16 NEWS OF PULPIT AND IN HARRISBURG PROF. BREHM C. E. FINANCE HEAD Societies Busy Raising Funds For Great State Con vention Ki H ; ■MPfc v - JW • iKSSL'' ■•' ■ .»^9H PROFESSOR .T. J. BREHM Many Christian Endeavor societies of this city and vicinity are busily en gaged in raising funds on their contri butions toward the expense of the State Christian Endeavor convention to I"? held in this city in July. The State finance committee, with Professor J. J. Brelini as chairman, who is a promi nent educator of this city, also an ' active layman of tjhe Messiah Lutheran Church, held a meeting recently. Plans have been started for raising the necessary funds and every society! is urged to assist the committee with the flnancia-l end of the Christian En deavor work. The finance committee consists of a • representative from each denomination in this city. These denominational representatives have undertaken or as sumed the responsibility of securing ■the appointment of auxiliary finance < onimittees in each individual society «>l° their respective denominations. These auxiliary committees will plan ■ways and means of raising the per • apital average of $1 per member, the means being left largely to the com- ! mittee. However, such means as suc cessive or cumulative contributions, subscriptions and provisional guaran tees from friends, festivals, etc., have been suggested. Many societies are already raising money by cumulative contributions and have deposits to their credit in the general treasury. AH moneys should be sent as early as possible to the treasurer, Chalmer <Groff, and a report to Professor Brehtn, chairman of the finance com mittee. Monthly payments have been requested at the business session of the general convention committee. METHODIST Asbury The Rev. W. H. Grimes. 11. "Three Important Duties": S, "The interview of the Greeks With Jesus"; Sunday school. 2; 3, sermon by the Jsev. Walker Toliver. Fifth Street The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.30. "Impossible Silence": T. 30, "To Whom Shall We Go?" 9.30, class meeting; 2. Sunday school; 6.30. Hp worth League. Grace The Rev. J. D. Fox. D. D. P. 30. class meeting: 10.30. "Christ, a Priest"; 1.45 Sunday school, and Men's Bible class: 0.45. Epworth League; • ■3O, the Rev. E. J. Moore, D. D., sup erintendent Anti-Saloon League. Camp < 'urtin Memorial The Rev. A. S. Williams. 10.30, Dr. A. B. Hess, «>f Philadelphia; 7.30. "Regeneration"; !».30. class meeting: 9.45, Junior League; 6.30, Epworth service; 2 Sun day school. St. Paul's The Rev. Robert W. TUtnyan. 10.30. "The Struggle of a Soul"; 7.30. "Xo Oil in Their Lamps"; 1.45. Sunday school; 6.30, Epworth League. Epworth The Rev. J. D. W. Dea > ore. Sermon by Dr. Bennetts, super intendent Wilkes-Barre District Anti- Saloon League; revival services at 7.30; • lass meeting, 9; Epworth League. ti.3o. Ridge Avenue The Rev. William W. ilartman. Communion. 10.30; 7.30. "An Unanswerable Question"; Sunday school. 2; Epworth League, •>.30: class meeting, ». Stevens Memorial The Rev. Clay ton Albert Smucker. D. D. Early morning class. ».3o: 10.30. "The Life Yonder Matched With the Life Here": Sunday school. 2: Epworth League. 6.30; 7.30, "The Laughter of God." Bethel The Rev. U. G. Leeper. 10.30, "The Sunday School and Its Workers"; 7.30. "The Lesson"; Sun day school. 12.30; A. C. E. L., 6.30. Wesley I'nion The Rev. W. A. Ray. D. D. 10.45, "Miracles in the Animal Kingdom": 12.30. Sunday school: 5..10. Jr. C. E.: 6.30. Sr C E ' 7.30. "The Life With Wings. ' Coxestown. The Rev. A. Harries, 10.30, Evangelist Maggie Bevan Gea ly; 7.30. Mrs. Gealy will preach: Sun day school, 9.30. BAPTIST West End. The Rev. W. W. Clip pinger, 7:30. "The Forgotten Bread," Sunday school. 10:30; Young Peoples meeting at 6:45. Tabernacle. The Rev. Calvin A. Hare. D. D.. 10:30; 7:30, "Stephen's Great Sermon," third of series: Bible school, 11:30; B. Y. P. U„ 6:45. At the Herr Street Branch worship and preaching In both Rumanian and Hungarian at 10:30 and 7:30. St. Paul. The Rev. E. Luther <'unningham, 10:30, "Glorying in the i 'ross," 7:30. "To Whom Shall We Go?"; Sunday school. 12:30: B. Y. P U.. 6:30. Market Street. The Rev. W. H. Hallman, 10:30. the Rev. D. P. French representing the antisaloon league: 7:30. "In Innocency," series on "Good Dealings with Men;" Sunday school, 11:30; Young People's meeting, 6:30. Second. The Rev. Albert J. Greene, 10:30, "The Life and Greatest AVork of the Missionary"; 7:30, Bishop W. H. Stanford of the antisaloon league; Sunday school, 12; B. Y. p I" 6:30. First. The Rev. W. S. Booth; 10:30, "The Church at Antioc.h"; 7-30 "The Man Up a Tree and What He Thought About Repentance"; 11:30, Bible school; 6:30, C. E. EPISCOPAL St. Stephens—The. Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer. 8. holy communion; 10. Sun day school: 11, morning prayer: 4, evening prayer. St. Paul's—At 8. memorial com munion: 11. "Thankfulness for the Creed;" 5.30, Stlnday school: 7.3t'. service and sermon. St. Augustine's—Archdeacon E. L. Henderson. 11, morning prayer; 12.30, Sunday school. SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG SdSjft* TELEGRAPH JANUARY 29. 1016. They've Gathered Twenty-Five Tom of Paper For Deny Street United Brethren Men's Class ■ >M mm W *%* %* M ■ - 1M Br y j^BUBBL I jB^f The paper committee of the Men's Rible Class of Derry Street United Brethren t'hurch, Fifteenth and Derry streets, has collected twenty-tlve j tons of waste paper from among the membership of the class, which they soon will turn into cash for the benefit of the church erection fund. Only a short time ago the committee sold more than thirteen tons of old magazines at the rate of sl4 a ton: at the present time old paper is selling; at $8 a ton. and so you can see that it will be quite a tidy little sum which the committee will turn over in April. George Moore, the man on the left of the entrance to the paper ware house. built the- storage place himself—he's the architect and builder, 'as it were. The other three men from left to right are the committee chair men. They are Karl Snyder, Ed. Stirling and S. H. Albright. Under these three men is a big corps of assistants. Lutheran Men's Mission Meeting at Zion Church The annual Lutheran men's mis sionary meeting, under tlie auspices of the Lutheran Brotherhood Central of llarrisburg and vicinity, will be held February 3 at B.o'clock in the evening at Zion Lutheran Church. Captain K. Laubensteln will preside. The program is as follows: Invocation, the Rev. A. M. Stamets; hymn. "All Hall the Power of Jesus' Xante;'" Scripture reading. Professor John Ferguson: men's chorus: prayer, Charles A. Kunkel: address. William B. Millar, general secretary. Laymen's Missionary Movement of the I'nited States and Canada: solo. Professor A. \V. Hartman; offering; hymn. "On ward. Christian Soldiers:" benediction, the Rev. Lewis Manges, D. D. I.ITHERAN Messiah The Rev W. A. Hanson. 1(1.30. sermon by the Rev. Dr. Swift of Anti-Saloon League: 7.30. "A Faith to Make One Strong"; Sunday school. 2; Intermediate Endeavor Society, 6.30. Trinity The Rev. R. L. Meisen helder. 10.30, "Looking t'nto Jesus"; 7.30. representative Anti-Saloon Lea gue: Sunday school, 2: C. E.. 6.30. Christ The Rev. Thomas Reisch, D. D. 10.30, "Owe Xo Man Any thing": 7.30. Dr. Homer W. Tope of Philadelphia will preach: Sunday school, 2; Men's Bible class in Fack ler's hall. 2: Y. P. S. C. E.. 6.30. St. Matthew's The Rev. E. E. Snyder, ll and 7.30; Sunday school, 10: Jr. C. E.. 2: Sr. C. E., 6.30. Shiloh, Riverside Sunday school, Augsburg The Rev. A. M. Sta mets. 10.30, the Rev. Homer W. Tope, D D., of Philadelphia will preach: 7.30, "Winning Souls"; Sunday school, 2: O. E., 6.30: Men's League. 9.30. Trinity Camp Hill. The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle. The Rev. Will F. Bare of York, Pa., will preach at 10.30, "The Every-niember Canvass"; 7.30, "An Eacho Meeting. Reports From Canvassers"; Sunday school. 9.13. Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D. 10.30. The Anti-Sa loon League: 7.30. "A Denial of the Immortality of the Saul —An Answer"; Sunday school. 1.4 5; C. E. prayer meet ing. 6.30. Zion The Rev. S. Winfield Her man. 10.30, "Paul at Cyprus"; 7.30, "Sin and Its Cure": Sunday school, 1.4 j; Men's class. 1.50; Men's prayer hour. 10: Sr. Catechetical hour, 6.30. Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D. Men's prayer meeting at 10; at 10.30, "The Spot Light of the Law"; 7.30, Dr. Charles F. Swift, rep resenting the Anti-Saloon League; Sunday school. 2; Jr. Luther League, 5.30; Sr. Luther League. 6.30. Holy Communion—The Rev. John Henry Miller. 10.45, "The Sea of Life": 7.30. "A Study in Kings"; Sun day school. 9.30: Luther League. 6.30. Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paar. 11, "The Debt of Love": 7.30, "Jesus Walking on the Sea"; Sunday school, 10. PRESBYTERIAN Pine Street The Rev. Lewis Sey mour Mudge, D. D.; the Rev. J. S. Ar mentrout. assistant. 10.30, The Rev. D W. Montgomery will speak: 7.30, "The Career of a Fast Young Man"; 1.30. Sunday school, anniversary ser vices in the Technical High school; 6.30. Sr. C. E. Pine Street Mission The Rev. J. R. Armentrout. 7.30; 3, Sunday school and Bible class. Bethany The Rev. John M. War den. 10.15, "Paul and Felix"; 7.30, "Behold the Man"; Sundav school. 9; C. E.. 6.30. I Market Square The Rev. George I Edward Hawes, D. D. 11, sermon by (lie Rev. Dr. E. J. Moore. State super intendent of the Anti-Saloon League; I 7iSO, sermon by pastor. "The Antidote | Kor Depression": Sunday school 9.45; C. E.. 6.30. I Covenant The Rev. Harvey Klaer. ! 10.30. "Predestination": 7.30. sermon iby the Rev. B. L. Scott of Erie; Sun , day school, 2; Y. P. S. C. E., 6.30; Men's prayer meeting, 7. ' Olivet- —The Rev. William B. Cooke. 10.30 and Sundav school, 2; C. E„ 6.30. Calvary The Rev. Frank P. Mac kenzie. 10.15, Prof. L. B. Xye will speak in the interests of the Anti-Sa loon League; 7.30. "Ambition Prohi bited"; Sunday school, 9; C. E., 3; men's meeting. 3. Capital Street The Rev. B. M. Ward. 10.45, "Front Death to Life": 7.30, "Witnessing For Christ"; Sun day school, 12.15: C. E., 6.45. immanuel - The Rev. H. Everett Mailman. 10: 11.15, Runduy school: V. P. S. C. E., 6.30: 7.30, the Rev, E. E. Stauffer of Albright College, Myers town, Pa., will speak. Westminster —The Rev. E. E. Cur tis. 10.30, the Rev. Harry M. Chal fant, editor of the "American Tssue," will preach at this service: Sundav school, 1.45; C. E.. 6.30; 7.30. Charles R. Thompson, director of the Boyd Memorial building, will speak. Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King, i Preaching at 11 and 7.30; Sundav school, 7. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris Street. The Rev. George F. Schaum. minister; 10:30, "Is Not This Joseph's Son?": 2. Sunday school: 3:15, Mission band: 6:40, K. L. c E.: 7:30, temperance rally, address by Dr. C. 11. Brandt. Park Street. The Rev. A. E. Han gen; Sunday school, 9:30; Evangelist Davis, 10:43, "The Atonement"; Jr. C. E.. 5:45: Sr. C. E., 6:30; 7:30, ser- 1 jnon by Evangelist Davis, "The Devil." Pine Street's Home Mission 1 Man to Speak To-morrow - i The preacher at Pine Street Presby f'terian church on Sunday morning: will f| be the Rev. D. W. Montgomery, a 1 'Sunday school missionary in Colorado, t • Mr. Montgomery is supported by the Pine Street Sunday school and is thus the home representative of this school. In the evening the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge. will preach on "The Career of a Past Young Man," . 11 Samuel 18:29. The choir program , for these services is as follows: Morning: Anthem ■Still, Still With They (Lansing); solo by Mrs. Hertz \ ler. "I Do Not Ask. O Dork, That Life I May Be a Pleasant Koad." Evening: Anthem "Love Divine," I (Marks!; anthem, "I Hear Thy Voice" (Lang). On Sunday afternoon at 1:30 the fifty-eighth anniversary of the Pine Street Sunday school will be cele brated: the school meeting in the ■ auditorium of the Technical High school. The reports of work done will > be presented at this time. The school • has shown considerable growth dur ing the past year and n splendid ; growth in attendance. The high • water mark for attendance at a regu lar session being reached last Sunday when 1.026 were present at the church • school and 1,404 in all the branches. • The sacrament of the Lord's sup f per will be celebrated in the church ' next Sunday morning. The service - preparatory to this celebration will he held on Wednesday evening in the • church when the theme will be "Christ . Crowned," Hebrews 2:9. CHURCH OF GOD Enola The Rev. O. J. Farling. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 2: • junior Christian Kndeavor, 3; senior ■ Christian Endeavor. 7. « Xagle Street—The Rev. Albert L. Kriner. 10.30, "The Bond of Perfeit ■ ness:" 7.30, Mr. DeavendortT, of the ! Anti-Saloon League, will speak; Sun . day school, 1.30; primary. 1; Christian ■ Endeavor. 6.45. i Green Street—The Rev. C. H. Grove. 10.30, "The Christian a Xew Creature:" 7.30, "The Master Calletli for Thee;" ■ Sunday school. 2. ! Progress—The Rev. H. Whitaker. Preaching at 10.30. Linglestown.com ■ nmnion meeting, 7.30. Pen brook—The Rev. Jay C. Forn ■ crook. 10.30, the Rev. David Francis, , of Berwick, Pa., will preach: 7.30, , "The Sin Against the Holy Ghost." Fourth Street—The Rev. William X. | Yates, D. D. At 10.30 the Rev. F. F. Holsopple, district president of the Anti-Saloon League; at 7.30, "Clear ing the Way:" Sunday school, 1.40; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. Pleasant View—The Rev. George W. Harper. Sunday school, 9.45; 10.45, "No Other But the True Gospel to Be Preached:" junior Christian Endeavor. ■ 3; senior Christian Endeavor, G. 45; at 7.30 the Rev. D. P. French will speak in (he interests of the Anti-Saloon League. Maclay Street —The Rev. F. I. M. : Thomas. 11, "Love:" 7.30, "God's Question to Man;" Sunday school, 9.45. REFORMED St. Andrew's, Pen brook—The Rev. W. R. Hartzell. 10.30, Elmer Hoke, of t:ie Theological Seminary at Lan caster, will preach; Sundav school, 9.50. SI. Matthew's. Enola —The Rev. W. R. Hartzell. Elmer Iloke will preach at 7.30: Sunday school, 9.45; Christian Endeavor. 6.4 5. St. John's —The Rev. B. L. Scott, of Erie. Pa., will preach at 11: at 7.30 the pastor, the Rev. G. W. Hartinan. will preach on "Singleness of Wor ship;" Sunday school. 9.45; Christian Endeavor. 6.30. Salem —The Rev. Ellis N. Krenier. ] 10.30 and 7.30: Sunday school. 1.30. Second The Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler. 10.30 and 7.50; Sunday school, 1.45; Bible class, 1.50; Chris ■ tian Endeavor. 6.30. Fourth The Rev. Homer Skyles May. 10.45, "Bold in the Faith:" 7.30, "The Man of Virtue:" Sunday school, 1 9.30; Heidelberg Christian Endeavor, 6.30. ZIOX LUTHERAN ACTIVITIES The sermons to-morrow will be preached by the pastor, the Rev. S. Winlleld Herman. The themes will be "Paul at Cyprus" and "Sin and Its Cure." The Sunday school session will be at 1.45 o'clock. The men's prayer | hour will precede the morning service and the senior catechetical hour the evening service. On Monday evening an illustrated address upon the Loys ville Orphans' Home will be given by Mrs. Buck. On Tuesday afternoon anil evening the Mission Study Class and 1 the Literary Circle will meet at the parsonage. On Wednesday the Ladies' I: Aid and Woman's Home and Foreign 1 Missionary Societies will hold regular j meetings af the church. In the even- i< ing the Sunday school reception and : opening of the church house will be i 1 held, with a snecial address by the \; Rev. Harry H. Beidelman. Thursday i evening the Mary and Martha Circle' and the Men's Missionary Rally will be addressed by William Millar, of ■ New York city. The catechetical classes for children will meet Friday and Saturday afternons. The pastor's : class will meet on Friday evening. The Children's and Toung People's Mis- i 'sionary Societies will meet Saturday afternoon and evening. CONTINUE REVIVAL Evangelistic services will be held another week, beginning with to-mor row evening. In Park Street United Evangelical Church, with Evangelist Davis, of Ohio, as special evangelist. ' To-morrow at 3.15 a mass meeting for 1 men will be held. Mr. Davis will speak ' on "Safety First." o SWALLOWS WILL NOT CELEBRATE Preacher and Wife Wedded Fifty Years, but Anniversary Falls 011 Sunday L'K. AND MHS. SWAI,I,OW. Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Swallow, widely known In church circles, will observe tile fiftieth anniversary of their wed ding at their lionie in Camp Hill to morrow. When hsked If they will celebrate the event, the doctor answered, "No! for it comet) on a day of the week that celebrates Hie greatest event in the history of th world. We will be con tent this time to read and cherish on the days that follow any congratula tory cards that have come or may come to us, ami get good and ready to celebrate the "otli on January 30, 1941, provided It does not come on the Lord's Day, nnd regardless of whether we are living at that time In tills country or in some other country." Dr. Swallow's book, "Three score and Ten. or Selections, Collections and Recollections of Seventy busy years." written seven years ago, gives an ac count of a meeting he was holding in Ridge Avenue Methodist Church 25 years ago. which prevented the cele bration of the 25th or silver anniver sary. Also of receiving about 500 au tograph letters and nearly as many cabinet photographs from friends and acquaintances far and near on that oc casion, Among them came a letter poem and photograph from the blind poet, Fanny Crosby, who has since passed on. A change of a word or two in this poem found on page 150 or the volume referred to would adapt it to the golden, even as it was so beauti fully adapted to the silver occasion 25 years ago. We herewith reproduce it: Though 'tis true that I have never Looked upon your faces here, Yet the bonds of Christian union To each other draw us near. And with all my heart responding To the wish by you expressed. Let me fancy I am with you. Not a stranger, but your guest: For 1 could not deetn you strangers In so bright an hour as this. When the evening star is shedding O'er your merry slver wedding Love's young dream of hallowed bliss. Love's young dream of golden sun shine, Laughing, sparkling on your way. When you started on life's journey Five and twenty years to-day. With their warm congratulations To their pastor and his bride. Hoping that the coming future. Brightly as the past may glide, Ilappy friends around you gather, Friends that know and love you well, Now in song their voices blending. Sweetly as a marriage bell. May you live revered and cherished, i Years of tranquil joys to see. • Till with age serene and happy. White as snow your locks shall be. And I ask of our Redeemer, That to both of you be given Richest harvest, glorious reaping. Cloudless sunset, rest in heaven. FANNY J. CROSBY. INITED BRETHREN Otterbein. The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. 1). D. 10.:l0, "Brotherhood of Love:" 7.30, "Belief and Confession;" Sunday school, 2; Christian Endeavor, G. 30. St. Paul's. Wormleysburg—The Rev. G. B. Renshaw. 10.45 and 7.30: Sun day school. 30: senior Christian Kn deavor, 6.30: junior Christian En deavor, 5.45. State Street The Rev. E. A. O. Bossier. At 10.45 Professor J. M. Gaige. of Lock Haven, representing the Anti-Saloon League, will speak: 7.30, "Watchman. What of the Night?" Sunday school, 9.30; junior Christian Endeavor. 6: senior Christian En deavor. 6.30. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter, D. D. 10.30 and 7.30: Sunday school, 2: Christian Endeavor, 6.30. First The Rev. Charles Edwin Boughter. 10.30, "The Impossible [Standards of the Kingdom:" 7.30, "Human Impotence Changed to Om nipotence:" Sunday school, 1.45: Chris tian Endeavor, 6.45. Sixth Street—The Rev. Joseph Daugherty. Praise service, 9.45: at 10.30, "Wisdom in Winning Souls"; | 7.30. "The Prodigal Son"; Sunday school, 1.45; Jr. C. E., 5.30; Sr. C. E., 6.20. CATHOLIC Cathedral Mgr. M. M. Hassett. Low mass, 7; children's mass. 9; high mass, 10.30; Sunday school, 2.30; ves pers and benediction. 7.30. St. Lawrence The Rev. P. D. Huegel. Low mass, 8; high moss, 10; Sunday school, 2.30; vespers and bene diction, 3. St. Francis —. The Rev. D. J. Carey. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2.30; vespers and benediction, 7.30. Sacred Heart The Rev. George Rice. Low mass. 8; high mass. 10; Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene diction, 2.30. St. Mary's The Rev. William V. Dailey. Loss mass, 8; high mass, 10.30: Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene diction, 7.30. MUSIC AT GRACE M. E. Morning: Organ (a) Cortege Nup tial. Moore: (b) prayer in A flat, Pache; anthem, "The Lord is King." Mars ton; organ, Canzonetta in D, Lynes; quartet, Te Deum in B minor. Buck; organ, Melody in C major. Evening: Organ (a) Kamennoi Ostrow, Op. 10, No. 22; (b) Melody in F. Rubinstein: quartet, "Welcome Sweet Grace, Macy; solo, "Eye Hath Not Seen." Gaul; Mrs. Sue B. Dugan Fager; organ, Second Berceuse, Kin der; anthem, "O God, the Rock of Ages," Gray-Nevin; organ, prelude in G; J. S. Bach; W. R. Stonesifer, or ganist; John W. Phillips, director. MUSIC IN REDEEMER LUTHERAN Morning—Prelude, Largo, Handel; offertory, Ave Maria. Von Flotow: an them. "Praise the Tvord, O Jerusalem," Protheroe; postlude, Cum Sancto, Mo zart. Evening Prelude, Moderato, Wil son; oltertory. Andante Religioso, Lem- | mens: anthem, "I Will Sing of Thy j Love," Protheroe; postlude, Postlude, | Ashford. Miss Ruth K. Wells, organist, and La Trobe M. Barnitj:. director. ' FRIENDS TO MEET The Religious Society of Friends will hold a meeting for worship at the home pf Mrs. James F. Hiatt, Belle vue Park next Sunday afternoon at 3 O'clock. r J 7 HE sound logic, the simplicity, the good and sensible commonsense of the ethics and doctrines of Jesus Christ the very -O— l L— ri foundations and the teachings of the Chris- tian Church—-have never yet failed to appeal to the man or woman who, with an open, unprejudiced mind has carefully V weighed them in the balance and compared them to any other belief or doctrine. The side that you are on is the side you choose to be on. Christianity is open to you and to everyone. To-morrow may mark a great change in your life if you will accept the oppor tunity. It doesn t matter what you arc or wftat you have been, the church's door is open to you, and a welcome awaits you there. Every church in the city invites you to Go to Church To-morrow This advertisement has been authorized and la being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrlsburg. C. E. Notes A number of Christian Endeavor so cieties have already raised some of the money for the convention fund. The largest Christian Endeavor so ciety in the world, with 1,976 active members, is the record of the Bolenge mission station in Africa. The Park Street Keystone league of Christian Endeavor has adopted the envelope system in raising funds for the State convention. Miss Evelyn Speakman will conduct the Christian Endeavor services at the Olivet Presbyterian Church to-morrow evening. A very delightful program Is being arranged for a musicale to "be held Tuesday evening, February 8, at 8 o'clock, in the lecture room of West minster Presbyterian Church, by the Christian Endeavor society. The ar rangements are in charge of Edna V. Forrer, chairman of the social com mittee, and her committee. Plans are also being made for a bake and food sale to be held on Sat urday, February 12, and for the Chris tian Endeavor rally to be held in the church in the near future. The Itev. A. A. Fulton, the mission ary to China, presented his plan some years ago for having societies give mis sions 2 cents a week from each mem ber. This plan has already met with great favor, as he had presented it at Christian Endeavor gatherings in many places. Mrs. 11. E. Hallman will lead the Christian Endeavor prayer services at the Immamiel Presbyterian Church to morrow evening. The missionary committee. Miss Lydia Kutz. chairman, will have charge of the Christian Endeavor meeting at the Harris Street United Evangelical Church to-morrow even ing. The Woman's Missionary Association will conduct the Christian Endeavor services at the Sixth Street United Brethren Church to-morrow evening. The following officers were elected recently at the St. John's Reformed Christian Endeavor Society: President, H. W. Keitel; vice-president. Miss Viola Gotwalt: secretary. Miss Sarah Faunce: treasurer. Charles Hoke; pianist. Miss Gotwalt; assistant pianist, Miss Evelyn Keitel. The Christian Endeavor topic for to-morrow. "Great Foreign Mission aries," will be of world-wide interest. Miss Sara C. Nunetnaker will con duct the Christian Endeavor meeting to-morrow evening at the Market Square Presbyterian Church. At the Park Street United Evan gelical Christian Endeavor Society Misses Bertha Adams and Olive Holly j will have charge of the services. The missionary committee will con j duct the Christian Endeavor services lat the Second Reformed society to- I morrow evening. Following are the officers and com mittees of the Sixth Street United Brethren Christian Endeavor Society: President. Roy J. Shenk; vice-presi dent, Lawrence A. Miller: treasurer. W. D. Reed: recording secretary, Dubbs Macliamer: corresponding secretary, Margaret Heck: pianist, George Troup: chorister, John Ream: junior superin tendent. Mrs. R. A. Fulton: assistant junior superintendent. Mrs. M. Sollen berger; collectors, below Camp street, Margaret MsCurdy; above Camp street, Anna Blosser; devotional committee. Harry Funk, chairman, Helen Bush, Elmira Baldosser. Harriet Heck, Mar garet Heck. Dubbs Macliamer, Pen rose Hoover. Lawrence Miller. Lewis Fisher and Amos Funk; lookout com mittee, Margaret Heck, chairman. EfTle McAllster. Viola Jacobs. Mrs. Joseph Dau(?herty. the Rev. Joseph Dangherty. Roy Arnold. Dwight Dangherty. George Troun, Fred Rurris, and Ross Derrick; social committee, Madalene Stoner. chairman. Florence Miller. Harriet Keck. Elmira Baldosser, Oscar Press ley. Dubbs Macliamer, Earl Metzler. Ruth Richards. Earl Barbour and Harry Funk: missionary committee, Francis Gill, chairman, Mrs. L. R. Fisher. Mrs. Earl Barbour. Mrs. Jo seph Daugherty, Viola Jacobs. Mar garet McCurdy, Edna Owen, .Mildred Cook, Madalene Stoner and Trene Frickman: flower committee, Mrs. E. W. Shenk. chairman. Mrs. Aucker, Mrs. Clark. Mrs. W. Bender. Bertha Mark. Annabel Yeagv, Mrs. John Grafflus. Mrs. 1.. R. Fisher. Mrs. R. R. Cumbler and Mrs. Charles Bcrger; music committee, Oeorge Troup, chair nian, Anna Blosser. Mrs. John Grafflus, Mrs. R. R. Cumbler. Dwight Daugh erty. Ruth Richards, Catharine McLaughlin, John Ream, Edward S. Troun and William D. Reed; good literature committee, Mrs. Rroomal. Mrs. Poet. Mrs. L. R. Fisher and Mrs. .Tolin Grafflus: press committee. Piss Derrick, chairman. R. B. Drum, Wil liam Reed and Jerry Reed. Prominent sneakers are being con sidered for this occasion. One attrac tive feature of the rally will lie the contest for the Christian Endeavor Leader's Banner which is to be given to the society having the largest per centage in the attendance at the rally. FIGHT ON RUM BEGINS ANEW Temperance Speakers to Talk in Many Churches of Cily Tomorrow Beginning to-morrow with an ex tensive campaign in the churches at both morning and evening services, the Antisaloon League of the Harris burg district, of which the Rev. F. F. j Holsopple, is superintendent, will I open its fight against rum in the city and county. Prominent and able temperance speakers will speak in many of the churches to-morrow, as the first broadside In the fight: Members of the Antisaloon League said to-day, that nexl month when the applications for liquor licensed and transfers • for the year are made, every effort will bo made to oppose them successfully. An active campaign in the city is be ing planned by the officers of the league. WILL HOLD REVIVAL The Fourth Street Church of Christ will hold a revival beginning February 13. The pastor, the Rev. Jesse Guy Smith will be the evangelist. "Make Christ King," the song book used in the Stough campaign will be used in i these meetings. The Sunday night sermon s for the following six weeks are lows: January 30, "Founda' February 6, "Cavities and Th< ir ings"; February 13, "Is Christianity a! Failure?"; February 20, "How to Be come and Remain a Christian"; Feb. 27, "Man's Greatest Mistake"; March 5, "Man's Greatest Discovery." These services will begin at 7:30. TELEPHONE CASE HEARD The llrst Saturday hearing to be held by the Public Service Commission took place to-day. when Commissioner Rilling heard the application of the Cumber land Valley Telephone Company for authority to connect with the Perry County Telephone and Telegraph Com pany exchange at Newport. It raised an interesting- question about connec tion which will be threshed out by the commission. / PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THIRD AND PINE STREETS VI Sunday, January 30 10:30 A. M. | !>S Preacher, Rev. D. W. Montgomery The Sunday School Missionary Of the Pine Street Church Sunday School 1:30 P. M. Anniversary Service Pine Street Sunday Schools Technical High School Auditorium 7:30 P. M. Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor. "The Career of a Fast Young Man" 2 Samuel 18:29 Day Missions to Be Held at St. Stephen's Churcl One of the events of importance i the church life of Harrisburg this win ter is the coming of the Rev. J. o. f Huntington for the eleven-day missio at St. Stephen's, beginning Thursda ■ next. The mission services, which are I begin this coming Thursday night, wl be held daily at 8 and 12 a. m. an 4.30 and 8 p. in. All the services es cept Sunday morning will be i St. Stephen's Churcli. RESCUE MISSION ACTIVITIES Meetings will be held every evenin i at 7:45 o'clock at the City Kesri Mission. 107South Second street. The following churches will tat part: Sunday, Men's Bible Class at 3:3 the Kev. C. P. Robinson will ha\ charge of the evening meeting; Mot day, Fred Kelker: Tuesdav, Wes minster church: Wednesday, Worl er's meeting: Thursday. U. B. cliurc of Boas street: Eriday, Derry StVei U. B. church: Saturday, Martin Stut; man. NEW LEADER iIX CHARGE Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker is cot timilng bis popular services in II Stevens' Memorial Methodist Eplsc< pal church. Thirteenth and Verne streets. Sunday nights. Ross K. Ber( stresser. the new leader of song, wi , be in charge of the big chorus cho and the congregational singing li morrow evening. Dr. Smucker is 1 preach on "The Laughter of God." 1 the morning he will talk on "The Li Yonder Matched With the Life Here CHURCH OF CHRIST Fourth Street. The Rev. Jesi Guy Smith, 11. Address by Bishop V M. Stanford: 7:30. "Foundations." I he pastor: Bible school and C. E., i t.:30. I-emoyne. The Rev. Melvi , Menges, 10:30, "The Lord's Day"; 7:! "Popular Errors Concerning Conve sion,"; Sunday school, 9:30. • MISCELLANEOUS The Associated Bible Students. - 105 North Second street; symposiu: at 3 on "Earth's Dark Night of Si Will Soon Terminate in a Morning ( Joy''; Berean study. The Christian and Missionary A liance. The Rev. W. IT. Worra Sunday school, 9:30; preaching 10:30 and 7:30. j Gospel Hall—lo.3o and 7.30; Sin | day school, 2.30. (Other Churches on Page 3.)
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