8 Saturday Special f ~ a M a a f\ Saturday Special woor. IC black a and TT A ICC A7A A P lln drTsses SUat pia.d skFft 18 . 1 ! I .ALfltiJ KALAAIv new model, black, collar and KttVn- trimme'd ——— ?£Stta« i'ort'h" DON'T FORGET 1A IOC AfL Cf DON'T FORGET special Saturday THE NUMBER IU-IZ 3. 4t!l Ot. THE NUMBER I urday "W« Adrertiw A. Trrth —Th« Treth AJytrtiiei U. SJfo, $5.98 Saturday Shoppers Will Get First Pick of Many New Garments Just Received Suits—New and Striking Th . N f^f°ll s «,,. y A _ . __ . T *TT I i a •+ and economical coat we have $15.00 SllltS, »p9.< «> New Velvet Suits ever offered English checks Striking new models, In green and plaids, broken checks and All wool poplin, silk lined, fur and b rown velvet, neat braid trim- mixtures, plain and belted, col collar and cuffs, black, navy, green mlngs, fur collar and cuffs, silk lars of velvet and self-material, ond —. »—■ ~ $9.75 K* worth ,a 5; $18.98 $4.98 only, worth sls, here. ... oth *™ ' n «'n*™*' Btr »P ed velour coata - ln n * ht $20.00 Suits, $14.98 $20.98 ' $35.00 and dark brown and green, _ . _ . Duchess silk lined, plush collar. Excellent quality poplin and Outsize Suits belt and large buttons, suitable gabardine, Belding's and other satin Navy and black all wool serge, for street or evening wear, worth lining, plain tailored effects and outsizes up to 51, Skinner s and « e 4 re „ others with braid, button and fur other guaranteed satin linings, $19.98 l ° $24.98 trimmings, black, navy, brown and worth S2O to S3O; here HSS -\°£ " $14.98 $15.98 " $19.98 $25.00 Suits, $18.98 JS Ih Su £„?^l h . "smVm™ $35.00 High grade poplins and gabar- gabardines and poplins, plain tai dlnes. military, plain tailored and lored and novelty effects, with and Others in English checks, novelty effects, fur and braid trim- without braid and fur trimmings, boucles. corduroys, double-tex mings, guaranteed satin lining, n " wanted shades, worth up to SBS, cloth and fancy mixtures, all brown, navy, green and black; ° ur prices shades, worth $15.00 to $17.50; - Alterations J'Vce —Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded v>/,»/0 91&.t/u » ..f v >r \ r COMBINATION EVENING corduroy skirts, several models, DRKSSES T^'PTT^QirC pockets and belt, worth E , „ For dinner Price ... * $2.49 and --t wear, beauUfult new models in Others in serges, gabardines, « , f tr i m mi nsrsi , ir >_to-the- ennrons, etc., light poplins and English checks and minute in w* , Ina ze 'v. whlta aml tiiaids, all wanted shades, new. Minute in stMe, modestly pricea '^ t ,! )lue . about a third est models, worth $4 to $7.50; at leßß than actual value $2.98 to $5.98 $5.98 to $24.98 $8.98 to $20.98 WILL HOLD HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT PFRDIX A number of young people from this city, will leave Saturday morning for Perdix, to attend a week-end house party at the Alabana cottage, chaper oned by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jones. In the party will be Miss Ruth Lightntr, Miss Carrie Best, Miss Helen Kauff man, Miss Esther Wenrick, Miss Eliza beth Kautz, Miss Ethel Harbold, Miss Mary Grove, Walter Harper, William Conrad, John Hoover, George Hooker, Perfect—Every Time No fussing over ingredients, no fear that the cakes may W turn out a trifle sour Buckwheat jfimipjlv *i™ e ' because all the <EKr\\* / things that made the old-fashioned cakes so good are carefully chosen and (V \yO mixed ready for you '' The milk, in powdered form ready mixed with the flour, is what gives that rich, full flavor, and makes the cakes brown so nicely. Before breakfast, just add cold water, beat up the batter to make the cakes light and fluffy, bake, and they're ready. The tenderness of Aunt Jemima's Buckwheat Cakes, their delicious taste, will amaze you—and they are so quick and easy to make 1 Surprise your family with Aunt Jemima's Buckwheat Cakes for breakfast tomorrow. AUNTJEMIMA'SPSH BUCKWHEAT CAKE FLOURS! "Made in a minute—the milk's mixed in it" (Ctpyrifht, mt) 11111 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ *■■■■■■ Bin With a feeling of intense satisfaction, BjffiSitnMtf' the young farmer who owns his own * arrn Points out his place to the pas- And who is more entitled to this emotion than this same young farmer? With every convenience of the city—• plus the wondrous pictures of nature . . f - —plus pure air—plus pure water— gj and with room to THINK! There is a real "back to the soil" _ movement afoot, and is there little J[ £ ly wonder? | If you're Interested in farms or farm I land, you cannot find a more authen tr tic list than that offered in the "Real Estate For Sale" column of the TELE GRAPH Want Ad Page. Whenever there's a desirable farm « f for sale near Harrisburg, someone in \7 serts a Want Ad to that effect lu the * TELEGRAPH. Are you keeping your self posted on these glorious oppor tunities? FRIDAY EVENING, • HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 29, 1915. James Koch, Raymond Coble and Earl Fleck. ROAST PIG WILL FOLLOW ENTERTAINMENT OF MOOSE Roast pig and sauerkraut will fol low a Hallowe'en entertainment with vaudeville which will be given by the Loyal Order of Moose at their hall in North Third street (his evening. Michael Aronson is chairman of the committee. Newell Albright's Recital Starts New Stimulating Factor in City's Music Through the courtesy and generosity of Frank Bass, the local representative of tho Stieff piano firm, there was in augurated last night in the "grand room" of the Stieff building a series of fortnightly artists' recitals compli mentary to the public which promises to be a most stimulating factor in the city's musical life. The opportunity it gives of thus presenting representative local mu sicians to tho general public cannot but be mutually of benefit and interest. Quite fittingly, the opening recital was given by Newell Albright, under whose direction the recitals are to be con ducted, and who conspicuously heads the list of artists of the Stieff Concert Bureau. His program consisted of re quest numbers, opening with the Brahms waltzes, popularized by Harold Bauer two seasons ago in New York; two exquisite old French clavecin pieces; two Debussy and three Cyril Scott numbers, played by Mr. Albright in his last recital; then the splendidly pltiyed Moskowski "Gondoliera" and two Poldini etudes, finishing with the Schubert-Liszt "Hark! Hark the Lark" and the "Campanella." Mr. Albright's playing is too well known to demand extended comment. There were revelations of an extended highly developed color sense, a finesse of interpretation and a beauty of tone which prove him to have been con vincingly successful in his experiments toward the byilding up of a scien tifically based technique and tone pro duction. Annual Hallowe'en Frolic Is Held by Children Students "In the Webster building held their annual Hallowe'en frolic this afternoon. The rooms were deco rated with autumn leaves, cornstalks and jack-o'-lanterns. Old-time songs were sung and there were special pro grams appropriate to the occasion. The big feature of the observance was the pageant. The pupils, attired in quaint costumes, formed in line, and, keeping step with a brilliant march played by Miss Lillian Bern heisel, marched through the halls and every room in the building. Pupils of the principal, Miss Ryan, had an in teresting discussion on "Votes for Women." Many parents were present. Mrs. Carl Ely and daughters, Jane, Elizabeth and Gertrude Ely, 307 North Front street, have returned from New Haven, Conn. Reception Is Held For Members of Cradle Roll Members of the Cradle Roll of Grace Methodist Church, with their mothers, were guests at a reception in the church parlors yesterday after noon. Mrs. George F. Lumb was in charge. Refreshments were served to the following: Eugene Carter Peet, William G. Smith, George E. Reid, Mildred J. Taylor, Mabel S. Crouse Araminta C. Crouse, Jane Svlvla Sible' Charles F. Clippinger, Jr., David Y. Keim, Clarie E. Saussaman, Paul T. Snyder, Edward T. Snyder, Jr., Mrs. J. C. Peet, Mrs. W. W. Smith. Mrs. George L Reid, Mrs. Bruce Tavlor, Mrs. Rannels Crouse, Mrs. J. Sidney Sible, Mrs. Charles F. Clippinger, Mrs Warren B. Keim. Mrs. Harry Saussa man, Mrs. Edward L. Snydec. Mrs. George F. Lumb and Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fox. PAST MASTERS* NIGHT OBSERVED BY MASONS Past Masters' Night was observed by Robert Burns Lodge, No. 464, last evening with a big stag party. Sev eral hundred Masons were present. The hall of the consistory was gaily decked in Hallowe'en attire. The waiters wore fantastic costumes. WIN PRIZES FOR WRITING ESSAYS OX JOHN WESLEY For writing the best essays on his lecture on "John Wesley" in Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal church, last week the Rev. E. A. Pyles to-day awarded prizes to the following: 'First, William Tyson and Courtland Free burn; second, Harold Wood and Jo seph Reese; third, Glenn Taylor and John Stoufter. John Winn got honor able mention. $228 MADE -TOR WAR RELIEF AT .BIG BALL More than $223 was cleared at' the benefit ball of the Jewish War Relief Club at Winterdale Wednesday even ing. The money was given to Rabbi Silver, who sent it to the headquarters In New York. It will'be devoted to relief work in Russia. On the com r mittee which had charge of the ball were the Misses Rose Zuckerman, Rose Silver, Pauline Zendal and Ida. Binom. oeffi fOther Personals on Page tß] MEN AND MAIDS OF ALL NATIONS More Than 100 Guests Dance at Colonial Club Hallowe'en Bal Masque Nearly everybody at the Colonial Country Club last evening was an In dian prince, a Yama-Yama man, a clown, a Yama-Yama girl, Uncle Sam, a Belgian maid, an officer of Wash ington or Cornwallis, or Lafayette, ov Napoleon or Kaiser Wllhelm, a veiled lad.v from the inner courts of distant eastern palaces, a nurse, a cap-and gowned student, a policeman, or a black-faced minstrel or something else behind a mask. True, a few were there in evening black and white. More than a hundred guests crowded the clubhouse. The occasion was the annual Hallowe'en dance of the club. Pumpkin lanterns and staring: owls, gruesome witches and goblins figured with autumn flowers and leaves and shocks of corn in the decorative scheme and the dance floor never looked so pretty. Hidden behind a lot! of cornstalks was a barrel of cider. The supper was a real Halowe'en sup per, too. pumpkin pie and crullers and things like that figured largely in the dessert courses. T'pdegrove's orchestra furnished the music and a program of dances that kept the guests toe-tapping until after midnight finished the biggest Hal lowe'en party of the kind that has ever been held at the Colonial. ELKS TO START SERIES Plnns have been completed by the entertainment committee of the Elks lodge for the opening dance of the winter series, to be held this evening at the Elks' home. Many guests from out of town are expected to attend. SHEARER—THOMPSON Miss Mary E. Thompson, of Cham bersburg. Pa., and David M. Shearer, of Cloverly Heights, were married on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Derry Street United Brethren par sonage by the Rev. J. A. Lyter. They will reside at Cloverly Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lehman are visiting in Chambersburg. Miss Kate Frederick, of Carlisle, has returned from a visit in this city. Dr. Roy H. Holmes, of Enola, spent yesterday in Carlisle. JOLLY HALLOWE'EN PARTY A jolly crowd enjoyed a strawride and Hallowe'en party last evening at the home of Mrs. Alvin A. V. Herr, near Lawnton. The partv went in a large truck and when they arrived wore taken through dark cellars, where witches and hobgoblins greeted them. Numerous Hallowe'en games were enjoyed by the guests, after which supper was served to the fol lowing: Misses Ruth Miller, Ruth Powell, Catharine and Lois Hagerman, Al.vcc and Luella Cooper, Esther Marti:, Effle Greenawalt. of Lebanon; Pauline Wolf, Mary Comp and Nelle and Josephine Ebersole, Marshall Com p. Harry Ward, Wilson Ebersole, Forrest Alcorn. Ira Arthur, Frank Cozzoli, Fabian Bomgardner, Robert Deisroth, Arthur Loeser* Warren Lyme and H. Lloyd Myers. Mrs. A. F. Cooper and Mrs. A. W. Ebersole chaperoned the party. New Officers Elected by Fourth Reformed Choir The choir of the Fourth Reformed Church was recently reorganized with the election of the following officers: President, E. H. McCoy; vice-presi dent, Norman E. Huber; secretary, Miss Mabel E. Gerlock; assistant sec retary, Miss Lois Seidel; treasurer, D. L. Lenker; librarian, Miss Martin; di rector. 'Stanley G. Backenstoss, and organist, Miss Helen E. Sawyer. These committees were appointed by the president: Music, Miss Ger lock, Miss Martin, Mrs. Borden, Mr. Lenker and Mr. Reynolds; member ship, Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Uhler, Mrs. Sbetron, Miss French and Professor John F. Kob. Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Bill and Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Bill have returned home from a week's stay at Idlove Camp, Mount Gretna. Mrs. J. Frank Ritter and daughter, Mrs. Daniel H. Barr, 1340 State street, have returned from Pittsburgh. Mrs. D. F. Relseh, Mrs. C. H. Cup pies and Mrs. H. S. Klugh, of Enola, were visiting friends in Philadelphia Camden. N. J. Mrs. Ruth A. Martin, of Philadel phia, is the guest of Mrs. B. G. Gal bralth, 2127 North Second street. Joseph Henny returned to his home in New Bloomfleld to-day after spend ing two days with friends in this city. MISS GRACE X. WEBSTER IS BRIDE OF ARTHUR C. lIAtICK Miss Grace N. Webster, 172 4 North street, and Arthur C. Hauck were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Webster, last evening at 8 o'clock by the Rev. C. A. Shiucker, pastor of Stevens Me morial Methodist Church.' After a delightful luncheon the couple left, for an extended wedding Journey. After November 20 they will be "at home" at 1637 North Third •street. Mrs. Harry Swovelen, 640 Kelker street, has returned from Millerstown. Mr. and Mrs. John Donegan and son John, Jr., 1422 Berryhill street, have returned from Bethlehem and New York. Mr. and Mra. Howard Huber, 1418 Berryhill street, are spending a week inWashington, D. C., and Baltimore. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS MEETING AND SOCIAL L. K. Brininger's class of Memorial liUlheran Sunday School was enter tained last e%-enlng at the home of Mrs. James M. Martin, 58 North Fif teenth street. After the business meeting music was enjoyed and re freshments served. The decorations were white chrysanthemums. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Brln inßcr, Miss Mary Romberger, Miss Ada Miller, Miss Sara Davis, Miss Bes sie Lenox, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Martin and daughter Jeraldlre. Mrs. Harry Zug. Mrs. Harry D. Helges, Mrs. F. M. Steckley, Mrs. Small, Mrs. E. E. Clark. Mrs. J. L. Rodgers and daugh ter Mildred. Mrs. Fred W. Yeager and daughters. Helen and Mildred. Mrs T. S. Patterson and daughter Miriam, Mrs. W. G. Hoover. Winterdale The old dances and one step Tue«- day and Saturday evenings. New dances by request Thursday evenings. Band and orchestra Tuesday evenings. —Advertisement. REAL JUMBO PEANUTS, 12c LB. Roasted fresh dally at the Imperial Tea Co., 213 Chestnut street. Have you tried our "Homo Roasted" Coffee? ..Adv. THE GLOBE THE GLOBE New Mid-Fall Models Of Ladies' and Misses' Coats Are Here For the woman who seeks distinctive apparel. Exquisite coats exquisite fabrics exquisite /ft Not the coats you'll see elsewhere and everywhere £l:f ' A —models found only at the most exclusive shops. [ I \* \ Coats of Imported Plush / J , rwV) \ After models by Jenney and Premet—very loose flary wraps / \ 1 —fur trimmed—some belted—some with Chin Chin collars— Pompadour silk linings. • y \ \\ \ in« $22.50 to S4O r"7j \\\ VP Charming Coats L \ll Of elegant Velour Plush—French fabrics—after Parisian \ fh T TlTmn\ models by Paquin and others. Also plain colors and fancy \<P) KI \ UI \ f Plaids and Checks—trimmings of fur, velvet and plush—with \p« VID y\\ \f Chin Chin and convertible collars—beautifully lined. \ 111 \l / Stunning Coats i&S Of Zibeline, Velour, Plush, Mannish Tweeds and many other choice fabrics —all colors—models that are different—styles to suit ladies of any age. sls to $25 We Do Not Overlook the Little Girls— Beautiful coats for Girls' coats of Cordu- Girls' elegant coats of Girls of Zibeline, Wide roy, Zibeline, Wool Plush, Corduroy, Vol- Wale Worsteds and Velours and fancy cloths ve t' < 5 r ' n^'U- a, 1 Zibeline _ _ , _ ..... and Wool Velour—fur s fancy Cheviots—belted —many with military an d velvet trimmed col and semi-belted styles. collars—fur trimmed. tars—belted styles. $5.95 $8.95 $10.75 1 pT A"DI 7 Ladies' Coat Section MIJ ULUDE/ Second Floor Miss Shoeman Entertains With Masquerade Party A pleasant masquerade party was held last evening: at the home of Miss Phoebe Shoeman, 537 Maclay street. The evening was spent in music, games and dancing after which a Hal lowe'en luncheon was served to the following: Alma McCurdy, lady of 1776; Bell Lerew, Western girl; Ed na DayhofT, Sunflower girl; Hazel Sei bert, gypsy; Miriam Hains, Yama Yama girl; Bertha Beard, Old Maid; Ruth Eichelberger, colonial maid; Miss Thompson, Olive Dayhoff, May Yengling, Marie Sterne. Mary Meade, Bessie Fisher, Yama Girls; Ruth Webster, Gypsy; Florence Eicholtz, Clown; Isabell Unger, Nurse; Marga ret Backenstoss, Yama; Mary Matter, Apple Girl; Claudia Keener, Nurse; Miss Eggert, Fairy; Edith Shoeman, Folly; Phoebe Shoeman, Spanish Dancer; Paul Worcester, Uncle Sam; Fred Lerew, Clown; Harry Swovelin, Convict; Earl Oris, Indian: William Glass, Cowboy; William Reed, Clown; i Leo Raw, Clown; Jas. Harris, Clown; John Sanson, State Police; Roy 1 Spadie, Dude, and Ernest Shoeman, ' Clown; Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Shoeman, Mrs. Robert Carter and daughter, Florence Carter. MRS. HOLMES WILL PRESIDE ] Mrs. R. E. Holmes will preside at | the regular weekly tea given by the ladies of the Colonial Country club to morrow afternoon. 1 Mrs. Mary Mitchell, of Philadelphia, , and her sister, Miss Earsman. are the . guests of Mrs. W. A. Hiester, 1100 North Front street. Mrs. John Tobias, of Hegens, is the ' guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Muck lei'/ ' 274 Muench street. SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT j In -honor of Miss Marian Mumma, ' whose engagement to Earl Killinger ] was recently announced, employes of the L. W. Cook store gave a misc«l- ' laneous shower at the home of Mr. ' and Mrs. John B. Malehorn, Steelton, < last evening. The bride-elect received ] many pretty presents and the even- < ing was spent in games and music. |s Miss Mumma is employed by Cook's and Mr. Killinger is a clerk in the East| End bank. The wedding will be an ] early winter event. PAUL'S SHOE STORE IT'S REFRESHING, in these days of wishing for t I* I things you feel you can't afford tigEigp / % f and doing without things you'd like, / £ I to drop into our store. / £ 1 Over in the La France section you'll V 1 find your wish come true as ;to foot- iH V s 1\ dress, * n s^oe Y° u really m IINVI prefer doesn't make too big a dent JjSMWtJP L v * n at monthl y allowance. J* First Church of Christ, Scientist, Harrisburg ANNOUNCES A Free Lecture on Christian Science By PROFESSOR HERMANN S. HERING, C. S. 8., of Concord, N. H., member of the Board of Lectureship of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. I ' Orpheum Theater, Harrisburg MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1, AT 8.15. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. THERE WILL BE NO COLLECTION Hallowe'en Masquerade Party Held at Perdix A Hallowe'en masquerade party was held at Point Breeze, Perdix last even ing by Miss Mildred Graeff. The cot tage was decorated with corn-fodder, pumpkins and black cats. After an evening of games, fortune-telling and dancing the guests enjoyed a Hallow e'en supper. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Graeft and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman. Thos present were: Evelyn Speakman, Indian maiden; Adeline Burkholder, Colonial Dame; Catharine Trostle, Puritan girl: Caroline McLean, Night; Esther Trostle, Gypsy; Helen Graeff, Red Riding Hood; Mildred Harvey, Yama Yama Girl; Mildred Graeff, Martha Washington; Myrtle Barbour, Yama Yama; William Clark, clown; Edgar Christ, clown; Bernard Wirt, Sailor; Homer Fink, Clown; Millard Graeff, Gentleman; A. Burkholder, Knight, and Carl Swope, clown. Mrs. Henry Bent, 107 State street, has returned from a visit with Mrs. I William Godfrey, at Bryn Mawr. Casper Dull Wins Cup in Country Club Plaj In the second sixteen of the men'i elimination golf tournament In th< Country Club series, yesterday Caspei Dull won the cup, by defeating Waltci H. Gaither in a close match. Samuel C. Todd won from Berne H. Evans ir the first sixteen and -will play Franl< Payne for the Boacd of Governor's trophy. A score of players from the Countrj club will play a series of friendlj matches with members of the Colo nial Country club on the latter's links 1 to-morrow afternoon. Mrs. Harry Leonard, 1729 Nortl i Sixth street, has returned from a visi . in New York. Charles Duffy, of McConnellsburs i is spending several days with his sis ■ ter, Mrs. Nathan Everts, 143 Roya Terrace. Miss Fannie I. Hoy, 1015 Greet , street, left this morning for Philadel phia, to attend the Penn-Lafayetti football game. Mrs. George Knupp, of Linglestown is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ro;
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