These Are Busy Days Preparing Folks for April 4th :' I LTE&SE' 1 The Coat Store of WM m — Fashion having decreed shorter Including a bottle of toilet TT • 1 nii i am r j j ion skirts, shoes have grown dressier, water, value SI.OO, and a jar M—J A-> < -ftj—i? tall 1991—Any Phone founded 187 1 prettier, ever more graceful. Mil- of sachet body talcum, value J_ Ky\§l / J itary effects are much in favor, in •"'® c total value, $1.50; both high and low shoes. co mb ina tio n special at » Thcse are tt] t C ) All the smartest styles are here, " I ;Vy* • oilet water comes ' worrk hut it'. 9 nl M .nw m for instance— m Violet Simplicity, Garden Olds, a pleasure to ytf Bronze Military Laced 'Boots', Maln F,oor — BOWMAXS why, almost customer after with cloth tops to match, at ' A A, customer. And it's no little Women's cloth Top a.'SSS? Children's Easter Shoes Mr\ 'o r utlH V title SSeSS in "" S '° ns Wl Are Ready in Delight- ff# ' \ The fact that we're living and #4.00 f1 D r • \*° \ A " P l ° UIS P rovah,e m t,le as " \ Women's "Peg O' My Heart" ful rrOlUSlon \ ■« {, J \ sortment that we ve prepared 1 \ fap Pumps, of gun metal and patent -|-| ]c f-iwn tG)) over{ , a j tcr ] )oljts 1«0 f \ for Saturday. \ J1 '"-'l- 1 ! 0 " MAN — 'l axt just ! m 1 i I effort to abandon duplicates, P Four Popular Spring over to have e shoes '""nTw I as possibk-, Lwing 'm W Silks Speciall Pr" d Prices are $2.25 and #? 10 only one or two of a kind. Black Chiffon' Ta'ffet-i *1 (Ml New Receivement of ' |p\ Khaki Coats ..... #lO to #25 r\ r, .c.l n a yd r« ah,t ft 50 -"-r 2 t"" F ? m fjfcr # o£Ss: Quality in Style Clothes T ____ _ , y°- value &2.U0 —4O inches etc. Three styles, at #.>.00, «.>- t IS Our w a tell worn <hi» Uav K UT^H-^ 11 ' H n U t White Chinchilla Coats pure AO V-/ til ▼▼ QtvllVYUl vA >h, P gra\, wistana. navy, black Ihe kompact form with w.n.l s; I'* "»o ><i". nit -,„, i and ivory. Very special. collapsible skirt, comes at S2O 00 " lo the average hustle and bustle, always-on-the-jump Panne Crepes and Crepe de S3.SO lfl /> m , . p r • man, who can appropriate only a meager portion of his Chines, $1.0!) yd. values 51.25 Main FIoor— BQWMA.VS : Hl/t . , , ' KU .- V 1 °P''» Coats— I ixi • i .1 r i • • ci =:n in;., i i 1 I unlined. nail lined and lined busy-ness each season to buying clothes, there is-satisfac- •»"« —4O imhes wide; street V » J '/I throughout. $lO. $12.50, sls tion in placing confidence in this "quality first" store —a * h '^| ts ' ,• .1.. I_l 11 J Ij* and $17.50. Men's Store in complete isolation from other departments. V d - \-,i n - l "i ~e ssa lne '. ' • rfom Holland second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. V . . . . 4 - 1 . , ya. xalttc M._o special qual- Wf have ju«t received a bill or lfed- As to style and smartness ot pattern, you only need ity: tine texture: lustrous black; in« for rose bushes and plants now O • r> • r> l a glance at oui window displays and make comparisons.- ' ) ' lK S. A. Theyii be iiere soon and reservauona jlllf lirnwina Complete showing of suits for men and voune men of * .--bowman S. can b. made if de-red. 111 l B UIL Vjl OWIUg all dimensions j . * $9.90, $12.50, $15.00, SIB.OO, S2O riJ s « HI favor L? 1 J 1 r s ■ j t Suite fashions are fully estab- people will assure tlie most be —and upward IZiLCIVCCIQC IWO-&V00L £\otCirV lislu ;. d and extreine s "weeded coming. Popular arc: °ut, Harrisburg women are tak- Serge. Poplin and Gabardine Spring Top Coats Sewing Machines f i'm l fittiii" S 'nk vSct e and"l' t * ray * with vclvet -i o i'?. r: Tomorrow only, by an expert atiou iii P drcss. lorm titting: silk voke and sleeve linings, at sls 00 w„ 1,1 i. - n 1> i- r i .• i „ • s ~ 1 I? i i . " e would welcome an oppor- Mlk Poplin, line Gabardine and Ihe new Covert Cloth lop Coat, in both full back and form 1 I'-vcrv iiousewite and modiste should see this greatest improvement tunitv to show you the newest Poplin Suits, at $25» $l5O. s:{s, fitting models: silk shoulder and sleeve linings, at SIB.OO 111 sewing machine construction, as it marks without doubt, the most and smartest, and efficient sales- $37.50, $.*{0.50 and up to $.lO For conservative dressers, it's the Chesterfield model in black, " Hta advancement in sewing machine perfection. Secono F i 0 or— BOWMAN s oxford and gray, either cloth ~r silk tacei at , You sew direct with two / \ Third '"*o and $20.00 spools of thread. The second spool * D fE> ri A r% I M shuttle, S and°in 'this are SUItS Are Headj) It's Time. Men You're Stnrhincr Ilrt not annoyed by the lower thread More 'ifian twenty-five different patterns and models jhu Nor-,«, f3 II V», , 7 *° u re JIOCRing Up nin 1 1 V, ng ut uncx pectedly in the folks , at sl . {K s. s*. OH. $3.98, and up to $12.50. With Needed Spring Furnishings !So2.U'b" KfcJSI mu> to >•«». .t w »s.«o «.." > .!o ns s ! lk f ? l, , ,rts ' at * s, 9,° an «i >ionito Hair Hose—double soles, o_\ . r'J/JA Washable Suits—sizes 2'/j to 10 years, Oliver Twists, Middies, cuffs: , nevi L Spring'patterns. at^c'pr. thread' 8 ' SI.OO Places a Machine in French Blouses, V estees, etc., at 500 to $3.98. percales: coat style, with attached J K ,° vne P Blouse Waists. / : '" Yonr Hnnu> < Spring Top Coats - Reefers and Balmacaans, in shepherd I ' cuffs: new Spring patterns. P'ai* l colors, and ft OTnt checks, series and homespuns: siies 2 to 10 years, at Men's Whin- Slilrts. at sl.oo rues military collar. I JHf '|-u' >j, • «•> <»w 4ij«» -t() uj*{ a;i ot _ n J nr: plain and pleated; coat style, with Boys' Shirts, at sl.oo t I his dollar entitles you to JP.S..JU, !|S4..M and attached cuffs. mercerisew madras: coat style: new M J membership ill the Eldredee L J Men's Silk Nct'kwear, at 50e — Spring patterns. i i i .i . • 4-in-liands, wide open ends. Main Floor BOWS3>V'S UIUIJ, ailll no Other amount IS re- Clean-Up Lots From the Sale of \ LI r •1 • I ajr\JMR Paveway, at $12.98; Bowman ya Houselurnishines i.Ji. 1, " Xs % » I $2.>.00, or the Kldredge-Rotary, 2'V • W""' \ . ,i LOWERED IN PRICE * at { «-90—and save the agents' |l Mtt|| Dust Mops, :m - regularly Sewing Trays. $1.23 - re- F ' ft " >' loo, '- bo « MAN s. commission All machines guar- • ; o|l S 69c—for dusting walls and wood- ularly $1.98 —mahogany finished; a " t " C( . " r iSim , i Lviui~ work: with handle. uva ' or oblong; with glass cen- ( ~\ (i Bathroom Mirror, sl.23—reg- U ' A , „ ~ J? l) W ularly $1.98-with glass A Um , ,n .r<,« Berlm ,^ Ct , tlC ' ' , l h \V, . ,!* ~ -helf and towel bar combination legti ai \ St. with aluminum ... i , t . JLV, . A'" \ )* ittarhorl cover; limited quantitv \»f > \MA. \a A T . o . a „. Aluminum Tea Kettles, $1.98 c —* "" LJj American Thermos Bottle. 83f - regularly ?2,98 to $3.98-sizes / -regularly $1.,0 - corrugated Xo. 8 and 9. Limited quantity. jJT' FN • 1 • A o • im -c case, jin size. Aluminum Berlin Kettle, H9f! jfl v. V - 1 JaintV rHln V MrllfrninO' Arf* SnfinCf Aluminum Dinner Pail, »«)<! _ regularly SI. 4<> with alunii- f rill IIV * idl 11111 • [lllll^ regularly $1.69 oval shape. nuni cover. hi T 1 ! * p ,| | bowman's Basement. 1 hmgs ror Children Open Stock youth and Springtime go hand in hand, and bright, pretty clothes : -\ iWr _|. I ML 7 ancl in,ants ' apparel from this large assemblage —so extensive arc the < ll vJ \ ® l I WaiC a.l ? »\ PKN /I _ *3. 'fyßi vfy'mlj ll > Children's' White Dresses —(lne ~ ' broadcloth, in hish waist models, 4 V iSt) J / // Onp-Ha 1 Rpaiilar Prlr* rv. I I 'r s ""*(1 1 lawns, organdies, and net, trimmed with line white pique, lace and 1 // // ncguwi 1 1 ICC liMB-y c/o §]/with dainty lace and insertion: long hand embroidered collars: trimmed * lid/ 1 \* ' waist effects with double skirts, with ribbon, velvet and fancy but- ' // jgr Johnson l:»ros. English Porce- with hand eml)roidery. or high tons: sizes 2to 7 years. Prices are * X~ if .js . • . . . waist effects with soft belts 6f pink $2.50 to .SO.OO 4 lain spray decoration. or blue ribbon; sizes 2 to l l years. Infants' Coats—short white coats, 1\ /V *ll • /*¥¥•! 1% /T • T Prices range from ...,#Be to $9.00 in serge, cashmere and crepella, 4 __ * Lo ° doz - cl| f ,s and saucers, at \/|-l| lt __ v _ I. I I I 1. \/J « I Children's Dresses gingham, with fancy silk collar and cuffs, and O I .. $1.25 doz. IVllllinerV or 1 Correct tLaStPr H. 50 do*, plutea, at 750 d.w. X III large variety of styles: long waist to 3 years. I'rlees arc $1.50 to $0 A «•> in r , __ and high belted effects; Hat collars Infants' Coats and Capes—long /""> •ff s - 10 ao/ - r ' ljt '- s - at s1 00 <loz - O 1 C 1 of white piiiue, and plain colors; white coats and capes, in cashmere, 4 I - P ,ates - at 51.25 doz. Kpni If-TT onH I rvrmpfnocp /Af Vf. r | A 2to U years. Prices are ""d serge, trimmed with silk and V_A7U lUI CO $1 . 50 CO vered dish, at 750 JJCclLliy ClllLl OI kjUVIG »««• to $5.08 embroidery. Prices range from < II • r> i ma i . i "" mi ,i„, v,„.,r ot «< , , » J Children's Coats —in shepherd $1.50 to SIO.OO . Hair Goods Moderately fr tushes, at sl.oo doz. checks, serges, silk poplins, and Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. , p• A J y s .° 0 1 ZZ\ p rr s ' at t IT 1 hat 1S what g lves Bowman Millinery a certain distinc- * I riCCu ooc moat plattem, at 25c . • 1 1 . J *. The new troods are here oar- SOe m °at platters, at 15c 10n s0 <irc ' ' ,lU ' lc Millinery masses. t-i pv pv \v/ •• r? 1 ¥/-• j ticuiariy Jyy .witches Sd SSS SS SSft Si 11:::::::::S The thought of being the first to show new styles, is Three Drapery Dept. Women s French Kid !,eccs,arya' S man° h«ddr« ! s° English Porcelain - neat bor- constantly in the minds of our chiefs who make it a point Specials For Saturday Gloves, $ 1 .50 and < Your shade is here - and as to der decoration. lo keep our department right beside the leading New York $2.50 to $4.75 Lace Curtains prices, these specials demonstrate *3.00 doz. c Ups and saucers, at $1.50 • shops ill the race tor Style supremacy. novelty, net, cluny and lace cur- tI. our ' ow P"F e supremacy: doz. r r g rr> • J / 17 f tains, trimmed in braid, and Black with white embroidery, 4 . n^ ,v 7„L swltch ,^ 20 , » n , ches "'•» ss sss «in js Mats Irimmedto Your Order * any i ac e s; 3 amiwhitewithhiackcmbroi,ier.;,- 4 long, gray hair switches, 20 111- $2.20 doz. plates, at sl.lO doz. yards long, 2 to 5 pair of a kind. 2-clasp ches long, all around wavy trans- *f-«® plates, at « doz. We're showing at present, about fifteen different braids in tin- Prices are .. s'-5.00 to $.*J.."50 pr. p , . „ . , ] formations, and all around gray silto covered dishes, at'. !. . 8& trimmed hats and shapes in a variety, upwards of two hundred. 20c to 39c Curtain Material \ 1 transformations, all special at S gftSSS S !!!!!!!!! Pncos range all the way from 950 to SIO.OO Remna nt s scrims, marqui- pr i P ' if- 4 ' 'll 1 1 -n° H ieat t pl ?« tt ? rß ' nt . , ni ° J 1 most recent, and sure to gain immediate favor, are settes and fancy voiles; in lengths ] Combings well make them jJ: individual butters, at 35e pink tegal pokes with black facing—coral pink lissirc—fine, large, f rom 2to 7/> yards; vard Gloves complete new J into a switch 01 tiansfonnation 40c sauce dishes at rt oc black leghorns and a host of others. Armurr itrmnnntn —SO inches wide; line, 111 plain and contrasting cm- J for SISOc sauce dishes', at !!!!!!!!: :isc SoconU Floor-BOWMAN'S. }n "d- brown Breejj an.A rose; 1 % to broidery, .100 to pr. Second Floor BOWMAN"9 , BOWMAN'S Basement. V ) Jard**^'.!° "*.......... .. Mo ' Main Floor-BOWMAN S. 1 . . . . . .- ■ ■ . , Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. A FRIDAY EVENING- HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 26, 1915. 3
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