16 S SUNDAY INSPECTION DAY § [is COLONIAL PARK s |9A.M.to SP. M. L " M Al "« iV'i&THii N< " p "*'" ! ' 9A.M.t05 P. M. f | 192 PLOTS AT CUT-RATE PRICES i i i HPf*P Al*p flip poffc* !S ' was bought right, the season being late it is sold right, 1 I lICI Cm C IHC 1 acid, quick sales & small profits. You are the one who will benefit by it. f Terms to Suit Purchasers I I INDIIC F MF NTS' HIGH AND DRY—GAS-WATER- I I 11* UUV. L. IVI L. I* IJ . ELECTRICITY NEAR BY-Bungalows All Around. 1 | __ f [Our Saturday Record: 48 Hots Sold in 8 Hours) 1 TAKE LINGLESTOWN TROLLEY—GET OFF IN HAINTON I fg H | BELL 3624-J Office: 711 Kunkel Building Edw. W. Evans, | PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION SUBMITTED TO run CITIZENS OF THE COMMON WEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR IJ EJECTION. BT THE GENERAL AS SEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. AND PUBLISH ED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH. IN PUR SUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION. Number One. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section one. article eight of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met. That the following amendment to the Constitution of Penn sylvania be, and the same is hereby proposed, in accordance with the eighteenth article thereof:— That section one of article eight, which reads as follows: "Section 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections, sub ject, however, to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors as the General Assembly mav enact: "First. He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. "Second. He shall have resided in the State one year (or, having previous ly been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. •Third. He shall have resided In the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. "Fourth. If twenty-two years of age and upwards, he shall have paid within two years a State or county tax. which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month be fore the election." be amended so that the same shall read as follows: Section 1. Every citizen, male or fe male. of twenty-one years of age, pos sessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections, subject, however, to such laws requir ing and regulating the registration of electors as the General Assembly mav enact: First. He or she shall have Deen a Bringing Up Father % 0, # @ # By McManm COOD LOOK WHAT IT [ v J L YOU DON'T I VOMDER 4 n MFAN THAT -/ s*Vf«> THE Y?"* T W SMVMR.AMD ] \ ME.! WHY HE WAhTSI MARRIED! / --JL PW»EP- ANOTHER A rMv/noTE o ! I - I V. / [ Vle? <oinc, to < E yyj f I A j ft / SATURDAY EVENING, I citizen of the United States at least 11 one month, I Second. He or she shall have re f sided in the State one year (•>l*, having I previously been a qualified elector or i native born citizen of the State, he or • she shall have removed therefrom and ! returned, then six months) Immediate- I I ly preceding tho election. | Third. He or she shall have resided I I the e!?:t!on district whore he or she i j shall iiTer to vote at least two months; lmmodi.it-sl;/ preceding the election. | )«nurtn. If twenty-two years of age' I ana upn avds. he or she shall have paid ' | withi.i two years a State or county tax. I which shall have been assessed at least i two months and paid at '.east one month | before the election. | Fifth. Wherever the words "he." I 1 "his.' "him." and "himself" occur in any section of article VII of this Con-I ; stitution the same shall be construed as if written, respectively, "he or she," i "his or her." "him or her," and "him- ! j self or herself." A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 1. i CYRUS E. WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. j Number Two. A JOINT RESOLUTION j Proposing an amendment to section eight of article nine of the Consti-; tution of Pennsylvania. Sectton 1. Be it resolved by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of j the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in ' General Assembly met. That the fol j lowing is proposed as an amendment to ilhe Constitution of the Commonwealth , of Pennsylvania, in accordance with the I provisions of the eighteenth article : thereof:— Amend section eight article nine of! tne Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which reads as fol- I ! lows: "Section 8. The debt of any county, ' city, borough, township, school district, j or other municipality or. incorporated' i. st , r , lct " exce Pt as herein provided, ! shall never exceed seven per centum ; upon the assessed value of the taxable property therein, nor shall any such municipality or district incur any new debt, or increase its indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valuation of property I without the assent of the electors there- i 2 a L a ,i P^ b,lc ?*;tion tn such manner as shall be provided by law; but anv! city, the debt of which now exceeds' seven per centum of such assessed vai- l nation, may be authorized by law to j increase the same three per centum, in j the aggregate, at any one time, upon such valuation, except that any debt or debts hereinafter incurred by the city and county of Philadelphia for the construction and development of sub ways for transit purposes, or for the construction of wharves and docks or the reclamation of land to be used In the construction of a system of wharves and docks, as public improvements owned or to be owned by said city and ! county of Philadelphia, and which shall ! yield to the city and county of Phila delphia current net revenues in fvl .pl I of the interest on said debt or debts and the annual Instalments necesMfirv ,for the cancellation of said debt or . debts, may be excluded in ascertaining i SW, P „ ol f' e 1 r i of . th £ clty a,,d county of Philadelphia to become otherwise in debted: Provided. Thai a sinking-fund ! for their cancellatloYi shall be estab lished and maintained." no that it shall read as follows: Section 8. The debt of any county,; borough, township, school district ! Sr »°f . er ,T,unici Pality or Incorporated i district, except as herein provided, shall ! never exceed seven per centum upon ■ the assessed value of the taxable prop e>;ty therein, nor shall any such mu nicipality or district Incur anv new debt, or increase its Indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon WW asse ssed valuation of property I without the consent of the electors' 1 thereof at a public election In such manner as shall be provided by law" ; but any city, the debt of which on the first day of January, one thojsand 1 ! eight hundred and seventy-four ex ceeded seven per centum of such as , sessed valuation, and has not since been i reduced to less than such per centum ! I may be authorized by law to Increase I the same three per centum in the ag- I , gregate, at any one time, upon such ' j valuation. The city of Philadelphia I i upon the conditions hereinafter set l forth, may Increase Its indebtedness to ! the extent of three per centum in excess of seven per centum upon such as sessed valuation for 'he specific pur , pose of providing for all or any of the I following purposes. to wit: For the ; construction and Improvement of sub- 1 ways, tunnels, railways, elevated rail ways, and other transit facilities; for the construction and improvement of' wharves and docks and for the re- I I clamation of land to be used in the 1 construction of wharves and docks owned or to be owned by said city' harrisburg SlSSfe telegraph > ! Such increase, however, shall only be i | made with the assent of the electors i thereof at a public election, to be held in such manner as shall be provided i; by law. In ascertaining the borrowing , capacity of said city of hiladelphia. at I any time, there shall be excluded from : the calculation a credit, where the work . | resulting from any previous expendl ture, for any one or more of the ; specific purposes hereinabove enumer- j i ated shall be yielding to said city an i j annual current net revenue: the amount j of which credit shall be ascertained by j j capitalizing the annual net revenue - during the year immediately preceding ! the time of such ascertainment Such ' ; capitalization shall be accomplished by ! I ascertaining the principal amount [ which would yield such annual, cur rent net revenue, at the average rate i ; of interest, and sinking-fund charges i payable upon the indebtedness incur- ! I red by said city for such purposes, up j to the time of such ascertainment. The ■ method of determining sucn amount, so 1 ; to be excluded or allowed as a credit. I 1 may be prescribed by the General As j sernbly. j In incurring Indebtedness, for any , one, or more of said purposes of con struction. Improvement, or reclamation, . the city of Philadelphia may issue its obligations maturing not later than fifty years from the date thereof, with i provision for a sinking-fund sufficient to retire said obligation at maturity, 1 the payments to such sinking-fund to be in equal or graded annual instal- I ments. Such obligations may be in an ! amount sufficient to provide for and ' I may include the amount of the interest' and sinking-fund charges accruing and I i which may accrue thereon throughout i the period of construction and until; the expiration of one year after the ! ; completion of the work for which said i Indebtedness shall have been incurred; > ■ and said city shall not be required to' levya tax to pay said interest and I sinking-fund charges, as required by! | section ton of article nine of the Con i stltution of Pennsylvania, until the ex- I plration of said period of one year after I j the completion of such work. ji A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 2. CYRUS E WOODS. ! S-ecretary of the Commonwealth. j i Number Three, i A JOINT RESOLUTION I Proposing an amendment to section i I twenty-one of article three of the ' Constitution of Pennsylvania. Section X. Be it resolved by the Sen- 1 e ate and House vt Representatives of 11 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lr. | General Assembly met. That the fol ; j lowing amendment to the Constitution I of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ! be, and the same is hereby, proposed, j in accordance with the eighteenth ar- I tide thereof:— j Amend section twentv-one, article | three of the Constitution or the Com- I monwealth of Pennsylvania, which [ reads as follows: I "No act of the General Assembly j shall limit the amount to be recovered I for injuries resulting in death, or for ! injuries to persons or property, and in j case of death from such Injuries, the j right of action shall survive, and the [ General Assembly shall prescribe for i ! whose benefit such actions shall be i prosecuted. No act shall prescribe any 1 limitations of time within which suits I may be brought against corporations for Injuries to persons or property or for other causes different from those fixed by general laws regulating actions against natural persons, and such acts now existing are avoided " so that it shall read as follows: ' The General Assembly may enact laws requiring the payment of emplov- ■ ers. or employers and employes joint* Iy, or reasonable compensation for In juries to employes arising In the course of their employment, and for occu patlonal diseases of employes, whether or not such injuries or diseases result I in death, and regardless of fault of em j ployer or employe, and fixing the basis ■of ascertainment of such compensa- I a ?J? the . maximum and minimum I limits thereof, and providing special or : general remedies for the collection' thereof; but In no other cases shall I , the General Assembly limit the amount to be recovered for injuries resulting I in death, or for injuries to persons or l property, and In case of death from i such injuries, the right of action shall I survive, and the General Assembly ' shall prescribe for whose benefit such actions shall be prosecuted. No act ' shall prescribe any limitations of tlma ' within which suits may be brought against corporations for injuries to per- . sons or property, or for other causes \ different from those fixed bv general laws regulating actions against na tural persons, and such acts now exist OCTOBER 23, 1015. ' trig: are avoided. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. CYRUS E. WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Four. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Con stitution of this Commonwealth in accordance with provisions of the eighteenth (XVIII) article thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met, and it Is hereby en | acted by the authority of the same, I That the following is proposed as at amendment to the Constitution of th« Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac cordance with the provisions of the eighteenth (XVIII) article thereof:— AMENDMENT Laws may be passed providing for a system of registering, transferring, in suring and guaranteeing land titles bv I the State, or by the counties thereof, land for settling and determining ad | verse or other claims to and interest In lands the titles of which aj-e so regis tered, transferred, insured, and guar anteed; and for the creation and collec tlon of indemnity funds; and for carry ing the system and powers hereby pro vided for into effect by such existing courts as may be designated by th« Legislature, and by the establishment of such new courts as may be deemeo necessary. In matters arising in and J under the operation of such system, judicial powers, with right of appeal, may be conferred by the Legislature upon county recorders and upon other officers by it designated. Such laws ' may provide for continuing the regis tering, transferring, insuring, and guaranteeing such titles after the first or original registration has been per j fected by the court, and provision may be made for raising the necessary funds for expenses and salaries of officers, which shall be paid out of the treasury of the several counties. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 4. CYRUS E. WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Martha E. Fox. late of Hnrrisburg, Dauphin county. Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrlsburg. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to mate immediate payment, and those having claims will present I ihem for settlement. W. STUART FOX, I DAISY E. STRAUSNER, Administrator. Election Proclamation NOTICE of an election to be held November 2, 1915, to decide whether or not the indebtedness of the City of Harrisburg shall be increased. Notice is hereby given that an elec ■' tlon will be held, at the time and I places for holding the General Elec tion in the City of Harrisburg, on Tues | day, the second day of November, 1815, between the hours of seven I o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. m., | for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the electors to a proposed increase of indebtedness of the City of Harris burg. I The amount of the last assessed valu ation of taxable property in the City lof Harrisburg is fifty million, three hundred and thirty-six thousand, seven hundred and fifty-four dollars (S.iO.- 336,751). The amount of the existing debt, of the City of Harrisburg is one million, nine hundred and thirty-one thousand, seven hundred and linetepn dollars and fifty-seven cents ($1,931,719.57). The amount of the proposed Increase | of indebtedness of the City of Harris burg is three hundred and sixty thous and dollars ($360,000). The percentage of the proposed in crease of indebtedness of the City of Harrisburg is .0071319 (plus) per cent The purposes for which the indebted ness aforesaid is to be Increased are las follows, viz: "For the construction of a bridge with the necessary approaches there to, on the line of Walnut street, from a point at or about the western Una of the right of way of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to a point at of about the intersection of Twelfth arid Walnut,streets, and the consequential damages resulting therefrom." threa hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) "For the purpose of equipping the fl.-e department with motor driven ap paratus and remodeling fire houses to accommodate the same," sixty thous and dollars ($60,000;. JOHN K. ROYAL, Mayor of the City of Harrisburg. (Corporate Seal) Attest; CIIAS. A. MILLER, City Clerk. Harrisburg, Pa.. October 1, 1915. Try Telegraph Want Ads
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