A Telegraph Wait M WI (Quickly Rent That Vacant till IDeatbs lirPLK On March 3. Luther F. ripple, aged 61 years. 11 months, - »avf, at his home, en Brlggs street, lew Cumberland. . . Funeral on Tuesday, March t. at i F» M„ from his late residence. Rela tives and friends invited to attend without further notice. Burtal In i;nola Cemetery. IA)ST — Brlndie Bull puppy; short rs and short tail. Answers to name Beautv. Reward if returned to 1614 •Kina street. Bell phone 91« R. FOU ND FOUND What you have been iook- K for In good work. at Eggert > eing and French Cleaning W«rKs. (5 Market street. We call and er. Both phones. HELP WANTED —.Mule WANTED First-class Drop Ham rmen and Die Sinkers, on all around irk. Highest wages. , bt ' s l t . V' I; ins, no trouble. Apply DriggsSea ry Ordnance Company, bhaion. ra. \PPRENTICES In upholstering, good portunit.v to linlsh trade, good wagea. >pi>" 301-805 Trustee Building, 8 North irket Square. W \NTEIJ Married men. who pos ss selling ability, to come with us ,1 learn our business from the ground . Must be ablo to furnish bond and . ilinii lo go out of town. \\ ill pa> r,.uO per week while learning, with .■ assurance that you can make an>- iprc from $23.00 to $3».00 per week u-r vou have mastered our proposi ti. Apply Jewel Tea Co.. 209 Broad reet. , . PATTERN MAKERS Sev al iirst-class wood and metal ittern makers experienced in job op work. Steady work. \\ ages um 471/2 to 55 cents an hour. | • hours a week. Open shop, j astern Construction & Pattern j 3., J8 Wight St., Detroit, Mich. WANTED Young man to make! mse.lf generally usetul around clean-1, g and dye works. Apply 802 North mid street, Slmms. WANTED Young man of expert- j ce for clerk in general store, country wn. Address C., 3751, care of "lele- • aph. ;' SILVERING MIRRORS s4 daily at i nic; free instructive booklet. G. 1. jdmonil, Dept. lioston, Musk. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS 1 mrough instruction, Jo. Returned if j ] t appointed. Particulars tree. Ameri- • n Civil Service School, Washington, C. j A FEW YEARS AGO 1 started a small ' ill order business at home in spare ( tip with a few dollars capital. I want to make S3O 01 S4O a month, even- I gs. Tile net profits the llrst year eraged s2ou a week. Five years' irk netted me *50,000. I will show a how to start a small mall order , siiuss. Send to-day for my propo- , ion. It'a intereitinfc. No canvassing. < •acock, Box 792. Lockport, N. Y. 1 v VNTED Firat-clais salesman to iresent reliable Automobile Tire , nufacturer. Must be local man; ex- ] rlence not necessary; excellent propo- . ion. Apply Rutherford Rubber Co., 1 South Fifth street, Reading, Pa. . i'ANTED Carpetlayer to take sec d place for season, or regular. Apply j tly News, Lebanon, Pa. 1 WANTED An automobile salesman ] th good recommendations. Call at s ismitiger Motor Company, Green and 1 imberiand streets. City. t S2O TO $35 per month extra money to I. v employed person. No selling. No j nvassing. Positively 110 investment. ; , Idress Northwestern Silver Co., St. i < ul, Minnesota. 1 MACHINISTS WANTED Boring i il or lathe hands, who can work , tin blue prints; also tool makers. Ad- ] ess, or apply. Employment Depart- ; 1 snt, Westinghouse Electric & MXg. 1 ~ East Pittsburgh. Pa , : WANTED Experienced gent's fur- | ' jhlng3 salesman wanted. Steelton i ore Co., Steelton, Pa. WANTED 4O~ able-bodied en between 21 and 40 years of | >e for piece work. White or ' lured. Apply in person to agent, arrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl- 1 ilia Railroad Company, Division IJ reet, Harrisburg, Pa. ————— ——_____ i HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Students to know R. E. f >ke, A. M., will soon be a teacher in 1 ■ school. More and better teaching ' ■vays counts. Harrisburg Shorthand [ hooi, 31 North Second. WANTED A young woman, white colored, for general housework in a ' nily of two. Call 1023 M Bell. WANTED Experienced steno- 1 apher and bookkeeper. Services re- j 1 ired at once. Winter Piano Com- ' " ny, 23 North Fourth street. IVANTED Young lady steno- , ' lpher who can keep books. Must be A it-class stenographer. Apply Charles c Bard. 321 Hemlock. ! ~ WANTED Lady agent for exclusive 1 ritory; can make SIB.OO per week; ' ■ rcnce and security needed; no i ' Mcrs need apply. Address J., 3744, " ■■ of Telegraph. WANTED Operators experienced ' power sewing machines at Jennings' a. <'ompan>*. 414 State street. 1.1.00 PER 100 for collecting names'' d addresses; Instructions 12 cents I iling Service. 210 Holliday Building. ! lianapolis, Ind. tVOMA N. s.'!o for distributing 100 free ' •in? wear-proof darning cotton with i « iiery, your section. Experience un- i i ■e.-sary. Wearproof Hosierv, Norrls- ? i-n. Pa. _ A'ANTED White woman for gen- 1 c il housework In family of two. Ap- 1 ■ to Dr. J. H. Fager, 1234 North Sixth i ■VANTED A lads' stenographer i 1 !>ookkeeper; must give references, <■ 1 when can come to work. Write I i care of Telegraph. t #*•»' )i ■ > > 1 M '■> 111 | j. ■ House For Sale*; ' -7th St., North of Berry -'/u-Mtory Hrlck »nd Stucco First floor—small reception hall urge living room with ilre pluce— j inlntc room and kitchen—A No. 1 < ombination coal and gas range. f Second floor—three rooms and* ; i omplete bathroom. i Third floor —one finished room? i nd a storage room. < Cemented cellar with hot and eoldf c .iter porches electric light— 1 urnaee. 1 Possession on short notice i Price, JfM/'OO J FILLER BROTHERS & CO. HE AI, K STATE ; I naurance Surety Roods* if l.ocnst and Canrt Streets | r i ii m nn i m n ! ' 1 \ SATURDAY EVENING, IIAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 4. 1916. HELP WANTED—FemaIe FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, i demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 520, Omaha, Neb. WANTED A girl or young woman for general housework; no cooking. Apply 1934 North Third street. WANTED White girl for generai housework; family of three. Call 27 Butler street. Penbrook, or 2842W Bell. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL teaches all pattern cutting by measure, before sewing. The pupil cuts the pat tern, cuts the goods, and makes the entire dress, making her own dresses while learning. Day and Evening classes. A $5 reduction o~< the tuition is given all pupils who begin now. Works Dressmaking School, 22 North Fourth Street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Btinchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany. 500 Race street. S2O TO $35 per month extra money to any employed person. No selling. No canvassing. Positively no invest ment. Address Northwestern Silver Co., St. Paul, Minn. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to work jon women's and children's wear. I Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. WANTED—We have openings for 12 more bright girls. Apply, Silk Mill, Corner North and Sec ond streets. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS lf you want to earn more money send for our Catalog of repeat order articles. Particulars free. Peer less Supply Co., Box 577, Pittsburgh, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Calendar salesman for local territory; 25 per cent, commis sion; good selling line; at once. Ad dress Consolidated Map and Novelty Co., Erie, Pa. WANTED Salesman to call on gro cers. general stores and confectioners in small country towns. 25 per cent, commission, S4O weekly drawing ac count. Crown Cider Company. 207 South Commercial street. St. Louis, Mo. Dept. "4." SALES MANAGER WANTED—Some thing new.- Business necessity. Re tails $5 to SIOO. Enormous profits. No competition. Exclusive territory. Free samples. Sa.veis Co., 457 Wainwright, St. Louis. WANTED Salesman to sell our j line of Temperance Drinks in small j country towns. 25 per rent, comnils- | sion, S4O weekly drawing account. Red I Cross Company, 206 South Main street. ! St. Louts, Mo. Dept. "T." SALESMEN Premium and adver- I Using men to sell the best advertising! peranum proposition, absolutely new. State experience and references llrst letter. Merchants Cash Sales Company, St. Joseph, Mich. WANTED Competent salesmen $1,500 to $3,000 yearly, represent us in Eastern cities and towns. No collect ing. peddling or carrying of samples. Experience helpful, but not essential to success. Exceptional opportunity to build up permanent business. Interna tional Co., 67 Schwind Building, Day ton, Ohio. MEN who can work among farmers and in small towns make from SIOO to S3OO per month. A practical, household necessity, needed in nearly every home, sells on sight. No capital required. We furnish the stock on time to reliable men. Not a canvassing job, but a hust ler's opportunity. Write for sample: for free trial, and full details. Mantle Lamp Co.. Dept. 597, Thermos Building, New Y'ork City. SITUATIONS WANTED —MaIe WANTED You'-g man, with three years' experience in credit department j of large manufacturing company as j bookkeeper, wants position; can furnish I best of references. Address E., 374S j care of Telegraph. WANTED Gardener, experienced, j reliable, wishes care of gentleman's | country place. Address J., 3747, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young, strong man wants work in a restaurant; can give I reference. Address 624 Cumberland. WANTED Young white man de- ! sires position as butler; can furnish I best references. Address T., 3716, care of Telegraph. — SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Middle-aged woman, with seven-year-old boy. desires posi tion as housekeeper. Address T., 3749 care of Telegraph. WANTED Young, white woman, j experienced, wants position as house;- , keeper for widower, or general house work in small family. Address H. B. care of Telegraph. WANTED A middle-aged woman i would like housekeeping for widower, middle-aged or elderly gentleman. Call Bell phone 3935 R. , WANTED Day's work or cham !' liermaid position. 1827 Swatara street : ' Basement. WANTED Y'oung lady desires po- : sltion as typist and general office work i Address Box 213, Paxtang, Pa. HEAL liSTATE Foil SALE FOR SALE BlO North Second I street, a desirable home at low price ; Inquire of C. C. Hackett, Room No. 20 No. 9 North Market Square. FOR SALE Right now is your chance to buy a home on the Hill un- i usual opportunity. Details by inquir- i ing at No. 3 South Fourth street. This will interest you. FOR SALE Houses centrally lo- ' cated. Camp Hill, three miles from i Harrisburg. brick and frame, well built I Also splendid building lots sold on casv 1 terms. Low interest on money. W j Meily, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. FOR SAEE Frame houses, located I in Shiremanstown, Pa., Main street ' Steam and trolley car service. Easy I terms. Money standing in at low in terest. Come and be convinced. Ad- I' dress M., 3726, care of Telegraph. TWO FINE HOUSES FOR SAI,K -1 28 South Nineteenth street, southwest corner Nineteenth and Chestnut! streets, pressed brick, U rooms, bath hall and pantry; hardwood finish; con- i crete porch and walk; brick garage- Southern exposure; must sell on account of health. Also 1712 Herr street, up-to date new stucco and brick, 8 rooms and bath; Dutch reception hall; last one of four. This is one of the finest locations In Harrisburg. these properties over and come to see ine at 28 South Nineteenth street, or call Bell phone MAIN STREET, Penbrook, on car line: new brick bungalow. 7 pantry, sewing room, steam heat. larg» front and rear porches, drive allev on I rear. Price is very attractive. Brln- i ] ton-l'ncker Co., Second and Walnut M streets. ' ; ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , 1006 Hemlock Street Corner prop erty, 3-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath and furnace, located near Eleventh street. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 79 ACRES 6 miles north of Me chanicsburg, frame dwellings, running water. Price, $4,500.00. Possession April 1. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. PUBLIC SALE on March 16 of 12 acres of very fertile ground, 3 miles south of New Cumberland on the main road to York. Abundance of fruit, running water at liouso and barn, good buildings In best stale of repair. Must be seen to be appreciated. Frederick Houck, R. F. D., 1. New Cumberland, Pa. LEMOYNE Hummel Avenue, two story single brick, all modern improve ments; will sell cheap. Three-story double brick, steam heat, electric lights and gas; will sell one half. Bosler Ave- j nue, one single two-story frame, all conveniences, one double two-story brick with improvements; will soil one half. Herman Avenue, one two-story frame house with large stable, on cor ner lot; will sell cheap. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Eemoyue Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone 3198 J. FOR SALE 2lll Moore ,treet; 3- story frame dwelling, 8 rooms, bath and furnace. Lot. 14x74. Price, $2,100.00. | Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas —electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments.; 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, i Agents. FOR SALE at a real bargain, properties on Capital street, 40 feet front, extending to James street, a brick and two frame dwellings thereon, Nos. 802, 804 and 800 Capital street. Harris burg Trust Company. VERY desirous of selling 24 North Eighteenth Street, occupied by owner. Price can be agreed upon. H. G. Ped low, 110 South Thirteenth street. , FOR SAEE 1 to 10 acres of the choicest land well located for all purposes and where every dollar plant ed will produce like the soil. Multiply according to Its Judicious Investment. Easy terms. F. S. Mumma & Son, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Mechan lcsburg, Pa. 25 ACRES 2 miles west of New Cumberland, good frame buildings, spring and running water. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 5 ACRES 1 mile east of Mechanics- 1 burg on Trindle Road, brick dwelling with 8 rooms, bath, steam heat and hardwood floors, frame stable, level lime stone soil. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. OWNER away from city, wants to I sell 4315 Vernon Street, a modern : I home. Inspect It and make offer. 11. G. I Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street, j FOR SAEE Storeroom and dwell ing, corner Derry and Benton. In quire George Kichman, 1047 Melrose I street. ! FOR SALE—Beautiful new two-and l a-half-story brick residence in one of the finest locations In tlio city 1001 , North Seventeenth street. Corner lot, 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attio. I Hall through center. All Improvements. | Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Slngmas ter, Gettysburg, Pa. $1,600 WILL BUY" frame house No. 1940 Seventh street 7 rooms bath —gas furnace. Also other similar properties in city and suburbs. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. WOODBINE ST., 548 and 652—Anxi ous to sell, and therefore the prices are right. All improvements, including steam heat. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NEW HOUSE that should interest you at $.'.,200, well built, desirably located, i equipped most modernly, steam heated, ; three porches. Bell Realty Co., Berir- I ner Building. j CORNER PROPERTY FOR SAEE at I a greatly reduced price lot, 17x125 flame house stable on rear prop erty now yielding S2O per month. Price, | $2,100. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build | Ing. FOR SALE—Desirable build ■ ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, ' Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in ; blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, , care of Harrisburg Telegraph, i city. i FARM LAND ! FREE BOOK OF FLORIDA FACTS. ] If interested in Florida, before visiting I or settling In this wonderful State of fragrant flowers and sunshine, write Lake County Land Owners' Association, . No. 162 Lloyd St., Fruitland Park, Florida, for free book of actual photo graphs and real conservative facts con cerning this State. There is poor, good, better and best land in Florida. This book will teach you what IS BEST and WHY. The members of the Association - are not land* agents; they simply wish to tell actual facts to those really in terested in the State. They have no I time to waste in curiosity seekers, i-hil- I dren or people who expect to grow rich ; without effort, but to those of charac- ' ter, energy, some capital, with a desire l to learn more of the opportunities In this most prosperous State we would be glad to give fullest information. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR BEST No. 2120 Boas St $15.00 j No. 2003 Brigss St 11.50 No. 2020 Kensington St,, 10.50 No. 118 Nagel St 9.00 No. 1249 Market St. (storeroom) 27.00 J E. GIPPLE, ' 1251 Market Street. Storeroom for rent, best loca-! tion, suitable for high-class res- j taurant, confectionary, fruit, gro-1 ceries, or millinery store. Inquire, Dave Saxe, Mt. Union, Pa. FOR RE.\T House' No. JOS Herr ' street; 9 rooms and bath; stationary wash stands In several rooms; suitable for rooming or boardinghouse; new hot air furnace; coal and gas ranges; large yard. Inquire 129 Pine street, or write ! Mrs. J. McK. Reiley. Apartment 5. The | Kenilworth, Buffalo, N. Y. ' FOR RENT 320 Sayford avenue, to i small, white family, centrally located. 12%-story frame; water In kitchen;; : handy to market and works. Kent, $9.50. i j Inquire 429 liroad street or 1631 North I j Second street. FOR RENT ■ single brick house with all improve- 1 1 merits, with vegetable garden, privilege to build garage, located on Long street. West Shore Realty Co.. Baer & Rice, j Lemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa. ! Bell phone 3198 J. CLOVERLY HEIGHTS Sycamore Street, 1724, brick dwelling, 9 rooms, j hath, steam heal. gas and electric j lights. Rent, $23.00. Rohrer & Son, | Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Young couple desire im- i proved « or S-room house; Hill pre-) ferrcd: responsible parly. Address W., I 3743. cure of Televrauk. 1 I APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, I ! 3 Cowden street, near Market, biuva- i tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at ! once. Bell phono S»9M. C. F. Gohl, j 1003 North Second street. j FOR RENT Apartment 108 North ! Second street, six rooms and bath, stor age room, city steam, vacuum cleaner. ! Apply first floor 108 North Second i street. FOR KENT Six and seven-room apartment. Every one complete and strictly private, with porch. Most open, beautiful and cheerful surroundings in 1 city. Opfin daily for inspection at 1702 North Second street. Bell phone 834. j APARTMENT FOR RENT First floor, 6 rooms and bath; large closets and large pantry; all modern Improve ments. Apply to Dr. James, on prem ises, Second Floor, 608 North Third i street. FOR RENT One furnished or un | furnished apartment. Four rooms ana j bath, including kitchen—locker In basement for storage. Possession April 1, 1916. Fronting on Locust street. Ap ply office, 132 Locust street. WALNUT ST., 204 An apartment with six rooms and bathroom, balcony In the rear with dumb waiter and clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City steam. E. Mather. ! SNAVELY APARTMENTS. 231 North i Second street 7-room partment; ! bath; electric light; city steam heat; linen closets; all modern conveniences. Inquire 217 North Second street. FOR RENT Apartment, 1419 Ver non street, first boor, electric lights, gas and steam lieat, stationary laundry. Apply Baptistl, 1208 Chestnut, or Third and Chestnut. Bell plione 624. ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. References exchanged. 929 North Third | street. THIRD FLOOR FRONT ROOM FOR I 1 i RENT With use of bath, heat and i gas light. Will also furnish room to suit tenant. Call 1107 North Second • 1 street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; city steam; Bell phone. Apply 719 North Sixth street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Fine large room, 231 North Seond street. In ! quire 217 North Second. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, suitable for lady or gentleman; j also two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, suitable for young couple. Call 4 South Fourth. FOR RENT Two or three unfur nished rooms. Inquire 1615 Chestnut street, City. FOR RENT Large, newly furnlsh j ed room, with three windows and bal | cony, second floor, suitable for two | gentlemen; steam heat, electric light and use of phone. Apply 125 Pine ! street. Fi>U KENT Small family can have unfurnished rooms at reasonable rate. I Ireasmaker preferred. Modern con veniences. In city or on Hill. Address ' Box L, 3727, care of Telegraph. - FOR RENT Furnished rooms, in private family. Apply 29 South Cam eron street. FOR KENT Pleasant room on sec ond floor; heat, electric light and use of bath. 819 Third street, FOR, RENT Two attractive second floor rooms; all conveniences and use of phone; gentlemen only. 813 North ; Second street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BUILT exclusively for light house keeping, strictly private, all outside, with or without kltchenettea. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Weekly pay ments. JanltreEs service. Inquire 429 Broad street. Dally inspection invited. ROOMS WAITED WANTED By refined^ oung lady, 1 ! two or three unfurnished rooms, cen i trally located, with reasonable rent. 1 Call Bell phone 2538. WANTED By refined, young man, I i two furnished rooms, with balcony, on I Hill. State all details as to what you i offer, including price. Address M., 3754, j care of Telegraph. WANTED Unfurnished room in central part of city with steam heat. Address E. C., 20, Greenhill, Luck now, Pa. Bell phone 1780R-5. FOR SALE IRON AND WOODWORKING MA | CHIN'BR— New and second-hand. | Machine tools lathes, drills, shapcrs, 1 planers, presses. Garage machinery. ! Gas and gasoline engines. Pumps, elec | trie motors, imagines. Boilers. Wood working planers, band-saws, etc. Saw mill outfits. Belting pulleys, shafting, emery wheels. Contractors' equipment, j Bantam concrete mixer, ten-foot ca pacity only $275.00. Everything in ma chinery and supplies. Special prices, j Write to-day. Baird Machinery Co., 123 ! Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock | cocks and cockerels, aristocrat strain;' also White Leghorn hens, Barron strain, j ; H. C. Hemperly, Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE Two Incubators, one i 260 eggs and one 150. Machines and | results obtained from them can lie seen lat Twenty-fourth anil Herr streets, I Penbrook. S. W. Miller, 409 Market. j i AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second! street, R.ooo sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L. i primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. | Also other sizes. I AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South | Second street, 5,000 gallons N'ew Era f | ready-mixed paint, Acme quality. All j the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Hatching Eggs of pure stock, good laying strain, S. C. White Leghorns, R. 1. Keds and Mottled An- ' conas, 75c setting. Also one Johnson I incubator, 100 capacity, cheap. A. Sim i mons, Mechanicsburg, Pa. ! FOR SALE —S.C. W. Leghorn and t White Wyandotte Eggs for hatching; i Tom Barron and Young strains; also, six slightly used Cyphers and Buffalo Incubators, at a bargain. Address ! , Locust Grove Farm, Marysville, Pa. FOR SALE One low-cut wagon, j j suitable for bread or milk delivery; als« I ! set of harness. Call 403 Hummel ave l nue, .Lemoyne. FOR SALE Cash register, foun i tain, bar, marble-top tables, chairs and : outfit of dishes and silverware. Would • sell separately or altogether very cheap ! Apply L. Capin, 1731 North Third street, Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE Barber shop in central ' part of city doing big business. Reason ' i for selling, going in other business, j Address D„ 3750, care of Telegraph. I ' FOR SALE —7SS. C. White Leghorn i pullets, hens and cockerels, Tom Bar i ron and some Blanchard strain, now j laying; 40 American Dominiques. Prize I birds. Two ion-egg incubators, hot ! water. A. Spofford, Bressler. Pa. (Near Steelton). I FOR SALE Upright piano; used 1 less than six weeks. Cost new. S4OO ! Will take $125. 1617 Penn street. FOR SALE Barber Shop and Pool I Room. Address 1018 North Seventh street. City. FOR SALE 75 Wykoft strain White Leghorn pullets, 4 Oil Hoovers and S ! Buffalo insubators, 240-egg capacity | each; automatic feeder and water foun tains. J. A. Drake. Church street. Camp ! Hill. Pa. I BUY Traveling Bags. Suitcases and ! Trunks from Wholesale and Retail | Leather Merchants, Second and Chcst | nut. Repairing neatly and promptly at • ended to. Specialties made to order. IHoj ilsburg llarnoßt aud SuDDly Co. I FOB SALE I | FOR SALE Brand-new Whitman Player Piano, scarf, bench, cover and two 1 dozen rolls. Will sell at ureal sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply 424 Kelly street. ! I Bell phone 2281 W. FOR — 45 shares First Na tional (Newport) Bank Stock. Bank statement mailed on request. M. W, Wert, Executor, Newport, Pa. FOR KALE 1915 model 48. Chal mers touring car, six-cylinder, seven- . passengers. Tires and machinery prac tically good as new. Yach body. Will 1 sell at a great sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply 424 Reily. Bell phone 2281 W. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Rebuilt and scecond-hand, SIO.OO up—U C. Smith's, Remington and Underwoods, etc. Geo. P. Tillotson. 211 Locust street. Opposite "The Orpheum." ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be ] secured at the Telegraph Business | Office. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the j Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Soratch Pads new | supply—6o for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Departmeut The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Su burban home, 2 H-story frame, 8 rooms j and bath, pantry and laundry, all mod- 1 ern improvements, largo front, side and rear porches. Lot, 80x150 ft. Beauti ful lawn and shrubbery. Auto garage. One square from trolley, one fare. Must; be seen to be appreciated. Will sell cheap. If interested address K. M., 2360, this office. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. WANTED WANTED Loan of *I,OOO In pros perous retail business. To* be used to i increase stock. Address P. O. Box 348, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Family of two want | either a six-room house, or a five-room | flat with all conveniences, heat Ban, i I electric light, bath, etc., located within . fifteen squares of Capitol Hill. Address, "with all particulars, S. C. P., 3752, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man, of refined habits, desires a roommate; good loca tion; pleasant room; rent reasonable. For particulars call at 1622 Market street. WANTED Refined family of two I desire about an eight-room house, in [ j sanitary condition, all conveniences. I Either on Market street, between Fif teenth and Nineteenth streets, or "Camp ; Hill," main street, central part, < r with in one square of main street. State rental. Must be moderate. Permanent I tenant. Address H. M.. 373°, care of > Telegraph. j WANTED Second-hand cash reg- ! ister whiolt will register from 1 cent up. State full particulars and price. Address J. I* M., Box 177, Marysvllle, Pa. bCsi.\*.ss ofi-oltluj> I'l'itS EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY OFFERED to live men for the best selling AUTO srGNAL DEVICE ever patented. Every Auto Owner a purchaser. Approved by "SAFETY FIRST" COMMISSION. Lib-| eral Inducements offered to capable, re- | sponsible men. Write or call, Safety Auto Signal Co., Abbott Building, Phila delphia. FOR SALE One of the best hotels in the City of York. Pa. Does a larger business than any hotel in the city. A hotel like it is hard to get. Also fine large and small farms. For informa tion address E. W. Loucks, York, Pa. P. O. Box 163. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE—Stock at inventory and fixtures at a discount —modern equipment corner property. Kent for dwelling and store, S3O. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. WILL sacrifice well paying mail oruer business small amount ot capital re quired to carry on business. Will as sist purchaser until satisfied with re sults. Address Box R„ 3745, care oi Telegraph. WILL EXCHANGE a live retail store, doing a cash business of SIO,OOO per year, on improved real estate. Stock i and fixtures will Inventory about i $2,500.00. Address "Exchange," care of Daily Telegraph. ' ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers, i experience unnecessary. Send for par j ticulars. Press Syndicate. Hi. Lock- i port, N. Y. I MADE SOO,OOO In five years In the I mall order business, began with sl. j Send for free booklet. Tnils bow. Hea | cock. 265 Lockport. N. Y. BL SIN ESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Orosa Quinine « Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the I Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders glvu prompt attention. Bell' 1860. | HAULING It. A. HARTMAN, Hoarding Stable anil National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ' lng. H. W. Lather. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine street. Bell phone No. I gr.nait j - SXUKAUE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private j i rooms for household goods. $2 per! month and up. We Invite Inspection. ; I Low insurance. 437-445 South Second j j street. Harrisburg Storage Company. j STORAGE 419 Broari street, for I household goods and merchandise. Pri- ! vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents j per month Apply U Cooper & Co 411 I MONEY TO LOAX SI,OOO TO LOAN on first mortgage. Address "C," Post Office Box 775, Har risburg, Pa. , iMonney to Loai To Housekeepers and Workingmeit. We will treat you fairly. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO., I Room 21 Spooner Building,. Licensed ] bonded. Incorporated. Take elevator. | Telephone Bell 1647 R. LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE is hereby given that the j partnership lately subsisting between us. the undersigned. Wiliam 11. Filling, Jr.. Harry Stroh, Charles C. Stroh and ! Frederick Stroh. carrying on businoss f under the firm name of Stroh Brothers ! & Filling, at Harrisburg and vicinitv, - [ was on the 28th day of February, 1918, i dissolved by mutual consent, so far as I regards the said William H. Filling. I Jr., who retires from the said firm, and i the said business will hereafter be eon- I ducted under the firm mime of Stroh ' Brothers. WILLIAM IT. FILLING, JR.. HARRY STROH, : CHAS. STROH, j his FREDERICK X STROH, SR. mark COItPORATK NOTICE THE annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Investors' Company will be held at the General Office of the Company, Seventh and Curtin Street:-, ; In the City of Harrisburg. Pennsylv* ilia, Tuesday, March 21. 1916. at 9:30 o'clock A. M.. for the erection of Six l>i rectors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come j <i before it. it B. E. TAYLOR, I Secretary. \ LEGAL NOTICES ■ KXRCITOB S NOTICE Estato of Charles W. Talley, late of Dauphin, Pa., deceased. NOTICE in hereby given that letters testamentary on the above estate have been grnnted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims and demand? against the same will make them known, without delay, to GEORGE R. TALLEY. Dauphin, Dauphin Co., Pa. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 3096 ln the Matter of HARRY H. FREEBURN, Bankrupt. PUBLIC SAI.B OK HliAl, ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale, in front of the Court House. Harrisburg, Pa., on MONDAY, MARCH 27. 1916, at 2 O'CLOCK P. M„ the following described real estate; No. I.—All that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the Sixth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg. bounded and de scribed as follows, viz; Beginning at a point on the western line of Second Street, about 100 feet distant In a northerly direction from the northwest corner of Second and Calder Streets, and at the center of-the division wali between the building on the land here in described and the building erected upon the land of H. Vance adjoining the same on the north, and running from said point in a westerly direction, at right angles with Second Street and through the center of satd wall, about 82 feet to a 4 feet wide alley; thence in a southerly direction alonk the east ern line of said alley about 18 feet tq a point opposite the center of the division wall between the building erected up on the land heroin described and the building erected upon the land adjoin ing the same on the south; thence in an easterly direction at right angles with Second Street and through the center of said last mentioned wall, about 82 feet to Second Street; thence In a northerly direction along the west ern line of Second Street about 18 feet to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house. No. 1408 North Second Street. No. 2.—A1l that certain piece or par cel of land, situate in the Sixth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg, bounded and described as follows, to wit; Begin ning on the southeast corner of Sus quehanna and Calder Streets; thence along Calder Street towards Third Street 13.84 feet to a point the center of the partition wall of this and ad joining house; thence along a line through the center of said partition wall 45 feet to line of property of Wil liam L. Van Camp; thence along the line of lot of said Wm. L Van Camp 13.84 feet to Susquehanna Street; thence along Susquehanna Street 45 feet to Calder Street, the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three-story frame building known as No. 269 Cal der Street. No. 3.—A1l that certain piece or par cel of land, situate in the City of Har risburg. known as Lots Nos. *6 and 37, described as follows; Beginning on the north side of Kensington Street, 85 feet west of the western line of Twentieth Street; thence northwardly, parallel with Twentieth Street, 100 ft. 9 in. to McCleaster Alley; thence westwardly along the southern side of McCleaster Alley 40 feet to a point; thence in a southerly direction and parallel with Twentieth Street. 100 ft. 9 in. to Ken sington Street; thence in an easterly direction along Kensington Street 40 feet to the plice of beginning. Having thereon erected two 2 \s-story frame dwelling houses, numbered 1942 and 1944 Kensington Street. No. 4.—A1l that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the Sixth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg. Pa., bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a point, on the northwest corner of Third and Calder Streets in the said city; thence westwardly along satd Calder Street 68 feet, more or less, to Linden Alley; thence northwardly along the eastern side of Linden Alley 18 feet 4 In. to the line of the property, now or late, of John W Hay; thence eastward l.v along the line of property of John W. Hay G8 fet., more or less, to Third Street; thence southwardly along said Third Street 18 feet 4 in. to Calder Street, the p'ace of beginning. Having thereon erec ed a 3-story brick dwell ing house. No. 1400 North Third Street, with brick building in the rear. No. 5. —All that certain lot of ground, situate in the County of Cumberland, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Being lot No. 6, Block "A," Plan "A," of the plan of lots known as Plan No. 1, of Riverton, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania the said lot fronting 35 feet on the south side of Hummel Aventie and extending hack the same width 150 feet to Peach Alley. No. 6.—A1l that certain tract of land, situate In the Township of Wheatfleld, in the County of Perry anil Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the eastern line of the Pennsylvania Canal, said point being the dividing line of the property of Joshua W. Gross and the said H. H. Freeburn; thence in a northwardly direction along the line of the Pennsylvania Canal 165 feet, more or less, to a point; thence in an eastwardly direction 325 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the Juniata River; thence southwardly along the line of said Juniata River. 165 feet, more or less, to property of Joshua W. Gross; thence westwardly along said last mentioned property 325 feet, more or less, to the Pennsylvania Canal, the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a frame dwelling house, with porches and additions. It Is proposed to sell Tract No. 1 free and clear of all encumbrances except a first mortgage in the amount of $4,- UOO. All the other tracts are to be sold free and clear of all encumbrances. Together with tract No. 6, whereon is erected a summer cottage, it is pro posed to offer also the household fur niture contained in the said cottage. TERMS—IO per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirmation by the Court. D. W. SOHN. Trustee. COURT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Hon. George Kunkel, President Judge, and Hon. Samuel J. M. McCarrell, Additional Law Judge, of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju dicial District, composed of the County of Dauphin, having issued their precept., bearing date the 17th day of February, 1916, to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg for the County of Dauphin, and to commence the third Monday of March. 1916, being the 20th day of March, 1916, and to continue one Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Al dermen and Constables of said Countv of Dauphin that they may be then anil there in their proper persons at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, exami nations and their own remembrances, to do thise things which to their office appertain to be done, and those who are bound in recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin County be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand at Harrisburg, the 17 th day of February, 1916, being the one hundred and fortieth year of Independence of the United States. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Pa., February 19, 1916. ANNUAI, MEETING Harrisburg, Pa.. February 22, 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that the An nual Meeting of the Stockholders of tiie Harrisburg Hallways Company, for the election of Directors, and the trans action of such other business as mav come before the. meeting, will bo held Tuesday, the 7th day of March, 1916. at tlie office of the Company, In the City of Harrisburg. at 10 o'clock A, M. By order Board of Directors. J. O'CONNELL. Secretary. NOTICE letters Testamentary on the Estate of Leah Pacey,. late of En haut. Pa.. Dauphin County, PH., de ceased, having been granted to t lie un dersigned residing in Enhaut, Pa., ail persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, nnd tboKe having elaints will present tuein for settlement. JOSEPH E. PACEY. Executor. LKGAL NOTICES . NOTICE Letters Testementary In [ the Kstato of Sarah S. Graydon, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa., deceased, • , having hewn granted to the undersign - ■ j ed. all persons Indebted to the said Es ■ 'ate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will present ' them without delay to 1 HARRISBURG TlluST COMPANY, Executor. 16 South Market Square, Or to Harrisburg, Pa. JAMES A. STRANAHAN, I Attorney, t 15 North Second St., Harrisburg-, Pa. i TV. B " rc »" «f Medical Kdueatlon > ■ml licensure hn» promulgated the fol ■ j K rules and lul'urniutlon for prae , tlllnnrra of Dmgiran Therapy. Ma*nagr , I and Allied Hrnnclicn, and CklropudiiKi In tlic fane of E DRI'GI.ESS THKRm ■ _ .The Bureau of Medical Education and ■ licensure has adopted the term LrtiK- I less Therapy under which to license I certain practitioners of medicine. The l Bureau has denned Dr unless Therapy t specially to include: . 1. Any treatment having- the spine 1 a '»ase. including (a) Chiro-practic. ! N»P lav| t. , (c) Spondylo-Tnerapy, I <d) Chiropractic Spondylo-Tlierapy. : (e) Neuropathy, <f) Any other treat l ment having the spine for a base not , here specilled. 1 I 2. Any treatment having the mind Ml? a base, (a) Suggestive Therapeu s I ,-??• » ( . b) Metaphysics, (c) Vita-Therapy, - (d) Magnetic Healing, (>) Any other i treatment having the mind for a base i j not here specified. .Ahy system, method, science, or : art of treatment based on 1 and 2 which - is in existence or may come into ex i istence and not already specified under • tiui above named divisions. 5 Admission to Drugiess Therapy prac . tfee in Pennsylvania is granted liv the s issuance ot a license to a candidate I I IJLj I'asscK the licensing' examination t j and satisfies all the ouier legal re- C quirements. 5 Applicant® fop license must meet (a» The Preliminary Requirement The preliminary requirement which determines admission to recognized professional schools is the satisfactory completion of a standard four-year high school course, or its equivalent, one year of oollego credits In biologv. j physics and chemistry, and a certificate of preliminary education issued by the Bureau of Professional Education, all of which shall have been acquired prior s to entering a professional school. 1 Professional Requirements The satisfactory completion, at an ap proved school, of a course of study con sisting of the following: 1, Ihe first two years of studv equal to those prescribed by the medi cal schools of this Cbmmonwealth ex cepting those portions relating to materia medica, pharmacy, pharma cology. and surgery. (t) Examination A candidate for admission to the li censing examination must pay a fee of ; * 2 &. submit evidence, verified by oath t or affirmation and satisfactory to the ! I bureau that he or she (a) is 21 years of , •, (b) is of good moral character. > <e> is not addicted to the intemperate use of alcohol or narcotic drugs, ~nd r (d) has met the prellmina- and the i professional requirements as set forth • a hove. "j _ The examinations conducted bv the Bureau are on tlie subjects of anatomv. I Pnysiolosry, chemistry, hygiene and ure • ventivc medicine, pathologfv. bactcri ? I oloay. symptomatology. diagnosis. I I In cane of failure- hi a. second final examination the applicant must ' jdo novo. In the < nne of M ASS AGK A\n AI.MED S| „ BRANCHES , [ _ The Bureau of Medical Education and i Licensure has adopted the term MAS- IjSAOE AND AUJISI. BRANCHES tinder II which to license certain practitioners of f I medicine. The Bureau has defined Mas t sage and Allied Branches especially to r Include: - 1. Any treatment having any manual, J physical, mechanical exercise, appa ' ratus, appliances or treatments for a 1 base including (a) Massage, (b) Mcdl ■' cal gymnastics, (c) Swedish movements, ' (d) Mechano-Tlierapy, (e) Vibro-Mas - sage, (f) Any other manual, physical, . mechanical method of exercises, appa ratus. appliances or treatment not here . specified. 2. Any treatment having water, air, - heat, cold, light, sun. earth for a base ■ including, fa) Hydro-Therapy, (hi r Hello-Therapy, (c) Thermo-Therapy. • (d) Any other treatment not here speci - fled but having water, air, heat, cold, ' j light, sun, earth for a base. • j 3. Any treatment having electricity 1 I for a base, Including (a) Electro- Therapy, (b) Electro-Massage, (c) Elec • trie Light Baths, (d) Any other treat • ment having electricity for a base. ■ Admission to the practice of Massage J and Allied Branches In Pennsylvania is t granted by the Issuance of a license to I the candidate who passes the licensing c examination and satisfies all the other ' legal requirements. 1. I.ieense by Examination Applicants for license moat meet • (a) Preliminary Requirement • A preliminary education prior to en tering upon the study of Massage and I I Allied Branches of not less than a com -5 pleted grammar school course. <b) Professional Requirement • The satisfactory completion of a 1 course of study consis, -g of the fol -3 lowing: 3 Massage, medical gymnastics, Swed -1 ish movements, electro-, hydro-, hello-, 1 or thermo-lherapy or any branch there i of in a school approved by the Bureau J of Medical Education and Licensure ot 1 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, : i giving a course of practical and theo -1 retical instruction In all or part of these branches and an approved amount of » anatomy, physiology, patholo"v, and - hygiene, covering un instruction period ■ of not less than eight consecutive months In a single calendar year. (el examination ' A candidate for admission to the li censing examination must pay a fee of }2a, submit evidence, verified by oath or affirmation and satisfactory to the . Bureau that he or she (a) is 21 years of age, (b) is of good moral character, (c) is not addicted to the intemperate ! use of alcohol or narcotic drugs, and • j (d) has met the preliminary and the ;: professional requirements as set forth I above. " | The examinations conducted by the ' | Bureau are on the subjects of anatomy, ; physiology, pathology, hygiene and • practice. ; In case of failure in a second final l j examination the applicant must enter ; de novo. . I In the Case of Chiropody J Admission to the practice of Chl ■ ; ropody In Pennsylvania is granted by ' | the issuance of a license to a candidate i who passes the licensing examination land satisfies all other legal require ' I ment*: Applicant* for license must inert <a> Preliminary Requirement J A nreliminary education prior to en tering upon the study of Chiropody of •la one year high school course. <b> Professional Requirement ; ; The satisfactory completion of a .. course of study in Chiropody In a school , ; recognized as competent. ; j The course of inatruction In such a ' i school must cover not less than one J I college year of eight consecutive j months fin the same caledar year) of , ! actual instruction in anatomy (dissec ' ! tions as well as theory), physiology, ?. ' chemistry, pathology, hygiene and prac tice of chiropody. (el K*amliintloiiN A candidate for admission to the licensing examination must pay a fee i of $2.". submit evidence, verify by oalli j or affirmation and satisfactory t" the Bureau that he or she (a) Is 21 years | of age, (i>) Is of good moral character. | (c) is not addicted to the intemperate ■ i use of alcohol or narcotic drugs, and " i (d) has met the preliminary and the ■ professional requirements as set forth ■ | above. ' \ The examinations conducted by the ' ! Bureau are on the subjects of anatomy. '; physiology, pathologv, chemistry as an ' ! oiled to chiropody, hygiene and prac tice. | In case of failure in a second flnal ! examination the applicant must enter i de novo. - I)R. J. M. BAT,DY. Pres. , Philadelphia. Pa. . 2219 Delancey JSt. niiBoER STAMnn : -•'Szll seALB & STENCILS f; 1" MFG.BVHB6.STENCIL WORKS *|l 111 130 LOwUSTST. HBG.FA. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers