6 (JflTAl POWDER Absolutely Pure ILdefrom Cream of Tartar NO ALUK-HO PHOSPHATE Buttons For Battleship Fund Have Arrived rWwrfvcSOTVF® rett's face would /f genial smile if ■ ; c i \ she could see the h hearty response that has come "• i .■ ji from the boys \C and girls of Har ,Tq\Cy risburg and other towns following he r appeal through the Tele graph for funds to make possible the building of the Battleship "America." For those who find it Inconvenient to semi their contributions through the mail or call personally at the Tele graph office, a plan of providing sub stations has been evolved, anil on Monday morning contribution boxes and pads for signing the name will be placed in each of the following places: Roses,' Second and Walnut streets; George G. Young, grocery, 1000 South Cameron street; Harry B. Althouse's Pharmacy, Third and Muench streets: Sixth Street Bank. 2100 North Sixth, and the East End Bank, Thirteenth and Howard streets. The Buttons Are Here The buttons have arrived and may ■be obtained by calling at the Tele- . graph or any of the substations, or will bo sent by mail if a stamped, self addressed envelope is enclosed with the contribution. Those who have al ready sent In their money will be given a badge upon request. "CASCARETS'FOR YOUR BOWELS IF HEADACHY, SICK For biliousness, bad breath, colds, indigestion and constipation. Enjoy life! Liven your liver and bowels to-night and feel fine. Your tongue is coated! Look Inside j our watch cover and see! That's bad business. What have you been eating? What were you drinking? What kind; of a lazy chair did you take exercise in? Now don't think it doesn't mat ter, because, it's your bowels that talk ' now every time you open your mouth. ! That doesn't help your popularity, nor your earning capacity. Besides, a per son with bad bowels is in a bad way and a coated tongue or a bad breath , are sure signs of bad bowels and poor digestion. Why don't you get a 10-cent liox of J Cascarets at any drug store and give i your liver and thirty feet of bowels the, nicest, gentlest cleansing they ever ex- \ t perienccd. Take one or two Cascarets to-night and wake up feeling iine and tit. All Headache, Dullness, Bilious ness, Bad Breath, Stomach Sourness, • 'old and Constipation gone—wake up with your head clear, tongue clean, stomach sweet, liver and bowels ac tive, step elastic and complexion rosv. Cascarets work while you sleep never gripe or sicken. Cascarets act so gently that you hardly realize you have taken a thorough cathartic. They don't bother von all next day like salts, pills, oil or calorftel—Cascarets being perfectly harmless is best chil dren's laxative.—Advertisement. BE6I ON SALTS SI FIRST SIGN OF KIDNEY PI I We eat too much meat, which clogs Kidneys, then the back hurts. Says glass of Salts flushes Kid-1 neys and ends Bladder irritation. Uric acid in meat excites the kid neys, tlicy become overworked; get sluggish, ache, an& feel like lumps of lend. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is Irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kid neys clog you must help them flush ott the hody's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first s'ou feel a dull misery m the kidney region, you suffor from backache, sick Headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour tongue coated and you teel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your Icidneys will then act tine. This famous salts is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for genera, tions to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity also to neutralize the acids in urine, so It no longer is a source of Irritation, thus 1 ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone f rdiould take now and then to keep the htdneya clean and active. Druggists nere say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kid ney trouble while it Is only trouble. Advertisement. I » SATURDAY EVENING, &ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 4, 1916. ** Modem Venus Found in Chicago by Sculptors MISS JOSEPHINE A. HUDDLESTON | Chicago, . i'Ue ideal American girl for sculptural purposes has j been located here. She has been long searched for by American sculptors. 1 She is Miss Josephine A. Huddleston, of No. 20 West Goethe street. She . was selected from among nearly 1,000 candidates as the model from whose form and feature will be moulded the monument to be erected on the Dixie Highway, near the "Mason Dixon Line" symbolical of American Womanhood 1 1 "of the North." Compared with the ancient Creek womanhood, the famous Venus de Milo, : Miss Huddleston measures as follows: j _ , Venus de Milo Allss Huddleston [Estimated weight 132.2 132 Height g ft. 4.2 in. 5 ft. 4 in. iNeck 12.5 in. 12.5 in. t hest, normal | n . ,",4 j n Chest, full (estimated) 38.2 in. 31; 5 in Waist So.D in. 25.5 in' TO DISPOSE OF ARMED VESSEL AGITATION [Continued l*'roin First Page] sumed by Senator I.odge who took issue with assertions made during yes terday's debate that Great Britain had set a precedent for a warning by ad vising her citizens to keep off belliger ent boats during the Russian-Japanese War. Gentlemen's Agreement He read in to the record from the British ambassador saying no such order had been given. Senator " McCumber, Republican, discussed liis warning resolution re ntroduced yesterday after It had been tabled with other measures on the 1 Cmpte&fl! WJ INSTANTANEOUS |F Hair Color Restorer RU flLj Fop 20 jf«r« In i niutniit ,I\A Mwf one by Hair Dressers and ■Fj kB Scalp Specialists. Easily ap- 9J fcft pli"d, Act« Instantly, lte- jflE flail •«ore» gray. faded 01 f}A FWJ bleached hair to Its natural *2}' color. No afterwnshlns. St m] ■ per box. n ffjk (Empress HairßemoTerf ] PVj Dispels Superfluous Hair fef Instantly without irritating mk r\m normal akin. Itrtards its Kn JMI future (cronrih If used occa- "SBk sionally. A new European /SSI JMJ formula of soothing, harm- grj less and antiseptic oils, ."die. Pi'/ MM & SI.OO. Trial hottle ar.c, Ka yM from manufacturer. empress Hair Tonic JH nA I A pure, bitrmlcNn Preven- Mr! ura * or spa 'n ItrhtiiK and 'WA Wt Hnlr, whlcih will 'firm WA atlinulete the growth of ft/ \ml New llalr, 50e. per bottle. WA y empress Dandruff [Ji Remedy mil Remove* Dandruff wheth- {Kl\ fml er Scaly or Moist. If vised wM \jjf occasionally keeps the Scalp fWJ yy Cleaa and Healthy by sttm- Km M ulating the vitality of tlie fly, roots of the liair and there- Jpfn fill* bj " Promotes tiie growth of B/l IT. new hair. 50e. p*r hottle. \J KI Sold by Dives, I'omrroy A H KJ Nteiturl ['A EMPRESS MR«. Co. re's! KR 3« Weat )4t»th St.. TV. Y. |jy Write for Descriptive Peallet "Rsr"" FIREPROOF GARAGE I /ifflffl I 10x14 feet, painted 471 flfl Jlg f. o. I), factory w • 1»"U 21-gauue Steel—Rear Window Wire Glass C. FRANK CLASS SMSMRr. Union Trustßldg. ; ——«j j "RECIPROCALTAUTOMOBILEINSURANCE tiidor.s<*il h.v tln> Motoi- ( lull of I lurrlslxirc Pennsylvania Indemnity Exchange, Philadelphia \ Ask lor l.ltrrHturn y. [j | subject but he had no opportunity to ! cull it up for action. [ The conference adjourned with no 1 formal action except a decision to 1 hold a rules committee meeting at 2 i o'clock to-day, A so-called gentle- I j man's agreement was made not to | ; hae a vote before Tuesday. Bryan In Washington . William Jennings Bryan came to > j town to-day to fulfill a lecture engage- 1 ■: ment here to-night. Administration leaders speculated widely over whether! l , I Mr. Bryan's coming had anything to 1 jdo with the delay on voting on thell | armed ship issue in the House and the I decision of the leaders there to post- ' pone action until Tuesday next. ! < Foreign Affairs Favorable 1 1 When it became apparent last night I that the fight was over in the Senate, < the House adjourned to meet at 10 I o'clock this morning instead of at noon 1 as usual so as to dispose of pending 1 matters of routine business and clear the desks for the big work of to-dav. * It was expected that the reports of the Rules and Foreign Affairs Com- * mlttees would be ready for disposition t early in the afternoon. t The action of the Foreign Affairs > Committee, taken by a vote of 17 to 2, after many of its members had been insisting for two days that no resolu- t tion would be reported out, was re- « garded as the beginning of the end of t the opposition to complying with the a President's request. Administration j whips had reported that a large nia- ! f jorit.v of the rank and tile or the t House Republicans as well as Demo crats, stood ready to support the <- President if the issue could be brought * to a vote. But the controlling spirits t both in the committee and the House t itself personally favored a warning v resolution and at first resisted nil pressure for a report. s Mi-Cumber Has Resolution Although friends of the adminis- 1 tration look for little further trouble 1 in tho Senate, Senator McCumber, Kc- c publican, has introduced us a new resolution his substitute which was de- ( feated along with the Gore resolu- c tion. He has given notice that he will d call it tip at the first opportunity and the Democratic leaders are ready to send it to the calendar to be smother ed by other measures. Under the liberal rules of the Sen- ! ate further discussion of the armed ship or almost any other question I may crop up from time to time in the future, particularly as Senator Gore and others sharing his views. Insist that yesterday's vote technically was not a victory for the President. There i never has been much uneasiness about sentiment in the Senate, however, the prime object of the administration to kill once and for all agitation in the House. Rely on Senate Administration officials said to-day j that practically all Senators who voted yesterday to table the Gore resolution wore voting for the President's policy, and that should the House fail to vote to uphold the President in decisive form the fight might be carried back In the Eyes of All— m #er -HM" * T T "t Ark _ Hershey s All-Cream Ice Cream Ji' j3 w Is the Cream Supreme sflfed?. The following test by George R. Moflfitt, M. D., bespeaks the purity and excellence of the product, and .-. *~w-t j|:% a taste will attest its deliciousness. v V: jf '•• ' ~ " j--"' Hershey Creamery Co., Harrtsburg, Pa. .'JT .m Gentlemen:— /'Mf? '*&&&/ ■ '~ The bacteriological examination of ice cream sample submitted to me by you on February 21, 1916, resulted ' K Number of bacteria per cubic, centimeter: 54,000. Jj■.&'^«' Number of colon bacilli per cubic centimeter: 0. Five fermentation tubes of glucose bouillon each inocu- W*"-- . /V % ><■»» '£***'■ lated with 1. c. c. of a 1-100 dilution of sample showed no v- K- A ' gas production in any of the tubes, indicating the absence y. f \ J* Tuberculosis bacilli: None. \ r t j Staphylococci: None. 16 "v NOTE.—Observe the total absence of colon bacilli which jF. Lj^tUab" are the dangerous disease-bearing germs—ovi "AS Follows the Spoon When It's Hershe^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to the Senate for a direct vote to de-1 feat the McCumber resolution warning 1 Americans oft armed ships of bellig erent nations. They expressed con fidence that complete victory, would follow such a course. To claims of a mixed victory in the \ Senate yesterday and to contentions of the antiadministration forces that the Senate evaded voting on tabling the. Gore resolution itself, through a complexed parliamentary situation, the administration leaders to-day: pointed to the official congressional ; record of the Senate proceedings. The vote was on the following by I Senator James: "I move that the resolution, and I all substitutes for it, and amendments to it, be laid upon the table, and upon i that motion I demand the yeas and nays." Upon that motion the Senate voted and it was carried, 68 to 14, and by' that majority the Senate decided there 1 should be no legislation whatever on the question of warning Americans off armed ships. The leaders pointed to the record to- j day to postpone a vote until Tuesday' tory was clean cut and complete. The decision of 1 louse leaders to-1 day to postpone a vote until Monday; was reached without, consultation with ; the President and confused the situa- 1 tion. It was said the White House 1 was opposed to postponing action. There also was some objection from some of the administration adherents. Chairman Flood of the Foreign Affairs Committee, all the memoers of the I Rules Committee and many of the i leaders gathered in Speaker Clark's office to discuss the situation. Acting Chairman Pou, of the Rules Committee at the beginning of the conference said the situation was in ! doubt. i IMPOSSIBLE. C *° ' lve ,lp *° your ideal of a > ■"' ' gVwvW She: But my i II i.JU'* llr ideal must be j 41| «KJ handsome. ' I jQ A MOVIE. I { How long did /jMjjjj , the cook stay? f 1/' ' \ lllSlfl Two reels. f will j — i — _——, "The Cur of .No Kcjrijji" The King Is the second oldest auto mobile in the United States; t9lfi . "'"i" sllsO ' King Car Sales Co, 80 S. Cameron St. '« i Mother in Despair Seeks Some One to Adopt Daughters |rtn:r rrrtfir'f " , i-AIOMMW bjLLA "jfyjs/CJhL " ! VIRGINIA AND MLLA FINCH 1 New York —Who wants to adopt two pretty little girls? Through the . newspapers, Mrs. Edmund M. Pinch is endeavoring to find a home for her two girls, 12-year-old Virginia and 10-year-old Lllia. Her husband deserted her four years ago and since then the struggle for existence 1\~•< real life battle for the woman. She is willing to separate herself frou. chil dren if she Is assured of their future happiness. For herself she asks nothing. Plumbing the depths of her emotions. Mrs. Finch, in a letter writes: "I have fought Fate for nearly four years, trying to keep my little family together, but now lam 111 and desperate, and can bear no more. I only want i a home for my babies —a home where they will get a chance to grow into i upright Christian women. "For a week we have had little to eat. I can go hungry, but the sight ; I of mi: little girls hungry and cold I canupt bear,'* *j CAN AFFORD it. 'M ra What beautiful 0|» /,!]■ hair Miss Goldly |J jgj Yes, she doesn't Ij have to economize «QT in anything. . ftkmamm THIS PREPAREDNESS BOOK IS FREE It Tells of a Novel Summer Sea shore Vacation, Coupled With Instructions in Specialized Lines of Military Preparedness. You and Your Boy May Be Taught Military Tactics. While Your Wife and Daughter Can Receive Instruction in Field Nursing. j Most of us believe in the necessity for , military preparedness. We also rea i lize that in some way each and every (one of us should contribute our share to a national movement. I A timely and interesting book has just been Issued which tells of a plan whereby the entire family—father, mother, son and daughter may en joy all the usual advantages of a sum mer seashore vacation, with the op j tion of acquiring through private en ' terprise practical information on all subjects relative to military prepared -1 Hern. Courses of instruction in the | manual of arms, rifle practice, radio ! telegraphy, artillery practice, aviation, navigation, mechanics of gas engines. Held nursing, boy scouts, etc., are be ing arranged for. A site for 1,01)0 tents and bungalows, with a perfect bathing beach has been secured on the Jersey coast, and Is now being laid out under the direc tion of military engineers. Housing I accommodations will be provided for families, with all the conveniences of r modern city dwelling. A special ; Training Camp will be erected for men and boys, not located in the family camp, who desire to take an active part In military camp life. If you desire to turn what otherwise might be an idle, purposeless recre ation period to personal and national advantago, if you desire for yourself and every member of your family the advantages of a seashore vacation with the opportunity of acquiring practical information and instruction in some specialized line of preparedness, we would suggest that you write to the Secretary, National Preparedness En campment, Dept. 27, Box 434, Philadel phia, Pa., and ask for a copy of this free book on preparedness. The Secretary of the Encampment will be glad to get in touch with such members of the various defence, pre paredness and emergency societies, whoso experience and co-operation might be made available along vari ous lines.—Advertisement. 9 CHAS. H.MAUK m THE 1 UNDERTAKER Sixth nud Kelker Streets Largest establishment. Best facilities. Near to you as your phone. Will go anywhere at your call. Motor service. No funeral too small, „Vono too expen sive. Chapels, rooms. vault etc,, used, Without charge.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers