18 Easter f« D f; o ; ating Many Women Will Select!]' *. Leave Your Orders Early For «/ our *"LfZL D ZZl'°Zor, is busy Their Easter Hats To-morrow i in the Basement Candy Section with orders for many » churches and Sunday Schools. / WTT ZJT T% 1 Tl X ' vl Ml Beginning tomorrow orders for individual egg // v VV e JtICIVC Sweet chocolate eggs If to $1.50 C*7 <L A C\C N Cream cocoanut eggs. 2 for 50 and up to, ea., 4>r F/f OtvleS at J>4.t7o, : U]J V J ) V> \ Decorated eggs o* to SI.OO v I tl \\>\ \» Sweet chocolate rabbits 50 to 500 /. * . . . lei n V \ Women's Silk Hosiery, 50c SI.OO $5.95 and $6.50 /M J \T^ Two good grades of inexpensive silk hosiery will be found V*" / \ Tomorrow will be one of the busiest days in Millinery this n Slk boot f.,h!oncd foot h«M with li.le snr" V «™°»- Lar K« purchases during the w«k of new trimmed hats ~ _ tops in black and colors. ... \Lv J } showing the latest styles, shapes and trimmings bring the show - A SQ[orjQiQ PyXOC'Slt lOfl The 51.00 grade is a tine thread silk fashioned foot hose in 117 1 j n , r up to j ts mos t complete variety and preparedness, black and colors. Hr Women's silk lisle hosiery— || Large black hats are enjoying great popularity and we arc C Snntlff Silk lisle hose with fashioned feet, high spliced heels and douhls S CIV , , 1 , ~ * • „ „-,_„, klip„ip„, t . r vl UUlllli; <J UII sole? .in black and white s \££ c t - p] eas ed to announce that toinoHow s assemblage ot Lastcr Hats r t> Silk lisle out size seamless hose in black and white .25 c y4, \ ...... , • 1 • r.l • „ Fine silk lisle outsize fashioned fast hose with high spliced heels | TM TW fSVI' V wl |] include a representative SHOWIUg Ot tills VOgtte. r \\T and double soles 50c , AJ U- lOT W CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' HOSIKRY g» V*' iTX® \ f . .. . , . 1 „ .. 1 i.„ . _f f i.. lUI T UlUVil Children's ribbed silk lisle seamless hose with spliced heels and DQ Sailors, tOO. are 111 gl'eat demand, and the hItCM . t\le. to^ch\Td^ d ribbed e coiton seamie., hose in black; "tan'and whiie,'ia"c ® j sailor type will be shown in sand, old rose and the new soft blues. Our varied showing of fashionable suits at infants - riubed cot'ton^sea'mi^^hoseVn''ui'ack, 'tan,'white.'pink,"blue ' trimmed with narrow ribbon and small flowers. moderate prices will prove inspiSng to am and-.cardinal, sizes 4to 0' 2 12*£o —— N . , , . , Dive.. Pomeroj^&^stew^rt—str.et Transparent Hats, $3.90 '' Snerial Sale of Turbans ™ ,'" R T v >*•"'; " ,e Factor Hnwcrv Th « ™vlty of the S ea S o„ is the Transparent special Sale OI 1 WMIIS showing ts the embod.uiet.t o. ; .l the Utest iVlCll o L/aolCl 1 lUolUlj Hat. The latest interpretations of this millinery Straw brims and solt silk crowns trimmed modes of the suit designers, and »vilh \astrr Seamless silk hose with lisle soles, in black, navy, taupe fancy are shown in large shapes in black, navy, with small flowers. d» 1 Q C ;,.«»« „rt" ,1,.. ai m .Vincr and grey, at old rose and sand at #3.95 Special at 1 .t7O just a week ort. the import.UK« ot ilUxirg Seamless silk plated hose, in black, tan. navy, slate and Another style shows the veiled flower idea j ail early selection —of choosing loilioi row " silk iiVle hose,* in black ami tiavy ... *.. *. tMe " ""'! New Trimmed HatS at $ 1.95 " ill prompt many women to .est tle sn- Seamless cotton hose, in black, tan. navy, drab, slate and The Very Latest is the large black hat trim- | ose to jqq ncw s t v les in and medium pcrior stvie service of our Spriil * " hi,c hair"" W . i : ,BS . or . oS,rid ' $4.95 es -? s,; '™ g idMS " in Wacli From $20.00 to i, a 1,.« to, clover j j white, shown to-morrow at SM .?».» /I \ a • \7" 1 * Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart, Millinery, Second Kloor, Front itleas ill Stiperhl\ tailoieii *!lat > til ap- IWO AttrdCllV6 V fIIUCS in Sat i« Marseilles Bed Spreads Gloves--And the Part They Play in ~ S(lit arriv;js 53.00 Marseilles Bed Spreads, satin finish, raised <T 1 patterns: size 84x94 inches. Special , 1 * W C I \ __ _ be found these distinctive modes $3.50 satin Marseilles Bed Spreads. 82x90 in- $2.50 tll6 IVla.ttor Ol shepherd check «,».» in T„«do or b.«er i,. w,h ches; handsome new designs. Special.... • .... tr.mmlnß of M»«k. or R*l«iat» «!». tit. «s»-. *re Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Hoor, ltenr. \y woman is well dressed wllO is badly gloved and a pair of torn gloves or an ill tilting glove is t lrculnr and tome sr.- made with it hr» <. »*;- as prominent as a poor pair of shoes. Front Europe's best glove makers for the Spring onttit: tt> of the . heck* win ue sem at a «'>*» - e ~ ■RVJBHf ' fffffftpS* Wty best, lit sixes for misses and women SSO.m to *ST.SW Em Two-clasp kid gloves, in colors, white and Trefousse Sans Parcil gloves, in two-clasp Gabardine and popHn autta. ms. terv > t». .yo te* H JjGf • \\ black. Pair J)»1..>() real kid quality; in black with wide and I'ari*, Mn ,{ , n ripple coat mo«>s. similar so ti at »'>«>»»» in th^ - picture above: there are some stales w.th - m>«-n -I 1 \\l jj' \ \ \. \''y/ black. Pair $1.75 broidery and white sewing. Pair iK'i.OO wanted side patch pockets, in sreen. a>>. *•>>». biacv / I lf\ \\ \\ Trefousse two-clasp kid gloves of finest kind, in Washable lb-button length chamoisette gloves. Bei*ian and putty Z*—-'_J-J It ) [if V\ W black with wide white embroiderv and white in white, natural and biscuit .li>r to St» I arrivals in poplin auits in< ic .e » \er> »>»rn J£ T '"3SS r 7 iUJi i \ t \ .„ u jS'> »>"» Dives Pomeroy * Stewart, Street Kloot style with patch pockets and bullet button irtut' iil»r> tl»o ' /7 Bi v ~\J //\ £y\ ® " skirt is of circular deslun: in black na> . tM Is I t Gabardine suits in naxy and black. p-»>;- «(i tail ed v . , c, Try- New Handkerchiefs in Plain and sx.*si Varied bhowing of Font- VV L AAA X IWIII Hety and the «.U is embeHtehed With t. u Jet Wit wear for the whole Family Fancy Patterns rrrr— : Latest Oxfords tor Men Women's hemstitched linen handkerchiefs. 5o to 25p Fancy handkerchiefs with a touch of color in hem initial linen handkerchiefs in various styles of initials and s colored embroidered corner 5c to 25c .—. r 4| , «pi • < Smart Pnnms fnr Wnnwri t2» a c. t.V- ami 25c Silk crepe de chine hemstitched hnndkerehlefa in col- f n ilUrScvlor 1 toH Olllal I I limps lUI t i Ullieil I>aintv one-corner embroidered linen handkerchiefs ors to match the shades of drosses and suits. 25c to 50c j y Ot/lvvl vU will 110 Ct I 1 _ •slir»oc frvr PkiU. n 12'ic. 15c. 25c. 50c to JM.OO Tissue handkerchiefs in guaranteed colors, each, 25c Oliues lor Illltireil D , ve „ Pomery & Stewart, Street Floor. IVTI L PO mens oxfords INccKWCdr tor Mp ii [Joys Tan Russia calf blucher oxfords, full toe English last with Good- * year welted red heeU Sl.oo . __ . p i| The most complete fuming Patent kid military lace shoes with white and champagne kid tops. Vj I" 1O H. Q. 1 \-J ©Sl£f Hi S Ifl t/ £i SX6 I* patent leather lace stays, footform lasts, hand-turned so'es, sizes 4 to S & Shirts md Neckwear thai jjWV women's pimps ' l-50 The New Plaited Back Styles ever been made by our Men s vL. iL Dull calf Colonial pumps with grey suede calf backs, plain toe ~ .......... . , << , , v . . . Store will be ready lor the ill- LffA IrTfi J THV camp with hand welted soles and French heels .« So.oo Oriental lace collars with plaited bncK; in Imported lace collar and cuti sets m and . ,„,, n fftV Patent colt gaiter Colonial pumps, inlay of black and white silk ... . t errll a sf>t ,"}(!#. to itil.'lO spCCtIOU OI i tiuai ./K i gg cord, plain toe last with welted soles and French heels . $4.50 white and ecru «.>e tO 1151 .IK) '. ~ -• , . . morrow. ' v/SSf%- - - 3l ■ ; > 1 Dull mat kid London pumps with small black and white button C„.: c c «niKr.>iiler/»H cr»llir« in nlnif. .1 IncL- .mri Malllie runs ill WHItC. black and Combination . ~ -TO- IN on vajnps. French heels si.oo >wiss embiuiuered collars, in plaited hack .till j . . black 50c to #1 .(H) 1" the gathering oi >lnrt- , gU L Patent colt and gun metal calf vamp, 3 button pumps, dtill kid flartnp* f. t.t , • , , • tlic better ittui 111 new .,u ' collar, welted sole and French heels $».oo } lu I,u Crepe de chtne \\ nidsor ties, at. ».>«» and .Wf tue lietici M'm ,«uu 1.1 V Dull calf and patent colt gaiter Colonial pumps, inlay of grey cloth Embroidered organdie vestees with flaring Plaitines of Maline and net in white, black and neckwear there arc de>ign> no. j . Agm j t.jBR P 'Patent cou arfdVunmetaV S calf Colonial pump's ' witii Viiv'r or and plaited backs 25<* to Jfl .2."» j with touches of color, yard »•>' to 81.'15 to be found in an> other V M V | tfSSS || Japanned buckles, welted soles with French or Cuban heels $3.00 Dives Pomerov A Stewart, Street F'oor. BovS* silk four-in-hands, V.»r *\ h Dives, Pomeroy & Btewart—Street Floor, Bear. j ' Xew Windsor tics ill solid | j] '! Waists of Crepe de Chine &, Lace ~~~ "7,7' 7.7. corn .J t inmanv Many INew Cotton Waists: !pl.y£> to s>z.sU si.m; : l2«. m.«ii,.,™ y . „ , , • •,,,>• White madras and plaited One 1 wee C ;-n.*em- ; ssnn- r A Viorr>ntn.Y Fhe ,t >' lcs arc cxce P Uona Hy P rcU . v anfi tlic P" cc 9 arc mterestinglv low. beginning at »1.»5 boson , sh j rts ,-»Or and to the .|*t*i :ir \or- V lianillTlg Oiyies there are many new arrivals, including: Boys' white blouse \\ai-i-. N'ilitarv an 4 \-throat I lie world of fashion has never known Persian lawn waists with embroidered front, three- Cotton Marouisette vs'.sis, trimmed with box pleats size* tO !"}t.ll> .. .HK* A "'d -olul v'^ivTS. a season richer in lovely waists, and never quarter sleeves; with pointed cuff $1.95 and pearl buttons si.ts Hovs' Paiamas 51..»0 tefore in any one neuron have so many Putty allover embroidwred voile waists; V'enlse lace Sand waists in semi-tailored alyle; lint collar; long ■ J x , . , . arming been presented at such lit- edge trims collar '. $1.»5 aleeves ti.SIl One and tWO-picce stvles tU Alen - a"'! \V Ute .'.a«i tio coet. T.ie new crepe de chines as well Allovcr emoroiderrd voile vatsts wttn seams Joined Voile waists, trim mod with filet lace panels and lace . • - "» , ~v i-pj* • » i ~ire* SI .tH) as those n.tr. fllmy iaces arc veritable tv the •XZ them*you''will'marvel'at t their"price " Pomeroy & Stewart-Second Floor. year. . . .lOr, I.V and Sl.tH) littleness. , —^ Crepo de Chines of fine quality only, in i t . r\ -r^ every conceivable shade, at LflSt L/fIV 1 O-fllOrrO^V c^o%^ , r , .°^ , Fine Quality Penn. State White Potatoes ' * Dive«, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. I > t j f |—^ New Silk PetticoatsTThe Shades Are Extra Special in a Sale Tomorrow, Bushel, 69c V ante Baby Ua.vs c o, t7 " A. HO QC/ <t7 rrv One of the most important items that we have presented in the Grocery Department within the ! iOr orreet The weaves are messaline, taffeta and silk jersey the Large size white potatoes, Penn. variety; none sent C. O. D. Extra special, bushel | The Importance of \ Olif (Tor Set styles circular flounce with ruffles, double ruffles or scallops. With each SI.OO purchase, not including potato special, we will sell to-morrow, 10 lbs. sugar. .19r . , , . , And the prices are 93.95 to ST.SO , No matter how much attention yi 1 pa) U the MCCtM w In cotton at «£t' California naval oranßCs, thin skin- Golden wax beans, 3 cans 250 Country «nirod dried beef lb.. |tk» <„rin,v half the. nttalilicv ,m ilh> ><>« .arifon wi'l lw VI I • Jpl.OU ne(| nlMl j lllc> . / P Waldorf pork and beana, S cans. 2fto Suicar cured bacon, sliced, lb.. 2H«. a new >pnnjj >Ult. Halt tllv »|U«UUC- ot tm new <arn ,u. wi I Of black petticoats 91.00 to 92.50 Large juicy Messina lemons, dozen "Dinner" brand peas, can, 7o; 4 cana Boiled ham, sliced, lb 1 ,:f vou ar , no . nrv>|>orlv Cv»rsetetl. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Kloor. 15c 25«> I.uncheon loaf, lb 2Ro • « Large thin skinned Florida grape "Flag" creamy Maine corn, can. English dairy cheese, lb 27c \tul to be Well corseted do not II ;'an that VOU Illist |X» X S. _ _ , _, ' fruit, each »<• 15c; dozen $1.70 Longhorn cream chese, lb 2.V .. , X/lanc Snrinrf XA/di T Florida golden oranges, large and "Flag" small rosebud beats, can. Fancy head rice, 3 lit* 250 nign pnw. lVlv?Il O OIJI lily VV eigni vJIllOn OllllS very juicy, dozen . 2»o 18c; dozen $2.00 New Pearl tapioca, 3 lbs 25c Manx g»HHI SlvleS tO ch\*osc lr\>m umv.ljj ;i« M - - a- Santa Clara prunes, tender and Ocean white fish, 10 lb. paila con- Kippered herring, S cans 25«> I i.k (Mi fit isl 00 artr\ Ssl 1 meaty, 2 lbs 25c 'alnlng 22 flih 77c Chinook salmon steaks, can ... 2!»o \mcruan >IX ~ v C*l vI.W CIIIU «pi.V/V California sweet prunes, medium Fat Norway mackerel, 10 lb. palls Apex Imported sardines, can ... 10** 1)., 1. S. >pecial *t.WI to Svi.'sl Spring weight cotton ribbed union suits with long or short sl " e -'ancy'june pack "peas. 3 can's', 25e Psit codfish, 1 lb. bricks f'iic Manquet'coffee" I°*". imi-kuge".isol- Warners mo«lc!s to 9^.00 sleeves SI OO Fine cut Shoe Peg corn, 3 cans, 25c Swift's little Picnics, average 5 lb., Purity coffee, uteel cut. In vans. UK- * c. ...t,;,- _„.t I,- i:* il* '*'.•"•* * \ Solid packed tomatoes, 3 cans . .SSc lb Iftc "Senate" blend tea. lb HJlc . _, , __ _ . „ or short sleeves ' " m ° n . Mm Dlve«. Pomeroy a Stewart, Basement. SpHIIg FicttOll W OTth Reading Spring \\ eight iuitui*il wool union suits with long sleeves, s s RuMnw o> tho auii»»»r The i*t>. nhj R%» ? w. of Srmc . d risi See Men's Clothing News on Page 6 rCirtlZ.C""'; »~r" Dives. Pomerov 4 Stewart, Street Floor '"so AmwktltlMH. HolanJ I. I>icr* . "kwi i > •*''« M. — I'shrr. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 26. 1015.
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