j|[AMUSEIg[MENTS^ STAGE Eugene Walter's play known both, as "The Plain Woman" and 'TThe Bet-i ter Way" will be revived soon with Josephine Victor In the principal role. Charles Dillingham has augmented the cast of "Stop, l.oak and Listen." by adding Misses Tempest and Sun shine. The Shuberts have in preparation "The Girl From Brazil." In this play will be seen Frances Demarest and Claude Fleming. MOTION PICTURES Commencing Friday, November 5, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew will release through V. L» S. E., one of their come dies every week for a month. Included will be "Beautiful Thoughts." "Ro mantic Reggie" and "Diplomatic Hen-1 ry." Contrary to rumors to the reverse, Blanche Sweet will continue to ap-. pear in Lasky productions on the Par- ! amount Program. The Lubin company has signed a | contract with Nance O'Neil. She; will soon be seen in a series of features > to be released through V. L. S. E. | V. L. S. E. will furnish 5 -war plays, ! two of which are already released — | • The Battle Cry of Peace," "The Na tion's Peril." Constance Collier, the noted Eng lish actress, has been signed by the Oliver Morosco Photo Play Company, which releases on the Paramount pic ture program. OIIPHEI M To-night—May Irwin in "33 Washing ton Square. ' To-morrow, matinee and night—'The Uv of the Land," with Adelaide French. Wednesday evening, only, November 10 . —Pavld Blspham and Co. in drama and music. Thursday, matinee and night, Novem ber 11—"The Tango Queens." "THE LAW OK THE LAXD" "The Law of the a drama by George Broadhurst that recently ended 1 « long run at the Forty-eighth Street i Theater, New York City, is the attrac tion at the Orpheum to-morrow, mati- , nee and night. The play is described I as frank melodrama with not one punch, but a veritable fusilade of them. It Is further said that Mr. Kroadhurst has taken the principal emotions of love, jealousy, hatred, re- I venge. anil with them worked out a problem that keeps the audience guess ing what the answer will be.—Adver tisement. DAVID BISPHAM In a season which threatens more than the übual monotony of concerts it is refreshing to tind a serious at tempt to produce good music in a novel fashion. Such an attempt was made at the iiarris Theater by Uavid Bispnam, and the enthusiasm of a large audi ence pronounced it entirely success ful. Mr. Bispham's offering is in two j parts. He first introduces himself and Ids company in an original musical en- | irrtalnment called "The Kehearsal," In which several solos and a concerted number from Wagner's "Melstersinger" are supported by a mild foundation of plot and dialogue in a setting of a modern drawlngroom. , This section of the program is chiefly interesting because of the sound philosophy of Mr. Uisoham's remarks »n the artistic life. It also serves to introduce a promising young soprano, Idelle Patterson, who sings some op eratic selections very creditably.—Ad vertisement. MIBCRA ELM AN NEXT THURSDAY When Mlscha Elman, the great Rus sian violinist, comes to Harriaburg on the evening of November 11, to give a concert In conjunction with the New York Symphony Orchestra, Walter D&mrosch, conductor, in Chestnut Street Auditorium, he will bring with him two very precious violins. Both are Strads and in perfect condition. One of the violins is valued at SIO,OOO and the other at 16,500. Elman will appear In only sixteen cities with the famous New York Symphony Orchestra and llarrisburg has been selected as one of them. The orchestra Is booked for a series of very important sym phony concerts in New York and is just taking the road after very successful appearances In that city.—Advertise ment. •THE HONEY GIRI.S" AT THE MA JESTIC "The Honey Girls," who are sweet as their names, started a three-day en gagement at the Majestic yesterday with their bright comedy and songs en titled "Frolics at the Seaside." and any day you have the opportunity to slip around you ought to do so. A treat unusual for the kiddies is the act pro vided by Tebor's Seals, eight of these interesting animals performing unusual feats in an attractive stage setting rep resenting the Arctic Hegion. McCloud and Carp are unusually clever singing comedians; Marcou, the comedy shadowgraph artist, offers a laughable novelty, and Lee Tung Foo. a comedian from the Orient, is as interesting as he Is entertaining. New features in com edy moving pictures are included in the layout.—Advertisement. MARGUERITE CLARK IN "HELENE OF THE NORTH." AT THE REUEXT TODAY AND TOMORROW To-day and to-morrow Daniel Froh mao presents the dainty star, Margue rite Clark, in a very unusual romance, "Helene of the North," on the Para mount program at the Regent. The story opens in the drawingroom of a wealthy English society woman. For the amusement of her guests she Rijpgests a faggot party, in which each person present shall place a faggot in the (ire and tell a story during the time It burns. When it comes to Helene's turn, she tells a story, thrilling, indeed, of her former life ir. the Canadian woods, of the man she met and loved, but whom since she has never seen, of the half-breed, Pierre, who came be tween them and threatened to kill the other, Ralph, if she married him; of the curate, who eventually actually did wed her to Ralph, while Pierre thought she was being married to him. The Rstonished guests turn to hec and ask, "And you have never seen your hus band since?" "No," she replies, "he left the next day on a secret Government mission." At that tense moment a new guest is announced. Lord Traverse. lie enters the room, and Helene is con fronted by her husband! Monday and Tuesday—Jesse L. Lasky presents the celebrated theatrical star, t'hkarlotte Walker, In "Out of Dark ness." on the Paramount program.—Ad- vertisement. THEDA KARA IN "THE DEVII.'S DAUGHTER," WII.I, BE SHOWN AT THE COLONIAL TODAY ONLY "The Devil's Daughter," plcturlzed for William Fox, from Gabriele D'Annunzlo's most exotic and famous work, the world-known "Lt Gioconda." Miss Bara's work tn parts of this type has become world famous irom such William Fox productions as "The Clem enceau Case." "A Fool There Was," etc.. in each of which the French leading woman in the part of a fascinating diabolical temptress has won Inter national fame. If D'Annunzio had had Mile. Bara in mind when he penned Gioconda he could not have written a drama that more subtly suits this great actress' methods and temperament To-morrow the favorite screen star, Clara Kimball Toung, will be seen in the well known play. "Marrying Money. Miss Young needs no Intro duction to movie fans.—Advertisement, WOMAN'S LEAGUE MEETS Special to The Telegraph Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. s.—To-day Ihe General Woman's League of Penn sylvania college opened Its two-days' sessions here. Delegates from all the subordinate leagues are In attendance. Mrs. H. W. A. Hanson, of Harrisburg, presented the report of the executive committee and also opened the discus lion on "Object for the Coming Year." ONLT ONE "BROMO QUININE" To ret the genuine, call for full name, I AXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E W. GROVE. Cures » Cold In One Day. 25c.—Advertise ment. rKiDA EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 5, 1915. Only the Newest and Best Merchandise November FREE rsniw KAUFMANS NOVEMBER W m SEt : "ctlif Sale Of Manufacturers Surplus || $1.95 $4.75 ; Saturday I I Made of double tex-l Made of black and I 9PM K/%»V/VIX>J ture English cloth In °* f ° nl Kr, l , .^ anc ' »^' e w §|C mml Gentlemen Everything Is in Readiness For the Biggest Clothing Sale of the Year ,S Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sale brings you positively and without exception the BIGGEST and MOST ASTONISHING value in Men's High-grade CLOTHING that KAUFMAN'S Store ever offered. It will pay you to read Theme portraits beautifully made. fWrj OIIC of these itemS. exquisitely copied, enlarged and tin- No given absolutely free. Men's and Young /) P* I Men's and Young I Men's & Young Men's M A *IC W^ s AJI Purchase °f Men's $12.50 Winter \l| /J| Men's $15.00 Winter \X /J| $16.50 to $lB Winter «P I I •' J nrluK tfie portrait you Suits and Overcoats V" # " " Suits and Overcoats " I Suits and Overcoats aaine'to™"*!"ii ilerfect condition. Fancy cassimere and worsted Hulls, lined with The suits are made of all wool cassimere, fancy These line hand-tailored garments are the best KAtHMAN'S—Pint floor. f tine serge. Overcoats, the new Baimacaans with worsteds and navy blue serges. Overcoats with values ever offered. Pure wool worsteds, chfcviots J self and velvet collars. A real dJC 'T** s " k lining. Overcoats with velvet and storm col- and cassimeres. New nodols. $16.50 tf>l 1 'TIS Makers' Surplus Stock of " " ~ Men's Hosiery Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Men's & Young Men's d» M "7P Manufacturers Surplus Stock . jarvsz. B a.-; aM|WHB „T mfn-S PINT? s2o to $22.50 winter? I 4;i£ of MEN-S PANTS and toes, in black and colors; worth Ol ij 12 Vic. Manufacturers' 6v2C OUItS and UverCOatS MANUFACTURERS' SURPLUS KALE. «P 1 .***7 Surplus Stock Sale Men's $1.50 Coriluroy .Men's $3.50 Cordurov , , . „ Fine worsted and cassimere pants in neat 500 pairs of Men's and Boys' ' 'SfC $1.89 garments, pure wool fabrics in all the newest „ , , ' Lisle Finish Half Hose, seamless, WZZf al models. Fancy worsted and plain black. Fine p , 9UC _,i_ VV' ■ V"/// double heel and toe. Hack Md as- Just a limited lot of Those pants are cheviots and velours, all sl4 75 Good wearing union cas- XUnufac of these pants in sizes lined and sewed with in this sale, at ® L**m I V s imere pants, made extra K? a{P J't \M % Stock* Sale " /2C S3l 32 tc * 2 ' 1,10 best ,incn tliread - Sizes from 34 to 42 and for stout men to 48. strong, sizes 32 to 42. || !•* HI |1 ill Mothers and Boys— Here's the Sale You ÜBBgg Have Been Waiting For. Boys' Winter Suits— KAUFMAN'S—FTRST FLOOR it _ . _ . _ _ . _ r . , r' i&S I P V\ Xf ) . Mackmaws & Overcoats at Cost «p QV Women's Gloves Boys' Corduroy and Cassimere OQ Boys' $3.50 Norfolk SUITS d* 1 OQ $4.00 Novelty SUITS for dJO ACk Boys' $7.50 Suits \\ \V X. I'KOM THE BIGGEST AND BEST Odd Knickerbocker Pants tJt/C for Boys 6to 17 years $1 *O«7 Boys 3to 7 years anc j Overcoats \\\ \ y Af AKFiRS IN \ allies T*ie . \ \ \ .liillus KayaerV* Co. Washable These panls are cut full. All double stitched Handsonie new Bulgarian style Norfolk Corduroy and cassimere Suits in the newest A QQ \/f Gloves, in white and 25c —sizes for bova 6to 16 years. Manu- OQ« Jnckels. Pants cut full peg. The material models for little fellows. d>TroO»t/ colors, pair facturers' Surpl as Stock Sale Price,... of plain and mixed cassimere Manu- 09 W V '// - Stock sale P,,ce..«> Boys . $4 50 Norfolk Suits <|» #) Q(J A wonderful asS™t- I'l Jtillns Kayser & Co. Lcatl.erctt« Boys $3.00 Winter <f» f A A a nd Mackinaw Coats .. .. nD£t • J/JJjment of over r.oo K.-.r- l-V-if Zs£XX2?X'"....*oe OVERCOATS, a. $ 1 - tSSSSErSCKfi These v\inter Overcoats are made with belt for Boys 3to 10 years %J/ JL •%J %J *A wonderful assortment of the newest mod-jpairs of pants. Overcoats >/ ]'/ back, button to the neck, in sizes for little els and patterns. About 200 garments in the lonjf and short, button to Julius Kayser & Co. *1 QQ bovs 3to 10 years. Manufacturers' dj*| AQ Neat gray Chinchilla Overcoats, button to lot. Manufactures' Surplus dJO QC the neck, shawl collar Wrist Gloves, at Surplus .Stock Sale Price the neck. Belt back. Stock Sale Price Baimacaans. Manufacturers' Surplus Stock of] [Mils' Surplus Stock Lowest Prices Ever Quoted on Men's Shirts Surplus Stock Sale 95c M._> J 117 >. D ' -_J Men's and Boys' In This Great Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sale . . men s and vV omens, DOVS and Women's 2-button Clasp Kid 7 J UDUciWcar Mpnc Gloves, worth $1.75. Manufactur- f*. > , /. n . /ZS | |f\\ IVien S ferCaie UiXiioa OtllKlO < rf' Surplus ii OC (,]»(«' n ,.f SlirAatAVC >LEN'S FLKLCE SinRTS AND /' J ill /I Kntire new pattern, soft and laundered cuff, fast slrSr Jbl.ZO VllllS voat OWeaCcrS DRAWERS, all sizes: worth 60 c. 0 J I worth 75c. Manufacturers' A7^ Stock sale V Manufacturers' Surplus 371/ 2 C ft | Surplus Stock Sale / C Women's 2-button Clasp Real p«. T e~ i / r*r\ at> Htot K S.tle lli » KT »-» ~ ~ hit j j Kid Gloves, black and white, worth tOAI COAT __LU-1- Men s New Fall Men s Madras and Su. ™o n c l . Sl-75 SWEATERS SWEATERS AF DRESS SHIRTS Percale KAUFMAN'S—FIRST FI.OOR r ~~7 ° /"W"* v and ecru - and d srk gray mixture; VmWVwV Wide and narrow DRESS SHIRTS * / for women and i men, heavy cotton (\J \ —heavy honey-comb Surplus Stock Sale ~ 'ti'nn in stripes, soft culfs, sizes CTL r . , Q„ r -I„ c ribbed roll ' roll collar, in red, *- U.rers' Surplus 14 to IS: worth to $1.50. Manufacturers Surplus a „ co]on all Sizes, I I , gray and blue, all , WO°L SHIRTS AND Stock sale 65c Sal,- 95c Stock Of Women S worth Sl.u. |\ ;J>Y| .sizes; worth $2.00. '"Manufactur- "oq* KAOTIAN'S-lst Hoor AN^S—lst Floor Flannelette Gowns and facturers Surplusl i Manufacturers' Sur- ers' Surplus Stock Sale ...; OTTTDTC , TV/r "» t>l r> QUirti—First Floor stock 85cL MJ' Sale \ ISa,e1 Sa,e ° *•s*s'*Silk stripes, handsome patterns. Brown Flannel SHIRTS Womch's Flannelette Gowns— *7l ™, UNION SUITS, worth $1.25. Manu- sizes Hto 17; worth $2.00 Manu-: Military and nlain collar- worth SSurSwr«wU;s!!;.* ort 45c COAT SWEATERS COAT SWEATERS s"cr s ™= Su . rp '°" 95c s "'.. s " rc '°' * I * 39 ,SISLfe , SSr w * '9sc Stock Sale for boys and girls, plain ribbed, for women, men, boys and girls KAUFMAN'S—FIRST FLOOR i KAUFMAN'S—FIRST FLOOR roll collar, with pockets, all colors, —wool ribbed V-necks, assorted Wen's XATITRAT, wool, itviov Women's Flannelette Long Skirls f" c turers'° 5 ' flo"" Surnlu? I2 ' s °' Ma i u l ac^ l L SUITS 'perfect' fitting garment. f —Kmbroidered ruffle, cut full, oai® - r m r j. C 11 M 1 C IVyf worth 50c. Manufacturers'23 c Sa,e Prlce stock Sale p, us stock $lB9 Newest rail INecKwear ror Men Surplus stock Sale Coat Sweaters Coat Sweaters Coat Sweaters Sa ' e * N#»ar]v */> the Prirf» rl»il.lren's Strined Flannelette for women and men— for women—all pure Women's Mercerized BOYS' UNION SUITS, in ribbed 1 1 cat iy aUaI * 1 lUC rnwnl—SiT-es 2 vearV worth Plain and fancy weave wool, t*ncy weave. Silk Coat Sweaters, gray and ecru and fleece lined; 500 MEN'S AND BOYS' NEW 300 MEN'S HANDSOME FOUR. Manufacturers' OO Wool Sweaters, all with belt and sashes, beautiful shades, with worth 65c. Manufacturers' AC- FOUR-IN-HAND NECKW Ii A R IN-HAND NECKW EA R. extra <3nrniii« Stook fc«5C J" all shades and all the new shades; belt and sashes, worth Surplus Stock Sale **DC latest wide shapes, in stripe, plaid wide, open ends, made of the SI.OO P worth to worth to $4.00. Manu- $5 and $6. Manufac- an( j plain colors, made of the 50c grade of silks, a large variety of $.5.50. Manufacturers racturers' Surplus turers' Surplus Stock MEN'S EXTRA HEAVY WOOIj grade of silks. A large variety of patterns to choose from. Manu- Children's Striped Flannelette Surplus Stock Sale Stock Sale Sale UNION SUITS, double body; worth patterns to choose from. Manufacturers' Surplus A*7r> Skirts, with muslin body, worth $2.39 $2 89 95. !fi4 Q®* ?3 - 50 - Manufacturers' <tO QC facturers' Surplus OQ-. Stock Sale 25c, sizes 2to 6. Manufacturers' V< " U4/ <DI.J7O Surplus Stock Sale ®A.I7D Sa)e AOC KAUFMAN'S—I-IRST FI/OOR Surplus Stock 1 7e *• * v * tfc"Bargainlkmpmrntr The ' STOCKS AT VERY UTTLE —■ ' Sssaamaaaß NEARLY HALF PRICE PRICES v Ladies' Fast Black Cotton 50c SHOPPING BASKETS ABA p |. / T - facturers' Surplus Qr a handle. mad ffii 75c tc ipse ! I HAYDEN'S CEDAR 11 Tapestry Curtains ;[hC3j| >IWU I Stock Sale i ' c Special, each AIC 1 OIL MOPS One-Half Price Children's Fast Black Cotton *I.OO TURKISH BATH TOWELS, Jfe* f flffeg Mill M.50 large size Mops, each, 98c wnRTI? RV CURTAINS. RiblK'd Hose—Double heel and toe, KAf'H I7<' ViVII VV I*llll fS C medium size Mops, each, 50c ... $1.39 \ V worth 17c. Manufacturers' It- „ ' f i nint can Cedar Oil ia<- •*' • : * . . \\ I Sumlus Stock Sale liC Extra heavy Turkish Bath . J rJBf 1 Orinds either coarse Thev have the newest borders. In Surplus Stock bale Towels, size 27x52 Inches in white <M fUj Grinds either coarse, These green, red or hrown colorings. TfX/ nnfrnSlDL and yellow Jacquard borders. 1 |t| medium or tine, auto- u r 1-arge enough for single or double H • Ladles' Pure Thread Silk Hose. matic feed. A fir m doors. (||| in black and all colors, cotton gar- Special each... roluhino pa<-ke<Mn 10c PILLOW CASES i'/ff jJuLUHnHIi ter top; worth 35c. Manufactur- RAG RUGS __J •_ a sealed With n 3-inch hem— ns . ffllfj Ait L it ers' Surplus OQ- Our rag rugs are the talk of the .. K „ mitui iv shffts 'C^^vT-r7*' "*" ~,, ho * size 42x1i; 4 f«r <_S Stock Sale &OC town. Beautiful colorings and qual- Three teh f B "e Oy| ,» size 42x36 -*' o * 'WjMj ity at Underselling Prices. ' 24c polished u 10c HUCK TOWELS r..„le.' Silk ...d 18*36, «ach «. "" h TJ 59c COTTON BIiANKETS Thread Hose, in black and colors, 25x36, each 38c 50c MUSLIN SHEETS .'TT'T for use. borders. Special, each Gray, used for cold weather worth 75c. Manufacturers' 25x50 each .... . 40c s ' ze 81x90 inches, good *■ t HUCK TOWELS sheets' and ironing board covers, ~s : r a "*" ,y - i oi - JS^wwr" I—-SKi 1 —-SKi 39c V 36x72, each 97c ISO PILLOW CASKS „ . , /Sf Special, each WC f Good grade muslin, 45 1 01/,- j iuc value, lor ■- vv* I 5« TURKISH BATH TOWELS GRAY WOOL BLANKETS Women's Winter LANCASTER APRON , speciT wh,te .. 12V 2 C u.OO values, $ 2 .67 «.V« " »T * GINGHAM s »n rROCHCT BKn SPRK%ns I SI.OO KITCHEN SETS !i»« TURKISH BATH TOWELS ' P a,r Ribbed Underwear Remnant lengths. 6V2C Kull 72x80 inches. CQ r consisting of eight pieces as fol- Extra heavy towels, 19ci UI,UCI " Cal Special, yard ° /Zt Special each OS#C ; lows—l family cleaver, 1 meat la !£c Special ! $1.25 COTTON BLANKETS Children's Ribbed Bodies, worth ' : saw, 1 paring knife, 1 can opener, Fine c*ored bordl? IHHear 1HHearv > r f > unllt >' : tan, gray and Surplus Stock^Palc 1 " 8 11c DRESS GINGHAM 13He PERCALE , 1 long bread knife, 1 carving knife size and heavy quality. , white, colored borders. 97c ' Fine grade, 32 inches, in many Kine grade. 36 inches wide, extra | and fork and 1 stone sharpener. Special I 1 air __ . . styles and colors. "l f% neat designs. Special, 111#% ' Special, HKMMED PIIiLOW CASES trimmed, 11 worth*"llc. Special, yard iUC >' arrt 1(?C j set 69 ° eac" ..., 10c $3.00 WOOLNAP BLANKETS ers' Surplus 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers