1 A Telegraph Want Ad Will Quickly Rent That Vacant Room | Deaths H ING Georgr W. Ewlng. on Oc WHolay street. aged HI \ears Funeral arrangements will be an niuniKil later. tI.SMAVtiH Died, October 23 1915. ei E. Sulsbaugto, aired Tti years Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services from the resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Bowers. IT.'U Wood street, on Mon day evening, at 7:Sn o'clock. Further services in the I'nlted E\ angelical Chur> b Millershurg. Pa., on Tuesday morning. at 9:30. Burial Kllllnger. IFt.l.KR— : On October 23, 1 SIR.- at 1. 45. Mm v A. Ziegler. at Iter resi dence. 121* Herr street. aged 82 years, s months and l< days. Funeral on Monday. October 23. at 1 r M front her late residence Burial Mt Olivet Ometerv. New Cumber land. Tlie relatives and friends are . Invited to attend without further no- ! t ice. LOST LOST—Hupodometer. Reward if r®- to John Black and Son, -01 South 'venteenth stret. 1 A»ST A small bunch of keys last j ening on Cumberland street between tiiril and Green Reward If returned , 1 \22 Green street. FOUND The best results have : und b\ the Isuies who UaJ their Suits id Coats remodeled to the latest style • th-* l.adic»' Tailor. H. L Powell, y25 irth Third street. Estimates free. FOUND That lSggert's Steam Dye g * French Cleaning Works. 1245 arket St.. do the vers best work In ' e city Call either phone for TOOL I e call and deliver. > —Male WANTED—Men to learn to become actical chautieurs. We give you ir unlinmea SJO practical course ««■ for 140. We practice you from e time jou start on repairing and tving automobiles until you graduate, i llrty cents per hour guaranteed aa on as they are competent of repair- ! S private cars Auto Transportation nool. 6 North Cameron street. WANTED A plumber's apprentice j i>ply to Cha». M. Froehllch, 1121 Mar 't street. i~ a.oo MONTH paid Railway Mail erKs Examinations annouueeu Janu- J > 15. Sample questions free. \\ rite itneaiateiy. Franklin institute Dept. 0 H, Rocnester, N. Y. j \\ ANTED Young men of good ara< ter. betw-een 1, ana -4 years, to urn to assist in house-to-house so- . iting and collecting. Worn will be j t of the city. No experience neces- I rv. Permanent. Salary. slo weekly j id commission, with good chance of I vancenicnt Address "Opportunity," ; re of Telegraph. ; WANTED Men for laboi work and j ixing ■ on< rete. Apply 17U0 North conu ~neet. City. I WANTED l.a borers to load and; iload scrapiron. Apply \s"illiams A: • eedman, south Tenth street below utberrx stre« bridge. WANTED Two first-class house inters, at once Apply G. W. Bixler. Teffer street. I WA'WI'ED Men to husk corn. On e pike leading from Harrtsburg to .iiiiinelstown, one mile beyond Pax il sr. Apply Harrison l* Noil. 1!. F. D. ; •. 1, Harrisburg. Pa. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy 1 tret M'. tree booklet. BY., 372. tells I \\. Write 10-ua> —NOW. Earl Hop-j ns. Washington, D. C. COPY LETTERS Persons writing l ■ i copying letters make $lO to s2a '•■klv following dire tions. Stamped ..lope for particulars. Brooks Copy Pennsvlvanta avenue. Wasn u. D. C. 1 MACHINISTS WANTED First >s;. men for night work on lathe, tuer. Reaper, slotter. milling machine, nir.ontal aim vertical boring mills, ar 'Utter, turret lathe, etc. This is A -time tool work and only good men e.l apply. Newton Machine Tool orks,' Twenty-third and Vine streets, liladelphia. I WAN'TED Married man for gen a; farm work Apply W . 3160. care Telegraph. WANTED A German-speaking col- I tor and salesman; salary and oom is.- ion. Address L. 3133, care of Har- ■ iburg Telegraph. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring Mill and loathe hands who can i ■>rk from blue prints Must be first- I i-s. experienced machinists. Apply nployment Department. Westing use El. « trie & Mfg. Co., East Pitls rgh. t'a. WANTED By New York concern. iod. live. men for local territory to licit orders for MADE-TO-MEASURE 0.00 Suits and Overcoats Experi <e not necessary. Our agents earn 0 to $73 weekly. Apply this evening to-morrow forenoon. The Lenox otel. Mr. Jaffe, Room 16. WANTED Married man to sell •»>duce to : -tailed trade. Apply Mon- ' I.v. Gardner <: Baptist!. Third and lestnut streets WANTKD Tinsmith and sheet etal worker. Steady work. Good pay. i>ply at once to Hershey Employment ireau. WANTED Machinist on general pair work. Steady work. Apply at ice to Hershey Employment Bureau. WANTED. AT ONCE l'lrst-class llwrights. Immediate employment, ddress J. F. Creswetl. P. O. Box 254, mcsste:-. Pa., or cal! at Hotel Plaza, mrsday afternoons or evenings. ? WANTED First-class toelmakers. outers, millers, drlllei s, riflers. barrel rners, blacksmltns and steam ham er men to make drop forges. Also en for barrel rolling Address P. O 5X 264. Lancaster. Pa. MEN WANTED Every community, take orders for fruit trees, shrub ■ y. eti ECxperli . At - »ctive outfit l'oanod Dandy line bar ms and new. fa*t sellers. Permanent, ofttahle iiome employment N'o in stment reuuired. No delivering or llectlng Liberal commission pay ile weekly. Special inducements for lick action. For full particular* and rms. \*!ite Perry Nursery Co., Ro-| ester. N. Y. Established 20 years. 1 Fall Catalog of Facts and —Has just been received from the printers and is ready for distribution—we will be pleased to send you a copy—telephone, call, or write us your address. —ln Facts and Figures you will find listed for sale all classes of real estate—a large number of the properties at very reasonable prices. Miller Brothers & Co. i I Bell Phone 1595. LOCUST AND COURT STS., ■ i i SATURDAY EVENING, HKLI* WANTED—MaIe J I ANYBODY can increase their In- j come $lO to S4O weekly, spare time. ! raising mushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes. Success guaranteed: free illus-i trated booklet. Hiram Barton. 333 ' West Forty-eighth street. New York. $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co ; operate with us. •"Vpital or experience! unnecessary Write to-day. The Mack i Company, 3105 Niagara street, Pitts j burgh. Pa. $S A DAY easily made. Our propo- | sition will interest you. Co-operate i with us. Big profits. Write. Frank j j Jones. High street, Louisville. Ky. SSO MONTHLY AND EXPENSES to! travel, distribute samples and take j orders, or appoint agent*. Permanent i .lap-American Co.. Chicago. I WILL PAY any honest man up to | $.".0 monthly .for part of spare time No canvassing. No capital Write to- j J day. Voorhles, Desk 1.»5. Omaha. Neb. j WANTED One or two engineers j ito run hoisting engine and traveling : | crane Experienced men only need ap- j ply. Williams A- Freedman. Tenth be- I low Mulberry, or Junk Yard. Hoffman's : Woods. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Experienced girls for , ! edge stitching, tip stitching and fox j ing. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manufac- I turlng Co.. Vernon street. J WANTED ljidy stenographer and J ! typist familiar with Remington: must! have office experience and business 1 tact: duties are light: salary must be I reasonable Address with full particu lars. stating age. experience and lowest . salary. 8.. 315#. care of Telegraph. j WANTED —Experienced sew l ing machine operators on ladies' j : and children's wear. Harrisburg j ; Apparel Co., over City Star Laun- 1 ; dry State street, rear entrance. j WANTED A few bright i learners. Apply Silk Mill, corner ! North and Second streets. WANTED Young woman for ' housework on farm, about tlve miles 1 from city. No milking Apply 1004 j .Green street. Harrisburg, or Box F, [ 13164. care of Telegraph. WANTr-D White girl or middle aged woman for general housework in . .small family: experience in cooking | Address H., 3157, care of Harrisburg , 1 Telegraph. ; , WANTED White girl for general I housework; must be experienced, well recommended; good home for right i party. 2226 North Second street. | EXPERT training by my i..<thod. and : every student employed Is my record ! last year: no failures: attend here and j ,be successful. Harrisburg Shorthand [ School. 31 North Second street. j WANTED Several ladies to can vass. Apply in person to Grand Union . I Tea Co., 2«S North Second street. City. ! I WANTED White girl to assist j with housework, family of three. Call Bell phone SS2 J-L j | LARGE knitting mill invites corres pondence with women desirous of earn- I j tng money, full time or spare hours ! Experience unnecessary Good pay. Ad dress International Mills, Inc., Dept. 20, | Norristown. Pa. WANTED White girl for general I ' housework Good place to right party. Call or address. 300" Riverside Drive,] j next door to Academy. I I GOOD MONEY made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on time. We buy or selt your goods. Easy and ! constant work. Gleason Wheeler | , line.i, 337 Madison, Chicago. j | LADIES make shields at home. 110.00 : per 100. Send stamp. Work sent pre paid King Mfg. Co.. 1431 Broadway. | ; New York City. LADIES to work for us: plain sew- ' I ing on Xmas goods: no canvassing: ma- 1 terials furnished; stamped envelope for I particulars. Providence Novelty Shop. 31 Devine. Providence. R. I. WANTED Girls over 16 to ' : strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers. Bunclnnakers Packers. ■ i Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse, i 1 Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com- j i pany, 500 Race street. i HELP WANTED—.MaIe and Female MEN. WOMEN, common schooling, \ desiring Government positions. 570! monthly, write for lUt 13 immediately. Philadelphia Civil Service School. Phila. SONG POEMS WANTED for public*- j tion. Experience unnecessary. Send ' us your verses or melodies to-day or write for instructive booklet—lt's free. Marks-Goldsmith Co.. Dept. 233. Wash ington. D. C. AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN WANTED for high-class 1 : office and factory specialty. Sells for ; $3. Commission $1.50. Easy to sell j one dozen daily. Send for particulars and complete instructions in Salesman shin, free. Arco Mercantile Co., Dept. 1, Cuba. N. Y. AGENTS We have a new house hold specialty. One which every house- • wife wants. Write for particulars. | Quaker City Mdse. Co.. 4152 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS Get particulars of one of the best paying proposition ever put on the market. Something no one else sells. Make $4,000 yearly. Address E. I M. I-'eltman. Sales Manager, 36(1 Third street, Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS Men or women. A real | honest to goodness sells itself line over j 230 ligiitweight. popular-priced, neces sities. We pay 100 per cent, commis- | sion. $6 a day can be made at the I start. No capital no experience re- j quired. Enormous demand, sells fast. ' hie repeaters. Valuable territory open. All or spa re time. Elegent Agent's Out fit furnished free. Write to-day—pos- i tal will do. American Products Co., 3640 American Building. Cincinnati. Ohio. •AGENTS make $.". to $25 daily. No experience. Free catalog and samples. New goods. Quick sales. Big profits | World's beaters. Cruver Co.. Jackson 'and Campbell. Chicago, 111. AGENTS WASTED ! FREE SAMPLES for men and women agents. Delbare's Naptha Washing Tablets: washes clothes without rub bing; cleans floors, woodwork, polishes I silverware; send for sample and par | tlculars: not sold in stores. Sold only by Naptha Washing Tablet Company. |7lb South Dearborn street. Chicago. 111. ' REPRESENT well rated factory, I manufacturing exclusive patented. , staple articles. No canvassing: experi ence unnecessary. By devoting all or (spare time you should make big money. I Pease Manufacturing Co., Desk 145. 6S j Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED To sell the . onderfu] "Best" lamps and lighting 1 systems. Big profits. Write now for catalog and terms. The Best Light •Co.. Canton. Ohio. | WE will pay you $120.00 to represent us and distribute Religious Literature lln your community. 60 days work: man jor woman. Experience not required. ! Spare time may be used. International | Bible Press. Philadelphia. \ AGENTS for staple article. Sells ! like wildfire. Big commission. Send | 10c for sample and terms. Address "Francis Novelty C 0.." New Cumber land. Pa. ; ACTIVE, live agents to sell practical. \ useful device, approved and endorsed iby highest authorities Quick Sales I-arge prots. Jungdahl Co.. 30 Church street. New Tork. SALESMEN W ANTED j SALESMEN WANTED—For burg and Cumberland valley; perma nent position; best line advertising {calendars, cloth and leather goods; com - I Missions most liberal; Fall trade be flns now. Address. Sales Manager, nlted States Calendar Company. Cin | clnnati. j WANTED - Salesman to call on Gro ' c»rs. Confectioners and General Stores. $150.00 monthly and expenses. Sales Manager. 204 South Main street. St j Louis. Mo. WANTED Salesman of ability, one who is willing to be trained to the needs of the position. Prefer one who has had some experience in sales work. In replying give sufficient data to en able consideration to application. In terview will be arranged. Salary, ex j penses and bonus. Address B . SI6S. ' j care of Telegraph. j TRAVELING SALESMAN to sell our Mill line low priced Spring dress fabrics and White Goods to retail stores. Attractive side line. Good | commission. Frank D. La Lanne & Co., Philadelphia. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Experience j unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn from SIOO to snoo a month while you learn. Address near est Office. Dept. 244. National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, , New York. San Francisco. SALESMAN Vacancy November 15. j Want live, aggressive traveler, high j class specialty, work general trade: $35.00 advanced weekly against com [ missions. Established 16 years. Sales j Manager. Suite 47, <OO Woodward, De ' trolt. SALESMAN Vacahev November 1 Experienced in any line to sell gen i eral trade In Pennsylvania. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Commission con tract. $"o.OO weekly for expenses. Con tinental Jewelry Co.. 237. 43 Contiental Building, Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED 5 traveling men. resident representatives in principal | cities and sections of the Eastern States $l5O monthly and up. to call |on manufacturers, merchants, bankers I and professional men. No samples. Ex ferience an aid but not an essential, f O. Jones, 43S Schwind Building, Dav | ton. Ohio. STOCK SALESMEN Our proposi ition unlike stock, but your experience I profit: ble; permanent, lucrative, exclu [ sive territory. Real money for hustler. {Building Loans. Investments. Bond Sales. Real Estate Improvements. Mort j gage Loans all made easy. Write, tell jus who you are. Address S., Bond ! Brokers Exchange. 25 Beaver street, i New Y'ork. MEN AND WOMEN salesmen to handle Name-on Auto Lap Robe direct to consumers. Dawson Mfr., Hancock | and Somerset streets, Philadelphia. SiTl ATIOXS WAXTEI)—MaIe , WANTED Young man wants work ;of any kind. Call, or address. 454 i Cumberland street. SITUATIONs WANTED—FemaIe WANTED White woman desires I position as cook, or day's work of any j kind. Apply 1210 Apple avenue. J WANTED White woman desires I I work by the day. Apply 1104 Cowden ! street. WANTED Woman wants position ias housekeeper, in or out ot city; best of references. Call, or address, 15S East Main street, Middletown, Pa. WANTED By colored woman, day's 1 work or work of any kind. 510 South ! street. WANTED Position by colored girl at general housework; can give best of reference. Address ISOB North Seventh ■ street. ' WANTED White woman desires ! position as housekeeper for a widower, either in or out of city. H.. 3167, care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored woman, housecleaning by the day. Call 405 , Bailey street. Steelton. 1 WANTED Colored woman desires work of any kind. Apply 1409 Currant street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires day's work. Call, or ad j dress. 434 Cumberland street. WANTED A respectable colored woman would like washing to do at .liome. Bell phone 616 J. Address 111 j South Dewberry avenue. City. | WANTED By two colored girls, | positions at general housework. Apply , 1225 North Seventh street. WANTED A good home at general ; housework; will go in the country. Ad dress I. M P.. Dauphin, R. F. D. 1, care of William Albright. REAL ESTATE IOK SALE FOR SALE No 807 N. Eighteenth street; a modern 2U-story brick house, with porch and side entrance. The price is right to a quick buyer. J. E. Gipple, 12»1 Market street. j FOR SALE No. 1623 Naudaln street is offered for $l5O less than cost. A real bargain for a conservative i investor. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market ! street. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE ' A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo ; cality in city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address "Home." care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WHAT will you offer for 273 Briggs street city? Lot. 20x107; sevin-room frame house. Rents for $22. Part cash ' and mortgage. Must have your offer by [November 1. Address O. F., No. 3147, i care of Telegraph. i FOR SALE ■— 216 Pine street. Lot jabout 24 ft. front, back to South street. Room on South street for garage Three-story brick house, two baths, I ' itv steam heat. 14 rooms Call 559J Bell phone or at house for terms. FOR SALE 1537 N. Second St.; 3- ■ story brb k dwelling; 0 rooms, hath and ! furnace: porches: lot. 21x87: side en trance: immediate possession. Brinton- Pscker Co., Second and Walnut sitreels. FOR SALE - Corner two-story brick | house, located at No. 75 Disbroiv street. The price Is S2OO below actual cost. J. lE. Gipple, 120 l Market street. HARRIFBURG TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , <2Ol ACRES i 97501 The Price (next) to nothing. 5 room cosyhome. bank barn for (4> stocks, grapes, peaches, apples, cherries, pears, quinces and plums. Flowing spring water, (8| acres truck land balance woodland will pay for the farm. Be tween <2l roads (400) feet to good neighbors, handy to school, church and City Market Include fine liorse age <B> weigh (1,200) fresh cow* «2) hogs (20" chickens, if sold at once an even 1*1.000) for everything. Part on time ($lOOl more. Telephone '7 to 81. (124) ACRES (Giveaway) valued ($4,000) with timber valued ($1.4001 will take only i $3,000). Reason (Widow) ..lone. Mar ket less than (2) miles. (2) railroads I (1001 trains daily. Fine set buildings. Lirrge white home with (2) long porches. Apples, cherries. p)ums. quinces, pears, grapes and peaches. Within view of Sunbury and Milton. With match team horses valued i $500) and (4) cows. (8) hogs (50 > chickens | (200) bushel oats (300> corn. hay. straw 'and (cornfoddert giveaway ($3,900). (24) t( RES I g 1.4.-0) »On) Main Road (to) large City Mar ket. Buildings lalone) valued ($2,500). ! Telephone in Double Porch Home, large Bank Barn, straw shed, wagon, hog. i poultry and storage houses. All kinds of Choice Fruit, fine meadows and creek. With (fine) black horse (2) large good cows (2) hogs (100) chick ens (170) bushel corn t35) oats (10) wheat (8) rye (10) potatoes (3) ton straw and hay and Farming Machinery ready to go to work ® ($1,900). Old People. Possession (at) once. (Bar gain). GEORGE B. OSTRA\ DER. Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to S) Evenings. RIVERSIDE PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick 8 rooms bath gas electric light furnace porches lot, 24x134 corner considerable fruit and shrubbery garage. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE ■—frame house—bath porch front lot. 35x150 variety of fruit prop erty in good condition. Price. $2,400. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ONE RESTAURANT FOR SALE One good one Is enough. Rent, includ ing residence. $35. Only SSOO required —possibly less located at 1107 North Third street. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE l2 Acres; miles east of Harrisburg: 10-minute walk from Linglestown trolley line: frame dwelling, containing & rooms; large porches; frame stable: chickenhouse and pig pen: buildings nearly new; high elevation. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT New brick house; 8 rooms and bath. 2711 North Sixth street: hardwood floors; up-to-date fixtures: steam heat; stationary laundry; front porch ~*Hd nice back yard. Rent, $25.00 per nioiHh. Inquire W. H. Moody. 2331 North Thivd street. FOR RENT— -1837 N. Second St $35.00 2414 N. Second St. 30.00 16)4 N. Fifth St 1800 Camp Hill. Market St 35.00 Camp Hill, N. Bowman Ave. fur nished 35.00 Camp Hill, N. Bowman Ave 30.00 Camp Hill. N. Bowman Ave 25.00 Camp Hill N. E. Cor. Bowman und Chestnut 22.50 Camp Hill. Page St 20.00 Camp, Hill. Cumberland St 18.00 Lemoylie. Bosler Ave IS.-00 Washington Heights 17.00 BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR REXT—Only one left of the eight storerooms, corner Ham ilton and Third streets. Rent sl2. Suitable for any business. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT ' vsirable dwelling. Market street. C'a,. p Hill, near Oyster Point avenue; 7 rooms, bath, furnace, lawn, garden, gruit. Rent. $20.00. Im mediate possession. James C. Patter son. 1712 Green street. Bell phone 9000. FOR RENT Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at 1266 Market street; rent. $lO, Including heat and water. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Mar ket street. FOR RENT Eight-room brick house with improvements. 1729 Park street. City. Rental. S2O per month. Ap ply James Brlcker, New Cumberland, Pa.. R. D. FOR RENT Stone house with Six rooms, in ("oxestown; large yard; prop erty in good repair; possession imme diately. Apply 1100 North Front street, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR RENT Six-room houses, with stables, half mile north of Penbrook, at Edgemont. Rent. $6.00. Inquire of G. Hartman. 38 North Twelfth street. City, or William Brenr.eman. Penbrook. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE OR REXT FOR SALE OR RENT Bridge and Fifth Ave.. New Cumberland, desirable suburban home, next to Lutheran Church; eight rooms; bath- hot water heat; gas; front and back porches: car stops at door; lot, 50x175 ft; chicken house in rear. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—PouItry and truck farm, 9'i acres; good, fertile ground; large 10-room double house; tine summerhouse: large ehickenhouse (new). 40x16, capacity 600 laying hens i double-decker); large barn; hog stable; other small buildings. Very de sirable property In good repair; excep tionally pleasant location, also local ity. One-acre peach orchard coming bearing, other fruit. Will exchange for city property. Price, $2,900. Will throw in 350 laying hens as an In ducement free. Bargain only for quick exchange. Would like to exchange in ten days. Address owner. George W. Brinser, Elizabethtown. Pa., R. R. No. 1. APARTMENTS FOR REXT FOR RENT Private apartment, 3 rooms and bath: also private brick gar age. Mrs. L A. Dandrldge, 33 North Thirteenth street. ROOMS I'OR REXT FOR RENT Second floor front room, facing "Capitol Park;" station ary washstand (hot and cold running water: electric light: adjoins large bathroom; use of Bell phone. -110 North street. FOR RENT ln private home, two furnished rooms for housekeeping; gas range and sink with water In kitchen; privilege of bath; option of third room. No. 240 North Fourteenth street. ROOMS FOR RENT With bath, electric llffht. heat, telephone, all con veniences. neatly furnished In solid mahogany. Also an apartment, com plete. four rooms, bath and kitchen. 800 North Second. FOR RE-' Very large front sec ond-story rooms, furnished or unfur nished: privilege of bath and telephone. Apply Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone 2303 R. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Rent reason able. Apply I South Fourth street, next to the Metropolitan Hotel. FOR RENT Well furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen: separate beds, dressers and closets; centrally located. Call alter 5 P. M.. third floor apartment. 18 North Third street. FOR RENT Two ntcelv furnished rooms —Willi use of hath—pleasant lo cation on Hill, in family of two—gentle men preferred. Call 186S Suatuia ■ tract, or Bell phone 1331 K. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping: use of phone. 1317 Swatara street. FOR RENT Two communicating, second floor rooms; will rent separately Or ensulte: good location. Apply 1109 North Second street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In fine location; use of bath and tele phone. Apply at 203 State street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms on second floor, next to bath; one front, all conveniences, including phone; central location. Inquire 1232 Market street. ROOMS WANTED ANTED Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ad dress R„ 3166. care of Telegraph. WANTED Elderly gentleman wishes pleasant, unfurnished room, with conveniences. near Second and Relly; state terms. Address G..' 3159. care of Telegraph. U-NJFUKNIBIIED ROOMS *29 BROAD, STREET Built especl aly for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes; arrangements strictly private; stoves furnished free laundry. phone and bathroom privi leges: lockers for surplus furniture. 1321-23 Wallace, street: remodeled and newly papered throughout: ar rangements. two rooms and a kitchen with running water, range and cabinet Dally Inspection invited. Inquire on premises, or 107 Boas street. Phone 779 M. OFFICES FOR RENT FOR RENT ■ — A desirable first floor office In the Telegraph Building. In quire Superintendent, Business Office Telegraph. WANTED WANTED Bakery located ill coun try town. Address X., 25. care of Tele graph. WANTED to buy second-hand fur nace, No. 40 must be in good condi tion. Address L 3169, care of Telegraph. POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid for Ladies' and Men's cast-oft good Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Send postol to 636 Herr street, City. FOR SALE FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE, STEAM BOILERS Two slightly used castlron square sectional boilers. One 925 sq. ft. and one 2,340 sq. ft. capacity. Fisher Bros., 1001 Capital street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE F. P. gasoline light miwhlne and a National cash register In A 1 condition, to be sold cheap. In quire at 430 A Market street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and I Board and Table Board at 25c each. One ' of these signs will be given with each 1 six-time order for a classified ad. if i paid in advance. Inquire at Office of j Telegraph. FOR SALE One-horse platform wagon. Inquire 1617 North street. FOR SALE Hot air furnace, large siie, first-class repair; splendid heater; all connections; slightly used; very cheap to quick buyer. F. B. Calnes, Six teenth and Hunter streets. / FOR SALE Six-cylinder Winton touring car, in first-class running con dition. Good tires. Will sell at a sac rifice to quick buyer. Meclianicsburg Auto Shop, Mechanlcsburg. Pa. FOR SALE Lot of scrap Iron In S. A. L. No. 31528, transferred into D. L & W. No. 66653, from the Queen City Iron & Steel Company, Rockingham, N. C.. consigned Silberman Brothers, Harrlsburg. Refused lading stored for account of owner In P. R. R. Com pany's Tie Yard, midway opposite F. I. and G. I. Towers. Entrance to prop erty on Old Canal Bed Road. West of Maclay Street, will be sold to highest bidder at 2:00 P. M., Saturday, Novem ber 6. J. H. Nixon. Freight Agent. FOR SALE Best boarding house proposition in Central Pennsylvania, averaging thirty-five railroad men to each meal, eleven regular roomers. house, all modern improvements. Price very reasonable. Part cash. For ; full particulars address. Z3170, care of j Telegraph. FOR SALE One Jewel double heater, complete, with pipe, used only short time; also one sas range, good condition. Will sell cheap. Call at 9 North Fourteenth street. FOR SALE Two barber chairs and case, in good condition. Will sell sepa rately. Call, or address, 1519 North Fifth street. FOR SALE Closing out all my fancy pigeons, chickens, horses, wagons and harness; bargain if sold at once. Call Bell phone 507-R-3. A. B. Davis, j Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE Two computing scales, one slicing machine. Inquire J. M. ( Shatzer, 529 South Sixteenth street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 2408 R. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One 1 3H-ton Reliance motor truck in good i condition. Reason for selling, we are Joing out of wholesale business. Ad- : ress, or apply, Manhelm Ice Co., Man helm. Pa. j i LARGE LINE of Automobile Robes, | Horse Blankets, Trunks, Traveling , Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Special ties; repaired and made to order. Har risburg Harness and Supply Company. Second and ChestnutJ BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS—S. C. Smiths, Underwoods, Densmore, etc., $lO 00 up. Typewriter Office, 211 Lo cust street. Opposite Orpheum Thea ter. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and | tools, cheap; ill health reason for sell ing. Address W„ 3162, care of Tele- i graph. | FOR SALE Folding gocart at sac rifice. Also first-class high chair. Ad- I dress L.. 3161, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new ' supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap- ! ply Job Printing Department, The Tele- i graph Printing Company. FOR SALE Restaurant located on Market street, doing good business. A ! bargain If sold at once. Good reasons for selling. Address D., 3016. care of Telegraph. FOR KENT FOR RENT Suite of desirable of- ! flees, on first floor, centrally located; | cltv steam; also basement, suitable for' business. Apply to Mrs. Miller, 15 | South Third street. ■■—— BUSLNESS OPPORTUNITIES A>/y Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 7SB. Lock. port. N. Y. IP" you will make your monthly pay ments regularly and take care of til* property, you can buy a $1,500 house ultli very little cash. Opportunity for j light man. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. AUTO BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR 1 SU,IC - Only $1,500 required pros perous business -- rent, Including heal. S2O. Vnu want a business. This jnay 1 lie your opportunity. lieU Realty Co., : liergtier Building, , OCTOBER 23, 1915. BUSIN ESS OPPORTU NITIES I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hca cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. FOR SALE Rare business oppor tunity, General Merchandise Store in suburbs, close to Harrisburg Good reasons for selling. Cash only consid ered for stock. Property for lease or sale. L., 3143. care of Teelgraph. STORE GOODS AND FIXTURES FOR SALE Full line of groceries. Reason for selling, engaged fn other business. Call, or address, Chas. P. Finnefrock, Main street, Mlffllntown, Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS r,1 Ol l' , ," ln|i! hßlr try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market itreet, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell HAULING R. A. HARTMAX. Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos safes boilers and general h'aul »B- W l^ithe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. TO IIIRE TO HlßE—Masquerade costumes a^d full dress suits: also full lot of hair goods, including wigs, beards, etc An ply Brenner's, 424-426 Walnut, or Bell phone 1251 J. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE! Private rooms for household goods 12 Der month and up. We Invite Inspection Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals lr ?. rec VB '' at said office until 10 A. M. November 4. 1915, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the reconstruction of 1.756 lineal feet of Bituminous or Cement Concrete pavement, 16 feet wide, situated In Narberth Borough Montgomery County; 4,054 lineal feet of Brick Block pavement. 16 feet wide situated in Marion Center Borough. In diana County, and 5,508 lineal feet of Telford Macadam pavement. IB feet wide, situated In Hickory Township l«lwrcilce County. Plans and specifica tions may be seen at office of State Highway Department. Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and 90.1 Hartje Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. Full particulars and Information on appli cation to R. J. Cunningham, State Highway Commissioner. Two Story Bungalows S2BOO Kight of these now ready, seventy-five more of various designs to b* erected. The bungalows are 15x46 feet with' 8-foot porches; size of lot 19x85 and eight feet between pairs. Six large rooms and bath; seven closets; floors finished for rugs; steam heat; electric, gas and modern In every respect. Prominent street; fine location. Greatest value aver offered; terms easy. Low interest. No taxes for 1915. Call any tliriß except Sunday, 800-814 South Seventeenth street. Anyone who wants a home can own one of these houses. 1 Sou j SOS! j 804 | KO«i r SON j SIO | 812 i 814 T J I I 1 -"old I I | I j_ J. E. DARE SEVENTEENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS Both Phones FOR SALE ' 3 Acre Truck Farm en Long St., Camp Hill 18,000 celery in fine condition. Y\ acre white Chinese radishes. l /\ acre turnips. 2j4-story new brick house with all modern improvements, never been occupied. Farm situated % mile from car service. 5-foot concrete walk from house to car line. Phone or write R. W. BENTZ, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone, 3089 J. s. 1 Lumber guaranteed to be perfectly kiln dried. Floors laid and finished complete ready for use. Ask for free estimate. C. A. SLOUGH, 232 Yale St. Bell Phone. t ' ■> Hotel at Dauphin FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE This stand is one of the best Road Houses in the State. Delightfully located along the picturesque Susquehanna river. Eight miles north of Harrisburg. Will sell outright or exchange for other property. C, W. SELLERS ,Dauphin, Pa. 17 CHARI/TON A 1.1 i:\lsrs DIFFER By Associated Press Como, Italy, Oct. 23, via Paris.— To-day's session of tile trial of Por ter Charlton, the American who is charged with having murdered his wife was given over largely to the re ports of alienists. The expert for the prosecution read a lengthy report which reached the conclusion that Charlton was entirely responsible mentally The expert for the defensp figured that the prisoner was irre sponsible. PROHIBIT HIGH RENTS By Associated Press London. Oct. 23.—As an outcome of the agitation against landlords raising reals, especially those of the dwell ing of workmen in munition areas, the Government intends to introduce a bill in Parliament to prohibit the raising of rents throughout the coun try during the war, according to the Daily Telegraph. NOTICES In the Estate of Henry A. Kelker, late of IJarrlsburg, Dauphin Co.. Pa., de ceased. NOTICE letters Testamentary in the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and thos. having claims will present them for settlement to l> \lHttBH! T TH! TRUST COMPANY or HENRY A. KELKER, JR.. Executors. tlarrjsbu rg, Pa. FOR RENT 677-79 Hriggs St., near Seventh, three-story brick build ing, with elevator, running wa ter, suitable for garage accom modating about 100 automo biles. Also desirable for use as storage house. Apply SIMON COOPER 600 NORTH ST. njIBBER StAMQn torll SEALS A STENCILS Vg MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ it 11 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. W THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dlspen- I sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at o P. M., at its new location. Pront and Harris streets, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers