jIELL TOUR WANTS TO 22,000 READERS OF TELEGRAPH WM AlSf ©eatbs her home, Second and Lincoln street-, Funeral services will be helU from her late home Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Friends and relatives ere invited to attend without turther notice. Burial In Baldwin Ceineter>. MARSH Died. May 14, Marsh, at her late home. 226 Liberty V Funeral services will be held from the above address Wednesday after noon. at 2 o'clock. e friends are invited to attend. Burial private in the Harrisburg Cemetei>. Lost and Found LOST Child's hand-embroidered romper suit, on Fourth street, between Market and Walnut, or Walnut, between Fourth and Third, or Third to North. Reward If returned to this office. Help Wanted —Male PATTERN MAKERS WANTED Cood men. Highest wages paid in Philadelphia. Thos. J. Hunter Co.. 310 North Eleventh street, I hilacielphia, HELP WANTED Boiler makers, fcelpers. Good wages, steady work for competent men. %\ rite, or call at, once. New I'ork Central Iron Works. Hagers town, Maryland. WANTED A few high-grade ma chinists on fine light work. Permanent positions with best of working condi tions and highest wages are ottered to steady and industrious men in open shop with modern equipment. Located at Youngstown, Ohio. Trouble over. No war business. Address, stating experi ence and references, to Box A, 4208, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED Men to distribute cir culars. Good wages to good workers. Applv Room 21, Spooner Building, 9 North Market Square, before 7:30 A. M. to-morrow. WANTED Man to take care of lawn. Apply 21 South Nineteenth, City. WANTED Experienced waiter. Ap gfv Superintendent, Harrisburg Club. WANTED A collector; married man preferred; good salary; permanent position. Address F., 4078, care of Telegraph. COUNTRY SCHOOL TEACHER want ed duding the summer months. Pay, sl2o for two months;; $2lO for three months. More if worth more. Address Box S.. 4211, care of Telegraph. COLLEGE MAN WANTED as summer salesman. Not door-to-door canvassing. Good position for good man. Address Box FT 4210, care of Telegraph. WANTED A paperhanger, at once. Apply G. M. Moore, 918 Capital street. WANTED A bookkeeper. Must have several years' experience. Good salary to right party. Address J.. 4077, care of Telegraph. 1 CASUALTY COMPANY WANTS man in Steelton, whole or part time, to col lect and solicit for Health and Accident Insurance with funeral benefit. Ad dress X., 4154, care of Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED for our shoe department; must be thoroughly ex perienced in selling shoes. Apply at once. Superintendent Kaufman's Under selling Store. WANTED An active boy. about 16 years of age, as ice cream maker's r«lper. Good chance to learn to be an ice cream maker. $6.00 a week to start. Hershey Creamery Co.. 401 South Elev enth street. WANTED A good, strong boy, over 16 years old, to work in Dairy. Apply at once. 505 Calder street. SALES MANAGER By large New York corporation for Harrisburg. Must be capable of organizing and manage ment. References. Address C., 4148, care of Telegraph. WANTED A young man to work at soda fountain. Address S., 4138, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man to work on farm. Apply 206 South Thirteenth street. WANTED Erector and repairman in machine shop. Steady employment and Kood wages with chance for ad vancement. Apply in person at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED Boy, oxer 16 years of age. to assist in factory. Harrisburg Apparel Company, over, City Star Laun dry, State street, rear entrance. SHOEMAKERS WANTED Three cutters. Women's work. Steady em ployment 50 weeks in the year. By The Xenia Shoe Mfg. Co., Xenia, Ohio. WANTED At once, experienced pretzel rollers. Apply, C. E. Neith. 338 Keily street. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We give our unlimited course for SSO. easy payments, and guarantee 30c per hour as scon as competent. We have 30 cars to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL, 25-27-29 North Cameron street WANTED Boy, 16 years or over, to work In grocery store. Apply 1601 North Fourth street. WANTED, ADVERTISING SOLICI TOR Steady situation awaits neat appearing man. Must be capable of earning minimum of $2,000 yearly. Preference to man knowing something of labor movements, but not essential. Bond required. Address C., 4076, care of Telegraph. PUDDLERS AND SCRAPPERS Wanted—Can give steady work to a number of good men. All conditions good and no trouble. Paying $5.25 per ton basis. Transportation advanced when necessary. Reply by letter to Lo gan Iron and Steel Company, Burn ham, Pa. / s Foil SALE Two Especially Attractive Suburban Homes v I. A WNTON A most delightful suburban sec tion—2%-story frame house with 9 rooms—bath—hot water heat—elec tric light cemented cellar—large porches. Two-story stable fruit trees. Lot 100x220 ft. This prop erty is in first-class repair. Shown by appointment at your convenience. PAXTAXG A beautiful Snhnrbnn Innn within llarrlsburg'* B-eent fare limit. 2hi story dwelling (new) steam heat and modern in every detail. Large lot.—within easy distance of trollev. You will be more than interested when you inspect the property. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. RBAI, ESTATE Insurance Surety lluinls Locust and C'onrt Streets TUESDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Male WANTED. STENOGRAPHER —Young man, with some experience, for general office work. Apply to General Office, Central Iron and Steel Co. Help Wanted —Female FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WAN'T- Ei. IUI .Uunuay ana Tuesday. Good wages to right party. White woman preierreu. Address S., 4151, care of 'Polygraph. WANTED Young girl for light housework. Apply 314 Chestnut street. WANTED Lady demonstrators for inside and outside work. Salary guar anteed. Apply Miss Heiney, Bolton Hotel, 9 to 12 A. M. WANTED Ladles; SB.OO to SIO.OO weekly at home doing plain sewing for us, sent any distance; stamped envelope for particulars. Norwich Supply Co., Box 611, Stamford, Conn. UNDERWOOD CERTIFICATES again granted to a number of students, the result of our touch method and indi vidual instruction. Enroll for the sum mer. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second. CIGAIIMAKERS WANTED Experi enced machine rollers and bunchmaKers. Steady work guaranteed. Apply Cen tral Cigar Company, 325 South Cameron street. WANTED Ten thoroughly ex perienced operators on power sewing machines on aprons and children's wash suits. Steady work. At Jennings' Mfg. Co.. 414-416 State street. City. WANTED Girl for general house work. \Vages, $5.00 per week and car fare. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Paxtang avenue, Paxtang. WANTED Reliable cook. Apply Superintendent, Harrisburg Club. HONEST country, girl, with fair edu cation, to do light housework and help out in store; must be honest and not afraid of work and a steady worker; wage according to ability; regular job to the right party. Apply in own hand writing to K. G., care of Telegraph. WANTED A neat, reliable, young colored girl for general housework; sleep home at night. Call at once at 1815 Regina street. WANTED. AT ONCE Colored wo man for general housework; no wash ing. Call after 6:30 P. M. at 1529 Green street, City. WANTED Good, steady white girl for family of two. Good home for right girl. Address J. Q. Bender, Lemoyne, WANTED A competent white wo man for general housework in small family; must have good reference, and be willing to spend summer months in country, where are are all mannes of improvements. Apply Room ->o. 1, 14 South Market Square WANTED Working matron for Dormitory work. One with chamber maid experience preferred. Apply in person at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED Experienced sewing-ma chine operators, trimmers and learn ers, to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and typists assisted in securing office em ployment without charge or obligation; register to-day with our Employment Department. The Office Training School, 4 South Market Square. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED—Youngr lady as bookkeep er, one familiar with the typewriter. Address B-4144, care Telegraph. Help Wanted— Male and Female WANTED—We have openings for 12 more bright girls and boys. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN for Altoona. A 1 propo sition to the right man. Address Box 124. Youngstown, Ohio. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Chauffeur wants posi tion; first-class mechanic; prefer a Plerce-Arrow or Packard car. Address S., 4150, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man wants po sition as chauffeur, in private family Call, or address. William Gardner, 665 Brigg.i street. WANTED Position driving delivery Ford or private car. Call Bell phone 1225 J. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Dressmaking and plain sewing of all kinds. Apply 328 North street. WANTED Young woman wisheß to do typewriting and stenographic work at home. Graduate of School of Commerce. Call, or address, Kuth Etter, 1201 Mulberry street. WANTED White, middle-aged wo man wishes day's work of any kind Address L. 4140, care of Telegraph. W ANTED Small washes and iron ing io do at home. Apply 313 Brigtrs street. WANTED Colored woman desires place as cook In hotel, hoardlnghouse or restaurant, or work by the day. Call st 1214 North Seventh street. Real Estate For Sale ! 105 CHESTNUT STREET - Three ! story brick, three sides open, side en trance; good condition; immediate pos session. Apply George Bergner. 504 Bergner Building. MT. GRETNA cottage for sale, or ex change on cflty property. Inquire 192s North Third street. DESIRABLE CAMP HILL, LOTS Priced right. 905 Kunkel Building. KOR SALE Beautiful, new two and-a-half-storv brick residence in one of the finest locations in the city. 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot. 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attic. Hall through center. All Improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Singmaster. Gettysburg. Pa. MARKET STREET FRONTAGE— I Fine location on Market street, between ! Cameron street and P. R. R.. frontage of about sixty feet. Apply in person, ! or by letter, to Miller Brothers &. Co., ' harnnburc, l'a. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, ' Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in | blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, : city. ! FOR SALE ENOLA Southwest | corner Dauphin and Summit Sts., a ! story frame house, 8 rooms and bath,' < furnace, electric light, large corner lot. | Total frontage about 77x150 ft. Fine 1 lawn, good location for business. Will ■ exchange on good city property. H. C. Brandt. 36 North Third street. FOR SALE Two-and-one-half-story frame house, eight rooms, bath and steam heat; large porch and yard, fruit trees. Good location. Apply at 220 Elm street, Steelton. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland SO ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas —electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, : Agents. FOR SALE At a bargain price, 10 per cent, returns. Market street busi i ness property. 906 Kunkel Building. FOR SALE Suburban plot; Valley ! Railways on two sifles: beautiful site with river view; lots for sale at $lO front foot along the trolley; 35 feet frontage by 135 feet deep; just the place for bungalow homes; Ideal for all year around residence; adjoins Enola on the south. Easy terms. Walter H. Cum- I mir.gs, 905 Kunkel Building. City. FOR SALE l3l Evergreen street; i modern brick house; good condition; porch front; 8 rooms and bath. In quire 100 Evergreen street. FOR SALE Modern Penbrook prop erty; city conveniences; electric; gas; fiorch front, side and rear; large corner ot; chickenhouse and fruit. Would con -1 sider exchange on improved cit'- prop erty In West End. Address B„ 4152, j care of Telegraph. NOW Is your time to buy 1223 Mar i ket street brick house with all im provements 4 rooms on first floor [drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., ' Bergner Building. $3,100 WILL BUY a brick house above Maclav street 8 rooms bath gas furnace porch—lot, 15x100 j suitable for garage. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 2046 Berryhill street —2H-story frame 7 rooms I bath eras furnace porch lot, 18x110 - concrete sidewalks—chicken house. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bulld 't g.. $1,900 WILL BUY a frame house at Enola large lot and well located. Also other suburban houses for sale at rea sonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. INSPECT 706 N. Eighteenth street 8-story frame nil Improvements drive alley on rear side entrance concrete rear and side porch. Price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Butlning. FOR SALE Small Grocery and Ice Cream business place In suburban town, doing good business. Apply 0., 4149, care of Telegraph. THE NEW BUNGALOW An entirely new type of Bungalow Houses now being built on Fifth street. This particular type of house has never been built In this city and offers many new advantages in Bun galow architecture in Ideal Houses. Semi-brick and Kellastone construction; slate roofs; tile porches (English); dust proof cellars, laundry, parquet floors; new system of plumbing: scien tific lighting; using only solid brass and silver fixtures; quar tered oak and African Circa slan walnut Sterling laminated flush doors (the finest made door In the world). Houses Fully Equipped Built Under Personal Supervision. Price, $5,600.00. MacWILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., Designers and Builders. 2106 N. 6th Street, Harrlsburg. FOR SALE 1714 Forster Btreet brick and stucco dwelling; 7 rooms; all improvements; steam heat; combination range; granolithic walks; fine location. See us about price. Back enstoss Bros., Russ Building. FOR SALE—67 North Seventeenth street. 3-story brick, 9 rooms and bath, cemented cellar, gas, electric light, furnace, front and rear porches. Lot 16x89. Price. $4,300.00. Brinton-Pack er Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE—I 626 North street. 8- story brick dwellings, 9 rooms and bath, cemented cellar, chestnut and cypress finish, gas, electric light, com bination range, vacuum steam heat, front and rear porches. Lot 21x110, 20- foot paved alley on rear. This property is in first-class condition and we invite inspection. Price, $4,500.00. Brlnton- Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. 1612 FORSTER STREET Three story. brick and stucco. Beautiful neighborhood. Lot, 26x110. Price, In cluding fitted screens, storm windows, hot water coil, cabinet gas range, shades, $3,800. Apply on premises. Real Estate For Rent THREE-STORY brick stable, with cement floor, suitable for stable, gar age or storage warehouse. Marlon street, near Calder street. Immediate possession. Penna. Realty Co., 132 Lo cust street. FOR RENT 228 South Fourteenth St., three-story brick, front porch. Benefit of large front yard—air and light on three sides. All improvements. Rent,.s2s. 2145 Atlas Ave., 7 rooms and bath; all improvements. Rent. sls. 1908 Moltke Ave., 6 rooms and bath, sll. 1915 Derry St., two apartments, $12.50 and sl6. Thirteenth and Derry—Very desirable apartment. $27.50. Inquire Harvey T. Smith, 204 South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 248 M. FOR RENT Six-room cottage at Fort Hunter, Pa.; nice location; near post office, store, steam cars and trol ley; good bathing and boating. F. H. Davis, Fort Hunter, Pa. FOR RENT No. 1246 Swatara, S2O; 2807 Camby street, Penbrook, sl4. All Improvements. Immediate possession. Anply A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thir teenth, City. 116 PINE STREET Three-story brick ten rooms— two baths city stcnm heat laundry in basement. A most delightful downtown location— s6o. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and pCourt streets. FOR RENT 2218 North Second street 2 H -story brick and stucco— eight rooms bath steam heat— s4s. Miller Brothers & Co.. Locust and | Court streets. FOR RENT No. 1713 Revere Street and gar age f26.00 No. 1600 Walnut Street 26.00 1632 Nauaain Street 20.00 - J. E. GIPPLE. 1261 Market Street Real Estate For Sale or Rent LARGE 2-story brick building, first floor storeroom and second floor hall; I located corner of Rossmoyne and Her i man avenues. Apply West Shore Real ty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Co. Building, Lemoyne, Pa., Bell phone I 3195-J. PARRISBURG frfSjjftl TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT A good six room house, with electric light, along Philadelphia and Reading. Suitable for summer outing. Inquire P. O. Box (7, Grantham, Pa. Real Estate—For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Rudy Street, adjoining Industrial Home; plot of ground 100x100; open on three sides; high elevation. Will exchange on city or suburban property. Price, $1,700. Backenstoss Bros., Rvss Building. Farms VAUGHN Very beautiful, healthful suburb along the "L" trolley; lots 100x175 feet; fertile ground, enough for vegetables and chickens; price only $169; easy pay ments; see these lots. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery. Linglestown, Pa., or 409 Market street. HUNTER'S RUN 4 acres, new 8- room bungalow, other buildings for summer home, close to station and store; telephone In house Immediate possion price only $1,450, easy pay ments. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery, Linglestown, Pa., or 409 Market street. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Furnished apartment; two rooms, kitchen adjoining bath; rent reasonable. Apply Green's Dressmak ing Parlor, second floor, 210 North Third street. FOR RENT One housekeeping apartment, unfurnished; four rooms and neatly tiled bathroom; also kitchenette complet; triple floors; tiled vestibule entrance; door phone and locker for storage; fronting on Locust street. Rent, $30.00. Apply Penna. Realty Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT A suite of six rooms and bath, in Riverside Apartments. 1909 North Fronl street; Immediate posses sion. Apply Commonwealth Trust Company. FOR RENT Small, up-to-date fur nished apartment on second floor, with privilege of additional finely furnished room ir desired. Call 1317 State street. Bell phone 3594 J. NO. 34 NORTH SECOND ST. The Young Apartments, for adults only. Six rooms, bath, kitchen. Bay window facing Second street. Third floor $35. Apply to A. C. Young. 26 North Third street. Bell 713 J. FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ments lor light housekeeping. Inquire at 1423 Deny street. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT large bay windows and front porch; 5 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, and all latest conveniences; located corner Sixth and Kelker streets. Apply. L Silbert, 1742 North Sixth street, Bell phone 3713-W. CENTRALLY LOCATED, daylight apartment. Second and Walnut streets, second floor. Belvedere Apartment build ing. 4 rooms and bath all fronting on Second or Walnut streets, bay windows on both streets. Refrigerator, gas stove, hot water heater. Rent in cludes city steam. Immediate posses sion. Apply, Jacob Tauslg's Sons, Jew olers, 420 Market street Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOMS Nicely fur nished; all modern conveniences; man and wife, or ladies preferred. Rosly Apartment, 209 Walnut street. Inquire 226 North Third street. Millinery Store. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, on second floor; all conveniences; rent, $9.00 per month. Inquire after 7:30 P. M., 1229 Bailey street. FOR RENT Furnished room, with or without board, in private family; use of phone; home comforts. 1825 Derry street. FOR RENT Large, newly furnish ed, attractive rooms; good location; all Improvements and use of phone; refer ence required. Apply to 131 Walnut street. FOR RB.<T Newly furnished room for gentleman; very attractive rates for summer months. Meals if desired. Also a room by June 1. Apply 426 North street. FOR RENT Furnished room on third floor front. Apply 76 North Fourteenth street, city. » FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room for lady or gentleman, from May 15. Call Tromblno Bros., No. 4 South Fourth street. Room No. 1. FOR RENT Very desirable rooms, beautifully furnished, some with hot and cold running water in room. Terms reasonable. Apply 801 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two ntcely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping: all con veniences. Apply, before 6 P. M., 621 North Second; after 6 P. M„ 1101 North Sixth. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front room; gentlemen only; all conveniences and use of phone. Apply 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, all conveniences, including use of Bell phone. Apply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENY Parlor and adjoining bedroom, furnished complete, for two gentlemen; use of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. Board and Rooms FOR RENT Furnished rooma with board, if desired; references exchang ed. Inquire 929 North Third street. ROOMS FOR RENT—AIso special 26c meals. The Home ulning Room, 123 Sounth Second street, city. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED Gentleman wishes room, within two blocks of Post Office, second floor; prefers Second, Locust or Pine streets. Answer, stating price. Per manent. Address R„ 4153, care of Tele graph. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE Horse; weighs about I.ll'O lbs.; single-line leader. S. B. Benion. West Fairview, Pa. Bell phone 3046R1-2.' FOR SALE Mahogany library table, two leather rockers, davenport and quartered oak dlningroom suit. Price reasonable. Apply 808 North Sev. enteenth. FOR SALE One new Pool Table and Jennv Will sell cheap. H. B. Shellehamer, 2029 North Cameron street. GREAT BARGAINS In books for stu dents, doctors, lawyers, ministers, teachers, mechanics, everybody—sc a copy up. Aurand's Book Store, 913 North Third. FOR SALE—I9I3 Harley Davidson single cylinder, 5 H. P., chain drive mo torcycle. Engine completely overhaul ed at factory. Whole machine In good condition, $l3O. G. H. Shaffer, Thomp sontown, Pa. WASTE PAPER BRINGS HIGH PRICES Bale It—don't burn It! An ECONOMY all-steel, fireproof baler will pay for Itself over and over. Every business , place needs one. Different styles at different prices. Consult me about your requirements. E. R. Seidel, 2103 Green su-eet, Harrisburg, Pa. For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE Row boat —pressed steel. Cost $35. Price, sls. Address 8., 4142, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Reading Standard Mo torcycle. Will sell for $25 for quick sale. Inquire 2253 Jefferson street. FOR SALE One sorrel mare, 11 years old; weighs 1,450; also two wagons, one open and one delivery. Call Bell phone 761J-1. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash. Bxlo, II L primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also othor sizes. Also doors and shut ters. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can b* secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Soda fountain, twelve i feet marble counter and marble draft; three soda spigots; one Ice water; elec tric globe on top; good condition. Ap ply 1025 North Seventh street. Bell 1617-R. FOR SALE Fine Confectionery and Soda business, in flourishing Cumber land Valley town. 6,000 population. Best of reasons for selling. Only pros pective buyers need apply. Address J., 4141, care o( Harrisburg Telegraph. HIGH-CLASS office furniture refin ished like new at half original cost. 5-ft rolltop quartered oak desk, S-tt. bookkeeper's desk. Smith typewriter, desk and stool, 2,000-lb. fireproof safe, enclosed private office and open office railing. Telephone 108R-3. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS One Curtis, twin-cylinder Racer, with clutch, $65; one Excelsior single cylinder, re cently factory overhauled, $65; one twin-cylinder Indian, equipped, SIOO. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. FOR SALE New and second-hand pool tables, cue sticks, pocket balls, bil liard balls, and all billiard room sup plies. Call Live Wire ICxchange. 1008 North Third street. Bell phone 4083 M. FOR SALE One bedroom suit, spring, mattress, washing machine, table and other articles not mentioned. Call 2006 Susquehanna street. FOR SALE One Holstine cow, three years old. P. O. Box 106, Enhaut, Pa. DIAMOND TIRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The new "Velvet Rub ber" in these tires gives them more toughness, elasticity and long-wearing qualities than were ever known in tires before. Special Discounts. HARRIS BURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO., SEC OND AND CHESTNUT. FOR SALE—One Real Apollo kitchen range. In excellent con dition. Address, Box C. 4021, care Telegraph. ' BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS | Remington, $15.00; Smith Premier, i $15.00; Underwood, Remington. No. 10, at attractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street. FOR SALE Hardwood stall posts, Iron stall guards. Iron troughs and car riage elevator. Good condition. Apply Ober's Old Livery Stand, and Cranberry streets. FOR SALE All the counters, shelv- Ings, stools and tables from Cook's De partment Store, 308 Market street. Na tional Cash Reg'.ster and mirrors. Bought by S. Meltzer, 613 Walnut street. Bell phone 282 J. FOR SALE at Gable s, 111-117 South i Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence. [Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, I Compo-Board, Doors, bash. Shutters, | Mouldings, Porch Posts, etc. j AT GABLE'S. 113. 115 and 117 South { Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All i the full line of the Acme maka. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Two large store rooms, 18x72; located on corner Sixm and Kei ker streets; latest style ceilings, and all conveniences; ~ood for any line of busi ness, except poolroom. Apply to L. Sil bert. 1742 North Sixth stree".. Bell phone 3713-W. FOR RENT Desirable office In Telegraph Building, size 14x19. Inquire, Superintendent, Room 100. STORE ROOM FOR RENT—Suitable for piano store, confectionery, furniture or any other kind of a large store; rea sonable. Apply. 1101 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Desk room in a desir able office in the Telegraph Building. Harrisburg's largest and best office building. Inquire Superintendent, Room 100. FOR RENT— ; Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities FOR SALE A poor investment — equities in business properties located close to smoke district. A Pennsylva nia Railroad Siding likely to reach Cameron Street factories and ware houses, north of Market Street. Likely dividends will be held down to 7 per cent, on the cumulative preferred stock. Careful investors should beware—if they are looking for 50 per cent, divi dend yearl-. Ask your druggist or store owner what he thinks of Harrisburg's best real estate deal. Cummings Realty Company, 905 Kunkel Building, Harrisburg. FOR SALE Grocery store, corner Cumberland and Cameron streets. An old stand. Call, or address, 1200 Cam eron street. ANT intelligent person can sarn food Incomv corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par tlculars. Press Syndicate, 793. Lock port. N. T. Business Personals B. J. Campbell, FEATHER RENOVA.'IIt, Tenth and Paxton Streets. TRY Empire Guaranteed Suredeath Bedbug Cream and Itoach Powder; Em pire relief for headache, toothache, cramp, rheumatism, plies, ulcers or corns.* Empire Mfg. Co.. 427 Boas. FOUND A place to buy a key check for 26c and It's stamped with your name and address. Harrisburg Stencil Works, 130 Locust street. RELIABLE LOCKSMITH SHOP Keys made. Locks, Electric Bells, Trunks and Suitcases repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. 1303 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3995. INSPECT my Spring and Summer Clothes. Made up in the latest styles for the lowest cash prices. FERDI NAND ENGEL 432 BOAS STREET. ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 North Court street. Hair cut. 25c; shave, 10c: massage, 26c. Halrcuttlng given special attention. Everything thoroughly sterilized. P. D Rlchw'.n®, Prop. NEW and second-hand furniture bought and sold; we pay the highest cash prices and sell . t reasonable prices. S. Gold, 1014 Market street. Bell phone «085 J. White Detective Agency Trustee Building. S N. Market Square. AU lines of detective work handled. JB»U tJJ W. MAY 16, 1916. Business Personals MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. FURNITURE, second-hand, bought at highest cash prices and sold at rea sonable prices. Phone and we will calL Max Smelt*. 1016 Market street. Leather traveling bags ana suitcases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices In the city Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street. at subway. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug gist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN. Boarding Stable snd National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. BeiT phone No. 2503 R. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE S. C. W. Leghorn chicks, day old, 9 cents each; one week old, 12 cents each. J. Nelson Yost, Race and Water streets, Middletown, Pa. S. C. W. LEGHORN EGGS FOR HATCHING l5 for SI,OO, delivered. Good laying strain. Satisfaction guar anteed. West End Poultry Yards, Box 123. Loysville, Pa. Money to Loan MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit | Sharing Loan Society, Room 7, Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. Musical i $25.00 TALKING MACHINE and i $39.00 worth of records for $30.00 to I quick buyer. R-4106, care Telegraph. EXPERT PIANO TUNING ~ i $1.60 Bell X4S Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St ' WE BUY any kind of talking ma chines and records, or trade them In on new up-to-date machine. 315 Broad street. Storage "FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private ; rooms for household goods. $2 per i month and up. We Invite inspection, j Low insurance. 427-445 South Second I street. Harrisburg Storage Company STORAGE 419 Broad street, for | household goods and merchandise. Prl i vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 t ;nts ' per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 J Broad street. Summer Resorts and Cottages BOILING SPRINGS Lake View Cot tage, opposite park, is now open for summer. Excellent table. L. B. Allen, Boiling Springs, Pa., Box 32. Automobiles FOR SALE One Ford touring car; fuly equipped; good tires; car almost like new. Price very low. Can be seen at 935 Rose avenue. FOR SALE One auto, Marathon Roadster, in good condition; big bar gain to quick buyer. For particulars <iiU at 1317 Merry. FORD Touring, late model, in A 1 Maxwell Touring and Overland Road ster. All at bargain prices. E. W. Shank. 107 Market street. FOR SALE Reo Roadster, 1913 model, in good repair: two new tires, nickel bumper bar. Electric starter can be attached. Price reasonable. Bell phone 100. ' FOR SALE One 1915 Empire tour- I ing car. Has been driven 3.300 miles. I Excellent condition. Will demonstrate. Apply Penbrook Motor Car Co., Pen brook, Pa. Bell phone 1597J-3. FOR SALE Mitchell Six. fully equipped; Ford Runabout; Brush Truck; small, very cheap 1910 Overland; in sood condition; concrete mixer, one quarter yard; 1915 International Truck; one-barrel gasoline storage tank; one gun metal motorboat, engine four-cylinder, 16-horse-power. West Fairview Garage, West Fairview. Pa. Bell phone 30G9M-2. ONE model K Pullman delivery truck for sale or trade on Ford. G. R. Nay lor, Marysvllle. Pa. ======= Legal Notices NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Eliz abeth E. Page presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County on May 8. 1916, her petition asking for n decree of satisfaction of a mortgage given by her and Samuel S. Page, her husband, to H. L. Nissley. Trustee of Elizabeth E. Page, dated July IS, ISB7, recorded in the Dauphin County Re corder's Office in Mortgage Book "A,"' Vol 3, page 503. for One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifteen Dollars and twen ty-nine cents ($1,215.29), with interest, on premises situate in the Village of Churchville. Swatara Township. Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, fronting for ty (40) feet on the public road leading through said village to the Reading and extending In depth along a sixteen (16) feet wide alley, one hun dred nr; fifty-two (152) feet, more or less; the Court did thereupon order that all nersons interested appear In said Court on Monday, June 12, 1916, and an swer the said netition. otherwise, satis faction of said mortgage bv the Re corder of Deeds would he decreed. The said proceedings are filed of record to No. 574, .lune Term, A. D. 1916, Dau phin County Common Pleas Court. CHARLES C. STROH, I. P. BOWMAN. Attorneys for Petitioner. W. W. CALDW ELL Sheriff. Harrishurg, Pa.. May 9, 1918, DISSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that on the 2d day of May, A. D. 1916, the Brels ford Packing and Storage Company liled In the Court of Common Pleas for Dauphin County, its petition praying for a decree of dissolution, and that a hearing upon said application for dis solution has been fixed by said Court for Monday, the 29th day of May, 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all persons interested may attend and show cause against the granting of the prayer of the said petitioner, if they go desire. H. L. LARK, Solicitor for petitioner. May 2, 1916. NOTICE —Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Mary A. Clute, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing In said city, nil persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those Having claims will present ihem for settlement to E. BIjANCH K CLUTE. Executrix. 313 North Second Street. J. H. SHOPP, Attorney. Harrisburg, Pa. CHICAGO CATTLE Ry Associated Press Chicago. HI., May 16. Cattle Re ceipts. 4,000; steady. Native beef cat tle. sß.loffj 10.25: Stockers and feeders, s6.oo(ff R.BR; cows and heifers, $4.40# 9,H0- ••.Ives, $7.00 rt * 10.fiO. Sheep Receipts 1.000; steady. Wethers. $7.60(5 9.85: lambs. $8.75® 12.50: Springs. $11.00(f7 13.50.. Hogs Receipts. ISO,000; dull. Bulk of sales. s9.(>o(ff 10.15: light. $9.75(7? 10.10; mixed. $9.70« 10.15 heavy, $9.700 10.20, b, .MSj Pl«». r.iPg3 t iO« 13 XEW YORK STOCKS <'handler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex. changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations; New York, May 16. Open. Clos. A Ills-Chalmers 28% 29% American Beet Sugar .. 72% 73% American Can 58% 55% American C g- F 62 61 % American Ice Securities . 28% 28% American Locomotive .. 71% 70 American Smelting 99% 9;t% American Sugar 113 112 American T & T 128% 128% Anaconda 85% 84% Atchison 104% 101% Baldwin Locomotive ... 91 90% Baltimore & Ohio 90 89% Bethlehem Steel 445 450 Butte Copper 96% 96 California Petroleum ... 23% 23% Canadian Pacific 177% 176 Central Leather 54% 5 4 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 63% 63 Chicago, Mil and'St Paul 97 96% Chicago, R I and Pacific 21% 20 % Chino Con Copper 54% 54 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 44% 43% Consolidated Gas 134% 134 Corn. Products 20% 20% Crucible Steel #5% 86 Crucible Steel pfd 115% 115% Distilling Securities .... 53% 53% Erie 37% 37% Erie Ist pfd 53% 52% General Electric Co 167% 167% Great Northern pfd .... 120% 120% Great Northern Ore s .. 4 2 41 % Inspiration Copper 46% 45% Interboro-Metropolitan.. 17 17 Kennecott 57% 56% Interboro-Met. pfd. ... 75 75 Kansas City South 26 26% Lackawanna Steel 71% 71% Lehigh Valley 79% 79 Maxwell Motors 89% 86% Merc. Mar. ctfs ; 25% 25 % Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 91 92% Mex. Petroleum 110% 109 Miami Copper 36% 36% Missouri Pacific 6% 6% National Lead 68% 68% New York Central 106% 105% N. Y., N. H. and H 62% 61 N. Y. O. and W 27 27 JS'or. and West 125 124 % North. Pacific 113% 113% I Pacific Mail 24 24 | Pa. Rail 57 56% Pittsburgh Coal 27% 27 Pres Steel Car 48 48 Railway Steel Spg 41% 41% | Ray Con Copper 23% 23 % I Reading 91% 90% Republic Iron and Steel. 50 4 9 Southern Pacific 98% 98% Southern Ry 22% 23 Southern Ry pfd 65 67% Studebaker 145 144 % Tennessee Copper 47% 47% Union Pacific 136% 135% U S 1 Alcohol 158% 159% tJ 8 Rubber 56% 55% |U S Steel 85% 84% X'S Steel pfd 1167& 116% I'tah Copper 81% 80% Virginia-Carolina Chem. 4 4 4 4 West Union Teelgraph . . 93% 94 Westinghouse Mfg 64% 63 CHICAGO no\itn OF TRADE W.v Associated Press Chicago, 111., May 16.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat July, 1.17%; September. 1.17%. Corn—July, 74' i; September, 78',*. Oats—Julv, 43; September, 40. Pork —July, 23.50; September. 2*3.25. j Lard—July, 12.77; September. 12.87. Ribs —July. 12.67; September, 12.77. PHII.ADEI.PHIA rnonucE PhUnVlelhhl*. MbV IS. - Wffliit'i Firm; No. 2, red. spot, and May. $1.1(1 1i 1.19; No. 2. Southern, red. $1.14@1.17. Corn—-Unchanged; No. 2, yellow, local, 83©83% c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local, 81 *2 ® 82 %c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 51 % 52c; No. 3. white, 49®50c. Bran Market quiet, but Arm; city mills, winter, per ton. $26.50: west ern, winter, per ton, $26.50; Spring, per | io" *•„':! "•Ulf'.M.OO I Refined Sugars Market is dull; j powdered, 7.70®7.75c; fine granulated, 7.60®7.G5c; confectioners' A. 7.50 <8 7.55. j Butter Market steady; western, creamery. e?:tra, 31 fy 32c; nearby prints, I fancy, 34c. niIBBER STAMQn |JSJ SEALS & STENCILS UV I! " MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ ■1 11 130 LOCUSTS! HBG,PA. U r Houses For Rent CAMP HILL North Bowman Avenue, east side, | furnished, 2% story frame, 8 rooms I and batli, all improvements; lot 45x | 140. Will rent for the summer | months at $40.00 per month. /Market Street, south side, near l Heyd street, 2%-story frame, 8 rooms and bath. Lot 100x300. Rent, $25.00. Park Avenue, west side. 2-story 1 brick bungalow, 7 rooms and bath, | all Improvements. Kent, $25.00. •J South Bowman Avenue, west side, ! 2-story frame bungalow, S rooms and bath, hot water heat, all Im provements. Itent, $25.00. Dickinson Avenue, 2H-story brick, 8 rooms, pantry and bath, steam heat, all improvements, lot 60x120. Rent, $20.00 plus water. Page Street, north side, 2^4-story frame, 8 rooms and bath. Rent, $20.00. ENOLA Lancaster Road, west side, 2lA story frame, 6 rooms and attfc. Rent, SIO.OO. Perry Street, new 2 <4-story frame, 6 rooms and attic, water, electric light, large lot. Rent, $13.00. Brinton-Packer Co. SECOND AND WALNUT STREKTS \ Private Sale ■ Household goods, sideboard, chairs, washtubs, home-made preserves for pies, also jelly (Sc tumbler). Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 113 South Front street. ————— FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING at 435 Market Street formerly occupied by th* Aldlne Hotel; possession at one*. Inquire at Dauphin Deposit Trust Co.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers