Sell or Rent Yiir leal Estate Through felegrapl Classified' Ads DIKD 1 POWERS On March 24. 1915. Edwin Rowers, 31S Cumberland street, ageu .3 years, 5 months and 9 day*. Funeral on Saturday, at 2 P. M-. "'1 his late residence. 318 Cumberland » street. Services In charge of the J. 11. Dougherty, pastor oT Ridge A*J* nue Methodist Church. The relatixes and friends are invited to attend with oi:t further notice. LOST LOST PocUetbook, containing s;:> in cash and post ofilce money orner tor *'< J. Finder will receive liberal rewaid if returned to \V. M. Bates, of Hates «'o.. lit) Market street, or 26i U'.-ufgs street. I l;OST—Nickel -plated gauge. 6 Inches long. 1 % inches wide, between 1 . K. R. Station and Forster street. Reward u returned to ISOS Green street. STRAYED White arid brlndle male bull dog; small, round spot i" of L heart- probably gone t<> cross it\ei towns. Reward. ISSI Swatara street. tOl'.Mi FOUND The way to « nd cleaning and dyeing worries, by e:a .Unit either phone for Kgtfert s steam l>e lug and French Cleaning Woike. , Market street. We call ana demur. If K.I. I* WASHED —Huii» ~VOING MEN to prepare for G c \fr»- meni Examinations. i oaching for all branelies ofJ-'v U -er vice. Have a few open dates. Adduss p. o. Box 431. Harrlsburg. 1 a. ■ nwjM^sn.srus'S'T.'a. urapli. mcTIUOT SM.ES MANAGER WANT- I libv magazine circulation company, l.ii oy ma * | . Fvcellent opportu • n |Vy 'lllgh-giade only. "Ma«»- "<-iv'r lloorn sli. No- Broadway. New York. WANTED —• An energetic, ambitious, . j""2yiß? o Jare P TeVegnM'l" j MEN ,"TolT; °*$65 N 0u W to *T3O°O 0~ month". SXMIX positlons°now obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. .<<>l-0. l.ocnes ter, N. V. 1 ... . v-rt.-n Young man in grocery store* must be » of waltlnK on tr Tie chance of advancement. APP>> in own handwriting, addressing 8.. ( 2032, care of Telegraph- I Hershey. Fa. _ | W:iNTED°^wS D d ,Vml''\vrito the j^nglish SSr. Ilarrtsburpr; vi ULC " .. •«- nr \inr •V- Pine fct„ Wlllia nisport, . S, Uet St.. York, or 113 independence St.. biianiokin. Fa. TTtnCSANDS of chauffeurs will be H- > tab Fcr\i«-e. Prepare - t0 ,\uto H.akc Shop. 5 and 7 Transportation .uatnuit f p ? "th Cameron street. Ha> rlsburg ia. Full and unlimited course. Botn p'.ioncn. ______ , ill® Ken Wanted Me" ?uid P^^nd U |ep)°m £a P . -tr i °D-ob us a card and we will "VnTh?°othCenturj Cleaning and call. ine ;" in , 0 v Mflri ; et street, above Y-ifl™ Kam Adelsteln. Mgr. , Mi-v WANTED to become practical P:,aUft?-uns and mechanics AS opportu fl'ai, fSc Earning to ' l ?icat{^s°a^ u ' Fhoo. 5-7 North Cameron street. w vNTED An experienced moulder to riiilie and cast bronze and bearing 1 w.tals State age. experience and hour i rate or reeled. Also give references. Address IT.. 2301. care of lIKLP WANTED —Female ~WANTE For Easter rush, at once, 'acket an.l skirt operators. Witmet. Balr &• Witmer. i WANTED Woman for general housework: good place to right part > . reference required. Call. a»ter 6 l. m., 3u03 Riverside Drive. W \NTEI> Young lady bookkeeper, ■with knowledge of stenography; one with experience preferred. Address N.. 2324. care of Telegraph. W ANTED Girls over 16 vears of age to learn cigarniaking. 1 'aid while learning. Apply Har risburg Co., ?00 Race street WANTED ; .adies to solicit for . lai-ue tlrm on big commission.> and pleasant work. Address U.. -oil. care of Telegraph. 1 .ADIES Business opportunity. Permanent income. Send 10 cents, we will forward you package of silk duut ■ patches and Instructions for selling of same. Charl I'ho Novelty Co.. Spooner Building. WANTED Two la.r; canvassers of good address to advertise articles of, outward wearing apparel. A clean and Hgreeable position for capable persons. ' Jive recommendation. Address K.. No. 2325. care of Telegraph. LADIES Business opportunity. k netting you permanent Income. Fair edncatior. necessary. Opportunity tiiat ! i annot be found every day. Address. I for interview. Warren Wallace, (jeneial Deltverv, Harrlsburg, Pa. — HELP WANTED —Male or Female i WANTED Men and women with personal influence to roli'it business. If working, can take as a side issue. Oood money in it for right parties. Ad dress J-1.. 2317, care of Telegraph. ANYONE desirinb good help apply to the Philanthea Bible fla*> Empl">- ment Bureau. Sl3 South Tenth street, Harrlsburg, Pa., or by postal card. r * Bungalow Summerdale For A well-b!*ilt, two-story frame bungalow with nln».- rooms—-elec tric light and porches. Well and spring water. The location i« delightful—li\e ■ninnies* walk from trolley. Price. 52.500. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. j REAL ESTATE Fire ln»uranee Siurrlj lloodt : l.ornat Rtid Court 9tr«*eln I FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG fTELEGRAPH MARCH 26, 1915 ! HEL!' WANTED—MaIe ajul l cmalt i WANTED—Railway Mall and Postal ! Clerks: examinations soon: over appointments yearly: prepare at home; : write for Plan No. 15. of payment after appointment. Fhiladelpaia Business College: Civil Service Dept. Fhlladel ; phis, Pa. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE and In , te~national Bibles. We want several Men and Women to help dlstribut. ! Spare time tcay be used. Get our j terms. Wholesale Supply Houso, 5S • North Third street, top. MVC.YTi N tv \S ir.l)—Halo WANTED Position as flreman or watchman, or driver, or ativ kind of labor: twenty-fhe years' experience at firing- sober and industrious: white man. Inquire 1»21 South Twenty-first and One-half street. WANTED Young boy wants {rood home on farm: can handle horses. Call, or address, 203 Myers street, Steeiton, Pa WANTED Position wanted by mar ried man. 25 years old: five j ears' ex perience in bookkeeping and auditing with large corporation: can operate typewriter: best references. Address 8.. 2322. care of Telegraph. WANTED Man. with several years' experience in retail business, also ex perience on road, wishes position with reliable firm that would appreciate a trustworthy man. Address I)., 2331, eare of Telegraph. WANTED Bookkeeoer-stenograph er desires position. Present employed; desire change. Seven years' experience. Best references. $15.00 a week to start. Address C„ 2323. care of Telegraph. WANTED An honest, willing, re liable man. having eighteen years' ex perience in store business, would like a steady position as clerk or going out toking orders. Address E., 2320, care of Telegraph. SIT CATION S> U l.\'i ili;—J'ciuale WANTED Young widow wants housekeeping for widower: must be good home. Apply X.. 2261, care of Telegraph. j WANTED Colored woman desires cooking in private family, hotel or boardinghouse. in or out of city. Call. I or address. 112 Cowden street. | WANTED —By white woman, work |by the day. Call, or address. Sll ; James street. City. WANTED - Nursing for confinement f eases by middle-aged white woman. ! Call, or address, Ellen Resser, 2042 i Swatara street. WANTED Woman wants ironing jto do at home. 903 Sarah avenue. City. WANTED Young white girl, 1(5 years of age. desires day's work: no washing or ironing. Address A.. 2330 care of Telegraph. WANTED - White woman ants position as housekeeper in the country Call, or address, 1303 Fulton street. WANTED Colored woman desires eenerai housework: no washing. Ad dress 1306 Currant avenue. WANTED Colored girl desires place for general housework, nurse or I dlshwash'ng: can furnish reference. Ad i dress 0.. 2315. care of Telegraph REAL ESTATE FOll SALE ' FOR SALE 2SIS Jefferson street new brick houso: all Improvements- u bargain on easy terms. Inquire T A BelC S2O North Third street. j FOR SALE Desirable builClng lots !n thj Tenth Ward, located on Fourth ; Fifth. Schuylkill rnd Atlas streets' An opportunity for a builder or real" estate dealer to secure well located property tor development purposes. Ad ; dre3c L.. No. 1557, care of Telegraph. ( FOR SALE City and suburban homes avd home sites—first-class busi ness propositions. Kouglr, Brightblll & Kline. Sixth and Belly. Both pnones. NEW BRICK HOMES with S rooms and bath. Combination fixtures and steam heat. Facing Park. Price. *2,700 and $3,000. Edgar B. Lerew, 4 Norm Fifth street. 68-ACRE FARM, 3 miles from Golds boro, for sale, together with stock and ; implements; house, barn and other buildings in good condition; variety of fruit: good water. Possession at once. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 919 S. St.: frame house: 9 rooms, bath." g.-.-,. porches, fruit; lot, 10x15; stable: ehickenhouse. Particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE Corner lot at Sixteenth and Hunter streets, twenty feet on Six teenth street. 100 feet on Hunter street. Apply to Ueorge p. Fayman, 436 South Sixteenth street. FOR SALE Fine new homes at Riverside: all conveniences: large porches: also No. 922 Oreer. street; line large home: side alley; steam heat. E. Moeslein, 424 State street; I* M. Neirfer. 222 Market street. FOR SALE Property No. 1»13 Penn street. two-story brick house, with front and back porches, cemented cel lar, fully Improved. Price right if sold quickly. Apply on premises. FOR SALE Two 2*i-story frame dwellings, with all modern improve ments. located on Linden street. neat- Walnut street. AYill net 9 per cent. J. E. Glpple. 1201 Market street. FOR SALE Two business proper ties: large lots: sacrifice price till April 1. Kough. Brightbill & Kline, Sixth .and Reily streets. Both phones. FOR SALIC 51.590 will buy a frame house. S rooms, hot wrfter heat, lot 21 xlos, good location. Also other proper ties on easy payment. Bell Realty Co.. j Bergner Building. 12,200 Wll,l, BFY a 55-ac-re farm along P. R. R„ 3 miles from Millers town. All details regarding this farm, picture of buildings, etc.. are available at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building'. HEAL ESTATE FOR REVX j FOR RENT First floor of building i nortbwert corner of Court and Cran j berry. Apply on premises. . FOR RENT Furnished house. May 1 to September or October 1; -veil fur j nishid; good repair: all modern con veniences: five minutes' of Market fleet. Apply 413 Brljrgs street, Citv. FOR RENT Private rooms for Household Goods In new fireproof building. Clean and safe. Inspection In.ited. 437-445 South Stcond street, I Harrlsburg Storage Co. A FINE nine-room, three-story home ! for rent nt 1425 Swatara street; all im ; provemeuts; front and back porches: 'large yard. Rent. 118.00. Inquire 1230 > Derry street. United phone 633 W. i FOR RENT Three-story brick house, all Improvements. No. 1938 i'enn street. Rent. 120.00. W. E. Orr. 101 South Summit street. Bell phone 4 15M. FOR RENT Three-story brick house. 1713 North Third street: all im provements; immediate possession. Ap ' nly tto'O North Front street. FOR RENT April 1. 927 North Sec ond street: ten-room house, with all improvements. Inquire next door. 929 • North Second street. William Urloh.' TO LEASE for trucking: rich soil. near city: rare opportunity. ! Farmers, know-hows, get busy, pull tiie ' stuf. attend market, make money. Elmer Zimmerman, 1435 Walnut. Har | rlsburg. J FOR RENT Seven-room house, with hot and cold water, als'. bath and kss. Rent, $13.00 per month. 1 Apply 111$ Green street. City. I JU-Al' ESTATE FOR RENT ' ; ''jPP RENT Three-stor.v manssni I i roof houses. Nos. 132 Linden street and II 1 : • i-*o;'th Fifteenth street; eight rooms • each ;water and gas. Apply < . F. Gobi. '' 149 M rlll eCOl, d street. Bell phone j HOVSE FOR RENT No. 1512 Re t-JJ> street: large yard: side entrance; with or without automobile garage. Phone L. Minter. No. 1167 Market street. Both phones. . . FOR uu.vr 1. IS State St $35 Oft 1227 N. Fourth St 23 00 I 720 N. Nineteenth St 11 oi. ' ISIO Briggs St 17 00 ; • or including Greenhouses 35 00 , A. S. MILLER SON. I ISth and State and 38 N. Court St., I Real Estate & Insurance. ' FOR RENT Two-story brick house, six rooms and bath: improvements: rent. $17.00. Apply to E. U. Clouser, I 1.13 Carnation street. HOI'SES FOR UKVI' ,1425 Walnut St.. 3-s. b.—S r $25 00 I 23 N. ISth St.. 3-s. b 28 00 1103 N. 2nd St.. "'j-s. f.—6 r 28 00 ' Derry Street (Paxtang) 30 00 ; 612 N. 16th St.. 3-s. b. f 30 00 ; 2203 N. sth St.. 3-s. b.—7 r 82 00 ' 2220 N. 3rd St.. 3-s. b 52 5(1 I 122 Chestnut St.. 3-s. I>.—9 r.... 45 00 2230 N. 2nd St.. 3-s. h.—lo r 45 00 21st X- Chestnut (Bellevue Park.). 55 00 IS3B N\ 2nd St. & Garage t!0 00 MILLER BROTHERS & CO. FOn KENT I TWO-STORY brick dwelling; eight I rooms; all modern improvements; paved streei; good neighborhood: rent reason ; able; possession April 1. Apply at | Penn'a Realty & Improvement Co., 132 j Locust street. ! FOR RENT No. JOS West State street: three-story brick; city steam, etc. inquire 1904 North Second street. I Bel! pTione J2S4R. WANTED SECOND-HAND Motorcycle wanted— I twin cylinder in good condition. Ad- I dress Box 2329. eare of Telegraph. SECOND-HAND Bicycles wanted. , i Call, or write. Excelsior Cycle Co.. 10 J South Market Square. Bell phone 689 W. ROOMS WANTED | WANTED ■*- Business woman wants one or two unfurnished rooms. Will J not do cooking. Hill preferred. Ad | dress 8., 2326, care of Telegraph. HOARDERS W.YG'ED WANTED Young widow four gentlemen boarders; railroaders preferred; good home. Apply 1117 James street. AI'ARTMEI- I'S FOR RENT FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment, 225 North Second street, second floor, 5 rooms, pantry and tiled bath. 1 All rooms open on private hall. Sta j tionary hall rack, laundry tub. Rental I including city vapor heat and hot I water. $42.50. Apply 218 Pine street. | NEW. modern apartments. 2208 North Third street; reception hall, 5 rooms, hath, steam heat, hardwood floors, laundry, front and rear porches. Ap ply C. C. Whiteman, 1817 Derry street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Four large rooms and bath, front porch, third floor. Sixth and Harris. Apply L. Silbert, 1542 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street: all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 264 Herr street. J FOR RENT April 1. third floor apartment; 5 rooms: bath; pantry; large side and rear porches; all mod jem conveniences. Apply first lloor, 239 j North street. FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment; bay window front on Locust street. Tiled entrance: tiled bath: I locker; hall phones; fully equipped I kitchen. Apply Penn'a Realty & lm | provement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT New. up-to-date j apartments, L"J10 North Third street; 6 rooms, bath, pantry and closets; hard wood floors; steam heat; continuous ! hot water; laundry and storage; front land rear porches: large, light, airy rooms. Apply H. W. Miller. State Higii- I way Department, or 2210 North Third i street. | ! FOR RENT —2O North Fourth street. ] third floor apartment; five rooms and ! bath; electric lights, gas and steam' j Call at 430 Walnut street. 1 FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT FOR ; RENT Six rooms and bath; large closets and pantry; all the modern con ! veniences. No. COS North Third street, : ; opposite Capitol Park. Apply to Dr. j James. FOR RENT Apartment, fivo rooms I nn l bath. 925 North Third street. In- L quire 11. L Mehring, 1410 North Sixth street. ROOMS I OR RENT I FOR RENT Furnished rooms, singlo or eusuite; all conveniences, ln -1 eluding phone: reference required. Ap ! ply 1315 North Front street. FOR RENT One large room on j second floor, furnished or unfurnished, j Apply 1734',3 North Fifth street. I FOR RENT Bachelor apartment, .completely furnished: strictly modern; suitable for one or two gentlemen: cen- I trally located; refined neighborhood. -Address R.. 2316, care of Telegraph. I FOR RENT Two unfurnished | rooms: also one furnished room; all • conveniences; use of bath. Apply 1435 j Market street. ! FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms. | with use of bath and llvlngroom. on ! Market street, near Twelfth; gentle ; men preferred. Call Bell phone SI3W. FOR RENT Furnished suite of large front llvlngroom. bedroom and private bat.i; city steam; electric light ing; hardwood floors; references re quired. 21S Pine street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, on second floor, suitable for light housekeeping: all conveniences; use of bath: located on the Hill near Market street. Address W.. 2328, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Four-room fiat; all. conveniences. Appiy »■* 516 State street. FOR SALE FOR SALE Bloch baby carriage: body and hood made of reed; natural j finish: steel frame and rubber tiros; I first-class condition. 1312 Swatara j street. j FOR SAUK —; One pen White Rocks— 'six hens and orie cockerel. Winners at Harrisburg Show, 1914. Appiy J. j|. iZeiders. 1445 Regina street. l-'OK SAKE Davenport bed, brown leather, good as new. Call 31North Seconi street. ' third floor apartment, between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. FOR SALE Gray inare, eight years old; grocery wagon, Jcnn.v Lind car i-iisc slid two sets of harness. Must sell. Have no use for same. Apply Fourth and T«ew!s streets. Riverside. Bell phone 3621J1-1. FOR SALE Bicycles. $5, SS„ $lO, sl2 each; investigate. Try Keystone ■ Repairs. S.ive money. Quick service, i Keystone Cycle Co.. Sll North Third street. FOR SALE—Sixti en-fool motorboat (new i. AI condition; 6 to 9-H.-P. double engine; reverse gear; searchlight. Will sell at a bargain. E. E. Snyder, 211 j£"iith Tenln street, Hunbury, Pa. ] FOR SALE Olie mahogany parlor 'suit, sideboard, couch. Reglna earpei j cleaner, kitchen ut'-nsljs. square exton -1 slon table, etc. Apply 510 Curtin street. _ FOR SALE | FOR SALE Collie Puppies; all ex v.'i.ttion specimens; best registered I stock in America: white markings. ' Prices very reasonable. Here is your chance to get a real Collie cheap. Ad- ; dress 1266 Market street. FOR SALE—MOTORCYCLES Harley-Davidson's, Indians, Reading. I Standards. Yales. etc.. $60.00 and up. Rebuilt and guaranteed to be as repre- I sented. Heagy Bros., 1204 North Third ] street. FOR SALE Good kitchen stove, large piece linoleum, one set Princes* silverware, tea and table set, large eight-day clock, one large window j shade, one new, hand-made quilt. 1223 Apple avenue. FOR SALK One range; good as! new; reasonable price. Apply 1015 Mar ket street. FOR SALE. CHEAP To quick j buyer, one lounge, few chairs, leather j rocker, roll-top desk, small cash reg- | ister. phonograph, with large quantity ] of records: gas range. water-power washing machine, etc. Call before Sat- j urday, 206 Market. Picture Gallery. I FOR SALE 1913 Stutz Roadster; ! good condition; private party. Ad dress J.. 2835, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One Eclipse gas stove, five-burner, double oven; used very lit tle; no dealers. Inquire 2253 North . Fifth street. WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs for sale. Toung-Wyckoff strain. SI.OO per setting—s6.lo per hundred. Also »toc:. for sale. Address Elkview Poultry Farr.l, Speecevllle, Pa. FOR SALE Large baby coach; in fine condition: very reasonable. Apply 1609 Market, or call Bell phone 1978. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 112, US and 117 South Second stieet. 6,000 gal lons Mew Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full lihe of the Acme make. FOB SALE TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. TRAVELING BAGS, and all kinds of Leather Goods. Special attention given to repair work. It will pay you to buy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrlsburg Harness & Supply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE Hatching eggs front singles comb Rhode Island Reds and j sin?ile comb White Leghorns, bred for laying. 75c per 15; $4.00 per 100. L. U. Fischer, Bowman avenue. Camp Hill, Bell phone 3180 W. FOR SALE Jenning strain Indian Runner Duck Eggs for hatching, SI.OO per setting. $7.00 per hundred. Stock also for sale. Elkview Poultry Farm. Speecevllle. Pa. FOR SALE One 1914 Ford touring car. one 1913 Ford touring car. one 1911 Ford touring car, and one Maxwell roadster, one light delivery. Apply at Central Garage. 334 Chestnut. ' GLASS window signs. Furnished ! Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance, inquire at Office of Telegraph. DOORS FOR SALE at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. All sizes. Cypress. V\ hite Pine and Fir Doors, Porch work. Sash. Siiutters and Mouldings. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the I-OR RENT FOR RENT Second floor room, 3.1 00 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at an d Herr streets. BU SIN ESS OPPOKT l!N IT JES ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send tor par. ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock oort. N. Y. GENERAL MANAGER WANTED—A high grade man with selling and ex ecutlvc ability as manager and general distributor for Harrlsburg and other cities and towns in Dauphin and sur rounding counties, for a manufactur er's guaranteed product of wonderful i merit; volume of sales and profits prac tically unlimited. A permanent repeat order business in a class by itself with , out risks. Character, integrity and I thorough organization back of a posl : tive guarantee. Territory rights and J ; control secured by contract; $l5O to SI,OOO required to handle and push this proposition. Advertiser's assistance , and co-operation. We require a man | "f the right caliber: for such this is an ! unequaled opportunity which should be 1 investigated at once. Telephone 370" K«'l. or write Mr. E. C. Davis. Plaza Hotel, Jlarnsbure:. Pa. I BIADE $50,000 In five years In the rrail order business, begr&n with $5 ! S Send for free booklet Tells hor. Het | BUSINESS PERSONALS I AWNINGS Place your order for .'.wntngs with us now. We do up holstering of all kinds and carpet • work. Jos. Coplinky, successor to Voll ! mer, 120S',i North Third street. Bell i 2SO4J. i FREIGHT DRAYAGE. Storage. "ihiT. perg and Distributors of Merchandise of .ill kinds. Prompt and efficient ser vice. Warehouses on P. R. R, an( i p & R. tracks. Montgomery and Co (Peipher Line), Tenth below Market street. i REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING ■ with best material and by expert help , Send us your worn furniture. Our best I efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N | Cluck, 820 Woodbine street. ! OLD GOLD and Silver. Watches, Dia- I nionds and Jewelry bought for highest j cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner. Jeweler, North Third street. Bell phone ! FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market I street Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention Bell I 1960. RATTLING If W. LATHE. Boarding SicSle and Xmlonal Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and een«ral h au j. ing. H. w. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. MONEY TO LOAX LOANS—SS TO S2OO for honest working people keeping liousc. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No notification of employer or friends, i CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorized capital. SIOO.OOO. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate j security In any amounts and upon unV ' terms io suit borrower. Address P. o j Box 174. Ilarrisburg, Pa. ! ~\Yl' LEND MONEY IN ANY j AMOUNTS Payments to suit ■ borrower. Small loans a specialty. | Positively lowest rales in the city, j Up-to-date methods. Licensed, (bonded and incorporated. ! PENN A. INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street ANY person needing money In amounts from IS to 850 holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by lulling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. North Third street. Beauty, Once Sightless, Aiding Blind Institution New York. March 2 6.—About two years ago '.Mrs. Lewis B. Woodruff, well known in society, became blind. A wonderful surgical operation restored her sight, tmt ever since then she has been interested In the blind and has been a worker in their behalf. She has posed for a picture which | will be sold and the proceeds will go to the Association for the Blind. The i picture is a stirring "movie" and she is one of tlie first society women to ap pear on the film. Penrhyn Stanlws said she is one of the eight most beautiful women In New York. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE WARE HOUSE, divided Into private rooms for storage of household goods new 1 -.lildin-s low insurance inspec tion invited. 437-4 15 South Second street, Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE IN 3-story brick liulldlng, rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean, prlrate rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Illener. Jeweler. 4IIS Market St. Al'TO and motorcycle storage at rea sonable rates, in Keystone Garage, 919 Myrtle avenue. Inquire 814 North Third street. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co„ 411 Broad street Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Alfred S. Spitler, late of Har rlsburg. Pa., having been granted to tne undersigned, residing In Harris burg. Pa., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and tnose having claims to present the same without delay. LAI RA J. TRITLE. MINNIE SOUTHARD. Executrices. Or their attorney. FRANK E. /.IEGLER. 18 North Third Street. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOIt A CHARTER NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by P. G. Doll, J. F. Householder and p. E. Bailey, on the stli day of April, 1916, under the provisions of an Act of As sembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 29. 1874, and the several supple ments thereto, for a charter for an in tended corporation, to be called THE '■INDENT HEATER COM PA.* Y, the character and object of which is to manufacture, sell and install Hot Water Heaters, and for these purposes to have, possess, and enjoy all rights, benefits and privileges by said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto conferred. OSCAR G. WICKERSHAM. Solicitor. NOTICE TO TIIK HOLDERS OF TIIK nOVDS OF THE LI\<;LF,STOW\ A lII.UK MOUNTAIN STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby given to the hold ers of all the oustandlng Bonds of the I.inglestown and Blue Mountain Street Railway Company secured by Mortgage dated April 1. 1905, to the Harrlsburg Trust Company ns Trustee, that in ac cordance with the provisions of the said Mortgage, the said Bonds have been called for payment on or before April 1. 1915. at par. a premium of 5 per cent, and interest to said date. After the said date, interest wili cease upon all Bonds not presented for pay -1 ment by that time. Holders of the said i Bonds may present them at the office lof the undersigned at any time after March 1. and receive payment therefor in accordance with the terms above stated. HARRIS BURG TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 2870 ln the Matter of Charles E. Lyter, Bankrupt. The undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale, in front of the Court House, Harrlsburg, Pa., on TUESDAY, APRIL, 6, 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain tract or lot of land, situated, lying and being in t' - e Sixth Ward. City of Harrlsburg, County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the west ern side of Fulton Street, said point being distant 81 feet 6 inches, more or less, from the corner of Delaware Ave nue; thence In a Westerly direction along the line of lot numbered 1916. fit feet, more or less, to a 3 feet 6 Indies wide private alley thence along said private alley In a southerly direc tion, 13 feet 6 inches, more or less, to a lino of lot numbered 1912; thence along the line of said last mentioned lot in a eastwardly direction 61 feet, more or less, to Fulton Street: thence along Fulton Street in a no therly di rectum 13 feet 6 Inches. ,v »ore or less, to place of beginning. Having thereon erected a two and one-half-story frame dwelling house, known as 191'. Fulton Street. The above des»ribed real estate will be sold free and clear of all Incum brances. TERMS Ten per cent, on dav of sale, and balance thereof on confirma tion by the Court. JOB J. CON KLIN Trustee. 11l IIS FOR C ASTING SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed nt the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up ito 12 o'clock noon. Monday. April S. 1915. for furnishing CASTINGS to be used by this Bureau during the year endine April 30. 1916. Specifications may be seen nt this office. Certified check for $23.00 to accompany bid. The right to reject any or nil bids. W 11. LYNCH. Superintendent PRICES MOVE UPWIRD in EARLY MARKETS American Smelting Opened With Some Heaviness, but Soon Reversed Its Position New York. March 26.—Prices again moved upward-in the early stages of to-day's market, the activity centering; mainly around the railway sharea, in which further gains of 1 to 8 paints were made. Atchison was a distinct feature. Is excellent statement of earn ings for February contributing to its advance. Other issues of strength In cluded tho Pacifies. Baltimore and Ohio, Louisville and Nashville. Read ing and New Haven. American Smelt ing which opened with some heaviness soon reversed its position, snowing a substantial gain. Bethlehem Steel was strong:, but United Stales Steel was relatively heavy. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by 11. M. Snavely, 208 Arcade Building. New York, March 26. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 34 T* 34 % 34 14 34% Amal Cop . 61% 62',i til'.i 61% Am Bt Sug 4 41,4 4 5 44 U 44% Am Can .. 29% 29% 29% 29% Am Can pd 94% 94% 94% 94% Am C& F. 45% 45% 45% 45% Am Cot Oil 4 7 47 % 47 47 % Am Ice Sec 2!) 29% 29 29% Am Loco . 26 26% 26 26% Am Snielt . 67 681* 66% 67% Am Sugar . 108 105% lo:t 104% Atll T & T. 122% 122% 122 122% Anaconda . 28% 28% 28% 28% Atchison .. OU'ji 99% 99 99% Ba- O 71 >, 72% 71% 71% Beth Steel. 65% G9% 66% 67 Bklyn RT. 89 59% 89 89% Cal Petro. . 16% 16% 15 15"' Can Pacific 161% 162% 161% 162% Cent Leath 85 S5 34% 85 C& 0 44% 45 44 44% CM& St P 90 90% 90 90 C Con Con. 87% 38% 37% 38% Col F& I. 2 7 27 26% 2«% Con Gas .. lie 116 116 116 Dist Sec .. 8% 8% Erie 28% 24% 23% 24 Erie Ist pfd 38% 39% 38% 39 Gen E co.. 142 142 Gen Motors 112 112 Goodrh BF 37% 38 37% 37% Gt Nor pfd 117% 118% 117% 118% Gt N Ore s 34 34% 84 34% Gug Exp . . 52% 52% 52% 52% 111 Cent .. 108 108% 107% 107% In-Met ... 13 13 12% 12% In-met pfd 62% 62% 61% 62 K C So . . 23 23 xLeh Val. . 137 137 % 137 137 % Louis & N. 119 119 Mex Petrol 70 72% 70 72 M. K&T pf 33 33 Mo Pac .. 11% .12 11% 12 Nat Lead. . 57% 58% 57% 58 % N Y Cent.. 86% 85% 85% 85% NY.NII& H 57 59% 57 59% Nor Pac ..105% 106% 105% 106% 1 P K R ... 100% 106% 106% 106% Peo G & C. 122% 122% Pgh C pfd. 91 i a 91% Pres S Car 30 31% 30 30% R C Cop.. 18% 19 18% 18% Reading .. 146 147% 146 1 47% So Pacific.. 87 88 86% 87% So Railway 16% 10% 16 % 16% So Kwy pfd 51% 51% ♦Tenn Cop. 29% 29% 29% 29% Texas Co .. 134% 134' i 138% 133% Third Ave. 54% 55% 54% 55% Union Pac. 125 125% 124% 125% U S Rubber 64% 64% 63% 63% L' 8 Steel. 48% 48% 47% 48% V S S pfd. 105% 105% Utah Cop.. 55 7s 55% 55% 55% Va C C... 20% 22 20% 22 West Mil . 23 23% 23 23% West. U Tel 64% 65 64% 65 West Mfg.. 72% 72% 72 72% xEx div 2%. •Ex div %. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, March 26. Stocks closed steady. American Railways 30% Cambria Steel 43 General Asphalt 24% General Asphalt. Pfd 64% Superior Corporation 6',3 Lake Superior Corp., Pfd 30 Lehigli Navigation 73% Lehigh A'alley Ex-div. 68% Pennsylvania Railroad 53 V Philadelphia Electric 23% Philadelphia Company 31% Philadelphia Co. Pfd 33 Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... "0»; Philadelphia raction 76% Reading 73% Storage Battery 48'<. Union Traction 33% United States Steel 4S?g PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia. March 26. Wheat j Lower; No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.52® 1.59%; No. 1, Northern. Dufuth, export, $1.6091.65%. Corn Lower; No. 2, spot, export. 76ft? 77c; No. 2. yellow, local, 79%® 80 %c. Oats Weak; No. 2. white, 63%® 6 4 % c. Bran • Steady; winter, per ton, $28.50; spring, per ton, $25.500 26.00. ! Refined Sugars—Market strong; pow dered, 6.00 c; fine granulated, 5.90 c; con | fectioners' A. 5.80 c. Butter The market is firm; western, ere'.mery extras, 29c; nearby, I prints, fancy. 32c. I Eggs -- The market is firm; I Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, j free cases. $6.15 per case; do., I current receipts, free cases, $6.00 per icase; western, extras, lifsts, free cases, ! $6.15 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case j Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 16® ' 17c; old roosters, 11%®12c; chickens, : 1417 c; turkeys. lu®l7c; ducks. It® • 16c; geesw. i'/lflle. Dressed Poultry Firm; Fresh killed fowls, heavy, 19®20e; do., aver age, l«®18e; do., unattractive. 14®15e; j old roosters, 14c; frozen fowls, lid 1 18c; frozen turkeys, fancy, 21®22c; 'do., fair to good, 18®20c; broiling | chickens. 22®27c; frozen ducks, 12® I 18c; frozer. eeese. 12®16c. | Potatoes Market weaker: Penn sylvania, per bushel. 48®53c; Maine, 1 per bushel. 45®50c; New York, per 1 bushel, 35® 10c; Jersey, per basket, 30 1 ®:ir.c. j I'lour The iharket is lower; winter, , i leal-, $f!.50®4.10; straights. Pennsyl vania, $fi.60®6.85; spring, straights, I $6.75®7.00; do., patents, $7.00®8.00; western. $4.21104.40; patents, s4.tu «# ' 4.7»; Kansas str&lrht. lute sacks. 54.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.60®4.!0; ra'gnts. $4.20 'a 4.:: <>: patents. $4,960 | 4.(0. Ilay The market Is weak; tin ! othy. No. 1, large bales, $18.00; No. 1, medium bales, $17.50® 16.00; No. 2, dc., ; $15.50®16.50; No. 3. do., $14.00015.00; samples. slß.oo® 11.00; n6 grade, $ll.OO . ® 1 2.01). C;over mixed hay. Light mixed, ! $17.00® 17.50; No. 1, do., »16.0001*-M>; J No. 2. do.. $ 1 4.50® 16.50. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, HI.. March 26. Hoga—Re-1a—Re -1 ceipts, 19.000: weak at yesterday's aver ' age. Bulk of sales. $6.(606.65; light, 56.45®6.70; mixed. $6.4G®6.70; heavy, | $i>.10®6.67; rough, $6.15®6.85; pig», ] 50.25® 6.25. I Cattle Receipts. 10,000: firm. Na tive steers. $6.0008.80; western, $5.50(& I 7.50: cows and heifers, $3.0007.85; I calves, $6.75®10v23. 1 Sheep Receipts. 6,000; slow. Sheep, $7.1598.26: yearlings, $7.9009.25; I lanibs, $7.50®9.85. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE Chicaao. 111., March 26. Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May. 1.49: July, 1.1" ! Corn —May, 71%; July, 74V*. 1 Oats —May. 57%: July, 54. Pork—May, 17.55; July, 18.02. I Lard—May. 10.37: July, 10.6 7. I Ribs—May, 10.10; July. 10.4 i. Crown Prince of Germany, a Mystery of the War What, if anything, lias happened to the erowi. prince of Qermany? All sorts of rumors are in circulation con cerning: him. many even coming from Germany. Some say he has been re lieved of his command and sent to re tirement by the kaiser because he pre sumed to comment adversely on his father's st late fry. Others Insist he has been dead several months, or that he is seriously wounded. Some say he has commltte suicide, and It even has been reported he is insane from the horrors of war. The last official mention of his name was from Berlin several days ago, when ho was mentioned as being pres ent in a conference of the upper war lords when the kaiser ordered a con. sulfation. THE SOWER If we but realized how c heap The seeds of loving kindness are. We would not keep them hid away. But freely scatter, near and far. Be merciful, reap gratitude. Sow courtesy and love shall be; Tn one thin" - be thou prodigal. And spread true kindness far and free. Strive then to help each living thing, Liift up the burden of the dumb. For mercy shown to them will bring A blessing In the days to come. If we but. realized that they. Who ofttimes suffer needlessly. Are all a part of God's great plan. llow sweeter would this old earth be. —By IT. H. Fariss. Property owners, brokers and real estate men offer their best bargains in llarrisburg and suburban real estate through the Telegraph "Real Estato For Sale'' column on the classified page. Watch th« "Jt ell r Ktta W WI the best opportunities for investment, IX A GARDEN When all the fotks are fast asleep. And stars are shlnin' dim, A little goblin comes to sit Vpon the fountain rim. He's such a tiny little wee, I'm most afraid some day ' That, noisy little childrens Will frighten him away. My Faver's such a funny man. He doesn't seem to know. That where the lonely children pla? The fairies come and go. He says besides the fountain. That only flowers grow. That X was "Just a little child. And didn't really know." But when I'm lonely in V dark, An' no one's there to see. I listen, and I'm sure they come An' talk awhile to me. —Rose Potter. You can't go wrong when you fol low the Telegraph Classified Ads to a position. This is the one best way to find the position 3'ou want and the one you are best suited to fill. Toil can get in quick touch with tlie right Telegraph Classified Ad by turning to the classified page of this paper. | r «p«— ———— For Rent i I Desirable offices in the ' Union Trust Building. | Apply Union Trust Company i* 11 ii I TOR New 3>4-story brick house, 7 rooms, No. 1819 Boas street, all improvements. Combination fix tures, front and back porch, 4-ft. side entrance, concrete walks and cellar, slate roof. Lot 20x 110. Price'|2,7oo, on easy terms. John F. Barnhart 1831 BOAS STREET !*■___ ___ MONEY |y To Hoaaekeepera, Work* Ilogmen and Salaried Eat. ■ ployea. JLICGAL RATES IQUITAILK INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARE o uoom 21. 4th »tour tjpooncr Building TBI harriiburt Ptfiycllnle Dispea »ary will be open dally, except bunaai, at I P. M.. at Its new location, 1741 North Second street for the free tr«at : ment of tba worthy poor. 17
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