FOUNDED 1871 JSjQtvmaiii - TOMORROW 9A.M.T09 P. M. ~ JSaarnicMzZ - BELL—I99I—UNITED "MIGHTY LIKE A ROSE" BABY WEEK, MAY 6 TO 13 IT 7 Mighty Like a Rose—'Tis so to every mother—and those who attend Baby Week will see so many hundred ba- Dies in their element—and come to know fully the joys of baby's enchanting smile and the loving coo of very tiny :ots. Baby Week begins tomorrow with a full order of Baby Week features, promising to be bigger and grander and gladder than ever. —A Bright Colored Balloon to Each Baby jf —A Photograph of Baby Without Charge —Six Useful Garments to Six Heaviest Babies Every child who attends Baby Week in company with mother or father will be given a pretty balloon —six colors this year. hJT Photographs are made of baby without charge providing a cash sale slip from the fr\ " ' l^LVv Infants' Wear Department is presented. (Photos taken at night also.) ) Enter Baby in the Weighing Contest / Open to all babies with the exception of those who captured prizes in the November V A\ Baby Week. If entered in a different class than formerly these babies will also be elig- f\\ \ I ) J First Prize Heaviest baby girl up to 6 Third Prize Heaviest girl, 6 months to 1 months; short white coat, with hand-embroidered ycai , tanc_\ white dress. $4.00. . J I\ 1 I A.l ~ -u i- j a,- ftQ Fourth Prize Heaviest bov, 6 months to 1 KV I IV f I \\ •Nik collar; silk lined. $0.98. year; fancy white dress. $4.00. )I Second Prize Heaviest baby boy tip to 6 Fifth Prize Heaviest girl, Ito 2 years; fancy I \ \ I |'A months; short with coat, hand embroidered col- -driest hoy, Ito 2 years; \ Y/Jf lar, silk lined, $5.98. white pique coat, SJ{..»O. A Big Department Full of j] Good Things For Babies y Novelties of every description. Short Coat*—of cashmere. serge, crepella and pl«iu«: O jv--' Kiddie Koop—the latest and handiest play-pen crib 6 months to 3 years $1.50 to $8.50 3 I yj that mother could wish for $15.00 Shirts, in cotton, wool and silk 17c to $1.50 I I Little Boys' Tailored Dresses; linen, lawn and linene, Kleinert Babv Pants 25c to 50c I// W pleated and belted styles ■••••••• « lo f 398 Creepers-white and colored crepe,' gingham and U/ Short Dresses, of lawn, nainsook and silk; hem- chambray; 6 months to 2 years 50c to SI.OO "/ stitched; hand embroidered; lace and embroidery trim- Rompers—made of percale, romper cloth, crepe and f p med;-plain and tucked bottoms. ,25c, 59c, 68c to $6.98 gingham; 2 to 6 years 25c to 980 § 't&CLM (Sizes 6 months to 2 years.) Caps—-Swiss, lawn allover embroider I }' and crepe de \ \ ' VT Empire and French Dresses, of fine organdie, Swiss chine; trimmed with dainty laces and ribbons 1 1 A * and lawn; trimmed with lace, insertion and ribbon; og c to $4 50 1 1 » I l° w neck and short sleeves 85c to $7.98 Bonnets—Swiss, organdie and embroidery; trimmed 1 1 (ji 'K Slips, of nainsook and silk; hand embroidered and with ribbon, lace and flowers 59c to $4 98 1 1 \vl Bishop styles; lace and embroidery trimmed _ Wash Hats—pique, linen and lawn;' with French 1 R T < 25c. 29c. 59c, 69c to $6.50 knots and pretty colored facings 25c to $4.51) 1 \\ Knit Sacques, in white, trimmed with pink and blue Lingerie and Straw Hats—trimmed with pretty rib- 1 ll \lk\ , _ . . . 29c to $2.00 bon, flowers and lace 98c to $4.98 1 11 iiCj* 'rf t'ashmere Sacques—hand embroidered ..85c to $2.98 Booties—in a large assortment of prettv styles ,/TjL -J\ Coats and Capes, of cashmem bedford cord 15 C to $1.50 1 II and crepella cloth $1.50 to SIO.OO Moccasins and Shoes —In white and colors 25c lo 60c 'jl BOWMAN S—Third Floor. .• SUMMER UNDERWEAR Women's Hosiery Women's High For All the Family A Stock Replete With the . Time to throw off winter's underwear and don the weight c- a c««'c. * *xr i- J^IIOCS that is comfort-giving during the warm months. Scas ° n S Smartest Novelties Women's bleached vests, tape Children's bleached vests and Thread silk stockings, in black, white Summer Weight neck and sleeves: plain and fancv pants, Spring weight, 5J5f. an(l all the wanted shades; pair... .SI.OO ® yokes. 17* and 25*. FOR MEN • and" lor* paVr 0^"*8 *! Tu S in with the Swan brand Swiss ribbed vests, s n unjon sui short s , Fancy si.k stocking. ; patr usual Bowman standard. silk and silk lisle; plain and fancy lhrPf> t» n <rth • «!«♦<. vnkee * OOe 79c and #1 00 three qu;arter lengt white and Thread silk stockings, double soles JiacK, blown, white, - ° ke • 1 . ™ . ecru. 91.00 and S}sl ..>O. lislp garter tops; pair 79c niOUSe, IVOrV and S"rav kirlskill W omen s cxtra size vests bleach- Ath , etjc uni { h siik iisie stockings, black or white. Built bv the hof An of cd. low neck, sleeveless, lo*, 29*, . - , lne De St American sm. 30# and «5». mi ' ! 8 ' a».'»o, makers of women's fmest foot- Women's bleached union suitj '" B v D and o|us „ nion , ribM! 'Tubi.'h'«i.TA a 'w..; l b£'oi,°" we | r : knees C 3o#. " . , , , Pnces $4, $5, . W & $7.50. Athena union suits, all wanted T'"' S" 8 Mlr " Low Cuts, at $3, $4, $5 styles medium and light weights, ® ..S'S"* S °*;. P !"'". and $5.50. * (>.)*, 4.>*, #I.OO and #1.23. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor « BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S Main Floor. / BRINGING UP FATHER :■ '. ; 7 8 By McMAWNUS WD BETTER |( 1 ME WIFE VUZ DON'T WORRY- » KIN IbQftßpy WHO IS THAT U.. =.<f DANCE TON?CHT llt wmtonthe TVIE idea ak HID ALL ME clothed- one OF DINTX* Wf\M AN O .. ■ rt: * ' ' " 'l' 'v, -f ->**• 4 - " S;. '•*;■•■ T'if -, v "i. t'■' ' t*{ ii * : ' 1>: " ■" ' •" . ' 7 t ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRtSBtJRG TELEGRAPH MAY 5, 1916 Early May Mornings arc Cheerful, Healthful and Invigorating. The store is cool shopping more enjoyable. Every Time the Sun Rises New Blouses Appear "VJU"E will not attempt to give a great deal of detail in the description of some of the choice models, but will leave the pleasure of surprise for you. You will find this gathering to he just the kind of blouses that the greater number of well-dressed women have need of. The prices are low, considering the many influences that are insisting that higher prices be made upon materials and workmanship. It is unusual that such quantities of new fresh models which are of the best late season's showing, should be priced so low. Georgettes have attained that beauty which comes more and more difficult to improve upon mostly white with a distinctive touch of color. Lingerie seems to have reached the height of beauty in the simple, striking effects of lace and embroidery—also color. Lingeries, 95c to $9.95 Silks, 52.00 to $5.50 Georgettes, $4.50 to $15.00 BOWMAN'S— I Third Floor. Savings of a Sterling Nature For the Woman Who Will Buy a Suit Now Calling particular attention to the stocks of medium-priced suits, all of which have entered this Spring out clearing at a greatly lowered scale. iHi The new lowered prices, simplified, make it easy for you to determine just how much you'll want to pay, and each price is a promise of good selection and a saving in dollars and cents. At $lO sls $19.50 jfIHP —are serges, gabardines, shepherd checks, velour checks, poiret twills and $25.00 $29.50 $35.00 —have established a new value in style and J) V fabric. Woolen and silks in exclusive models. // J BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Yo'u Read About "Creations" In Millinery! -rt *' **■ Ever think for a moment what a yv rca ' "creation" is? ' S n °* mCfely 3 ' la * with trim -1 ning upon it. It must be something different distinctive original! ' h ° ' atter " amcd is a stronghold /l ) 0 ot nierit in Bownian -Millinery. wW V#/ v You'll find here, new models, even V U \ \ tlleir simplicity, far removed from the common or widely copied y iMjUHj] II You'll appreciate more fully the \ iUUi 111 exclusiveness of Bowman Millinery V at l ' lc mo<^eratc prices. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor To Help Pack Away 810 Yards of the Season's Choice w . _ „ Novelties in Wide Winter Garments Wayne Cedared Paper Wardrobe, IvIDDOnS keeps your clothes clean and shape ly; dust-proof, moth-proof and u'» 3 . tJnusual Interest moisture-proof; come in assorted at e w Price— sizes Prices, 400, (>.>o, 750, 980, 50c yd. White Tar Moth Balls, 1-lb. pack- 1 J lc entl, ' e assortment of 810 ages, 2.10. yards ranges from six to nine White Tar Lavendine, combi- inches wide; choice novelties in nation of napthalinc and lavender floral, Roman and plaids; also flowers; package, 150. plain moires. BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 3
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