2g!| "You Pay Less For Better Quality at Miller & Kades" ' SAVE MONEY SATURDAY ON HOME NEEK A visit to this great store—an inspection of our great stocks and a comparison of the values we offer as against competitors will prove to the prudent buyers that money—real money—can be saved here on high grade home furnishings. Not only to-day but every day is this true. Aside from the fact that our prices are actually lower, we offer you the advantage of a liberal credit, system. This provides a means for every family to have and enjoy all the comforts of a home without an outlay of cash. You select your needs and terms are arranged by which you pay us as suits your convenience. Come to our store to-day—we promise you prompt and courteous service and a saving on every purchase. "I i'K-lx's hi,nil. :i(i in,-hex wid., j; i extra heavy frame work, double Artistic, strong in construction, frames arc mahogany finish; guar- * hat your <lining I strength glass, four shelves and care- anteed to last a lifetime. > ro TMa 1 r 1 itsbef ° r V h i." pr ?, t A , m T, ri ~ a V «i, - . *1 1 rrr\ i ' I ' h,s Buffet is ot the most fashionable, full Colonial style. You 11 ; tuily finished. 51 cash—so cents a week. 5 surely admire it greatly. Come and see It's a beauty! And only < ]! $10.05. Dining Room Table to match Buffet, $11.85. \-f a L" a . ce 111 "Our Guarantee" || High-Grade Steel Bed | \ Lamp on Sale j: with steei QT > To=mftrrftW We sell to our customers "Reliable Goods from Standard ■ Spring and lll.nfl ' n ' !; Manufacturers," in order to furnish them with satisfactory mer- 111 Mattress IWIUJ UMMBP I henomenal Low I Chandise in quality, value and satisfaction. I ; Figure ;E If you ever buy an article here that does not prove satisfac- I > 11 M 31 tory we stand ready to satisfy you. I S QO i We make good at all times any statcmcnt » and ' i f | iiii ■ II ■■ ■■ " If within thirty days from purchase you find the same ar- Wk&ffllfrmm %# * ticle cheaper for cash than our regular price we will credit your 6\>lX J| ,fl 1 i ulliiilifiw ' account with the difference." * J/ i \Jp mm r CaU Worth S7 oO ra^ cont i nuousl y strive to give our customers lower prices, > <; liberal credit, and guarantee everything we sell to be durable, > ICrJ® f" Ml !► Wf»ll mflHe and worth the nrif»#» ' Tllis be(l i 8 a " stee ' tubing made plain and substantial enameled I Rye Cash <: WCU IlldUC dllU WUIUI lUC price. white . The spring which goes with this bed is all steel. > WW VR9II '-pi • • TJ„ „1 p . »» The mattress has soft top which assures solid comfort and is eov > ]I 1 niS IS uur lueai VJtUarantee. ered with a good grade of ticking. Saturday (P |RV QP | 25c a Week f _ )> "* ' ' $lO - 85 ; CASH AND S«c PER WEEK 100 H 'S h W " 'mSer JIQ. 75 A W ELI( 'NOVELTY BM Made Kitchen Ranges t „ | Sp.cial for Saturday gj mmmm amount of heat from the stoves costing much Come u. -..u i«.» .tuur i.»m; UH; vtuutv in iurge. We hTqW • '''ill™ least amount of f" 01 and u/hifo PfISHTIP! "7 A IHBr' more money and is a caffry the largest and handsomest rug line shown in the citv. Over «S7iHl/z _ A™ 111 every Pi lrticular will llllllu DlalllGi /|lp great fuel saver 2tfo patterns to select from. Bhown on our wonderful display rack <;'iase. Remember, back of Medicine Gab.net, ifu I Saturday o ni y , ' I jst inat !" cd - Any n,g dc ' ivercd to your cash. t^ l| aran f tei> a "the 'makers This special has been such a SpHSWPPfc Ai / P One Hundred Hundred One Hundred if IS / «' IB guarantee it and we guar- great seller that we have been ■ nf'lflff fif tfffl \ / I §\ W Eag ® u «» Lara® Sites Rubber Door Mats _J|« If!/ V W antce it. Saturday's lirice pressed into getting another ship- Mf K / I II f Saturday only satnrdav nniv Saturday only mS ■*/ Ifl °"'i r ment of them. White enamel— ■ T\rLmd lall #/ %. U fa of ro ? m i >la, ' e for m W . evv 10x13. Saturday only. . MVC I ! v «■ ' V. / TT MILLER AND KADES S3 D of FURNITURE DEPARTMENT STORE d I best Town [ The Only Store in Harrlsburg That Guarantees to Sell on Credit at Cash Prices ]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers