10 ™™™zzzzxzzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnxxxxxxxxtxx 1 •rf.StVlCh'S Fourth and Market Sts. 0 | I We'll Talk Trimmed Hats TAILORED ♦♦ v wiKPV jW until we have convinced every woman within one hundred miles of Har- I 11 I J Xt ♦♦ XX (\ That we have the largest and best assortment and that we have a , 1 l)j&!. tt ♦♦ ,(I \IR f hat for everybody right in our stock all the time—no matter what kind A F., T7 C._ . PV_ ~ L ■ 11 ** X' - or price—and because we sell from two to three hundred trimmed hats. Ollg tlOHfl rfOHl a H 5 111) | i I'JUJW/BI every week —you will find a complete new stock here every Saturday! -|^. - tt 1 300 New Hats Are Pul on iale B '« A " or,mtnt •*"** I TT \Vm/// ' The vo * ue for English mixtures shows some clever A verv new mat -i , XT I ' I At $3.98 $4.98 and $5.98 ~ "*515.00" IS" 1 ♦t The most complete representation of all the latestand up-to-the-minute ideas in Millinery— ~ " ~ ' •%S\J § XX 1 J Serge Suits, in blu«, brown and green; a simple. * X* tt Misses' Large Velvet and Hatter's Large Velvet and Hatter's Plush sty,lßh des,sn at ~ ~ tt ♦♦ n1 « XX . Q.il *v«e» 1 £ CL A *J unnl "8 mod ® 1 . « n both poplin and broadcloth, ♦♦ XX Plush Hats Sailors JpJLO.DU fimmed, in navy, brown and taupe, at XX $1 Trimmed with ostrich tips and plumes ** H $3.98, $4.98 and $5.98 $3.98, $4.98 and $5.98 r..*r» h ... o .' <t>2z.j{) « Tr r 1 1 , value; very special at ++ ♦♦ Some of these have satin ribbon shirred facings. Any color hat with any color plume, at the same price. ♦♦ H VELVET HATS WITH VELVET ROSES VELVET HATS WITH OSTRICH BANDS $10.98 S tl -* A n . JA tl A score of charming designs, in broadcloths, pop- 11 H $1.98 and $2.49 $2.49 and $2.98 -KSrSJrirjSSE — H XX Small Velvet and Hatter's Plush HATS Close Fitting Velvet Turbans, Black, White and Red <b 1 O r*r| ♦♦ 1 $2.98 and $3.98 $1.98 and $2.98 3>lo.UU q>ZJ.UU g H BLACK DRAPED VELVET TURBANS WHITE HATTER'S PLUSH HATS ~ § | $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 $3.98 and $4.98 H Trimmed Hatter's Plush, Felt and Velour Outing Children's Velvet mm/ You at f| g Puritan and London and Sport Hats Cordurov Tarns JIJsTK Mwml U , „ . _ _ S tt C a ;i nv . e Colored French and Velour Felt , c , . ... V / fkp tt XX oailors Hats 98 <• an Scotch Laps, black and all V, J Wi;f tUc JL HCC X OU. XX g with ribbon and buckles Genuine Velour Sport Hats colors I Mm K? mjgk I tt | $1.98 and $4.98 $2.49, $2.98, $3.98 -49 c, 75c, 98c, $1.25 Want to Pay g tt /"I |.l | ) m I|| .ijM , rQ p flj! 11 I', -j Good looking Coat., tn attractive mix- $$ 1 Children s I rimmed Hats igt FrenchOsirich Humes rrr-=."r„-~ | H Velvet Hats, Beautifully Trimmed AND TIPS "5 ch r\r> S H An Unusual Variety at JjpF At ONE-HALF PRICE H /t> < Beautiful French Tips AO„ H ♦♦ I ClSk $2 Value, 12 Colors . . J/OC H tt 41/ I - m y A most becoming belted model, in blue, olive green Black Astrakhan Coats, stylish and warm a re«ru- IT ♦5 lT Large French Plumes and brOWn: aISO SOme tunning mixtures; special, at lar $8.98 value, at ' XX 2 Children's Velvet and Plush Hats, of our own $2 Value (jjl O Afj 7^\ <>♦ make and designing-, with handsome shirred facing; fur it u —tTZTZ —o — l * — *v\J»M %J X$ 2 and ribbon trimming; special rrench lips, 3 to a *7C _ ~ " tt XX I Rlinrh Vqli.l- I <ll2 Our Corduroy Coats are of exceptionally fine qual- ♦♦ ♦♦ J (t> A A O ' milieu, QI.OU VdIUC . *WW Exclusive designs, in English mixtures, smartly Hy, satin lined throughout. Some splendid models; XX H /\t and Jhz.yo Fren ch Plumes. Worth $3. Black, A Q S.«" bM °< <h A rto S XX White and Colors 3)9.98 Xt H E, xtr » L'rge French Plumes, d»| AO $ 6 .00 PLUMES AO $15.00 H H Wofth 3>i.?Q at $2.98 The New«t in Sport Coat, H SB.OO PLUMES <{»o QO SIO.OO PLUMBS <T» AAQ v„ w, PIMI CTO „„ H xi at ipo.yo at <DT:.9O H tl t n J. ' Z w y . n ....... -y OAO T T Styles, not shown elsewhere. Priced at XX See the Most Wonderful Bargains Ever Offered {p10.90 UD $7 98 and $8 98 BIBLE CLASS SOCIAL By Special Correspondence Mechanicsburg, Pa., Oct. 29.—This evening the Men's Bible class of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school, taught by the pastor, the Rev. J. J. Resh. will hold a social at the home of T. D. Hummelbaugh, superintendent of the school, at 17 West Marble i — ' ii'SIII, I HIIQ iour aoes were in me nerd. Bringing Up Father ® $ • « # # By McManus fl T7 TTT: 7 T7 n 1 ■■ ■ ■ t •wr I HAVE THE YOtfLL HAVE °°°" < . BY<OLLY2 HE HOW DO I HAVE 1 vj,.- 1 PLEASURE of EKOWfki You MOTHER' t ™ "OTHER ACCIDENT <OIN' \ NR.PIFFLE ~ TO NONE OP H>U NEAtI" Vo T he o an £ U | U—J MLJMCS! \ Wt/s PERFECT- FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 29, 1915. ' street. There will be a speech by C. Egbert Brindel, president of the class on "Political Usages Adapted to a Bible class. T. J. Scholl will talk on, "The Bible Class as a Means of Social Life in the Church." A reading by the Rev. J. J. Resh will close the pro gram. FOLLOW GHOSTS AND WITCHES I Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Oct. 29.—T0-morrow evening the annual Hallowe'en party given by the members of the Philokos , mian Literary Society of Lebanon Val ley College to the students of that in stitution will be held. The guests will assemblo In the Engle Hall and from thence will follow the ghosts and witches as they lead to the place where the festivities will be held. Games pe culiar to the spirit of the evening will he played and refreshments consist ing of pumpkin pies, cider, doughnuts and apples will be served. JOINT MEETING OF SOCIETIES Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Oct. 29.—A joint ses sion of the Men's and Ladies' literary societies of Lebanon Valley College will be held this evening in the for mer's halls above the chapel. A lit- ' erary program will be given and ro- 1 freshments served. HALLOWE'EN BOX SOCIAL Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Oct. 29.—The Junior Aid Society of St. Paul's Lutheran church will hold a Hallowe'en box so cial in the liremen's house on Monday I night. '""TTTTTTffW SAW FIVE DEER Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 29.—L. W. McFerren, of Harrison avenue, saw five deer in the forest near Ledy sta tion on Wednesday. A large buck and four does were in tho horrl
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