RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES SWAMP FEVER AT MOUNT UNION Two Powder Works Employes Believed to Have Contracted Dangerous Malady FIRST THOUGHT TYPHOID Young Girl Has Concussion of Brain Caused by Fall at Her Home By Special Correspondence Ml. Union, Pa., March 4.—Charles Conoway and William Carr, both em ployed at the Aetna powder works, are seriously ill with fever. It is be lieved now by many that the fever raging here and by which almost every person affected thus far has died, is not typhoid, but swamp fe \i r. from which there is only the slightest chances of recovery.—Miss llulda Palmer, while at the home of lior parents, tripped and fell and it Mas discovered that she had a clot of blood on her brain. She was serious ly ill for three, days but to-day she showed signs of recovery.—A wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Mar garetta Hollenbaugli on Wednesday morning at 6.45 o'clock when her daughter, Etta, was married to Rob ert Lincoln, of Altoona. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. Dr. • 'arl Mumford, of the Lutheran church. The couple left on a south ern lour. They will live at Altoona.— A birthday party was held Wednes day evening at the home of C. 13. Kwing in honor of his sister, Helen, who celebrated her twenty-first birth day.—A teachers' institute was held on Saturday at which every teacher of Ml. Union responded with a report <>n how to teach children to study in the various subjects. The institute was in charge of the county superin tendent.—Fred McClain, of State Col lege, and Harold Culves, of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, are spend lng several days with their parents. Suffered Great Pain! Letter Tells of Long-looked'for Prescription* T)rnr Mr. Editor —l am making a per- ! sonal appeal to your readers who are bothered with kidney and bladder tronblo and rheumatism, to give up the use of harsh salts, or alcoholic kidney medi cines and in their place take a short treatment of "Annrie" and be convinced of its wonderful virtues as I was. 1 suf- ! fered great pain, had a great deal of irritation, water became foul. I tried I everything advised but with no results. ! 1 sent for a box of ■ Annrie. Tablets" and I soon discovered that they brought relief. I have used them since, and now tho water is natural, my health good, and appetite splendid. Nome of the doctors pronounced my trouble enlarged prostate. Now I have no more trouble and I most assuredly feel that this latest discovery of Dr. Pierce's is the best remedy for Madder and kidney troubles that I know of. If I can induce anyone to give it a trial, I feel that ho will thank me for calling attention to this great boon that relieves this seemingly vorst of nil troubles that human flesh can fall hair to. (Signed) H. n. Fueisheb. . NOTE: Up to this time. " Anuric " has ' riot been on sale to tho public, but by the persuasion of many patients and the Increased demand for this wonderful healing tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally ! decided to put it into the drug stores of | this country within immediate reach of ; all sufferers. Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuria Tablets. There can be no imitation. Ever; package of "Anuric"is sure to bo Dr. Pierce's. You will find the signaturo nn the package just as you do on Dr. ! Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the ever- t famous friend to ailing women, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, proven by years to bo the greatest general lonic and reconstructor for any one. At any rate don't give up hope of being cured of your malady until just i II few doses of " Anuric" have proven I that it will make you feel like a differ- I cnt. person. EI/ITOR— Please insert this letter ia some conspicuous place In your paper. Don't Suffer With Headaolie or Neuralgia USE CAF-A-SO For Quick Relief 12 Doses 10c; 36 Doses 25c Seven Days! Clip This Coupon for The American Government AND The Panama Canal By Frederic J. Haskin The Books That Show Uncle Sam at Work The Harrisburg Telegraph SOME FACTS ABOUT THESE BOOKS— Both are the same size and bound exactly alike in heavy cloth. Each has about 400 pages printed on line book paper. Both are profusely illustrated with official etchings, drawings and maps. TO OUR READERS—We are distributing these patriotic books solely because of their great educational merit and our belief that they should be in every American honje. This is the week. It has seven days in it! It will be a great week, for it is the last week of the distribution of "The American Govern ment" and "Tho Panama Canal." You have put it off long enough. Clip to-day's coupon and bring It with ninety-eight cents to the Tele graph office and get these books. You can't afford to miss It. By mail, 15 cents extra. Just one week, remember! ONLY ONE COUPON REQUIRED SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 4, 1916. ANNVILLE TOWNSHIP BOAR i'l dtmL^tk. Hn&. .BHAHMii »,-•■'-■ Kim KrHH ..%feawfc. Left lo right, standing, Dr. D. M. ] Sliaucl, Nathaniel Light and H. L. Kin Birthday Dinner Given in Honor of Miss Ethel Laird By Special Corresbondenc• Lewisberry, Pa., March 4.—Pupils I of the South Point school, taught by I IT. M. Sutton, who (lid not miss a ses sion during the month, were Pauline Shettel, Margaret Snyder, Sara Stetler, Mary ReilT, Gordon Parthemer, Chas. Snyder, Francis Deardorff, Bruce At tieks and Harvey H. Fetrow. A J birthday dinner was given on Sunday l ut the home of Mrs. Elizabeth U. Laird, in celebration of her daughter, Ethel's, anniversary. Those present were Miss Mary C. Rudisill, Miss Eve lyn Harlacher, Miss Marjorte Ens tninger, Miss Ethel Laird, Mrs. E. U. Laird, Paul Schubauer and Dean R. ! Hudson. Mrs. George Ottmyer, of York, spent several days at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Franlce berger. The Rev. and Airs. Marshall K. Bartholomew and daughter, Irene Bartholomew, are spending a week at York, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parks and are attending the United Evangelical conference ses sions. Miss Mabel Yinger, who is attending a business school in Harris burg, spent several days with her par ents, Air. and Mrs. Jacob Yinger. ; Mrs. Frank Consylman, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Emma Bell, of Mechanics burg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bell. Dean R. Hudson, of Harrisburg, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rudisill. ■ — The adjourned conference of the Metho dist Episcopal Church will be held Saturday afternoon. March 11. The following Monday the pastor will leave for Altoona, where the annual con ference will be held. Frank Nesbit, of Alt. Airy, was a recent guest of his mother and sister, Airs. Nesbit and Airs. H. Al. Sutton. —-Jacob C. Parthe more and Roy Miller who were con fined to their homes with sickness are both able to be out again. Masquerade Party Given at Best Home in Montandon Montamlon, Pa., March 4. Mrs. Arthur Best and Miss Alary Garber gave a masquerade party at the Best home on Wednesday evening. The parlors were beautifully decorated with Hags and bunting and the cos tumes of the guests were attractive and amusing. The evening was spent with games and the guests were enter tained with a lecitation by Mary Gar ber; a solo by Mrs. Elmer Shaffer, and a select reading by Martha Reigel, and refreshments were served. Those who attended were Air. and Mrs. El mer Shaffer, Air. and Airs. James Best. Air. and Airs. Harry Snyder, Mr. and Airs. Jerome B'urman, Air. and Mrs. W. C. liurrey, Mr. and Airs. Arthur Best, Air. and Airs. Angus Fairehild, Mr. and Airs. Myron Fairehild, Air. and Airs. Merrill Johnson, Airs. Alice Garber, Airs. Lizzie Wenzel, Airs. Frank Cox, Airs. Lee Grimm, Alartha Reigel, Alary Garber, Myrtle Pfleegor, Grace Frey. Lee Pfleegor, Alontandon; Paul ine Beiber, Paul Albright, Alisses Alary and Jennie Phillips, Elsie Gemberling, Sunbttry: Messrs. AlcLaughlin, Bowen and Duffy, of Bucknell University.—- Airs. Elmer Kooney returned from Rebersburg on Monday, where she at tended ilie funeral of her sister, Miss Susan Slitzer.— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, of Willlamsport, were visitors with Air. and Mrs. Walter Ritter.—Air. and Airs. Snyder spent Sunday with his parents at Mifflinburg.—Mrs. Charles Kaler and Airs. Emerson Katherman, of Mlllmont, were visitors over Sun day at Elmer Beaver's.—Edith Beiber has returned from a vlsft at North umberland. —The Rev. Franklin Artley attended a meeting or the No-License League at Sunbury. Air. and Airs. Ralph Reed and son. of Wllliamsport, and Airs. Harry Crawford and daugh ters, Dorothy and Ruth, were enter tained on Sunday at Hotel Wenzel.— Airs. Flora Conly, of Lewlsburg, spent Sunday with Airs. Alice Garber. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package j proves it. 25c at all druggists. Rank, D. T. Brighton; seated, M. H. • ports. Members Are Well-Known Businessmen of Borough By Special Correspondence Aniiville, Pa., Alarch 4. —The board of township commissioners of Annville township is composed of some of the most widely known and influential business men of the town. The pfes | ent council is presided over by Dr. Rank, who has been a member of ; council since its organization, January 1. 1911. Dr. Rank is a native of Leb | anon county. After attending the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, where he pur sued a medical course, he started his I practice here. He is one of the best known physicians in Annville. Na j thaniel Light is serving his second j term in councils and he also is a na j live of Lebanon county. He is a well- I known business man, being director of the People's Bank and a director and manager of the Dauphin Turnpike Company for six years. Hedwig L. Kinports Is serving his second term on the board. He was born in Annville, his father being the late Judge Kin ports. At the present time Air. Kin ports is partner with his brother In the firm of Kinports & Bro., in Alain street. Alilton H. Shaud is a well known jeweler of town and has been commissioner for the past two terms. Air. Shaud came here thirty-live years ago and his present watchmaking es tablishment is the largest in Annville. Daniel T. Brighton is a new member of the board. He was born in Leb | anon county and for sixteen years has I been a resident of Annville. He is a j retired farmer. Bucket of Boiling Lard Spilled Over Man's Leg By Special Correspondence Milelrshurg, Pa., March 4. The Rev. George L. Hangen, who has served as pastor of Grace United Evangelical Church of Millersburg for four years was appointed to. a Wilkes-Barre church by the United Evangelical conference at Harrisburg this week. He will bo succeeded here by the Rev. Mark L. Berger, now pas tor of a Reading church. The fam ily of George H. Feidt l.ving east of Killinger, have been sorely afflicted this winter, a son having died with typhoid fever, after which the father and a daughter became ill with the same disease, but are improving and now the oldest daughter has also con tracted the malady. Aliss Esther Dressier, who was operated upon for appendicitis at a Harrisburg hospital last week, is said to be Improving.— Airs. Catharine Pletz, who lives with her daughter, Airs. W. S. Aliller In Lcnkerville, celebrated her 80th birth day on Tuesday. Airs. Charles Bur rows took her 3-year-old daughter to the University Hospital at Philadel phia Wednesday when the child will undergo an operation. Airs. H. H. High and daughter Miss Ruth, have returned from a visit at Cliambers burg. "Dick" Bashore, who was seriously ill with rheumatism early in the week, is said to be improving. S. S. Pick and Ralph Dreibelbis were Philadelphia visitors this week.—Ben lon P. Neagley of Killinger has a badly burned leg and foot, the re sult of boiling hot. lard spilling from a bucket which he was carrying and running down his leg into his shoe. Gratz Aid Society Builds Its Own Place of Business Gratz. Pa., March 4. —A Ladles' Aid Society was recently organized by the women of the Reformed and Lutheran churches of town. During January and February they had their head quarters in the building recently va cated by the First National Bank. In two months' time they have accumu lated enough money- to erect a place of business in the most prominent section of town, and the new place will be open for business this even ing. They will have all sorts of eat ables and many digerent articles of wear on sale. Many prominent wo men of town devote much of their time to -this cause and through sewing and quilting by the mem bers much of this building fund has been secured. Officers of the so ciety are: Airs. W. O. ltodgers, Airs. Clara Hess. Aliss Ella Hartman, Mrs. George Hepler and Airs. Joseph Um holtz. Joseph Hepler has charge of Ihe baking and distributing of dough nuts throughout the town. The young women of the society will give a play in the latter part of Alarch for the benefit of the society. Save Your Voice At tlie first sign of huski ness, irritation, cough or voice fatigue —slip into your mouth —immediately —one of Brown'c Bronchial m TROCHEVJ You can get them now, in the new 10c Trial Size Box—very convenient to carry in the pocket. Quick relief for hoarseness and voice strain. Safe to use freely—contain no opiates. Regular sizes 25c, jOcand sl. Get the New 10c Trial Size Box tl your Druggist If your dealer cannot tuppl» you, will mail any size, upon rtctipt of price. Jolin I. Brown A Son, Boston, Mass. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence lllimliiuuklvm Church. Airs. John i'oorman, of Palmyra, visited her brother's family on Tuesday.' John dheiienhamer, of Aianaua Bottom, greeted rrienus here tins week. \v'ii nain Uerberich visited irlenus at Ling lestown on Wednesday. sir. ami &ira. Florry, ot urantvuie, visited trienda at Palmyra this week. Pio ressor E. E. Snyder is in. Samuel Kettering was in our midst 011 Mouuay. linlimitia. F. M. Wiest returned i home trom Florida on .Monday. He spent the winter with his son at Jacn sonviUe. Airs. Anna Fetter visited ner daughter, Katie, who is ill at the Alarv Packer Hospital, Sunbury. 1 >i\ IJohn Shuli, ot Baltimore attended the I linieral of his brother, Jacob, on Wed- I nesday. I. J. Batuorf, of Harrisbui g, was here this week. Airs. Ueorgi | Wetzel, of Harrisburg, visited her pa rents, Air. aim Airs. A. 11. Zeigler. —- f-purgeon Bingamun left lor Flat Rock, Onio, where he will make his home. —1 C. S. Deppen was at I'ottsvllle recent ly. Aliss Sallie Fenstemacher, of tied Cross, visited her parents.—E. J. Kling- I man spent several days at Philadelphia. i —Airs. L. N. Bttbb, of Allllersburg, and] Mrs. 11. 8. Bubb, of Harrisburg, spent Wednesday here. Undent. Mrs. James Qlpple has rc turind to her home, at Lancaster, after ; visiting at the home of C. 10. Sweigard 1 lor several days. Nellie Monroe, who was employed at Philadelphia, lias re- ! turned home. H. JS. Kitziniller aim | Charles Slioop attended the Auto Show 1 at llarrisburg. Aliss Alary lenders is \ spending several days at Berrysburg.— | Another social will be held in the \ schoolhouse on Alarcli 17. Airs. Lydla J. Enders Is spending some time at llarrisburg. Mlllrratonn. Airs. Kussell Martin, ' of Andersonburg. spent the week-end with her father, Amos Stahl. Mrs. C. 1 U. Spangler is visiting relatives at Philadelphia. Air. and Airs. Charles i Allen and daughter, Miriam, of Middle- | burg, spent the week-end with Air. Al len's mother. Airs. Alary Allen. On Sun- ! day they were accompanied home by ' Airs. Allen. Guy Dittendafer, of En ola, visited his sister, Miss Nelle IJif tendater, this week. John Brinton, ! of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Airs. Brinton, at the home of Mr. and Airs. J J. C. Kipp. Airs. Flora Middleton, of Newport, is visiting at tlie home of Miss Elizabeth Patterson. Alisses 1 Bertha Myers and Eiva Spicher were ! visitors at Newport. Saturday. Aliss Annie Thompson, who had been spend ing the winter with her sister, Mrs. James Rounsley, Sr., has returned to! her home, at New Buftalo. Mrs. W. ' W. Smith, of Duncannon, visited her | mother. Mrs. B. 1-j. Bra n, this week, j —1). A. Lain- spent Sunday with his brother, Charles Liahr, at Newport. —• I Miss Sue Kline, of Shiremanstown, was ! the guest of D. Al. Rickabaugh and [ family, on Sunday. Mr. and Airs. James E. Rounsley entertained at din- | ner on Sunday, Miss Annie Thompson, | of New Buffalo; Air. and Airs. James Kounsley, Air. and Mrs. Addison Ulsli and Airs. J. C. Hall. Alisses Helen I Bower, of Blain; Alabel Secrist, of Dun cannon, and Edward Holman, of New Bloonitield, were geusts of Air. and Airs. A. T. Holman, on Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Charles Newbaker and daughtei, who have been visiting Mrs. Newbak er's parents for the past week, returned to their home, at Steelton, Sunday. —- Mrs. Joseph Bucher. who had been visit ing her son. Kirk llaines, at Connels ville, for several months, returned ! home on Wednesday. She was accom nanied home by her daughter, Airs, j Haines. AYlconlxco. Edward Messmer is ■ confined to his bed with rheumatism.— I William H. Yost, of York, was a caller! here on Wednesday. George Witmer | attended the Leap Year dance at Tower \ City. Wednesday evening. - Harper : Wiest spent Wednesday at Williams town. Mrs. Ida Snyder and daughter, Vlda. left for Harrisburg, where they will siend a week with relatives. Mrs. Elmer Umholtz and daughter. Ala tilda. spent Wednesday with her son, of l'ayton. Mrs. Thomas McCord, of South Bethlehem, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Studholm, of Center street.—Mrs. Roy Howells, of Kingston, is the guest of lticnard Howell. Harold Sham paugh spent Friday with his aunt, Mrs. 1 William lietallie, at Williamstown. ] Daniel Bretz spent Saturday in Frack villc. Georire Seip and sister. Marv, spent Sunday with Tremont relatives.— Mrs. H. J. Kline and daughter, Myrl, j spent several days at Harrisburg. Misses Alabel Vogel and Edna Shomper, of Williamstown, called 011 Harper Wiest. Alisses Mary Schoffstall, of Harrisburg, was the week-end guest of I her parents, Air. and Mrs. William i Schoffstall. Wormleynliiirg. Aliss Maude Arney, ! of Lancaster, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Airs. Elias Arney. ! Airs. John Smith spent Tuesday at Dan- j caster. Mrs. Vernon Kister, Mrs. Mar tin, Mrs. Work, Mrs. J. J. Hemmer, Mrs. McAdams and Airs. G. B. Renshaw went to the Shiremanstown United Brethren j Church 011 Wednesday evening to hear ' Airs. J. Hal Smith speak in foreign mis- ! sionary work. J. J. Hemmer initiated a class in the P. O. S. of A. on Tuesday evening. J. I). Hippie is convalescing iit the Howard Hospital, Philadelphia, and hopes to return home in a couple of weeks. J. B. Fauber, of EHzabeth vllle, called 011 friends here 011 Alon day. Mount Joy Bible Class Has 108 Members Present By Special Correspondence Mount Joy, Pa., March 4.—The Cru sader's Men's Oraganized Bible Class, of the United Brethren Sunday school, had an attendance of 108 011 Sunday morn.- ing.—The Rev. Mr. Dantz, of Shiremans town, president of the Lancaster Con ference. preached sermons in the Luth eran Church on Sunday morning and evening. Samuel S. Wolgemuth, a prosperous farmer of Mount Joy town ship, who spent the winter at Sarasota, Fla., has gone to Aliami, where he will spend a month. Burgess George H. Brown has been drawn as a grand iuror I for April 17. The United Evangelical I Conference, in session at Harrisburg, on Tuesday reappointed the Rev. I. E. Johnson, pastor of Alount Joy United | Evangelical Church. Jacob Weiss, of [ Salunga, and his niece, Aliss Virgie I Light, of Lebanon, were in town on I Wednesday, the guests of the Rev. Air. and Airs. John Wilson. The Rev. Mr. | and Airs. Barr, of Trevorton, after spending several days here, left for their home, where the Rev. Mr. Barr is I pastor ol' the United Evangelical Church. The Saturday market will hereafter commence at 1:30 o'clock. SUPERVISOR REPAIRING STREETS AT I MION DEPOSIT j Union Deposit. Pa., March 4. —| Mr. and Mrs. Marry Keilter and j daughter, Kathryn, spent Sunday at Annville. Mr. and Mrs. John Etter and son, Paul, of near Sand Heacli, visited Iho former's parents. Air. and I Airs. Joseph Etter on Sunday. A. j Hammaker is spending several weeks at Warren. Paul Miller spent a j day at Harrisburg. Aliss Mary Lane ot" Palmyra is spending some time with Air. and Mrs. William Phfeils. Miss Edna Kaufman spent Sunday at Royalton visiting her brother, Harvey Kaufman. H. D. Pelffer and family of near Shellsvllle were the guests of his brother, Henry P. Pelffer on Sunday. Preaching serv ices will be held in the United Breth ren church on Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, by the pastor, the Rev. Geo. W. Hallman. Landis Curry spent Sunday at Stoverdale visiting his mother, Mrs. Edward Stover. Miss Lucia Rambler and Miss Dorothy Alay, of Harrisburg, spent a short time with the former's mother, Mrs. Lizzie Rambler. Aliss Sarah Etter spent a day at Annville. Supervisor W. R. Clay has began repairing Main street. The Rev. A. M. Kuhns after j spending several weeks at Heidleburg, has now returned home. Mrs. Ella Groff and children, of near Sand Beach, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christian GrolT on Sunday. B. F. . Fuusnacht spent Saturday at Palmyra. 1 TURKEY DINNER ON RETURN HOME Seventy-five Guests Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Shank at Waynesboro WED AT PHILADELPHIA Pastor of Church of Brethren Entertains Twenty-seven Young Women By Special Correspondence Waynesboro. Pa., Alarcli 4. Airs. ; H, H. Walpole has returned from an j extended visit to relatives in East Orange, N. J. Mrs. Samuel Drey fuss and daughter. Miss Joanna Drey j fuss, have returned Iroin Washington, j D. C., where they spent some time as jthe'guests of Aliss Hortense Dreyfuss. —Aliss Madeline Warehime has re | turned to Frederick, Atd., after spend ing several days with her parents, | Postmaster and Mrs. J. W. Warehime. J-r-Albert Scott was a visitor to Balti more this week. Aliss Katherine ! Frantz has returned from Baltimore. ! —The Rev. J. Edgar Washabaugh, of Rah way, N. J., spent the week with j his parents. Air. and Airs. K. Harper Washabaugh. Twenty-seven young I women of the Church of the Brethren 1 were entertained by the Rev. and i Airs. M. A. Jacobs.—Nathaniel Funk j has gone to Panama, where he will I spend two months. Airs. A. Barr Snively entertained a number of friends at a bridge party.—Guy Gil bert has returned from a visit to ! Richmond, Va. Mrs. C. 11. Stickell has returned from a visit to her son, j Guy Stickell, at Harrisburg. Alen dic Kirsch attended a social function in Baltimore, given by his mother, Mrs. Anna Kirsch, on which occa sion the engagement of hl.i sister, Aliss Lottie Kirsch, of Baltimore, to Sydney | Hopkins, of Wadeshoro, N. C„ was an nounced. The wedding will take place in June. Air. and Airs. Jerome Shank, who were married at Philadel i phia and who returned to Waynes | boro were tendered a hearty recep ! tion at the bride's home. An elabor j ate turkey dinner was enjoyed by 75 | guests. Richard Sexton, who is a student in the Alilitary Academy at I Staunton, Va., was taken ill two weeks j ago, and is now recuperating at the home of his parents, Mr. and Airs. C. W. Sexton.—Merle Finney and Har old Rumberger are spending same time in Philadelphia. Aliss Lillian Aliddower, who has been spending some time in Johnstown, has returned home. Airs. Alartha J. Reid, of Cherry Tree, Pa., was the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Sny ' dor. — P. S. Alessinzer. of Little town, Pa., is spending some time in Waynes- I boro. Fritz Hurd, of Williamsport. j Aid., and Bruce LeGore, of LeGore, i Aid., spent the week-end with friends |in Waynesboro. —J. W. Coolidge, j postmaster of Pen Alar, has returned i from a five weeks' sojourn in Miami, : Fla. Postcard Shower Given Miss Shirk on Birthday By Special Correspondence Eplirata, Pa., March 4. —On Wed ; nesday, Aliss Florence Aliller, daughter of Air. and Airs. Jerome Miller, of Lincoln avenue, went to the General Hospital at Lancaster, where she will take a course of study with a view of j becoming a trained nurse. Aliss Alil- I ler has for several years been teacher of grade No. 3 in the Washington school building. Aliss Miriam K. j King assumed charge of the school on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, the relatives and friends of Miss Emma Shirk, who lives with her par j ents, Mr. and Airs. William H. Shirk, in East Franklin street, tendered her ; a postcard and handkerchief surprise, in recognition of her birthday. In the evening, twenty or more of the | young lady's friends called at her j home as a leap year party. Games j were played and luncheon was served. —Aliss Feme Jones entertained about twenty of her friends at a George Washington birthday party at her home in Church street. Harvey Flshburn, a member of the Senior class in the Ephrata High School, en tertained a number of his schoolmates and friends at the home of his par ents in West Alain street. Odd Fel | lows to the number of 125 or more from Ephrata, Reamstown, Lincoln, Clay and Hopeland paid a fraternal visit to Lebanon Lodge, No. 121, at Lebanon on Friday evening, making the trip in two special cars over the Ephrata and Lebanon street railway. A banquet was a feature of the even ing, covers being laid for more than 300 people. Mrs. C. A. Funk, of Philadelphia, gave an interesting ad dross in the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening, on "China," in which country she was formerly en gaged as a missionary. Airs. Funk I came to Ephrata on the invitation of the Otterbein Guild of the congrega- I tion. CELEBRATES 80TH BIRTHDAY ! Thompsontown, Pa., Alarcli 4.—Mr. \ and Airs. William Himes, of Lewis town, spent Sunday with their par ents.—Mrs. David S. Funk, of Harris- I burg, was a guest of Airs. Nancy Herr on Saturday.—Air. and Airs. Edward I Himes and family, of near Alillers town, were guests of Alt', and Mrs. D. Samuel Leonard.—Miss Esther iThorne and Airs. Noah Sell, of East Berlin, are guests of Air. and Airs. C. C. Zeigler.—Airs. D. 11. Spotts is visit ing Airs. J. Frank Patterson at Alif ! flintown.— Airs. John Ludwig, of j Harrisburg .spent Wednesday with her I sister, Mrs. W. It. Long.—Mrs. Arthur Thompson and daughter, Viola, of j Tuscorora, were guests of Aliss Annie | Patton on Wednesday.—George Kel !ser, of Harrisburg, spent Wednesday I with his father, Jonathan Kelser.— j Miss Alargaret Deitrich, one of the oldest residents of the town, cele brated her eightieth birthday on Atonday.—Airs. John DeArmitt and children, of Altoona, were recent guests of her parents, Air. and Airs. Robert Colger. POSTMASTER IX HOSPITAL Jonestown, Pa., Alarch 4.—Air. and Airs. Harry Zartman, of Lebanon, spent Sunday with Mr. Zartman's uncle, Simon J. Kaley.—Air. and Mrs. William H. Zehring, of Newmans town, spent Tuesday with relatives here.—Clark G. Long spent Tuesday at Philadelphia and while there called on Postmaster Adam B. Herbert, who is in the German Hospital.—The con dition of Airs. Charles E. Henry, who was operated upon on Tuesday is somewhat Improved.—Joseph Alinnich I was removed to the Good Samaritan Hospital at Lebanon.—Robert J. Bond bought a horse at John A. Brandt's sale near Fredericksburg on Tuesday. —Thomas M. Bross clerked the Dau bert estate sale near i church on Tuesday. Well-Known Manheim Woman Active at 92 MRS. FANNY STEIIMAN By Special Correspondence Manheim. Pa., March 4.—Mrs. Fanny Stehman, of Manheim, is hale and hearty at the advanced age of 92 years. She is possessed of all her fac ulties and is a pleasant conversational ist. She recently completed a hand some doilie, working thereon lilies of the valley in colors, with the year of her birth, 1824, in one corner and 101G in the other. On Tuesday she started to knit a pair of stockings. Visitors Enjoy Winter Days at Many Dauphin Homes By Special Correspondence Dauphin, Pa., March 4. —Mrs. Harry H. Young and children, of At lantic City, and Mrs. Walter Garman, and children, of New York city, have returned to their homes after visiting their father, T. G. Sweitzer.— George Heck is visiting her daughter, Mrs. David Novinski, at Philadelphia. From there she will go to Lancaster, where sho will spend some time with relatives.. —Mrs. George Kinter and granddaughter, Helen Henninger, spent the week-end with Mrs. Charles Bowman, at Renovo. Mrs. Albert Koons and daughter, Helen .Lucille, ol' Altoona, returned on Monday after a visit with Mrs. Clura Garman.— Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McKlssick, of Her shey, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.. William F Reed.-—Marry B. Lyter was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Banks, at Harrisburg.—William Shaff ner, of Harrisburg, spent Wednesday with his aunt, Mrs. W.. B. Sheets.— Thomas Hawthorne, of New York city, spent the week-end with his mother. Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne.—Miss Ruth Shacer was the week-end guest of her cousin. Miss Ruth Zimmer man, at Milton.—Miss Ore Bickel, of Philadelphia, returned home on Thursday, after spending several months with Miss Carrie Elizabeth Gerberlch.—Mrs. Howard Bay ley, of the Touraine, New York city, arrived here on Monday to spend some time. —Aliss Julia Kinter was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Emory Wierman, on Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maurey spent several days with their daughters, Mrs. Grover Glaas and Airs. Paul Harm, at Harrisburg.—Le roy AlcKissick is confined to his home in South Erie street with pneumonia. —The Rev. S. N. Dissinger, of Kulz town, spent Tuesday in town. —Mrs. Ira Romberger and daughter, Ella, of Harrisburg, spent Wednesday with T. G. Sweitzer, —Mrs. Theodore Len nert, of Williamsport, who is the guest of Airs. Clara Garman, spent Wednes day, at Millersburg.—Alias Matilda Kinter, of Harrisbugr, spent several days with her aunt, Airs. Harry Reed. —Mrs. Elizabeth Gerberlch went to Harrisburg on Wednesday for a visit with her brother, Dr. J. W. Shope.—• Aliss Annie Hinkle spent Wednesday with Aliss Henrietta Dewalt at Har risburg.—Airs. William Aliller and daughter, Julia, of Enola, were week end guests of Airs. J. E. Williams.— Airs. Smith, of Herndon, is visiting her daughter, Airs. W. E. Williams. — G. Max Williams left on Thursday for Harrisburg where he will, spend the month.—Airs. John Wolf spent several days with her daughter, Airs. Norma Herman, at Harrisburg. lowa Farmer Will Move Back to Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence Blain, Pa., Alarch 4. Mrs. John S&usaman and Allsa llattie Adair, of Landisburg, visited the former sister, Mrs. Grace Sheaffer. Newton Ker stetter, has been re-elected principal of the high school for the next year. The following guests enjoyed them selves at a hap knotting party at the home of Sylvester Shields: Airs. R. B. Kell, Mrs. Oiner Kell, Alisses Dessie Shearer, Alda Snyder, Evelyn Shu man, Ella R. Stum, Mrs. Elizabeth Henry, Airs. Sallie Rowe, Mrs. George Anderson and daughter, Bertha, Mrs. A. D. Netdigh, Airs. J. W. Keener, Airs. J. A. Snyder, Mrs. G. F. Stine, Airs. Lewis Shuman, Mrs. C. O. Gray, Airs. Annie Woods, Airs. James Shu man. C. B. Hench, who is returning East with his family, had a farm stock and implement sole at Britt, la., which amounted to $5,500. Air. Hench Is a son of O. L. Hench. of Blain, and he will reside at New Kingston. Clarence Wilt, of Florin, came home to see his brother, Samuel Wilt, who is very ill. Aliss Ituth Donahoe, of Bedford county, canie to live with the family of the Rev. T. R. Gibson. Mr. and Airs. Elmer John son, and two children of Altoona, visited O. L. Hench, who is ill. —John Walwsmith, an old soldier, who was sick, has improved and was able to walk to town. "CASH DAY" AT CHURCH Shippcnsburg, Pa., March 4. Airs. Ambrose Martin is visiting at. T-lagers town. Kloyd Reilly of Steelton, spent several days in town. The Rev. Markley of Fayetteville, de livered an address at the Alen's Aleet ing at the Y. M. A. Sunday. James lvenyon of Carlisle, spent a day jin town. The Edward Shippen Military Band will give a concert in the new opera house Tuesday, Alarch 7. "Cash Day" will be observed in the AleSßiah U. B. church to-morrow. Aliss Lydia Aliller is on a trip to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Blaine llarnlsh spent Sun day at his home at Greencastle. The Rev. T. S. Alricli of Easton, will conduct the next monthly Bible Con ference. DINNER AT GKAXTVILLE Grantville, Pa., March 4.—Harvey Gerberlch attended the public sale of Joseph Coronas, of Derry, on Tuesday. —The Rev. O. R. Blttner made a trip to Lebanon on Tuesday.—Ellsworth Lerch visited relatives at Palmyral on Sunday.—John Seaman, of Shells ville, visited Harvey Gerberich.—A wedding dinner was given on Sunday at the home of Air. and Mrs. Claude Bomgardner, at Bellgrove, in honor of their son Arthur and his wife. — Harry Hetrick and Dr. Shenk, of Linglestown, were here this week.— L. Ai. Johnson and W. J. Shuey, of Harrisburg, were business callers here. WILL BEAUTIFY HERSHEY TOWN Plans For Spring Work to In clude New 18-Hole Golf Course MEXICAN LEOPARD AT ZOO Chocolate Sent to English and Belgian Soldiers Greatly En joyed and Appreciated By Special Correspondence Hershcy, Pa.. March 4.—With the approach of Spring plans are under way to increase the landscape devel opment of tile "Chocolate Town," al ready noted for the beauty of its lawns, yards and gardens. The work will consist chiefly in amplifying and ' , i"! ll " ut the Plantings in the town Pa ' k - T,le asPhult and ma nhk i,rt° a » Wa ?[ fro , m thG Philadel phia and Heading bridge to the en bTsTho 0l , Highland Park ''rive lias has been planted with shrubbery and I bouWa^t •'e one of the most beautiful boulevards in this section. This is snck r «V e < ? lre< ; tlon of Harry Haver i s iw,i ,i S !ilso Preparing the new » , & olf course on the heights. ®- h ? le course in the town will i., ; 7i«?,ti r , I ,?'! oved ' eiving Hershcy un ,.ha , ? 8 in the sport. The *««« ?£ nt to the soldiers in Eu thoroughly appreciated, ac - V ? lette rs received from the trenches by the Hershey Chocolate and'Si They werc ,rom English troops, a handsome ? n °, f the M e*»«n leopard, or ' has been added to the Hershey 'nnimoi i «i ft savage and dangerous n * S, 2? U «: to the lynx in size.— the rfllt' Pa Y,: n " Funk - manager of L,m ii Brethren Publishing House, -S? , unlon meeting at the central Theater to-morrow on "The Pvfnn Levels of Life." in the evening pictures showing the work of the publishing house will be shown.— Mrs. B. F. Y. Graeff, of Columbia, vis ited her son, I>. S. Graeff and family. Airs. J. E. Senft, Mrs. Graeff's sister, has returned to her home after a week s stay. Mrs. Charles Smith, of Lancaster, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Frank 1.. DeVerter.— Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McKlssick visited ? j K eed, at Dauphin, and at tended the banquet given by the P. O. f'• °° —-E. L. Bomgardner inspected the schools at Beaver and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bom gardner.—Mrs. George Skivington, of Duncunnon spent several days with her son, William Skivington.—Dr. J. Land Is Zimmerman entertained Dr and Mrs. W M. Emrich, of Harris burg. DILLSBURG BAND BAZAR By Special Correspondence Dillsburg, Pa., March 4. Mrs. Robert Spahr sustained severe injuries | in a fall down the cellar steps of her home in South Baltimore street. —« Robert Nelson, teller of the Dills burg National Bank, transacted busi j ness at Baltimore on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wiley Who were re cently married will begin housekeep ing in the Ritter home in South Sec ond street, now occupied by John Baker. Albert Cook, a student in the High school is confined to his bed with inflammatory rheumatism.—Wil liam Karns was ut ilarrisburg on Sun day. Daniel Altland, who has been ill with inflammatory rheumatism, is now able to leave his bed. John Boose who for a number of years has been an employe of the New Era office will remove to the E. N. Shap ley farm in Carrol township April I. —The Citizens' Band will hold a bazar in the opera house next week from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive. lra L. Heikes attended the York County Christian Endeavor Convention In York as a delegate from the Alonaghan Presbyterian church society. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum mers, Box W, Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to any mother her success ful home treatment, with full Instruc tions. Send no money, but write her to-day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This .Teatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night.—Adv. " New Invention " PATF.XT APPLIED FOB TOUPKF. Our specialty, gentlemen, is Tou pees and WigH, which we make and send on approval with privilege of 24 hours' examination. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. I Our new Invention is a Toupee that will not lift up oft the head In front where the part is as all other toupees will do after being worn a month or two. The foundation of this toupee la so fine it gives a reproduction of the natural scalp. Manufactured only by us. Write for our price list of these toupees and others. Welles Mistratar & Co. 158 MAIN STItKKT, KAST HOOHKSTKH, N. Y. Forthe Sick Room we have the necessary helps for every sick room. Helps that relieve the patient, the doctor and the nurse. I Helps that render work easy and help hasten recovery. Many styles of bed and douche pans, sheeting, urinals, air pillows and cushions,' feeding cups, etc. Agents for Worthlngton Quality Wheel Chair for Invalids and crip ples; also commode chairs. FORNETS DRUG STORE 31 N. Second St. ■- _ ..I ; Try Telegraph Want Ad* 5
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