$75)000 Worth of Soasonablo Merchandise In This Big November Sale These dresses are made of best quality Susquehanna Silk Poplin—absolutely iodluUl llldllUlaLlUlCljijUl Ultfo Ar c l|jlili 1 Price wfciiJJw new. Fresh, spick and span, right up to the mark, both in style and quality. f- rr r rTfTl'iT. MLI """n- ' HT>»s QtrVkc 'iftWJiiffHl lisLv ■' jJ I Mart. ««• *. ~* „ *, ... The colors are black, navy, Copenhagen, brown, green and all the newest shades. —— lEs v ; h j ySU)CK> y buttons to thJ r«ti f!n ?w 8 ® y m ~® rl ? e<l ' AU sizes for women and misses in the lot. E |j| ' fit'l] Tf "tfr'froml«to44 grey " ** slzes ~m ->• FRESH FROM THE HANDS OF THE MAKERS <- 7|T i 5« HUNDREDS OF SUITS, COATS, DRESSES AND SKIRTS rSjf* Representing the Newest of the New and the Best of the Best x ®r fW The Surpius Stocks of the Best Makers on Sale At Less Than Makers' Cost jrafeg. ml I ' !1\ handsome Fur-Trimmed Broadcloth Suits Coats ! Coats ! Goats ! Finest Fur-Trimmed Velvet Suits Coats of every description—Coats for street wear, Coats for / , -/' \ VKMramSffHn U atAf Cur Trim mail Dunlin Cult* dress, C l oat ! for au^ obilin g. piain tailored Coats, braid-trimmed I i NOWIST ■ UT" I riITIITEGQ ■ ODIIII SUITS Coats, fur-trimmed Coats, plush Coats, velvet Coats, corduroy 'ff Cf> S*e for li/rtmon Mlccoe mW FvJri I -»*na \AJnman Coats, mixture Coats. The biggest assortment of Coats ever |-M 1 jfl rTS Suits tor Women, MISSCS ana CX/fd Large Women shown by any store outside of Philadelphia and New York. There J\ j 1 If/ txr * o TUP * tb TIT * o HIP *a m B>r6 sizes, Misses' from 16 to 20. "Women's from 36 to 46 Extra /A\\) f /// \JZy Women S & Misses $A Women S & Misses $4 A sizes from 37 to 53. All Coats in this immenseTflVring are ffom 1 1 A/II $15,00 Suits ■if $lB-00 Suits I /, the biggest and best manufacturers. Bought by us at far less than') |OL Jjj 11 I makers cost, and offered to you in the same manner as thev were/ k —** flk, HAXVFACTI'BKnS' SALE PRICE MAXIKACTIBEHS' SALE PRICE PUrChaSed jvu iu »i« swus UIMtWI OB Ui«y WCiCV»O j CHJjL Assorted colors and styles; all sizes. Newest styles, all colors and all sizes. Women's anil Misses' e* M Cft Women's and Misses' <t| QAA Women's and Misses' 0-1 ACA Womb's and Misses' SJJS Women's and Misses' S-fl AAA $22,50 Soils $25 Soits - S3O Suits *l" Winter Coats Winter Coats I Manufacturers' Sale Price, Manufacturers' Sale Price, Manufacturers Sale Price, value* to xs.oo vaiuea to *xs.oo JL®H——• Fiir trimmed suits, plain tailored suits. * hi _ n<i , ortment to clioo«e from—all Handsome suits from the best makers in M-n.f.cturer.' Sale Price M««uf..turerV s.le Price - all sizes and colors. 8 assonmenl 10 0 all the new models. Assorted colors and Assorted colors andxall sizes. Handsome Coats in all colors and sizes. colors and sizes. all sizes. ■ -SIMS Women's and Misses' «•!/I 5A Women's and Misses' $* a7c Women's and Misses' $i».75 Women's and Misses's|J.so Manufacturers' Sale Price, $22,50 Extra Size Suits S3O Extra Size Suits I I Winter Coats il=: Winter Coats 14= Broadcloth Suits, Velvet Suits, Poplin Manufacturers' Sale Price, Manufacturers' Sale Price, Values to *IO.OO n Values to 920.00 JL 1 Suits, Fur Trimmed, Braid Trimmed. Only Manufacturer*' Sale Price ManoMi-turern* Sal*. Price 'it.TSLr " n "-" w.:".."'«» *««»■«-■» . Women's and Misses' «A <;A Women's and Misses' $| Q.OO Surplus Stocks of Girls' Winter Coats Winter Coats J)i= Wl^®. r ,.,9°^ ts ±o= All the Newest Styles—All the Newest Colors—All Sizes for *"Tr .B. MMM. \ A T npl * K 1 , variety ot styles in all colors and sizes. sorted colors and sizes. Girls 2 to 14 years at Less Than Makers Cost ; Girls' $3.50 to st.oo fl*n HC JS&fe Gi - ,s ' s6 ' so olnr 11 | Women's Extra Size Coats " '-tof*' Y$ All Wool Poplin Coats, sizes 37 to <j>l rAA i All Wool Broadcloth Coats, sizes (IJO A AA Ch«ie« of Corduroys, Astraehao,. A Jf\ a Wg .f „v„. S3. Values to $20.00 for J-U.WV |37 to 63. Values to $30.00 tor... ®^U.UU Modeled Lamb. Assorted colors. Sizes JfM lfm I t\ >!%' y \ t0 °h oos ® from, assorted colors. Sizes from 2 to 14 years. wf|| W" 2 to 14 yeara - KAUFMAN'S Is the Store for PLUSH COATS <pmm ' ||! I The Rich Lustrous Plush Coats—all cut in the newest styles—some with belts —some full Girls'ss.oo fo $6.00 tf»Q nr I \ i||j Girls's7.so to SB.OO OC f|K loose back—some with fur collars—some with fur collars and fur around bottom. A big,var;Qsy Newest Winter Coats 10 ' -( Q' Winter Coats (JUiJU of st} r les and all colors. '' : 'V" ManufacturcrN' Sale Price, , I / / I I //II Choice of Corduroys. v„athans, J/U '¥ [I \ Choi,, of Corduro,,. Miaturo., Zib,. $25.00 Plush Coats fp. IO 7S $37.50 Plush Coats for £7O Modeled Lamb. Assorted colors. Sizes £n LS. tj Ls lines and Modeled Lambs. Assorted _ from 2to 14 years. colors. Sizes 2to 14 years. $32.50 Plush Coats for $24.75 545.00 Plush Coats for $35.00 GIRLS' $8.50 PLUSH C/C QC GIRLS'SIO.SO PLUSH £0 QC ™ lY W "OWT ADD BEST MILLINERY 111 THIS SALE KO , ;;VS.„';:;F™TR,mm E D mo< «■*«* •' "7 "s - COATS Tin 7 J rftATc 71 ft New Trimmed Hats, A A Handsome Untnmmed CA^ Manufacturers' Sale Price 9 Manufacturer*' Sale Price I I R ea l $4.00 Values, ... v«*wv Velvet Ha s, tfvC brow^ e Slzm'e'to'l^ycira' 116^01 ' c ' l^ce an d Mad. ™1 I„ a«»,ted «yl.. a»d Velvet Hats, trimmed either with J* All style, .nHI eo'oi-s' v -» ostrich bands or Ponpons. Rich new Ji *t __________ ■"■aaiß^styles. r \ Fine Quality Untrimmed OA a ma C [ VfiIVCt 1.000 Newest Dress Skirts Maker's Surplus Stock of I New Trimmed Hats, <?Q AA J j ,w * l '" A stock All Girls' Dresses « 5 -«« H9O m-p- XX lfiaivcr S OUrpillS oXOCK. xxll Good Quality Velvet Hats—trimmed Sizes for Women, and Misses O $1.50 with ostnch Bands, Pompons or wng«. te New untrimmed Hats, \ a j.JhS r .| A big assortment to choose from. Values to $2.50, §3.§9 $2.50 Sirls I y ——————— J Choice of Fine Velvets or Hatter's -II mmi /3fe\ I. «r . n B n New Trimmed Hats, ej AA . Plush in every new shape and all colors. all Wool/' Vill Wool Dr«s«is MM or»s»es Real $7.50 values,.... TT M It —— hm '/T fIOWi 1 1\ Ikm F., -*«BP± F,r t-?,y "«« Tn " me<l «lfS®S?.^sU» Skirts Mf mi 1 yski-is 4Se SSSSSRSSCST free jrwwsrjaM Ca* I I IK\ 0 W \ fi " t0 cboose from - v colors. L ° r Girls' Wool Serge Dresses 011 nn CVTi \ I 111 l /i) V | l|| 6to 14 1 worth to 14.00. Manufacturers' Sur- (C'** Q A " ■III H I V 111 l /,H pi.. stook S.lO. .. a>2.09 Women's Rmst Woman's Nswsst , JW . WI,tJU Girls'All-Wool Serge Dresses smists , . / \ Blsnsss $4.00 Women S and Misses CO 70 Beautiful models, combination trimmed, sizes -y Q|"| I Worth to $1.50 AA V. Wnrth tn s-tnnAi AA Pure Wool Poplin Skirts . i ✓ I 8 to 14. Manufacturers' Surplus Btock Hale, . . II I V«C / N j g t0 IQO Pine poplin of tho same quality as used in the best gar- PIRT Q f W A nRFQQITQ I More than 100 pat- M \ wl T**"'" ments. Black and navy only. New flared models—button "AOli UIVLOOLO ■ tenj9 to ehoosc f rom — •< I I v 11 trimmed. Waiat measures 23 to 30 inches. Newest Fall models of ->laid gingham, nicely trimmed and I „,H,I« nf vnilcs or- 4'-M nr ' " AK I r.very blouse in new unA , t ~ ftc ... , , made; worth to $3.00. Manufacturers' Sur- rf» |A |— i.-in.)ies and seco silk in \Vi k S,\A »i models, made of shadow ♦b.oo and $5.95 Misses' and (2 7Q plus Stoek Sale $1.95 fancy Stripes. /llm A\- aKI) AV 7 lace, organdie, tafPeta Women's Skirts .... Girls' All Wool Dress 1 lace and embroidery 380 strines'and'a i Made of thc best pure wool poplin—plain and plaited mod- \jlllb /\ll- V* UUI OCIgC UreiSeS trimmed, long sleeves, \lri \ rffiF the newest plain shades, els. One style with yoke and plaits. Splendidly tailored. fa every new model that is made; combination trimmed, a " t " e neweßt models. \ j jbSf all sizes from 36 to 46. Waist measures 22 to 30 inches. best workmanship; worth to $7.50. Manufac- j Qf"| a " B ' zes from 36 to There in any number of AA „„/4 «£. c A dm m turers' Surplus Stock Sale, 4 ® - Almost an unlimit- K/ original designs in this 56.00 and $6.50 &tg JQ ' ed variety to select lot aud a preat selection Skirts . . *Pa» IV Girls New Fail Corduroy Dresses from - to choose from. Men's wear serges, pure wool poplins, taffeta silk, chuddah Assorted colors, nicely made, sizes Bto 14; worth $4.00. Women's NeWeSt BIOUS6S (?0 00 Vpwpct Rlnncac fr MOA cloth. Black, navy and mixtures. Such a great variety that Manufacturers' Surplus Stock *»<-> A j- „ r „ CWC t U x/Jli ▼TIJIiICIIS liewe&l DIOUSeS VU any woman tan be suited. Sizes from 23 to 30 waist Sale, Worth to $4.00. Manufacturers' Sale Price w Worth to $7.50. Manufacturers' Sale Price, <P*»Ov mea!mre - g~% • 1 ' A Ct. , Thcse blouses are copies of imported models, made of Haudsome ino<lels of blouses for evening and street woar, <A AA CHhc ;« p llff .r, mm~ V*irlS AtternOOll r rocks Georgette and crepe de chine silks, nets and laces, in plaids, made of net and laces. Georgette, crepe de chine silks, in very 54.UW isxtra Size oKirtS in "lire ff Tf£% Made of taffeta and crepe de chine silk and nets. Hand- stripes and a variety of colors, more than one hundred styles new shade, long and short sleeves, all sizes from 36 to 46. The Wool Serere I ✓ some models, sizes 8 to 16 years; worth to <£ o AA choose from. Sizes range from o0 to 46. These blouses blouses are of excellent materials and finished in the newest Black and navy only. Extra sizes in every way and Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sale. . $8.90 represent the stock of one of the best makers. styles, properly tailored. , f ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ $5.00 and $5.59 Extra Size ff 7 7Q ||r i! " j||'' i i'"'j l "P'ir'lTllRtlll!IIMIIIIUIlIIIIUUIU|r'' Men's wear serge and" pure wool poplin. Button trimmed— 'ill fflMi 1 SPEC l ITIGII S BfltflfObGS plain and plaited. Two very attractive styles in sizes to 38 jr M Jr A 8 II I ■ ■ WIIIUII W RJ U 1111 UUUU moafi ro - a \ f l|Sff l^^ l S!5 l |ffLlll I Women's Beacon Cloth Bath Robes, assorted colors, largo - d»"| AA MIBBeB » f '* in 311 " MOIL ■■■liilSlilH v_____^lZZllZlZZ____.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers