Tuesday night's meeting. (Signed) SAMUEL, KOPI.OVITZ. Pres. Hbg. Newsboys Ass'n. SUGGESTS A ROSE FESTIVAL To the Editor of the Telegraph: 1 think it is the duty of every pub lic-spirited citizen to be always on the alert to see if they can in any way suggest ideas and assist as far as pos sible in the great plan of public im provements and making our sur roundings more beautiful and at tractive. In the columns of your esteemed paper you have brought before the people the idea of the porch and win dow boxes for flower decoration, which is very ornamental and pretty. * * y „ JAMES EVANS, Who Suggests Rose Festival. In my walks through our city in the month of June I have noticed in the yards of my fellow citizens so many handsome roses going to waste. The thought came to me. why we as a community, for the betterment of mankind and always looking for something in the way of advertise ment to bring to our city the folk from the surrounding territory, could not use these beautiful roses for this purpose. In my trip through the United States some time ago I found different cities had annual events each year to bring the citizens together in a great tournament or festival. Seattle, Washington, has its great Potlach carnival; Portland, Oregon, has a great rose festival lasting al most a week; Pasadena, Calif., a won derful rose tournament on New Year's day; New Orleans the Mardi Gras, Philadelphia the New Year shooters, etc. Why should not Harrisburg, the Capital City of the ggreat Common wealth of Pennsylvania be included in this list of cities for things that are progressive and beautiful. My plan would be as follows: First —Select by a popular vote of the citizens a Hose Queen. Second —Divide the city off into dis tricts. Third—Select one or more persons to collect the roses in each block and t i WHITF The Tonopah Ex it 111 1 Li tension c r o w d . __ (Chas. M. Schwab, C APS I>r - Ward, John G. ~ 113 Kerchln, et al) is making another big mine of this property. Current quota tions around 27c. We look for much higher prices on this slock quickly. Our reasons for this helier, I as well as pertinent comment I on SILVER COPPER ZINC TONOPAHS OATMANS COBAI.TS PORCUPINES GOLDFIEI,Dg INDUSTRIALS are contained in our market letter just issued. It will be HQUTARPAI?iLt!-/gfo, Land Title Building Philadelphia Telephone*: Spruce 4410 80 Broad St. Race ISO New York "Why To Buy Public Utility Bonds?" We have prepared a booklet on this sub ject which is avail able to investors. Free Upon Request Liggett, Hichborn & Co., Inc. 01 Hrondvtn.v. 105 llevonahlre St., NEW YOKK BOSTON U » ■ WW Ufcm 1 "Tri rWtm i — If'i dMfca —■ """i —.< mi . .—fc . mm U_j—^ mm »uiiiij— rrat V IP W* BMW g£ is a happy companion. = 55 It adds to the joy of 3 33 living for millions of fjf 55 people the world over. 3 HI After dining or smoking 3 13 it sweetens the mouth, 3 sll soothes the throat 3 53 removes breath odors. 35 t J Stimulate the flow of saliva 23? help appetite and digestion— cleanse mouth preserve Si teeth: this is the constant message of the Sprightly Send for their free book in hand- SSST some colors —good cheer for young 35 \I and old. Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., ZZZ pk 1609 Kesner Building, Chicago. WRIGLEYSk. Two JWRIGLEYS" JsF Sealed tight kept right - ■' 1 WRAPPED •*' ' r Chew it See alter 1 every better you meat ~l MM _^ CHEWING V' leave them at a given point to be collected. Fourth Have each street of the city represented in the parade by automobiles, wagons, trucks, tire ap paratus or any vehicles that could be advantageously decorated with the roses. I would like this question to be i discussed in the columns of your: esteemed paper and if possible some j concerted action taken to further J develop this idea, by anyone inter-1 ested in the welfare of our 'City| Beautiful. Yours truly, JAMES EVANS. 84 N. Seventeenth St. "Funeral of Protest" in Burial of Strike Victim Cleveland, Ohio, May 16.—With Bur net Rosen, proprietor of a chain of bakeries, his two sons and son-iUTlaw under arrest in connection with the shooting lo death Sunday of Joseph Feld, striking Rosen employes, mem bers of the bakers' union, led by their secretary, carried Feld's body past Rosen's residence and stores yesterday. Folice confiscated two banners which Profits in Oil Stocks Trading in the past two 1 weeks has conclusively proven that investors realize j the enormous profit-making j opportunities in both the j Standard and Independent i Oil Companies. This is manifestly justified j by reason of h I ier prices | for crude and refined oils, important mergers being ef fected, all of which are daily being reflected by unusual market advances which should continue uninterrupt edly. Among the more prominent j independent companies to be ] included in this category are: j SINCLAIR OIL UNITED WESTERN COSDEN and CO. HOUSTON OIL METROPOLITAN PET. I MIDWEST OIL SAPULPA REG. EMPIRE PET. We are prepared to furnish the latest and most accurate details respecting the above and all other active securi ties. Our Weekly Market Review just issued covers their field of operations comprehensively. Write, wire or telephone for details. L. L. Winkelman & Co. 13# S. Brand St.. Phllndelphln Phones: Walnut 6837; Race 2583 Slew York WllmliiKton, Del. I*Hrker*hurff, W. Va. DIRECT WIRES to the VARIOUS , MARKETS MAY lft, lOTfi. the striking bakers carried. Thej read: "Rosen's label —the Mark ot Cain" and "Killed in Battle Between Capital and Labor." But the officers interfered with no other detail of the funeral. The pallbearers carried Ihe body of Feld in a coffin on their shoul ders through crowds which jammed i Ihe streets and were held in check by | police reserves. PATTERSON ELECTED C. B. Patterson, of 515 North Fif teenth street, has been elected business First Mortgage and Collateral Trust 6% Bonds, Due 1926 j Guaranteed as to Principal, Interest, Fund Payments and all other Covenants in the Mortgage by endorsement on each bond by Cities Service Company A first lien, either directly or through ownership, of substantially all of the securities of subsidiary companies on natural gas and oil properties and leaseholds located in the States of Kansas and Oklahoma and in the Joplin District of Missouri and valued by conservative experts at over $27,500,000. None of the companies whose securities are pledged will create any mortgage indebtedness un less pledged to secure these bonds. % , Net earning* of Cities Service Company (in cluding it* undistributed proportion of net earn ing* of Empire Gas & Fuel Company and other subsidiaries) for year ended February 29, 1916, reported as over $4,300,000. These are derived largely from the electric light and power business. ' Market value of Common and Preferred stocks of Cities Service Company as of April 14, 1916, over $60,000,000. Sinking fund payments semi-annually, beginning November 1, 1916, will retire entire issue at or be- i.l fore maturity. Price 100 and Interest, Yielding 6% State Tax refunded to holder* in Pennsylvania Descriptive circular on request. HENRY & WEST BANKERS 1417 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA § Members New York and Philadelphia. Stock Exchanges We always have on hand a list of hl(h-rrade Bonds. a . Correspondence Invited. I I manager of the Penn State Collegian, a weekly paper published by the stu dents. Patterson is a junior at State, and is studying mechanical engineer ing. CASCAROYAI,-P11,1,S CORRECT Most laxative and catharotic medi cines tend to aggravate constipation. Blackburn's Cascaßoyal-Pills really are corrective. Take one each nliiht for a week or two. Right away you'll feel better and soon you'll be cured. ll»c and 25c.—Advertisement.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers