4 >t K«fnnn'» The Biggest Kind of Money Seving Opportunities for Men end Boys'! !» f Men's Baibriggan shirts and] 'Men's 75c Union Suits;l r* Mv \ ——— .o N i !' Manufacturers ' 49c Straw Hat Day To-morrow \ '• sT|<MSg Thi? Scaspnjs Newcrt Sennit and Split Straw Hats. \> 1 | site*. ecru and gray; aii size.. I SUTDIUS The kind sold in other stores at $2.00. Soft 0?1 A A ,1 , 1 V- *1 and Yacht Shapes. Special Saturdav «PI.UU [ ' ———i ——— 1 - » # - Men's 25c Ivory Men's Shirts | \ >^,~ rr \ jzz*. .-ess* The Great Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sale F -rir sl^w 7 > I f«, *oia wajnm. summer wear; a WM IU "Jf 'l*. Prl ., nenriprn I I Manufacturers- good web; all 00l- AQ _ O / Bfl t ■ ■* ■ *% » _ _ _ ?*" 8 Put up in neat / ( s ; ~ „SL. Of Mans and Boys Spring Cothng 5cK 9/2 c »<* % V Sale Price, sizes and colorS. _ . # P O W ■<•*■■■■ 11 £» Sale Price. 1 16 c Brings the Biggest & Best Money-Saving Opportunities j Men'ssl.oo 00 M n;*r By This or Any Other Clothing Store /[ Wr4 \ -""•** 65c !; | Or™ Shirt. Men's si.so Smart Sack Suits For' 'Kaufman's Extra Spe " 'Kaufman's Pinch and' /nV'-A-/) »I.M Onto. | ~S S«s».s? r.tasass Reuse - "il"" I I jl*. 95c ..s.4" S 5fe^.,,.*»•» a»...»iL75 ysffssss lJmtr Wc •* » P Madras and P*r- anc i a n s i Ze s. rheir.fequa] in quality and tai- These suits are truly wonder- 'Dy«i's*a *D i D —J I I A L of all new. desir- ' Icales; soft and Attractive strip- lor,n « e *» *be found in other ful values, the coat* are nil n Ce, ... f ify/rS [lk \ 1 First quality able kinds; B. V. Mario with link | laundered caff.. all ed effects, ali sizes. Among tLem "wi™ *"? """J?' ™«" i.l of all a r f L Silk Hose for « npst o m , p' > V „ d ,he w ° ol nav T b!ue serges and big will find the best English home- I /fea-, wr a wonderful value. with or without ) — **■«_ ,n ■ roof Blue Merges. variety of worsted, cassiniere spun®, the iinest velours; all BS sleetes; all sizes. , f Men's Socks .. MCn . All sizes. | etc. All sizes. hand tailored; size. \ | SiHcTies Sal . P.,e. N I \II 1 Boys' Sport • Boys' Nobby [ M.'r,"r r , ,Q C His First Long'Trouser Suits «7 "A f „ M „„ Al . \J! Blouses U£> Str.w and Duck ) sale pwee, o'/2C Manufacturers' Sale Price, . • »OU Re»rular 10c qual- Heinfot-ced heels fit him better. "We arc" siieeiau/ts "ofH'suuV'of "the e offer the finest hand tailored .ark suits in both "4Q(" /t f ity; well made; all and colors th^ll^OO^o.nrt 0 *?^ 8 a bett * r val "' for ,ha m °ney , e i f,nPst , ' ; ' rK '' s V I Time to K et them 49C I slzea . foe .Tyies ....38c i"' a " *'- 0(> would hrlng >°» "'"where. and mohair lined, all wool worsted; every new r> mJ now. I.ater you Sold elsewhere # V . * V » l. fig bJR will pay ooc for at 7."ic: sizes sto Sold K. ~~ TI . r.. , ' ** these same blouses 17 years. at Cl3ew n p ''e A} 1 sizes Surplus Stock r |ne sl Boys' Clothing Made Enters This Makers' Surplus I "7 ■ " t gsa&jL of Hen's Trousers Near Stock Sale at Big Money-Saving Prices I Dresses I i PriCß > Norfolk Suite and Reef- Boys' NORFOLK SUITS Boys' NORFOLK Manufactul•er.• f '• •'1 A f \ y\ I erß; ValuM to *:i.so Values to ST.S» Sale Price. £ !; W k s Awli's2 49 9>0.»9 «4 QQ J9K sqc I turers- Sale Price "J fC ( Urr) { \K ' ** Wonderful values in this l_J OV L % j!kj TTTialri J4.il Ift and strongly made j / /WfTl thelr 6 ***^^^'nr'lrV'ih /' lot of ov * r :o ° B °. VB ' A"" Handsome new pinch- V,/ Made of fast J. I i ><' iA| iVnaKl jMall of good. »turd> cassi- ./ \\\ IL4,TJBWHF(&\ \ c.. itg . J the ?' w 'ool Norfolk Suits in Blue ba> k. nobbv suits in tiie . u ■ I Men's o' • A $1.50 value. 4 prove So "h'o Perges. Fancy Cassimere. newest fancy 'cheviots' color g ln g hama / EM? Mi JT " _ , / 1 11. %J sperlal sale i. worthv nf and Cheviots, sizes 6to IK b ]4 e . *"«• «t»e All \ Outmg Pants. r- \ \ GD particular notice. vear!( . vSfri ' 8 8 t0 ,s K jf A Men's WORSTED PANTS \ \ !PT v " , % W l Manufacturers AOood$».00 nr " Women's White J iff Mlxlf3§Manufacturers' Sale of Boys' Wash Suits { stores as groorl $ 1.50 t Ap Bfcy .3SKLI T)_ . TTr . ...... & ffi*J w > v.m.A B Wen Wearing Fast Color .fash Sizes Boys'_Wash Suits, Sizes 2 1 ifel sim - rroof' V,M,»». 9 /WW/i Boys'Madras Suits «28 "T^'aa %f. .;• I Navy Blue Serge facturers' Sale (ft f jq ft (?¥ , Wfl*. pI.ZO. Manufactur- &aie fl 1 i|A A? „ \ m |f| Pants. Manufactur- Price $ I •*§& I 1 1 iff A\ 'fA «»»» 3to 8 ream. A ja pre' fialp Pri no lOt Price <Pl«l/V r«SL , »|l ers' Sale COC/l well made with belt / V aloe. Manufacturer,' 49 C ' Kid, rt\i r , „ Fine Lawn, and 1 mi \HI ■„*•* " *•*"• lI'SS Vnites. All sl'z... , V * v 11 ■* He rp- Rvalue. ' BOYS' RAIN COATS nMjll IA ai o m o S «J^\ ag*™ |[)j *ik s : ; Conference opMs on Army Bill and Adjourns; Revolt in House Likely Washingtofi. May S. Conferees on the army reorganization hill late yes terday disagreed on important features of the measure and sojourned until •inestions in disagreement t an he taken tip in the House. The rocks on which the committee broke w*re the Federal volunteer army and the J15.000.000 gov ernment nitrates plant amendments aoopterl by the Senate. Notwithstanding the disagreement Fenator t'hamherlain. chairman i>f the Senate conferees, said he had hopes that a good bill eventually would he worked out. l'p to the time of the break the con ferees had tentatively agreed on a stsiidine army in time of peace of ISO - men. and an elastic organization scheme contained in the Senate bill which would provide for expansion in time of war or threatened war to 22ft,- 000 men. They also had agreed to the House bill reorganization plan for the National Guard, which would provide for federalization of the reserve force snd its expansion to approximately 400,- , *OO men. " ' ®\ / Just One M One Just I; J K jU/ / Price p "« l'\J M sls That's All | J |% Clothing For Young y I I Men and Men . U[ I § ; Compare Them With j 1 |i\n Others Marked \ \K/H' | $lB and S2O •■1 | I i No Reductions at Any Time V I |v A. W. HOLMAN 1 FRIDAY EY ENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 5, 1016, SOCIAL Other Personals on Page 10. FINAL SESSION IS MUCH ENJOYED Pino Street Mothers Receive (lilts nnd Sell Home made Rugs The closing session of the Mothers Meeting of the Pine Street Presby terian Church ended with an enter tainment following the supper. The ■ interesting program, arranged by Mrs. John Q. Stewart, the superintendent, | follows: Gloria Patria: "I Love to Tell | the Story;" Scripture reading, Mrs. ! I Stewart; invocation, the Rev. Dr.! Lewis S. Mudge; "The Touch of His; | Hand On Mine." a memory reading by ! mothers of the organization; duet, | "Whispering Hope," the Misses Sara Harr and Alverda Hertzler, accom . panied by Miss Xrma Books: readings, | "How Sockery Sot. the Hen" and "I'ncle Josh in the Street Car," bv j Miss Lillian Speakman; solo, Miss Mil dred Row. "Somewhere n Voice is Calling" and "Mother Machree;" solo, i ; Martin Lane. "I Didn t Raise My Boy to bea Soldier" and "Can't You See I Love You?" reading. Miss Speakman, "A Girl's Conversation Over Ihe Phone" and "Cohen On the Tele phone;" solo, Martin Lane, "A Little Rii of Heaven" and "When I Was a ! Dreamer;" reading. Miss Speakman. i "Uncle Josh at Ihe Photographer's;" repeat Mizpah: benediction. Following the entertainment re-! j freshments were served and at the! , close of the meeting the mothers with an unbroken attendance record were presented with a potted plant. The beautiful Colonial rugs made by the ' mothers, who sewed 116 pounds of rags into rugs during the year, were sold. The closing meeting of the club 1 proved to be one of the. most success j ful and was unusually well attended. Mrs. Clark E. Diehl, of 225 Briggs j street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs I William Raub, of Lancaster, Pa. Miss Violet Albright, of 1327 Kitta -1 tinny street, has returned home after i a several weeks' visit in Easton. REMOVING TO EASTOX Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Clark, of 1433 ! Swatara street, and family have re- j Our First Annual May Suit Sale Save One-faurth to One half To-day and To-morrew ! I j Our policy is to keep stocks mov ing swiftly and a constant in-stream '• demands a rapid out-go, so prices are reduced regardless of cost. Fol lowing an Easter business that went far beyond our expectations, we gladly make this sacrifice now, when practically the entire season i of wearing time is ahead. Come to t Bloom's to-day and to-morrow for ' these and other erjuaJly great op portunities in fashionable Coats. i Suits and Dresses. i B. BLOOM 810 N. Third St. ! A I | moved to 36 North Ninth street. Eas- ] ton. Pa., where their son, John A. | Clark, is employed as a draftsman fori the Taylor Wharton Company, of thai i : place. Word has been sent to Mr. | Clark's parents that he has been seri ously ill at the Easton Hospital for some time, but is now doing nicely. Polyclinic Hospital Elects Superintendents The May meeting ol the board or directors of the Harrisburg Polyclinic Hospital was held last evening at the hospital. Reports from the various committees showed decided progress in the work and the directors were ' much encouraged by the reports. Miss Kathrine E. l.andis, formerly : of the Hampden, Mass.. Hospital, was elected superintendent, with Miss | M.vra Graham, formerly of the Epis- : | copal Hospital, Philadelphia, assistani ; superintendent. It is proposed to add an addition to the hospital providing: for h dis pensary, an operating room, sterilizing room and dressing room, at a cost of about *2,500. The property committee was author i ized to paint the exterior of the build- ' ; ing, the corridors, and make a number : of minor improvements to the build ; ing. The ladies' auxiliary has installed a j new bathroom and is furnishing the nurses' department. HESS-GAI I.T MARKIAGK AT MI-rrHOI)IST I\\RSO.VAGF: Mrs. William S. Gault, 2627 Curt in street, Penbrook, announces the mar- ' riage of lier daughter, Miss Emma Viola Gault, to Samuel M. Hess, of■ Harrisburg. The ceremony was per- I formed Thursday afternoon. May 4, at 3 o'clock, at the parsonage of the i Fifth Street Methodist Church, with ; the Rev. Edwin A. Pyles officiating. The ring ceremony was used. The \ bride wore n smart traveling suit with hat to match and a corsage bouquel of valley lilies. Mr. and Mrs. Hess left immediately for a wedding trip to Raltiniore, Wash ington and other points. Couple of This City Are Married in Chester A very pretty wedding was quietly ] solemnized at the home of Mr. and I Mrs. A. H. Edgar, 507 West Seventh street, Chester, yesterday at high noon when Miss Rebecca Daniels and Harry H. Thomas, both of Harrisburg. were united in marriage hv the Rev. Mr. Gall, pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Chester. Thev w ere attended by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. The bride wore a traveling suit of blue chiffon taffeta and hat to match. The bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the Mendelssohn wed ding march played hy Miss Claire Edgar and after the services and con gratulations, a wedding breakfast was served. Both Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are prominent in the West End and will j be "At Home" to their many friends at 610 Kelker street after June I. TO PLAY AT IH MMIXSTOWN" Miss Mildred and Miss Frances Burkholder, of 270 Poffer street, wont j to Ilummelstown this afternoon to j take part in an entertainment given j in 'the Lutheran Church, by a girls' club. Miss Frances Burkholder is a ! violiniste and will be accompanied by j her sister on the piano. '/ Iwi Almost HALF PRICE and in / i/ Some Cases Half Price // ,H/ This sale of t,le L - Wolf, 335 Market St., Sunbury, \ I pi bankrupt stock of Diamonds affords us the opportunity N. / I to P resent most sensational values ever offered in v / f\ Sj j this city. » X. J K; I | / | | h - v can we sell at such remarkably low prices? Because V j i- I u '° , liavc secu, "®d a real bargain and arc satisfied with a small / i i-lj profit. And because our customers know that when we get a V /W\ ,j argam we gladly pass it along to them. N. / \V ,1C " tl, ' s storc was csta blished we announced that it would \ / E a " Dlffcrcnt Kind of Jewelry Store" and by that we meant \ ' / i p to . scll thc same hi gli Jfade of Jewelry at considerably lower \ \ // I! pr,CCS " . Ask t,IC °P inion of any person who knows; they'll teH- \ ' I & y°u it is a "different" store. ' \ jO. SEE THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN OUR WINDOWS \ l I MARKET STREET STORE 1 V / Yw\ ° PP " Commonwea,lh Hotel, 206 Market St. \ 'nWi 11 w\ vwwv Boys Meeting to Close With Elaborate Program I The Friday nisht meetings for boys i | at the P. R. K. K. M. C. A. will close! i to-night. An interesting; program liasl | been prepared by General Secretary Frank H. Gregory. TECH HIGH PLANS FOR FIRST SHOOT Will Mccl Harrisburg Academy J cam Tuesday .Afternoon; Trophies For Winners Everything Is in readiness for tlie first annual shoot 1o be held next Tuesday afternoon between the teams i representing: the Harrisburg Academy and the Technical High school. The match will be held at 3:30 on the grounds of the Harrisburg Shooting Association, and will draw a largo crowd. The Tech team will consist of Cap tain Miller, Trullinger, Shaeffer, Halm, | Henipt, Sarvis, Shoop and Wagner. The Academy shooters will be pick ed from Captain Roth, Hart. Dunlile, I Rutherford, Moore, Stroup, Metzger, | Bailey and Kaylor. Coach Allen has 1 not as yet decided on which of these lads will act as a substitute. Each team will consist" of eight and each lad will shoot at 50 targets. There will be trophies galore as an 1 incentive for the individuals 1o do their best. Both schools are anxious to win the match. The Tech athletic association will award "T's" to its members. The letter will bo set on a target. The member of the Maroon i squad making the highest score will be given a silver trophy. A special award will be made to ! the five highest marksmen at the up ■ river institution. The lad making the best score will receive a silver medal, i] while the next four will be given ■! bronze medals. A trophy in the form 11 of a loving cup will become the per manent possession of the team win ning the meet.
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