4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS TEACHER GIVES PUPILS VACATION Perry County Instructor Goes Away on Wedding Trip and Dismisses School POT 100 YEARS OLD Samuel Morrison Buys Nine Head of Sheep For His Son's Farm By Special Correspondence Now Germantown. Pa.. March 4. John M. Collins, who teaches the Fairview school, gave his pupils a .•acation on Thursday and Friday :m account of being absent on his ivcddlng trip.—Sampel Morrison, of Center, spent Monday and Thursday with lriends here and bought nine heart of slieep tor his son, LiUther, Irom Henry Eby for $7 2.—Jesse Stump has a dinner pot 10U years old. —Harry Lei bey had a shooting match for chickens on Thursday.—Mrs. J. A. Hhea will visit her former home in Illinois.—Mrs. John JJrarttield and Mrs. Staiil, ot Manassa, Jackson township, were guests of Mrs. Mary lveslcr. —Mrs.. H. N. Hart, who had been at a hospital in Philadelphia tor treatment and returned several months ago, has returned to the hos pital for further treatment on Tues tiay, accompanied by her husband and her physician, Dr. H. W. Woods, of Blain. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anj oa«e of Catarrh that cannot be cared by Hall'i Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, hare known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transaction! and financially able to carry out any obligation! made by bis tlrm. NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Cstarrh Cure i* taken Internally, acting direct Ijr upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials aent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by sll Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. tAsk The Merchants For Whom We Work As To Our Ability We will gladly furnish yon with the list, but here's a good plan: Notice the clean est windows— WE "DID" THEM. Harrisburg Window Cleaning Co. OFFICE—SOS EAST ST. Bell Pbon6 631-J Never Mind Huw Strong Yeu Are— What d 'ye Know?l That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" I To-day it's a battle of wits—ana brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brain* —cot brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert In some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job? For 83 rears the I. C. 8. have been showing men how to do better work and earn salaries. Every montfo over students write of promotions or salary Increases through I. C 8. training. What the 1. C. 8. ara doing for these men they caa do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hour* rou work, or how limited your education—lf you can read and write and or* ambitious to learn the L C. 8. can train you In your own Ijtfrae, during your spare time, for a more Important and better-paying poslUon. Hark and mall the attached coupon—lt won't obligate * you In the least—and the I. C. S. will Bhow you how you can acquire this salary-raising ablUty by their : Imple and easy 3 methods. . fll It will oost you nothing to investigate—it may cost a lite. H !tlme of remorse if you tfon't Mark and Mall the Cannon NOW. I | INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1 Box 13*1. Scranton, Pa. J> Please explain without an» obligation to me how I oan qual- r ij lfy for the poslUon before which I mark X. f r _ ? { Eleetrtcal Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card Writl.. I 1 5 Elto. M(ktln( Bnp«. Refrigeration Enftaeet Adv.rtl.lnK / \ Electric Wlrtnu Olvll Sagluer Kelt-amaiinfaln < Tel. * Tel. Engineer Surveyor Teacher f J Architect Loco. Fireman A Ei(. IIn(IUh Tlranchea if J Archltectnral Draftsmaa Hvll Service Agriculture ,' J Stractural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Fnnnlu >' > Hnlldlng Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. & Steam Pit J" doncreta tonatructton fltcno. A Typewriting Cfaeinlatry i" > Mechanical' Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running < j Name J / St. and Mo. ... _ f < City . State i i Pimiit Occupation ■a...i...... S SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG frfSTELEGRAPH MARCH 4, 1916. Mechanicsburg Girl Goes to California to Be Married I ! ■ v. %.■ MISS MTRTDE ARNET By Special Correspondence Mechanicsburg, Pa., March 4.—Miss MyrUe Arney, of Mechanlcsburg. left on Monday for Oakland, Cal., and ar rived there this morning. She will be married to Jack Gutleben. of that'eity. She is the daughter of Elias Arney. of Wormleyaburg, and has a wide circle of friends. The marriage is the result of a romance begun when Mr. Gutle ben was east on business. They will live at Oakland. SERVICES AT MT. LAIREfi By Special Correspondence Piketown, Pa., March 4. There will be preaching services in the Mount Laurel Bethel on Sunday, March 12, morning: and evening. Thomas Ramsey and daughter, Pris cilla, and Miss Luella Gastrock, vis ited Mrs. Mayme Cassel at Linglestown on Wednesday. - The Rev. and Mrs. Jonas Martin visited Itarrtsburg on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. jr. W. Ebersole and children. Marlin. Naomi and Elvira, spent Sunday afternoon in Fishing Creek Valley, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Runkle. Harry Pugliese, of Harrisburg, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ging rich this week. Miss Tillie Cassel is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. George Wade, Jr., at Lingles tOWn. J. H. Mumma, of Fishing Creek Valley, visited here oil Wed nesday. John Beck of near Lingies town. on Tuesday visited Mr. and Mrs. George Potteiger. Mrs. Harry Sweigart and daughter, Irene, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gilbert in Harrisburg. Sore Throat Don'ts. "When the children hare sore throat, don't blister their necks with lamp oil. Don't torture them with a foul smelling piece of fat meat, wrapped about the neck. Don't imagine there is n:edical virtue in an old sock or piece of red flannel. Don't believe in antiquated superstitions. A sore throat is a serious matter and ia not to be healed bvsuch make-believe rem edies. The use of such methods is simply putting the patient to need- _/|V less torture. Use a little sore throat wisdom and give them TONSILINE I,'] and the throat will heal quickly. /<i 25 cents and 50 cents. Hospital L'< 6ize SI.OO. Ail Drugpists. \ Are You Weak, Nervous Exhaust el? Don't feel like working, everything go lng wrong? Digestion poor, blood im poverished, cannot sleep? Dr. Emerick's Body Builder a Reconstructive Tonics is prescribed by the famous Dr. EMERICK for these conditions. Valuable after a severe sickness. Price $1.(10, prepared by the Dr. M. L. Emorick Co., Ridgway. Pa. Sold in Harrisburg at Gorgas' Drug Store. MEETING OF WILLIAMS VALLEY MINING INSTITUTE j Good Program Will Be Presented ot Parochial Hall This j Evening; Paper on Practical Mining Lykens, Pa., March 4. W. H. Cooper i ; attended the automobile show at Tlar- I risburg tor a few da^vs. —j. \v. Batter -1 man, of Harrisburg, spent a day with | | his father, Cyrus Bitterinan, of West I | Lykens.—Miss Esther Searer, of Tower City, spent several days with Miss Vera j Cooper. Chester Bltterman, George | Wynn and Harry Werner spent Sun day with the latter's uncle, Richard Edwards, at Willl&mstown.—The Wil liams Valley Mining Institute will hold its sessions this evening in the paro chial hall at Lykens. The Transfig uration Church orchestra will furnish the music. Dean Kissinger will sing a Contract Let For Snyder Courthouse Filing Cases By Special Correspondence Sellnsgrove, Pa., March 4.—A New York firm has been awarded the con- I tract for fitting out Snyder county's! I new courthouse with metal filing J cases,at a contract price of $2,526. — I 1 Carrol Bulick, son of W. N. Bulick, j has accepted a position with an en gineering firm at Pittsburgh and left! this week to take up the work. I Ralph Runyan, of Sunbury, spent! Sunday at the home of R. E. Yeager I here. Mr. and Mrs. William Paw- ! ling of Middleburg. spent the week end at the home of S. P. Stauffer. \ Miss Clara Coleman entertained the i Busy Bee Club at her home here on j Wednesday evening. Those present! ' were the Misses Elsie and Margaret j Moyer, Beulah Reed, Pearl Smith, Lillian Fisher, Gertrude Sprenkle, ! Lillian Coleman, Mrs. R. M. Coleman, I Messrs. Lester Rice, Charles Reich, Gardle Kratzer, Leon Gunsberger, | I Benjamin Gemberling, Charles Cole- j i man. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Harry Wagner. Surprise For Mrs. Romberger on Forty-ninth Birthday I By Special Correspondence II Tower City, Pa., March 4.—Mrs. ! Powel and daughters spent Sunday at J j ' Wllliamstown. Mrs. Elias Wagner ; , ! and daughter, of Reading, visited her j | parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ludwig.— : | Miss Anna Byerly, of Wiconisco, is j j enjoying a week's vacation with i i friends here. Misses Elsie and ; Maude Henry were Pottsvllle visitors i ! during the week. Miss Ruth Carl i , visited friends at Wllliamstown on ! Sunday. Owing to scarcity of cars, ! the colliery had to close for several 1 days during this week. This even- ! j lng in the Palace hall the Tower City I basketball teapi wifT play a strong team from FrackvHle. The Kev. Mr. Kute who spent several days at the United Evangelical conference at Harrisburg, has been returned to this 1 place for another year. Wllliamstown charge was also included in Ills ap- I j pointment, making three churches, j Muir, Tower City and W'illiamstown. —Miss Maude Romberger surprised ' I her mother with a party in honor of her forty-ninth birthday on March 1. I J Games were indulged in and supper was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romberger and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Romberger and family, Mrs. Collins and son, Mrs. William Bailey and da- liter, Mrs. A\ illiam Carl and daughter Mrs. ( Haines and Mrs. Robert Kopp. WOMAN'S ARM BROKEN New liloomliclil, Pa., March 4. 5 Mrs. Jacob Smeigh fell at. her home i lon Thursday breaking her arm. —G. ; W. Garlin was at Harrisburg on busi nesson Thursday. The Rev. John W. Keener of Blain was in town on -Monday. James Sli oarer has se cured a position at Philadelphia. Mrs. George Harris of Braddock, Pa , spent several days with Mrs. B. F. llollenburg. Duke P. Clouser left j for Jenkins, Letcher county, Ken tucky, where he is employed by a j large coal company as bookkeeper i— Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walzer who 1 spent the past month at the Hotel Rhinesmith, have returned to their home at Harrisburg. PRANDRETH If '"oS-PILLS, An Effective Laxative pH Purely Vegetable R i Constipation, J J Indigestion, Biliousness, *to. B I QorQQ at Night B I until relieved atacl or Ail Eye Glass Mounting That holds fast and fetfls comfortable. Wc sell it. If you liavc trouble with your glasses call and get the ben efit of our expert service. ! Gohi Optical Co. 34 NORTH THIRD ST. Where CUHNNCK Arc Made Right. ==J) \ Constipation f Biliousness-Headache • Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets fl Make the liver acthre. bowel® regular, without pain or • (rripinic. relieve airk headache and that bloated feeling i after eating, purify the blood and clcarthe complexion, r , Large box* enough to last a month, 25c. > Dr. Chase Co., 224 N. 10th St. Philadelphia, Pa. NUXATED IRON of delicate, nervous, , i lit FlTl YITII rundown poople ZOO ,IjBI I I I klisi P er cent. In ten days > 9 till Irrt >» many instances. I SIOO forfeit If It fTIVTTJtJ planatlon In large article soon to ap ! ! Ask your doctor "or , druggist about it. Croll Keller, O, A. ) J UOIKH» always carry It in stock. , solo, which will be followed by a solo by Alfred Smallwood. A paper on practical mining will be read by Mr. Smallwood and discussed by all who desire to do so. The meeting will be i closed by a cornet solo by Russell Page.—John Martin spent several days I with Harrisburg relatives. Mr. and Airs. John Heidenwalk spent several days at Harrisburg.—John F. Row went to Herahey this week, where he has secured employment at the Her shey chocolate works.—John Werner and Charles Selgle, who have been at Detroit, Mich., for several weeks, re turned home this week. Kitchen Shower Given For Mr. and Mrs. Glace Kinley By Special Correspondence lliinunelstown, Pa., March 4. 'Miss Blanche Cassel entertained the I ! members of the I. T. I. Club at her; J home in Main street. Nine members j | were present, among whom were Mr. j and Mrs. Musser D. White, of Har risburg. Dr. Charles Hay, of Balti j more, preached in the Lutheran I church on Sunday morning. Everv ! j member of the Lutheran Ladles' Aid; I Society is requested to report at the Parish House on next. Tuesday eve-1 ning at 8 o'clock. Miss Saunders, a! teacher in the Steelton schools, visited j ( the schools here on Monday. Miss j Lucretia Wheeler entertained her i | cousin, Miss Ruth Kramer, of Harris- ! j burg on Sunday. The Rev. S. N. | Dissinger of Kutztown, preached at j the Reformed church services in | Ruff's hall on Sunday night. Al fred Sutcllffe, of Gettysburg Theolo-1 i gical Seminary, visited Ws parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sutcliffe. Mr. I and Mrs. David Boyer entertained the j Misses Katharine and Irene Melllnger I of Lebanon over Sunday. Mrs. | Louisa Longnaker has returned to i \ Steelton after visiting her daughter, j Mrs. William B. Shope. Prof. T. O. Mitman favored the pupils of the j High school with a victrola recital on | i Wednesday morning. Miss Ada i Rider and Earl- Boyer of Middletown. I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David J Boyer. Reed Walmer of Pliiladel ; phia, spent the week-end with his | mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Walmer. —| | Russell Hummel visited friends at. I ! Gettysburg. Miss Blanche Martini of Harrisburg was the guest of Mr. land Mrs. C. A. Conrad on Wednesday. I During the sixth month of school 1 j 37 pupils of the High School attended every day. Miss Clara Walmer left i jon Thursday for a visit to Philadel j phia. Mrs. Alfred Landis was call ed to Highspire on Thursday to the home of John Landis, who suffered ai paralytic stroke on Wednesday. | j Miss Florence Gresh has returned home from a ten days' visit with her i aunt at Philadelphia. airs. Samuel i Bomgardner of Lemoyne, was the I I guest of her' father, Joseph Dasher. ] Miss Carol Walton is at Decatur, 111. ! Mrs. H. R. Laucks spent part of the I week at Reading. Mrs. Emma Reed! and daughter, Miss Ella, are visiting j friends at Philadelphia. A kitchen! | shower was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Glace Kinley Saturday evening at the! home of Mr. and Mrs. Musser. Mrs. j Calvin Huffer has returned from I Reading, where she has been nursing | a sick relative. Miss Mary Mullin j spent several days with her sister, j i Margaret, who is a member of the | | Junior class at the Cumberland Val-| ! ley State Normal at Shippensburg. Greencastle School Board Plans to Build Auditorium By Special Correspondence Greencastle, Pa., March 4.—Mrs. Da-' vid Binkles' fell on the ice at her home near Greencastle and fractured her left, leg below the hip. Because of her J advanced age her condition is consid ered serious.—A number of the friends of the Rev. W. M. Bcattle, pastor of i the First United Brethren Church, ten- | dered him a surprise party on Tuesday j evening in honor of his birthday.— i Mrs. W. J. Patton was the hostess ai a bridge party Friday evening at her I home in East Baltimore street.—Mrs. ' W. R. Davison left Wednesday for j New Orleans, where she will witness j the Mardi Gras celebration. —Mrs. J. j C. Spielman is seriously ill at her j home in North Carlisle street.—The Greencastle school board is consider ing a plan to build an auditorium in connection with the new school build ing to be erected this spring:. At the present time there is no suitable room for the various schools to hold enter tainments.—The Misses Strode enter tained at a "March wind party" Fri day evening at their home in East Baltimore street. —Mrs. Karen S'hartle is visiting relatives at Altoona.—Miss Rosemary Keller, of Brown's Mills, N. J., is the guest cf Miss Phyllis Philips.—A musical e under the direc tion of Miss Maybelle Klepfer was given in the Presbyterian chapel on Thursday evening for the benefit, of j the Parent-Teacher Association.—Miss ! Barbara Heisey has returned to Mount j Joy after a visit with Mrs. Annie Bit- | ner.—Mrs. S. Z. Ilussong spent the past week at York. Mrs. Emma Kiseclcer and Miss Anna Snlvely are I home from Philadelphia.—Miss Alice j Reid has returned to T-lagerstown after ' a six weeks' visit with Mrs. John P. 1 Stover. —W. S. Fleming and D. Leslie j Dlehl spent the week in Middleboro, Mass., called there by the death of i Mr. Fleming's son-in-law, W. T. Shaw. I —Miss Phyllis Philips is home from a week's sojourn at Washington, D. C.- Dr. E. W. Palmer is confined to his homo in North Carlisle street with an attack of pleurisy.—Mirs Alice McKin nie. of Pittsburgh, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John G. Davison.—Bruce Snyder, of Steelton, is spending a week at his home here. Headache Pill Nearly Kills Berrysburg Woman By Special Correspondence Berrysburg, Pa., March 4.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kebaugh and daughter Pauline, Mrs. Sarah Shoop. Miss Hazel Deibler and the Rev. Hoffman attend ed the United Evangelical conference at Harrisburg. Emory Shoop is ill with measles at the home of his par ents.—Mrs. Henry Witmer, while suf fering from a headache, took a pill to relieve her and whs so badly pois oned that she needed the services of a physician to save her life. —Ray- mond Lebo of Philadelphia Is spend t ing some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lebo. Miss Ella Snyder is visiting friends at Philadel phia. Charles Straub moved his household goods to Millersburg on > Thursday where he has secured em > ployment.—A number of citizens at ' tended license court at Harrisburg this week. The horse sale held by ; Mr. Miller here this week was largely attended and good stock was sold.; — ' Mrs. Grant Hartman Is spending sev eral days with her mother at Eliza beth ville. —Ceylon Bowman, of Fish ervllle. spent Tuesday with his par , enta hero. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED AT LUNCHEON MISS MARY RUTH GROVE | Miss Mary Grove to Wed Henry Reist Graybill By Special Correspondence Marietta. Pa., March 4. : —Mr. and Mis. Miller M. Grove, living one mile j west, of Marietta, on Riverview Farm, announced tile engagement of their daughter, Mary Ruth Grove, to Henry Reist Graybill at a luncheon given recently. Miss Grove is a teacher in East Donegal township and is a gradu- | ate of May town High School, class of , 1910. She attended Millersville State i Normal School. Mr. Graybill is a j graduate of Maytown High School, class of 1908 and also attended Mil lersville State Normal School. He | graduated from Pennsylvania State | College in 1913, with first honors. He received the John W. White S4OO fellowship at Pennsylvania State Col lege. He received the degree of M. S. from the University of Chicago. He is a member of honorary fraternities of Alpha, Zeta Sigma, Xi and Rhl 1 Kappa Phi. At present he is instruc- j tor in agricultural chemistry at the Pennsylvania College. Miss Shriner Entertains Linglestown Senior Class By Special Correspondence Linglestown, Pa., March 4—Church services will be hold in the United Brethren church to-morrow morning by the pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch; in the Church of God in the evening by the pastor, tlxc Rev. Whitaker and in Wenrich's church in the afternoon by the Lutheran pastor, the Rev. O. |R- Bittner. Mr. and Mrs. John Leese of 1-lershey were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Leese. I — Miss Mary Shriner entertained the Senior class of the Linglestown High school this week. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and music land refreshments were served to Prof. H. B. King, J. Unger, Miss Ella Good, Miss Ellen Bolton, Miss Louise I Hoke, Miss Violette Shope, Miss Grace Etzweller, Miss Ruth Haln, Robert Walker, David Nlssley, Ross Crum, Addison Hershey, Walter Look, Meade , Juillard, Miss Mollie Single, Miss Sara Shriner, Miss Eliza Shriner, Mrs. John | Warfel, Master John Warfel, Miss Orplia Shriner and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shriner. Robert Hoke left for Mt. Joy on Wednesday where he will be engaged in the undertaking business. - Dr. F. S. Shenk visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Shenk at Palmyra Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grubb and daughter, Mary, were recent guests of Mrs. Bowers at Summerdale. Mrs. John Seaman and daughter, Mabel, of Grantville, spent several days with Mrs. Clara Early at Harrisburg. Miss Ellen Bolton and Miss Vesta Koons spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Miles Backenstoe at Mount Joy. * — Miss Emma Smith, Miss Nora Wolf and George Licjde, of Harris burg. were the guests of Miss Eliza I Buck on Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. Ross lllepford of Duncannon announce the i birth of a son. Mrs. Hepford was for merly Miss Bess Hassler of Lingles town. Mrs. Chester Johnson and i daughter, Ruth, of Steelton, were i guests of Mrs. Mary Farllng on Sun -1 day. Ralph McConnell and Harry j Hammiil of Philadelphia, spent Sun j day as the guests of the Misses j Shriner. —Mrs. Alice Rabuck return ed home after spending several weeks with her nephew, William Seigfrlod at Erie. The Linglestown High School will debate the Pleasant View High School in the Union Chapel on Thurs day evening at 7:45 o'clock. Subject, "Preparedness." KEW PASTOR'S FIHST SERMON' By Special Correspondence r.liznlteUiYllle. Pa., March 4. Homer D. Romberger and family, of Carlisle, spent several days with relatives here. —Mrs. Isaac W. Mattis spent Tuesday with her parents, at Berrysburg. —*■ William E. Straub. of Berrysburg, mov ed to this place on Tuesday. W. E. Sellers, of Bangor, spent Tuesday with A. M. Romberger. John H. Lyter moved into G. M. Kerstetter's building, on Monday, and Jeweler L.upfer occu pied. the house vacated by Mr. Lyter.—■ Allen Schell moved his family to Car sonville on Wednesday. H. C. Hipp, of Philadelphia, spent the week with John A. Schriver. Richard A. Weaver spent the week in Snyder and Union counties. The Rev. J. E. Beam will move his family to the home of Mrs. George Romberger, in West Main street. The Rev. Eagle, newly-ap pointed Evangelical minister, will preach bis first sermon here to-morrow. —Charles H. Frank, of Ironbridge, spent several days here. Mrs. A. W. Hoke spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915 t DRINK BAKER'S COCOA For it* Delicious Flavor, its Excellent Quality and its High Food Value. GUARD AGAINST IMITATIONS; the genuine pack age has the trade-mark of the chocolate girl on the wrapper and is made only by IttO. U. ». PAT. OFF* WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. HENRY HEIST GRAYBILL Mrs. P. M. Yoder Hostess to Duncannon Bible Class flv Special Correspondence Duncannon, Pa., March 4. Clias. A. Black, of Washington, t). C., was the guest of liis parents, Air. and Mrs. .William L. Black Saturday and Snn-I day. Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Snyder of | Harrisburg, spent Sunday as guests] j of Mrs. Clara Zimmerman, the mother iof Mrs. Snyder. Register and Ke-, jcorder Charles L. DcPugn and Mrs. I DePugh of New Bloonifield, spent | Sunday with their son, C. Allen De- Pugh and their daughter, Mrs. D. D. | Kluck. Mr. and Mrs. Win. A.j Harman and daughter, Miss Ethel, of! Pitcairn, were guests of Mrs. George | W. Carpenter, tiie mother of Mrs. Har | man, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.! Wm. A. Harper are on a visit to rela- j j tives at Southern Pines, N. C. Pat-! j rick Tlobbs made a trip to Pittsburgh | during the week. —• Mr. and Mrs. I I Samuel Reed, of llarrisburg, spent! Sunday with -his father, C. F. Reed at Rosegarden. The Ladies' Bible! j Class of the Lutheran church, Mrs. i IJ. L. L. Bucks teacher, was entertain-i | ed at the home of Mrs. P. M. Yoder j in North High street on Thursday eve-i jning. Mr. and Mrs. William M. j ] Holland, who spirit the winter at ! , Harrisburg, were at their home here I for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross t Hepford announce the birth of a son, i! Monday, February 28. Little Folks Help Jack to Celebrate Birthday Xcwville, Pa., March 4.—Mrs. Baker j | and two daughters, of Winchester, Ya„ I | are visiting the former's aunt, Mrs. I | John Graham. R. C. Kspenschade I spent several days among relatives ai i Mifflintown.—Miss Helen Ott spent the I week-end at Harrisburg.—Miss Mary | ISrslcine, of Chambersburg, spent Mon-' day here.—Joseph Woodburn, of Bal ; timore, spent a short time with his | (parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wood-I i burn. Mrs. Anna, Wonderlieh has I [ gone to Pottstown to live with her son i I George.—Mrs. Amanda Hutchinson, of J Johnstown, spent the week-end with j I her aunt, Mrs. Susan Klink.—Harper i Beattie, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday j at ltis home here. Miss Josephine Crull, of Harrisburg, spent the week- j end with Miss Edith Bentz.—Miss Mar garet Piper, of Parsonage street, fell j on the icy sidewalk on Sunday morn- i ing and dislocated her hip.—Mr. and ! Mrs. Fred Clark entertained a number ! ! of little folks on Saturday afternoon at | (heir home on East Main street in honor of their son Jack's sixth birth day anniversary. Miss Edith Bentz , I entertained a number of young folks I at her home on Kas'. Main street on j Saturday evening. Miss Emily McNeal Hostess For Westminster Guild j Miflltn'oun. Pa., March 4.—West j minster Guild of the Presbyterian j Church was entertained by Miss Emily j McNeal at liw home at one of the j semimonthly meetings. The guild de j elded to use the next ft w months sew ing for the Haines Hospital in Alaska, which is a bciieliciar.v. OJtleers for > the coming year were elected as fol- ! [lows: President. Henrietta Baldwin;! vice-president, Elizabeth Schweyer; secretary. Helen Sieber; treasurer, i Jane Banks. Refreshments were j served by Miss McNeal.—Edred Pen- I nell, a law student at the University of | Pennsylvania, spent: several days at his home here. —Miss Carrie Naylor, of Port Royal, spent Monday with ! Mrs. Shelly Souders.—Whitmer Kelley | is visiting at the home of his uncle, | Cloyd Pannebaker, at Tyrone.—Mrs. j John Watts, of Belleville, is visiting I her sister, Mrs. B. F. Junkin.—Mr. and I I Mrs. W. H. Manbeck entertained the ; ! Saturday Night Card club by giving | I them a sauerkraut supper. The fol- I ; lowing were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. j ' C. North, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Crawford, | Mr. and Mrs. Ezra C. Parker, Mrs. ' j Lou Mussleman, Miss Jane Loudon. ■ I George Parker and J. Holman Weiser. • —The Pomona Grange of Juniata | county met on Saturday in the (i. A. R. : j rooms on Main street. They transacted j general business and initiated several j new members. —Ralph Kspenschade, of Newville, spent a day with his father, Frederick Kspenschade.—Mrs. Kzra C. Doty and sister, Mrs. Jo sephine Wilson, are spending several days at Lewlstown. —Robert. Kulp left Thursday for a several weeks' visit with relatives at Philadelphia. SCHOOL WILL GET GERMAN PICTURE Pupils of Higli Buy Prints From Proceeds of Recent Play jCONCERT BY GLEE CLUB . Woman's Club Holds Meeting at Home of Mrs. R. H. Thomas, Jr. By Special Correspondence Mechanics burg, Pa., March 4.—l,eb | anon Valley College Glee Club, com j posed of twenty-five young men, will I give a concert in the First United ; Brethren Church on Thursday even-- ing, March 16.—0n Thursday evening the Aid Society of St. Mark's Lutheran I Church met at the home of Mrs. Alice j Wilson in West Coover street. A pro ; gram of music and readings was given, j —The Rev. L. M. Dice left on Tuesday ! for York, where he is attending the i annual conference of the United Evan gelical Church.—Professor A. If. Ege j does not improve rapidly from his ill ness. which has confined him to bed | for the past four weeks.—Dr. J. NeW son Clark is beginning to show signs ; of improved condition in the serious | Illness which has kept him indoors for I several months. —Members of Trinity I Lutheran Church gave their pastor and wife, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 11. : Hull Sharp, a surprise party on Tues j day evening at the parsonage. The | time passed pleasantly with games and music. Refreshments were served.— David A. Uhrif h left for Philadelphia on Monday.—The Colonel H. I. Zlnn jPost, No. 415, G. A. R., will celebrate J the thirty-second anniversary of the ! organization on Thursday, March 9, j and plans are being made for an es -1 pecially interesting program. Miss | Ree 'Auk entertained the members of : the Bridge Club on Tuesday afternoon. | Miss Ruth Lloyd was winner of the | first prize and Mrs. R. P. Long the i second.—The Rev. J. J. Resh, pastor !of the Methodist Episcopal Church, | left on Thursday to spend several days j at Baltimore.—Two pictures have been purchased for the high school and will j be presented by pupils of the Latin | and German departments with the pro ! ceeds of a play recently given under j the direction of the teacher, Miss Clara Kast. Both are colorprints, made in [ Germany, of German places. The Woman's Club met last evening at the home of Mrs. R. 11. Thomas, Jr. The program included "History of Cum j berland Valley," Mrs. Thomas; "Me- I chanicsburg," Mrs. C. C. Clendenen; "Harrisburg," Mrs. E. A. Burnett.- — i On Tuesday evening a nuintdgr of mem bers of the Church of God attended the special services being held by the ! Rev. Dr. W. N. % Yates at Harrisburg. Preacher's Smokehouse and Summer Meat Burne^ By Special Correspondence Halifax, Pa., March 4.—Mr. and ' Mrs. S. L. Sheetz spent Sunday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lebo iat Waynesville. Mrs. Raymond | Bressler and children, of Austin, j Texas, spent several days at the home j of Frank Lebo. Harry Sheetz. of j Enola, and James Hummel, of Car | sonville, spent Sunday at the home of ! Cornelius Enders. Edward Miller ! made a business trip to Hummelstown on Monday. Mrs. Claude Hoover and daughter, Mary Hoover, returned ! to their home at Halifax on Sunday ! after visiting for several weeks with ! Mrs. Hoover's parents, Mr. and Mrs. IC. E. Wise. The Rev. S. B. HolT -1 man's smokehouse was burned on Monday and considerable of his sunt ! mer meat was burned. Francis I Sheesley and Amos Sweigard spent Sunday at the homo of Mr. and Sirs. John Sheesley at Matamoras. Mr. and Mrs. John Webster spent Sunday near Duncannon. Charles E. Swei gard, of Mount Union, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Sweigard. Anthony Leo has rented the Empire Holler Flour Hills near town and will take possession* April I. | — Mrs. Cora Frederick, of Baltimore. (is spending the week at the home j of hjur brother, R. A. Shuntaker. Mr. a«d Mrs. William If. Arnold spent Sunday at the homo of their daugh ter, Mrs. Budd Betslle, at Millers burg. Mrs. C. C. Bender spent Tues- ! day at Harrisburg. James M. HofC- I man, Sr., and James M. Hoffman. Jr., I spent Monday and Tuesday in Phila- I delphia with the former's daughter, I Mrs. Clara Loomis. Hoy flutter j and Miss Myrtle Biever spent Sunday I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ; Biever at Watsontown. James M. Hoffman, Jr., left on Wednesday f r " I Doland, S. li>„ after spending soma I time wfrth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i James M. Hoffman, Sr. Mr. and 1 Mrs. John Reisch, of Williamsport, I spent Sunday visiting his mother. Mrs. Etter Reiseh. Harry Westfall and , Miss Jennie Flickinger, of Marysvllie, were guests of the former's parents, i Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Westfall. Miss Miriam Dunkel, of Steelton, was a I week-end guest of Miss Charlotte i Heisier. - Miss Myrtle Chubb and i Mrs. M. E. Behm were Kuesls of Miss Ohubb's sister, Mrs. Fred Smeltzer, at Sunbury over the week-end. —S. R. Noblet, Francis Powler, C. A. Pike and Lloyd Straw, who are employed at Humnielstown, spent Sunday at their homes here.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers