20 NEWS OF PULPIT AND HOPE TO OPEN NEW CHURCH ON EASTER OF 1917 Messiah Congregation Plans I'lira-Modern Extension of Edifice faster, 1917, will be a gala day ex traordinary at Messiah Lutheran church. That's the Jay. according to Luther jVlinter, chairman of the building com mittee upon which the uptown con gregation hopes to formally open the! proposed new church. Within the next two weeks bids will ! I>e opened and the contract awarded | lor the construction of the big ex tension to Messiah church as planned by A. A. Riteher, one of Reading's noted architects. Work will be start ed. it is hoped, soon after April 1, and within a year the building committee and the congregation expect to have t lie brand new structure ready for worship. Some of the Features At least a column could be easily written about the proposed structure' but some of the facts and figures of! dimensions, interior decorations, new ideas in ventilating, lighting, etc.. which j were explained by Mr. Winter yester- i day may give briefly some idea of what the structure will be. Acting with Mr. Minter on thej building committee are the Rev. Hen- ; ry W. A. Hanson, the pastor. Prof. J. j .1. Brehm, A. G. Murray, 11. U. G. Ilaertter and W. J. Collier. For some months the congregation had been | figuring on the building problem and now, lo quote Mr. Minter—"Messiah i church has finally decided to go ahead i and we hope to give Harrisburg one of ■ the most modern structures of wor-1 ship in this section." The Great Bel! The extension will cover the entire I space which now constitutes the lawn of the church at Forster and Sixth i streets —a building 110 feet by 60 feet. Concrete foundations with stone trimmings, either of granite or mar ble, will finish the structure. At the southwest corner a handsome loggia and bell tower will top off the build- j ing. Here incidentally will be hung t lie great bell of Messiah—the bell that has called the uptown Lutherans! to worship for more than fifty years. The proposed extension will be oc cupied largely by the main auditor ium of the church. The pulpit will be at the extreme north end and the main entrance will be on Forster street with ;i side entrance on Sixth street through the loggia. The Lighting and lloating To the right of the pulpit will be j the choir loft and choir room, an ar- i rangement unique in its character so; far as the relation of choir and pul pit is concerned, in local churches. ' A handsome new $5,000 pipe organ j u ill be a feature of the furnishings, j The lighting system will be novel for local ehuciies, an indirect system of electric illumination having been j planned. Incidentally the blower in direct heating and ventilating system I will be installed. By this system the ! .-iir in brought through the rear of the ! church and passed over steam heat j pipes to be heated before being pump- I < d into the main church for refreshing! the air. In the summer time the' same air may be cleansed and cooled by pumping it through a fine spray ; of water in the cellar. Another fea- j ture of the auditorium furnishings will be the installation of an accous- 1 t icon system In the last few rows of j pews. By this means the worshiper uho is a trifle hard of hearing may step into the pew. attach one of the tiny to ear and hear the min ister with perfect ease. Tlic Open Court The space between the present; structure and the extension will be j onvevted into an eight-foot court. By! this plan the light can be directed right into both the new main auditor ium anil the old church room by broad 1 windows. The present church by the j way will be converted into a big Sun lay school room with a dozen or more j lass rooms branching off from it. The pipe organ now in service there will ve removed and a piano will be installed for the Sunday school ser vices. The social room will be located in the basement of the new extension, a feature of which will be a modernly •■quipped kitchen in the south end. Some day in the years to come per haps. Messiah will convert the pres ent parsonage building on the north end of the lot into modern social cen ter quarters. At present, however, i he social activities of the church will be confined to the pretty basement room. \ YOD MAY SEE | \ Darkest Russia jj \ 10-nlght !■ \ In Twenty-Five Hundred > 5 ¥zti cf Moving Pictures J '! Stevens Memorial Mctho- jj j! (list Episcopal Church, Thir- j! !■ teenth and Vernon streets, £ I; at 8 o'clock. J A thrilling story told by j' !; Professor W. Blancliard $ !| Moore, of Chicago. f :j To-morrow NigM I Professor Moore will give J his great "Palestine Travel ij •| Talk" at the happy Sunday jj •J evening service, at 7.30 o'clock. Motion picture on ? £ the journey from Hebron to Dan, with an excursion to £ J. Damascus and Mt. Herman J Ji will be shown. i Dr. Smuckcr and James i !• W. Marker will be in charge J» !• of the service. It is Men's i f Club Night. i { SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 4, 1916 FEAST OF DEDICATION AT CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURC Above is an Interior view of the new Sunday school chapel of Christ Lutheran Church, Thirteenth and Thompson streets, just completed at a j cost of $29,000. It will have a seating capacity of about fifteen hundred and will accommodate the seventeen active Sunday school classes of this church. The interior arrangement is most modern, each class room to be entirely private, then the entire auditorium and balcony can be thrown I together by roll disappearing partitions. The present membership enrollment of Christ Lutheran Sunday school | is about thirteen hundred, and this splendid new chapel and added facili ties will accommodate many new members. The Men's Bible Class now has about two hundred and fifty members. The teachers are the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Thomas Reisch and T. H. Ham- j ' ilton. United Evangelical Elders Reappointed by Conference Special to the Telegraph York, Pa., March 4. —Announce- ! nient was made yesterday of the re appointment of presiding elders of the 1 Central Pennsylvania conference of i (he United Evangelical Church as follows: York district, the Rev. J. P. I Dunlap; Carlisle, the Rev. J. A. Hol i lenbaugh; Center, the Rev. C. L. Sones: Lewisburg, the Rev. M. F. Fos selman; Williamsport, the Rev. M. I. | Jamison. I,ITHKI!A\ Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stamets. 10.30, "Christ's True Glory;" 7.30, "The Conversion of the Dying Thief;" | Sunday school, 2; Christian Endeavor, j i 6.30. Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradley j Markwarct, O. D. 10.30, "A Notable I Journey;" 7.30. musical service; Sun dav school, 1.45; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. Calvary—Tlio Rev. Edward H. Paar. 11, "The Surpassing Worth of Chris-j tian Love;" 7.30, "The Counsel of j Caiaphas;" Sunday school, 10. Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reisch, D. D. Dedication of new Sunday! school building. 10 o'clock; sermon by j ; Dr. C. P. Wiles, Philadelphia; Sunday ' school rally, address by Dr. Wiles; | I fellowship meeting. 3.30; 7.30. sermon I ! by Dr. C. B. King, Pittsburgh, and ; dedication service. Holy Communion —The Rev. John Henry Miller. 10.45, "Mow to Prepare j I for the Lord's. Supper:" 7.30, "Against j ' God:" Sunday school, 9.30; Luther | ! League, 6.30. Shiioh. Riverside—Ths Rev. E. E. i I Snyder will preach at 3: Sunday j i school, 2. St. Matthew's —-The Rev. E. E. Sny- ] der. 11. "Mary, the Humble;" 7.30J "Judas, the Traitor;" Sunday school, 10; junior Christian Endeavor, 2: j senior Christian Endeavor, 6.30; catc- , j chetical class. 9.30. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen- I helder. 10.30, "A Casket of Gems;" ; 7.20. "A Cry from the Night to the Lord of Light:" Sunday school, 2; i : Christian Endeavor, 6.30. Trinity. Camp .Hill—The Rev. Dr. E. j D. Weigle. 10.30, "Life's Mission Ac | complished;" 7.30. "Blind Bar-. , timaeus;" Sunday school. 9.15. Zion—The Rev. S. Winfleld Her man. 10.30 "The First Christian Council;" 7.10, "Anchors for Hope:" j Sunday school, 1.45; men's class, 1.50; \ 1 men's prayer hour, 10; senior cate- ; chetical class. 6.30. Memorial.—The Revt. L. C. Manges, D. D., Men's prayermeeting at 10: 10:30, "The Wisdom of Man or the Foolishness of Preaching": 7:30, j I "Paul's Great Theme," Sunday school | at 2; Jr. Luther League, 5:30; Sr. ( Luther League. 6:30. METHODIST Ridge Avenue —The Rev. William j W. Hartman. 10.30, "A New Con- j vert;" 7.30. "Sowing and Reaping;" Sunday school, 2; class meeting, 9; Ep worth Leaguo. 6.30. Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. Deavor. 11, "Duty;" 7.30, "The Haunted Heart;" Sunday school. 10; class meet ing. 9; Epworth league, 6.30. ' St. Paul's The Rev. Robert W. i Runyan. 10.30, "Our Going. Out and I Coming In;" Sunday school, 1.45. The j congregation will worship at Grace j Church in the evening. Epworth | I League. 6.30. Camp < 'urtin Memorial —The Rev. A. S. Williams. 10.30, "Cain's Ques- | tion;" 7.30. "The Hem of His Gar | ment;" 9.30, class meeting; 9.45, junior | league; (1.30, Epworth devotional meet ing; 2, Sunday school. I Asbury—The Rev. W. H. Gaines. 11, "The Matchless Power;" 8, "Cotn- I munion;" Sunday school, 2: league, 7. Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox. D. D. 19.30, class meeting; 10.30, "An Old I I Testament Hero;" 1.45, Sunday school and men's Bible class: 6.45, Epworth I 1 League: 7.30. Handel's "Messiah," ren- i : dered by choir. j Fifth Street —The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.30, "The Offense of the: Cross;" 7.30, ".Tesus in Nazareth;" 9.30, class meeting; Sunday school, 3; Ep worth Leaguo, 6.30. Coxestown Tli<» Rev. A. Harries. 10.30, "A Trip to Jericho": 7.30, the Rev. J. P. Turner; Sunday school, 9.30. CHI'RCH OF GOD Fourth Street—The Rev. William N. Yates, D. D. At 10.30, "The Holy' : Spirit;" 7.30, "Sowing and Reaping;" Sunday school, 1.40' Christian En deavor, 6.30. Nagle Street—The Rev. Albert L. j | Kriner. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 1.30: Christian Endeavor, 6.45. First. New Cumberland —The Rev. |J. W. Deshong. 10.30, "Pure Re lligion;" 7. "The Resetting Sin;" Sun dav school. 9.15. I Green Street. The Rev. C. H. Grove, 10:30, "The Foolish Act. of a I Great Man," 7:30, "Salt," Sunday j school, 2; Jr. C. E„ 3. Pleasant View. The Rev. George W. Harper; Sunday school. 9:45; i 10:45. "Duty and Obligations of Chris j tians to Keep the Communion Feast." ; Jr. r. E„ 3: Sr. C. E„ 6:43: 7:30, I "Why observe Feet Washing?" WAR SERMON The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pas | tor of Messiah Lutheran church will I preach to-morrow evening at 7:30 1 | o'clock on "The Great Battle Which is \ j Yet to be Fought," and will illustrate i I the sermon with points taken from i ] the history of the present European 1 ; War. In the morning at 10:30 1 o'clock he will preach the sixth ser | , raon in a series on "The Apostles . I Creed in Modern Christian Thought." Seven Meetings Will Be Held by Rescue Mission The City Rescue mission, 10714; South Second street, will hold meet-) ings every evening next week at 7.45. Those who take part in the meetings will be: Sunday, The Rev. E. P. Rob inson; monday, Pine Street Presby terian church; Tuesday. Westminster; church: Wednesday, Workers' meet ing; Thursday, Messiah Lutheran; church; Friday, Sixth Street United j Brethren church; Saturday, Martin Stutzman. BAPTIST Tabernacle The Rev. Calvin A. | | Hare, D. D. 10.30, communion; 7.30, j | "An Angel to Peter's Rescue," sixth j ' of series on "Great Events in the Book j of Acts:" Bible school, 11.30; B. Y. ! :P. U., 6.45. At the Herr street branch, i i preaching in both Rumanian and Hun- | garian at 10.30 and 7.30. Second The Rev. Albert Jostah | Green. 3, "The Voice of the Believer's Baptism:" 7.30, "What of It if We Eat i and Drink xt the Lord's Table Un worthily?" Sunday school, 12; B. Y. P. U.\ 6.30. j St. Paul—The Rev. E. Luther Cun ningham. 10.30, covenant meeting; 1 ; 7.30, "Demanding a Sign;" Sunday j i school, 12.30; 15. Y. P. U„ 6.30: First—The Rev. W. S. Booth. 10.30, I "By WaV of Remembrance;" 7.30. | I "Touched in the Right Spot;" 11.30, I Bible school; 7.30, young people's I | meeting. West End—The Rev. W. W Clip- ; J pinger. 7.30, "The Lord Thy Keeper;" I ! Sunday school, 10.30; young people's meeting, 6.45. Market Street. The Rev. W. H. ; Dallman. 10:30, "Seeking the Sulva tion of Others," 7:30, "When Will He 1 | Come?" Sunday school, 11:30. UNITED BRETHREN Derry Street. The Rev. J. A. | Lyter, D. D., 10:30, by Mrs. J. Hall Smith, a returned missionary; 7:30, i address by Miss Etta Odel; Sunday school, 2; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. First. The Rev. Charles Edwin j Boughter, 10:30, "Tribute, Money and! i Gifts"; 7:30, "Christian Ambition and I Service," Sunday school, 1:45; C. E., i 0:45. Otterbein. The Rev. S. Edwin! Rupp, D. D., 10:30, "Our Future State," 7:30, "The Timid Soul," Sun-j day school, 2: C. E.. 6:30. Sixth Street. The Rev. Joseph' Daugherty, praise service, 9:45; 10:30 \ ; "Christ Our Substitute," 7:30, Otter bein Guild, address by Mrs. J. Hal j Smith, a returned missionary from AJ'riea; Sunday school, 1:45; Jr. C. E„ 5:30; Sr. C. E„ 6:20. State Street. The Rev. E. A.! | Bossier, pastor; communion services i lat 10:45: 7:30, "The Good Shepherd"! Sunday school, 9:30; Jr. C. 10., 6; Y. I P. S. C. E.. 6:30. St. Paul's. Wormleysburg, the j Rev. G. B. Renshaw. 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30: Sr. C. E., 6:30;! i Jr. C. E., 5:45. REFORMED St. John's —The Rev. G. W. Hart-1 man. 11, "Regard lor Life;" 7.30, "The Consequences of Sin:'' Sunday I school, 9.45; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. j Salem-—The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer. i The Rev. Gcorgi- W. Richards, I). D., I of the Theological Seminary. Lancas ter, will preach at 10.30 and 7.30; ! Sunday schol, 1.30. j Second The Rev. Harry Nelson I Bassler. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday j school. 1.45; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. J Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles 1 May. 10.45, "The Trumpet Call:" 7.80, "Meek and Lowly:" Sunday school, 9.30; Heidelberg Christian Endeavor, 6.30. EPISCOPAL St. Paul's —At 8, holy communion; ! i 10.30. morning prayer: 11. holy com- i munion, "God's Love for l's," first of! a series on "The Greatest Thing in the I World;" 2.30, Sunday school: 3, chit-' ! dren's service; 7.30, choral evensong. 1 St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer. 10, Sunday school; 11, holy i communion; 4, eveninir prayer. St. Augustine. - Archdeacon E. L. Henderson, 11. Holy Communion; 12:30. Sunday school; 7:30, evening prayer. MAC:LAV STREET REVIVAL i The revival campaign at the Ma-1 ; clay Street Church of God is rapidly! rounding into a successful one. Up ito the present time there has. been, twenty converts. The Kev. K. 1. M. i | Thomas is delivering some very good j and inspiring sermons and it is ex pected that the number of converts! will be tripled. The choir of thirty five voices is under the leadership of! Edward Troup. MISCELLANEOUS Associated Bible. Students, Cameron building, 105 North Second street. At 1.45, Berean study, "The Cleansing j jof the Sanctuary;" 3, Sunday school. | ! Christian and Missionary Alliance— The Rev. W. H. Worrall. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30. A. M. E. Wesley Union. 10:45, "Spiritual Religion." 7:30, "Divine Comfort." Bethel. The Rev. U. G. Leeper; ' 10:30, "The Wells of Salvation," 7:30, I "Saved bv Grace," Sunday school, j 12:30; A. C. E. L.. 6:30. CHURCH OF CHRIST Fourth Street. The Rev. J. <"}. Smith. 11. "Testing Our Faith," 7:30, i "Man's Greatest Mistake"; Sunday 1 I school, 10. i Lemoyne. The Rev. Mel v 1 n ilMenges; 10:30, "God's Love For Us," ' 7:30, "Excuses/; Sunday school, 9:30,1 "BILLY" SUNDAY MEETS CARDINAL ; Baseball Is Link Between Pre- j lates of Old and New Gospel Baltimore. March 4. —Two men whose names are probably known j wherever the English language is spoken had a nice little chat in North Charles street yesterday, and their chief topic of conversation was—base ball. They were James Cardinal Gibbons, by seniority and popular acclaim head of the Catholic Church in America, and the Rev. "Billy" Sunday, evan gelist. The one represents the oldest branch of the Christian faith, standing for conservatism, ritualism and creed; the other preaches an up-to-date, vir ile Gospel—a religion with a "kick." But they found one subject at least , on which they were in perfect accord, for they are both enthusiastic baseball fans and they had a pleasant chat over j "old times" in the baseball world. i They talked of "Pop" Anson, of "Muggsy" McGraw, of "Hughie" | Jennings and of the famous Oriole champions of 20 years ago. j Sunday has always been un admirer of the Cardinal and had oft6n ex pressed fl wish to members of his fam- \ ! ily that he might swine day have an \ opportunity lo meet him. 1 Mrs. Sunday kept the wish in mind and told Dr.. Kelly that Mr. Sunday wished to meet his Eminence. Dr. j Kelly at once wrotj to the Cardinal 'asking if he would receive Mr. Sun ! day. In reply came a courteous note i from the prelate, inviting the inter-, view and setting the time. The Cardinal recalled that "Billy" I had been a. ball player. "It has been ! a long time since I saw a game," he i I added. "Well," said "Billy." "it's been a long time since I played a professional j game, but 1 try to keep in form by! playing with the boys when I'm 1 home." PRESBYTERIAN Pine Street. The Rev. Lewis Sey- | mour Mudge, D. D., and the Rev. J. jS. Arnientrout, assistant; 10:30, "Vi sion and Obligation"; 7:30, third ser- j ' mon in series, "The Perplexity of ! j Pilate." 1:30, Sunday scnool; 1:40,, 'advanced departments, Adult Bible i | Classes: 6:30, Sr. K. Division Street Chapel 3, Sunday | jschool. Adult Bible Classes; 7:30, the j Rev. J. S. Arnientrout will preach. Bethany. The Rev. John M. War- ; den pastor, 7:30, "Lost Opportuni ties," Sunday school, 9; C. E., 0:30. ] Capital Street. The Rev. B. M. i Ward, pastor at 10:45 and 7:30; Sun-j day school, 12:15; C. E., 6:45; Jr. C. j E., at 6. I Covenant. The Rev. Harvej* j Klaer, 10:30, "The Exceeding Sinful ness of Sin"; 7:30, "Preparedness," Sunday school. 2; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30; ! Brotherhood Prayer meeting, 7. Immanuel. —The Rev. H. Everett I Hallman, 10 and 7:30; Sunday school,!, 11:15; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. .Market Square. The Rev. George |« j Edward Hawes. D. D., the Rev. George! Suavely Rentz. assistant; Sunday school at 9:45; C. E.. at 6:30; morn-® ing, "Hearers in the Divine Joy"; eve-| i ning, "Why Do I Need a Saviour?" Olivet. The Rev. William B. | Cooke, 10:30, "Stephen's Vision ofr Glory." 7:30, "Add to Your Faith,"' 1 Sunday school, 2; C. E.. 6:30. Westminster. The Rev. E. E. ( Curtis, pastor, 10:30, "Who Is Your Endorser'.'" Sunday school, 1:45; C. 1 E., % 6:30; 7:30, "A Man Larger Than j His Office." 7,10N' LUTHERAN ACTIVITIES i The Rey. S. Winfleld Herman will preach at both services, the morning > theme will be "The First Christian I I Council," and the evening theme will |be "Anchors for Hope." All depart j inents of the Sunday school will con ! vene at 1:45. The Men's Class will Ibe taught by Dr. Campbell. The Senior Cathechetical class will study the Holy Sacraments at 6:30. The ves try will meet at 7:30 on Monday eve-' ! ning. and the Crenchrean Circle on j the same evening. ] The Literary Circle will be post-: : poned because of an illustrated lec- : jture upon "The Passion Play," to be I given on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock iby the pastor. The Ladies' Aid So ! ciety will meet on Wednesday after- j noon at 2 o'clock and the Evening j ! Mission Study Class will meet at 7; o'clock. The Afternoon Class will convene on Tuesday afternoon as 1 usual. The Lenten services will be gin on Wednesday evening with the I first of a series of studies In the Len ten Psalms. The Mary and Martha | Circle will meet at 7:15 on Thursday j evening. The Intermediate and ! Junior Catechetical classes will meet on Friday at 4:30 and Saturday at 2 o'clock. Professor Wolle will give an organ recital Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The Children's Missionary Band will meet on Saturday at 2:4 5 j and the Young People's Missionary ! Society will be the guests of Mrs. M. j i L. Bowman, 259 Herr street. MUSIC AT FIFTH STREET I The music at Fifth Street M. E. church for Sunday March 5, Is as fol ! lows: Morning: Prelude. "Prelude In D flat," <'allaerts: anthem, "God Shall Wipe Away All Tears," Field; offer llory, "Offertory," Shelley; postlude, j "Postlude in B flat," West. Evening: Prelude, "Andante Sera- j i phiiiue," Debat-Ponsan; anthem, "The .Lord is Exalted," West; offertory, I "Eventide," Frysinger; solo, "My Hope j lis in the Everlasting," (Daughter of J.lairus) Stainer, Mr. Martin; postlude. I '"Grand Offertory in G," Lefebure- 1 | Wely. Miss Violette Cassel, organist; I Thompson Martin, director. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris Street. The Rev. George F. Schaum. 10:30. "God's Pledge of Preparedness," 2, Sunday school and ! .Men's Class; 3:15. Sunday school! I board meeting: 3:15, Mission Band; | 16:40, K. L. C. E.; 7:30, "Is a Lie Ever j Justifiable?" ! Park Street. The Rev. A. E. Tlangen, Sunday school at. 9:30; 10:45 "On the Threshold of a New Con ference Year," Jr. C. E.. 5:45; Sr. C. IE.. 6:30; 7:30, "Through the Year i With God." ' MUSIC AT MESSIAH LUTHERAN I Morning: Prelude. "Adoration," I from (The Holy City). Miller; offer tory, "Cantabile," Gaul; nnthem, "O Worship the Lord," Watson; postlude, "Fanfare," Dubois. Evening: Prelude, "Meditation ! Serieuse," Bartlett; anthem, "Lord God, We Worship Thee," Stulfz; offer | tory, "Traumerei," Schumann; eon ; tralto solo, "The Lord is My Shep herd," Liddle; postlude, "Allegro non troppo," Silas; A. W. Hartman, di rector. ASSISTANT PASTOR HERE The Rev. George S. Renlz, recently of Hers hey. now assistant pastor at Market Square, began his work in the church on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Hawes will present him to the con gregation in connection with the morning service. ■ LENT Begins Next AVednesday fl The period of forty days preceding Easter which the Christian Church designates as Lent begins Ash Wednesday, March 8. {J Various creeds observe this period differently, hut upon one point all coincide. Lent, in no matter what manner you observe it, will he hut a name to you if it is not a time of Self Examination Lent has heen set aside as a season for preparation to the Easter tide; from which to derive the fullest benefit we should look forward not only in thought, hut in our manner of living. In this matter of self examination let the Church and her Founder he your companions. You will he more fully prepared for the glorious majesty of Easter if you seek the truths of right eousness taught every Sunday in the Christian Church. o-morrow there is a united invitation extended to you to GO TO CHURCH * This advertisement has been authorized and 1b being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrlsbur*. To Sing Handel's Messiah at Grace M. E. Church To-morrow evening: at 7:30 the | | most beautiful selections from Han-1 ; del's Messiah will be given by the j quartet anil chorus of Grace M. E. church. The musical numbers for the j clay are: Morning: Organ (a) l,argo, Beeth-. I oven; (b) A Russian Romance, Hoff- 1 man-Shelley; quartet, "My Heavenly! Home," Havens; organ, "In Winter," Kullak; anthem, "The King of Love," Shelley; organ. Fugue in C minor, ' \ Boely. Evening: Chorus, "And the Glory] of the, Lord," Solo, "Why Do the Na- j tions," Win. S. Hoover: chorus, "For, Unto Us a Child is Born"; solo, "O, : Thou That Teilest Glad Tidings to Zion," Mrs. Sue B. Dugan-Fager; so prano recitation, "There Were Shcp i herds," "And 80, the Anget of the Lord;" "And the Angel Said Unto Them." "And Suddenly;" Mary Butt iorff: chorus, "Glory t<> God in the j Highest"; solo, "He Shall Feed His Flock," Mrs. Fager; dolo, "Come Unto i Him" Mary Buttorff; chorus, "Behold the Lamb of God," chorus, "Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs"; solo, "I I Know That My Redeemer Livetli"; • Mary Buttorff; chorus, "Worthy is the Lamb"; organ, "Pastoral Sym-1 ; phony," chorus, "Hallelujah." W. R. Stonesifer is organist and jJohn W. Phillips, director. I ATTRACTIVE MEETING FOR MEN AT Y. M. C. A. TO-MORROW The Young Men's Christian Asso- j elation, Second and Locust streets, ; will hold a men's gospel meeting to morrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, j The Rev. William C. Sanderson, pastor, of the First Methodist Episcopal church, Steelton, will deliver an ad dress. ! The song service will be a feature i under the direction of the association chorister, W. 11. Kauta. 'Doors will open at 3 o'clock. DR. SMUCKER TO SPEAK BEFORE PEOPLE'S FORUM j j The Rev. Clayton A. Smucker, pas- j tor of Steven's Memorial church will | address the People's Forum to-mor ! row. Mrs. Roy G. Cox will sing and! | Miss Sara Leiner will give a violin solo. I The People's Forum has developed | into one of the largest institutions j i of the city and its membership at the | present time is between seven and j eight hundred.- * Quinquageslma Sunday tjulnquagesllma Sunday Sunday. St. Joseph of the Cross. Monday. SS. Perpetua and Fell citas. | Tuesday. St. Thomas Aquinas. I Wednesday. Ash Wednesday. ' Thursday. St. Frances of Rome. Friday. The Passion of Our Lord. | Saturday. St. Euloglus. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN I Church of the Brethren. Preach ing 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10: Christian Workers, 6:45. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist.— Board of Trade Hall. Sunday 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Testimonial meet ling, Wednesday. 8 P. M. Free Read ! ing Rooms, Kunkel Bldg., 12:30 to 4:30 P. M., daily, also Monday and Saturday evenings. (Other Churches on Page :i) P""- 1 ; PREPAREDNESS j i' 1 Our Motto Beautiful Hershey Park is aI- 1 ways prepared to accommodate ♦ large and small Sunday School ♦ Picnics. Sanitation in all its t phases is unexcelled. For avail- f able dates, write Manager of I Hershey Park. Presiding Elders Stationed by Evangelical Conference Special to the Telegraph York, Pa., March 4. Presiding I j elders in the Central Pennsylvania! ! Conference of the United Evangelical | Church were stationed yesterday as , follows: York district, the Rev. Dr.! 1 J. F. Dunlap; Carlisle, the Rev. J. A. ! ! Hollenbaugh; Center, the Rev. C. L. j Sones; Lewisburg, the Rev. M. F. Foselman; Willianisport, the Rev. M, j i I. Jamison. Important changes were made byj the Boundary Committee. St. Paul | Mission at York was constituted a 'station. Kralzeville, of the Center : district, was detached from the New Berlin Mission and added to the Win licld charge. Grace Mission was de tached from the Centerville circuit and New Columbia and West Milton were constituted a mission. These changes will be ratified by the con | I'erence. CATHOLIC Cathedral. — Mgr. M. M. Hassett. i Low mass, 7; children's mass, 9; high mass. 10:30; Sunday school, 2:30; ves : pers and benediction, 7:30. St. Lawrence. The Rev. P. D. i Huegel. Lo\v mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school. 2:30; vespers and bene j diction. 3. St. Francis. The Rev. D. J. Carey. Low mass. 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. ! Sacred Heart. The Rev. George I Rice. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene diction. 2:30. ! St. Mary's. The Rev. William V. Dailey. Low mass, 8; high mass, | 10:30; Sunday school, 2; vespers and | benediction, 7:30. Street 10:30 A.M. j| "Vision and Obligation" i Acts 26: 19 •: r 1.30 P. M. 1.40 P. M. | Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes v, I • 7:30 P. M. "The Perplexity of Pilate" | | Matthew 27:22 A Cordial Wi'loonip to You f Excellent Cliolr Muxlc, Kami liar Congregational llymns, j Practical Spiritual Prcuchlqg; \ M Sunday Evening, March 12 "The Desertion of the Disciples" Jj| Tlic Fourth in the Scries of Sunday Evening Sermons To Give Travel Talks at Stevens Memorl To-night Professor \V. Blancha Moore, of Chicago, is to Kive his It I ture on "Darkest Russia" in the Hte j ens Memorial Methodist Episcoj i Church, Thirteenth and Vernon stree Twenty-live hundred feet of motii pictures will be shown. Several yea i ago Professor Moore was selected j the Western Press Club to make L study of the exile system :.tnd |>eo| of Siberia. For seven months he liv i among these exiles, often suffer! | hardships. He was arrested sev | times as an American spy. It cost t club $2 5,000 for the informati which lie trained. To-morrow nißht ai the "Hfip | Sunday Evening" service Profess Moore is to address the Men's Cll IHe will give his "Palestine Tra\ 'Talk," prescribing his camera crusa on horseback through the Holy : | The motion picture journey will : fron, Hebron, the oldest city on t j south, to Dan, on the north, with i j excursion to Damascus and Mou iliermon. Doors will be open at <5.5 1 Hour of service, 7.50 MUSIC AT STKVKNR M. K. Tlie folowing musical program w ibe given at the Stevens Memor j Methodist church, Thirteenth a j Vernon streets to-morrow: Morning: Prelude, (a) Prelude ! G, Hollins, (h) Canzonetta, Thorns ! anthem, "O Saviour of the Work } Goss; offertoire. Cradle Song, Spi ! ney; postlude, March, Teilman. ICvenlng: Prelude, Scherzo Syi phonique, Guilmant: anthem, "T VV i Feed -My Flock," Simper; offertoi ! Andante (from "Violin Concerto' Mendelssohn; postlude, Scher: , Rogers. Ross K. Bergstresser, dire Ijtor of choir; Miss Ruth Kraybl organist.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers