14 NEWS OF THE HARRISBURG CHURCH WORLD BUSINESSMEN TO SUPPLY SERMONS Dr. 6 Smucker Will Preach on Church Questions as They See Them More than a month ago Dr. Clay ton Albert Smucker sent to twenty five businessmen in the city the fol lowing letter, to gain information on which to base a series of sermons: My dear Sir: As a minister of one of the churches of Harrisburg, I am desirous of obtaining the opinion of some of the leading business and professional men relative to the church and its work in this city, I am intensely conscious of the fsct that ofttimes ministers have very indis tinct, or at least vague ideas as to the real mind and attitude of the business world toward the church and ministry of our modern times. Personally, as a minister, I should like very much to have you give me a l'rank and open expression of your views upon certain questions that are vital to church problems in Harris burg. I ask this of you for the reason that I desire to look to these prob lems from the standpoint of the busi ness world, as well as from the stand point of the ministry. I assure you that I shall be deep ly interested in any answer you may give to my queries or any suggestions you may have to offer. I am writing to a number of the citizens of Harris burg and I am frank to say that their replies will form the basis of a series of sermons which I hope to preach during the month of October. If if is not asking too much, will you kind ly give me a word or two on the fol lowing questions: Why do so many men pass by the door of the church? What do you consider the most im portant work beipg done by the churches of Harrisburg? What do you consider the greatest weakness of the modern church? What specific evils, if any, in our city should receive attention from the pulpit? Is the modern church, in your esti mation, fulfilling the office for which it was founded by Jesus Christ? Your replies wilT be considered strictly confidential and your name will not appear in any of the ser mons which I may deliver on the sub jects suggestd by these replies. Thanking you in advance, I am Most cordially yours, Clayton Albert Smucker, Minister of Stevens Memorial Church. Last Sunday evening Dr. Smucker preached his first sermon in this spe cial series of sermons. To-morrow evening he Is to talk on "Dangers Con fronting Young Men From the Coun try Who Seek Wealth and Fortune in the City." These Sunday evening sermons by Dr. Smucker will be given choral accompaniment by some of the best musical artists In the city. Sun day night the big male chorus will sing. CHURCH OF GOD Pleasant View. The Rev. George W. Harper; Sunday school, 9:45; 10.45 "Putting Each One In Remembrance of These Things"; Sr. C. E. 6:45; 7:30, "Does Our Life Count?" Penbrook. The Rev. J. C. Forn crook, 10:30, "God's Bounties —A Har \eßt Home Service"; 7:30 "True Broth erhood," a Sermon to Modern Wood men; Sunday school, 9:30; C. E., 6:40. Maclay The Rev. T. I. M. Thomas 11, "Abiding and Walking in Christ": 7:30, "Christ the Door to Salvation"; Sunday school, 9:45; Jr. C. E. 6:30. Green Street. The Rev. C. H. Grove, 10:30, "Learning From Christ" 7'30, "Christian Privilege"; Sunday school, 2; Jr. C. E., 3; Sr. C. E., 6:30. Fourth Street. The Rev. William N. Yates, 10:30, "The Modern Naaman": 7:30, "The Naked Truth"; Sunday school at 1:40; C. E., 6:30. CATHOLIC Cathedral —Mgr. M. M. Hassett. Low mass, 7; children's mass, 9; high mass, 10:30; Sunday school, 2:30; ves pers and benediction, 7:30. St. Lawrence The Rev. P. D. Huegal. High mass, 10; low mass, 8: Sunday school, 2:30; vespers and benediction, 3. St. Francis The Rev. D. J. Carey. Low masses, 8 and 10; Sunday school, 2:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. Sacred Heart The Rev. George Rice. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene diction, 2:30. St. Mary's. The Rev. William V. Dailey. Low mass. 8; high mass, 10:30: Sunday school, 2; vespers and benediction, 7:30. Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls—Low mass and benediction, 7. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris Street. The Rev. Geo. F. Schaum: 10:30, Old People's service; address by the Rev. H. B. I-lartzler, D. D., and the Rev. Geo. Ott; 2, Sunday school: 6:40, K. L. C. E.; 7:30, "The Crossing of Jordan." Park Street. The Rev. A. E. Hangen; Sunday school, 9:30; Holy communion at 10:45, sermon by Pre siding Elder W. F. Hell; 7:30, "An Old Testament Rally"; Jr. C. E., 5:45; Sr. C. E., 6:30. A Live Address on a Live Subject by a Live Wire at the meeting of the Derry MSB Street United Brethren Men's Bible Class to-mor row afternoon at 2 o'clock. O. P. Bcckley, one of the red-blood teachers of the * Jjfl class, will be the speaker of the afternoon. will be a heart-to-heart talk of vital interest to every o. p. BECKLBJT man. Yes, there will be something in it for you! Special music by big twelve-piece orchestra. Rousing song service—you just can't help joining in. Derry St. U. B. Men's Class Fifteenth and Derry Sts. SATURDAY EVENING, DOUBLE SILVER J BE HELD IN HONOR ■ j| <ls AIRS. H. F. F. LISSE The Rev. H. F. F. Lisse Hat Been Married and in the Ministry Twenty-Five Years A double silver Jubilee will be cele brated to-morrow in German Evan gelical Lutheran Zlon Church, Herr and Capital streets. The congregation has planned a big observance in honor of the twenty fifth anniversary of the Rev. Mr. Lisse's wedding and also the twenty fifth anniversary of his work in the ministry. The Rev. Mr. Lisse came to this city to take charge of the German Luth eran Church in 1899, and has been in this city ever since. He came to the United States in 1890 shortly after he had been married in Berlin, Germany, and less than six months after he had graduated from the Theological Sem inary- in Kropp, Schleswig-Holstein. BIL' Celebration. In honor of the double silver anni versaries to-morrow members of the Dr. Mudge to Continue His Series of Sermons At Pine Street Presbyterian Church to-morrow the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mudge, will preach on "Belief is the Best and Belief in the Best." At the evening service he will present the fourth of the sermons in the current series on "Obvious Lessons from Ob scure Lives." The topic will be "Abi gail—A Study !n Tact." Before the regular service Mr. McCarrell plays an organ recital, be gining at 7.2 0 o'clock. The program this week will be: Prelude and Fugue in F Sharp Minor, Brosig; Nocturne, Mendelssohn. During the service the choir will sing "Like As a Hart," Mor rison. and Mrs. Cox and Mr. Sutton will sing a duet, "Early Will 1 Seek Thee." Ashford. The Sunday school and Bible classes meet for the study of the Bible at 1.30 p. m. The total attendance of Pine Street Sunday School last Sunday, when the rally day service was held in the church school, was 1,492. The topic for consideration at the midweek prayer service will be "The Cure for Troubled Thoughts." MUSICALE AT GRACE M. E. Morning—Organ prelude, Andante, Batiste; chorus, "The Lord Is Ex alted," West: organ offertory, Ro mance, Henselt; quartet, "Jesus, Lover ofr My Soul," Williams; organ post lude, choral, "Von Gott Will Ich Nicht Lassen," Stiller. Evening—Organ re cital at 7.20: Festal March, Calkins; "The Answer,'' Wolstenholme; Noc turne, G Minor. Chopin: chorus, "The Twilight Falls," Emerson (obligato by Mrs. Fager); chorus, "Even Me," Warren; organ offertory. Reverie, D'Orso; quartet, "The Friend That Walteth Nigh," Macy;" organ post lude, Moderato Maestoso (fifth sonata), Capocci. W. R. Stonesifer, organist; John W. Phillips, director. TO DEDICATE LIGHTS At the First Baptist Church to-mor row morning a dedication of the new electric lighting system in memory of Miss Mary J. Young, a pioneer mem ber of the church, will be observed. The pastor, the Rev. Wlnfleld S. Booth, will read a sketch of her life and preach a sermon on "The Light of the World." DR. CAMPBELL TO TEACH Dr. E. E. Campbell, president of Irving College, will teach the men's Bible class of Redeemer Lutheran Sunday School tomorrow morning at 9.30 o'clock. Dr. Campbell, who has taught the class previously, is always given a royal welcome and the men propose to be present one hundred strong. CHURCH OF CHRIST Lemoyne. The Rev. Melvin Menses, 10:45, "A Great Dinner"; 7:30 "Prayer in the Book of Acts"; Sunday school, 9:30; C. E., 6:30. Fourth Street. The Rev. J. G. Smith. 11, "Elijah's Commission"; 7:30, "The Double Solitude of Christ"; I Sunday school, 10; C. E., 6:30. » ' 1 w* , A M £&■ ' ■ • $ * THE REV. H. F. F. LISSE congregation have made special ar rangements for an appropriate cele bration. In the morning at 10.30 o'clock the Rev. Dr. W. Jeutsch, of Riverside, N. J., a friend of the Rev. Mr. Lisse, will conduct the services and preach. At 7.30 o'clock a German-American ser vice will be held in honor of the pastor's many friends. The Rev. George von JBosse, of Philadelphia, and the Rev. Dr. Charles F. Dapp, of Spring City, Pa., will speak. An invi tation has been extended to all of the Lutheran congregations in the city to be present at this service. Evangelist Will Open Campaign at St. Paul's £HKt IV*#W jHHU K BH|| ffil 3* * THE REV. C. K. RISHEL Beginning with the lord's Supper to-morrow evening, the Rev. C. K. Rishel, of Wllllamsport, conference e\angellst will conduct a two weeks' campaign in St. Paul's Methodist church. The Harrisburg Evangelistic chorus will sing at each service. The Rev. Rishel is official evangelist 0 fthe Central Pennsylvania Confer ence of the Methodist church and was selected because of his intimate knowledge of the policy, usages and customs of the Methodist church. LUTHERAN Trinity Camp Hill, the Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle; 10:30, "Individual Chris tian Activity"; also at 7:30; Sunday school, 9:15. Zion. The Rev. Stinefleld Her man, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 1:45; Men's class, 1:50. Christ. The Rev. Thomas Reisch, D. D., Harvest Home service, 10:30, "A Basket of Summer Fruit"; 7:30, "The King's Highway"; Sunday school, 2; Men's Bible class meets at Fackler'a hall, 1310 Derry street, 2; C. E., 6:30 Augsburg. The Rev. A. M Stamets, 10:30, "Christ Again in Cap ernaum"; 7:30, the Rev. W. F. Bare will preach; Sunday school, 2; C E at 6:30. ' Trinity—The Rev. R. L. er, 10:30, "The First Beatitude"; 7:30 "The Power of Christ"; Sunday school! 2. C. E., 6:30. St. Mark's. West Fatrview, the Rev. A. G. Wolf; Sunday school, 9:80; C. E., 6:30; preaching 7:15. St. Paul's. New Cumberland: the Rev. A. G. Wolf; Sunday school, 9:30; preaching, 10:30; C. E., 6:30. Redeemer. The Rev. H. C. Hollo way, D. D., will preach morning and evening; 9:30, Sunday School; 10:30 and 7:30 preaching; 2, Jr. C. E, 6 30 Sr. C. E. Holy Communion. The Rev. John Henry Miller; 10:45, "To Will and to Do": Sunday school, 9:30. Zion. Enola, The Rev. M. S. | Sharp; 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school 9:30; C. E., 6:45. 1 Calvary. The Rev. Edward H. Paar, 11, "The Man Not Having a ! Wedding Garment": 7:30, "Becoming las Little Children"; Sunday school, I 10. St. Matthew's. The Rev. E. E. I Snyder. 11, Holy communion; 7:30| i "The Salt of the Earth"; Sunday | school, 10; C. E. 6:30. ; Messiah. The Rev. Henry W. A. I Hannon, 10:30, "They Brought Him to ] Jesus"; 7:30, "Bernard of Clairvaux"; I Sunday school, 2. Memorial. The Rev. L. C. Manges D. D.; Men's prayer meeting 10; .it .10:30, "The Vine and the Branches"; I 7:30. "Spiritual Pride; Sin's Greatest | Condemnation": Sunday school, 2; Jr. Luther League, 5:30; Sr. Luther [League, 6:30. REFORMED Salem—The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer. 10.30 and 7.30: Sunday school, 1.30. | Second The Rev. Harry Nelson | Rassler. 10.30 and 7.30; S'i.iday i school. 1.45; Christian Endeavor. 6.30. St. Matthew s. Enola, The Rev. I W. R. Hartzell, 10:45; Sunday schoot, 9:45; C. E., 6:45. The Fourth. The Rev. Homer Skyles May: 10:45. "The Wonderful Promise": 7:30, "A Challenge for the Day"; Sunday scholo, 9:30; Heidelberg C. E., 6:30. St. Andrew's. The Rev. W. U. Hartzell, 7:30- Sunday school, 9:30; M. B. C., 6:45. (Other Churvhcs on Page 10.) HARRJSBURG TELEGRAPH 2 BIG DAYS FOR DERRY ST. MEN O. P. Beckley to Deliver Ad-1 dress Tomorrow; Chestnut Outing Oetober 22 To-morrow will be the first of two 1 big days in the life of the men's Bible class of Derry Street United Brethren Church, Fifteenth and Derry i streets. O. P. Beckley, one of the llvewlres of the lay church world of Harrisburg:, will deliver an address on "New Men For Old" at the afternoon session of the class. It will be a heart to heart talk of special interest to men, and the membership committee headed by C. Raymond Wolf is work ing for an attendance of at least 350 men. The second big day will be the an nual chestnut outing of the class at some point in Clark's Valley alleged to be filled with chestnut trees and chestnuts. The men will leave the church at 7 sharp next Friday morn ing on a thirty-five mile rubberneck auto trip, to be made by truck. Base ball, football, trapshotolng, eating, rail riding and other manly sports will be features of the occasion. METHODIST Ridge Avenue The Rev. William W. Hartman. 10.30, "Light at Even ing Time;" 7.30, "The Goodness of God;" Sunday school, 2; Epworth League, 6.30. Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.30, "The Gospel After the Cross;" 7.30, "The Pentecostal Bless ing; class meeting, 9.30; Sunday school, 2; Epworth League, 6.30. Camp Curtin Memorial—The Rev. A. S. Williams. Old folks' and rally day. 10.30, "The Gospel of Rest;" 7.30, rally day exercises; all depart ments of the Sunday school will be represented in the program; 2, rally day in Sunday school; 6.30, Epworth service: 9.30, class 9.45, junior league. St. Pauls The Rev. Robert W. Runyan. 10.10, "His Last Words" and holy communion; 7.30, "What It Is to Be a Christian." by the Rev. C. W. Rishel, of Williamsport, conference evangelist; Sunday school, 1.45. Asbury—The Rev. W. H. Gaines. 11, "The Accepted Time;" 8, "That Spiritual Rock;" Sunday school, 2; Epworth League, 7. Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D. 9.30, class meeting; 10.30, "Christ's Estimate of His Own Kingdom;" 1.45, Sunday school and men's Bible class; 6.45, Epworth League: 7.30, "Heaven! What? Where? For Whom? Are You Going?" _ Epworth. The Rev. J. D. W. Deavoe, 7:30, "Man's Chief Privilege"; 7:30, "My Harvest"; Sunday school, 10; class meeting, 9; Epworth League, 6:30. PRESBYTERIAN Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Curtis. 10, "Unbelief;" Sunday school, 1.45, rally day; Christian Endeavor, 6.30; 7.30, "An Old Testament Grafter." Market Square—The Rev. George Edward Hawc.i, D. D. Sunday school, 9.45; 11, "A Mighty Plea;" Christian Endeavor. 6.30; 7.30, "The Impelling Power Within." Calvary—The Rev. Frank P. Mac kenzie. 10.15, "Ancient Saints;" 7.30, "Things Which Keep Us From God;" Sunday school, 9; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Klaer. 10.30, "The Why of Church Building;" 7.30, address by Mrs. Robert Fitch, of Hangkow, China; Sunday school, 2; Christian Endeavor, 6.30; men's praver meeting, 7. Bethany. —-The Rev. John M. War den; 7:30, "The Keeping Power of God," Sunday school, 9; C. E.. 6:30. Immanuel. The Rev. H. E. Hall man, 10 and 7:30; Sunday school, 11:15; C. E., 6:30. Pine Street. The Rev. Lewis Sey mour Mudge, D. D., the Rev. J. S. Armentrout, assistant; 10:30, "Belief is the Best and Belief In the Best"; 7:30; "Abigail—A Study in Tact"; 1:30 Sunday school; 1, Advanced Depart ments Adult Bible classes; 6:30 Sr. C. G. BAPTIST First.—The Rev. W. S. Booth, 10.30, ! "The Light of the World"; 7:30, "Why I am Not Ashamed of the Christ"; 11:30, Sunday School; 6:30, C. E. West End. The Rev. W. W. Cllp pinger, pastor; the Rev. Mr. Sellers will preach at 7:30; Sunday school at 10:30; Young People's meeting, 6:45. Market Street. The Rev. W. H. Dallman, 10:30, Mrs. Oliver W. Stew art, national lecturer for the W. C. T. U. will speak; 7:30, "Baptism in the Holy Spirit"; Sunday school, 11:30; Young People's meeting, 6:30. Tabernacle. The Rev. Calvin A. Hare, D. D., pastor; 10:30, "Is Chris tianity a Failure?" 7:30, Great Day of the Feast and the Illumination of the Temple," the third of a series. Bible school at 11:30; B. Y. P. U», at 6:45; at the Herr Street Branch preaching by M. L. Kenisz in both Rumanian and Hungarian at 10:30 and 7:30. Second. The Rev. Albert Greene, pastor, 10:30, "The Expectant Atti tude of the Disciple of Jesus"; 7:30, "Life's Bargains"; Sunday school, 12; B. Y. P. U., 6:30. UNITED BRETHREN Otterbein —The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp, D. D. 10.30, "The Right Word;" Sun day school. 2; 7.30, "The Opportunity of Youth;" Christian Endeavor, 6.30. St. Paul's, Wormleysburg—The Rev. G. B. Renshaw. 10.45 and 7.30; Sun day school, 9.30: senior Christian En deavor, 6.30; junior Christian En deavor. 5.45. Sixth Street The Rev. Joseph Daugherty. 10.30, "Imitators of God"; 7.30, "Blessedness of the Spiri tual Life"; Sunday school, 1.45; 7.45, praise Bervice; 5.4 5, Jr. C. E.; 6.30, Sr. C. E. State Street. The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier, 10:45, "The Preciousness of Christ": 7:30. "Not Ashamed of the Gospel"; Sunday school, 9:30; Jr. C. E 6; Y. P. S. C. E„ 6:30. Derry Street. The Rev. J. A. Lyter, R. D., 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 2; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30. EPISCOPAL St. Augustine's—Archdeacon E. L. Henderson. 11, morning prayer; 12.30, Sunday school: 7.30, evening prayer. St. Steohen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, Jr. 8, holy communion; 10, Sunday school: 11. morning prayer; 4.30, evening prayer. Andrew's The Rev. James F. Bul litt; Holy communion, 8: Morning prayer, 10:30; Sunday school and I Bible classes, 12; evening prayer, | 7:30. | St. Paul's. The Rev. Floyd Apple -5 ton. Holy communion, 11; "Femin | ism"; 7:30, "The Guide," second in a | series "Climbing Toward God." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist— j Board of Trade Hall. Sunday, 11 a. m. ! and 7.30 p. m. Testimonial meeting, j Wednesday, 8 p. m. Free Reading I Rooms. Kunkel Building, 12.30 to 4.30 j p. m. dally, also Monday .and Saturday | evenings.—Adv. t —~4=>— — V 'pHE Christian Church in its activity is as * strong or weak as its members. It is the humanity of the Church which conditions its greatest power for good. So, unless you are an active member of the Church, giving to it your best, you have no authority to character ize it as being weak. Learn the better way. Go to Church Tomorrow This advertisement has been authorized and is being p aid for by the Associated Churches of Harrlsburr C. E. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HERE Two Meetings and Banquet Will Be Held Tuesday by Endeavorers ' .. Hr > 9k i IjpjF H. B. MACRORY, State Secretary. Many Christian Endeavor Societies of this city and Dauphin county will participate in th executive meeting, banquet and big mass meeting to be held In this city on next Tuesday. The State officers will be entertained by the local union. • The State Executive committee will hold meetings in the Pine Street Pres byterian lecture room on Tuesday morning and afternoon. At 3.30 o'clock a joint meeting of the State officers and representatives of the various societies of the Harris burg union will be held when plans concerning the State convention to be held in this city will be discussed. State Officers Coming Among the State officers and prom inent Endeavorers expected to attend are: Dr. Clarence H. Chain, president State Christian Endeavor Union, Philadelphia; H. B. Macrory, State secretary, Pittsburgh; Harry W. Kel ler, treasurer, Pittsburgh; vice-presi dents, the Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Tomp kins, Philadelphia; the Rev. Dr. W. A. Jones, Pittsburgh; the Rev. Dr. R. G. Bannen, Williamsport; the Rev. H. E. Wieand, Ph. D„ Bedford; J. A. Boyd, Wilkes-Barre; the Rev. Dr. George T. Webb, Philadelphia; H. J. Heinz, Pittsburgh; Bishop U. F. Swen gel, D. D., Harrisburg; the Rev. Dr. C. E. Shaeffer, Reading; J. Henry Stauff, Pittsburgh; the Rev. Dr. Lee Gaul, Philadelphia; George McDonald, Altoona; the Rev. George A. Long, Pittsburgh; Frank L. Dershem, Lewis burg; the Rev. Cloyd Goodnight, Un iontown; the Rev. L. Walter Lutz, Chamberburg. Department superin tendents—Junior, C. C. Culp, Gettys burg; Intermediate—E. J. Huggins, Harrisburg; Christian citizenship, Dr. B. W. Swcyze, Allentown; evangelistic and quiet hour, the Rev. Dr. J. Sala Leland, Pittsburgh; introduction. Miss C. M. Rhodes. Reading; press, the Rev. Walter A. Greenway, Phila delphia; prison, Miss Anna B. Cun ningham. Uniontown; missionary. Miss Grace D. Reimer, Easton; float ing, The Rev. H. P. McHenry, Ph. D., Philadelphia; transportation, Alfred |w. Bowman, Philadelphia; Dauphin County C. E. president, the Rev; F. E. Moyer, Hlghsplre; Harrisburg C. E. president, A. C. Dean, city; the Rev. E. E. Curtis, city, chairman conven tion committee, and others. Banquet to He Given A banquet will be held at 6.15 o'clock in the First Baptist Church, corner Second and Pine streets. Many delegates and pastors are expected to attend. State officers and prominent Endeavorers will speak. A big mass meeting will be held In the evening at the Fourth Street Church of God. Fourth near Market street. Important phases of C. E. work will be discussed by prominent Endeavorers. The Harrisburg C. E. choral union will render special music for the oc casion. CATHOLIC CALENDAR Sunday—St. Hedwig. Monday—St. Luke. Tuesday—St. Peter Alc'ntara. Wednesday—St. John Kenty. Thursday—St. Hllarlon. Friday—St. Mello. Saturday—St. Theodoret. A. M. E. Wesley Union The Rev. W. A. Ray. 10.45, "The Needed Help;" 12.30, Sunday school; 7.30, "The Lost Boy." Bethel The Rev. U. G. Leeper. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 12.30; Christian Endeavor. 6.30. At 3 the Rev. W. A. Ray will preach. I OCTOBER 16, 1915. Many Minisiers at Funeral of the Rev. Dr. George Sigler Special to The Telegraph Mechanlcsburg, Pa., Oct. 16.—Yes terday afternoon the Church of God was crowded to Its capacity for the funeral service of the Rev. Dr. George Sigler, a former pastor. About forty ministers were present and the coun cils from Linglestown and Progress churches, his last charge, attended and were honorary pallbearers. Officiating at the funeral was the Rev. Dr. D. S. Shoop, of Camp Hill, assisted by the Rev. J. W. Deshong, of Lancaster; the Rev. Dr. S. G. Yahn and the Rev. Dr. W. N. Yates, of Harrisburg, and the Rev. Charles F. Raach, pastor of the local church. Acting as pallbearers were the Rev. C. H. Grove, of Harris burg; the Rev. J. 6. Forncrook, of Penbrook; the Rev. G. W. Getz, of Steelton; the Rev. J. O. Farling, of Harrisburg; the Rev. Mr. Stouffer, of Penbrook. and the Rev. C. D. Rishel, of Mount Joy. The ministers of the local churches attended in a body and among others were the Rev. Dr. T. J. McCarrell, of Mlddletown, and the Rev. Mr. Emenheiser, of Shlremans town. Sympathy and love of friends was expressed in a profusion of beautiful floral tributes, entirely covering the front of the chancel. Burial was made in the Mechanicsburg Cemetery. MISCELLANEOUS Associated Bible Students—The reg ular Sunday services will be held at Cameron's Hall. 105 North Second street. Subject. "The School of Christ." Perean study at 2. Religious Society of Friends will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs Howard E. Eves, Camp Hill, to-mor row afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Christian and Missionary Al liance The Rev. W. H. Worrall, Sunday school, 9:30; 10:30, "A Pas sion for Souls,"; 7:30, "The Possibil ities of Faith." SECOND REFORMED MUSIC The following program of music will be rendered at the Second Re formed Church, Sunday: Morntng—Prelude, "Festival Fan tasia," Tschirch; anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord," Bridge; postlude, "March Religieuse," Merkle. Evening—Prelude, "Elegle," Le maigre; soprano solo. "Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace, Speaks, Mrs. Ada Culp Bowman; anthem, "O, That I Knew," Bennett; postlude, "March in G," Smart. MUSIC AT MESSIAH LUTHERAN Morning Prelude, "Meditation," Smith; offertory, "Chanson D'ete," Clyde; bass solo, "Treasure In Heaven," Van de Water; postlude, "Maestoso," Genevrier. Evening—prelude, "Prelude in D Flat," Chopin; quartet, "The Mellow Eve," Holden; offertory, "Chant Du Paysan," Lott; anthem, "Praise the Lord," Smart: postlude, "Postlude in E. Minor," Wagner. A. W. Hart man, director. If/ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NX W/ THIRD AND PINE STREETS >1 § Sfe Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor. Sunday, October 17 10:30 A.M. I | "Belief is the Best 1; and- | fj Belief in the Best" •! j I ' Mark 9:23-24 J|: 1.30 P. M. 1.40 P. M. i-j| Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes £jj| I| 7:30 P. M. | | "Abigail—A Study in Tact" < I Samuel 25:33 j "David said unto Abigail, Blessed be Thy Advice." s This Service will be preceded by the usual ten-mlnut» P "] Organ Recital and will be enriched by uplifting Anthems, .'!l •. and Familiar Congregation Hymns. Sunday Evening, October 24 I \ j . "Jashobeam, Eleazar, Shammah" A Study in Chivalry > The Fifth in the Current Series of Evening Sermons. >-l ■ ..... '.J:'.,... ... .... £ Lutheran Missions to Hold Union Meeting At the morning service in Zion Lu theran Church tne Rev. W. F. Bare, secretary of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, will preach. All depart ments of the Sunday school at 1.45. The pastor will preach at the even ing service. There will be a splendid program of music at all services. On Monday evening there will lie a union meeting of the missionary societies of the Lutheran churches of Harrisburg. The principal address will be delivered by Mrs. O. D. Baigley, of Omaha, Nebraska, president of the general society. At the same hour in the lower church the men of Zion will be addressed by the Rev. W. P. Bare. On Tuesday evening the Literary Circle of Zion will begin its work. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet on Wednesday at 2 o'clock and the mid week service will be adressed by tho pastor. On Saturday afternoon tho Children's Missionary and Work Band will meet at 2.45 o'clock and in the evening tho Young People's Mis sionary Society will meet at the honia of Mrs. Means, 218 North street. C. E. Choral Union to Hold Final Rehearsal Harrisburg Christian Endeavor Choral Union will hold a rettoursal in the Fourth Street Church of God, [ Monday evening at 8 o'clock. This will be the final rehearsal prepara tory to the Christian Endeavor Fall rally and conference which will held in the same church, Tuesday evening, at which time the State C. E, officers will be present. : DIiRRY ST. USHERS ENTERTAINED Members of the Ushers' Association of the Derry Street United Brethrer Church were entertained at the honu of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lindsey, 358 South Fourteenth street. The Rev Dr. J. A. Lyter, pastor of the church gave a short address. Music was fur nished by Mrs. Ryder, of New Cum berland. Refreshments were served to the following guests: F. C. McDon ald, A. T. Sides, Raymond Wolf, H Knell, O. C. Rupp, Leroy Strawhecker C. S. Spangler, C. Howley, E. C. Fink enbinder, R. M. Filbert, H. C. Rupp W. Fitzpatrlck, J. G. Williams, Ed Hoover and A. T. Baker. MONTHLY BIBLE CONFERENCE TO OPEN NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday, October 2f and 26, the fifteenth monthly Bibl< conference will be held In the Firsi Baptist Church, Second and Pin« streets. The Rev. George E. Guille, of Chi cago, 111., connected with the exten sion department of the Moody Bibl< Institute, will he the teacher at th( conference. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street. The Rev. D. H Widder, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school 10; Christian workers. 6:45.
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