A Telegraph Want Ad fill Qiticldy Rent That Vacant Room LOST LOST Harrisburg Club certificate of indebtedness. No. 84. Reward. Ad dress P. O. Box 295, City. LOST A child's black velvet %potch hat, between Third and Brlggs x>ti Briggs to Green. Friday "'ternoon. Reward if returned to 257 Hrlggs street. LOST Black matchbox, containing piece of Spanish money. Reward of *5.00 if returned to this office. STRAYED OR STOLEN Halt frown grav cat; answers to name of erry. Reward If returned to 9 North Fifteenth street. City. LOST A gold watch, Sunday even ing, between Second and State and Third and Market at rets. Monogram on watch. E. M. W. Reward if returned to 1625 Swatara street. FOUND FOUND The best results have found by the ladies who had their Suits and Coats remodeled to the latest style by the Ladies' Tailor. H. L Powell. 925 North Third street. Estimates tree. FOUND That Eggert's Steam Dye ing & French Cleaning Works. 1241S Market St.. do the very besv. work In the city. Call either phone for >roof. We call and deliver. HELP WANTED —Male WANTED —Men to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We B i' ve .„ 11 y "« our unlimited SSO practical course no* for $lO. We practice you from the time you start on repairing and driving automobiles until you graduate, •fnirty cents per hour guaranteed as soon as they are competent of repair ing private cars. Auto lransportation School, 5 North Cameron street. WANTED Ten boys; must be will ing to work. Apply Monday morning, 7 A. MM at Smith's. 412 Market street. WANTED Plumbers, first-class. Apply R. J- Flowers, 113 South Thir teenth street. WANTED Men to cut off corn; $2.50 per acre. Inquire Jednota Farm, Middletown, Pa. $75.00 MONTH paid Railway Mail Clerks. Examinations announced Janu ary 15. Sample questions free. Wute immediately. Franklin Institute Dept. 360 H, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED First-class P a P*l: lianger. Apply R. E. Trimmer, 1920 State street. WANTED —Two young men to travel as salesmen; $6 to $6 per day; experi ence not necessary. We teach you the business. Expenses advanced. Apply Mr. Farwell, Metropolitan Hotel. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, BY., 372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins. Washington, D. C. WANTE- A colored porter. Apply 1913 Derry street " WANTED lndustrial insurance man (high grade), as Manager for Com pany about to open Harrisburg. age and experience. Very liberal salai j and commission. Address D., 31-8, care of Telegraph. 1 WILL PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part of spare I'm* canvassing. No capital. write_ to-day. Voorhies, Desk 155, Omaha., Neb. MEN WANTED to work on State Road. Apply Foreman on road between f>jtyaphin and Rockville. SBO MONTHLY and expenses, to travel, distribute samples and take ordt>rJ, or appoint agents. Permanen . Jap-American Co., Chicago. WANTED A first-class vegetable cook, white or colored, white preferred. Apply Superintendent Harrisburg Club, Front and Market. I WANTED A collector, one who speaks several languages; steady posi tion- rapid advancement to right party, one living in Steelton Pr c(er " d i®^. r 1 ) and rommisslon. Call Oeo. W. DeWltt, "19 Walnut street. Harrisburg. Room 206. ( WANTED Wide-awake, temperate man, 25 to 35 years of age, of character and ability, to deliver and collect from town and country customers. Personal bond of $350 required. Address R. B. Stout, care of General Delivery, Har sß A DAY easily made. Our proposi tion will interest you. Big profits. Positive necessity. Write A. E. Posey Specialty Co., 233 Collinsville Ave., East St. Louis. 111. $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co operate with us. Capital or experience unnecessary. Write to-day. V. A. Hubber, 142 St. Nicholos Ave., Dayton, Ohio. WANTED Special inducements to reliable man selling roses, shrubs, trees. Salarv earned payable weekly. Urst National Nurseries, Rochester, N. 1. COPy LETTERS Persons writing and copying letters irfake $lO to $25 weeklv following directions. Stamped envelope for particulars. Brooks Copy Co 9io Pennsylvania avenue, Wasn Ing. D. C. ANYBODY can Increase income $lO to S4O weekly, spare time, raising mush rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Suc cess guaranteed. Free illustrated booklet. Hiram Barton, 333 West Forty-eighth street. New York. WANTED Young men for locomo tive firemen. Experience unnecessary. Give age. Address R. S., care of Tele graphy WANTED, AT ONCE First-class millwrights. Immediate employment. Address J. F. Creswell, P. O. Box 264, Lancaster. Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza, Thursday afternoons or evenings. WANTED Machinists Lathe, planer, drill, miller and floor hands. Good pav and steady work for compe tent, reliable men. No labor or other troubles. Excellent living conditions. Shepherd Engineering Company. Wil llamsport. Pa. WANTED First-class toolmakers, profilers, millers, drillers, riders, barrel turners, blacksmiths and steam ham mer men to make drop forges. Also men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box 264. Lancaster. Pa. HELI* WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Fifteen bright lady so licitors; guaranteed salary. Apply Jewel Tea Co., 269 Broad street. / -» FOR SALE 108 BOAS ST. Three-story brick and stucco ■dwelling reception hall eight rooms hath cemented cellar— front porch steam heat. This house is strictly modern, and in a most delightful location. Price upon inquiry. Silt MACI.AY ST. A three-story brick dwelling with nine rooms bath and hot water heat. Here is an up-town property that deserves much more than ordinary consideration. Lot 21.8x108 ft. Price u<>on in quiry. 2STH AND UKEBNWOOI) STS. One square north of Derrv street— a 2%-story frame (single)' dwelling with eight room bath and fur nace. l>ot 60x90 ft. An attractive house ! n a splendid neighborhood. MILLER BROTHERS&CO. HE.*I, ESTATE Insurance Surety BwiiiN Locust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—I einale WANTED White woman for house work In adult family of three; refer ent-en required. Call 214 North Second street, third floor apartment. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers Packers, Killer and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. LADr STENOGRAPHER Must be neat and accurate; work light; short hours; salary, six dollars; good oppor tunity for extra work and advance ment. Address W., 3130, care of Tele graph. EXPERT training by my ii.Jthod, and every student employed Is my record last year; no failures; attend here and be successful. Harrisburg; Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. WANTED A brignt girl for the marking; and sorting department. Ap ply. Troy Laundry, 1620-26 Fulton street. LADIES Easy, refined. genteel work, whole or part time, S2O-$65 weekly ■selling well advertised "Knit top" formatting petticoats and "Carl ton" made-to-measure silk petticoats and waists. Experience unnecessary— we show you how; write to-day. Spel man & Co., Manufacturers. 1183 Broad way, New York City. LARGE knitting mill Invites cor respondence with women desirous of earning money, full time or spare hours. Blxperionce unnecessary. Good pay. Address International Mills, Inc., Dept. 20, Norristown, Pa. WANTED Persons to color art pictures at home; easy work: no ex perience; good pay: sample free. Glea son Wheeler, 337 Madison, Chicago. WANTED Girl for general hoivse w«*t In family of two; plain cooking; no washing. Apply 1531 Green street. WANTED Lady agents for selling our goods. Particulars sent on re quest. Miller & Smith, Jamestown, R. I. | REFINED, trustworthy woman paid liberal spare time income to Introduce Priscllla Fabrics among friends. Write Fitzcharles Co., N. J. LADIES make shields at home. SIO.OO per 100. Send stamp. Work sent pre paid. King Mfg. Co., 1431 Broadway, New York City. WANTED A good, strong, reliable woman for day's work; come with ref erence. Call 1504 State street. I WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. Go home nights. Three In family. No washing or iron ing. Reference required. Good wages. Address Box W. 3091, care of Telegraph. WANTED Eroerlenced sewing ma chine operators on ladles' and chil dren's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female I SONG POEMS WANTED for publica tion. Experience unnecessary. Send us your verses or melodies to-day or write for Instructive booklet—it's free. Marks-Goldsmith Co.. Dept. 233, Wash ington, D. C. WANTED Salesmen and sales ladies, all or spare time. Apply H. P. Motter, 1925 Derry street. AttENTS WANTED SALESMEN WANTED for high-class | office and factory specialty. Sells foi ls. Commission $1.50. Easy to sell one dozen daily. Send for particulars and complete instructions In Salesman ship, free. Arco Mercantile Co., Dept. 1, Cuba, N. Y. REPRESENT well rated factory, manufacturing exclusive patented, staple articles. No canvassing; experi ence unnecessary; by devoting all or spare time you should make big money. Pease Manufacturing Co., Desk 145, 68 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS Men or Women wanted to sell high-grade Hopsehold Specialty. Big Profits. Sample and Catalog Free. Write. E. C. Guerin & C 0... Canister, Penna. AGENTS Something new. Fastest sellers and quickest repeaters on earth. Permanent, profitable business. Good for SSO to $.5 a week. Address American Products Co., 3538 Third Btreet, Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS Here's the best line of food flavors, perfumes, soaps, toilet preparations, etc., ever offered. No capital needed. Complete outfits fur nished free to workers. Write to-day for full particulars. American \ Products Co., 3639 Third street, Cincin nati. Ohio. AGKNTS WANTED, men and women, to sell retail dry goods, notions and fancy goods stores only American made article to take place of foreign goods not now obtainable. Easy to handle. Samples free. Address Opportunity, Box 46, Flatiron Building, New York. OPPORTUNITY for Live Agents to handle splendid household specialty. No experience required. Big profits. Write The Brown Specialty Co., 200 Chestnut street, Haddonfleld. N. J. AGENTS Men and women—to handle our specialty; fast seller; sure repeater. Send to-day for partlcalars. Guthrie Specialty Co., 5313 Chancellor street, Philadelphia, Pa. ACTIVE, live agents to sell practical, useful device, approved and endorsed by highest authorities. Quick Sales. Large prots. Jungdahl Co., 30 Church street, New York. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED—For Harris burg and Cumberland valley; perma nent position; best line advertising! calendars, cloth and leather goods: com missions most liberal; Fall trade be gins now. Address, Sales Manager, United States Calendar Company, Cin cinnati. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work. big pay. Write for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest Office, Dept. 244, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chi cago, New York, San Francisco. SALESMAN Excellent permanent Fiosltion now open for capable salesman n Pennsylvania. Staple line for gen eral retail trade. Liberal commis sions. $35.00 weekly advance. Ralph H. Ide, 4742 Williams Building, De troit. SALESMAN Vacancy November 1— Experienced in any line to sell general trade In Pennsylvania. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Commission con tract. $35.00 weekly for expenses. Con tinental Jewelry Co., 237-42 Continental Building, Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED Salesman to call on Gro- I cers, Confectioners and General Stores. 15150.00 monthly and expenses. Sales Manager, 204 South Main street, St. Louis, Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED A white man, age 30, wants position as porter, or can do pressing and repairing of clothing for club or hotel; willing to do any kind of work. Address 1634 Catherine street. WANTED By young colored man, work of any kind; can give reference. Address 1413 Marian street, City. | WANTED Position of any kind iby boy 17 years of age. Address 1532 i Fulton street. City. WANTED By young, white man, position as chauffeur, prefer Ford, or driver of bakery wagon. Call, or ad dress, 1511 Moltke street. t SITUATIONS WANTED—FemuIe r WANTED White woman desires work of any kind by the day. Apply #l4 Sarah avenue. WANTED Position by middle-aged woman as pr.vate chambermaid or gen-, eral housework; can furnished refer ence. Apply 2440 Jefferson street, or phone (316), City. WANTED Position as housekeeper for widower with small family. Ad dress H„ 3131, care of Telegraph. WANTED By young, colored wo man, general housework or day's work. Apply, or address, 318 Mulberry street. WANTED White woman desires position as companion to elderly peo ple or housekeeping. Address 8., 3133, care of Telegraph. WANTED Washing of small fam ily to do at home by experienced and reliable white woman. 1650 North Fourth street. WANTED By colored girl, posi tion at housecleaning or washing and Ironing; can give good reference. Ad dress 1606 Elm street, City. WANTED An experienced white girl, 18 years of age. would like posi tion as child's nurse or chambermaid. Call, or address, 916 Cowden street, City. WANTED Colored woman and daughter would like work in private family, In city; daughter can wait; good | reference. Call, or address, 210 North Arch street, Mechanicsburg. REAL ESTA'flp FOR SALE NEW HOUSES wl wl steam heat—gas and electric light— all other modern Improvements desirable location brick construction. Prices, only $3,100 and $3,2p0. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE A large, three-story frame dwelling, No. 2332 North Sixth street; 9 large rooms and bath. In quire 2334 North Sixth street. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality in city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address "Home," care of Harrisburg Telegraph. FOR SALE Brick house in 1900 block on Susquehanna street. Good In vestment. Only small amount of cash needed. For particulars, see Edward W. Evans, Real Estate and Insurance, 711 Kunkel Building. (PORCHOMORK) (140) acres ($3,600) forty (woodland) chestnut, oak and locust. flowing (spring) water near fine set painted buildings. White and Drab double home with long porches, hardwood fin ished, water on porch, new wagon house and large bank barn. All kinds choice fruit. Beautiful Location mile (and) half to market. (Death) owned for (28) years. With fine young team horses (5) cows (10) hogs (80! chickens, hay, straw, oats, potatoes and corn—Left alone, only ($4,200). (EDUEBOHOHI (32) acres ($1,200) spot cash ($1,100) terms ($600) cash, balance easy pay ments. Nobby Home, bank barn, spring water flowing past buildings between two Public Roads handy to Good Nel~hbors, school, church, (mile) to Trolley Line and (2) large City Market. Apples, pears, cherries, peaches, plums, quinces, grapes. With (young) horse, dandy (cow) and (3) hogs (40) chick ens (50) bushel corn (20) oats (10) po tatoes (3) ton hay and straw if pur chased at once only ($1,300). (BONXEHOME) (84) acres ($3,300) terms ($1,800) cash. On Main Road (3) mile to one market and (5) to City Market busi ness population (20,000) people. (At) Cross Roads where school (and) church. Telephone In (8) room home, | large hank barn (2) wagon houses (all painted) in Good Order. With match team horses age (6) weigh (2,400) ana (3) cows (8) hogs (70) chickens (10) ton hay (14) ton straw, new mounted harness and farm wagon—sacrificed (want) money at once only ($3,900) spot cash. REORGE B. OSTRANDER, Danville Phonehours Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOR SALE House No. 1312 Swatara street; 9 rooms and bath; all Improvements. Can name'good price if sold quickly. Edward W. Evans, Real Estate and Insurance, 711 Kunkel Building. FOR SALE Bungalow, Bowman Avenue, Camp Hill; 7 rooms and bath; all Improvements; excellent location. Edward W. Evans. Real Estate and In surance. 711 Kunkel Building. ! SIXTH STREET PROPERTY in eigh teen hundred block for sale all Im provements good business location. Now is your time to buy this property. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. I SIOO CASH will give you possession to a house now vacant balance can be paid as rent. This Is an opportunity to own your property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. A CORPORATION wishes to dispose of their holding of lots, free, clear, high and dry, title guaranteed, at Manorville, L 1., in parcels of 10 lots. J. Bauer, Sec., 269 West Forty-fifth street, New York. $1,000.00 WILL BUY 98 acres in Fish ing Creek Valley; 6 miles cast of River; frame buildings; running water; 10 acres cultivated; 88 acres second growth timber. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. VACANT house on Second street for sale desirable location property In good condition all modern Im provements. Price and particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 232 HARRIS ST.; 3-story brick dwell ing; 9 rooms, bath and furnace; lot, 20x92; side entrance; price attractive. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. SIOO CASH will give you possession to a house now vacant balance can be paid as rent. This is an opportu nity to own your property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SWATARA STREET PROPERTY In fourteen hundred block for sale at SI,BOO 3-story frame 8 rooms bath gas furnace. Rented at $15.00 per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. IN Camp Hill; new bungalow; never ; been occupied; located on Hamilton St.. 2 square from car line; 7 rooms, bath and steam heat; all-gas kitchen; open fireplace; hardwood floors; lot, 40x140. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For Sale or will exchange su burban real estate in growing sec tion on improved city real estate. Address Exchange No. 500, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Fine house at Paxtang; No. 445 South Thirteenth street; small house on Prospect street and private garage at Kittatinny and Fourteenth streets. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thir teenth street. FOR RENT 1340 Herr street; 2- story brick house; six rooms, pantry and bath; steam heat, gas and electric lights; front porch; open stairway; $16.50 per month. Call 1616 Green street. FOR RENT House; all modern Im provements: hardwood floors through out. llent, SSO per month. Apply 2226 North Second street. FOR RENT 1628 Reglna St $25.00 1613 Regina St $20.00 630 Oxford St It#.oo 1847 North St $15.00 1019 S. 21 % St 110.00 I Also 3-room apartment $12.00 J. E. GIPPLE. ' Utl Market St HARRISBURG trfSRV TELEGRAPH ■> REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Only one left of the eight storerooms, corner Ham ilton and Third streets. Rent sl2. Suitable for any business. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance. 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT November 1. large nicely furnished house on North Second street. Address A., JO9O, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at 1266 Market street; rent, $lO, including heat and water. J. K. Gipple, 1261 Mar ket street. FOR RENT Three-story brick, 612 North Second street; 9 rooms and bath; every modern convenience; In first-class repair. Inquire 218 Pine street. FOR RENT No. 2200 Brookwood atreet, sl6 per month—cozy home —2%- story brick—corner—front and rear porches—all conveniences. Apply Clas ter's Jewelery Store, 302 Market street. FOR RENT Two-stofy brick house; soven rooms and bath; a'.l Improve ments; steain heat; electric and gas; window shades; Derry street, Paxtang, $19.00. Call 100 Paxtang avenue. FOR RENT— -1837 N. Second St $35.00 2414 N. Second St 30.00 1614 N. Fifth St 18.00 Camp Hill, Market St 36.00 Camp Hill, N. Bowman Ave., fur nished 35.00 Camp Hill, N. Bowman Ave 30.00 Camp Hill, N. Bowman Ave 26.00 Camp Hill, N. E. Cor. Bowman and Chestnut 22.50 Camp Hill, Page St 20.00 Camp i , Cumberland St 15.."" Lemoyne, Bosler Ave 18.00 BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT 2%-story frame house, 45 North Thirteenth street; also two storv brick 1251 Walnut street. Apply A. E. Enders, Penbrook, Pa. Bell phone 2800J1. NEW brick house for rent 8 rooms and bath bay windo%v porches —I ail modern improvements possession immediately rent, $lB No. 1836 | Logan street. Apply 217 Forster street. FOR RENT To reliable, married | couple only, desirable hcjse, No. 2138 | North Sixth street; newly decorated; all conveniences; large yard; two rooms reserved; rent reasonable; ref erences required. FOR RENT 1923 Boas street. 2%- story frame; front and back porches; Improvements; large yard; $13.00 perl per month. Inquire D. B. Hess, 1858 Park street. FOR RENT Six-room houses, with stables, half mile north of Penbrook, at Edgeniont. Rent, $6.00. Inquire of G. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street, City, or William Brenneman, Penbrook. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR KENT FOR SALE OR RENT Desirable house with all Improvements, located at White Hill. Call W. H. Snook, 334 Kelker street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Private apartment, 3 rooms and bath; also private brick gar age. Mrs. L. A. Dandridge. FOR RENT A first floor Bach elor's unfurnished apartment, con talng four rooms and bath, and if desired a gas range In a kitchenette. Modern in evei;y respect. Will accommodate two or four gentle men. Apply Penna. Realty & Improve ment Co., 132 Locust street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Second floor at Walzdorf, facing Capitol; 6 rooms, tiled bath and pantry, hard wood floors, electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. ACCOLTNT removal from city, wish to sublet 6-room unfurnished apartment. Apply "Rodermal" apartments, 604 N. Third street. Ring Friedman Bell. FOR RENT Third story apartment, well adapted for light housekeeping; steam heat, light and use of bathroom; J rent reasonable. 1606 State street. ROOMS FOR KENT DENTIST or professional man. Ideal location. Waiting and operating rooms. Furnished. No. 1814 Green street. * FOR RENT Second-story front room; newly furnished; city steam heat; electric lights and phone service. Apply 126 Pine street. FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms: use of bath and phone; reference required. Apply 615 Kelker street. WANTED Several gentlemen boarders or lodgers; good locality; all conveniences; use of phone. Inquire 214 Reily street. FOR RENT One furnished suite of three rooms; use of bath; kitchenette included, with gas range; city steam heated; fronting on Locust street. Ap ply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Large room on second floor front; a real home for man and wife; hot water system; convenient to bath; use of phone; also smaller room. No. 117 Pine street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in fine location; use of bath and tele phone. Apply at 203 State street. FOR RENT Vacancy for one or two genetlemen, board If desired. In private family. E„ 3127, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Delightful room for rent; single woman or married couple preferred. Apply 209 State street. FOR RENT Furnished bedroom, second floor, next to bath. Apply 142 Sylvan Terrace. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; each room convenient for one or two gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. Second Apartment. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms on second floor, next to bath; one front, all conveniences, including phone; central location. Inquire 1232 Market street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Nicely furnished room, with a respectable Swiss family, by ?entleman; permanent. Address M„ 142, care of Telegraph. UNFURNISHED ROOMS ~ *29 BROAD STREET Built especl sly for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes; arrangements strictly private; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathroom privi leges: lockers for surplus furniture. 1321-23 Wallace street; remodeled and newly papered throughout; ar rangements, two rooms and a kitchen with running water, range and cabinet. Daily Inspection invited. Inquire on premises, or 107 Boas street. Phone 779 M. OFFICES FOR RENT FOR RENT A desirable first floor office in the telegraph Building. In quire Superintendent, Business Office Telegraph. TO HIRE j TO HlßE—Masquerade costumes and j full dress suits; also full lot of hair goods, including wigs, beards, etc. Ap ply Brenner's. 424-426 Walnut, or Bell Iphone 1251J, WANTED WANTED—By young couple, steam heated furnished housekeeping apart ment— nice locution moderate rent. State price and phone number. Address Box S., 3122, care of Telegraph. WANTED Will pay $5 for a small or medium sized second-hand, roll-top iesk. "Desk," care of Telegraph. POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid for Ladles' and Men's cast-off good Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Send postol to <l6 Herr street. City. FOR SALE GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. _ FOR SALE Two male pups, part Collie and Shepherd; beautifully mark ed and matched; 10 weeks old; very in telligent. Price. $3 each. F. C. New comer, Route 1, York Haven. Pa. FOR SALE Jitney Quick Lunch, on North Seventh street, near subway. Between two big factories. Good loca tlon. Apply 1025 North Seventh street. FOR SALE One National cash reg ister, two outdoor show cases, Frencn plate, marble base; one double set sil ver-mounted harness, one Germantown .cut-under carriage, rubber-tired. All above in good condition. Apply Clas ter's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. FOR KALE Two motorcycles; 4- H.-P.; one M. & M. and one Ermac; both in good running order and good tires. Price, $30.00 each. Call between 5 and 7 P. M. J. .H. Hawkins, 17 Altoona ave nue, Enola, Pa. FOR SALE Will sell four Silver town cord tires, 34x4 Inches for $25.00. Regular price, $32.95. Bell phone 100. FOR SALE A nice store front, with large glass windows, shelves, counter and show case. Prices reasonable. Ap ply 508 Mohn street, Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE lce box, suitable for restaurant or grocery store. Apply Superintendent Harrisburg Club, Front and Market. FOR RENT Nice, large front room ond second floor, with heat and bath, in private family, one-half block from Market street. Inquire 20 Evergreen street. FOR SALE Lot of scrap iron in S. A. L. No. 31528, transferred into D. I L & W. No. 66653, from the Queen City Iron & Steel Company, Rockingham, IN. C., consigned Sllberman Brothers, I Harrisburg. Refused lading stored for account of owner in P. R. It. Com pany's Tie Yard, midway opposite F. I. and G. I. Towers. Entrance to prop erty on Old Canal Bed Read. West of Maclay Street, will be sold to highest bidder at 2:00 P. M„ Saturday, Novem ber 6. J. H. Nixon, Freight Agent. FOR SALE One 1915 Ford touring) car, In first-class condition; price rea- ! sonable. Call 1616J1 Bell phone. C. D. Hajck, 1418 Swatara street. FOR RALE AT A BARGAIN Five passenger Maxwell automobile AI condition. Address No. 560 Race street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be eecured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE A strictly high grade player piano at half price. Inquire at 30 North Second street. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— One 3%-ton Reliance motor truck In good condition. Reason for selling, we are going out of wholesale business. Ad dress, or apply, Manhelm Ice Co., Man heim, Pa. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new •upply— so for J6c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department .The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE Fifty sheep. Inquire Jednota Farm, Middletown, Pa. LARGE LINE of Automobile Robes, Horse Blankets, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Special ties; repaired and made to order. Har- j rtaburg Harness and Supply Company, Second and Chestnut. FOR SALE Restaurant located on Market street, doing good business. A bargain if sold at once. Good reasons for selling. Address D„ 3016, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet touring cars and roadsters, one 1914. Model 37 Buick touring car good as new. One new Buick ton truck with open express body. George B. Zech, City Auto Garage. FOR KENT FOR RENT Second floor brick building, suitable for factory or auto mobile storage; rent for short or long term; thlny-nve hundred feet. Inquire 905 Kunkel Building. FOR RENT Large, well-lighted suite of offices, second floor on main street this city. Write for appoint ment. .Address M., 3132, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Good business loca tion; S-story building; larfge store room and 4 flats; will rent or sell at a bargain; possession given Immediately. Apply S. W. Fitzgerald Real Estate Agency. 317 Walnut street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN Investment of SIOO to SI,OOO will make you Independent. Proven by Government Reports. Investigate. Phoenix, Humboldt Savings Bank Building, San Francisco, Cal. SSOO MY weekly income from Credit Reporting business started two years ago In Washington. Harrisburg open for man with SSOO to carry 90-day ma turing contracts with Merchants. My Interest co-operative. $5,000 yearly op portunity. investigate. George Ma comber, Station A, Washington, D. C. FREE FOR SIX MONTHS My special offer to Introduce my maga zine, "Investing for Profit." It Is worth $lO a copy to anyone who lias been getting poorer while the rich richer. It demonstrates the real earn ing power of money, and shows how anyone, no matter how poor, can ac quire riches. Investigate for Profit Is the only progressive financial journal published. It shows how SIOO grows to $2,200. Write now and I'll send it six months free. H. L. Barber. 624, 22 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. FOR SALE Men's Clothing, Fur nishings and Hat business in fastest growing town in Central Pennsylvania. Reason for selling other business. Don't answer this Ad. unless you have $7,000 cash. Address Box 191, Mount Union, Pa. I MADE s6o,Out) in five years In the mail order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Telle how. Hea cock. 365 Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED GROCERY STORE, having a cash business; centrally locat ed: stock at Inventory; fixtures reason able. Rent cheap. Inquire M., 3134, care of Telegraph. ANY Intelligent person can aani good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 19t. Lock* nnrt. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Grose Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist snd Apothecary. 119 Market itreet. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention, Bell mo. OCTOBER 16, 1915. WAR SHARES MAKE UPWARD PROGRESS Rock Island Adds Point to Yes terday's Decline; N. Y. Central Lower l By Associated Press New York, Oct. 16. Specialties, particularly war shares, made «om« upward progress at the outset of to day's moderate trading, but the under tone was one of increasing caution. Baldwin Locomotive, Crucible Steel Foundries, General Electric and West inghouse advanced from material fractions to two points, with slight gains in Pennsylvania, Atchison and Ontario and Western. Rock Island added a point to yesterday's decline at 19 >4 and New York Central was sllgt ly lower. U. S. Steel held yesterday's low quotation of 82%. Fertilizer shares were active at advances. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by Chandler Bros. & Co., 3 North Market Square. New York, Oct. 16. Open. High. Low. Clos. Allis-Chal . 42% 43% 42% 43% Am Bt Sug 06% 66% 66% 66% Am Can .. 63% 64% 63% 64% Am C& F. 84% 85 84 85 Am Loco . 66% 67% 66% 67% Am Smelt . 94% 95% 93% 93% Am Sugar . 112% 112% 112% 112% Am T & T. 123% 124% 123% 124% Anaconda . 74% 75% 74% 75% Atchison .. 106 106% 106 106% Baldwin .. 124 133 124 132% B& O 01% 91% 91% ' 91% ISeth Steel. 475 484 475 484 Bklyn RT. 88 88 87% 87% Cal Petro. . 18 % 18 % 18 % 18 % Can Pacific 164 165 164 165 Cent Leath 53% 54% 53% 54% C'&O 56% 57 56% 57 C. M&St P 90 % 90% 90% 90% C, RI& P. 20 20% 19% 20% C Con Cop. 49 50 49 50 Col F& I . . 55% 56% 55% 55% Con Gas .. 147 147 143% 143% Dls Sec .. 35% 35% 35 35% Erie 34% 34% 33% 34% Erie Ist pfd 53 53 % 53 53% Gen E Co.. 179% 179% 178% 178% Goodrh BF 76% 76% 75% 76% Gt Nor pfd 121% 121% Gt N Ore s 48% 48% 48 48% Insp Cop .. 43% 43% 42% 42% In-Met 23% 23% 23 % 23% G, Gt W pfd 34 34 In-Met pfd 79 79 KC So ... 27% 27% Lehigh Val 74% 75 74% 75 Maxwell Mo 61 6] 60% 61 I Mex Petro. 91% 91% 90% 91% Miami Cop. 33% 34 33 %* 33% Mo Pac .. 5 5% 5 5% Nat Lead.. 66 68 % 65% 68% N Y Cent.. 99% 99% NY.NH& H 83 83 81 83 NY.O & W 29% 29% 29 29 Nor & W.. 115% 115% 115% 115% North Pac. 11l 111 110% ill Pa Rail 58 58 57% 57% | Pitts C 41% 41% 40% 40% Press SC.. 70% 71 70% 71 Ray C C.. 25% 25% 25 25% Reading .. 77% 78% 77% 78% Rep 15... 53% 53% 52% 53 South Pac. 96% 96% 96% 96% South Ry.. 19% 20% 19% 20% Studebaker. 160 162 160 162 Tenn Cop.. 66% 68% 66 68% Third Ave. 63 63 62% 62% Union Pac. 134% 134% 134% 134% U S Rub.. 53% 53% 53% 53% U S Steel.. 82% 82% 82% 82% V S Stl pd. 114% 114% 114% 114% Utah Cop.. 69% 70 69% 69% Vir-Car C.. 45 46 44% '45 West U Tel 78% 79 78% 78% West Mfg.. 69% 70 68% 69% BUSINESS PERSON AI JS THERE'S A DIFFERENCE in our work when compared to other Arms, the reason is that we are interested in you personally and want you to look well dressed, the way to do this, is to send your clothes to us for renovating, our methods are the best and give perfect satisfaction. West End Cleaning and Dying, 1527 North Third street; Bell phone 717 W. HAULING R. A. HAHTMAN, Boarding Rtable ni National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. ;SOSR. STORAGE "FIREPROOF BTORAGH. Private rooms for household goods. $3 per month and up. We invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-446 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 4ll Broad atreet. fe» household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $> W a gone. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper * Co.. 411 Broad street. Both aboto**. NOTICES P. O. 8. OF A. NOTICE Past President Elmer L Gelb, of Washington. No. 522, P. O. S. of A., En haut. will be buried Sunday afternoon. October 17. All members are requested to meet In the camp's hall at 1 o'clock P. M. CORPORATE vs. PERSONAL SURETY The United States Fidelity A Guaranty Co. regards every bond it issues as a real liability and maintains an ade quate reserve to meet any losses which may occur. Personal Bondsmen may die, move away, meet 'with adver sity, or, becoming fearful of the risk they have assumed, dispose of or transfer their holdings. The U. S. F. & G. cannot by any excuse or subterfuge resist the payment of Just claims. Almost 20 years In business gives this com pany an enviable reputation for pursuing an honorable and upright course in all its transactions. WE WILL BOND YOU Reasonable Rates—Absolute Protection CHARLES EGNER, Manager 804 KUNKEIi BUILDING Your Broker Recognized Lumber guaranteed to be perfectly kiln dried. Floors laid and finished complete ready for use. Ask for free estimate. C. A. SLOUGH, 232 Yale St. Bell Phone. CHICAGO CATTLE] Bb Assoc\c~ed Prist Chicago, 111., Oct. 16. Hogs Re ceipts, 6,000; Arm. Bulk of sales, $8.25 @>8.86; light, t8.00&8.90; mixed, $4.10® 8.96; heavy, $8.00@8.92 %; rough,*sß.oo @8.16; pigs, J5.25ij57.76. Cattle Receipts, 700; weak. Na tive beef steers, $6.00®10.40; western steers, $6.60@8.65; cows and heifers, $2.80@8.26; calves. »7.76^11.60. Sheep Receipts, 1,000; steady. Wethers. $6.00@7.00; lambs, $6.75@8.90. PHILADELPHIA PRODDCB By Aseociated Press 1 Philadelphia. Oct. 16. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red, spot and October, f}-16% ®1.17%; No. 2, Southern, red, *1.13*5 #1.165. ..Corn Higher; No. 2, yellow, local | s'4® | |6H C ; steamer. No. 2, yellow, 74% @75%c. T Higher; No. 2, white, 46 @ 46c; No. 3, white, 41® 42c. ;?. ran The market is firmer; city mills, per ton, |24.00; western do., none litre; Spring, per ton, $22.75®25.25. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 6.00 c; fine granulated. 4.90 c; confectioners' A, 4.80 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extra, 29c; nearby pnntß, and fancy, 32c. Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby tlrsta, free cases, $9.00 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $8.40 per case; western, extras, $9.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case. - y v * Poultry—Market quiet; fowls, 14®15c; old roosters, ll@12c; broil ing chickens, 16@ 17c; Spring chickens. 14@15c; Spring ducks. 14@15c; old ducks, 13@15c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 1914® 20c; average, 17%®18%c; do., unattractive, average, 15®16c; do., roosters, 13Hc; do. broiling chickens, nearby, 22® 26c; broiling chickens, western, 16®21c; Spring chickens, western, 14® 20c; Spring ducks, nearby, 16@17c; do., western, 10@12c; Ice packed fowls. Ib @ 19c. Potatoes Market firm; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 76@78c; Pennsylvania, fair to gooa, per bushel. 66®70c; Jersey, No. 1, per basket. 40® 50c; Jersey, No. 2, per basket, 20@25c. Flour—The market is quiet; winter, clear, new, $4.60@4.90; Jo straight, new. $6.00@5.20; do., patent, new, $5.26® 5.60; Kansas clear, new, lute sacks. I 14.90(0)6.10; do straight. $55.2006.60; do patent. $5.60@6.75., Spring, first, clear, new, $4.65®4.90; do straight, new. $5.00@5.26; do., patent, new, $5.40@5.60; do., patent, old, $6.35@7.10; do., favorlta brands, $6.00@6.60. Hay—Quiet, but firm; No. 1, large, bales, $20.00®20.50: medium bale*. $2.50@21.00: medium bales. $20.00® 20.50; No. 2, do.. $19.00@19.50; No. 3. do.. $17.00® 18.00. Light mixed, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1, do.. $17.50@18.00; No. 2, do., $14.00@15.50. NEW YOIIK HANK STATEMENT By Associated Press New York, Oct. 16. The statement of the actual condition of Clearing House Banks and Trust Companies for the week shows that they hold SIBB.- 263,720 reserve in excess of legal re quirements. This is a decrease of sl,- 111.000 frfom last week. The statement follows: • Actual Condition Loans, etc., $2,973,642,000; Increase, $149,295,000. Reserve in own vault* (B), $527,677,- 000; increase, $19,691,000. Reserve in Federal Reserve Bank, $165,428,000; increase. $7,998,000. Net demand deposits, $3,066,922,000; Increase. $77,721,100. Net time deposits, $138,697,000- in crease, $5,742,000. B, of which $454,440,000 is specie. Aggregate reserve, $716,639,000. Excess reserve, $188,263,720; de crease, $1,111,000. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, Oct. 16.—Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 67% General Asphalt 32 General Asphalt, Pfd 70 Lake Superior Corporation 9% Lehigh Navigation 77% Lehigh Valley 74% Pennsylvania Railroad 67% Philadelphia Electric 26 Philadelphia Company 47 Philadelphia Company, Pfd 36 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 13*4 Reading 78% Storage Battery 70% Union Traction 41*4 United Gas Improvement 86 % U. S. Steel 82% CHICAGO BOARD OF tRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Oct. 16 Board of Trade closing: : Wheat December, 1.08%; May, 1.09%. Corn December, 60%; May, 61%. Oats December, 40%; May, 40%. Pork December, 16.17; January. 17.52. Lard November, 9.50; January, 9.45. Ribs October, 9.97: January, 99.52. r—LOANS—^ ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT LEGAL RATES. Small Monthly Payments. Profit Sharing Loan Society 9 No. Market Square (Spooner Bldg.) Conducted Under State Banking Dept. License No. 24. * MONEY! MONEY! MONEYT We loan money on listed, unlisted and curb securities. Reasonable rates —long or short time. Emerson & Co., 16 Beaver St., New York, N. Y. QIIBBER STAMjjn ># El SEALS 4. STENCILS MV gl V MFG.BYHBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. If THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 8 P. M.. at its new location, front and Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. 13
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