18 ftEWSFROM THEHARRISBURGCHURCH WORLD FIELD DAY FOR M. E. ANNUITY Prominent Laymen Will Speak in Behalf of Cause in This District Field day for the I I \\ annuity fund of the I .Methodist churches I of the Central Penn sylvania Conferen e 9W all'of*the churches Blnl iWHIyWi of that denominu afeilLdcalßß t,on in . the Ha, 'th* | services to-morrow. Vmßhhhw Prominent 1a y - men will occupv the pulpits, speaking in behalf of a cause which has become a conference-wide movement, started fifteen years ago. Field days similar to the one planned for this city have hecn held in the Juniata and Altoona districts with successful results. The plan adopted has resulted from the desire to provide for the retired ministers, widows and orphans, offer ing them adequate support. The need of taking care of the aged ministers who have devoted their life to religious enterprise is being impressed with emphasis upon the churchgoers with an urgent plea for assistance. The Rev. C. W. Karns was selected | at the last session of the conference to take charge of the campaign to raise I the fund from SIOO,OOO to $400,000. the amount needed to give every re- ; tired pastor or widow of a deceased pastor comfortable support. Prominent laymen from other ' hurches are devoting much time to making the campaign successful. Among those who will speak in this district are William L. Woodcock, a well-known attorney from Altoona; C. <'. Shuey, a Bellefonte businessman; W. A. Bouse, of Tyrone: H. A. Syllng, Y. M. C. A. secretary, of Bell wood, and Professor W. A. Robinson, of Car lisle. Assignments The assignments for the churches of Harrisburg and vicinity have been an nounced as follows: West Fairvicw, 7.30. and Marvsville. ' 10.30, S. A. Howard. Enola, 10.30, J. W. Davis. Grace. 10.30, the Rev. C. W. Karns. j Epworth, 10.30. Harvey E. Knupp; j 7.30. W. A. Bouse, Tyrone. Stevens Memorial, 10.30, C. C. Shuey, Bellefonte. Fifth Street. 10.30, 11. A. Syling, I Bellwood. Ridge Avenue. 10.30. W. L. Wood- ! <ock. Altoona; 7.30. 11. A. Syling. Curtin Heights, 10.30, W. A. Bouse: I 7.30. C. C. Shuey. New Cumberland. 10.30, Professor! W. A. Robinson. Carlisle. Mechanicsburar. 10.30. Wilmer Crow: ] 7.50. the Rev. C. W. Karns. Toymen will rpeak also in the Dun- I ■ annon. Liverpool and New Buffalo | • hurches. PRESBYTERIAN" Covenant. The Rev. Harvey Klaer ' pastor; the Rev. Alfred Fowler will! preach at 10:30, "The Solution of the! • "hurch's Chief Problem," and 7:30 by: the pastor. "The Story of Achon"; ' Sunday school. 2: Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30; j Sunshine Mission Band. 6:15; Men's i Prayer meeting 7. Olivet. The Rev. William O. Yates, at 10:30, "Making Haste Slow-j ly"; at 7:30 "God's Promises"; Sun-1 day school at 2: C. E., at 6:30. Bethany. The Rev. John M. War- j den. pastor. 7:30. "A Study From the j Book of Hebrews"; Sunday school, 9: C E„ 6:30. 1 Pine Street. The Rev. Lewis Sey mour Mudge, D. D„ the Rev. J. S. Armentrout. assistant: 10:30 "The Peril of Privilege": 7:30. Fifth ser mon in current series. "Jashobeam, Eleazer and Shammah—A Study in Chivalry": 1:30, Sunday School; 1:40, Advanced Department. Adult Bible c lasses: 6: 30 C. E. Tmmanuel. The Rev. H. Everett ITallman. 10. "The Third Beatitude"; 7:30. "The Young Man and His Visions; Sunday school, 11:15: C. E.. «:30. At Calvary. The Rev. P. Mac kenzie, 10:15, the Rev. Alfred Fowier of Philadelphia will preach.. "The Solution of the Church's Chiefest Problem." the pastor will preach at 7:30 on "The Great Rejection"; C. E., 6:30. Market Square The Rev. Edward Hawes, D. D„ Sunday school at 9:45; 11, "No Substitutes For Obedience"; C. E., 6:30; 7:30 "Fading as a Leaf— An Autumn Meditation." Capital Street. The Rev. B. M. Ward, 10:45: S. S., 12:15: C. E. at 6:45; 7:30 the Rev. Alfred Fowler will speak on "Thi* Church's Greatest Problem and How to Solve It." Westminster. The Rev. E. E. Cur tis. 10, "What the Preacher Is to Preach": Sunday school. 1:45: C. E., 6:45: 7:30, "Miracles." Paxton. The Rev. Harry B. King will preach at 11 and 7:30; Sunday school at 10; C. E. 7. METHODIST Grace —The Rev. J. D. Fox. D. D. S'.3o, calss meeting: 10.30, the Rev. C. W. Karns; 1.4 5, Sunday school and men's Bible class; 6.45. Epworth League: 7.30, "The Old Paths." Fifth Street —The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.30, sermon by the Rev. H. E. Syling, of P.ellwood: 7.30, "The Interceding Spirit;" class meeting, 9.30; Sunday school, 2'; Epworth f/eague. 6.30. Stevens Memorial—The Rev. Albert swucker. D. D. Morning class, 9.30; 10.30, address by Dr. J. M. Yeager; Sunday school, 2; Epworth League. 6.30; 7.30, "Our Political Felons." Summerdale—Sunday school rallv, T'.3o: preaching. 10.30, by the Rev. Dr. A. S. Fasick, district superintendent: holy commtlnion and preaching, 2.30, by the Rev. Dr. A. S. Fasick; harvest home service at 7.30, led by the Rev. Dr S. C. Swallow. Ridge Avenua—«The Rev. William W. Hartman. 10.30. address by Wil liam Lee Woodcock, of Hollidaysburg; 7.80. address by H. A. Syling. of Bell wood; Sunday school, 2; Epworth League. 6.30. Camp Curtin Memorial—The Rev. A. S. Williams. 10.30, pulpit occupied by layman from Tyrone, Pa.: 7.30 C. C. Shuey. of Bellefonte, Pa., wtli speak: 9.30, class meeting; 9.45, Junior league:Jj.3o, Epworth devotional meet ing; 2, Sunday school. UNITED EVANGELICAL Park Street. The Rev. A. E. Han gen: Sunday school and congregation al rally at 9:30; speakers, the Revs. G. F. Schaum, M. L. Burger and J. G. Sands. German service at 3:15; Sr. C. E„ 5:45: Jr. 6:30: preaching services at 7:30; sermon by the Rev. M. L. Rurger. Harris Street. The Rev. George F. Schaum, 10:30, communion service by the Rev. W. F. Heil of Allentown; 2. Sunday school; 6:40. K. L c E 7:30, "This T Did For Thee." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ. Scientist— Board of Trade Hall. Sunday, II a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Testimonial meet ing, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Free read ing rooms. Kunkel building, 12.30 to 4:30 p. m. daily, also Monday and Saturday evenings. SATURDA Y EV ETSTI N G, HARRISBURG ENDEA PLANS FOR BIG 1916 CONVENTION Superintendent of Christian Citizenship Department Among Big Men Who Visited City This Week Burton W. Swayze, of Allentown, superintendent of the Christian citi zenship department of the State Chris tian Endeavor Union, visited this city in the Interest ot the State Christian Endeavor convention, to be held here in July, next year. He lias been a resident of Allentown rbout fourteen years and has been generally active in the work during the past five years, first in the First Presby terian Church and later in the Allen town Union in several capacities until made its president, which office ho held for three terms. He has been re elected superintendent at the Union town convention. During the last ad ministration as Ailentown Union presi dent the efficiency campaign work came to the front and he organized a county class, graduating thirty-five out of the forty-two that started. Under this impetus Lehigh county organized another class last winter and grad uated 111 out of 127 that started. This was the largest county class to be graduated in the United States in na- i Pastor to Preach Long Series of "Why" Sermons To-morrow evening in the Bet hie-; hem Lutheran Church, the Rev. J., Bradley Markward. pastor, will be-1 gin an interesting series of "Why" sermons. The sermon subjects and dates fol-: low: October 24. "Why 1 Believe in God"; October 31, "Why !• Believe in i the Bible": November 7, "Why 1 Be-1 lieve in Jesus Christ": November 14,. "Why 1 Believe In the Church"; No vemebr 21, "Why I Believe In the] Home." All of the sermons wtill bej preached at the evening services be-1 ginning at 7.30 o'clock. LUTHERAN Memorial.—The Rev. L. C. Manges, i D D., Men's prayer meeting at 10; at 10:30, "Children and the King of Heaven": at 7:30, "The Prodigal Son"; 1 Sunday school at 2: Jr. Luther League at 5:30; Senior Luther League Rally | at 6:30. Holy Communion. The Rev. Jno. Henry Miller, at 10:45, "Holy War fare"; at 7:30, "A Study in Leviticus"; Sunday school, 9:30; Luther League, 6:30. Calvary The Rev. Edward H.! Paar, 11, "A Weak Faith Made 1 Strong"; 7:30, "Christ's Warning Against Offenses"; Sundav school at 10. , Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D. 10.30. "Some Things a Congregation Should Know"; 7.30, "Why I Believe in God." first in a series of "Why" sermons; Sunday school, 1.45; C. E., 6.30. Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stamets. 10.30, "The Mountains of Myrrh"; 7.30, "The Healing of Naaman"; Sun day school, 2; C. E., 6.30. Zion—The Rev. S. Winfield Her man. 10.30, "The Cost of Self-Sur render"; 7.30. "A Plea For Open Eyes"; Sunday school. 1.45; men's class, 1.50; men's devotional hour, 10. Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reisch, D. D. 10.30, "The King's Highway": 7.30, "The Rev. George E. Guille, of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, will preach: Sunday school, 2; men's Bible class in Fackler's Hall. 2. Riverside Mission—Sunday) school at 2; communion services conducted by the Rev. E. E. Snyder at 2. Messiah—The Rev. W. H. Hanson. 10.30, annual sermon, "The Home and the Church"; 7.30. last sermon in a series, "Beacon Lights of Sacred His tory, "John Hus": 2. Sunday school; 6.30, "Saving the Nation For God." Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. E. D. Weigle. 10.30, "The Nobleman's Faith"; 7.30, "The Armor of God"; Sunday school, 9.15. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen helder. 10.30, "The Second Beati tude"; 7.30. "The Ingratitude of a Grateful Man"; Sunday school, 2; C. E., C.30. St. Matthew's —The Rev. E. E. Sny der. 11 and 7.30. preaching; Sun day school, 11; C. E.. 6.30. Redeemer —The Rev. E. Victor Ro land. The Rev. H. C. Holloway, D. D., will preach at 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30; Jr. C. E., 2; Sr. C. E., 6.30. CHURCH OF GOO Enola —The Rev. O. J. Farling. Preaching, 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 2; Jr. C. E.. 3; Sr. C. E., 7. Maclay—The Rev. F. 1. M. Thomas. 11, "Striving to Perfection"; 7.30, "Soul Farming"; Sunday school, 9.4.". Green Street The Rev. C. H. Grove. 10.30, "Satan's Ceat"; 7.30. "The Fear of Man"; Sunday school, 2; Jr. C. E., 3; Sr. C. E., 6.30. Nagle Street. The Rev. J. A. Staub, 10:30 and 7:30 communion; Sunday school, 1:30; Sr. C. E., 6:45; Jr. C. E„ 9:15. Fourth Street. The Rev. William Yates, will preach at 10:30 on "God's Will" and at 7:30 on "The Battling Hosts"; Sunday school at 1:40; C. E., at 6;30: Dr. Yates will speak to men at 1:40 on "Getting Our Eyes Open." BAPTIST Tabernacle The Rev. Calvin A. Hare, D. D. 10.30. "Is'the World Growing Better?" second of scries; 7.30, "Music and Evangelism"; Bible school, 11.30; B. Y. P. L\, 6.45; at the Herr street branch preacfng in both Roumanian and Hungarian at 10.30' and 7.30. Market Street. The Rev. W. H. Dollman. 10:30, "Grace"; 7:30 "Bap tism of Fire"; Sunday school at 11:30; Young People's Meeting. 6:30. First. The Rev. W. S. Booth. 10:30, "Echoeß"; 7:30, "God's Way With a Good Man": Sunday school at 11:30; C. E.. 6:30. METHODIST Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. Dea vor. 11. "Our Amunity," H. E. Knupp; 7.30, "Our Veterans," G. W. Bouse; Sunday school, 10; class meet ing. 9; Epworth League, 6.30. Asbury—The Rev. W. H. Gaines. 11, "A Call to Believers"; 8. "Divine Invitation"; Sunday school) 2; Ep worth League, 7. St. Paul's —The Rev. Robert W. Runyan. 10.30, the Rev. Mr. Rishell will speak, "The Fullness of Christ"; family worship, 9.30: 7.30, "The Doom of the Impenitent." AUGSBURG I.I'THERA% MUSIC Prelude (Elevation in E major), St. Saetis; offertory (Melodv in C), E. Silas; postlude (Festival March). Teilman. Evening Prelude (Pastoral In F), J. S. Barh: anthem (Sweet Is Thy Merev), Barnby; offertory (Andante in F), Wely; postlude (Fugue In C minor), Mendelssohn. Edwin B. Wase. organ ist and chorister. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street. Sunday school, 10: preaching 11. by A. K. Holllnger. Preparatory services 4; love feast and communion services, 6. B. W. SWAYZE, M. D. tional Christian Endeavor. One hun dred and eleven new Christian En deavor experts are planning to attend the State convention. "Our Political Felons" Is Subject of Sermon "Our Political Felons"' will l>e the sermon-subject to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock in the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Tirteenth and Vernon Streets, the Rev. Dr. Clay ton Albert Smucker, minister. He w|H issue a call to all young men to take a hand and part in Municipal Govern ment. This is the third sermon In special series to young men. Relation of Christianity to Politics Will Be Discussed at Meeting On Sunday morning, at 10:30 o'clock, at Pine Street PresbyteriH n Church, the pastor, the Rev. Dr. U S. Mudge. will discuss "The Peril of Privileges." Dur ing: this service the choir will sing "Like as a Father" (Marston), and Mrs. < ox will sing as a . rolo, "Jerusalem, Thou That Killest the Prophets (St. Paul)" (Mendelssohn). At the evening service, at 7:30 o'clock, the popular series of sermons will he continued with the story of, and lessons for, "Jashobeam. Rleazer, and Shammah—A Study in Chivalry." Mr. MeCarrell will play an organ' recital beginning ai 7:20 oVlock. using the fol lowing numbers: "Scherzo Svmphoni que (Ouilmant); "Reverie" i Silver). The choir numbers will be "Sun of My Soul" (Turner), and "Hail to the Lord's Anointed" (Andrews^. The Sunday school meets at 1:40 p. m. The Christian Endeavor Society will discuss "Capturing Politics For God at its meeting at 6:30 o'clock. The program which has been prepared will include as a special feature letters from many prominent men expressing their views of the relationship of Christian men in politics. Following is the program: Song, Onward Christian Soldiers; prayer, Benjamin Whitman; subject, "Captur ing Politics For God"; Scripture, Psalms, 33: 8-22; The City Flag Chas. Low; The Flag: of the State, Rebecca Stewart; The Stars and Stripes. John Geitman; The Government. Dickson Garner: Election Evils, Benjamin Whitman; song. Work For the Night Is Coming; letters from prominent people on the duties of young endeav orers towards elections, will be read as follows: William H. Taft, Ruth Hoover; J. F. Hanly, Edgar Shope; M. G. Brumbaugh, Franklin Metzier; Dr. S. C. Swallow. Ramsey Black; Rudolph Blankenburg, Wm. R. Xaugle; Vance C. McCormick, Prof. Irvin Hamaker: John K. Royal, Samuel Franklin; Dr. Floyd Tomkins, Daniel Burkholder; Mrs. Frank Roessing, Miss Grace Long; Detective, William J. Burns, Noble Frank; Dr. L. S. Mudge, Helen Sloop; Dr. Francis E. Clark, J. Frank Palmer; Dr. Clarence H. Chain, John M.ller; the Rev. Frank E. Moyer, Bovd Rutherford; A. C. Dean, Anna McKel vey; the Rev. E. E. Curtis, Helen Smiley; prayer, the Rev. J. S. Armen trout; song, America; Ten-sentence prayers, Mr. Thompson, Sarah Arnold, Noble Frank. Ruth Tack, Edna Miller, Helen Smiley, Sam Franklin, Mrs. Ed gar Shope, John Miller, Martha Dun lap; announcements, social five min utes; song. God Be With You Till We Meet Again; Christian Endeavor bene diction. City Rescue Mission to Hold Seven Meetings The following churches and socie ties wil ltake part in the meetings of the City Itcscue Mission, 107% South Second street the coming week": Sun day, Open air meeting followed by a gospel meeting in the mission "in charge of the Rev. E. P. Robinson. Monday, Grace Methodist Episcopal Church; Tuesday, teaching by the su perintendent; Wednesday. Church of the Brethren; Thursday. Stevens Me morial Methodist Episcopal Church; Friday, Workers' meeting; Saturday, Martin Stutzman, speaker. GIDEONS HOLD ANM AI. MEET AT READING Reading. Oct. 23. —The sixth annual State convention of the Gideons Chris tion Commercial Travelers' Associa tion of America was held in the Y. M. C. A. here to-day. The membership is 250. The object (if the society is the placing of a Bible in each guest room of every hotel. Their motto is "Win ning the Commercial Traveling Men For Christ." The State officers are: President, John W. Gailey, Bedford, and secre tary and treasurer. William S. E. Essick, of Harrisburg, who was pres ent to-day. Sessions were held this afternoon and will be continued this evening. REFORMED St. Matthew's Enola, the Rev. W. R. Hartzell. Holy communion morning and evening; Sunday school. 9:43; C. E., 6:45. Salem The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer; at 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school at 1:30. St. John's The Rev. G. W. Hart man; 11, "Echoes From Synod, at 7:30 Holy communion; Sunday school, 9:45; T. P. S. C. E., 6:30. MUSIC AT FOURTH REFORMED Music at Fourth Reformed Church, Sixteenth and Market streets, for Sun day is as follows: Morning—Prelude. Romance. Shel ley; offertory. Offertory, Demaigre; an them, "Rejoice Greatly," Woodward: pcstlude. March. Batiste. Evening—Prelude, "Festal March, * Kroeger; offertory, "Antienne," Ba tiste; anthem, "The Sun Shall Be No Mere," Woodward; postlude, Postlude, Rinck. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH GERMAN SERVICE AT PARK ST. U. E. Pastor \\*ill Preach in That Language During Rally Day Services For a number of weeks special com mittees and other members of Park Street United (Evangelical Church have been busy working up Interest in the Rally Day &ervices to be held to morrow. One of the former pastors, the Rev. M. 1.. Burger, of Reading, will speak. as well as the Rev. G. F. Schaum, pastor of the Harris Street congregation, of this city, and the vet eran, the Rev. J. G. Sands. At 9:30 a m. a combined Sunday school and con gregational rally will be held. At this time there will be special .vocal and in strumental music and addresses. To each person atendlng this service who Is W years and over, will be given a beautiful flower and a specially reserv t'l's morning session there will be also baptism of children. _ Preach In fierman At '':ls p. m. the pastor, who on most of his former fields has preached In the German language, will conduct a service in this langage. a part of which will be the preaching of a Ger man sermon by him. The church choir will render a specially prepared Ger man song and the singing of "old-time i.erman choruses" will feature this meeting. Many people of the church and of other churches In the city have sig nified their purpose to be present at this time. Light lunch for those who will stay in church from the morn ing to afternoon services. . e .. alm the Senior and Junior Christian Endeavor societies is for each to have 100 In their meetings, and it is believed that this number will In each case be reached. A live program will he presented In each meting. The dny's services will come to a close with the regular evening ser vices at which the Rev. Mr. Burger will be the speaker. The Sunday school orchestra will be present and both it and the church choir will render spec ial music. In connection with these closing services a series of evangelis t c meetings will be started to con tinue for at least several weeks. For the musical end of these *a large re vival chorus will be used. rXITKI) BRETHREN Si. Paul's, Wormleysburg—The Rev. CJ. B. Renshaw. 10.45 and 7.30; Sun da> school, 9.30: senior Christian En deavor, ti.3o; junior Christian En deavor. 5.41. State Street The Rev. E. A. G. flossier. "Deliverance Through Christ:" 7.30, "Things Secret and Re vealed;" Sunday school, 9.30; junior Christian Endeavor, ti; senior Chris tian Endeavor. G. 30. Derr.v street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter. 13. D. 10.30 and 7.30: Sunday school, 2; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. First—The Rev. C. E. Bougliter 10.30. "The Christian in Adversity;" 7.30. "The. the Solution of Our Diffi culties;" Sunday school, 1.45; Chris tian Endeavor, 0.45. Otterbein—The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp, D. D. 10.30, "Overcoming Evil;" 7.30 "The Father of the Race;" Sunday school. 2: christian Endeavor, 6.30. Sixth Street. The Rev. Joseph Daugherty; 9:15, praise service; 10:30, "Greatness Through Service"; 7:30 "Be a Courageous Christian": 1:45 Sunday school; 5:45 Jr. C. E., 6:30 C. EPI SCOP All St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. S:,wyer. 8, holy communion; 10, Sun day school; 11. morning prayer, ser man. This Sunda** has been desig nated as "education Sunday" and the Rev. Floyd Appleton, of"St. Pauls Church, will preach. 4.30, evening prayer. St. Andrew g. The Rev. James F. Bullitt. Morning prayer, 10:30; Sun day school. 12; monthly children's service, 3:30; sermon by the Rev. Dr. Frederic Gardiner, of Germantown, on "Religious Education" 7:30. St. Paul's. The Rev. Frederic Gardiner will preach at 11 on "Reli gious Education"; 2:30 Sunday school: . :30 The Rev. Fioyd Appleton will preach on "Guide Posts" the third in a series entitled "Climbing Toward God"; in the morning the Rev. Floyd Appleton will preach on "Religious Education" at St. Stephen's church. St. Augustine's Archdeacon E. 1,. Henderson, 11, morning prayer; 7:30, evening prayer: Sunday school. 12:30. MISCELLANEOUS The Christian and Missionary Alli ance—W. H. Worrall. Sunday school. 9.30; preaching, 10.30, "Prayer;" 7 30 "Power." Gospel Hall 10.30, breaking of bread; 2.30. Sunday school; 7.30. preaching by Evangelists Armstrong, of Hartford, Conn., and Winemiller' of this city. Associated Bible Students—The reg ular Sunday services will be held at ?• o'clock at Cameron's Hall. 105 North Second street, subject. "Other Resti tution Types;" Berean study. 2. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NOTES Secretary H. B. Macrorv delivered an address at the Schuylkill county Christian Endeavor Union convention r eld at Cressona recently. Benjamin "Whitman, superintendent of the pood citizenship committee of Harrishurg Christian Endeavor Union ir doing considerable work toward making the topic interesting for dis cussion in the Christian Endeavor so cieties to-morrow. • An interesting nrogram has been prepared for fli,. Christian Endeavor service at the Pine Street Presbvterlan 10-morrow evening. A number of Endeavorers will take part in the rrogram Benjamin Whitman will corwiuot service. The Christian Endeavor Peace T_ mo" has an enrollment of 2 (>4 9 members. All names should be sent to the Rev. F. K Clark. Boston. Mass for enrollment. CATHOLIC Cathedral Mir. M. M. Hassett. Low mass. ( : children's mass. 9: high mass, 10:30: Sunday school. 2-30' ves pers and benediction. St. Lawrence The Rev. p. p. Huegal. High mass. 10; low mass, S: Rundav school. 2:30; vespers and benediction. St. Francis The Rev. D. J Carev T'Ow mass. S and 10; Sunday school' 2:30: vespers and benediction 7-30 Sacred Heart. The R ev .' Georsre Rice. T,nw mass. R: high mass, 10; . nmlav '"bnol, 2; vespers and bene diction. 2:30. S». Marv's. The Rev. Wtlliam V. Dailev. Lew mass. 8: high mass 10:30: Snndav school, 2; vespers and benediction. 7:30. Svlvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls—Low mass and benediction, 7. CATHOLIC CALENDAR Sunday—St. Raphael. Monday—St. Uhrysanthus. Tuesdav—St. Evaristus. Wednesday—St. Frumentius. Thnrsdav—S. S. Simon and Jude. Friday—St. Narcissus. Saturday—St. Marcellus. A. M. E. Weslev Union—The Rev. W. A. Ray. 10.4. r >, "The River of Peace"; 12.30, Sunday school; 5.30, Jr. C. E.; 6.30, Sr. C. E.; 7.30, special services. Rethel—The Rev. TT. G. Leeper. 10.30, "The Prince of Peace"; 7.30, "Our Christian Duty": 12.30, Sundav •ehnol: A. C. F. K. k an ![—T"" 1 W ITH ■ lie Church, there are so many of us who prefer to stay outside and crit icise rather than express our belief in the great work of Christianity being done by those who, allied with other workers, are constructively aiding the cause of Christianity. If the former is your attitude, take a fresh start tomorrow and GO TO CHURCH This advertisement has been authorised and l» being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrisburg Widely-Known Minister to Conduct Conference ' iiii^ THE REV. GEORGE E. GUILLE The Rev. George E. Guille of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. 111., will conduct the Fifteenth Interdenom inational Bible conference in the first Baptist Church. Second . and Pine streets, Monday and Tuesday at 3.30 and 7.45 p. m. each day. The subjects on which he will speak will be in" the following order, begin ning with Monday afternoon. "The Exaltation of Christ." "The Priesthood of Christ," "The Advocacy of Christ. "The Advent of Christ." To-morrow he will speak to men and women In Fahnestock hall, Sec ond and Locust streets, at 3.30 p. m., on the "Old, Old Story, - ' and in the evening in Christ Lutheran Church. Thirteenth and Thompson streets, at 7.30 o'clock. TOPIC SIDELIGHTS The topic for discussion In the Chris tian Endeavor societies to-morrow will be "Capturing 'Politics for God, ' Psalm 38:8-22. It is a fact that all governments sh,ould be ruled by God. Following are a few comments by prominent persons in reply to several questions on "Should a young man or woman who is a member of the Chris tian Endeavor Society or who is de voted to high ideals of the Christian life work in and about the polls at either the primary or general election, where they are compelled to mingle with much that is. of a baser sort, but should they do it with a desire to bet ter conditions of their city. State or nation?" I cannot conceive how a man, with religious convictions, can be without patriotic feeling and an intense in terest in the promotion of good gov ernment.—William H. Taft. There is only one gudie for the honest elector, namely, to vote for the man his conscience approves. Ru dolph Rlankenbnrg. It is my judgment that all good people shoudl take an active part in civic duties and register their votes for men who are tlean, honest and ca pable.—M. G. Brumbaugh. Politics in its highest and best sense offers to Endeavorers and Christians a golden opportunity to translate into effective action the creed to which they cling.—Vance C. McCormlck. I*believe that it is the duty of every young man to take an active part in clean politics and agitate the election of good men to office, irrespective of party, and it would be an excellent idea to have a committee of young men to work ground the polls.—John K Royal. Overwhelm election places with that character of erood people and in that way there will be a tendency to elimi nate many of the hitherto bad features that always surround electton places. —W. J. Burns, president of the Inter national Detective Agency. A Christian voter has no business voting for a bad man. He is bigger than any nolitical party, and should make it his business to vote for the very best men, irraannctlve of their partv affiliations.—E. E. Curtis. Christian vounsr mer. and women, ton. of hi ell id*>a!« *ho"Ul work at the polls on election da;-. —S. C. Swallow. I MI'SIC AT MESSIAH M THKBAX Morninir Prelude. "Offertoiro in R Flit." A«hmall: offertorv. "Soll tud®." Pndard: anth»ni. "I Will Give Tbnnk«s," Prnallwood: postlude, "Ga votte in D Minor," Ecker. Evening Prelude. "Svmphony T>nthe»inii»." Tsriiflitfowakv: offertory, "Melodv in G " Fenlke*: aonreno nolo. "Jegu, Jeau. »vin: post lude. "Marche Militaire." Wilm. A. W. Hartman, director. f'Ht'RCH OF rHTJTST Fourth Ptrpet. Th» Rev. J. G. P">itVi. 11. "The T,ord'« Simper": 7:30. "The Ijfmp of the Body'; Sunday school, 10; C. E.. G:3O. Lomoyne. Tli» R«v. Mel vt n Mensre>". 10:45. "The Task of tTie Strong"; 7:30 "Conversion in the Rook of Acts"; Sunday school, 9:30; C. E.. £ • 0 f% OCTOBER 23 Will Preach Sermons on "Religious Education" Two sermons on "Religious Educa tion" will be delivered in Ilarrisburg on Sunday by the Rev. Dr. Frederic- Gardiner. of Germantown. In the morning he will preach at St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church and in the evening at St. Andrew's. The Rev. Dr. Gardiner was head master of Yeates School, Lancaster, for years, until he resigned a year or so ago. He continues as a member of the Diocese of Harrisburg. although residing at Philadelphia, and is the representative of this diocese on the Board of Religious Education of the Third Province. Dr. Gardiner will lie a week-end guest of the Rev. James F. Bullitt, rec tor of St. Andrew's parish. RECEPTION FOR R.:v. MR. GROVE On Thursday evening a reception was held by iho Green Street Church of God in honor of the return of the pastor for the seventh year, recently appointed by the East Pennsylvania Eldership at its sessions at Golds boro. The church was beautifully decorated with (lowers, ferns and palms. About one hundred and twenty-five members and friends of the congregation assembled to wel come back their pastor. Addresses were made by the Rev. J. C. Forn- I crook, of Penbrook; the Rev. F. T. M. Thomas and the Rev. D. D. Sharp, of this city. A purse of money was pre sented to the pastor and a beautiful bouquet to Mrs. C. H. Grove. Re sponse was made by the pastor. A victrola furnished charming music during the social hour spent after the regular program had been completed. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Evangelistic services will be held to morrow in the St. Pauls Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. C. W. Rishel, of Willi&msport, who opened a campaign in that church last wek. At 10.30 o'clock he will speak on "The Fullness of Christ." and at 7.30 o'clock, on "The Doom of the Impeni tent." At 3 o'clock in the afternoon a special service will be held for men when "The Unnatural Man" will be the subject of the address. ELECT OFFICERS The following officers were elected last night by the juniors of the Young Men's Christian Association: Edward Roth, supervisor: John Beck, chair man: Kenneth Fisher, treasurer: Frank Shaffner. secretary; Stephen Goho, press agent: Julius Kamsky, as sistant. LOVE FEAST A love feast and communion ser vices will be held to-morrow evening in the Church of the Brethren, Hum mel street, in charge of the Rev. A. K. Hollinger. Preparatory services will be held at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. SPECIAL ADDRESS To-morrow afternoon at 1.40 o'clock the Rev. Dr. William N. Yates will deliver a special address in the Fourth Street Church of God to men on "Get ting Our Eyes Opened." ; PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH^| ITj THIRD AND PINE STREETS | | Sunday, October 24 Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor. I . § i 10:30 A. M. m "The Peril of Privilege" i £ Genesis 3:24 jjj ■$ 1.30 P. M. 1.40 P. M. | | ij- Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes 17:30 P. M~ I | "Jashobeam, Eleazar, Shammah" A Study in Chivalry 2 Samuel 23:17 "These Things Did These Three Mighty Men." H Ten-minute Organ Prelude—Excellent Choir Music X Hearty Congregational Singing , 0 Practical Spiritual Preaching .-Xj; Sunday Evening, October 31 "The Woman of Samaria" 1 A Study in Decision 1 <S , The Sixth In the Current Series of Kvening Sermons. Gospel Herald Tent Services Will Closi The Gospel I lerald Society whirl j lias been holding meetings in a larg l tent erected on the corner of Four teeth and Walnut streets for the las two months, will close Sunday and wil open the meetings next Wednesday it their new mission hall in Yerbek street, over the Broad street Marke house. The Rev. W. G. Oilman will b the speaker. Services to-morrow will be as fol lows: Sunday, Children's meetinp 2..10 p. ni.: preaching, 3 and Bp. ni MUSIC AT GRACE M. E. To-morrow's music at Grace Meth odist Episcopal Church is announce! as follows: Morning, organ prelude ("avalina, Wheeldon: chorus. "Th King of Love," Shelly; organ offer tory; Andante Oantabile. Weber: quar tet. "Rock of Ages." Ruck: orga postlude. Allegro Maestoso, Rcac Evening, Organ recital, 7.20. (at Lai go from Xerxes, Handel: (b) Andanti We)y:'(c) Serenade, Schubert: choru: Vesper Hymn: duet, "Nierht Hymn a Sea," Goring-Thomas. Miss Ruttorl and Mr. Phillips; chorus, "T Waitc For the Lord," Mendelssohn: due Obbligato by Miss F.uttorff and lln Forster: organ offertory, Meloi™ Gliere; quartet Near the Cross, (Stabat Mater) :Tirga postlude, Comrnoration March, Frev Will R. Stonesifer, organist; John W Phillips, director. MUSIC AT AUGSBURG At Augsburg Lutheran Church to morrow, the following musical pr<" gram will .be given: Morning, pre lude. "Elevation in E Major," (S Saens); offertory, "Melody in C," (I Silas): postlude, "Festival March. (Tellman). Evening. prelude, "Pa.« toral in F." (J. S. Bach); anthen "Sweet Is Thy Mercy," (Barnby): o( ' fertory, "Andante in F," (H. Wely) ; and postlude. "Fugue in C Minor. (Mendelssohn). MUSIC AT FOURTH REFORMED The following musical program wi : be given at Fourth Reformed Ohurc services to-morrow: Morning. pr< lude, "Romance." (Shelley): offertor; (Lemaigre); anthem, "Rejoice Greai ly," (Woodward); postlude, "March, (Baste. Evening prelude. "Fest; March." (Kroeger); offertory. "Ar tienne," (Batiste); anthem. "The Su Shall Be No More," (Woodward I postlude, (Rinck). CHANGE OF REHEARSAL On account of the Melba concei which occurs on Monday evening, th extra weekly rehearsal of Grace Met) odist Episcopal choir will be held o Tuesday evening this coming weel A special Thanksgiving musical set vice is being prepared. P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. SERVICES Weiglimaster F. R. Stoher will COT duct the services in Pennsylvani Railroad Young Men's Christian Asst ciation to-morrow afternoon at 3.3 o'clock. The subject of the talf "Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?"
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