I M™d%*°D« W 2i / Other Days, BA.M. to 5.30 P. M.—Saturdays, 8A.M.t09 P. M. aTL fl, JL? A Jim A V 11/ Whether You Make a Purchase 6r Not \ *—■—^ — —> - ____ I iQ YV\Wi^tt\7\Q C Pllr> RICH FURS Make Fine GIFTS 1 C i S 8 erS °™*' ' nv '*f t' on to Come | JlI \ 111 lo V il|do | I ESPECIALLY WHEN PRICED SO LOW II l ;^F^^ a ° K^AN ' s I ___ ' S M; I TOYLAND 1| 111 Useful Gifts || Women's Blouses II Handkerchiefs ill | I Marmot Mink, Gray Fox, Black -j i | 9 W tl d nA 7 iS!Z 1 f ! « Muß "- ForXmasGiving For Xmas Giving ! 1 I MSgf/i fi I \ 2.30 to 4.30 P. M. p '° r w M r and v«in™«u " ""a*! Swiss Embroidered Hand- Now• ... •. • .... . JIu.UU f , % I i v\o f Women s Muslin Gowns, values to 75e 45c kerchiefs, hemstitched, p* Marmot Mink, Red Fox, Kit Cooney \J / s—r I ' IP *t* \V Swrta Says: KAUFMAN'S t «J» «•»«. «1 45 „£'Hi , S'SE'3;"3 *>C ,od Black Fox Sets. (tin rn j;, II J I, Toys Art the Best in Town 1 »« ••••• - 3SS AVaSt'..?... 79c Women's Very Fine Lawns 1 Worth $27.50, Now .. lUU |7 |i \lr and Arp Prirpfl V*rv Inw H Women's Muslin Skirt, Women's handsome waists and & Pure Linen Hand- C% A : , rwtnc mm i os\ ~ n 2 ill 'XV\ T u A „ „ Very , | 1 Sioo value, cq r ItTrSiTri"! i4c Furs}:' 1 Here Are Some examples: | 'or U;M * '" »'l ni' Women's Initial Handker- Pretty Imitation Ermine Sett, MARAROII SFTC t ' ,j| Jointed dolls; SI.SSS valuo fop Hiack Hoards. for g|||| Women's Muslin Skirt, els; Taluc ( r»3.50 $1.95 chi ,r f. • I Worth $1 50 nr. u . i ini i I 1 if: Jointed Dolls- 50c value for " 2-lc to SI.»H Bim $159 value, |"Y P* Women's handsome net and lace " P P 9Qr M ftw * JjOC Natural and Black J (JjC Hf| | I , If: O-V Polls' Beds for... 48c to $4.»8 I H ? rtr . MfSp »"•' wpc do chine silk box, 39c value £dU NOW OU v W ort k ffo rn Nnw : / ' it n «v n n n . Cl 4 • t tor %J V* lilousos In any new wanft'd styles ■ •• .• r • J a "'lll "OW IJUaUU t S n «hie Kaiirrmd train «n tract: sl.lO | t and colors: values up to qpo oa Women's Fancy Swiss Hand- Imitation Ermine and Angora r _ t a | I 1 I V'. ;,".". v «iuc, tor 95e t Women s Combination Suit, *"»•«<► • • kerchief.; nut un fi in a/\ Sets Worth 00 (111 Hf Lombmation Ostrich andP# I 8 Railroad train on track; .»o<- U||I , I(PP „ ... I ti ?S value wmt Women's vet-.v handsome blouses. Kercniets, put up oin A Q *IS, TTOrin W.UU |Uh u . " u g% i I value, lor -»,• vu^'"f w ko i-art. «»•-•» I }>1.25 value, QC p roitica of Imporunl. models in com- a fancy box. 75c value,l7 C Nox U .UU Marabou Sets; 1C § 1 I |§ Mystic Erector Builder, for Wot t for J7JL blnaUon silk and lace, in all the _.' ... „ I mm .«• i « . Wortk tIC N. TiM Ifi I ( it si.oo to $2">.00 Teddy Bears; $1.25 value for | newest colors, any style, a new Swiss All-over Embroidered Marmot Mink and Natural " onn 3>ID, WOW. . ipUi fU H ■ !>g children's Antomobiies. for « t ,T | f 1 " 10 " 05 ' «''!u?mo?. are . $4.39 Handkerchiefs, 1A Cooney Sets; Worth fin QC SETS Worth nr t ( $2.98 to $12.90 \ eloeipedes. for SI.IB to $12.90 t $2.00 value, for t/OL- ... ur„i rf „ .. „ ~ value to ISc 1 L/C ! (i »» %• S) Mh «_ „ '' ILI/1 .Ik t I | Jointed and lh,lK lj;r Hobhy Horses, for \ H' 1 ——— value to 15C IVL $4.00. Now. .. . . .ijlfc.UU $20.00, Now . . .JH./U | ) I 18c to $1.98 Wheelbarrows, for 48c to $1.48 | m--i -i"- —ini-nYiiiiiiiiwiminmuniiii § Go-carls for .... 15c to $12.90 Dolls' Houses for 48c to $1.98 t'[ '[ 1 1 i| This Sale Should Command the Attention of Everv ii' fi Writings Desks, for Ihtilroad trains for || |i «w > _ _ __ _ . | woman c&lVliss Who Is Anxious to Save Over Half > w "'tJSSII 3 N ew Dress Jj&jSSßfy'- Girls' Coats never were priced so iLrtlii I Zk C ii J low. Newest all-wool materials in JL JL VVZA JL ||K girlish styles. Every color is here, in \ Every Suit this season's style, material and Every new winter style, material and color i! Z sizes from two years to 14 years. !» I color. Our entire stock in this sale. is here in this big sale. !' # mlm Girls' Coats $1.75 | SUITS Zfisft*... $5.50 CoatsUjaWSSr $4.50 | i Girls' Coats $2.75 I i SUITS ■ $7.50 Coats.. $6.50' Mmk !|j I Girls' Coats II m\ ipCSfNSUITS WaK. $9.50 Coatssß.so ii > ! I Girls' Coats | JZmmJA (/SUITS .$11.50 Coats. $9.50 !i i E Girls' Coats $5.75 II mHThXflHft ) SUITS $14.50 Coats Woo!".?,. $12.50 J||tf Ii I GIRLS' RAINCAPES .nd RAIHCOATS ■' ■) ML Wtttt VIM 1 r^nr l o™„ o r o "" , '" B jrf I MBa SILK AND CLOTH DSESSESImb i: I KAINLArtS at 90 cents to $1.50* I \ I I lUnl Every New Favorite Material, Color and Style Is Here in this Big Sale. LARGE i: ( S («un rat it waterproof) NIXI'N oto II yenrn! * * i If yIHW ASSORTMENT OF SILK AND CLOTH DRESSES. | /rife |< I RAINCAPES at $1.90 i| fcl JUB11!- .Dresses®^ 1 " 0 \ I V fi | r, ,,, „ n „ n rV:' have Every Size Is Here, In- TN Formerly Sold Up to tf/ FA eluding Extra Size, up j! I I RAINCOATS at $2 90 w . ORTH Ii »"% e ££Z a t£J£. ress es ii^oo.jow.... to m m suit., I J V>V//\ 1O d I "C/ $4.00 LL Coats and Dresses. - J** \\ ill % Slilendld wiitrrpr.M.r inn t.-rlnlß. linvr l.ntx to match. Heat onion. it W I ■*' A VUWVV3 Clfi 1111 nnw At Ja Itj r — J m SIXCN a to 14 yearn. T * v# vw » " v " < 1 W C * ******************************** ntum uunmnnniutui # I W§-EXTRA LOW PRICES ON BOYS' MFN , S ANn IA M W -j '-"" ,r 1 nir 1 " 1 I OVERCOATS, BALMACAANS & SUITS Man Woman I / i(\WW~\ Bo "' Nor,olk SUITS Bo "' 2 p '" u Ca » i " Boys' Mackinaw SO QQ . FURNISHINGS ° r . hlld . 1 l v kj V //i J a lcs 10 $3.50 at mere Norfolk SUITS COATS UiOu WOUId ApprCCiatC I tl QC " ""'FOR XMAS GIVING A COAT SWEATER ( * lt ui;V" g" *n" Boys' Corduroy and Cassi- FarXmat I Bl mil I ! Hnudnumr (n»«l..trrr . _ m , r . Knirlfi«rKnrlfi»r Pant* Men's and Hoys' Silk I'our-ln- 1»I /YlllOS I rm it I I 19 Suit*. n.Htlr »tth lull d>o n A mere IvniCKerooCKer ranis, hands, all the newest styles and r , ...„| • . /j ; ■? if / 1 Ii" t\ nlrkrr I'nntxi nn ex- tL « VSI made to Sell UD to 89c A A sliaiH-s. all ti|) ill single holly rjli-l ... i .«««« i n 11 / LI I tr«or.ltnar> hnricnln nt -1% I maae 10 SeU Up lO | )()x ' () ver «50 Diitterns to Girls. wool nUxed roll collar; | /•• (■TP M fl*. "*" 10 YVtVV special for to-mtorrow wC <lioos«- from. Christinas 25c f! ,r ! St *. 95c f Ml "d >D i .'il.V, ll, r i _ h J , ' T V. ,h ". Boys' PoB Down Winter II Women's and Men's Heavy | I \ . 'BE 1 ; 111 DOyS Dalmacaan hi,,, 'f' PAPQ. ..J D.L D.L H«l« Men's ami Hoys' Handsome Honeycomb Coat Sweaters: roll I \ r%! v|l Raincoats With Hat "lii« "f"' s!s.i: tAPS and Kah Kah Hats, s||k mrJ.. hands _ Neckwear ooltars; $1.50 value. QO_ Xnl ■ ' Ii CIJ All A ® f«rw ill HixrK s M made to sell at 75c, iin a " ,n sI,, KI«' '»<»»> ln.xes Christmas price VOC \.il ■ MS Sold All Over at $6 ,s >< ■■•«. „ ~ , . tt}lC nntl every one a new I'all slia|M- Shakcr-knit Coat Sweaters I VI 11-l 1 -- : Spoi-tni for To-dnr ——————— Special tor to-morrow v ill over ISO patterns to choo*6 for men aud women, roll collar; , B , rt.. ~ ~ ' One Lot of Bovs' ————r=— —— 1 — f'; on '' Values to $l.«0. 40 ss.oo value. Christmas *1 7Q 1 , Boys Oliver (fen ylfl d? OOA «' DAIHrnATC £T\ Christmas price IOC , Twist Suits, 3)1,4j ,V| X ? i wTUATC ' Men's Per.ale Hress Shirts. r A ! ,^ vo "' a "" M S " ako V«"' t VAM'ES T0,t,,0. W-thfUTS; sn,;r , va!ue' er ci,ris; al M CC S: men. MLVI&.ta ' m .he. J(i «t« 1$ year,. $4.50 Value VJ m C 65c «l«es; $4.00 values. CO 70 Christmas price. . \ P , T) o , . . . I IflmJ SjKm 'j .V Men's Fine Percale Shirts, aU Men's and Women's Jumbo I r,Xtra nai'O'airiC lfl Man c I /Wi mfmi/ Mi\\ 1 tl,p "ewest patterns, laundered' Coat Sweaters, heavy rihlied; " 5" ,u0 111 iTICII O I (antl FVeneh cuffs, coat styles. $6.50 value. Christ- 7Q /~v . r» | _ _ j f MM/ Values to $1.25. Christ- Q C_ mas price ■** I Overcoats, Balmacaans and Suits ZT S . Men's Suits, Men's Winter #7 CA v*.|FK MBl $1.39 coats, B almacaans'H-'J BALMACAANS . .▼••50 jllgWwßk $1 " 39 Si BE, "r.t4 Valum In flt| M lot to 9IS.(N)/ Vflrly Oilier More* atrc Nelllvtß Ihone // If [j {' lioys* Perculo Dress Shirts, from $1.25 to .$15.00. Christmas | evt ry irairiiirnt of jtlUwool liimhlkomio < oa«tM h( fl."». Tltry aire // II 111; 1 (111 ' VmMW IftMllflcriMl Willi FYpliell cuffs, priCC, I mere. Thry twine In mlkcn .Tl to IX mailt* or the neHfNl tvoolon mnterlni. fi I If >Lv"!i. t' i wMI M\ <*oat 75r \ a hit's. A C (\Q ~ AO I ll' li/Jhl r^tt' Christ nuts prlrc HhOC »OC tO Jpl.So 1 Blanket Men's and Young Men's Newest (J)11 "ir 111 fw lllk \lwl V ( Bo"l iw. u,s "°" v i DldllKCl Balmacaans, Overcoats & Suits .. J,/5 1 M \\, Vi | Men'* Hn<tP fswai Dnhac A,.,. »> K „t0,,«.J li ' i VIl mens nose IJMRRFII AS ' V (s>«v I\UI/C3 ~hr haxlxonirat inuilrln nntl mnK-nm. T «ii i L'S (Mlt Ir t' Men's all pure thread sUk V/mm\l <1 J ii. / r "' r "«• xriims. nil satin pined ami livtl i .'Sfil M Hose, in lilaek uud all colors. Men's ami U'.,, C S..n.c all »llk lino,l. All almw In this !iT |B\II \|S double heel and toe: 25e wHt i"™wnl Til » !Hl\S fit value t'hHstnuw or. Silk Umbrellas, sU-el rods, fancy / A r 1c 1 £, u » U .... "H IT 7,1 m\Jf hlls, V'» s |O C luiiidles. values to $2.50. % Grand Sale of Men s Heavy Winter " I ntt v'Jf chrisunas ei ac c \Men's Odd Pants Cordurov Coats l nH' uil Mil Men's nsie thread Hose, |ir, ° • % //n\\ \ ' UUy \\VlWll 1' Ull •V\ \ml put up Ml* to« box. Aawrtod Men's and Women's Silk J /f /"AN iV\l ]/J /p M/% Apf \v I JHII. W jlfHf colors to the box; $1.25 Umbrella*, ull the newest han % UjM All/- I II fomlfilr \V ™ values. Christmas tiles, steel rods, valuta to $3.00. , l z* ;Z*, Jjy E 75c J $1.95 f ty/tlwn\ Men's Heaw Storm ™ I L F| $3.5^ ATS 1 j t n In other .tore. $4.75 1 K W #'l 3U at and T ■■ Bl lit I| I J TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 15, 1914. lAMUseMefiis COIAJMAI, Six Singing l Bees, the tiniest and j cutest little "honey bees" anybody I could wish to see, are offering the I bright particular attraction of a iine bill at the Busy Corner. This is a juvenile production, comprising a Irio of little boys and a trio of little girls, and they offer a singing act that Is alone worth the time and price. The ! Melody Trio, three young men in har- I mony. both vocal and instrumental. | are pleasing immensely on this same bill. A breezy song and patter trio and a pleasing musical novelty round out the roster. "St. Elmo," a six-reel moving picture, based on the famous novel by that name, is said to be the finest "movie" yet seen at the Co lonial. It will remain there during the llrst half of the week. Adver tisement. I'lIOTOl'lv.VY TODAY Tom Moore, popular Kalem actor, appears to-day in a two-act Kalem drama, "The Prodigal." His insolent,] attentions repulsed by Violet, a coun try girl, Howard Gordon the I maid into the little church, where she is to rehearse with the village choir. The simple hymn Violet sings awakens Gordon's better nature and he later apologizes for his conduct. Although all thought of the man passes from Violet's mind, Gordon thinks of her constantly In the months which follow. Marie, an •dventtiress who has been endeavoring to ensnare the man, finds him proof against her wiles. Some time afterward Violet se cures a position in the city with a large concern. Not until she sees Gordon at his desk in the president's office, does she realize that ho is her employer. Deeply in love with her, the man asks Violet to be his wife. Although ! Violet returns his love, she "rejects his suit. Several days later Gordon in-1 duces Violet to attend a dinner which j he is giving to some friends. To Vio let's intense aniuzcynent, he suddenly I proposes a toast to her as his future I I wife. Mistaking the girl's silence, the, ! guests shower her with congratula-1 j tlons.—Advertisement. I PALACE TODAY,THE MASTER KEY I Two prospectors, James Gallon and j I Wllkerson have been searching for; I gold. Gallon has made a lucky strike I I and has tried to conceal the fact from | Wllkerson. The partners are sitting] } around the campfire one evening when | isuddenl.v Wllkerson becomes thirsty; j after taking drinks of water he falls j asleep. Gallon walks some distance i and starts drawing the plans of his! find. WUkerson awakens. Gallon grabs! his gun, turns and fires at Wllkerson. j Gallon leaves WllkerHon apparently dead. Gallon reaches the small mining town of Jacito and tells the sheriff that he and his partner were attacked by outlaws and his partner killed. The sheriff calls for volunteer*. Out of the saloon comes a boy who cries "I'm game," jumps on a horse—and the posse is off. The boy is thrown to the ground ! when his horse stumbles. Wllkerson comes from the brush and he and the 11 boy go slowly on. | At the camp the sheriff and deputy | lifid no one. The sheriff returns and ] orders Gallon's arrest. Gallon severs i his bonds by holding his hands over the fire. Fearing to return to the (scene of his supposed crime, Gallon j leaves San Francisco by ship for his , | home. Visions of Wllkerson begin i<» , i appear before htm. He hides the plan ;to his mine in a Japanese idol's head, i < >nce out to sea a nnitjny ensues, i during which the ship catches lire. | Shortly after it sinks. Gallon is washed ashore. Realizing that he has nothing to indicate the location Of the disaster, he engraves the approximate longitude jand latitude whore the ship went ; down on the key to the chest, know n | afterward as "The Master Key." A | week Hiter he is rescued and returns i home, where he meets his daughter, Ruth. Five years ensue. Gallon returns to the mifies. which he begins developing. About this time Gallon writes to a New York stock broker, named Gates, asking him for advice relative to float ing "The Master Key" mines. On tho day that Gates receives Gallon's let ter. John Dore, a young mining engi neer, cadils upon the former and is therefore engaged as consulting and construction engineer for Gallon. Ho Immediately goes West to take up his work. Here he meets Gallon's daugh ter. Ruth. The Moving Picture World says about "England's Menace," "Tho theme is well carried out—the series of incidents in the action of the pic ture are concise and sustain the deep est interest. The scenes showing the {battleships stripped for action and in j war array arc impressive to a high | degree."—Advertisement. ORCHIS l> M I Pretty Heßsie Wynn. with her win ning ways and winning self, came to the Orpheum yesterday and slmplv took the house by storm. Bveryhodv seemed so glad to see tills charming songstress back again and after aim ! sang all her songs and then tried out) | a brand new one. she told the audience, |in song, how inueh she appreciated I their applause. Miss Wynn's songs, n* of yore, are original anil particularly I adapted to the el/arming little lady's I particular talents. Also she Is exhibit ing a wardrobe that caused ripples of comment among, the ladies. Miss i W.vnn sqems to improve each time .-ho I comes back to Harrisburg and ac cordingly pleases more for each visit she makes. And then, speaking of fa - I vorltes of this bill, one can't speak of i Joe Jackson lightly. Yesterday after i noon and last night Joe's togs got mix ! Ed up with his bicycle to the uproar i lons laughter of all. Theatergoers who like to laugh must see Joe Jackson, for he seems funnier than ever. Also the Karber Uirls are offering a new act, and they scored a solid lilt of this bill, too. In fact, the Ornheum'n bill is om» of the best, tf not the very best, ever seen at the Ijoctist street playhouse.—# Advertisement. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers