4 LADIES' BAZAAR Gifts That Will Bring Smiles to Her Face on Christmas Day We are showing hundreds of pretty gift articles that seem to have struck a popular chord with gift buyers this season. Here are a few that seem to come in for the biggest share of the favor: >" ■ i , Silk Petticoats Furs and Marabous We have thfim ln messallne ln A wide variety, attractive in all the wanted shades and a style and price. variety of styles. Marabou throws ana muffs In nn ~1.«« 4.Q natural, black and mixed with value, •*«' sets' ch ' BOld Beparately or ln $3.00 value, $1.98 »5 to sl2 Throwa. $5.00 Value, $12.98 .$2.98 to #7.98 EXTRA SPECIAL/ —A lot of ™ £ dainty crepe de chine petUcoats $6 to $1 o Muffs. in W hite and pink, flounces and $3.98 tO $12.98 £tmmings of very fin, to; Black Fox Furs, sold sapa- worth Jb.JS rately or in sets. > ' Neckpieces ..$3.98 up watqtq Muffs •. $4.98 up . WAIS rS We in^iberf^ 1 Kin°pu rposes' 1 ' 3 TheT very newest '/..1 models decreed by fashion. m i rv hand- Jugt received, the newest somely lined $4.98 Up thin* in waists, striped crepe de , , , chine ln military model; worth Other furs of every descrip- J5 00 nu tion in separate pieces and sets ranging in price up to Other crepe de chine waists ln SOO.OO all shade, ,sl.9B t O $3.98 i Flowered chiffon waists in dlf — ferent models: worth $5 and $6, CTT v MOdF $2.98 and $3.98 oXi-»XV nUoE< Others-in lingerie, pique mes t ... • c... 0 . ~ , „ saline and pussy willow silk, Ladies Silk Boot Hose in all , ojq Qfi the wanted shades. Including u9fp tO mouse and bronze shades; 50c value 390 Ladies' Onyx Silk Hose, all TCTIVTONOS shades; worth $1.00.. Special at Crepe kimonos in floral and c, *'v other patterns; worth $1.50 to Silk kimonos in a variety of Christmas Lingerie patterns and models. Corset covers 250 UP , $3.98 tO $8.98 Combination Suite up Night Gowns . „ ... up $4 BATHROBES, $2.29 I rincoss Slips J .39 Up New eiderdown bathrobes in Drawers nn a variet y of light and dark U I J shades and patterns; worth Bloomer Drawers, 790 up I | $4 - 00 - s P ecial $2.29 I Don't Forget 1A 19 C ill C> Don't Forget ■ the Number 1U"1£ tJ» 4ta iJl* the Nnmber Silent Night, Holy Night. Joy to the World. Adeste Fideles. Hallelujah Chorus. Birthday of a King. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. STOUK open evenings until cuiustmas C. AV. Siller Jnc. Pianos Victrolas OO N. 2nd.St. "ZiT SMILEY'S JEWELRY STORE Choice and desirable Elfin from the finext to the moat lurk pensive. All of tli«» bent frrciden. Ciold find (iold-lllled watchei at yrleea lower than elaewhere. DON'T PAY FANCY CITY PRICES /ft Get our prices oil l.n\alllerea, I,ocketa, HlnK>, ("halua. Itjf ® Cuff l.lnka, Toilet Set*. Fob*, llnr I'inx, I'carl Brads, llw " )■ Bracelets, Silverware, etc. \Yv.» *■>/§ Solid Gold l.avalllereM, »2.7rt and up—l.adieu' act rlnira, 6 "olid Kold, $1.50 and up. 20-year, Kold-fllled ease and ElKla movement, l'ancy dial, gold hauda. |UO. L. C. SMILEY, Expert Jeweler and Engraver Lalted Phone 63VV.| CENTER SdIAKE, LEMOYNB, PA. Open Evenings. Doone The Most Popular Gift Picture ULsJE $1.50 UPWARD Our picture framing department is capable of filling orders within a day before Christmas i r I Wallace Nutting—-Copely Printg Saltzgivers Art Store, 4 N r£22 TUESDAY EVENING, IMTK ISSUED F1 DUNCES GUE The Debutantes Are in the Lime light; Miss Coe's Invi tations Out Never in the history of the city has the dance taken such a hold on social life, and the holiday season promises to be one of unusual festivity The debutantes are in the limelight, of course, and the events are in their honor or complimentary to visitors ln town. Thlß morning cards were issued by Mrs. William Henderson and her sis ter. Mrs. Sanford DeWitt Coe, for a tea, Tuesday afternoon, December 29, from 4 to 6 o'clock, at Mrs. Hender son's residence, 2 5 North Front street, to Introduce Miss Dora Wickersham Coe to society. Miss Leavltte Wicker sham. the debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wickersham, of Lan caster, and a cousin of Miss Coe's, will also be a guest of honor. The tea will be followed by a dinner dance, with the Loeser orchestra playing. Dance at Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Sanford DeWitt Coe, of 2017 North Second street, have sent out cards for a dance at the Country Club of Harrisburg, Wednesday even ing, December 30, for their daughter. Miss Dora Wickersham Coe, her house guests and the debutantes of the sea son. The dancing contingent and many of the college men and visiting girls will be in attendance. Mrs. Mains Is Hostess Mrs. George Preston Mains, of New York city, who is spending the holidays with her brother, Theodore G, Calder, In this city, will entertain at a Christ mas dance Wednesday evening, De cember 23, at the Calder residence, 319 North Front street, in honor of Miss Louis Carney, the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Carney, of Steelton. Complimentary to Visitors The Misses Wilhelm, of Paxtang, will give one of their delightful entertain ments Saturday evening, December 19, at their suburban home, with dancing as an especial feature. The guests of honor are Miss Stair, of York; Miss Carney, of Steelton, and Miss Nes, of Lancaster. The Misses Stamm Will Entertain House Party Mr. and Mrs. A. Caraon Stamm and Miss Julia Stamm have returned to the city after a two weeks' stay at the Walford, New York city. Miss Kath arine Stamm will return home to-mor row from her studies in New York and Miss Maude Stamm is expected here Friday from Vassar College for the Christmas recess. The Misses Stamm will entertain a house party during the holidays and are arranging many festivities for the pleasure of their visitors. They are sending out cards to-day for a dance at the* Country Club of Harrisburg Mon day evening, December 28, inviting many of the prominent young folks of this and nearby towns to meet their guests, who will include Miss Elizabeth Penlck, of Lynchburg. Va.; the Misses Westervelt. of Englewood, N. J.; Miss Pauline Brocks, of Detroit, Mich.; Miss Lena Church, of Hartford, Conn.; Miss Dorothy White, of Buffalo, and Miss Eleanor Edmonds, of Germantown. The Updegrove orchestra will play. TO ARRANGE FLORAL DISPLAY Charles Uttley, flower artist at :>2l Walnut street, leaves to-night for New York City to spend Wednesday In Sharley's Flower Shop in Fifth ave nue, where he wiT! assist in making bouquets for the famous debutante dance to be given at Sherry's. Mr. Uttley will return Thursday In time for his Christmas opening Friday.— Advertisement. OPTICAL SALE NOW GOING ON Eyes Examined Free Glasses Fitted fK in Gold Frames * k for Reading or V t I Sewing as Low as »> > * RUBIN & RUBIN EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 320 Market St. Second Floor Two Good Eye Specialist* to Examine Your Ej'fi. Open Even ing* I'ntll M o'clock. " HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH COUNTRY CLUB DM9CE FOR MISS CIRIIIEV Attractive Decorations in Holiday Style at Last Evening's Event A wonderfully attractive decorative scheme prevailed at the Country Club of Harrisburg last evening for the dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Snow to Miss Louise Carney and the debutantes 01 the season. The walls of the ballroom were hung In southern smllax with brilliant butterflies, gay hued parrots and gro tesque monkeys peering out from the foliage. The lights were shaded in gold, the pillars and banisters wound with the smllax and the little balcony was turned into a real pine grove with myriads of tiny trees. Outside on the window ledges nestled little trees, snow covered, in contrast to the warmth of the scene Inside. The music was most inspiring; Rob ert Ogelsby, of Cheater, was at the piano assisted by a violinist and trap drummer, and not only all the new steps were danced but some of the older favorites as well. The hostess was charming in gold colored satin embroidered In turquois beads. Her bouquet was of Irish flame roses and lilles-of-the valley caught with golden gauze. Miss Car ney wore an exquisite frock of palest blue satin meteor and carried an arm bunch of orchids and roses. Others in the receiving line were Miss Mary Meyers, Miss Katharine Etter, Miss Dora Wlckersham Coe, Miss Frances Morrison, Miss Mary Kathryn Jack son, Miss Eleanor Neale Clark, Miss Sara Denehey and Miss Arta Williams. Among the guests were the Gover nor and Mrs. John Kinley Tener, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Geylln. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Rlttenhouse, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Reily, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford D. Coe, Mr. and Mrs. John Price Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mahon, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sad ler, of Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. J. V. W. Reynders, Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Ma guire, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willis Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Gaither, Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. M. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lecoq, III.; Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert M. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert H. Irons, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lind ley Hosford, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Earle, Mrs. Rollln A. Sawyer, Captain and Mrs. Kemper. Miss Margaret Williamson. Miss Helen Hammond, the Misses Penrose, of Carlisle; Miss Anna Gay Bradley, Miss Letltia Brady, Miss Anna Briidy, Miss Jeanette Hollenbach, of Philadel phia; Miss Emily Capp and Miss Eliza beth Capp, of Lebanon; Miss Virginia King, Miss Montandon Norris, of Mis souri; Mrs. Morton, Miss Jane Gilbert, Vance C. McCormick, Mr. Redus, Thomhs Baldwin, Jay Gifford, William McCreath, Dr. John C. Culp, Theodore Seelye, Mr. Hardy, Richard Knibloe, Dr. George. R. Moffltt, George P. Shot well, Casper Dull, Daniel M. Dull, John E. Ericsson, Henry M. Gross, William Philler, Mr. Peek, John Ma goun, Lewis Lindemuth, Jay Munn, Elmer iYeke, H. E. Gray, Mr. Rom mel, Theodore Gould, Mr, Trail, J. Clarence Funk. From Carlisle were Mr. Baxter, Mr. Knight, Mr. Lane, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Cole. Miss Isobel Dunkle, a student of the College of Fine Arts, Syracuse, N. Y., will be here Thursday to spend the holidays at her home, Nineteenth and Derry streets. Miss Louise Hench, teacher of do mestic science in the Connellsville schools, is coming home to-morrow for a Christmas vacation with her par ents, Mr and Mrs Harry F. Hench, 614 North Second street. Mrs. M. B. Cromie, of 336 Wood bine street, will spend Christmas at Kansas City, Mo., going later to Flor ida for a winter's stay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalton and son, Dana Dalton, were called to Lawrence, Mass., by the critical illness of Mr. Dalton's father. Robert C. Smith, of 401 South Four teenth street, left to-day for Philadel phia to enter the Medico-Chirurglcal Hospital for an operation of the throat. Mrs. C. B. Parson, Miss Charlotte Parson, Mrs. J. A. Mell and sister, all of Lebanon, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer at Paxtang. HEFFNER-HOLLEY WEDDING Miss Annie Belle Holley, of South Fifteenth street, and Charles Lewis Heffner, of 1317 Kittatinny street,! were quietly married this morning at 9 o'clock at the parsonage of the Christ Lutheran Church by the pas-' tor, the Rev. Thomas Relsch. The bride wore a modish suit of navy blue I cloth with hat to match, and was un- I attended. Mr. and Mrs. Heffner will ; reside in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Rapp, of 1855 Spencer street, announce the birth of a son, Floyd Antony Rapp, Jr., Mon day, December 14, 1914. Mrs. Rapp was Miss Irene Miller, of this city, prior to her marriage . Mr. and Mrs R. R. Thompson, of 516 South Sixteenth street, announce the birth of a son, Ralph Raymond Thompson, Jr., Wednesday, December 9. 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Jackson, of Pittsburgh, both former Harrisburg ers, announce the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Louise Jackson, Saturday, December 12* 1914. [Other Personals on Page 12.] Mrs. Willis Geist Newbold Is holding her annual Christmas Sale of genuine Japanese novel ties this week at SALTZGIVER'B ANTIQUE SHOP, 225 North Second Street. Every article has been Im ported direct'. The stock in cludes articles suitable for gifts for young ;OJd old. - MAIN FLOOR 4th and Market Sts. IK 3(arr£o&ur<j| \ SOMEBODY WILL THANK YOU FOR Silk Stocking. The Ideal Gift AN UMBRELLA X When at these special prices. x Silk Boot Stockings, lisle tops, pair, Here's the place to buy them AT SAVING 25c, :l#o and 50c PRIC ES. All-over heavy finer silk thread stockings, pair, MEN'S to SJL,9B »oc, 85c, SI.OO nrnucvro «£•, ,#v Fancy top imported Bilk stockings. Special, WOMEN S to «p7.'>o pair *I.OO BOYS' AND GIRLS QUgh Famous Niagara Maid, Italian Silk Stockings '-*"v ™ colored tops; $2.00 value. Special, pair ...91.50 EXTRA Spend Christmas Money EXTRA 5-lnch German Silver m, a f w. . ytj 6-inch German Silver M ,sh b«j| m.» profitably Buying Your "« h i)U,3!) Gifts Here Give Her a Gift Long I(\ I GERMAN SILVER MESH BAGS t". ■' "" \ V C~~ .1 09c, ÜBo, $1.89, $1.48, $1.98, $2.48, $2.75 up to $7.50 JL \ 1 The above are simple pieces and are fully onc —v v \ tliird to one-half prices asked in other stores. FINE LEATHER HANDBAGS / , f i .?'v, JMJI At our Bargain Prices. Pin Seal 5-plece vanity fitted bags. Gilt, gun or nickel frames; $2.50 2 t0 4 " l>lece I'iled Handbags, silk lined, each, IHERMAN SILVER VANITIES— NOVEL DESIGNS—WONDERFUL VALUES ATTENTION Is called to Extra Large Vanities; $2.75 value. Special eac^ Children's 3-inch kid lined Ring Mesh Bags; German silver. Special 69<? There Is One Thing Certain-Evcrybody Can Find Here Just What Is Desired In Reliable CLOVES at less prices " _ ... I ELBOW LENGTH GLOVES —French glace Kid f~t —l2-button length. Now $1.98 —l6-button length. Now $2.48 EXTRA Famous Em- and Gifls* GIoVCS nest French two-clasp Kid press 3-row Kid Gloves; two- " Gloves, Paris Point backs; You'll find'sanie "glove else- **** white U„, gray ; real 79c 25c, 48c, 59c 69c Pr. sllO Two-clasp Chamoisettc or silk-lined Cashmere Gloves; self or black stitched backs; Ofi 39c to 50c kinds. Sale price, pair fcii/C Famous Colonial Ivory Bears the closest resemblance to Tusk Ivory of any material we have ever seen. COLONIAL IVORY Will wear a lifetime, becoming more beautiful with age. Women who pride themselves upon the appointments of cheir dressing table, prefer COLONIAL IVORY Manicure Pieces, Mirrors, Brushes, Trays, Comb and Brush Sets, Manicure Sets, Puff Boxes, Hair Receivers, Frames, Military Brushes, Buffers, Clocks, etc. Prices start at 25c Each and Easy Stages up to $3.50 Each I I See the Great Specials at 98c, Values up to $1. 75 J I I Dainty Neckwear For Women, Wonderful Values, 25c & 50c each [ Youll Find the Wanted Gift Here at Saving Prices CWLS ID MB OF CffIISTIiSIIDE Camp Hill Music Club Is Heard in Most Delightful Concert The Camp Hill Music Club, asstited by Mrs. William K. Bumbaugh and Newell Albright, gave a compliment ary Christmas concert before a very appreciative audience in the Camp Hill Methodist Church last evening. Admission was by card and the church was lllled. The program, made up largely of well-chosen Christ mas compositions, was rendered In a really delightful manner. The chorus was well drilled and the singing spirited. The piano BOIOS of Mr.' Albright and Mrs. John Henry were chosen with especial thought for the remainder of the program and were received with such enthusiaifrn that both had to respond to encores. Mrs. Bumbaugh confined her selec tions to Christmas classics entirely and sang in her übually splendid manner. The program In full: ' "Jolly Winter," Vincent, chorus; "Forest Murmurlnga," Liszt, Newell Albright; "Cradle Song of the Blessed Virgin," Barnliy-Qod, chorus; "Beth lehem," Coombs. Mrs. Bumbaugh; "The Son* and the Star." Llnders, Miss Fink, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Stein metz and Mrs. Pardoe; "Rigoletto," | Uszt, Mrs. John Henry; "Nazareth," Gounod, chorus; <«) Etude In B minor, (b) Etude in A major, Poldlnl, Mr. Al bright; ""Song of the Orient," Shelly, DECEMBER 15, 1914. NEWELL ALBRIGHT Mrs. Bumbaugh; "Holy Christmas Night," Lassen, chorus. £<X "JoaKct CUJUUIAI 316 Chestnut Street MRS. REEDE Graduate Franco-American College Philadelphia Full line Marie de Medici's Toilet Preparations. BiSLL PUONK SOSBJ, To Scatter Sunshine All Through the City Many members of the Roberta Dis brow Lloyd Sunshine Society attended a special meeting held yesterday after noon In assembly hall of the Y. M H C. A. to discuss plans for the distri bution of Christmas cheer to the poor and shut-ins of the city. Enthusiastic and varied suggestions were some of which were linally adopter. Committees reported on personal visits made and some sad stories of want and misery were brought out, Personal appeals will bo made by members to their friends for clothes, bedding and the like, to be sent not later than Tuesday, December 22, to the Y. M. C. A., at Second and Locust streets. Quite a number of nonmembers In terested in Sunshine work have prom ised Christmas dinners and other do nations for the fund. The usual bas kets of fruit, with words of greeting and cheer, will be sent the shut-ins some of whom have been on the so clety's list for years. Warm clothinc and boxes of candy for the childrer and special gifts for needy families coming within the society's range wil be delivered as far as the Sunshine so ciety is able to do so. Packing of gift , will be done Tuesday at the Y. M. C. A an<3 members are asked to come then and help in the work.
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