4 LADIES' BAZAAR Madam, Choose You morrow and Avoid There's danger in delaying the selection of your Easter suit. To avoid any last-minute difficulties, better come here to-morrow and choose something stylish at a material saving. Any necessary alterations will be made in time for Easter wear. A Wide Range of Suits to Choose From $Q QQ serge suits in navy, AT 1 AQ Some unusually prct - black sand and Gopcn- «P 1 j modds Jn pop | in9 hagen, satin lined, worth $12.98, here . _ . _ ... and d* I o ft O serges, gabardines and T QQ Popl™». gabardines, «|> 1 Ooi/O ;, t , ■,, A i«t/0 serges, etc., in all tlic novelty cloths, in the new shades, including sand, putty and Bel- beautiful shades for Spring, silk lined; gar gian blue, usually sold at $18.%, here merits you'd expect to be priced at S2O and SHEPHERD CHECK SUITS i*r t, j -it AT (f» "| Q f\Q Silk Poplin Suits We are showing a wide variety of A a ri . , ... models in shepherd check suits such as * some of the daintiest are offered elsewhere at $18.98 to $27.50, models you would want to see. Shades are ' here, green, Belgian blue, Battleship grav, sand, $14.98, $16.98, $18.98 etc., *ilk linings; try to match them else- I ______ where under $25; here $18.98 ■ 1 \ Some Rare Offerings in Spring Coats A new arrival is, a lot of beautiful new model Poplin Coats with silk collar, back belt and shepherd check coats, with large checks of black, . . , . ~ ~ . '.. . brown and white, all wool material, nicely made, Patch pockets, usually sold at si.oo, here *'°rth sl2 .$7.98 $4.98 Another now arrival Is a lot of covert cloth coats—a fabric that is being much demanded Other models up to $12.98 these days. The models are very stylish, tho row e at ar ° * lo '.T.r. U ..™fr.? h h e Whlte coats> plain and barred ln black and «p0..J0 blue, made up in basket weaves and corded fab- Balmacaans in a variety of mixtures und r j c> W orth $7 to $lO, here shades, shepherd checks and bedford cord cloth ' at . ~L ) a*'* cto coats, ordinarily sold at $7.00, here .... Jj>>3.9B «p4."cJ to »pT ."8 L * Dress Skirts—Dresses —Waists—Corsets—Underwear, Etc., Etc., at Equal Price Advantages. 'ilzi ,hc w 10-12 South Fourth St. -r* Do, ; F z:: CAPTAIN DELANEY IS 11,1, AT 11IS WASHINGTON HOME "Word has been received here from Charles XI. Delaney, who was called to his home at Chevy Chase, Washing ton, D. C., by the illness of his father. Captain John C. Delaney, that the captain is not Improving as rapidly as expected. lie been confined to his bed for the past two weeks with •stomach trouble. Mr. and Mrs. James Stiner. 4 05 Mar ket street, are home after a pleasure trip to New York city. Miss Avis Grove, of Irving College, Mechaniesburg, is spending the Easter holidays at her home in Green street. Mrs. Frauk AJyers, of Rldg.way, Pa is spending a few weeks in the city visiting friends rind her mother, Mrs. F. S. Knight. 2204 North Fourth street. S. Edward McAdam, of Lebanon, was in the city on business yesterday. Miss Anna Boughter, Ijebanon, vis ited friends in Hurrisburg recently. Mrs. Jacob Eckert visited her brother. Victor T. Hoffman, of Car lisle, yesterday. Taylor Kline, of Sunbury, was the guest of friends in this city yesterday. Mrs. If. A. Lawrence. of Sunbury, is visiting her mother in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I.eisenring, Pine street, Sunbury, are visiting in this city. Walter E. Burns, a student at Cor nell University, is home to spend the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns, 1514 Walnut st reet. W. E. Boyd and family are guests of friends in this city. Harry J. Shenk. of the C. & H. J. Shenk department stores. Lebanon, was a business visitor in this city yes terday. Miss Mary Eisle.v, of Allentown. is in this city visiting friends after a short stay in Lebanon. Benjamin Ruth, court stenographer at Lebanon, spent yesterday in this City on business. "The Quality Store" TO-MORROW IS THE LAST DAY of the Great Bargain Festival Our 17th Anniversary Sale Saturday, marks the close of a wonderful value-giving event—an event which no thrifty person can afford to miss for the reason that it offers an unusual opportunity to provide for present and future needs at remarkable savings. And only those who know the Cook standard of QUALITY can really appreciate the full force of this economy message. Every de partment contributes rare bargains—get them while this economizing op portunity prevails—among them, New Spring Silks— Ladies' Suits— New Linens— Men's Shirts— Ladies' Silk Hosiery— Men's Hosiery— Ladies' Undergarments— Rugs of All Kinds— Ladies' Corsets— Curtains— Ladies' Waists— Drapery Materials— L. W. COOtT ' ' W FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 26, 1915 PLAN SUBSCKIITION DANCE AT THE COUNTRY' CLUB A subscription dance is announced for the evening of Wednesday, April 7, at the Country club of Harrisburg, at 8.30 o'clock. The committee of ar rangements includes Miss Frances Bailey, Miss Emily Bailey. Miss Mar garetta Fleming, Miss Helen Ham mond and Albert Staekpole. Those anticipating attending will please in form Miss I "ranees Bailey prior to Fri day, April 2. WEDNESDAY CLUB GIVES ANNUAL CHORAL CONCERT All classes of members of the Wednesday Club attended the annual choral concert last evening at Faline stock Hall, thoroughly enjoying a de lightful program. Miss Ruth Swope Conkiing, as director of the chorus, deserves a, great deal of credit for the admirable showing made in all con certed numbers. Several instrumental selections by club members and some excellent solo work with the choruses all received well-merited applause. Miss Sara Lemer and W. Walley Davis played the obligatos and Miss Lemer gave several Kreisler pieces in her own good style. WEDIWNG INVITATIONS Invitations have been received In jthis city for the marriage of Miss Ruth Hoffman, of Columbus, Ohio, and Charles Moore Cassell, formerly of Mt. Joy, Wednesday afternoon, April 7, at 4.30 o'clock, at her home. Mr. Cassell is a well-known musician. His sister, Miss Wynne Cassell, will attend the wedding festivities. Mrs. Ralah E. Steckley, of Philadel phia, has returned to her home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Irwin, 1812 Green street. LUNCHEON TO MISS COE Miss Dora Wickersham Coe. one of the season's debutantes, who is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wickersham, at Lancaster, was guest of honor to day at a pretty luncheon with Mrs. .William Heitsehu, of North Lime street, hostess. Mrs. Farner Entertains the Thursday Card Club Mrs. William E. Farner, of 1847 Park street, entertained last evening at five hundred for the members of the Thursday Card Club. Spring flowers adorned the rooms and the hostess was assisted in serving re freshments by Miss Mountz, Miss Hoff man and Miss Sara Farner. In "attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oves, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Da venport, Mr. and Mrs. Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chronister, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Nicodemus, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mountz, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saylor, Mr. and Mra. Harry Koser. SOCIAL AT PROSPECT HILL There will be an entertainment and social held at the Prespect 11111 school near Penbrook, Tuesday evening, March 30. A fine program is being arranged for the event. Mrs. Arthur C. Henry and daughter, Marian, of 38 North Eighteenth street, are spending several days with Mrs. Henry's mother, Jlrs. Alice Zimmer man, at Mechanicsburg. Miss Caroline Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lynch, 211 State street, returns from the Baldwin school at Bryn Mawr to-morrow, leav ing later to spend Easter in New York city. Miss Ruth Tack. 632 Muench street, was hostess for the J. A. M. Club at her home last evening. Miss Mary Williamson, of 1G29 North Second street, has returned from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Wil liam H. Burns, in Toronto, Can. Sirs. William Strouse, of Cottage Ttidge, is home after a visit with rela tives in Richmond. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Spong, of Chambersburg, spent severals days in town this week among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Klein, of 254 Boas street, are spending the week at Lebanon. YOUNG GIRLS APPEAR 111 IMCY MICE Miss Nolan's Class Will Give Exhi bition at the Old Folks' Concert One of the great attractions at the old folks' concert for the benefit of the 8. P. C. A. on Easter Monday even ing at the Technical high school will be a charming fancy dance by eight of the young girls who have been un der the excellent training of Miss Nolan, of Baltimore, during the past two winters. The young girls who will take part in this dance are tho Misses Gertrude Olmsted, Clare Reynders, Elizabeth Brandt. Dorothy Cox, Dorothy Hur lock, Janie Hickok, Jean Davis and Eliza Bailey. Kaplan-Frank Nuptials Solemnized at Buffalo MRS. ALFRED KAPLAN Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kaplan, of Rochester, N. Y., who have been visit ing relatives in this city, while on their ! honeymoon, have returned to Roclies- I ter to reside at 30 Oregon street. Mrs. ! Kaplan was formerly Miss Helen Frank and her marriage to Mr. Kap- I lan took place at Buffalo, N. Y„ on March 16. Mrs. Charles H. Smith, who was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. I. Henry Farnliam, York, has returned to her home in Harrisburg. E. G. Hoover spent yesterday In i York. Final Lenten Recital at St. Stephen's Church The program for the final Lenten) organ recital in St. Stephen's Epis- ' copal Church, to be given to-morrow afternoon at 0 o'clock by Frank A. McCarrell, assisted by George Sutton, baritone, will be as follows: Prelude in G Minor and Prelude in G Major, Bach; Lamentation and Grand Chorus, Guilmant; solo, "O God, Have Mercy." Mendelssohn; "In Springtime," Kinder; Fantasia in C, Tours. MRS YOHE HOSTESS Thursday Club Spends Delightful Aft ernoon at ller Dcrry St. llomc Mrs. Ray P. Yohe entertained the members of the Thursday afternoon club at her home, 1154 Derry street. The centerpiece was a jar of beautiful Easter lilies. A buffet luncheon was served to the following people: Mrs. Welker A. Drawbaugh, Mrs. Elwood A. Cover, Mrs. Cyril Tingey. Mrs. John Dugan, Mrs. Ed. Schell, Mrs, George Culp, Mrs. Ellis Kosenbery, Mrs. Charles E. Yobe, Mrs. Ray P. Yohe. CIA'B GUESTS OF MRS. CAHR Mrs. Herman Carr, 1 406 State street, entertained the Wednesday after noon Embroidery club at this week's meeting. Luncheon was served to Mrs. Samuel Me El hoes, Mrs. C. H. Enck. Mrs. George Leldlgh, Mrs. Wal ter Swope, Mrs. 1. W. Atchiey, Mrs. M. C. Bushey. : LARGE ATTENDANCE AT CAMP 8 j The regular meeting of Washington Camp 8, which meets at Third and (Cumberland streets, every Thursday (evening, was well attended. The camp j is making good progress in their prep arations for the Patriotic Order Sons of America rally which will be on May 10. By-laws will be acted upon J netft Thursday and all members are j urged to be present. I P. O. S. OF A. MEETING AT CAMP r»O3, HIGIISPIRE I There will be a large gathering of visitors from various camps of this | district, this evening at Camp 505, |Highspire. This is one of the move ments of the order led by the district (president in maintaining the patriotic (interest of the order. All members are invited to take part in this niove | ment. The meeting will open at 7.30 I o'clock sharp. I Fred Plankenhorn of York Is visiting | friends in Harrisburg. j Mrs. Wltmer S. Haldeman of this 'city, and Mrs. Edward Rouse of Pen -1 brook, are visiting relatives in York, j Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Rambo, 11623 North Second street,, have re turned from Philadelphia where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Hosea ! Waterer, sister of Mrs. Rambo. | Miss Sue F. Leib is returning home to Mlllersburg after spending severnl weeks with Major and Mrs. Frank R. Leib, at "The Terraces," New Cum berland. CLASS HOLDS MUSICALE ! The Rev. Mr. Palmer's class of the Market Street Baptist Church held a social last evening at the residence ot' D. P. Jerauld, Evergreen street. Mu sic and refreshments added to the pleasure of the guests. LEAVE FOR COMMENCEMENT I Mr. and Mis. Edwin F. Weaver and daughter, Miss Helen Weaver, have i gone .to the graduating exercises of the Williamson Trade School. Phila delphia, where their son, Edwin Wea ver, Jr., is completing a course of study. J i PRIZE ESSIYS READ TO Mill DIMES Students oi Willard School Receive Gold Pieces From Local Committee The Dauphin county committee of Coloninl Dames attended special exer cises this afternoon at the AVillard school building, arranged by the schools of Miss Carrie L. Orth and Miss Minnie K. Sample. Miss Mary Koplovitz of_ Miss Sam ple's school, WHS given a $5 gold piece and Carl Stoner of Miss Orth's room a $2.50 gold piece for their excellent essays on "Pocahontas" entered in the State contest. Miss Koplovitz was also given a certificate of honorable mention from the State society of Co lonial Dames. Mrs. Marlin K. Olm sted and Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones made the presentations. Dr. Frederick E. Downes and Mrs. Jones made addresses and the fol lowing program was presented: Song, "Russian Hymn," schools; vio lin solo. "Blumenlied," Isadore Levin; piano solo. "The Rosary," Helen Bow ers; essay, "Pocahontas." Mary Koplo vitz; trio, "Night, Lovely Night," Mar garet Louise Baer, Ivy Htester. Rose Gross; song, "Song of the Gipsies,'" Miss Orth's school; essay, "Pocahon tas," Carl Stoner; violin solo, "Trau merei," Abraham Shlomberg; presen tation of diplomas and prizes, Mrs. Olmsted; song, "The Postillion." Miss Sample's school; song, "America," school. Mr. and Mrs. William Elder Bailey, of Front and South streets, are leaving to-morrow for Old Point Comfort, Va., where Mrs. Bailey will remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin have returned from their wedding trip and are "at home" at 1731 Green street. Mrs. Martin was formerly Miss Marie Hartley. Mrs. William Cameron, of Second and Pine streets, has gone to Wells boro for a visit with her parents. Lewis Earon and Harold Germer have resumed their studies at Buclc nell after spending the Spring recess at their homes in this city. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bickley, of North Third street, are sightseeing In Washington. FOR TIIE O. A. S. CIA'B Miss Kathryn Dickert entertained the O. A. S. Club at her home, 113 Mar ket street, last evening, with a social time following a business session. In attendance were the Misses Violet Mitchell. Kathryn Haaen. Ruth Ar menf, Gertrude Reaman, Mildred Don moyer and Kathryn Dickert. ANNUAL MEETING of the Flower Guild will be held at the Harrisburg Hospital at 4 o'clock, Mon day afternoon. March 29. All mem bers are urged to be present. Special Easter Sale On Suits, Coats and Dresses I have received twenty-five new Spring Sample Suits that will be sold at $15.50 One lot of new Spring Coats to be iola at $7.98 One lot of Dresses, regular prices $15.00; iwill be sold at s(>.!)s dur ing the Easter sale. Great values will be realized in purchasing these bargains. Suits and Coats made to your in dividual measure in our custom tail oring department. sls Suits for JHO North Third St. —————————— What we say It Is, It is Bud Holders For Easter inc new designs in Bud Holders, Silver, Mahogany and Cut Glass, are especial ly desirable for early Spring blooms with long stems. The flowers will last longer and be most attractively display ed in these beautiful vases. Solid Mahogany, removable glass linings 75f to SI.OO. Silver Plated, removable glass linings, to $3.25. Scrling Silver. $3.25 to $5.50. As an Easter present for a friend they arc unequalled. Diener Jeweler 408 Market Street Witmer, Bair & Witmer Full Stocks of Popular Priced Suits, Coats, Dresses, Etc., For Saturday Twenty packages of express arrived this morning and many more to follow Saturday morning. SUITS—SIO.OO, $12.50, $14.75, $17.50, $19.75, $21.50, $23.75, $25.00, $28.75, $31.50, $33.75, $35.00 to $37.50. COATS—SS.9S, $6.50, $7.50, $8.95, $11.50, $13.75, $15.00, $18.75, $22.50 to $25.00. DRESSES—Serges, $3.95, $5.00, $7.50 to $15.00. Silk, $6.75, $11.50, $13.75, $15.50 to $35.00. Witmer, Eair & Witmer 202 Walnut Street Allen-Wiest Elopement to Lancaster Yesterday Miss Lottie Gertrude Wlest, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Preston C. Wiest, of 721 South Nineteenth street, and Edward Clayton Allen, of this city, quietly went off to Lancaster yester day, where they were married at noon in St. Paul's Methodist Church, with the Rev. Dr. Gensemer officiating. The brido wore a smart traveling I costume of wistaria cloth with small j black hat trimmed in ostrich fancies and a corsage bouquet of violets. There were no attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Allen returned to the city last evening and announced the marriage to their relatives. They are residing temporarily with the bride groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | L. Allen, at 1636 North Sixth street, i and will go to housekeeping in the i late Spring. Mrs. Allen has been the I private secretary for David Kaufman I for some time and Mr. Allen, a grad- ! uate of the Steelton high school, is I also an employe of the Kaufman Un- i derselling Stores. Mrs. Mary Lerew Marries Elmer Plank, of Phila. Mrs. Mary E. Lerew, 167 South Eighteenth street, was united in mar riage with Elmer P. Plank, of Phila delphia, yesterday at noon bv the Rev. Homer S. May. of the Fourth Re- I formed Church, this city. Mrs. Plank, | with her daughters, the Misses Doris; and Sylvia Lerew, left immediatelv with her husband for Philadelphia", where they will reside at 1607 West minster avenue. VISITS IX Bt'FFAIA) Special to The TeUgraplt Buffalo. N. Y.. March 2C.—When | William D. Barr returns this week from St. Stephen's Collefee to spend Walk-Over Easter Styles W'e are showing- the most complete line of Fash ionable Footwear for men and women in the city. We ask you to visit our store before doing your Easter buying and give us an opportunity to prove our statements. Here you will find everything that's new this season including all the popular styles in the new est shapes and leathers. It will pay you to step out of your way to see our window display. Yes We Have— CBS AAA j|l Stock Walk-Over Boot Shop 226 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. SCHMIDT'S SaturdaySPECIALS CQ- FRESH CUT CO. D O C RR G Dozen » Dozen 49T Bunch SPENCER SWEET PEAS 49c Bunch nKAIJV TO WEAR. PIX VXD CORD I'IIKK. 49? Bunch Single and Double VIOLETS 490 Bunch 1.10 Each GARDENIAS l.ltf Each SCHMIDT 313 Markct Strect FLORIST P. R. R. Station SAVE YOUIt EVES Special SI.OO for gold filled framei Including lenses for reading, sewing or distant wear. Latest linger piece gold filled mounting Including lenses 12.50,. Eyes examined free. No dops used. RUBIN AND RUBIN 82ft Market St.. Second Floor. Open Wed. and Sat. Rrenlnga the Easter vacation with his parents, t Mr. and Mrs. William H. D. Barr, Lex- I ington avenue, this city, he will have I as his guest Paul Hartzell, of Harrls burg. Mrs. Rush C. Litzinger, of Bedford, ' has returned home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Con nell in Harrisburg. Fred Nelson was in Wllliamsport yesterday. i MESSIMER'S Homemade Sweets Third St. at Briggs " Easter eggs that are made in our candy kitchens by hand. They possess not only the much desired purity, but are made in a variety of fla vors, including lemon, orange, strawberry, cher ry and maple nut. We make the fa mous Messi me r cream cocoanut egg j with the yolk.
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