j loiMng Fir Male or Female Help? Bsc a Telegraph Classified Ajjjj LOST | LOST Open-faced gold watch— Waltliam movement, gold dial—chain attached monogram A. S. S. on back. Reward if returned to this office. POUND FOUND The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert s Steam Dyeing .and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Do you. Both phones. Call and deliver. HELP WANTED —Mule WANTED An experienced painter, I who can also do all kinds of carpenter ] Work. Steady employment by the year j to a satisfactory and competent man. , Box O, 2371, care 01 Telegraph. j WANTED Young man, about 18 I years, to work In grocery store; give j reference and experience, wa £es ex- | petted. Address 0., 2378. care of Tele- 1 graph. . WANTED Single white man, not) over 35. to work around poultry ana j take care of lawns. Permanent employ- j inent, boarding, lodging and good ! wages to right party. Must have good ; references as to sobriety, honesty and . diligence. Address Box 23(9, care of | Telegraph. j $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co- j operate with us. No capital or experi ence necessary. Write at °„ nce - M. Troker. 1". O. Box i\o. 2, Billing. Mont. j $8 EASILY MADE. We have a propo sition that will Interest you. Big , profits. Positive necessity. \\ilte M. O. Parker Co.. 1226 Third street, S. Washlngton, D. C. $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co operate with us. No capital or experi ence necessary. Write at once. Hiver Valley Sales Co., 153« Luchini street, Shrevepurt, I*a. | SRO MONTHL.Y AND EXPENSES, to travel, distribute samples and take or ders, or anpoint a*?unts; permanent. Jap-American Co., Chicago. I WILL PAY honest men up to SSO monthly. Spare time. Home wo rk. canvassing. No capital. Mail Order , Business. Voorhics, Desk li>s, Omaha, I Neb. I S3O WEEKLY, evenings at home, j Everything furnished; no experience; no canvassing. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown. Omaha. Neb. DETECTIVES WANTED everywhere —Co-operate with me and handle the smaller cases. This is 110 school. Ad- , dress Ex-Chief, Claud E. Moss, Parts, Texas. WANTED Young man to attend telephone exchange and minor office work. Apply Office. Harrisburg Pipe & Pipe Bending Co. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet. Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins. Washington. D. C. r I DISTRICT SALES MANAGER for staple line automobile tires and tubes, factory to user; execu tive ability necessary to select and direct sub-agents: profitable; exclusive territory contract; lib eral commission; permanent; state age, experience r.nd all de tails In first letter. National Rubber Company. Pottstown, Pa. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough Instruction, $5. Returned If ' not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri- 1 can Civil Service School, Washington, ! D. C. j WANTED Middle-aged man to 1 look after our Fall business. Perma nent position; fair wages. For par-I tlculars write, with references, Burr ; Nurseries, Manchester. Conn. BOY WANTED Good, strong boy. I for i-.rm, five miles from city; fnust be able to handle horses. Apply R. : Vaughn, Charlton station, Linglestown | trolley. . 1 THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT JOBS. | Open to Men and Women. $65.00 to 1 $150.00 month. Write for list. Frank lin Institute, rv 3SI-D, Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply liar-; risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. < WANTED White girl for general ! housework; two in family; must have good reference. Apply 55 Balm street. —— WANTED A seamstress. Apply at Joseph Copllnky, 1210 North Third street. WANTED Reliable white girl for general housework in .-mail family; reference required. Apply 356 Pine street, Steelton, Pa. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to s."i(. per week. Railroad fare paid. Good rich Drug Co., Dept. 520. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Salesladies and one qualified business lady to take care of office affairs in each city and town. Best of reference Is desired. Good salaries to the right parties. Address Ijeo Hill Company, 228 V& Main street, Zanesville. Ohio. LADIES A fascinating home busi ness; tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare time; make sl2 weekly; no can vassing; samples 10c; particulars free. Artlnt. R72-D, 130 Manhattan street, New York. WANTED A girl for general house work in a small family; no washing or ironing; must know how to cook. Apply to 1619 North Second street. WANTED Ten salesladies. Apply at 908 North Third, between 9 A. M. to 11 A. M.. 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. ■W—I- - ' ■ *-- - ' 1 ■■ L. -L.IJ" - - -9 The best eviauice of the desirability of l.ellevuc Park as a home-community is shown by . the handsome homes built and occupied by those who investigated and compared it with other lo cations. Bellevue Park I It Is doubtful if a man looking for a permanent home can net such values for his investment as are represented in tho five new houses almost completed, being built by the Investors Realty Company, in Bellevue Park. These houses are desirably located • and finished in every modern detail. Illustrated price-list and map sent at your request. Miller Brothers & Co. SALES A SATURDAY EVENING, , HELP WANTED—FemaIe LADIES can make. $lO weekly copy ing, addressing and mailing samples; no canvassing; particulars for stamp. American Co., 2355 Orthodox, Philadel phia. ANYONE MAKE sl2 WEEKLY; copy letters at home evenings; for quick answer enclose a self-addressed enve lope. Writer Company, 115 Mulberry street, Bristol. Pa. FREE TO ANY WOMAN Beauti ful 42-plece Gold Decorated Dinner Set for distributing three dozen cakes Com plexion Soap FREE among friends; no money needed. Tyrrell Ward, 216 In- I stltute. Chicago. | LADIES s2s weekly; easy, simple I work; no canvassing; evenings at home; | fascinating; everything furnished; no j 1 experience. Don't worry about capital. Boyd C. Brown, Omaha. Neb. WANTED ■— White woman for cook, with experience; reference required. Apply 115 South Front street. WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced J saleswomen for Laces, Corsets and Notions. Don't apply unless experl i enced. Good wages. Apply to Mr. j Green, First Floor, Astrlch's. I, 1 WANTED Experienced cook and | waitress. Apply No. 9 North Front ! street, j ! HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female il■ ■ RAILWAY MAIL AND POSTAL CLERKS Examinations soon; over 2,000 appointments yearly. Prepare at home. Write for our Plan No. 15, of [Payment after appointment. Philadel phia Business College, Civil Service De partment. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Call on best people. Fast seller, netting you $1.25 on every sale. I Send for free particulars. Pelliam Sup ply Co.. Box 2089, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS to handle household speci alty. Fast seller; needed In every home. Particulars free. Write J. A. Schmotzer Supply Co.. 171 Industry street, S, S., Pittsburgh, Pa. I OPPORTUNITY for live agents. Send to-day for free particulars about our easily demonstrated high-grade specl lalty. Valley Specialty Co., Box 601, I Hazelwood, Pa. OWN A BUSINESS 1.000 PER CENT. PROFIT Manufacturing Inks at home spare time. Capital and experience un necessary. Enormous commercial de mand. Our secret formulas and sure selling plans Insure lucrative, steadily increasing business. No canvassing. Investigate Immediately. Particulars free. E. B. Covert, Secretary, 6935-6939 Kenwood avenue. Chicago, 111. AGENTS Make big money Belling our goods. Send for our latest winner. Fastest seller on market to-day. Dept. A. Stubb Co., Drawer F, pixford, Pa. WONDERFUL SELLER Something everybody needs. Big profits to | | Agents. Send for free particulars. Watson Specialty Co., 31 Forst-Richey Building. Trenton, N. J. FREE SAMPLE Nosplash Water Strainers sell themselves no talking —experience unnecessary. Daily profits $5 upwards. Send 2c i mailing cost). H. A., Union Filter Co., New York. AGENTS Make S2O to SSO a week with permanent Income. We start you in business. No capital required. Ex ceptional opportunity. Experiece not necessary. Write for proposition. TLo , Oliver Specialty Co.. Altoona, Pa. AGENTS Astonishing, fascinating. Millions of dollars made annually. 1100.011 weekly, at home, during leisure moments. Absolutely no canvassing, i Experience unnecessary. 1 will start I you in this Extraordinary Business and i furnish everything. Don't worry about capital. Address Boyd 11. Brown, Dept. | 20, Omaha, Neb. I FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE Substantial, experienced man to sell direct SEVEN-PIECE ALUMINUM SETS on instalment plan. New idea 57.00 I per dav for only three orders. Perma nent work. Hurry for Spring opening. Applicant must stale experience to re | ceive attention. Aluminum Factories I Company, LaGrange. 111. | AGENTS Get particulars of one of I the best paying propositions ever put lon the market. Something no one else ' sells. Make SI,OOO yearly. Address E. M. Feltman. Sales Manager, 1683, Third street. Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS lf I had your name I could show you how to earn $25 to SSO weeklv. Greatest seller In years. Over 700,000 sold in last six months. Every housewife WILL BUY ON SIGHT. Pos tal brings liberal -oposltlon and Free Sample. Address Manufacturer. I Union Square, New York. GROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Get out of the wage-earner's class. Your co-operation with our fac | tor.v starts you with little capital dur ing spare time in your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. I Write tor booklet and proposition. Ad dress Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-60, 6S Broadway. Buffalo, N. Y. ! AMBITIOUS MEN WITH JOBS AND OTHERS. Opportunity offered by lead ling Kansas Corporation. Make $3,000 , annually. Unique and original. An I hour or two a day at home is the mag ; | net that draws the big pay. Experi : i ence unnecessary. C. W. E.vestone, i President., 231 Fifth street, Pittsburg, ' Kan. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary; easy work; big pay. Write now for large list of* openings offering I ; opportunities to earn from SIOO to > SSOO a month while you learn. Address , I nearest office. Dept. 241, National Sales j men's Training Association, Chicago, j New York. San Francisco. EXPERIENCED WHISKEY SALES j MEN to sell Standard Brands in Bond. . j Must be able to furnish reference and , ; give bond. Address Rochester Distilling | Company, Rochester. N. V. WANTED Aggressive, live-wire ; salesman, full time or side line, to sell . ' our Well Known line of Temperance ] Drinks in the small country towns. • i Permanent position. 25 per cent, com ' I mission. $35.00 weekly drawing ac . count. Red Cross Company. 206 South ' Main street. St. Louis, Mo„ Dept. Z. SITUATION'S WANTED—MaIe DRUGS Q. A. wishes position in Harrisburg 01- vicinity for the sum mer. Can start June 1. I,! S. Webster, 326 South Sixteenth, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Young man, 24 years olil, wishes position of any kind; have had six nears' experience as bread baker; also experienced restaurant man. J. IS. N„ 813 West street. City. WANTED Colored man desires work; housecleaning a specialty; per fect satisfaction; whitewashing; war dens renovated. 116 Vfc Liberty street. CHAUFFEUR Sober, honest, reli able, good mechanic and repairman, wants steady position where real work is appreciated; references furnished. -I. Daniel Deibler, Elizabeth vllle, Pa., K. F. D., No. *l. WANTED Young, married man wishes position as chauffeur, seven years' experience, or any other kind of work; also handy man around horses. Address 1,. R. T>„ 122 Hoyer avenue. WANTED White man wants work of any kind; prefers grocery store; honest and sober man. Apply Box D, 2381, carq of Telegraph. WANTED By boy, 11 years old, work on farm for board and clothes. Call third door above church. Progress, Pa. WANTED Position of any kind by young man 18 years of age; in or around garage preferred; best of refer ence. Address A. W. F., 1521 Vernon street. WANTED Young colored man wants job as chauffeur. Apply 209 North Second street, Steelton, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Work of any kind, by the day or week. Apply Francis Jefferies, 610 South street. WANTED White woman wants work as waitress or general house work. Call, or address, 1527 Fulton street. WANTED A German woman de sires position In small family as cook. 1001 North Seventh street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED A mother and daughter, 11, would like positions as cook and child's nurse, or work together of any kind. Address At., 2380, care of Tele graph. WANTED Sewing for infants' and children, also lingerie, at home or by day. 1823 North Second street. WANTED Woman, with two small children, desires housekeeping. Ad dress third door above churcn, Pro gress, Pa. WANTED By a young colored wo man, day's work cleaning and sweep ing. Inquire, or address, 1425 New Fourth street and Basin avenue. WANTED A colored woman wants position doing housework. Apply 109 North Fifth street. WANTED By white woman posi tion as cook in small, refined family. Call Bell telephone 2293 J. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires day's work. Call, or ad dress, 811 James street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE lmmediate possession can be given to an eight-room house, good condition, lot 95xi23 ft., in Dau- I r>Mn. Price. $1,200. H. G. l'edlow, 110 I Soutn Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Three properties on Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. All | properties in the business sectlop. All ' rented with good tenants. A chance to 1 make big money. Address H.. 2356, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 2518 Jefferson street; new brick house; all Improvements; a bargain on easy terms. Inquire T. A. Bell, 820 North Third street. FOR SALE lrlck and frame 1 houses and lots. Camp Hill and Sliire | mar.stown. Sold to suit purchaser. Pay ! ment same as n. Interest low. Ask I for terms. M. A. Fought, 272 North 1 street. FOR SALK Desirable building lots] in the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, i Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets. | An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L,, No. 1587, care of Telegraph. 40 ACRES One mile southeast of Penbrook 7-room frame dwelling bank barn sand soil variety of fruit. Brinton-Paeker Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE— nun FORSTER ST. 2-story brick 6 rooms, bath and furnace lot, 15x55 —2-story frame on rear which rents for $7.50. Will sell separate. North Riverton .l squares west of Lemoyne Trust Co.. 2 '4-story frame dwelling 6 rooms, bath and furnace —lot, 17V4x125. Price, $1,600.00. Rental income. 915.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. SeconjU and Walnut Sts. SIOO WILI. GIVE YOU possession to any one of three bouses - balance on easy monthly payments—prices. $1,400. SI,BOO, $2,400. Why pay rent? Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SAI.E New brick houses, 0 rooms, bath, gas. electric light, steam boat, porches, good location, well built, finished in chestnut. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I 1 FOR SALE l.ook at in 15 North street, offered for sale at an attrac tive price: eight rooms, bath. gas. fur nace, porches, both streets paved. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOTT SALE One pair new frame bouses: suburban: 5-cent car fare; can be rented $12.00 each; water and elec tric lights; frontage 011 park: 9 per cent, investment. Inquire Bell phone C 274. FOR SALE An Eighteenth street property, close to market street: seven rooms and bath; all improvements; good condition: side entrance. Price, 12,800.00. Inquire H. G. PedlOW, 110 South Thirteenth street. City. FOR SALE Two Evergreen street properties, near Market street: brick; all improvements; prices are right. 11. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street. —MONKVMAKKII— | Short distance to trolley, (.1) rail roads. (10) Iron and Steel Mills (121 Silk. Hose, Pants and Novelty Works. I Good Buildings mostly new and paint ; cd. water through concrete floor stone I milk house, and Ideal location for I poultry, bees, berries, early vegetables . and Dairy Business. Nearness to City iMarket makes a great bargain. (100) i acres Ctt> ($:!.:i00) with (8) ton hay (10) 1 tor» straw (2) horses age (6 and 7) and 1(2) fresh cows (4) thrifty hogs and I (60) chickens © ($3,800). GBORtir, I». OSTHAMIKR. ! Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. ! FOR SALE New 214-story house, I 2107 Main street, Penbrook; six rooms, I reception hall and bath: all modern I improvements: lot. 40x106. McClellan j .T. Koomes, 2107 Main street, Penbrook. / A FOR RENT ! 1838 N. Second St. Tlireo-slory brick (kliiklc) house 1 —l3 rooms Mourn lient. (tnrngr ' on renr of lot. : MILLER BROTHERS & CO. < KB All ESTATE Klre lusurnnee Buret? Honda I.or nut find Court Street* HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I FOR RENT A three-story dwell ing house. No. liio7 North Sixth street; | all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam i heat, etc. J. T. Ensminger. Second and | Chestnut streets. j FOR RENT l7lB State St.. $J5.00. j This property very desirable. Set i back fifty feet from curb. Large front | porch. Steam heat and all other im- j provements. Inquire A. S. Miller & Son.. General Real Estate and Insur ance, Eighteenth and State streets. FOR RENT 456 Crescent street; two-story brick house; seven rooms and bath; front porch and side en trance. Apply to I. P. Bowman, At torney, 36 North Third, Security Trust Building. > FOB KENT No. 1110 Walnut St S2O 00 ; No. 1413 Market. St 26 50 j No. 2016 Kensington St 10 50 ■ iNo. 1019 S. 21H St. 10 00 ! J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT Throe-story house, 134 Linden street; eight rooms, water and gas; possesion at once. Apply C. F. Gohl, 1003 North Second street. Bell phone 899 M. FOR RENT Two-story brick build ing. with ail conveniences, suitable for warehouse or factory. About one block from new Pennsylvania Freight Sta tion. Horace A. Segelbaum, Attorney, Russ Building. | FOR RENT 1827-1841 Penn Street, 1 2-story brick factory building, 75 ft. by I 39 ft. in first-class trondltion, equipped i with elevator, steam heat, electric l light, gas. and toilets on bot floors. This building is particularly suited for I light manufacturing purposes. Apply Ito M. 11. Plank. 312 Forster street, I Harrisburg, Pa. I FOR RENT Six-room houses at Edgemont, on Twenty-third street, one half mile north of Penbrook. Inquire ! of W. C. Brenneman, Penbrook, corner j of Curtln and Elm. FOR RENT OR SALE Liueral ; terms, 526 North Third street. S. Fried- j man. Kunkel Building, or 217 PefCer , street. ___ I FOR RENT —The Huston Homo, situ- 1 ated along Conodoguinet Creek, four miles from Meehanlcsburg. Suitable for a summer home or a summer board inghouse. All conveniences. Apply A. J. Huston. Meehanlcsburg. Pa. FOR RENT 927 North Second street: ten-room house with all im provements. Inquire next door. 929 North Second street, William Urlch. FOR RENT Fackler's large lodge hall, 1312 Derry street, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Inquire Fackler's Furniture Store. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, 1713 North Third street: all Im provements; Immediate possession. Ap ply 1100 North Front street. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Small property for in vestment; must be between Broad slid North and Third and Sixth streets; must give full particulars; will consult with owner only. Address H., 2375, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT New modern apart ments, 6 rooms, bath, pantry, storage, continuous hot water, front and rear porches. Apply H. W. Miller, State Highway Dept.. or 2210 North Third. Bell phone SIR, FOR RENT Apartment of five rooms, including bath and kitchen; city vapor steam heat; exceptionally light and airy; moderate rent. 37 North Sec ond street. NEW, modern apartments. 2208 North Third street; reception hall, 5 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood floors, laundry, front and rear porches. Ap ply C. C. Whlteman. 2208 North Third street. MacDANIEL'S FURNISHED APART MENTS Two delightful large, airy front rooms, with bath; complete for housekeeping; gas range; private meter, bells, letter box; laundry con veniences. 1417 Market street. FOR RENT Flat at 515 Walnut street; live rooms and bath; very rea sonable rent. Apply at Capln's Ice Cream Parlor, same address. FOR RENT Apartments, four rooms and bath, all conveniences, locat ed on corner Sixth and Harris streets. Apply to L. Filbert. 1542 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 264 Herr street. FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment, 225 North Second street, second tloor, 5 rooms, pantry and tiled bath. All rooms open on private hall. Sta tionary hall rack, laundry tub. Rental, Including city vapor heat and hot water, $42.50. Apply 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Third floor 239 North street; five rooms; pantry; tiled bath; all hardwood floors; large side and rear porches; all modern conveniences. Ap ply first floor, 239 North street. FOR RENT Apartment, with all i modern Improvements, Including city I steam heat, No. 204 Walnut street E. Mather Co. ! FOR RENT —2O North Fourth street, I third floor apartment; live rooms and i bath; electric lights, gas and steam , heat. Call at 430 Walnut street. ROOMS I'OR REST FOR RENT Well furnished front room, facing Capitol Park; all conveni ences, including bath and phone. In quire 406 North. FOR RENT Third floor flat; two rooms; hall; use of bath; light; clean; comfortable; possession at once. Apply 230 North Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, on second fldor, for light housekeeping; also two furnished rooms on third floor or light housekeeping. Call 1327 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two bright, airy rooms furnished for light housekeeping; all improvements; gas range: kitchen cabi net' refrigerator: gas on separate meter: immediate possession; references exchanged. Apply 342 South "Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Two pleasant, com municating front rooms, light house keeping, second lloor, conveniences, $lO per month. 501 Muench street. t FOR RENT Furnished, two large third lloor rooms for light housekeep ing- also large second-story front room; improvements. Apply 255 Brlggs [ street. ( FOR RENT—Unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping at 210 Chestnut street; also partly furnished cottage at Paxtonla. Apply to James Stlner, St. James Hotel. 40i> Market street. FOR RENT Third floor front room, s•> 00 a week; gentleman preferred. Ap ply 1417 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Furnished sulto of large front llvingroom. bedroom and private bath; city steam; electric lighting: hardwood floors; references required. 21S Pine street. ROOMS WANTED PRIVATE FAMILY wishing to re duce expenses, could find desirable tenants for part of house (furnished or unfurnished). Refined, married couple about to remove here from Philadel phia. State terms and location. Ad dress H., 2382, care of Telegraph. UNFURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED ROOMS P.tillt especially for light housekeeping, single or With kitchenettes, arrange ments strictly private, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone, and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus furniture. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or .lanltress, same building, j Dally inspection invited. ROOMERS WANTED WANTED, ROOMERS Nicely fur nished rooms; all Improvements; good location. 107 Evergreen street. WANTED WANTED To buy a canoe. Give i price, make and how long used. Ad- ] dress \V., 2383, care of Telegraph. WANTED TO BUY A Prest-O-Llte | tank, cheap. Apply S. Levy. 962 South T-.venty-first street. Both phones. — WANTED Bicycles, or ' parts of bicycles, for highest cash prices, at once. Try Keystone quick repair ser vice and save money. Keystone Cycle Co.. 811 North Third street. Both phones. SECOND-HAND Bicycles wanted. Call, or write. Excelsior Cycle Co., lo South Market Square. Bell phone 689 W. BOARD iKS WANTED SEVERAL refined. Christian fami lies wanted as summer boarders at Lime Valley Farm. Will open about 1 June 1. For particulars address Box 167, Rheems, Pa. —.________________ FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT An estab lished, modern bakery in Columbia, Pa., on easy terms. Address "Bakery," care of Telegrarh. — FOR SALE Chicken house, 10x16; in good condition. Bell phone 3053 W. I : , | Davidson, 1914; twin-cylinder; 8-H.-P.; two-speed' fully equipped; very little used. Bargain. Better Investigate. E. j L. Campbell, Meehanlcsburg. I FOR SALE New 16-ft. motor boat; 6-H.-P.; double engine. Will sell or trade on Motorcycle. Will be at Aldine Hotel. Harrisburg, April 15, from 4 to 8 P. M. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Remington Typewriter, No. 6, good condition, $ll.OO. Address X.. 2365, care of Telegraph. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at. 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad, if paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE—MOTORCYCLES Harley-Davidson's. Indians, Reading, Standards, Yales, etc., $50.00 and up. Rebuilt and guaranteed to lie as repre sented. Heagy Bros., 1201 North Third street. FOR SALE S. C. W. Leghorn Chicks, 10 cents each. Hatches due every Saturday. Order In advance. J. Nelson Yost, 232 East Water street. Mlddletown. Pa. rOR SALE l7 S. C. W. Leghorn Pullets. Daughters of ijiy contest pen. jAlso two line breeding Cockerels, baby chicks and hatching eggs of my contest pen. George E. Anderson, 152 West Curtln street, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE 1915 Model Kennebec FOR SALE For cheap second-hand touring cars and roadsters go to llot tensteln and Zeeh. Buick and Chrevolet Agents, City Auto Garage, rear of Union Trust Building. FOR SALE —Millinery store in Harrisburg. Splendid location. Doing good business. Price rea sonable to quick buyer. Address 11, 2373, care of Telegraph. HARRISBURG INVESTMENTS Keystone State Industrial Fair and Merchants Ice Co. stock, shares selling rapidly. For "articular* see )■'. J. Dar lington, 4 >{orth Fifth street. Bell phone 3652. FOR SALE Five-passengar Tour- I ing Car, in excellent condition. Would make good Jitney bus or delivery wagon. Price, $175.00. To see the car I address P. O. Box 392, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Will sell at sacrifice a I 7-passenger Stcddard-Dayton automo- I bile, 50-horse-powcr, model 1912; extra! powerful engine; best condition; all j new tires. Apply by letter (or more , information, to Jd., 276, care of Tele- ! graph. j FOR SALE Powerful F. I. A. T. double-chain drive racing car, rebuilt, 1 5600.00. Description if Interested. G. | C. Hoagland, Williamsport, Pa. FOR SALE Stietf upright piano. : Will sell on time to reliable party, but prefer cash if can find buyer. Regina- I phone Box, with 28 records, $15,00. Ad- ! dress T.. 2331), care of Telegraph. FOR SALE l9ll Cadillac; Road-| ster; excellent condition; fully equip- i ped. Reason for selling, owner leaving 1 city. Demonstration by appointment. ! Address A.< 2320. care of Telegraph. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. THE Harrisburg Harness and Sup- | ply Company's Trunks, Suitcases and ' Hags of genuine leather at prices lower ! than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty. Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE Three wagons left out ! of a dozen. All painted, ready for use. j Must be sold to make room. Groce's Wagon Shop. 15<1 Walnut street. FOR SALE A driving or light de livery horse. City broke. An- i.v can drive. Apply S. Levy, 962 South Twenty-first street. Both phones. ANTIQUE FL'RMTIKE High and low chests of drawers, three secretary desks, two secretary bureaus, I skle chairs, loose seats. Windsor chairs, claw and ball foot tables. J. H. Leaher, 411 Spring street. PONY OUTFIT FOR SALE Bay pony, 10 years old, sound and gentle; good bugtry and harness. A bargain. Oscar Sultzbaugh. Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. IX?, 115 and IX7 South Second street, 6,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme ! make. FOR SALF. CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE A large peanut wagon, in good condition; large warming pan; candy cabinet; shelves; good stock on hand. Price reasonable. Apply at Sixth and Maclay streets. FOR SALE Motorcycle. Harley- Canoe, fully equipped. Bell phone 2004. FOR SALE Two cheap delivery wagons. Apply T. H. Loser, Paxtang, Pu. Phone 751J1. FOR' RENT FOr. RENT Second floor room, 3.700 -quare feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 71>8, Lock port, N. Y. 1 MADE $50,000 in Ave years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y, APRIL 10, 1915. BUSINESS PERSONALS I HAVE your Roof Painted and rough | carpenter work done now; also window screens made to order. For particulars i address "Carpenter." 273 llerr street. "REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING I with best material and by expert heif). I Send us yor worn furniture. Our best' efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. ! Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. ALL KINDS of razor blades resharp-I ened; made better than new; safety, 25c per dozen; Star. 15c; old style, 25c; leave orders Henry Gilbert & Sons' Hardware, ! 219 Market. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices > paid. Drop postal, or phone 3718 8011. Atlas Furniture Co., 1011 .Market street, j OLD GOLD and Silver, Watches, Dla- j ; monds and Jewelry bought for highest I cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler, | I No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone ' I 631 J. _ I FREIGHT DRAYAGE. Storage, Ship- j pers and Distributors of Merchandise i of .ill kinds. Prompt and efficient ser- | vice. Warehouses on P. R. R. and P. 1 &. R. tracks. Montgomery and Co. : (Peipher Line), Tenth below Market | street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine! Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the i Druggist nnd Apothecary, 110 Market' street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1 1960. ; HAULING H. W. I. AT HE, Hourillnie Stable and I National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ling. 11. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. MONEY TO LOAN I ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us'. Employes' Discount Co.. 36 North Third street. STORAGE STORAGE HAULING Furniture, household goods and mercliandise of all kinds stored; also hauling of all kinds —at very low prices. Call, or address, S. Frank. 427 Herr street. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. (hooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. ! FIREPROOF STORAGE WARE HOUSE, divided Into private rooms for | storage of household goods new | I jlldin'S low Insurance lnspe ction invited. 437-445 South Second j street. Harrisburg Storaire Company CARD OF THANKS I MRS. JAMES M. WIN AND FAMILY I desire to express their thanks to neigh bors and friends for the many klnd | nesses shown them, and for (lowers dur i ing their recent bereavement of hus band and father. LEGAL NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, Bureau of Water and l.lKbtlnK. BIDS will be received at tlie Office of the Superintendent of Public Safety, Room 10, Court House, to 3 o'clock P. M„ April 10, for laying water pipes In Sycamore Street, from Cameron Street to Thirteenth Street; in Carlisle Street, from Holly Street to Derry Street, and In Agate Street, from Schuylkill Street to Columbia Street. Plans can he seen and specifications can be obtained at | the above office. The right to reject I any or all bids is reserved. H. F. BOWMAN, Superintendent Public Safety. THE Slate HlglMvay l)c|>iirtmeii t, Harrisburg, Pa., Invites sealed pro posals for the purchase und delivery of material, machinery, implements, and tools for maintenance and repair of State Highways, In such quantities as may be ordered from timo to time. Such proposals will be received at the office of the State Highway Department, Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa., until 10 o'clock A. M.. April 20. 1915, when they will lie opened and scheduled. It shall be an essential term of said pro posals that the prices submitted there in shall remain in force from the date of such proposal to the close of the fiscal year ending May 31. 1916. Upon application being made to the State Highway Department at Hafrisburg, Pa., bidding blanks will be furnished tit prospective bidders, which must be re turned by the bidder In a sealed en velope. marked "PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING MATERIAL, MA CHINERY. IMPLEMENTS. AND TOOLS TO TIIE STATE HIGHWAY DEPART MENT." Joseph W. Hunter, First Deputy Stale Highway Commissioner. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Kathe rine Craig, late of the City of Harris burg, Dauphin County, Pennrylvania, deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ments, and those having claims or de mands will make known the same with out delay to CLARK E. DIEHL, Executor, 225 Briggs Street, Or Harrisburg, Pa. JAMES G. 11AT55. Attorney. NOTICES I.VKENS VVI.I.F.Y IttlLltOAl) AND CO AI, COMPANY General Of flee, Ilroml Street Motion Philadelphia, 10th April, 1915. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of this Company, and an election for a President, seven Man agers, a Treasurer, anil a Secretary, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at this office, on Monday, 3rd May, 1915 at 11:15 o'clock A. M. LEWIS NEILSON, Secretary. TO THE MEMBERS OK HARRIS BURG LODGE 107, LOYAL ORDICK OF MOOSE Brothers;—ln accordance with the provisions of the Supreme Ixiage statutes, and a custom of the Lodge, Memorial services In honor of Our | Real Homes For Sale jj Those remaining four brick houses, situate Nos. !> | 28, 30, 32 and 34 Prospect street. Steam heated, elec- j> ? trie light, modern in all respects. These homes are in jj | that delightful Reservoir Park district and only one \\ I square from Market street. ji To quick buyers they are offered at special prices. ;! J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street WwWWWWWWWWMMMtWMItMWWWIWMWMtmWMWWV' . / VL The Liquid Rust Preventive w '" absolutely protect from /j | corr o S ion, indefinitely, that new I %p __ I J tin or otlicr metal roof you are having put on. If you in sist upon it, your roofer will use it, thus giving the required pro tection without the necessity of frequent painting. Highest testimonials. THE AMERICAN RUST PROOF COMPANY SOS I'AI.DKH fUIII>I*G liA It 111 5 BURG, PA. NOTICE deceased Brothers will be held In the Hall, Third and Boas streets, on Sunday afternoon, April 11, 1915, at 3:110 P. M. sharp. An interesting program has been arranged and a large attendance expected. Let all Moose attend. TlllO Ilarrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will bo open daily, except Sunday, at ."> I'. M., at its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor, niIBQER STAMlffi jJDI SEALS & STENCILS b>V P # mfg.byhbg.stencilworks ■ if % I 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. IT FOR Seed Potatoes, consisting of Early Rose, Spalding: Hose, Bur banks, Golden Coin, Irish Cob lers, Peerless, Early Ohio and : others too numerous to mention. J. W. Beshore 230 Mulberry Street HARRISBCRG, PA. _ LAWYER'S •' REMOVAL NOTICE C. H. Backenstoc, Esq., 1 has removed his law offices from 14 North Third street to the Bergner Building (Rooms Nos. 203 and 204, sec ond floor), northwest corner of Third and Market Sts., Harrls burg, Pa. I FOR SALE S3OO will buy an SI,BOO i home at 1903 Forster St. 3-story frame. 8 rooms and bath, all Improvements, cement cellar, I concrete walks, side entrance, grass I plot, front and back porches. Inquire CHART,ES BARNHART 1821 Whitehall Street \y ; f \ River Front Land FOR SALE 2500 feet of level land facing ! river, on Mrs. S. M. Bell's farm, ,lust outside of Dauphin. Delight- I "ful site for permanent home, or I summer cottage. Will be sold In lots of 100 feet or more. For terms, j prices, etc., apply to DR. w. P. CLARK Room 200, Calcler Building 1 ___________—________——.^ One Apartment For Rent in the REYNARD 208 N. Third St. Suite of two rooms and bath, steam heat, constant hot and | cold water. Ideal bachelor j apartment. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 MARKET ST. NO NEED TO BE DISCOURAGED 1 if your efforts are not appreciated and there is no chance for ad vancement. There are always good positions open in Ilarrisburg for i competent men—positions where tjood conscientious effort will be rewarded by constant advance ment. lust use a Telegraph WANT AD and reach the firm who is s looking for just such a man as ■' VOll. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers