12 BANK STATEMENT heport of the condition of THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY. of Harrlabura, No. 1230 North Third Street, of DauphTn Countv. Pennsylvania, at the close of business April 8, 1915: _ RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $60,449 50 Due from ap proved reserve agents 128.781 32 ■ $179,230 82 Nickels and cents 866 "1 Checks and cash items,... 897 02 becuritiee pieilged for Special deposits 6,000 00 I Assets held free, vlli C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name $3,718 52 C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon two or more names 239,202 37 Loans upon call with col lateral 234,595 00 Time loans with collateral, 28,720 77 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 101.967 10 Loans without collateral.. 153,425 40 Bonds, stocks, etc 309,336 02 Mortgages and Judgments of record 115,962 82 Office building and 10t,.. 47,500 00 i. Furniture and fixtures, .. 17,600 00 Overdrafts 107 47 Total $1,438,030 02 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $125,000 00 Surplus Fund 225,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 39,419 43 Individual deposits subject to elieck (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 307.208 38 Time Certificates ot De posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings). .. 230,372 6S Deposits, saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust Funds) 414,173 37 Deposits. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 30,000 00 Deposits, U. S. Postal Sav ings 1,496 71 i Deposits, municipal 5,000 00 I Due to Banks. Trust Cos. etc.. not reserve 17.452 68 ! Dividends unpaid, 319 60 j Treasurer's and Certified cheeks outstanding. ... 12,587 32, Total $1,438,030 02 ! Amount of Trust Kunai Invested, 358.778 70 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 11,615 11 Overdrafts 83 30 Total Trust funds $400,477 11 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts under deedr of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure Issues of corporate bonds. Including Equip ment Trusts $1,932,500 00 Elate of Pennsylvania, County ui uau ,bin. as: I, H. O. Miller, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly • wear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) H. O. MILLER. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of April. 1915 (Signed) M. G. POTTS, INotarlal Seal] -Notary Public. ! Correct—Attest: 1 Signed) W. M. DONALDSON. (Signed) P. 11. VAUGHN, (Signed) JOHN F. DAPP, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF I TUB CITIZENS BANK, of Harrisburg No. 1301 Derry street, of Dauphin ! County, Pennsylvania, at til® close of i business April 5. 1915: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, snecie and notes $17,270 00 Due from approved reserve agents,.. 39.224 51 Nickels and cents 243 1:< I Checks and cash items 4.149 7y ' Hills discounted: Up on two or more names, . ....569,714 2S Time loans with collatera1,. Loans on call with col lateral 41,851 67! l<oans on call upon one name 115 0" Loans on call upon two or more names 26,794 22 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 12.625 Oft Bonds, stocks, etc 10,400 00 i iiortgages and Judgments of record 37.600 00 rifltce building and lot 24,900 un Furniture and fixtures 1,500 00 Overdrafts,* 26 43 Total $321,393 09 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $50,000 oft Surplus fund 20.000 00 1 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, ... 4,401 76 Individual deposits subject to check $122,440 69 Time certificates of deposit 96,990 92 Savings fund de posits 6,021 50 Deposits, Common wealth of Penn sylvania 10,000 00 Deposits, munici pal 5 000 00 Certified checks. ... 84 50 Cashier's checks outstanding 2,252 76 Due to Banks and Trust Cos., etc.. not reserve 4,198 96 Dividends unpaid 2 00 Total $321,393 09 Btate of Pennsylvania, County o 1 u.tu pliin. ss: 1. C. G. Miller, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief (Signed) C. G. MILL Kit, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to betore me til is »th day of April, 1915. (Signed) IRWIN M. CASSELL, [Notarial Seal], Notary Public. My commission expires March 25 191 Correct —Attest: (Signed) CHAS. H. HOFFMAN. (Signed) EDWIN C. THOMPSON. (Signed) JOHN F. FEESER, Directors. Try Telegraph Want Ads 1 The Dauphin Trust Co 213 Market Street, Harrisburg, Penn. As called for by the Pennsylvania Commissioner of Banking, April 5, 1915 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash and cash Items. . '-j|" Capital stock $300,000.00 Due from banks 394,144.31 ~ , „„„ United States bonds. 4 Surplus 300,000.00 per cent, at par 150,000.00 Undivided profits .... 21,387.88 Loans and Investments 2,649,807.93 Deposits 2 756 364 32 Bank building 50,000.00 D t bank . ' Overdrafts 70.38 Uue t0 Danlts 22,987.<7 53,400,739.97 i f *3.400,739.97 Trust funds $536,328.20 DONALD M'CORMICK, President. ROBERT M'CORMICK. Treasurer. J. A. UKIESIIABEK, Assistant Treasurer L SATURDAY EVENING, BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF he HAHKISHI'KG TRUST Co MP «\V of Harrisburg, Pa_, No. 14 South Market Square, of Dauphin County. Pennsyl vania, at the ulose of business April 5. 1916: RESOURCES Reaarva Fund: Cash, specie and notes S93,SSI BO Due from ap proved reserve agents, 464.388 85 I Nickels and cents 203 04 I Checks and cash items, ... 1.946 52 Due from Batiks and Trust ... __ Cos. not reserve, 5.489 05 Securities pledged for apeo- . _ lal deposits, 10,000 00 Assets held free, via: C o m m a r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name $9,125 00 C o in m • r o 111 paper pur chased: Upon two or moie names 814,010 38 Loans upon call with col lateral 738,398 20 Time loans with colla teral, 168.922 26 j loans secured by huads and mortgages 18,119 S2 Loans without collateral, . -1,7 40 -'I . Bonds, stocks, etc 235,910 00 j Mortgages and Judg ments of record 18,338 12 Other real estate 14i',800 00 i Overdrafts 310 69 Total $2,731,093 62 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $400,300 00 Surplus Fund 400,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 42,880 6 i j lt\ tiviuual deposits sub ject to check (Kxclu i sive of Trust Funds ! and Savings) 685,378 91 I Time certiiicates of de i ji isit (Exclusive of Trust j Funds and Savings.) ... 563,529 69 Det "Mia, Ooniiiiuuw eauu ! of Pennsylvania 410,277 34 i Deposits. U. S. Postal I Savings 5,580 45 Deposits, municipal 55,000 00 IU dnilKfe 11 U4( Cos.. j etc., not reserve 115.028 70 ' Dividends unpaid 115 Ou | Treasurer's mid certified | checks outstanding 23,302 89 I Total $2,731,093 62 Amount of Trust Funds invested ! $1,885,540 82 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested, 257,656 5 4 Total Trust funds $2,143,197 36 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value; ol Trusts under 1 deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure Issues of corporate bonds, including Equip ment Trusts $24,513,000 00 Total amount of curltiea deposited by Corpora tions with the Company ■s Trustee to secure is sues of Collateral Trust Bonds 122.655 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau nhin. . __ 1 Geo. G. Carl, Treasurer of the abo'><! named Company, do solemnly i swear that the above statement Is true ! to the best of my knowledge and !e --j (Signed) GEO. G. CAUL. Treasurer Subscribed nnd s" - o r r> >o before in» 'this I'tli day of April, 1915. ifiigneu) CLl.Viv-'N Ai uERSHEY, | j Notarial Seal.) Notary Publla. I Correct —Attest: (Signed) ED. P. HERMAN. (Signed 1 A FORTENBAVGH, (Signed) EDWARD BAILEY. Directors. | REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the I SIX TH STREET BANK, of Harrisburg, ' No. 2100 North Sixth Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business April 5, 1915: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and I notes $36,011 75 ! Due from approv ed reserve agents, 47,612 34 [ $53,624 09 j Nickels and cents ; S3B 09 I Checks and cash items 1.611 15 ' securities pledged for spec ial deposits 7,000 00 ! Assets held free, via: Bills discounted: I'non one name, $5,150 00 Bills discounted: ! Upon two or more names, .. 17.695 23 Time loans with collateral,.. 2,200 00 Loans on call with collateral, 20.399 54 Loans on call upon one name, 50 00 : Loans on call upon two or j more names 58,996 50 1 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 167.976 00 Bonds, stocks, etc 177.750 15 ' .*!• Ib i-« and judgments of record 40,201 50 Office builuing and lot 23.450 oo Furniture and fixtures 6,120 00 Overdrafts 39 82 Total $613,032 07 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $">0,000 00 Surplus Fund 20.000 00 Undivided profits. les*» ex penses and taxes paid. . .. 10.534 78 Individual deposits subject to check,5148,465 50 Time certificates of deposit 43.877 65 Savings Fund de i posits 297,093 14 i Deposits. Coin ] monwealth of I I Pennsylvania. . 15.000 00 i Deposits, U. P. 'j Postal Savings,. 339 78 I Deposits, munici pal 19,499 99 Certified checks,.. 1,362 60 Cashier's checks 1 outstanding, ... 6.477 41 Due to Banks and Trust Cos.. etc.. not reserve, 73 72 ' Dividends unpaid 7 50 Total $613,032 07 State of Pennsylvania. County ot Dau phin, ss: I, F. L. Albert Froehlich. Cashier ol the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is ti nt to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) F. L. ALBERT FROEHLICH, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before m< this 9th day of April. 1915. (Signed) GEO. D. HERBERT, I [Seal.] Alderman. Correct —Attest • - (Signed) ROBERT A. ENDERS, - (Signed) LEWIS BALSER. - (Signed) W. SCOTT STROH. Directors. suramin emus 111 IPORTimiT ISSUES iU. S. Steel Again Prominent Feature; Buoyancy of Yes terday Continued New York. April 10. The buoyancy which marked yesterday's trading on the Stock Exchange continued with un abated vigor nt the opening of to day's business. Substantial gains were recorded In all Important Issues. I'nited States Steel was again the prominent feature.opening with one block of 15,000 shares as 57V: to &;■>* against yester day's close of 57. Advances of one to I three points Were made by transconti nental Atchison. Lehigh \ alley. Head ing. Can:'. Pad tic. New York Cen l tral. Amalgamated Copper, American ' Smelting and various specialties. Betli | lehem .-i.el was the only marked ex ception to the general trend, declining two points. Much of the further ad j vance was attributed to urgent cover , ing of short contracts. Appetite of Speculative Public Again Satisfied New York. April 10. The course of to-day's feverishly active stock market seemed to indicate that the appetite of the speculative public had been satis- I tied for a time. Gains of one to three points were registered at the outset. I'nited States Steel retaining its leader ship by ascending to the high level of 58 on transactions whV-i approached 200.000 shares for the two-hour session. Other stocks, especially those In the dividend were prominent in the result which attained the widest proportions in the first half hour Thereafter sell ing for profits, in which Europe was no .--mall factor, served as a brake on bullish enthusiasm and reaction was more or less general. Toward the close prices were again advanced, but in no instance did they recover to their best. The closing was strong. Bonds were strong. Prices recovered from lowest levels before the close, but failed to repeat their best quotations of the first hours. Sales for the two hours aggregated 800,000 shares, the largest total for a Saturday in six years. Twenty Maxwell Cars in City Sold Since Show E. W. Shank, distributor for Max well tars in this territory, is elated over the business outlook. Not only with reference to prospective busi ness. but real business that is coming across. Twenty Maxwell cars sold since the automobile show is ample evidence that the business is there and that Mr. Shank is getting his share. The Maxwell is continuing its record ot winning races on the Coast. Re cent advices to Mr. Shank state that the Maxwell has captured $12,800 of the $•15,800 offered in a string of road races. OldfleUl. master driver, tops all others in individual winnings. COTTON I'KICMs IIOOSTKl) New York, April 10.—Cotton went up a dollar a bale in an active and ex cited market in the first hour of trad- BANK STATEMKNTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE Pennsylvania Surety Company Of Ilnrrlsburg No. 14 South Market Square, of Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania. at th.- close of business April sth, 1015. RESOURCES Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not re . serve $10,256 2« Loans upon call with col lateral. 23,000 00 Bonds, stocks, etc 383,866 00 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 43,500 00 Premiums being collect ed 11,272 24 Total. •••• $471,1124 50 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in, ...$250,000 00 Surplus Fund 100.000 00 Lndivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. 97.G59 05 Premiums reserve 15,4"2 07 Loss reserve 8.813 T8 "Total $471,924 50 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dauphin, ss: I, R. G. Cox. Treasurer of the | above named Company, do solemnly I swear that the above statement is ' tru .> e , tc !- l J le best of m >' knowledge and belief = I (Signed) R. o cox Subscribed and sworn to before "me this Sth day of April. 1915 (Signed) C . L. BRINSER. [Notarial j->ral 1 Xotarv Public l >l9 y co,nmission expires March 1, Correct—Attest: (Signed) EDWARD BAILEY Signed) A FORTENBAUGH. (Signed) E. J. STACK POLE. Directors. OK 11 '- CONDITION OK IHE EAST END HAI.K, of Harrlsburg thirteenth and Howard streets, of Dau- I r.hin County. Pennsylvania at th« close of business April 5, 1915; kksul KCLS "?*rve Fund. Cash, specie and _ notes $34,915 30 Due from approved reserve agents,.. 80,539 81 v , . . , . $116,4(5 11 Nickels and cents 1 39s 21] Checks and cash items s!308 14 \ssets held free, viz. Sills discounted: Cpon one name,. $25,188 50 liiiii- discounted; Upon two or more names, ....149.879 84 175 088 4 Time loans with collateral,. 15*543 bd Loans on call with collateral. Loans on call upon one name, 66,775 88 Loans on call upon two or more names 33,963 50 Loans sec 111 eu oy bonus and mortgages 90,54 4 50 Bonds, stocks, etc 28.802 50 Mortgages and Judgments of record. . 53,850 0( Office building and lot. .... U.iiuii 11.1 Other real estate Ofl Furniture and fixtures 3*950 0(1 Overdrafts '47s 54 Total $719,797 32 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In, 150.000 0( .Surplus Fund 45,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. .. 7.984 06 Individual deposit" subject to check.5279,768 44 Time ' certificates of deposit 255,544 50 Savings Fund de posits 65,161 22 Deposits, munici pal 10,000 00 Certified checks... 1,733 20 Cashier's checks outstanding, .. 4,605 90 Total $7X9,797 32 Stale of Pennsylvania, County ut uau fhin. ss: , A 1 K. Thomas. Cashier of the abov< named Bank, do solemnly sweai that the above statement is true to th« best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) AL K. THOMAS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ra< this 9th day of April, 1915. A. ENGEL. {.Notarial Seal. 1 Notary Public. My commission expires January 19 1919. Correct—Attest: [SEAL.] (Signed) JOHN K. MAY, (Signed) E. A HMKK (Signed) E. M. SIBLL. Directors. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ing to-day. Top figures touched $2.50 ' a bale above the low level of yester-j day morning and a new high record was made for the year in the move-; merit. Schwab Unable to Give Reason For Big Jump in Bethlehem Steel Shares; By .Issociated Press Bethlehem, Pa.. April 10.—Charles M. Shcwab and his associates express extraordinary rise in Bethlehem Steeel common stock on Wall Street, but seout entirely the rumor that it is be ing bought by a syndicate of German sympathizers In order to obtain con- i trol and stop manufacture of war or- j ders for the Allies. Mr. Schwab, who on Monday re-' turned from White Sulphur Springs, denies any knowledge of the stock operations, and if he knows anything about them or the alleged German plan he has not said a word about them to hia closest Intimates. NEW YOKK STOCKS Fyrnished by H. M. Snavely, 208 Arcade Building. New York, April 10. I Open. High. Low. Clos. | Amal Cop . (11 oil % 67*11 6SV»j Ain Bt feug 44T% 46 46% j Am Can .. 36 36% 35% H6 i Am Can pd 97% its'* 97 la us i Am C & if'. 49 60 % 49 49 i Am Cot Oil 60 i)U 4 9 49* I Am Ice tec 31 *4 32 'a 31 % 32-,4 j Ani Loco.. 33 33% 32'% 23 Am Smelt . 70 70'» 09% of-#' Am Sugar . los 109 los 109 { Am T A: T. 120% 120% 120% 120% j Anaconda . 33 34 >,s 33 33 1 I Atchiso n.. 102% 103 '>4 102 102%| 114(1.... 76% 75*14 7U% Beth Steel. 110 110 107% 108 Bklyn RT. 9 l <. 2 91% 90% ;il Cal Petro. .IB 16 16 16 Can Pacific 169% 170 169 169% Cent Leath 37 % 37% 36% 37 C&O 46", 47 % 46 46 CM& St P 92 92% 92 92% C Con Cop. 41% 41% 40% 40% Col F & 1. 32"* 33'* 32% 32% Con Gas .. 122% 122% 121% 121% Corn Prod. 13 13% 13 13% Erie 28% 28% 2 8 2 8 Erie Ist pfd 45'* 45% 44 1 2 44%! Gen E Co. 119!j 149% 149% 149% Gen Motors 150 150 145% 1451* Goodrh BF 53 54 % 51 51% Gt Nor pfd 119% 119% 119% 119 Gt N Ore s 36% 36% 36% 56% In-Met ... 16% 16% 1C 16 111-Met pfd 68% 68% 67% 68 K C !>o ... 25 "a 2b % 2u % 2b Lehigh Val 141 143 141 142 Louis & N. 121 121 120% 121 Alex Petro. 74% 76 74 % 74% Mo Pac .. 14 % 15 14 % 14% Nat Lead.. 62% 64 62 % 64 N V Cent.. 88 % 89% 88% 88% N\ ,NH& H 62 ',4 (i 2% 61% 61% Nor Ai W. . 104 104 % 104 104% Nor Pac .. 109% 110 109% 110 . 1- R R ... 109 109% 109 109% Peo G & C. 119% 119% Pgh Coal .22 22% 22 22 Pgh C pfd. 93 "a 94% 93% 94% I Pros S Car 34 % 34% 34 34% ill C Cop.. 21% 21% 21% 21 >-3 I I Heading .. 12 ' a 152% 151% 162 1 *! lltl & S . . 26 % 27 26 % 26 % 1 So Pacific.. 91% 93 91 % 92 So Railway 19% 19% 19 19% ISo Rwy pfd 61 61% 61 61 jTenn Cop.. 33 33 % 32% 33% Third Ave. 54% 54% 53% 53% Union Pac. 130% 131% 129% 130% U S Rubber 73% 74% 71% 72',4 I S Steel. 57% 57% 55% 56 U S S pfd. 109% 109 '.4 108% 108% Utah Cop.. 59% 60% 59% 59 7j, Va C C .. 25% 25% 26% 25% West Md . 77% 78 77 77 % West U Tel 66 66% 66 66% PHtUDRIiI'HU nltnniTß Philadelphia. April 10. Wheat Higher: No. 2, red, ear lots, export, ! $1.55® 1.57; No. 1. Northern, Duluth, export, $1.65® 1.68. Corn Firm; No. 2, spot, 76®77e; I No. 2, yellow, local, 80%® 81 lie. | Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 63® 64e. Bran Firm- winter, per ton, $29.00; spring, per ton, $26.50® 27.00. Refined sugars Steady; pow dered, 6.00 c; flue granulateu, o.aOc, con fectioners' A. 5.80 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras, 32c; nearby, prints, fancy. 35c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby Aims. free cases, $6.30 per case; do., • current receipts, free cases, $6.15 per rase, western, extras, firsts, fr**.- . a.>"S. J $0.30 per case; do., firsts, free cases, 1 $6.15 per case. I Live Poultry Steady; fowls. 16%® ! 17e; old roosters, 12®12%c; chickens, 14®19c; turkeys. 15®17c; ducks, ltijji [ 17c; geese, 12® 16c. I Dressed Poultry—Steady: fresh killed I fowls, fancy. 16%®19%c; do., aver : age, lfilfi 18c: do., unattractive. 14®lSi-; I old roosters, 13% c; frozen fowls, 16® 118 c; roasting chickens, 17®20c; broil ! ing chickens, 22®27c; turkeys, 18® j 22c; ducks, 12@18e; geese, 12®16c. | Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania, per bushel, 55®60c; Maine, per bushel, 50®53c; New York, per buhel, 55c; Jersey, per basket, iij (5> 3 Sc. Flour The market is firm; winter clear, $3.50«r4.10: straights, Pennsyl vania, $6.60®6.56; spring. straights, $0.7507.00; do., patents, $7.00®8.00; wasterr., $4,260 4.40; patent*. s«.»uw 4.76; Kansas straight. Jut* tacna, $4.15 04.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20, Itra t,ntb. $4./0©4.30; patents. s4.3>t> 4.C0. Hay The market la weak; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.00; No. 1, medium bales, sl7.6u(u. IS.OO. No. 2, d... SIS.SOQ> 16.50; No. 3, do., sl4.oor® 15.U0; bamp.es. $13.00© 14.00; no grade, $ll.OO ©12.00. Ciovar mixed hay. Light mixed, $17.'J0e'17.50; No. 1, do.. $1 6.0016 »0. .No. J. do $14.50®15.50. I'llll.\i>i:i.imii \ STOCKS Philadelphia, April 10. Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 47% General Asphalt 26 General Asphalt, Pfd 66% Lake Superior Corporation 6 'I Lehigh navigation 75% Valley 70 Vfa Pennsylvania Railroad 64 V- Philadelphia Electric 23"£ Philadelphia Company 89% Philadelphia Company, Pfd 35 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 10',& Reading 76 Storage Battery 50 Union Traction 36% United Gas Improvement 84 United States Steel 56% NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT fly Associated I'rcss New York, April 10. The state ment of the actual condition of Clear ing House Banks and Trust Com panies shows that they hold $148,214,- !>4O reserve in excess of legal require ments. This is a decrease of $13,500 from last week. The statement follows: Aetunl Condition etc., $2,393,821,000; decrease, $5,221,000. Reserve in own vaults (B), $391,896,- 000; decrease, $237,000. Reserve in Federal Bank, $118,920,- 000; Inftrease, $2)4,000. Reserve in other depositories, $32,- | 055.000; decrease, $2,987,000. Net demand deposits, $2,283,863,000; decrease, $18,482,000. Net time deposits, $119,125,000; in crease. $7,819,000. Circulation. $37,619,000; increase, $16,- 000. (B), Of which $319,658,000 is specie. Aggregate reserve, $542,871,000. Excess reserve, $148,214,940; de crease, $43,100. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., April 10. —. Board of Trade closing: Wheat —May, 1.55%; July, 1.22%. Corn—Maj-, ,3%; July. 75%. Oats—May, 57%; July, 54%. Pork—May, 17.55; July, 18.00. I»ard —May. 10.27; July, 10.57. Ribs—May. 10.12; July, 10.45. CHICAGO CATTI.F. Chicago. 111., April 10. Hogs Re ceipts, 8,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $7.05 ®7.15; light, $6,850*7.15; mixed, $6.85®) 7.20; heavy, $6.65(ji 7.15; rough, s6.6s<ft 6.75: pigs. $5.70<58.75. Cattle Receipts. 100; steady. Na tive beef steers, $6.00648.90: western steers, $5.60® 7.50; cows and heifers, <>i 8.O0: calves. $6.25 ® 8.75. Sheep—Receipts. 200; dull. Sheep, lambs, $7.80^10.50. !»»!i«s»r.a»W' Harrisburg's Most Attractive Home Offerings Nowhere in Harrisburg will be found better or more substantially built homes than these new nouses which are located in one of the city's most desirable sections. Nothing but the best of materials ind workmanship were employed in the construction, all of which was done under careful inspection. Two-and-one-half story brick, built In pairs—8 rooms, pantry and bath—open stairway—oak finish, first floor—white enamel finish on upper floors—tile bath room—stea.m he«t—cement cellar— laundry with tul»s—sanitary open plumbing*—(fas—electricity—lo foot front porch—rear porch and balcony—beautifully papered throughout—slate roof—front and back sodded lawns—grano lithic sidewalks—paved streets—size of lots about 21x115 feet—ll feet between pnlrs—l .ocated at Fourteenth and Cumberland Streets REASONABLE PRICES—DELIGHTFUL LOCATION—CONVENIENT TERMS REPRESENTATIVE ON THE PREMISES Open Daily For Inspection, Including Sunday FOR FULL INFORMATION APPLY TO EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING M. B. COWDEN O. M. COPELIN R. OENSLAGER Commonwealth Trust l ltli and Verbeko "11 N. Thin* Building Streets Street f~w* or \ FREIGHT TRftFFIG IS HEAVY ON READING Scarcity of Motive Power Necessi tates Services of Eight Extra Crews to Handle Business Freight traffic on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad was heavy last night. In addition to large shipments of soft coal, a dozen trains, hauling miscellaneous merchandise were han dled at Rutherford between 6 o'clock last night and 6 o'clock this morning. With the exception of one train of empty cars, all trains arriving and departing last night from Rutherford yards were hauled by two engines. Motive power is scarce on the Ilar risburg division, and for this reason eight Reading crews were called into service again last night. The average length of each train is 65 loaded cars. RAILROAD XOTES Harold E. Craig, of Scotland, has accepted a clerical position with the Cumberland Valley Railroad at Cham bersburg. Mr. Craig was formerly a reporter on a Chambersburg paper. He is a son of W. E. Craig, of Scot land. Passenger Engineer Trvln A. Shatto. 627 Harris street, who was injured sometime ago at Altoona, returned to duty to-day. Standing of the Crews IIAIIIUSBI'RG SIDE l'liitndelptiia Dlvlwlon ll7 crow to go first after 3.45 p. m.: 102, 114, 111,, 121. 103. 131. 129, 101, 130, 125, 122, 110. Engineers for 101, 103, 110, 111, 114, 129. 130, 131. Firemen for 101, 103, 106, 114, 130. Conductors for 101, 102, 104, 114, 124, 128. 130, 131. Flagmen for 102, 106, 114. BraScemen for 102, 103, 122, 125. Engineers up: Hennecke, Sober, Smeltzer, Sparver. Kennedy. Smith, Seitz, Brubaker, Crisswell, I<ong, Stat ler, Albright, Geesev, Everetts, Gib bons. Gillums, Conklin, Downs, Brun ner, Supplee, Wolfe. Firemen up: Durall, Martin, Farm er, Übbart, Brenner, Shaffner, Pen well, Lantz, Copeland, McKeal, Chronis ter, Whichello, Mulholm, Gilberg, Mil ler. Horstick, Ilhoads, Sees, Bleich, Balsbaugh, Shive, Coer, Watson, Mad enord. McCurdy. Conductor up: Fink. Flagmen up: Harvey, Bruehl. Brakemen up: Hope, W'iland, Shultz . berger, McNaughton, Malseed, Dengler, \ Jackson, Riley, Albright, Coleman, j Moore, Grillie. Middle DIVIMIOII 228 crew to go I first ater 12.40 p. m.: 221, 215, 240, 2-= S. 21, 16. Engineers up: Kugler, Havens, Gar man, Mununa, Hertzler, Free, Knisley, Clouser. Firemen up: Zeiders, Sheesley, Lie bau, Fletcher, Kuntz, Wright. Conductor up: Keys. Brakemen up: Frank, Rell. Yard Crnv«—To go after I p. m.: Engineers for 306, 130, 1820. Firemen for 2260, 1255, 1831, 130, 1820. Engineers up: Hoyler, Rt-ek, llarter, Biever. Blosser, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Crist, Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn, Pelton, Snyder, L&ndis. Firemen up: Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Revie, Uisli, Bostdorf. Schiefer, Rauch, Getty. Weigle, Lackey. Cook erley, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bartolet. KXOI.A SIDE I'hlladelplila lMvUlon—23s crew first to go after 4:15 p. m.: 240. 222. 229, 216, 234. 211, 210, 224, 201, 230. Engineers for 211, 224. Firemen for 216, 234, 201. Conductor for 16. Flagman for 35. Brakemen ior 1, 4. 26, 29. Brakemen up: Werts. Wendllng, Campbell, Stimeling, Taylor, Waltman, Shaffner. Musser. Middle Dlvlwlon—2so crew first to go after 1:30 p. m.: 214, 217, 220, 107, 109, 101. 103, 110. Conductor for 107. Flagman for 107. Brakemen for 10, 110. THE READING Harrisburg Division. —The 6 crew first to go after 11.45 a. m.: 11, 18, 15, 4, 22, 24, 9, 21, 5. Eastbound after 11.45 a. m.: 52, 62, 67, 67, 57, 71, 64, 70, 65, 51, 56, 59, 60. Firemen for 51, 24. Conductors for 62, 11, 18, 22. Brakemen for 9, 22. Engineers up: Pletz, Fetrow, Barn hart, Wyre, Wood, Aloran, Fiston, Fortney, Rich wine, Wcirman, Craw ford, Glass, Morrison, Middaugh. Firemen up: Stephens, Carl, Zu APRIL 10, 1915. lioswki, Fulton, Bingaman, Nye, Kel ley. Lex. Chronister, Grumbine, Dow hower, Rumbaugh, Longenecker. Conductors up: Gingher, Phile baunt. Nilton. Brakemen up: Kapp, Shader, Crea ger, Miles, Shearer, Miller, Curtin. Smith, Page. Keifer, Maxton, Mununa and McHenry. Harrisburg Trust Co. Sells Suburban Property j Through the Harrisburg Trust Company a largo double brick dwell ing in Highspire was sold this week, one-half to Enos Etnoyer and the I other half to Arthur Cowdrey. The same company also sold for Mrs. G. M. McCatiley property 108 Marys avenue to Darias 11. Griggs. The consideration was not made known in the case of either sale. CHARLES B. YAPLE DIES ! Charles B. Yaple, aged 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. MeCune Yaple, 2219 Logan street, died last night from a complication of diseases. The funeral will be held from his late home on Monday morning at 9 o'clock. The Revs. W. H. Hartman and A. M. Sta mets officiating. Burial will bo made at Lewistown. 1 | Gorson's Position in the Used Auto Field Enables Us to Undersell Other Dealers No matter what kind of car you want or the price < you want to pay, we can suit you from our stock of over 1000 high-grade used cars from which to select. • And we sell you a car that is guaranteed to give service. 1915 CHALMERS tourlns. fulty equipped. rtEUAt. louring, fully eoulimtd. HO*. . at "-AMgSigj. ——- ltm HI I'. a.' louring. at a bargain. 'Vha D " UD ' SON CABRI °'' ET - V,ry mi<> HUI- runabout. fully .Quipped. U». _ ■ 1915 MERCER runflbout ajid raeeabout. 1»H W. C. H._>qurjn K ._<275. fullv euulpued. excellent running nnd lyn AIAXWELI. towing. f3OO. iiMclianlcAl condition. " - ■ ib l 4 KDWAHDS KNIOHT tourinr. win. ~ .... *rz i I T~* Silent Knlrlit Motor, a flne rar and In PACK A HI) llmouutnt. UP to date. f>oo. r _e*cellent whcela. it.it CADILLAC nmtbout. good shape. a 1914-13-12 FORI) touring cars and run- _JHIIU4>. _ _ab>.u(.. fJi!l^.ouluo A d._fTOm_«i«)i)_uu._ LXtM .; , ourl „ g , equipped, HOB. 1»H CADILLAC touring. el.ganl .hauc. 10u METZ runabout, ovarhauled. r.- CADILLAC. f.-uaaacnrcr tourinr. nicely painted. CTSS. ( -1914-13-12 Bt'ICK tourinr cara. d Iff err lit ncd. a-ood shape. >3OO. j - W> - U,V * HUDSON tourinr. overhauled and la I 1512 PIERCE-ARROW limourtue. 8-JC, vary handaome.car OVERHAND tourinr oar. fully equipped. } 1913 OVERLAND tourinr. equipped. overhauled. >250. j —13.? 1913 PAIGE tourinr. excellent ahapo. "JITNEY** BUS CAR. elcrant ahape, eouli>t>ed. ItSO. J —?iL-L And Mveril hundred other email tour- \ 1913 UXDFRSLUXG REGAL roadeter. very Inr cara $l5O up. TVucka and delivery ( claaav. 1350. waron*. all alzea. sl7l up. | Gorson's Automobile Exchange I.AKGEST USED AUTO DEALERS IN U. S. A. 206 and 238-40 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SEND FOR FREE BARGAIN' BULLETIN AOEKTB WANTED j> MILLER to the Road TIRES | Add the "Class" Mark to Your Car STERLING AUTO TIRE CO., 1451 Z.rk.r Stmt THE VULCANIZERS | Buy Coal Now—Cheapest ' ;! This is the month to order next winter's supply of coal. There's j! . ]! a material saving to be effected, and the wise folk are taking advantage ]! J S of present low prices. Buy before the advance comes, and buy Mont- ]! ' J! gomery coal thus Insuring the most quality for your money. J. B. MONTGOMERY | Both Phones Third and Chestnut Streets !! I Chandler Ships First Seven-Passenger Model | In his anxiety to obtain delivery of | the first seven-passenger Chandler Six to lie shipped from the factory. | tA. Quigley, Utah distributor for , the Chandler Company, willingly paid ' the S4OO express charges on a rush shipment to Salt Lake* City. Mr. Quigley, who recently signed as a Chandler dealer, determined to haw his demonstrating car on exhibition during the week of the annual Mor mon Church conference in Salt Lake City. When he was informed that his car. the first of the new seven passenger Chandlers, was to lie shipped by freight on April 2, he im mediately wired the factory to send the car by Wells-Fargo express. Following the shipment of the first car, Chandler production has rapidly reached the trainload point, and over * 1,000 cars will I*r shipped in April. According to .President F. C. Chand ler. the big Cleveland factory of the I company will turn out over 1.500 cars i per month from now on. CARS SKJXING AT I'AI-MYK.\ Four Fords ajid a Maxwell in one day is the business report from Ream & Son. at Palmyra, who have the agency for these cars in that territory. A carload of Mitchells is expected the cominK week to take care of deliveries.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers