[TO-MORROW SATURDAY, the Most Important Day of This COLOSSAL MONEY-SAVING SALE f r Vt ll ii ii *"C*l V, .j_-.»f—j'ii| / —"""" I f Continuing the sale of 700 PAIR OF WOMEN'S T / FX^/ViTiTil3>S4'^ 6L \ ,30 ° Womons and Misses' d»i qq Woinons SKCO SILK KIMONOS: J KID GLOVES (Menders). Worth up to $2.00 a osc?/ f/nssgiMisyislSl IJSt j&iZTT.. ...si-95 I Black Bml colon; truly wonderful values; all alsea. but not of each ; \ L „| J J *'■*" Wo»K>.'a ami Mines' Jo QQ ( [Jj^||'! V,', l^ ~V'pi'lik 'Jino'ii'iVi'"' ai«" X-":"- 'i'» -»• I jLyb J •T&arsast .„, .t®. iwwwtna tW» **«»• ■ W »</|Ai»» H |I»/1/V W L all sir.es and 111! new. values. SKI'OM. KI.OOIt. No Matter What You Need, Buy It at Kaufman's To-morrow and You'll Save Money ~W > fir- UNUSUAL Children's 15c Ladies' 10c Ladies' 35c Girls' 25c Girls' 50c 35c Middy $1.50 Middy 50c Bungalow Men's 10c Ladies' 10c R»-UNUSUAL I Junior COAT SUITS r . St H ockln „ gs , n " a " dk h " C !)!f 1 f ? n N , e , Ck^ e f r , . Dresses Bloomers Blouses Blouses Aprons Handkerchiefs. Vests Q:, lf pnpT TN r rnAT c Manufacturers' Sale Prii«p r » . grades, in Neat hemstitch Pretty st> le of Kxcellont styles Made of good For Kirls 4 to Variety of new Made of fast Lar sr a size Swiss wllK Ir Ux J—^XlM LUA 1 O \ C 9 7C " 0 ' Slrfaul '"2' to'?' *»tLen CO «° r *? >•*'»■ assorted styles; made to color percale's. white hemstitch- vests in extra Mtiiiufaclurers- Sale Price ' - JSSr'iiSi..* t0 ®* year'SiseV 1 'Manufacturers' bS« * Patterns. All ed handkerchlefs. Rood quality, with $9 QC c^-^n | Values up ,0 87..™ Sale Price. Manufacturer.- Manufacturer.- "'Manufacturer.- KS .Vwuiirr.' ' Sizes 13. IS and 17. Made of J1 ' £2 n - bale Price. fcale Price, Sale Price. Sale Price. Sale Price. For 8H.50 Values I "yj-sa's:"" 11c 5c 21c 15c 23c 17c 95c 31c 2 fee 6fec evSSi n "„r.r :;Tr l ;:!'X ,or """ i _ ————— 1 SKCOVI) ri.ooit. '% X. Ladies' 1 50c Women's 10c Children's 25c Women's Women's 65c 75c Middy Ladies' $1.50 Infants' 75c Ladies' 50c Infants' 35c ■ UNUSUAI ICORDIIROV handkerchiefs Gowns. Drawers, Drawers Petticoats Blouses Kimonos Caps Petticoats Caps WTRTQ IWJKUUKUY oKlKlo fine white hem- rut generously Excellent qual- Made of fine per- Remarkable Full length. Made of One Made of s-nort UK.tt.oo oKIK 1 S I Manufacturers' Sale Price hand " f,"'. 1 miufnn® .ni if"?, '*f. r''' sli " ■. hem- cale and rmgham, values In all sort* plain and fancy silks and lawns. muslin, generous- T>aintilv prettv Manufacturers' Sale Price ' ,mi ri\ . kerchiefs. lln; lace and en.- muslin and hem- stitched. All sizes, fast color, cut of different styles crepe styles. All good assortment ly proportioned new artvlea nf fine c —, fl»1 AA . \ S^r 3 SI fIQ Manufacturers broidery trimmed, stitched. Manufacturers' full, with ruffle. and sizes. colors. of styles. All and finished with white lawn* XI oft OI.UJ sale Price. All sizes. , Manufacturer.' Sale Price. All sizes. Manufacturers- Manufacturers' sizes. embroidered ruV- Manufacturers' <PI.VV . „w,. 15°. Pr"J5. Pr ' C *- r " r ' "WlSgC* Sale Price. E.I. Prloe. fie. Mam.tae.ur.r.' Ml. frlee. Value, » 5 .5» "V, ' B'/2c 37c6V*C 15C 39c 45c 95c 39c 29c' Pl.tr "■ I V SK(OM) H'|,QOH. ; Hundreds of New Fresh, Conscientiously-Made Spring Suits,Coals&Dresses I |; at Less Than Wholesale Prices ; M™.° Enter This Big Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sale at Less Than Wholesale Prices I T »ri° w ; j r- t0 B ? ! B T r m c rr,W 'a , V ™ "s W D T °- mo c rrow ' ! For Bi « 5 ► women's and children's Newest Trimmed Hats: sj.oo QC <'< Miss It. To-morrow s the Big Day. Come and- choose any Suit, any Dress, any Coat at a big money-saving price. New York ► Latest shapes, coior.^ndTrimming effects. Philadelphia s best makers contributed their surplus stocks of this seasons finest garments to this sale. They are all here at a price Womon s i,nil rhu - women's and ri.ii- < and in stylos and materials you would not drea m possible. Extra size Suits and Coats included ► TVimntecl Ha?». Mami- T° Va ' Ue dre "' S * 5 0 ° Val,,e « sr ~ v CVCDV ' ► »«'<; I'riw TRIMMKI. HATS TRIMMKR HATS Women's & Misses' Women's & Misses' Women's « Misses' tVERY Won..«ns & Misses' If Women's & Womens .v Mines' $1.79 $2.79 $3.79 , rmg .^A n v .Spnng Suits Spring Suits SUIT Spring Coats II Spring Coats Ii Spring Coats I I ► Ail the Latest Straws, Colors, Shapes and Trimmings.; ""irSST^ . No Two Alike, Every Hat a New Spring Creation 1 $7.95 $12.50 23P $17.50 4g£kjSP*' BARGAIN , " ► UNTRIMMED HATS-AMakers'Sur-' : plus at Big Monev Savin? Prices : • Jl l[ - b, " k ' : ■», MS SKWS'i^S.- . ° Women's & Mteses' \/ s j - w /" g ! ntrln.med HATS, up to Newest Intrimnied HATS, up fo Spring Suits Women's & Misses' Women's Jt Misses' ft Women's £ Misses' Women's Misses' Women's « Misses' ■ ' fact...ers''sale iCe" 69c r.!;eVs a a!riWio l e anufao " $ 1.25 values to $15.00 Spring Suits Spring Suits \ Spring Coats Spring Coats Spring Coats ► Black and colored hemp, in all Fine Milan.* and Hemps, in Tur- < ManiX-ture"' 5 ° Nlamffietm^' 0 //\ \ * "'Z"?ni° Values up to »1«..".0 Values up lo *20.00 for and or?' a ndT bine ic < ' Ve,.e., „ 3W S 14.50 $ 19.50 !:vj • * f.™i! . % '" , | ,os = : M,,,,,,fa< " 89r \v£.! a '-r!? ~,C .° r Pro,ty , Flo » w and < in checks and as- All the newest All our finest new ''MwXjl /[ \Smartest new flare Handsome new This season's finest ► JSK-r* co '°" . HUNDREDS OF HANDSOME SILK DRESSES, A '-""-'-'" f _ . f- | ,y J-PLAIDS & STRIPES, For Less Than Cost of Making -'»■ f , n _ _ W omens and Misses SI I. K W omens and Misses' SII.K LA' C ' IVI On lira /* til VAfO 7 Vr.i'nii.K V 1 _ I _ _ L DRESSES: Vnluee up to S6J>O; DRESSES: Values up to 814.00; Lb'So? «=s§k J f ... , ~ N \ ItIcLII U1 41\,1Ul CITS OUlDillS iJIOCK Ol Manufacturers' tfO *7*> Manufacturers' Q 'TIS |i ... , _ \ Sale Price 3>«3« » O Sale Women\ ann TflilfirAnC Npwpct QUoc '< Attractive new Silk Poplin Fascinating new models, in all Values; Manuractur- JC « Actual 814.00 Values; Mauurae • ** "RICH O a LIU lie WcSl OlllcS •, Dresses. In all colors and sizes; the wanted colors and size. ers 'rice OJ. I«J turei-s Sale fljQ *7tS. ■I . H™,.n' i itsnnhi l »v„.o,.„i, cl .„„., I- all the latest styles. Remarkable values. latest Prf«-e W* ' ° ■ !• I ..• c..i„ 53.45 ■' \ 'J^tit> w JkSSa models; all si/.es; belts and semi- Wonderful variety of styles; r I ->ianuraeture s sale IVtce w ,■ / \ Women's and Misses' SII,K flga>gSi!*!Wlt> '4l'V. belt styles. all sizes; belt or semi-belt. 9 \£; f .?<\ e eh> h ' 11 n thts season s most popular new S Women's and Miss«>s' SII.K DRKSSES: Values up to ii'iul' 1 > «««\ v V____ i V / | •I /£ | widths' soles and rench heels, all smes and ,J niU-".ssE:s; Values up to SR.SO: Manufacturers' tlO Cfi rajSfilfiMgifi f— ——— _ ■ > 1 J iCI ... Manufacturers' $5.75 Sa,< ' Pp,ce «I>IA.OU Women's and Misses' Striped Women's and Misses' Plain 9 4> \ W omen 6 53.00 8-Inch Button Roots; djo IQ ,• Sale Price <vu ' u Striped silk taffetas, crepe de Chinchilla t'oats sin un v»t,.n . White and Shadow Plaid Coals; ■ .• VSk t \ Manufacturers' Sale Price .1y .< Charming models of silk pop- chine and crepe meteors; all Eii ia sHr»g lit». MM* \t» .V,. i' "• 810.< nl\a I lies, l'p to 81 «,50 Values; Manufac- 9 %> V ln patent colt and kidskin. An entitelv new model •! H n : all newest colors and all colors and sizes. 'S51!liSilal*.«t6«llllB!/ . lnnuiiu Hirers <r-T CQ hirers' Sale 41 O7C £ I\Jriv wi "' flexible sole and Spanish heels; all sizes and S sizes. V_ Sale Price w I lice 914.4 O ■ WkJ* Widths. v ■ / v *!5""- New shadow stripe effects, ln Stunning new styles with belts 9 '• Misses' j,n,i ( si >iii sh„oo. A. . „ > Women's and Misses' SILK «wM|RSSS /A latest flare models; all sizes. or without belts; all sizes. Misses and Children s 81.50 Shoes; IQ % Women's and Misses' SII, K DKKSSES; Values un to 50- —______ v J i ► Manufacturers sale Price Ol.l» . DRESSES; Values up to 811.00; Mui.uriicturers' «1 C ~f\f\ V f e i r . r rj n 1 I' Made stylish, sturdy and strong; sizes 6to 11. . Manufacturers «7 Sale Price $ 15.00 Every Coat > SurDUS Stocks of Chi dreil S COAIS AT SLASHED PRIC ES 1 . Misses' and Children's 82.00 Shoes, little Roys' Shoes; Worth 81.50. Sale Price * 4 .DU Gorgeous new models ot erena D- aV /-hi,,, " , . \ , ,V', , . , . I . Manufacturers' <C 1 -JC Manufacturers' 1 r»Q Made of good quality silk pop- de chine, crepe meteor and 7ilk a Big > \ S M,M.,Ji»','m. il' « " V >nS ' \i«'U' n'T. S V "'" e " I •I Sale Pric-e ®1.03 Sale ITice 1 .Üb# . lin; entirely new styles taffeta; all sizes and colors \1 1 J erV s»W- .>M, ' $1.95 > la "'' rß 't ,,r - $?.89 ' S ? : y ,, n ,, f a,tur - $3 89 I Good, durable and comfortable. Made of solid leather, in sizes " Value M ei « lv^ l ® W eiV Sale Price.... Osiers' Sale Price... 00.017 | Sizes 11 Vi to 2. up to 13 H. A rare value. ' Sues 2to 6 years. 1 Sizes 2to 14 years. 1 Sizes 2to 14 years. i f —— urn in IIWIIWIWII n ■ |ulflnilFflCllirCrS jUTpiUS JIOCK Ol illFiS ■ ■ < •v • »* i/•t- t - ( . _ || THIS SEASON'S MOST POPULAR WAISTS AND SILK ] Newest White and Colored Dresses More Astonishing Halr-rrice Items in the Bargain Basement | BLOUSES AT RIDICULOUS LOW PRICES Ma!r u .acun-e h rs- I>reßaeß ' Hs ° v ;'r : rO% Extra Specials for Tomorrow g* on* U 'E* 41 * 3 Specials for Tomorrow j Price . 39c I 39c CLOTHES DRYER J*rieCe House- I Turkish Toweis and I "ZZpfcPhX ii BlnKhamß: m W& $2.00 Coffee PERCOLATOR. I)H C hold Basket Set, $1.69 Washcloths S\l «' fiirls Wash Dres " ies ' 75c v «' ,,es : ¥ $ 125 MEDICINE CABINETS, ?»<» THIS SET CONSISTS OF 5C Wash Cloths; o_ ; n-W'* K >1 /1\ IT\ «' s!rTrk-e m ' S 45c $2.75 GAS-IRONS JH1.59 n . The Special, each ......... . ..... ~ C j * \.V -V p.- • f\ I A\ SU ii .Sizes «to 14 years; variety of new JjEßfom $1.79 MOP OUTFIT ! '- al,Khtl> rvU ike mm-iM ii f-w. Si s Uw, I.;»«i«T„M 5c , lyv V. 1 L'LII W i: Gi.la* Hu ll Droaae.' S1 vain™ feSS fcS J • * BBS Sale Prl. e, I for 401 - ' j I ' Jf| II ;! -Ma IIU f act M l-ers' tf* IQC IQkijk j Regular 5c Cakes of Ivory,l "» Cakes *'**■ Clol he. Kymrj Three a p n< ?n l |r V< l ,,der I,orJ " ; JJ U Wjj-\ H ;i Sale Price 51.95 P. &G. White Naphtha L r»'Z Hl,mp " i-iere. r! ,1 i L-J—' *— ' ( , Fresh new styles trimmed with .Wl I , < XT .. i with- ' j urkisli Rath 1 Ql/_p | j| lace or embroidery; 6to 14 year /A I 3nd rels Naptha soap .. ,J tjKj , cover, '" r Towels: Sale Price .... ■ > Silk Rlnnux fnr u-nman. si-/es >#V\ 1 v , H fei'lTlr <; Stylish New Waists; Worth to to 85.50. Manufacturers' <tO fkC? !' i L A hemmed. :! ract,,rerß ' 95c Sale Price ®0.95 | Girls' Allover Embroidery Dresses: $1.50 THREE-PIECE APf rio'fhe. I ftV 19c Turklßh ,la,h Towels; |fi ale rice Gorgeous new styles of crepe de 5 8:1 Values: Manufacturers' d» iQC '•!; J AT TIMTMIIM <JFT rl C* n* u . V / Sale Price, each IOC !> Handsome new Spring effects, chine and Georgette crepe; allover <» Sale Price «pI.S7*J IVXIIN u ivi an 1 v VV/ Basket. Extra heavy quality and extra II in voiles and organdies. AH sizes. beautiful °Lw m,T. b J- na \l°s effeC i",; '! , Handsome new styles in sizes «to 1(/ $2.50 ALUMINUM (f» -1 Qf\ frCKHj f '® rKe „ , ;! Zl' P lei shades ' All 14 years. I / TFA k FT TT V IS 1 KM 38c ~a!h Towels; oj <! Girls- White Dresses; Worth to $5.00: Lf A Kfc.l ILL y/ 1 .Ot/ Sale Price ZOC ii Mai.uolctiircrs or< '' " P S 'l k Rlo,,<ip9 : »<> il >««n..nuturers' $395 $3.25 Bissels "CYCO" f f\ I- Extra heavy toweta with cord ► -"anuracuirers i qc S«.00. Manulacturers' QC !> Price % ;f v e Nt i Vf ed borders: all white. 11 Sale Price • Sale Price ib 4.95 > [ Handsome creations, attractively Carpet Sweepers tj) A 11/ ty 5o ( . R n in Towels* q - !| Made of flesh and white silks. . Son } e . of th © Prettiest creations <' trimmed with fine lace and embroi- yl $1.59 PORCH GATE f\ D Sale Price J9C 11 crepe de chine, organdies and , r . ou s °, u * this season. All the |> dery; bto 14 years. VJ VC f* r . n i nl ..,i K.,»K' ,11' , ][ voiles; beautifully trimmed and la^ est Spring- models; all sizes and Sfe,COMJ Kl.oon. / _ i Ira he-tvv and evtra We l S ' eX " i r. ;rr». n i g 1 f ASON ' S PRETT,EST wash dress fabr,cs at big money saving prices (» to 81.00. Manufacturers' <JJ9 QC Worth to 810.00. Manuractur- i' U 1. 1 U A Colored Fabrics . 2oc Fine Colored Wash Fine Grade Silk Muslin, In 25c fine grade Mercerised I Sale Priee V4.VO Prs - s«| e «; , ot „ of j Price .. $7.95 !! 10c bottle Peroxide of 10c S-yarcl Corset Lac- - \ c , R'ess Ginghams, assortment of weaves and and black; 27 oj- Price « 'r* The latest, prettiest Spring mod- Hvdroeen* P**ice 7c ■ ers neat stripe patterns and good colors* Manufacturers' 1 A inches wirl<** i,,i , ' 1 Ri* I b^ a fion« Cre V? 1 a Assorted colors, very stylish j| 19c ""bottle" Peroxide' of 4.' 5' and V quarter' Shoe colorings; Manufacturers' Sale Price, yard 10 c .... . '"' '' _ , binations. All sizes, al decidedij and new this season. A wonder- <! Hvdrogen; Sale Price 12c I-acers 1 for . 4c Sale Price, Cl/ or . White DreSS Goods . 2 ® c Pl «'" Vt h,te Flaxon, 38 iifwest handsomest styles of the ful value. All sizes ! >~■ r> ■ r Nickel Plated Skirt - vard /2C 35c line Grade c ravenette 2 - p lain white Vnii.» in ,n, ' h,>s wide; extra fine linen I season. * lztß ' {! 2Sc bottle Peroxide of . ->tcKei Plated ssklit Poplin, in all colors, abso- in /uL « hite . Voile. 40 finish . Sa , e - m FIRST I i lion. ■' i] Hydrogen: Sale Price.. l»c t " t 4 u . b ®? '"A o.'i Apron Gingham, fast lutely fast color, 28 inches !?,?. SL, ' sheer qual- Prlce v , 15C , S » German Sliver colors and neat check pat- wide; special If\ sale 101 / _ ' ' < mi k W ASH RIB. I Jlesh Ba,fs ' wi,h Ra,e tor,a: terns, full standard quality; var ,i iyC Price, yard I ** ' *>*' White Fahrir«! M. m m m rn RONS in Ift vird liolts Sa e Price Manufacturers' Sale »7_ 15<- Fine Grade Pajama PI .in whif„ rm ,1 „ , , j iWlr*<Wl^w assorted colors Manu- ° no lot of New 25c Price, yard « C 25c Fancy Voiles, in neat checks, 3fi inches wide I :ONTINUING the DISPOSAL 6t ™rS £» '?f -«»■ oSSJi.. In'manv SB! uM "foc "I^^lL U 3^ bTOCKS ol MUSLIN UNDERWEAR at LITTLEPRICEI p.P" h D '~. .1 popiin.^, T Women's Gowns, Worth to Women's Silk Camisoles; up lo 75cl Clark's O. N. T. Crochet newest shapes; fitted; Sale 15c w°di aU^olors 1 "* 08 ' 28 ISi?** « tr| Pe effects; needs no iron-l White ""ods J Manufacturers' 1 QQ Values: Manufacturers' ACL > Cotton. 2 for »c Price A»c ya d wide, all colors, ytZf, Ing; Sale ia V »r waists and OC r % Sale Price «P 1• JJ Sa | p ppjcg _ 417 C Silkateen, all colors; 50c Patent Leather Coat 19c Figured Plisse Crepe, > arfl Price, yard lUC; dresßes - > arr ' S. Beautiful styles, in white and Made of washable satin's and silk ' spool, 3c; 45-yard spools. Relts; Sale Price 33c 2° lnc hes wide, good quality Fine Figured and Striped 15c Plain White Lawn, 401 40-inch Plain White Fancy « s i l; f" an embroidery trim- crepe de chine; white and flesh- all M. F. A. Crochet Ootton. 25c Patent Leather Coat ,? r underwear and kimonoft; Seed Voiles, all new colors inches wide; fine quality for Sk'Hlnff. the season's popular I 1 iV. e . sizes. sizes. ' m k Xo. 16, 30 and 40 onJy, 12c* Relts; in red, white and tan; Manufacturers Sale IHp designs; 00. dress and waist; i A (fabric: special, yard J \\omen's White Petticoats; 81.00 Women's Crope de Chine Camisoles ? Bunny Hose Supporters Sale Price 21c Price, yard w yard OOC said Price, yard lUC !?.>C anH [ % \ alues: Manufacturers 79c "* so Values; Manurac- QC_' for children; all siaes; pair. White Kid Kelts, plain or Manv beautiful designs and coloring* in fine . —.. .... * " 'neat embroidery Also washable satin styles, in Comfort Sanitary Nap- t pi.«,.r- -WW I ,o,Lrv 1 h s, r ; , vtdt m .;i*n,w™ l ° rln "* REMARKABLE LOW PRICES FOR HANDSOME RUGS i iSSS.? sa ...1,1,™,»; .1.25 as? ,nJ n "" : •»« I p 1 1 $11.951 FRIDAY EVENING, RAKRISBURG TTELEGRAPH * MAY 5. 1916 5
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